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Why do niggers like fried chicken so much

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And which fried chicken chain is the most redpilled?
Because it's cheap. And jimmy johns does.
Krispy Krunchy Chicken is the fucking best that's all I know
Chic Fil A is good chicken. Idk about red-pilled chicken joints but... It's not Popeyes. Fuck Popeyes.
Then why does a KFC combo cost so much more than a Burger King combo?
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>tfw I love kfc
Every race likes fried chicken. Blacks have a higher than average propensity to eat very fried food, thus they eat the best fried food - fried chicken.

Go to any inner city area and you'll likely encounter a local fried chicken chain, and go to any backwater gas station in Texas and you'll find the same.

Best chain? Dunno, I like Popeyes but that's very nigger chicken and I'm a cracker.
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Burger King is nigger tier shit and way overpriced. You might as well go to mcdonalds and get it for like 1/4th the price
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Fuck off millenial faggot
Whatchall know about some Church's Chicken? Or dat Roscoes Chicken n Waffles? Nothin dats what. Y'all don't know my west coast shit, bess inna bidness
You prolly from Utah lmbao
Shoo shoo nigger

Chik-Fil-A is the most redpilled commercialized eatery
Who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken?
If you don't like fried chicken and watermelon there's something wrong with YOU. I don't think there'd be any issue if they would just use trash cans instead of throwing bones and shit on the sidewalk.
Popeyes is absolute garbage. Dry chicken with terrible biscuits and sides. Grocery store fried chicken is better.
Raleys out Bel Air fried chicken you get with the Chinese food is legit. If you aren't in ca, you don't even know
>loves fried chicken
>not black

Guess I have to turn in my whiteness card
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Sounds like the Popeye's by you got the wrong niggers cooking behind the counter.

Also, Chic-Fil-A tastes like water
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>Chic Fil A is good
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There was a time in my life I would have said it was impossible to have such shit taste. I pity your taste buds.
White men.
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Better question, which food chain sells the best chicken nuggets for the best deal?

I just ate some fried chicken. The breasts were juicy, and the buns were soft and warm. Afterwards, the division manager of Popeyes came up to my table and asked me how the meal was.I said I was satisfied, but the meal lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. He apologized profusely, and said he had something to show me that would make up for it.

He lead me to the back of the popeyes, to a room soaked from floor to ceiling in blood. In the center of it was a live horse, chained by all four legs to the structural supports of the warehouse like room. As I watched, employees of the popeyes cut large sections from the horse, which was whinneying and screaming in horror, the remaining sections of its body covered with festering sores and a froth of sweat.

The Popeyes employees took the chunks of horseflesh and sliced them into pieces, then they rooted around through the bags of trash strewn around the room to find discarded chicken bones.

They quickly tenderized the meat with sledgehammers and fed it into a machine which formed the horsemeat around the bones, then they breaded and deepfried it.

I asked the division manager why he had led me back to this place, and he pointed at the steed's rump, the diseased asshole puckering rythmically with terror, squirting pus with each convulsion. "We're just about to use that section, would you like a crack at it first?"

I quickly unzipped my pants and wasted no time jamming my erect PENIS into the stallion's defenseless asshole. With each thrust, I donkey punched the horse in the back of the head, making it clench its ass even tighter. I came just as the horse died. I was delighted. Popeyes definitely went the extra mile to make me a satisfied customer.
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sesame street tier gore
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>Dry chicken with terrible biscuits
Why are you fat cunts eating chicken with cookies? Not that I'm surprised, what flavour biscuits go with chicken?
Bojangles has the best fried chicken.
when they were slaves they had to eat high fat foods because they worked in the fields all day. hence, they made tons of fried food with the leftovers the whites left them. anyways, now they are all on food stamps and don't work but are still consuming a highly caloric diet hence their diabetes.
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Because fried chicken is delicious.

They have simple tastes and crispy fried chicken is something pretty much anyone can appreciate even if they have an unrefined child like palate.
Chunky's Chicken is the best
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Are you fucking stupid? This is a cookie?
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England and its penal colonies refer to cookies as biscuits and the refer to biscuits as scones.

They're savages really.
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You said a fucking biscuit didn't you?
And this is what happens when you give retarded prisoners a country.
nobody gives a shit about nuggets, they are shit tier chicken made from the sweeping ups off the factory floor.
nuggets are meme chicken for uneducated women and mentally ill transsexuals.
it's all about wings, what are you retarded?
>fried chicken and biscuits
>Aussie falls for American stereotype and thinks Americans eat fried chicken and cookies
Typical Anglosphere
>not appreciating chicken in all its forms

I bet you only eat lobsters for the tail too, cuck.
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Checked, but don't you have them together?
thats a scone if i have ever seen one.
what's wrong with you people?
scones and jam, not biscuits and gravy.
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Churches chicken is their poison I believe.
You fucks ain't got shit on Roy Rogers
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Don't forget about the desert.
I thought Americans who said "Y'all" all the time came from Texas. But on the internet is usually SJ W's who say it. Have you let those faggots culturally appropriate the south?
>eating the jew crab
Nah, not too much SJW activity in the southern states, our country bumpkins may be cringworthy, but they will stomp out some commie ass if they see it prison time be damned.
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It's a fantasy of the black mindset to enjoy fried chicken for several reasons.
1. Chickens (jungle fowl) are not native to Africa
2. The process of frying foodstuffs is also foreign to Africa.
3. Fried chicken is quick and easy to prepare
4. The flavor.
The black person thus indulges in a secret salivating fantasy of "eating" what isn't theirs - i.e. fried chicken. They subconsciously enjoy licking their chunky lips over the "forbidden" victuals - thus vicariously eating up the white man. Voodoo symbolic wishful thinking. The food also caters to their innate indolence and laziness, being a quick and simple way of not eating food raw, unlike French cuisine which practically requires a PhD.
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Southerner here.

There are a lot of yankees and west coast twats that have adopted ya'll. They think its quaint and folksy.

We hate them.
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Let's see.....
its cheap, easy to make, stilling white man's, yep nigger approved.
*stealing white man's recipe
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