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Scraped the .eml files for anything matching "clinton&q

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 203
Thread images: 65

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Scraped the .eml files for anything matching "clinton" then processed them into PDF.

>Perhaps you know that the U.S. State Department has a direct bearing on the agenda formation not only at home but throughout the world.
>Now you can make sure it's true. Let me show you the correspondence between the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency Robert P. Otto and his colleagues, CIA officers and other intelligence agencies, as well as representatives of mainstream media, NGOs, international funds and think tanks.
>With the respect for privacy I've deleted his correspondence with his wife and relatives. The rest of emails will give evidence of who is responsible for different information campaigns, the so-called mythmaking and essentially engaged in the promotion of "American values" throughout the world.
>Part1: https://mega.nz/#!tjYVzTgI!66bAnh0fTInWv8a6zh5ByzJJwtnW5w5cCq4QuDpoRkI
>Part2: https://mega.nz/#!FvAjnSKT!aa5aE4vUjpphY-pndL3UkP-qUqFMyBA3iCNkcYziSWE
>Part3: https://mega.nz/#!Vn5VyKoL!Qry1QqYv_K439QlsGagVjQON37PVqW_Ij4ie_ZeDthM

You can bulk read the .eml files with a program such as:
Which gives you a 15 day free trial to view the files as if you're in an email client. You can even search the files for keywords and extract PDFs. It should be quite useful for looking through all these .eml files.
>The emails range from 2014 to 2016 and consist of mostly intellectual think-tank talk about Russia and international policies. There are quite a few things that vindicate Trump and verify concerns on both sides.
>It definitely connects some of the dots on where the "Russian" Narrative began.

Reports of Hacking in Media:
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I ain't got time for this shit but have a bump
>The rest of emails will give evidence of who is responsible for different information campaigns
ha ha oh wow
Thanks anon, will review
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great effort

bump for visibility
bump this niggers
State dept official e-mails in nice scribd format!!!!!
bump again
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I highly suggest getting the software and looking through the .eml files from the source. It also allows you to extract PDF files so you can share your findings.
I swear, if you don't post tits in the OP, it could be the most important thread ever and /pol/ would ignore it.
im bumping this shit

No idea what happened or what is this
Read the two media sources I posted ffs.
OP has taken the State Department emails that were just leaked and made them easily searchable.
Conducting a search through the 12047 files for "TRUMP" now.
>Found 534 Items

Will be uploading 11 Scribd links in about 20 minutes. Keep the thread bumped.
Converting the third file now.
I like this.
There is no civil war, there is a elite war.
Each time they publish something against trump admin. Someone is hitting back even harder.
Wonder how many cards each side have left in this great poker game
There is nothing here that one cannot get from MSM. Seems they just send each other the usual shitty MSM articles back and forth.
The Trump documents I'm uploading will not have the articles embedded. The discussions are what matter.
What we've seen so far have really just been warning shots. What's much more important in this war is what the public is willing and ready to confront.
Nice viruses, sage
I think the public america is too much into Hollywood to understand anything.
They let happen all the Wikileaks shit, Snowden shit, FED shit, Syria shit. Every shit happening. It's like a TV show for them I think. There were too many "that's enough" points allready. They don't care or a scared of change anything
Show me the viruses then.
>Nice try shareblue
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Has this been posted to voat ?
these people are legitimately mentally retarded
PDFs Matching "Trump"

In this next section, I searched for 534 emails which mentioned "TRUMP" and extracted the PDFs without the articles in such a distracting way.
These trump links are much more readable than the Clinton files.

Should contain the same relevant information as well.
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Says the democrat.
Like this game
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No I changed the PDF formatting. Dummy.
>I love Trump
Provide screens of the folders or virus, SAGE
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Info about Carter Page and perhaps where the "Insistence" that he was with Russia came from.
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Conducting search for "Veselnitskaya" now.
3 so far came up. Will post PDFs.
What makes these emails so juicy? What's the point as well?
Here have a bump
Thanks for updating.
seeing a lot of slide threads, have a bump
>Veselnitskaya file: https://www.scribd.com/document/353856170/Veselnitskaya1
Searching for Magnitskiy Now. Getting a lot of hits.
Anyone here speak Russian?
Dear Michael! I want to thank you for the advertising you gave me. Despite your desire to deform me and my client, the reaction from your publication went exactly the opposite. And, you know, unlike many others, unlike many others, I do not see you as a corruption bearer of Browder's propaganda and a double Russophobe. It seems to me that something has broken in your life or some bad person who has a relationship to my country has offended you. I'm truly sorry in that case. Time will pass and it will not subdue all passions, but we must be honest with ourselves and not seek excuses in some intricate pathetic explanations. I wish you sincere friends. All the best
What the fuuuuu!
You can get an extension to translate.

PDFs Matching "Magnitskiy"

In this section, I found 93 emails matching Magnitskiy, which is connected to the Trump lawyer.

According to a letter sent to Judge Thomas P. Griesa by Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney trying the case, the Russians’ expenses, which they initially paid themselves, included a two-night stay at the Plaza—at a cost of $995 per night—for Natalia Veselnitskaya, their Russian attorney, who wasn’t deposed and “did not even attend the depositions in person.”
But Veselnitskaya and her clients had themselves a grand old time in Gotham, spending on “expensive meals…such as a $793.29 dinner for five individuals (although, again, only three witnesses were deposed), which included 18 dishes, eight grappas, and two expensive bottles of wine,” according to Bharara’s letter, which The Daily Beast has reviewed. Moreover, the letter states that Veselnitskaya’s weekend stay at the Plaza occurred after the depositions of Katsyv, Litvak, and Krit, “and only after the Court orally stated that the Government would be responsible for reimbursing Defendants’ expenses.”
Bharara’s letter formally seeks a court order to determine the reasonableness of these expenses and bar the witnesses from claiming any further reimbursements.
Always archive
Some weird shit coming back on the V1 file.
Conducting a search for Podesta: Getting hits in 2016.
>PDF to follow.
V house.
>Looks like they may have been tailing her to get her to the US?
Great stuff!
This thread is a virus. Delete your hard drives.
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god dammit
This one is weird..
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Conducting a query for Lynch and Holder now.
I find your attempt to disseminate the private emails of State Dept. employees reprehensible. Would you like people to peruse your private correspondence with the intent of finding salacious details surrounding your personal beliefs as well?
You should be ashamed of yourself. These people uphold their civic duties to protect your rights day after day while you agitate for their professional ruin.
>These people uphold their civic duties to protect your rights
If that were the case I might not feel that these leaks are not just morally justified but a moral imperative.
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Heres the paste for new threads.
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so post tits to help bump the thread, durrr
have a bump
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>putin sacking the oil companies

More like putin nationalizing the oil companies in Russia so he could reassert russian control of the country rather than (((oligrach))) control.

More and more I think everything that's been happening hasn't been Nationalism vs Globalism; it's been Nationalism vs Corporatism
Corporatism IS Globalism. Did you just crawl out from under a rock?
Is it meant to show nothing?

It might just be because I've got like, every protection you can think of to stop random shit on a website from running in my browser and I just can't see it because of that, but it looks like there's literally nothing there.
Then: Government spies on 4chan
Now: 4chan spies on the Government

I like it better this way t b h
i checked the source and this is fake. this shit is too tiring dealing with fake leaks all the time im taking a nap
>From: Robert Otto <[email protected]>
>Sent time: 05/01/2016 09:44:48 AM
>To: John Williams <[email protected]>
>Subject: the fried document

Works for me. This is some kind of old firefox or other and It's stock beyond some things that let me download videos and turning off smooth scrolling.
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I think it's an important distinction, because globalism is an obfuscation of the reality. We're fighting against corporations.

It's literally like my science fiction cyberpunk dystopian novels, except with less jazz and rain.

Wait, let me set the mood
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go on
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Also OP, I'm sure you're a spook or something, but I think it's worth saying at this point that 4chan's honestly overloaded on this stuff. So I don't think there's going to be a lot of people searching through anything.

If you think it's really important, you ought to create some generals and lure people in with interesting snippets.

But really it's a lot of work to keep it up
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Okay I think I'm out of cyberpunish animated gifs

It is funny and sobering that once you are on that level it is indeed lawless, ruthless and cutthroat as any Cowboy Bebop subplot. The only difference is the Russians are a lot more 'bull in a china shop' about their kleptocracy. The US, while still and maybe an even -bigger kleptocracy- uses the Deep State as a giant PR apparatus to 'sanitize' dirty business.
your best bet OP , good luck spook
what was the source of the leak? ie where did this come from?
read the news sources.
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thank you based spook, also
>state dept. officials using gmail
is this "[email protected]"?
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This bitch is obviously going down like the Hindenburg.

The future of the US is 'Every City is Detroit with ridiculous mortality rates' Vs. 'Walled fortress you somehow managed to earn a spot inside'
[email protected] = http://www.hoover.org/profiles/john-b-dunlop
Almost every single thread in the catalog is obvious CTR and every single day mainstream media reports on "Russian interference in the election" as though it were a thoroughly proven historical event.
[email protected] = http://www.rightsinrussia.org/rights-in-russia-community/council/advisory-committee-international/dewhirst-martin
compiling contacts now.
Quick rundown any1? Will head home from this shit tier party if its good. Any connections to norwegians?
[email protected] = https://asunow.asu.edu/content/human-rights-democracy-expert-joins-mccain-institute
Fuck off cunt. If I was putting up $50k dinners on your dime I'm sure you would still have the right. KYS kike
thanks for the gifs
[email protected] = Wayne Limberg 7035338639 (http://www.patc.net/PATC/Custom/calendar.aspx?id=5217)
also https://www.linkedin.com/in/wayne-limberg-a0910335
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Thought that said Wayne Lambright for a second >.>
[email protected] = http://transatlanticrelations.org/fellows/donald-jensen/
[email protected] = http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Eugene-Fishel/611275747
This changes nothing. If these guys -really- have the balls to try for Hillary round 2 in 2020 they will have made Trump's second term a gimmie. If all this crap slinging is some kind of tactic for a 'surprise rematch' then it is a serious error.

Trump could just randomly fire a medieval crossbow at a member of the press at every speech and he would still win against Hillary.
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cant find anything on [email protected], only hits are http://coconino.az.gov/1401/Williams-Justice-Court which is a diff domain
soz not [email protected], [email protected] is who i can't find anything on
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wiki takes forever to confirm authenticity
im so sleepy
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Jokes on you faggot, I'm an elf
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just tried, nadda
hit for [email protected] = https://wheelsofchance.wordpress.com/2015/09/16/watertown-to-swampscott-sept-15th-20-miles-there-and-20-miles-back/ , just some dumb comments on a wordpress biking blog
that is not how sage works... you are clearly not from here. you think if you just say sage over and over to a poignant post people will believe your disruption?
here's a probable, no empirical link
Contacts - Cross reference with Wikileaks Intelligence : https://icwatch.wikileaks.org/
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holy fuck the names, you grabbing these links im posting?
Moving the thread to a dedicated general:
They confirmed Macron leaks the day they were out..

So at the very worst for trump, carter page was nothing more than an inoculation for hillary. This only makes hillary look bad.
post this in the general. Great idea.
I'm at work - Some anon want to have a heart and greentext a quick rundown? Don't need detailed info just general. What is this? State dept emails that got leaked and a sexy anon made them easily searchable via scribd? What is the State dept emails supposed to be about?

Bumping for interest.
Magnitskiy, russian narrative, and how it was fostered. There are a lot of interesting connections that can be added to the 2016 election timeline from an academic think tank perspective. Finding the inconsistencies between what's discussed in the emails, and what was reported to the nation, can help track down the truth.
Thank you. I'll copypasta this into the other thread as well.
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You're so cuuuuute
Here, have cute button
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Oh, ... You know, people on the internet say
LOL a lot.
And I never think what they're lolling at is funny.
But sweet cheeks, you, have made me LOL
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Oooohhh, tweetie birdies...
I saw a you tube about the Sakhalin situation. It was brutal. The Russians were living in minus 20 with no heat, while the company execs lived 5+star extravagance...... There is a lot more to all these "stories" than the US side.
When your are finished here look for the yout tube..it's really disgraceful what was happening
Yes off to bed you sleepie head shill... We don't need the distraction.
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Bull-fucking- shit.
Went I and smashed a high functioning wealthy country back to the Stone Age.
Stole 400 tonnes of gold while Gadaffi was being sodomised as a piece of street theatre.
Who do you think shot the footage?
Iraq - oil
Afghanistan - opium. Rare earths.

Don't fucking kid yourself about the "gentle" way the US plunders the planet.
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>"Manafort and Davis didn’t just snooker McCain into trumpeting their client’s cause; they endangered him politically, by arranging a series of meetings withDeripaska, who the U.S. had barred from entering the country because of his ties to organized crime. In 2006, they steered McCain to attend a dinner with theoligarch at a chalet near Davos, where Deripaska speechified for the 40 or so guests. (The Washington Post reported that the oligarch sent Davis and Manafort athank-you note for arranging to see the senator in “such an intimate setting.”) Seven months later, Manafort and Davis took McCain to celebrate his 70th birthdaywith Deripaska on a yacht moored in the Adriatic."
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Here take a nap, that's what shill should do....
Snore away, grandpa
Bump.... Yes..... They probably would ...not that there's anything wrong with that...
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Sssssshhhh.... Never interrupt your enemy when they are busy fucking up.....
Let em sage away, my friends
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She came, she saw, he died!

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So should I sing a song, you know, fill in the interlude....
It's like half time Ita the ball game....
Will the autists get the files crunched before the thread archives????
Will they????
Will they have to save save,save to play again another day?

Stay tooooned folks !
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Meanwhile.... It's OT, but relevant
Lynch got Manaforts iPhone to "wire-tap" the Don Jr meeting. And they used the meeting to get more FISA.
So there's that...
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Lynch ordered Manaforts phone tapped after clearing Veselnitskaya entrey to US


Source: https://twitter.com/jbro_1776/status/885868582491619328

Yesterday, multiple news agencies and President Trump all stated that Veselnitskaya was granted special permission to enter the US by Attorney General Lynch after her visa had been initially blocked.
Nicely ambiguous.
Well done.
Remember when it was said Manafort spent the meeting looking at his phone?
Wonder who Manafort was talking to on the phone during the meeting? Awkward and rude, not to mention suspicious.
Did someone intentionally call him, or did he call someone? Big difference!
>Well done.
Back at you
>Lynch ordered Manaforts phone tapped after clearing Veselnitskaya entrey to US
That is yuge
Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels | REUTERS| MAR 31, 2011


President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing covert US government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters.

The CIA, which declined comment on the Obama authorization, has inserted small groups of clandestine operatives to gather intelligence for air strikes as part of a shadow force of Westerners that the US hopes can help bleed Gadaffi’s military, The NYT reported, citing unnamed American officials.

In addition to the CIA operatives, dozens of British special forces and MI6 intelligence officers are also working in Libya, the newspaper said.
Yes. I read a whole really well dissected thread yesterday about the how's, whys,and the whole shite......I thought I'd saved it.... But fuck me... I can't find it.....
Infuriating as the thread pulled It all together - really amazing piece of teamwork on a thread ....
I'll keep looking..
Here's a twitter about it


James B @jbro_1776
Scoop: Manaforts phone was illegally bugged during meeting with Russian Lawyer, confirmed by multiple sources. Lynch ordered it.

Hard News Network @HardNewsNetwork: Please list the "multiple sources"

James B @jbro_1776
Replying to @HardNewsNetwork
One is NSA and the other is WH source.
Sounds like what "they" are trying to do in Syria. They can't be this sloppy, can they?
Yeah I checked your sources, lead to
>"multiple sources"
I would not doubt it. Look at everything else they have done. Believable, not provable yet.
Damn I wish I could find what I had yesterday...
It was all bagged and tagged.
They used his iPhone.
>where did NYT get the emails?
Well if he was in the merit he may have been BCC in the exchange .
Syria. Yes... It's got Central Bank gold...and they want it.
So has Iran.
They took the Ukrainian Central Bank gold during the night of the EuroMaiden

Central bank
2000: There were eight countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank
North Korea

2017: Countries without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:

North Korea

*notice anything*

Who is "next" for a bit of "demon-ocracy"?
Clever bump bait based baiter
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It's not how I see myself.... But we never do see ourselves as others do...
Interesting perspective
My reaction to your post.
"The "unnamed translator" for Veselnitskaya at said meeting was Anatoli Samochornov

Former State Dept and FBI employee '.


From the Daily Caller;

"A non-profit group that has received favors from the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), including a free membership that entitled its officials to rub elbows with world leaders, issued its top rating Thursday for the Clinton Foundation. Charity Navigator awarded the Clinton Foundation four-stars based on an rating algorithm that scored the controversial non-profit with a 97.5 on financial issues and 93 on accountability and transparency. The new rating represented a boost for the foundation, as Charity Navigator had previously put it on its watch list due to concerns about its finances and transparency. But the four-star rating had hardly been announced before the Associated Press reported that Charity Navigator was a member of the CGI from 2012 to 2014. The CGI is one of the Clinton Foundation’s best-known programs, as it regularly convenes glittering gatherings of celebrities, government officials and philanthropic stars. The $20,000 CGI membership fee was waived for Charity Navigator, which reported it as an in-kind contribution, according to the AP. The news organization said Charity Navigator chairman Michael Thatcher claimed his group joined CGI “to mingle with world leaders and promote its ratings.”
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I got nothin but a whiskey bump.
Fuck off you lefty scumbag, you all need to be purged
speak to us; pontificate on the last bit there.
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Has he been misleading me all night?
Seth Rich
>what the public is willing and ready to confront
I guess you should read books.

Do you want one? When I was first learning about counterintelligence, I read pic related book. My sister, reading over my shoulder, said it was shit. She was correct, but at one point during this, the author admits why that is.

I'm more of a STEM guy, but the high school graduate will understand how decrepit the mind of the jew really is.
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She would give it to him regardless
only a cursory glance; no.
Here's a leddit formatted version
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I just have one thing to say. Put it where?
You're a legend, son.
I really like the cityscape ones
it's not about the format. voat users are better users. they'd be helpful consumers rather than readers you tend to get at our colony.

scribd or screen cap & post here as an image. make sure the graphic is legible if you use the screenshot route.

page 6 bump
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Triggered much...

Conflicts interest, much????

So practices of Clinton Foundation as a charity are a *concern*....
Then it gets a top review.....
From a company it is affiliated with

And you, rage _ at me_ your anger is misplaced, bro.
Nigger I'm the OP and I don't even know where this rabbit hole leads.
>I'm an Autistic Trumptard and I may be digging into his smoking gun.
>It's closer to the truth though, so fuck it.
How about
Got one?
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Welcome Reddit
what's the provenance on these e-mails?
are you working WL part B, or something different?
Good job anon. Bumping
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Good work anon
ever notice how spooks use earthlink email addresses?

like a shit ton do
Seth Rich
Thread posts: 203
Thread images: 65

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