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Why do these two people trigger /pol/ so much??? >They're

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Why do these two people trigger /pol/ so much???

>They're alt lite

No, they're not. PJW is simply a British nationalist not a white nationalist. The UK should be for the British not other Europeans. PJW is the only journalist who exposes the Jewish meeting at bilderberg conference.

Stop blaming Lauren Southern for your sexually frustration, she isn't to blame for you not being able to find a white women to sleep with you. Lauren is stopping boats filled with niggers from arriving to Europe while you're at him jerking off to blacked and trap porn.

Nu/pol/ needs to take their asses back reddit or stormfront.

Stormfags hate everyone useful. They want to LARP in costumes and bitch about jews and try to argue none were harmed during the filming of the 3rd Reich. Fuck em.
muh ecelebs
Only 2 Lauren threads at the same time, pfff shape up.
I'm a real Nazi pussy ass bitch

Fite me
>theyre all right
I know right. The_Donald fags and stromfags have ruined this board. I remember the old days when /pol/ libertarian/ nationalist socialist board where we actually had genuine discussion.
>being underaged
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No actually you are a larper who listens to shitty music that Hitler would have banned because it sucks.
Already did that :^)

I'm not the Donald but I came here to fight the lefty shills and have pretty consistently supported Trump except for the Syrian thing. The Donald people are simplistic converts who may grow into something useful (I mean for purposes other then shouting down liberals and shills) the stormfags otoh are generally incredibly stupid. Its not that they are wrong about human biodiversity its just that they are generally as dumb as the average black themselves.
Hitler never listened to Combichrist
He would of love them I swear
PJW is as alt lite as it gets, he was very quick to condemn the alt right when he found out what it really was.

Lauren southern might be good to pull normies towards the right, however she's somewhere between alt right and alt lite and thus it's boring to listen to her because while she is talking about why she's not alt right, intellectual leader of the alt right talk about interesting topics.
Pjw was a toilet cleaner. Might as well be a slavshit heh
How does Richard Spencer and his band of crazies doing a nazi salute on live television help the alt right? What's the number one rule on /pol/ newfag???? Hide your damn power level. Richard spencer was Jewish opposition, PJW did the right thing.
I like Infowars but PJW is fucking dogshit, a more annoying person does not exist on Earth. Lauren Southern is fine, I think she's been hiding her power level this whole time and it's starting to show more and more. Her "book" was embarrassing though.
You sound like a pussy
Found the loony champagne sipping working class hating Londonstan lefty faggot.
And you sound like a keyboard warrior who is too pussy to tell people what he stands for.

It's time to make ourselves heard and actually do something.
>PJW is as alt lite as it gets, he was very quick to condemn the alt right when he found out what it really was.
Not to mention he calls out all activism as cringy and virtue signalling whilst being a "le internet conservative" to shill his t shirts and "muh triggering libtards". He is such a fucking superficial sap. He really stands for nothing of significance.
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Lauren is probably a closet WN
All you degenerate faggots ever do is discredit the right. It's like when we have nationalist rally in Europe, the toothless ugly uneducated neo-nazi inbred fuckers come out of the woodwork to discredit our us. If Hitler were still alive today, he would gassed you stormfags
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She's getting there. I doubt she'll ever outright say it though, she gets a lot more coverage by straddling both sides of the fence.
>How does Richard Spencer and his band of crazies doing a nazi salute on live television help the alt right
First off, richard spencer did not do the roman salute.
The alt right is about pushing boundaries and not cucking before the media. Is there sth inherently wrong about the roman salute? No. So no reason not to do it.

Kids do the roman salute all the time here in germany. Before the guilt tripping sets in that is.
Why do (((you))) keep makin the same threads over and over, oh I'll telly (((you))). (((You))) call this quote "subversion", that is creating threats, this is all you do....

Well shitlord it's not subversion, it's called sliding.

And where the fuck are your MODS?

I don't hate them, I don't even watch them. The people who hate them are bitter no friend nazis jealous at other people getting a little recognition and low hanging liberals who fake being right wing because that's all their capable of.

Either way who gives a fuck what bunch of fags online that you'll never meet think. You think these people are better than you or have better taste? Fuck no, most the niggers here watch anime and jerk off to trannys kek. Lauren is fine and so is PJW and anyone who say's otherwise should just go join the kikes already.
Blonde bitches ain't white honey
>PJW is simply a British nationalist not a white nationalist.
isnt that literally what civic nationalism is. faggot
And using 4chan as a surrogate for activism isn't activism LARPer
At lot more coverage by who?
False idols...celebrity culture is degenerate.

You can report without showing your face. I don't need to see your whore face.
PJW used to be a beast here, he needs to take the next step now and not just sit down and meme about
PJW is ok (not everyone with a public persona can go Full Spencer)

don't pay attention to women with opinions quite honestly, you got one Ann Coulter who is the exception and 500,000,000 others who are the rule
Leftie trash
>I don't need to see your whore face.

Just go join the Muslims already, triggered because someone showed their face. I bet you're too scared to show your face and that's why you lash out.
Activism is for jews

I'm a member of the national socialist workers party
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>The UK should be for the British not other Europeans
>having non-europeans is okay tho

She's already practically barred from getting on mainstream news


>A Donald Trump supporter has sparked a racism row after going on a vile anti-immigration rant on live TV.

>Sky News host Kay Burley was forced to intervene when Conservative commentator Lauren Southern questioned why legal migration exists when she could “put on some bronzer” and arrive via boat “with the Koran”.
>unarchived clickbaiters
Do you realize how sad you look white knighting for this bimbo on an Apache smoke signal powwow?
>not everyone with a public persona can go Full Spencer
Why? I keep hearing this excuse. Who is stopping these people? If a few of them would, the overton window would shift overnight.
>I'm a member of the national socialist workers party

If you say so
You guys are the same as whiteknights but the flip side of the coin. If a bitch is involved you fucking lose it and get all butthurt. If I don't blindly hate some bitch I've never even met I'm a white knight...I'm not even white knighting, you're upset a woman is showing her face kek. Maybe you should go stone her bro.
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Sieg heil!
I like PJW a lot. I think it's fucking hilarious he puts his face like two inches from the camera and unironically acts as obnoxious as humanly possible.

You know someone's character by their enemies. The left despises him because he is very effective.
What do you think Lauren buys with your beta bux? Dildos? Designer jeans?

Thanks brother HH
He didn't even do a nazi salute, he literally held up his drink and 3 PEOPLE actually did the nazi salute. Whether those three did it as a meme or seriously is unknown.
Normies. She's one of the more acceptable channels to enter the wider "alt right" sphere.
I use adblockplus, she doesn't buy shit with my money. I've never actually watched any of her videos anyways, I just think you guys are pathetic /r9k/ flunkies who are jealous that she's getting attention. It's fucking weird.
>ancap flag

Fuck off back to the donald you worthless cunt. We hate them because pol never used to be filled with this trash. Now it's all we see because you're all a bunch of retarded fucks.
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Because they're both shill psyops. Are you on another planet?
You know what's actually weird? None of Lauren's white knights ever admit to liking her or her content. It's always some variation of "I don't even watch her or read her shitty 6th grade level book, I just don't get why you hate her!" That should tell you all you need to know about her right there.
It's called having fun, jewboy.
>her shitty 6th grade level book
did you actually care enough to read up on it?
One is a faggot and another is a typical fake blonde whore that aged badly and looks 30 at 22.

You can guess twice why she aged so badly. Alcohol, tobacco, a drug for sure

I love her.

Because pol is run be Jews.
>Why do these two people trigger /pol/ so much???
Because no person over 18 cares about e-celeb cancer you autistic fuck
You know what is weirder? They whiteknight her because she is "attractive european madien"

But her looks are fake and her sexual past and present are that of a whore.

Whiteknighting women should be reserved for virgins or married as virgins women not "i won't marry but i will suck a different cock each week"
Why? She is fake. Why do you love fake blonde women like some nigger?
Neither triggers me but why does PJW looks like he is trying to hypnotize me or something in his videos. He shouts at the camera while keeping some very intense eye contact. It's not working.
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/pol/ will always shit on ecelebs. An organic movement doesn't need figureheads telling us what we should believe. Newfaggot calling the kettle black.
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Her hair is strawberry blonde
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Paulie Justice Warrior is a meme thief.
they dont, they just want the controversy to make bucks out of it.

Dont click dont give moneys dont.
Months ago when her shills came here to shill her book, one anon posted several scanned images of the book. It was hilarious. Like a literal 6th grader wrote it. I wish I cared enough to save the images, but I didn't.

They're not telling us anything. They're a propaganda machine that influences normies.
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only fat sjw roasties hate on pic related.

awoo faggot ;)

back 2
Anyone posting e-celeb shit should be drawn and quartered in front of their mothers. SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads SAGE all E-celeb threads OP is a faggot
>They're a propaganda machine that influences normies
So let their propaganda stay in normieville. Don't bring it here.
What I don't get is why the same people who whine about discussions of political e-celeb videos have no problem with people discussing for example an MSNBC clip. These new media "e-celebs" get as much viewership as old media TV news like MSNBC yet somehow they're still not legitimate in people's minds.
Because they're just as disengenuous as traditional media, while acting like they aren't.
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Since they have stop counter signaling pro white advocates I no longer have an issue with them.

I wish them all the success in the world.

PJW has openly said he isn't pretending to be impartial. I think he's funny and like his rants.


Which side of the middle are they on? If they push people inthe general direction you want there shouldnt be much reason to complain. You dont have to like their attitudes or their content to align with them.

An enemy of your enemy can be your friend in the interim
She still uses make-up and dyes her hair.
Don't be beta. Date a natural woman and you won't get lied to
This is actually true. It's important to be skeptical of the new alt media as well, as they also have agendas, and want to use you to achieve that.
I don't see threads asking "why is /pol/ so triggered by msnbc??" It's obvious even to newfags. And it would be obvious why /pol/ despises eceleb faggotry if you would simply lurk moar.

What are you talking about? How are they disingenuous?

If he changes his opinion because of what you think about it then that's being beta.
You didn't even come close to trying to attack the argument. If this was simply a thread about some politically relevant video Lauren made you would still be whining about "e-celebs"
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>if a better argument is made and you agree with it, you're beta
When is she going to get married and make white babies. Its the only job women are required to do.
I cant take conservative women like herself seriously
Ecelebs pose a real danger to this "movement", because they're treated as allies when they should be treated as enemies. I believe they have the best intentions, don't get me wrong, but they're hijacking something they had no part in creating, and turning it into something it's not.
Clearly this women hates gay frogs who earn money and suck metaphorical dong.

What more could you ask for in a qt3.14 aryan waifu?

Maybe some originality? idk.
They also want welfare because capitalism is too harsh.

How the fuck are they enemies? And they're not hijacking anything, Lauren is not pretending she is a spokesperson for anyone but herself.
I make a good point guys. Natural women are more genuine and less likely to cuck you. Don't get a caked up bitch who needs to be caked up for her work and wear revealing clothes.
They promote the watered down form of politics when we are in dire need of serious solutions.

Civic nationalism is a dead end. We need radical changes or our nations will turn into a mongrel paradise like USA

It wasn't a better argument though it was a value judgement. He asked why do you love someone" and besides being a strawman if he actually did love her and decided to change because of the dissaproval of someone else then that is the definition of a beta.
They're enemies because they have a disproportionate influence over something that was created by a lot of little people shitposting on mongolian throat singing forums. You and I are the atoms of this movement. We influence each other, one by one, in millions of interactions. This is how we built this. We don't need figureheads, we don't need leaders, we don't need voices which outshine others.
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Lauren is clearly race-conscious even if she doesn't take on the WN label.
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That is not how any political movement ever has worked. Why are the leftists in charge now? Because they got a hold of the media and culture. And you are actively trying to stop the right from doing that. YOU are the enemy of the right, not people like Lauren.
Ok. Go follow your leader. I'm sure she will bring you the utopia you always wanted.
She barely mentions this even though it is the main issue.

Countries like UK France or Germany are already at a point where Israel styled war is the only solution and kicking out millions of nonwhites by force
>We influence each other, one by one, in millions of interactions. This is how we built this. We don't need figureheads, we don't need leaders, we don't need voices which outshine others.
That has worked in the past, but people have neither the attention span, nor the interest to do that in a modern internet age. You need people out there raising awareness and consciousness in normal people. Which is what some of these youtubers do. Take PewDiePie for example, he just made a video debunking the wage gap that he exposed over 50 million of his subscribers to. It already has millions of views. Now we can all sit here on this board and bitch about how bad things are and applaud the little trickle of people who come here and get "red pilled", or we can recognize the value that mass media has. You're not in your safe space anymore Dorothy.
"The leftists"

When USA was run by right wing jewish puppets they had no problem enslaving Europeans and murdering them.

No liberal bombed Serbia to defend Turkish muslims.

She's not a leader. She doesn't want women to be running things. She is a propaganda machine.
they don't though
the ones getting triggered are unironic shills and shitposters, the rest of us realise that they play a vital role in convincing moderates and Lauren in particular is very rapidly shifting far to the right.
>that's not how any political movement ever has worked
Except this one. This one was made by the people, for the people. PJW, PewDiePie and Southern had little to nothing to do with what has been happening over the last 3-4 years. They are attempting to be the new gatekeepers. PJW showed his hand when he started profiting off an anonymous meme.
>That has worked in the past
This is, to my knowledge, something totally new which has never happened before, thanks to the internet. Mass media has been around since the Gutenberg press. You are the one living in the past.
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Right-wing ideas won't spread to the general populace without right-wing media. Simple as that. You just sound bitter because they are profiting from this and you're not.
These people don't claim to be leaders though. They just put the information out there, to have the kind of Gutenberg press effect that you so desire. Without them, where would the information come from? Where do you think the increasing traffic here and to that other godless place comes from? In order to wake people up, you need people out there putting the information out. If you can't see that then maybe it is you who is living in the past.
It spread without them, shit-for-brains. It was spread via social media by the individual. There was ne need to "right wing media" because citizens took it upon themselves to spread the news, not some tarted up talking head. They appeared AFTER the movement took place.
And it's cute that attempt to reduce my stance to "lol ur jealous". Truly the argument of a moron.
largely agreed.
They would make a nice couple.
But PJW, needs to wake up and start to raise the identitarian flag. Enough of pseudo nationalism.
But not enough of them. They helped get the idea out there to more people. A lot more than the gradual spread of individuals would do. And besides, this kind of band wagon jumping is inevitable in any movement. There is no point complaining about it because it won't go away. Even if the original movers disavow them and their content, they have new audiences now.
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>It spread without them, shit-for-brains. It was spread via social media by the individual.

But the average individual can spread right-wing ideas to ~100 people. Lauren can spread them to 300000 people. You still have not given a single argument for why this is a bad thing, you're just raging about how "I was here first!" like a bitter loser
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>These people don't claim to be leaders though.

Irrelevant. That is de facto what they have become, whether they claim it or not. They even have their own little followers who come here and shit all over the board with pure, unadulterated cancer in their name. I object to the orbiters far more than I object to the e-celebs. I can ignore e-celebs, but their cancerous little orbiters are everywhere on the board. The effects of their leadership are playing out right before our eyes, and it's disgusting to see.
He's 35, she's 22.
You confused who you were replying to, you bag of worthless shit?
he looks younger than 35, and after 20's the differences are not that big.
>and it's disgusting to see.
then what do you suggest is to be done about it?
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Did you just accuse me of being the Finnshill? That's hilarious.
Get mods and janitors who will delete e-celeb threads on sight, and permaban their creators. Zero tolerance.

Explain why political videos by e-celebs should not be allowed but political TV segments should be?
blonde is not her natural hair color
Because they're cancer. You're cancer. And both you and them should be range banned for the good of the board.
>replying to yourself after immediately getting caught red handed
Oh, you.
>minor disagreements with nationalists matter more than leftists
That's the logic of neetsocs on here
Just out of curiosity, why do you think I'm the Finnshill? I hate the fucking Finnshill.
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Not an argument. As expected.
Fuck off with these meaningless labels. Ideas are ideas and people are people.
Ecelebs represent the last relevant mass media figures, but they will go the way of the handwritten scroll eventually. Organic social media, people interacting with people, will overtake even alternative mass media. Everybody knows MSM are dinosaurs, but so are ecelebs, but they don't know it yet.
It's all the argument that is needed, chink.
Oh God, I love Lauren so much.
She's basically the only female in the world I respect.
e celebs are like a band aid. Most of these people have to struggle tooth and nail to justify their existence and get gibs.
That's why I stopped trying to become a political e-celeb because I'm not Johnny Mnemonic.
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