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Was this guy right? Are the shills outsmarting /pol/?

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Thread replies: 146
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Was this guy right? Are the shills outsmarting /pol/?
Yeah. /pol/ is pretty stupid by and large
Oh yeah? Well I think YOU are the shill, how about that?

Cant really argue with those trips tbqh
Define right-wing "figurehead" though - is this supposed to also be true in cases of "honeypot"-type controlled opposition? Very often having Jewish heritage or contacts can serve as an indicator for that after all.

They were talking about e celeb threads. Literally every single thread about them is flooded with baseless claims about kike dna or race mixing, every fucking time. Its classic divide and conquer taken to the extreme, if we have no one to rally around well stay divided just as (((they))) want us.
I think he's right. Theres a never ending flow of nazi pied pipers running around calling everyone a Jew but for some reason i'm not seeing them attack the left. If you ask them questions about who to pay attention to instead they never answer.
Bump because nu /pol/ needs to understand this
/pol/ shits on ecelebs because we don't need figureheads with twitter accounts and youtube channels defining the beliefs of an organic decentralized movement which was started by anonymous shitposters on a Mongolian throat singing forum.
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People trying to start infighting are suspect and should be rejected.


Its almost like youre following a script, I was wondering how long it would take (((you))) to show up.
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Truth is itinerant and it wanders without lead, "authorities" might understand us in a few years but what matters is ordinary people understand what we're saying right now

I couldnt agree more. How do we get /pol/ to understand this?

Im honestly torn, Im not sure if there are simply so many shills that it seems like consensus or if /pol/ actually falls for the D&C kikery

If we ever wish to be truly successful we have to unite, its the only way
Nice strawman fanboy. I don't believe they're controlled opposition, and I don't care if they're alt-light, alt-right, white nat, nazi, pagan, whatever the fuck. Leaders and fanboys have corrupted what used to be an amorphous movement of loosely affiliated beliefs working together as one. Now it's a fractured group of infighting ideologies doing nothing constructive but calling each other shills.

I wouldn't say they're outsmarting /pol/ but they're for sure trying to:


Only newfags fall for it
e-celebs do not deserve attention you pathetic kissass nobody
Yes give into the ecelebs goys, white nationalism is not controlled opposition goys.



Agreed, if you look at the issue from the perspective of keeping us divided it makes perfect sense. Anytime someone effective comes along (((they))) immediately start the accusations, where you here the day rage after storm made her IQ video? It was unreal, endless threads trying to tear her down. You have to admire (((their))) dedication.

Im most interested in how to combat the shilling, my main goal is uniting the right. When that happens well be unstoppable.
by gobbling e celeb dick all day you just give them power and fame
you're actually fucking retarded
nigga you're the 'voice o reason' thats parroted day in and day out
fuck off lauren/tim/other rando faggot who has a channel and think's there god's gift to earth
i don't give a fuck about you and neither should anyone else
The obvious answer to this would be dont reply to e-celeb threads and watch them on your own time but apparently nu pol loves bait threads like leftypol loves cock
No he's wrong. Genuine /pol/ users who have been here for more than a year and haven't come from leddit have genuinely had enough of female e-celeb threads popping up every single day. This place is turning into a circlejerk, you can have an opposing opinion to something you know.
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>white nationalism is not controlled opposition goys.

>Are the shills outsmarting /pol/?

It never ends. There has to be a way to put a stop to it.
>Genuine /pol/ users who have been here for more than a year and haven't come from leddit have genuinely had enough of female e-celeb threads popping up every single day

How do you explain 3 of them popping up at once and relentlessly bumped from page 10 by people insinuating they're Jewish?
listen, infighting is one thing, voluntarily making yourself a blind follower of some youtubve personality who has no claim to the position of leader is stupid
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The Shills are up to & part of far worse.

[Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments(http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/).

The Shill Op. was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3, the London Bridge Terror Attack happened. The Shills involved had prior knowledge of when the Terror Attack was going to happen & pulled a CNN by doxing the wrong person in hopes of attacking someone/something else.

The Shills also put "Deep Drive" CP(It stays in the computer even if the images are deleted & requires special/advanced hardware/tech/security systems to spot/find) into those "Frank Memes/Images/Pics" they tend to post. This is also part of a bigger plan to take down 4chan.

Except OP's pic is not just talking about hating e-celebs. That's different. Hating e-celebs is normal behavior on 4chan. But if you hate e-celebs you're just going to say that you hate them and don't want to see threads about them, you're not going to invent that they're Jewish or racemixers out of nowhere. THAT is shill behavior.
notice how that kissass's reply is just
fuggin summer/post 2011 /pol/
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What if i'm a shill?
Or you?
>claim to the position of leader is stupid

Nobody is calling them a leader.
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I just ignore all e-celeb threads.

Always have, always will.

If your goal is to keep your ideology reserved for autists online that will never do anything with it then sure, have at it. By the way the leddit D&C is tired and forced, its not effective.
okay that's fair.
i hate e celebs and think people who enjoy them are subhuman mouthbreathing trash
Buddy, you're on 4chan the literal ass end of the internet. What, were you expecting sunshine, rainbows and unicorns? Sometimes I think you people forget where you are. People do it because it gives them guarentee'd (You)s. Like that German guy creating anti-Brexit, anti-British threads. He hasn't stopped in about a month and you still give him replies. 300 of them in fact. You take the bait every single time because you leddit folk are so gullible its unbelievable. Somebody attacks Lauren Southern and you go mad.
>By the way the leddit D&C is tired and forced
Nice try, there's a reason the name of that website is flagged for spam across 4chan you dunce.
blame the holes in your ideology on shills
Wrong. The internet is the only way to get our message across, since we're choked out in every traditional way. Having vocal leaders on the internet is a good thing. Now, calling into question the quality of those individual "e-celebs" is a fair debate. But people who blindly hate all of them are either shills or afraid of winning.



Can you give me a quick rundown? Hard to make sense of your pic on mobile


Theyre following scripts designed to derail a thread, it only works if we reply to them. Just let them screech.
We had a pretty good setup going here before the e-celebs though. There were none of them there when the Trump got elected. Best approach would likely be to simply hit every e-celeb thread with >>133859519 's pic related instead of just the slurs; and as for rallying, there are the Trump, Kek if you have to and /pol/ itself.
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I miss when /pol/ would call everyone JIDF, that shit was fucking funny. In all seriousness it wouldn't surprise me if jewish shills were the ones constantly posting about how (insert any right wing politician/youtuber/other talking head) has totally sucked a million black cocks and is actually a jew, as every single time I've seen that shit posted there's never even a shred of proof.
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>DURR somebody said something on /pol/

nobody gives a shit

>/pol/ is one person


also tldr
I'm not shilling. I just like shitposting

I don't think/care whether lauren southern is jewish or not, because I don't support or follow any "alt right" figures anyway.

This anon gets it, his trips shine upon you. Having e celebs normalizing nationalism is the best thing thats happened to the right in years, (((theyre))) terrified of it becoming too mainstream which is why they relentlessly attack them.

I completely agree, theres ample room for discussion on who is worth rallying around and who is worthless but outright dismissal just proves 1 of 2 things: theyre a pathetic (((mgtow))) manchild who is salty because someone else gets to fuck that youtuber, or a shill. I dont want either anywhere near our ideology.

Youtubers have brought more young people to the right than anything thats come before, its painfully obvious why (((they))) attack them
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Even if the shills managed to "outsmart" the /pol/goers of the world, it would not be for very long.
The shills would need to stay for an eternity if they should hope to maintain any type of control over the opinions of the "visitors".
With time, a large percentage of the shills would even become redpilled themselves, and oldfags will all ways reinforce the ways of stromfront within the realm of what we call /pol/
How convenient it was that you were able to find that. I've noticed that whenever /pol/ opposes t_d or leddit in general on something such as e-celebs, leddit somehow manages to find a way to get around it. Here, you've conveniently managed to pin attacks on e-celebs on communists and leftists, meaning you can now post that picture every time a genuine user opposes this e-celeb claptrap.
Maybe. There are a dozen Lauren southern threads a day and within 5 replies there are people calling her jewish and within 15 replies is the finn who whiteknights for her. It's gotten incredibly annoying and predictable, and I don't even watch any ecelebs. They can be a good entry point into redpilling but once you're past that point they're worthless to listen to.

I know that there is shilling going on here but I couldn't tell you how much. Frankly I don't know why anyone would try to shill on 4chan since there are enough intelligent anons to eventually sort out most of the bullshit pushed on here. I just wish all the reddit fags would stop posting
You're a dumbcunt
The only reason /pol/ is seemingly so impervious to divide and conquer and regular shilling tactics is the fact that /pol/ is already divided to crazy extents, everybody has their own opinion and is willing to shill for it day in day out

currently for someone to "change /pol/'s opinion" they literally have to become /pol/, get tens of thousands of people to come here every day to shitpost whatever, exactly because the opinions here don't come from a handful of "opinion leaders" or whatever who could easily be bought

having no leaders, no ideologues etc makes /pol/ what it is, if you want everyone to have the same opinion given to them by some fucking e-celeb go back to rebbit

tl;dr kill yourself faggot

And there it is!

So ops a Jew, jewing us into accepting the further jewing of deep cover Jews without retaliation?

Actually when you put it like that, we should have known from the start. This is Jewing 101.
No, these waves happen, its very much motion of the ocean
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An ISIS Network(same one behind the Westminster & Manchester Bombing) started a massive Shill Operation on 6/2 in hopes of attacking/discrediting the KB Threads. On 6/3 the London Bridge attack occurred, all this while Bilderberg was going on. They ended up doxing a poor kid & are obsessed with trying to say that person is me.

CNN was also involved, which is why that ISIS Filmmaker was hired by them immediately after "CNN" doxed the wrong person in hopes of attacking someone/something else.

The Shills also put "Deep Drive" CP into all those images/memes/pics of the kid that was doxed. Those images have also been seen in/on Terror websites & Deep Web activities.
It is hard to tell is hard to tell how much of it is just edgy teenagers new to political thought and proper shitposters doing own goals, but a few good shills could/can so easily disrupt real threads and happenings with this sort of thing and like 10 generic nonsense slide threads that get posted day after day and fill up with 300 comments every single time.
The shareblue is trying to shill our right wing celebs. Milo is BASED. So what is he has sex with BASED BLACK MEN and he's a gay jew? So what? He is right wing. And this is about right wing against left win not race. This is about islam the religion not race. I would let a based black christian right wing bull fuck me, my wife and daughter in a hearbeat. BASED. MAGA! Trump is a GOD! I worship him. BASED

I don't care if you disagree with them on anything and talk about it or if you even just don't like them but i find certain things suspicious.
It's not hard to tell
lurk more faggot
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Trump is a jew
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The problem with 'white supremacists' is that they focus on a target that has nothing to do with the cause of their problems.

We all know white people who have hurt us.

The target should be primeval evil.

Otherwise: Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

If they get paid to do it they arent going anywhere anytime soon. I like your optimism but consensus building is surprisingly easy, if you have a dedicated team shitposting "opinions" about a certain topics for a few days then the "opinion" is formed and the regular posters will do the rest for you.

As much as we like to think were resistant, were just as susceptible as any other community.
>I like your optimism but consensus building is surprisingly easy
expect the fact that there is 0 fucking consensus on pol you goddamn retard, if there is no consenus nobody can influence it
what you're shilling for is the creation of a /pol/ consensus
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every great idea you've ever feebly latched onto was concocted by some commie jew. You all fell for it and you're too stubborn and childish to admit it. /pol/ is useful idiots

the first step in solving a problem is admitting you have one
Clearly not everyone is a genius like you who has been on /pol/ since '96. Just look at the catalog. Half of the board dances like little niggers to the the same beat over and over again.
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yes, consensus (other then adimration for high level autism as revered by KEK) for /pol/ is divconq tactics
since supremacist stormfags have none of it, they are doing shariabrocks bidding
pc rel.

Im advocating a untied right wing that pursues real world goals. Theres plenty of room for internal disagreement, in fact its not only healthy its necessary, but so long as we allow kikes and commies to divide us our ideology is doomed to stay on obscure forums while the world crumbles around us.

Its up to you to decide what youre advocating

Exactly, what makes it even more pathetic is the same people pride themselves on not following the crowd. Its true irony and (((they))) have figured out how to control the herd.
> right wing
>being this 1D
Then lurk more
No what you're advocating for is a united /pol/
If you really wanted a united right wing then trying to unite /pol/ is literally the worst place to start holy shit what the fuck
If they have figured anything out then why was shilling for Hillary so painfully bad?
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I've always acted, both online and irl, against the WN movement. The age of degeneracy has a truth to it that will always erode whatever traditionalist facade is temporarily painted over it. It is the last, best truth. Better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path
>both online and irl
>and irl
so what you told your mother to call your room the "antifa revolutional headquarters"?
stop larping
We should do the same. Every SJW hero, every left wing stand up us racist, sexist, transphobic, you name it. Given the number of rules liberals impose, every commie out there is tainted in some way, like every way. I mean, the DNC itself is systematically racist so anyone who rises to the top is by definition not fit to lead the country.
It very much appears they may have learned and become better at it, you dumb cunt.

Youre a delusional human being but at least youre honest
on the contrary, I have hooked up female friends with niggers. I think it's hilarious. I honestly don't care if you believe me. But please, post your dating statics and enjoy you last scrap of delusion

my viewpoint is confirmed by merely entering a grocery store
they have.
my guess is, that they simply observed some ideologyfags trying to appropriate /pol/ and thought hmmm...why not do this ourselves?
The real delusion is thinking 'white' has any meaning and can be used as platform for a political movement
how is this grand utopia of whiteness any less delusional? Even a homogeneous society, united in it's preferences and morals will eventually crack. It can't always be the jews. Maybe you're attempting to build a strong building on swampland
You're either baiting or should seriously lurk more
Yes they suddenly learned in a few months what they failed to learn in years of shilling on pol
pol has changed fuck all, things are pretty much the same as they were years ago, but suddenly shills actually became effective.
not very likely desu
>I have friends who I've hooked up with other friends of mine
yeah stop larping neckbeard
honestly, cry more

but everything I've told you is completely true
/pol/ is nothing but shill vs shill now.
man stop projecting and after that stop seeking my approval m8
I mean I know that whole shtick about being the "right hand of the devil" and setting your white female friends up with black guys must get you a ton of (you)'s usually, but honestly you're wayyyyyyy to edgy to not be a larping faggot
I call everyone a shill just to be sure. Wew...
If this type of shill tactic is effective, there's no reason not to use it aginst the liberals.
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It never ends. Its truly beyond redemption at this point.
I could be wrong, like i said in my original post, their are true shitposters, and the election got a lot of people here interested in politics for the first time (plus, brought in the nu-pol wave from reddit et al). Bu,t the election was also the first time that /pol/ became a political force. They sent in CTR et al for Hillary with no idea of what they were getting into. They got their asses handed to them because they were comically obvious, and they were amateurs going up against essentially professional trolls. It is not out of the realm of reason and possibility that they learned from their mistakes and deployed new tactics.
non sequitur a priori, there are differebnt personality types involved
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who exactly are you trying to talk into this? Because I know my side. It's important. Most of you are constantly jumping to whatever seemingly stable ideological chunk of ice floats by next. I'm sorry if this seems too repulsive to be true, but people like me exist

eventually you will all drown while people like myself stand on firm ground. All moral societies fail because they are unnatural
Also, I should add that I am not just referring to calling everyone on the right a jew or blacked and a D&C tactic, but sliding important threads with generic nonsense threads that reliably stay on the first page rotation.
Even the purity angle is kind of bs as well. Hitler himself had literal Jews in the SS and as field marshalls.

Then you even had people who weren't Jewish but kind of looked it. Imagine how /pol/ would Goebbels if he was running around today. He'd be called a kike shill usurper to the point of suicide.
Except it litterally worked aginst Hillary.
>implying this has any tangible effects
pissing in a sea of piss and all.
>White nationalism didn't exist before /pol/
Hill people are people craving for a safe space ideology in which they can claim moral supremacy
they literally *want* identity politics
>is x white?
>Women amirite? XD
>Poo in looh :DD
>Earth is flat guise!
>Why are you all loosers?
>I showed my power level and got beaten DD:
>Chinese are stupid, let's invade them!
>If you don't support X you're not white. (lately this was supporting Syrian rebels vs Assad.
>Yet another e-celeb thread.
I've seen some shit. There's more and more varied. They do get the most replies.
the thing is /pol/, as a group, still generally follows those e celebs anyway at an aggregate level, individual choices and preferences differ but these people are still getting views from the /pol/ demographic no matter how much /pol/ makes pretend to hate them

I mean look at even infinity/pol/, a sizeable chunk still listens to the daily shoah it just takes a while for them to get their guard down to admit it

either way the whole counter shilling campaign is highly scripted, same posts same file names same images they might as well be bots at this point

Even from a reverse psychology perspective people end up looking Lauren southern up out of curiosity if she's constantly called a kike shill

there is nothing the shills can really do they exist in a state of constant loss and defeat, you can only deny the truth and reality for so long
>using halfpol, the objectively inferior board, for anything other than calling out kikes and niggers

that's where you've failed
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I get what Spencer wants to do or wants to be but I just don't like the guy. You need someone with actual balls, not just say things he feels are protected by free speech, but things that surpass that. I want someone, some group to stand up and say "The white race is my race and I'm proud of it because it helped build modern western civilization" Rockwell type speech. I don't want Americanism combined with evangelical Zionism. I want us to be proud to be Christian conservative Americans, I want us to not be afraid to let that be known. I want the movement to grow politically so our representatives can fill the seats of executive, judicial, legislative offices. I want our voices heard through ballots and not bullets. I don't want someone who stands at a podium and yells clickbair phrases with no meaning, running in circles with the message creating nothing but division. The e celebs don't understand the labor of the common man, the 40+ hr work weeks to make ends meet. The constant moral harassment of wanting children who look, sound, and think like we do. They don't understand legacy or any of these things because they're just building a brand vicariously through popular ideology and politics. They're sheep in wolfs clothing. We will not be led by limp wrist, weak both physically or mentally. We shouldn't be protecting them from others, they should fear our reaction based on the attitude and strength of our leadership. No one fears the right, alt right, whatever you want to call it because of this cuckistan Pepe Spencer Lauren Coalburn bullshit. Either embody the strength and anger of the cause, let it fuel and swell the ranks or leave. We've come this far without them and we'll go even further with them gone.
These are exactly the kind of generic nonsense threads I was referring to. Combine that, divide and conquer tactics, infiltrating mod/janitor positions, and that is how you neutralize /pol/
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of course it is. trailer park meth addict admins from stormfront fooled you all and so did a jew worshipping reality tv star. why wouldnt it continue to happen?
true, the eternal signal/noise ratio at it again
also, summer
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>We've come this far without them
how far have you actually come though? I mean, if limiting zionist influence in US policy was one of your goals, I would say that the election Donald Trump is a poor, poor means to such ends. All I needed to see was him smiling in concert with Netanyahu to know that the cognitive dissonance on /pol/ would be thick af concerning it

what I'm trying to say is, good goy!
Christianity is dead and a cucked kike religion anyway. Making it an important part of ethnonationalism is foolish.
no theyre outsmarting general retards and other shills, it's really sad tbqh
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Ya think you're hot shit, dontcha?!
there's probly ten shills in this thread alone
Besides Brother Nathanael, Paul Gottfried really is the most based kike their is. He has essentially said that if there is another shoah, the jews basically asked for it.
>if limiting zionist influence in US policy was one of your goals, I would say
Oy vey, presumably. We're not in another war, which is where the kikes were leading Hilldawg. Consider suicide.
Most vocal alt-kike leaders, (alt-right is a term coined and designated by the legacy media), are gonna be controlled opposition. They just exist to profit off your despair and lull you into a relaxed state thinking the pendulum is swinging back. We couldn't be further from the truth, we are about to become Brazil 2.0 in the USA and Europe is about to become a caliphate.
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Alt-right was not coined by the media snd everyone from Jared Taylor to Millennial Woes uses it. Take off your proxy Varg and get the fuck out of here with your "everything is controlled opposition but I dont need to prove it" bullshit
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Prior to the usurped translations that were distributed in mass by men such as Scofield Christians understood and knew the message of Christ. They recognized the rejection of Christ and Gods rejection of ((((the chosen)))) people. Christianity not only holds the moral high ground on all matters in relation to western civilization but mankind as a whole. Honor your parents, do not murder, don't covet your neighbors wife, protect yourself from immoral villainy, don't worship idols, love and protect your neighbor. How are these virtues cucked? How is Christ driving the (((merchants))) out of the house of God after they turned it into a modern flea market? How is God unleashing his wrath on Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood, the Tower of Babel, the people of Israel time and again after they began worshiping idols, sacrificing their children to Satan himself cucked? God caring about the most innocent, our most innocent, children, cucked? Helping those most in need and unable to protect themselves is cucked? You know nothing of honor nor Gods message of it, that we must stand before the degenerate world and have no fear because his power, his wrath, his vengeance manifests through us upon them. You're of weak faith and morals Fin. You're not ready to do what is necessary when the call comes.
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Race is more than "white" or "purity"
so no, they aren't even addressing the right arguments, they are beating up strawmen
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A little birdie told a friend of mine an interesting secret about the shills. They fall apart without top-down direction. I have reports that a mindworm has been planted in the intellectual core of the shillbosses. The traffic around here is gonna get warm and weird.
The mindworm has a cultural vector, it will be uptaken by whomever should want to subvert or direct the people away from logos in which ever direction they wish to push. From their words they shall hang, these shills, and it's too late for em.

Play along with the stormfags, respond to the shills, but by god remember the truth, REMEMBER THAT NO ONE SPEAKS YOUR TRUTH BUT YOU...and you shall suffer none of the ravages of this petty meme war.
Those values aren't Christian they are European and they were around long before the kike sect called Christianity took over Europe. Most adherents of Christianity today are non-White. It is not tied to our blood, it is a globalist religion by design
Exactly. Why the fuck are we trying to unite, just for some dumbfuck to say "x is a cuck jew race traitor"
>Being this smugly ignorant
Are you a nigger or chick?
You have to realize they play both sides, in the very same thread they'll have one shill insist the eceleb is controlled opposition and another shill insist they're the best asset ever and claims anyone who disagrees is a shill
Honest question, but. If they're promoting civic nationalism or right wing stuff, does it matter? They being more people to the right, make it more mainstream, more acceptable to say in public, etc. Even if you don't like them, every side has their useful idiots. Pick and choose who to rally around but there's not many reasons to outright hate every YouTuber or right wing e-celeb if they serve their purpose

Can you tell me how they have?

I bet you can't
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ooh! ooh!

um, by pumping their head full of right-wing rhetoric only to use their steam to protect the master/servant dichotomy that their existence is predicated upon?
that was the point- to destroy the word shill. it only was being used early by a certain person against the alt kike book salesman...you know who they are. the muh bookers. the book shills. the alt kikes who were only interested in shilling books to 12 year olds and getting them pro-israel. shills.

so now they take what they are, and project it at everyone and anything. destroyed the word and pol and discussion. it's very jewish and destructive.
Can't be subverted if you're just here to chaotically shitpost.
>main goal is uniting the right. When that happens well be unstoppable

tell (((trs, mike enoch, richard spencer, cernokike, andrew anglin, ds, weev, and assmador))) to stop shilling the jewish controlled op swill.
like all this supposed proof that surplus "theft" exists
fuck you finn kike. pushing crypto kikes onto 12 year olds is the definition of shilling. gtfo kike.
thus missing the entire point of shill threads: to get you talking about stupid vapid idiotic e celeb.

these are paid shill threads kiddos. (((soros and jared))) are here fucking with your 12 year old minds. prepare accordingly.

This thread is full of Gen Z people saying that the Gen Z generation is getting redpilled because of Youtube and the internet. You are the kike, trying to stop Gen Z from becoming right-wing.
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meant for
maybe outsmarting nu/pol/
>lurk moar
the shills are literally starting to break down
nice try, shlomo
That one, and the one that just got archived, the OPs are shitposts.
The thing we have not been doing which has honestly pissed me off a bit is we have not been doing enough redpill posts to show shills and newfags alike so they can eventually realize the truth. We got them snared as we all know, once you check in this place you are stuck forever here. The part is failing is that there is no redpill threads that we have anymore. So maybe some of us anons should start making these threads again
Yeah, now that you mention it, I have not seen many of those, lately. I never got into them because I have been "redpilled" since like 2004, and I wouldn't know where to begin.
BTW, don't know if you saw this, but kinda related and definitely applicable.
here is the thing. calling someone a jew or racemixer with no proof is shill behaviour, where as if you can actually prove someone is a jew then it is acceptable.

You can usually tell when someone is a shill because their arguments are not very well thought out
Well we just start giveing easy redpills for people to swallow. Start showing them (((Coincidences))) and get them to start thinking. Then when they want the harder redpill we go full stop. We got to think of redpilling like a gentle process when you are bedding a virgin for first(I know now a days a virgin girl is very rare) you want to take the process slow and steady and give care into it. when we do that this will cause people to trust us more because we help guide them to the eventual realization. If we go hard and we rawdog then there is no love or care and people will just ignore us and consider us insane. Our main goal is help them swallow soft redpills to which we eventually lead them to the hard redpills and realization. We do that people support us.
It is an idea you know, go back to the roots.
Literally who cares about namefag internet celebrities. We don't need that kind of faggotry here.
While it is true that "E-Celebs" don't have much food for thought to give to the regular /pol/ resident, they are one of our best methods to red-pill people en masse.
I mean, we flip our shit to do meme offensives, which - while glorious, true - are rather fleeting, and such don't have enough "grip" to influence the masses over a long period of time. Heck, even that sargon cuck, is a "gateway mind" for elsewhise lost leftists, into our fold. So yes, they give out "the red-pill" in a diluted, bastardized form, but they are still better than leftist drivel. Most of them won't ever amount to much more, but they don't really have to - it's the first step from manic leftists, to somewhat near conservatism, which is the most important, and on that front, we have too much bite already. Let the e-celebs bark instead, because their voices, too, will be heard. Maybe even more than ours.
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