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Life after death

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Why isn't this topic brought up more in politics?
Everyone dies, and nobody, not the left, nor the right knows an answer to this very important question. Everyone right now alive thinks they will live forever, at least they live like they would.

If there is really an afterlife, everyone alive must work to reach a good afterlife, not hell.

Or as in Buddhism, if you are unconscious about the world and you when you die, you will be reborn as another human.
But if you are truly conscious and accepting the eternal cosmic being of this universe, you will descend into nirvana, a state of being, a state of absolute eternal peace.

A Lot of older cultures see death just as a thin layer between our lives, death should be considered as important as live, because it WILL affect us all. This is what most political activists don't see, that they will not live forever. All we do is to fight for our children, our next generation, but what do we do for ourselves after we die? We need to have a lot more research going on in that field.

Do you think that you will just die and it will be eternal darkness of nothingness - like a dreamless sleep? Or will it be something very different? I for myself mostly believe in the buddhist way of death.

There is plenty of research, its just far to early to be conclusive either way. Fingers crossed we'll have an answer to Extisentialality in our time. For now anon, just live and lurk. Find a philosophy that explains things for you, and worry about death when it comes
Good answer
Thanks op. Was going to add some cliche ass "Better your body for this life, and your mind/spirit for the next". Then I saw the Buddhist model thing, figured it was redundant
>Why isn't this topic brought up more in politics?
Because no healthy person would discuss superstition like it's a serious thing.
>nobody, not the left, nor the right knows an answer to this very important question
What? Everybody knows you die and that's it. The concept of an "afterlife" is retatded.
>What? Everybody knows you die and that's it. The concept of an "afterlife" is retatded.

Anon i - i know you are very young, but what if you get very sick suddenly, and the doctors give you only a few months, wouldn't you be afraid of what's ahead? Would you just accept that you will be nothing for all eternity? eternal darkness? Don't tell me you wouldn't do some research.
>Do you think that you will just die and it will be
nothing. I'll exist as much as people who do not
Because it's a stupid topic only stupid religious people talk about
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Chill out, anon:

Not him, but I fully believe that nothing awaits after death. Life is all there is and when you die that's it. Unless someone can prove otherwise, of course.

Fear isn't a good reason to believe in stupid bullshit.
Why does our body release DMT in our brains then if we are born, and when we die? This has no evolutionary benefit. There has to be more to it.
when you die you see a black void for all eternity.
/thread SAGE
I think this must be nirvana since meditation is a void
This is a pretty nihilistic and edgy opinion in my opinion. Are you so done with all your suffering that you are afraid of more life when you die?
>There has to be more to it.
Not necessarily. When you're born and when you die are utterly irrelevant to evolutionary forces. What happens then is not effected by selection pressures so strange shit can happen.
There's as much evidence for life after death as there is against it. If you "fully believe" in no afterlife you are taking the same leap of faith as one holding the opposite position does. Your logic is incoherent.
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In the case of /pol/, we'd settle for life after birth.

That's why.
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The source code exists, Dahnald.

As we approach the technological apex, we will one day be able to bend the laws of the multiverse to our will
There's no evidence for anything happening so I don't believe anything happens. That's not incoherent. That's the only logical thing to believe.
look up quantum suicide
you will never experience your own death
Kill yourself and tell us whats really going on OP.
Not believing in anything happening is not the same thing as believing that nothing happens. In the latter you assume the burden of proof.
You're just arguing semantics. Fuck off, please.
Yes, strange shit can happen, but why? Why just not die? Why does the brain releases tons of psychoactive drugs in your brain when you die? To make it more comfortable? Maybe it is to open your mind to the greater being of this universe? Because dying people could never pass their genes, meaning no human could ever pass genes that produce that psychoactive stuff in your brain, because they were dying. So why would nature add something like that for just the few minutes in which we are dying, if evolution itself doesn't even know the concept of death, because dying people can't pass their experience when dying to the other generation.
What I described is literally the entire difference between agnosticism and atheism and you call it semantics? You have no grasp of logic.
I've seen and experienced a lot of weird shit and a lot of weird shit accessories.
Hell if I know, man. There's lots of strange shit going on in our bodies and our brains. None of it is necessarily proof of anything except for itself.
>Why does the brain releases tons of psychoactive drugs in your brain when you die?
It doesn't always
You are appointed once to die and then the judgement.
I had an awesome NDE. We all go on, NO WORRIES!
You're just arguing because you think I didn't use the right words. Maybe I didn't, I don't really give a fuck and I'm not going to argue semantics.
Energy cannot be destroyed, it merely takes a new form; this is a universal truth. When you burn paper, the paper does not disappear; it takes a new form. Combine this with how little we understand about concepts such as anti-matter, which exists outside our current purview of of what dictates reality, and no scientist can truly believe that people vanish into nothingness when they die. It might not be a form religion has stated but it is an absolute certainty there is something after death and decay.
Because of fluoride that hardens our pineal gland, that would normally do this?
Hey when you were alive in your mothers womb do you remember being alive? Do you remember the first year of your life? I mean, you were alive as a baby and you didnt even know it until you start developing a memory. Almost like waking up. Sleeping and death are the same thing in my opinion. Just without dreams.

There is a man with a 10 second memory and its as if he is constantly awakened and not knowing anything. Day and night the same, no dreams. Just like death, his exact words. Obviously it doesnt prove anything but just an interesting observation on what is being alive and what is being dead.
You didn't pick the wrong words, you conveyed the wrong idea.

>I fully believe that nothing awaits after death.
Your words.
>I do not have any belief regarding what awaits after death.
My correction to your logic which you are now implying was your original claim when it clearly wasn't. This isn't semantics. This is your inability to admit to being wrong. It says a lot about you.
Before you born you saw a black void for all eternity.

Suddenly you burst forth from it.

When you die you will once again see the black void for eternity. Will you not burst forth from it again?

Every possibility happens. You are aware in this moment simply because the possibility in which you are aware in this moment happens to be occurring. When you die you will longer will be aware and time will pass infinitely fast until once again this very possibility occurs and you are birthed out your mothers cunt once more. You've lived this life endless times and will continue to do so.
If your head gets blown apart by a 20mm shell or some other unexpected, instant physical trauma, your brain will have no time to release any chemicals at all.

On another note, I'm convinced that you're a sixteen year old who's experimenting with shrooms
Once that brain of yours dies and rots, you're gone. Like forgetting you ever existed.
tfw pantheism is objectively true

This is a metaphysical question, not a scientific one. And since our society has completely fallen for the scientism meme, that means nobody is interested in it.
is the end just like the beginning, not necessarily.
I'm not sure if that is something that always happens. I'm pretty someone isn't experiencing a "DMT high" when they are getting their head blown off. Somethings also, in biology and evolution in particular, are just consequences of other biological and chemical process. No conscious purpose has to necessarily be in mind. After all, DMT is just a chemical and your brain (and body) are composed of chemicals so if one experiences a "DMT high" during death process, it could be just a consequence of the various chemical reactions that happen as you are dying. Remember, your body is always trying to fight to survive (even when you have consciously given up) to the bitter end.
I already admitted I might be wrong in how I phrased it, but added that I don't care. Why do you keep arguing this? Stop already, your autism is out of control.
You are relying on the induction that there is such a thing as "eternity" and that humans have an immortal soul which has existed and will exist for all of this eternity, and that these souls are bound to laws of physics despite physics being completely unable to detect their presence. Rather unsound. If you're going to steal certain elements from religious beliefs (in this case, Dharmic ones) and then apply them as inductions to your own beliefs that are incongruent therewith you are in serious error.
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>But if you are truly conscious and accepting the eternal cosmic being of this universe, you will descend into nirvana, a state of being, a state of absolute eternal peace.
Boy, i am so ready for that.
>attempting to answer unanswerable questions
You probably just cease to exist but of course no one can prove this so who the fuck can even know.
I am not supposing that humans have an immortal soul at all. I am supposing that the configuration of the universe in which you exist will reoccur, given sufficient time.

Perhaps you should read my post before you write something gay about it.
Pretty much this.
You weren't wrong in how you phrased it -- "it" was wrong, and if you didn't both know and care about that you wouldn't have typed that post. You're asking me why I'm continuing to argue when you claimed you yourself wouldn't argue this in your very first post responding to me? And the answer to your question is quite simple -- to get your puny psyche to admit to itself that you are wrong and I am right.
You said "before you were born you saw a black void for all eternity". Your words. Now you imply that there was or will be a time in which we do not exist. Which is it?

Love how both of the retards I'm arguing with in this thread could only respond by pretending that they agreed with me in the first place.
anyway, not politics.
no u
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Calm yourself retardo.

Someday you'll be able to have a conversation without coming off as a huge faggot.

Also this is an off-topic thread and should be deleted.
Metaphysics is all-encompassing, ignorant fool.
Shhhhh, were enjoying this.
When "you" die, your - for the lack of the better word - "soul" goes to the heaven of your choosing, or rather to the place you fantasied about, believed in. There is slowly purged to it's primal form, until "you" is no more. Those more transcendetal issues you've resolved in your life will be weighted and those which you did not as well. If enough was resolved, your "soul" moves somewhere else. If not, you are going to have as many tries as needed to do that.

Fire up that fantasy, anons and be a good people. That is only thing we have somewhat control of.
Not an argument. Perhaps your statements were metaphorical, as that's the only way they could make sense, but considering that historically (and even in this thread) others have held that position literally, the necessity for clarification there is not unreasonable.
>Also this is an off-topic thread and should be deleted.
Equivalent of the other poster saying he doesn't care. Your similarities are rather striking.

>humans can not comprehend endless space or big gang theory
>b-but there is no higher being than humans because mr. cripple scooter robot voice scientist said so
It wasn't intended as an argument. I was just calling you a faggot.
So then it would seem we've found a point of agreement.
Its not for general public.
Government spend billions in research. Did you think any result would be given out to public without proper consideration?
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Surprised to see no Christian larpers in this thread.
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it is not in your best interests to think of such things, it is unnecessary and heretical.

one should live for the emperor rather than themselves, such is our creed, for it is better to die on the battlefield than live as a heretic.

The loyal servants of the emperor will find him after death, protected from the energies of teh warp as we become one with him and for him. His enemies however will burn for eternity and be twisted by the foul denizens of the immaterium.
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That you're a faggot?

It seems we have.
Yes we must base our politics and life on "if"
Thanks for this great insight
No shit. Literally.
I have had some spoopy experiences in a house I used to live in.

Knocks, Whispers, shadows and being touched. I lived alone. It was kinda /comfy/ having a probable ghost around. Why is the idea of ghosts so negative.

>everybody ignores the best argument

Society which doesn't acknowledge a fact that there are things worse than a death is usually a society soon dead.
Fear of the unknown.

Well, that and the world's two largest religions both claiming that any attempt at communicating with the dead is evil witchcraft.
The post of mine that you quoted was not even contradicted by your "argument". In fact, I definitely do believe in God, heaven, and hell. Are you stupid?
Enjoy your aids.
i believe in life after death because consciousness is energy and energy cannot be destroyed. we just take on a different form.
>evil witchcraft
If the dead were people at some point they can be reasoned with. Wasn't even creepy, just like "Fucking drawers open again" or "Why is (insert item) on the floor again.

It never was violent. I think they are like children and just want attention. Also what if Hitler had a ghost?
It's not communicating with the dead that's evil witchcraft, it's the attempt. And the idea that the entity may not be presenting its true identity to you, masquerading as a loved one while actually being a demon, ala skinwalker.
What is that m8?

This was not meant to counter your post, you retard.

It is just the best argument. A human brain can not compute an infinite space. It just cant. And the assumption of the big bang theories are laughable if you think about it.
Demons who disguise themselves as people/animals.
>This was not meant to counter your post, you retard.
Then why was I quoted specifically?

>It is just the best argument. A human brain can not compute an infinite space. It just cant. And the assumption of the big bang theories are laughable if you think about it.
You call your argument the best when you are committing the logical fallacy known as argument from ignorance -- how quaint.
This. This right here.

arguments only play a role in human brains. If a brain cant compute a thought it is an argument against human brains being supreme.
Evil entities in the Navajo religion which are said to shapeshift and assume the voices of people, often loved ones, then draw their target out into the woods somewhere for another skinwalker to kill them and take their body as a "host". At least that's my understanding of it. Not quite the same thing, was just making an analogy.
You deflect from the pointing out of that fallacy and then move on to strawman? Interesting.
Could one supposedly have sex with a skinwalker?
>And the assumption of the big bang theories are laughable if you think about it.
o rly ? why is that ?
I don't know, possibly but Indian lore says they only are interested in killing.
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I figure enough rope and you could bang one though. The danger adds to the thrill of it.

Its not a fallacy though.

A divine power is nothing that can be contained in arguments. All arguments only exist in human brains; and those very brains fail to compute the thought of infinite space.


Imagine it :^)
Top kek
Assuming your argument is not fallacious (it is) it would apply to the existence of God as well.

Exactly. The inability of ours to imagine it IS God.
The human mind being limited is proof that God exists? I'm a believer myself yet find this pseudo-logic astounding.

It absolutely is.
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Aww shit, earth is flat. The kraut has won again
Does not follow, false dichotomy.

your definition of "God" is wrong because you rely on monotheistic scripture and expect it to be like in the Bible.
I have an interesting theory, you are born in a black void then you are born, decades later you die and see once again the void. However, you are born again. Why? Because our universe might came before ours, even there will be another one once our universe dies. So, new universe is a new life for you. What do you think?
Because the only way to conclusively know whether there is an afterlife is to die.Everything else is speculation, hence why it doesn't factor into worldly politics.
Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test: Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said,
“Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
If you have done these things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart,
and the Bible warns that one day God will punish you in a terrible place called Hell.
But God is not willing that any should perish. Sinners broke God’s Law and Jesus paid their fine.
This means that God can legally dismiss their case:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Then Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death. Today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will give you eternal life as a free gift.
Then read the Bible daily and obey it. God will never fail you.
Instead of worrying about death, why not take a moment to appreciate how fucktastically unlikely this all is. The universe, biology, human civilization, meat bags conversing anonymously at light speed over a communication network built of nanoscale silicon machines.

Who said any of this stuff could exist in the first place?
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Too long, too autistic, didn't read.
Man is immortalized through his children. Children are the key to immortality. People have known this for centuries, and it is the foundation of ethnic loyalty and nationalism, and family pride. You're a retard if you're a white nationalist and can't innately recognize this.

>What is called family pride is often founded on the illusion of self-love. A man wishes to perpetuate and immortalize himself.
Alexis De Tocqueville, Democracy in America 1830
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I became something from nothing once before for this life.

Over an infinite amount of time, I'll do it again. Hope it's not in the body of some frog poster on /pol/ tho. If I have to live this exact life for eternity, fuck.
Bull fucking shit. Nobody knows a fucking parent through their kids. Your kids are just as worthless as you are. The only thing you can leave behind worth a damn is art.
Your experience in life is a product of your biology, the reactions in your brain create the sensations that you experience, and your biology, your brain, interprets all of that. Your biology is perpetuated and immortalized through your family and descendants. You are not the product of chemical reactions in your brain you ARE the biological makeup of yourself, the chemical reactions in your brain simply animate you.

If you're atheist, you're already literally immortal and live on through your family, and if you're a theist who believes in the soul, then you are immortal as a soul and go to heaven or whatever afterlife.

Problem solved wow.
found the jew.
Oh, so you're saying the universe/existence itself is God because we're incapable of understanding it? That's not a good line of reasoning.
>slops of oil and crayon on a piece of paper are more valuable then millennia of descendants outwardly multiplying and perpetuating your existence and your story.
Wow no wonder the white race is going extinct
Listen anon, I agree with the German guy, you have to admit that if before you were born you saw a black void. Same happens in death, no Heaven, no Hell, just a peaceful black void.
How is this in any way Jewish?
But he is an atheist.

It is though. It is idiotic to think you could prove the existence of something that humans cant comprehend with human logic.
Not being able to even imagine infinite space proves that there are higher forces.
God does not have to be a wise man with a beard, it could be a particle that created everything.
I agree with the particle that created everything, but what if the particle was from the universe before ours.
How can you see when you have no eyes. Lack of cognition for some reason is presumed to be a black void. Don't mourne the dead, rejoice that they are now privy to the secrets of the universe.

That is what I would call divine, wouldnt you?
How can you be the energy that you are, when energy is constantly transformed and exerted? Every day you consume energy, poop it out, breathe it out, sweat it out, speak it out, run it out, etc etc. You are not your energy, your energy simply animates you. You are not anything, but the biological makeup of your self, and the universe animates you with energy and activity in your brain.
But you do not experience things based on your biology, you don't have double experiences if you are cloned... because you are a product of animation. Your biological self forms the only constant in the experience that is "you". And that biological self is immortalized through your family.
That's a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.
Found the low IQ nigger
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Emperor protects
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