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MTV nigger thinks he can defeat "the trolls"

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Ok so there's this guy, Charlamagne Thagod who is hosting a new show on MTV called Catfish: The Trolls where he's gonna "unmask the pieces of pigshit"

He actually thinks he can fight the internet and win.

Let's give him a little surprise.
He for instance has a book out on Amazon maybe we could do something about that..


He's on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cthagod
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He's coming for us you guys.
Lol what the fuck is plan

>hey you sexy Nazi troll man, I'm a horn you she-troll. Wanna meet up and meme together?
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OK well this shitty mobile keyboard butchered my post but you get it
Sound perfectly reasonable. Great plan, Charlamagne. This is not completely retarded and won't backfire at all!
Heres how it plays out
>they find some underaged kid who says nigger online
>the pay the kid $1000 to be in the show
>they show up at his house and shit on him
>they edit it to make it look like he feels back and apologies
>everyone makes shekels
Its literally nothing
I want to see him get reverse catfished by some crazy /k/ommandos
HWNDU, Electric Boogaloo 2.0 anyone?
>gets baited to the /k/ommpound
They make him LARP the Rhodesian bush war as all the niggers at gunpoint

Got you trolls! I'm gonna post this to mtv.com and brainwash millennials to make it seem as if i know where all of your hiding places are when in reality all i did was go on a japanese forums page.


How does he want do that?
Will he ask people on the internet who insult him as cuck for a meet up?
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In this timeline, I wouldn't rule it out
another filthy nigger propped up by kikes.

>pig shit
Is that a subtle shot at white people? I'm Asian and I've heard niggers call white people 'pink' and 'pinky' was he trying to get a shot in? CTG seems like the type that hates white people.
I'd gladly go on this show and do nothing but drop redpill jew facts so they would have no footage they could air.
I really just have a hard time believing they will find enough content for this to last a few episodes without staging everything.
At least with the original catfish shitshow it was full of people falling for easy bait so they could make multiple seasons out of it.
>CTG seems like the type that hates white people.
Well no shit. He's got that super nigger chip on his shoulder.
Wait, what if he ends up getting red polled? Wouldn't be thrown first time something like that happened
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The whole show is gonna be fake. The "trolls" they "catch" will all be plants, they will cry and "see the light" and in the end they admit that Trump is bad and Obama was the second coming of christ. The only people who would watch the show are virtue signalers, and the entirety of the show will be virtue signaling.
But why? Seems like despite the evil white man he's done well. It would seem he should be telling nigs get your shit together and be productive like me. Instead he uses it to rile them up.
Hillary was on his show with Andrew shultz.
That's the plan.

*wink* *wink*
>Celebrity taking on /pol/
Worked out so well for this celebrity
Oh he definitely doesn't like white people but he also treats his own people like shit. I actually like Charlemagne but mostly because I recognize how up his own ass he is. Plus he called at that wigger whore coal burner channel westcoast so I can never truly hate him. Plus if you listen to breakfast club (it's nigger shit) he's a fucking troll, he's just mad the onlime trolls keep calling him nigger I guess.
They'll probably be selective about it. They will only publish people who are white. They'll never show all the spic trolls or south american trolls.
>It would seem he should be telling nigs get your shit together and be productive like me.
Honestly, people don't want to hear that. They don't want to hear that they can change their lives and better them by working at it. They, especially nig nogs, want to be told that everything bad is whiteys fault. He may know it deep down, but he'll never say it because he'd be cast out as an Uncle Tom
what is a homicidal rant? Yelling at people until they kill themselves?
poor guy, he's gonna end up like shia lebuffoon. totally broken.
I'll give him that, West coast is shit and she should be on her knees thanking Rob every moment of her life he carries her and his cousin into relevance.
Id pay to watch his dumbass go to brazil chasing huenigger trolls. Would be the funniest show on tv.
Bet it's all scripted.
Kek I forgot about that. He really did expose that dolt Chanel.
Very true. A black friend of mine said similar when asked. He said it's easier to point st whitey then to look inside st your own shortcomings. Blacks are fucked and it's their own doing st this point.
all these "reality shows" are mostly staged shit
>Catfish style investigation
So reverse google image search and looking in facebook?
Pigshit? Why is he focusing on Jews?
That nigger needs to be shipped back to africa
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Well its kinda obvious that some trolls are lonely and horny bastards. I think they'll try to use trojan horses like how the Clinton campaign tried to use qt grill pics to sway opinions.
On Catfish, they find out of the person is a catfish or not because they get them to give there address. Exactly how does this guy plan to find out where anonymous people live? They'll either have to cancel the show or fake it.
Jews are allways propping up their pet niggers.
>Charlamagne Thagod

We wuz Holy Roman Emperorz
would work on r9k desu
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>Charlamagne Thagod
They can't even spell it right
How dare this nigger's parents take Charlemagne's name for their son and then go and bastardize it
Listen to this man.
Its obviously going to be staged. Wouldnt it be funny to see it backfire though, they find some last leg red pilled 23 year old who starts naming the jew
I'll watch Charlemange the Closet Fag on VladTV but I won't watch this
Meh, it'll be:
>isolate the lowest hanging fruit
>brow beat them with sophistry and shaming tactics
It won't convince anyone.
>yfw this happens
lol niggers dont know how to use internet
True, but I can't imagine this working more than a few times
Is that pic real?
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>leaving their rooms
They don't even leave them to piss.
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This is how the average north mexican woman looks like .
no it's been shooped. lmao
What's this niggers twitter?
>Charlamagne Thagod
I cringed so hard I need to go to the emergency room.
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No it fucking isn't, we have all seen these people in america and you can't trick us
>hide behind your cartoon profile pics
Excuse me, it's called hentai, and it's an art form.
what is he going to do
Hunt some kids posting nigger under his whack ass radio show videos. Oh wow how exciting

I think I'll start "trolling" him from now on
>catfish: trolls will employ unscrupulous writers to craft outlandish scenarios in which actors portraying "internet trolls" behave in ridiculous ways that result in the audience being smugly self-satisfied and amused by their own superiority

jerry springer did it first.
then the continent needs to be nuked. give me the button.
>tfw he pronounces it charlie mang
Now replace black people with pol and white people with Jews and you have 4chan
well, they sure as shit can't figure it out themselves.
>produces nigger babble for jews to profit from
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what he is purposing is illegal
Norway, you always make good posts
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Let's make it happen
God damn, I'd buy him a beer
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He's my bitch now
16 > pence > trump

This is objectively true.
He's going to brag about impersonation, doxxing & harassment?
How long until he's in jail?
If he wasn't a complete idiot he'd hire Asian prostitutes and have them ask us out.
Except that's wrong. There might be some like that, but if you bought into the "pol only hates Jews because their own lives are bad" meme I feel genuinely bad for you.
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no its not. i assure you beaner.
>He's coming for us you guys.

In b4 he's catfished and recorded jacking off to a trap.
He's a Nigger. Statistically very soon.
please take this uppity nigger down, pol

kek wills it
i feel like niggers are going to snap the hardest once they figure out who holds the chains to their modern day slavery
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Where are the Serbian Nigger killers when you need them?
him back rubbing a dude
If he wants to get hurt then come on with it.
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Why did a nigger name himself charlemagne i bet he doesn't even know who he is
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worst thing you can do is give him attention.
Literally my first thought.
>Charlemagne introduced Jewish usury to Europe
>A thousand years later a nigger calling himself Charlemagne pumps children's heads full of cultural Marxism using a Jewish platform

We've come full circle
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this is what the average mexican /pol/ poster looks like
Pretty much
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its ironic because hes considered to be the most trollish radio personality there is, where he hits on female interview partners and tells them that he would "suck a fart out of their asses" and this kinda stuff, he doesnt back off asking these "celebs" quite the personal and at point offensive shit

turns out hes a big fucking BLM faggot, he asked some white rapper what he does to support BLM and why he doesnt, its so fucking inflammatory
so which one of you brothers are going to play along with this nigger. time to catfish the nigger.

O Dear

This actually makes a lot of sense.
WOW, if true!

But they probaly don't look like that!

I have personally met a blonde blue eyed Aryan looking Mexican, i didn't belive him that he was Mexica until he showed me his Passport and started talking fluent spanish!
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this goy thinks like a Jew!!! O VEY
it's a stage name you absolute faggot
we need to go back in time and kill lincoln sooner.
That's what he would do if he was a jew.
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you guys underestimate how easy it is to find people who post shit. he will probably get the company of whatever website to give up the trolls IP. idk if this is legal or not but still, remember to use proxies/vpns to troll this guy

The problem Northern Turk is the nigger is a slave of the jew.
Correct answer.
It's not legal. Neither is impersonation, or harassment.
He's going to jail, only question is how long will it take?
Does he want to become the new Shia? Because this is how he becomes the new Shia.
A nigger committing a crime? I'm shocked!
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>this is how your average /pol/llack looks like

Goddamn that reporter ripped him a new one.
It's almost as if they're naturally predisposed..
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>mfw mtv targets /pol/ shitposters and airs their sniveling apologies for being racist

You guys are finished lmao

kill yourself

Total con, as are ALL reality-type shows.

The "trolls" will be paid actor, the "sting operations" completely faked.

He is smart to create an opportunity like this for himself. He'll make a ton of cash from leftie/SJW viewers.

Smart blacks at least know how to hustle.
Nog isn't even outta the gate, and he's gettin raped
Best defense is a strong offense
atomic kek
Game on.
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They will.

Yeah, catfishing only works when you pretend to be a hot bitch. No idea how this guy is going to get 400 pound basement dwellers to go outside, faking it lime they do with the news and business models like Paddy Power is more likely.
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This is just going to be spammed with tons of false reports and bullshit.
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All he has to do is stage meet ups, or go to political events where /pol/tards and reddit faggots would go.

It would be easy to lap as just another /pol/tard and organize shit like that.

Meet ups have been done.
Track art
Kid Charlemagne
Steely Dan
Subscribe to Google Play Music and listen to this song and millions of other songs. First month free.
While the music played, you worked by candlelight
Those San Francisco nights
You were the best in town
Just by chance you crossed the diamond with the pearl

You turned it on the world
That's when you turned the world around
(Did you feel like Jesus?)
Did you realize
That you were a champion in their eyes?

On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene
But yours was kitchen-clean
Everyone stopped to stare at your technicolor motor home

Every A-Frame had your number on the wall
You must have had it all
You'd go to L.A. on a dare and you'd go it alone
(Could you live forever?)
Could you see the day?
Could you feel your whole world fall apart and fade away?

Now your patrons have all left you in the red
Your low-rent friends are dead
This life can be very strange
All those day-glo freaks who used to paint the face

They've joined the human race
Some things will never change
(Son, you were mistaken)
You are obsolete
Look at all the white men on the street
That is no way to treat your son.
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I was trying to say he's not selling crack any,ore nor robbing old white ladies walking to their cars. Lot worse shit he could be doing.
Fucking christ,I hate this annoying nigger. He has a radio show here in NYC that's popular as fuck. The Breakfast Club,I think. He's anti-2a, anti-trump and even was promoting Hillary during the election.
This guy used to be right before he became a hilldawg
>it's their own doing st this point

It was always their own doing.
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>I can't imagine this working more than a few times
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If you do a meet up from a site like 4chan or Reddit, or anywhere for that matter, then you're a retard who deserves everything coming to you. I could see Reddit betas falling for it though.
>This is how the average north mexican woman looks like.

Someone should be "catfished" by this nigger and everyone else SWAT him at the meetup.
Someone false flag and make him read bane posts.
or even better bane post irl as a group.
This will only succeed in snagging r/T_D fags, if anything. What's his plan, ask politely o /pol/ for us all to get together somewhere for a chat?
Even so maybe somebody should actually watch it just to see what methods he uses, and potentially develop a plan to fuck with him.
We should definitely send him out to the woods. Make him work for it.
>going literally anywhere

>Lenard McKelvey (born June 29, 1980)
Like that /k/ meet up where some guy brought jizz brownies
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literally who nigger
Then the only thing they find is a speaker playing Shadilay.
I wished
>phone poster
please die
Has anyone doxxed his family yet?
Why make it a speaker? Small Raspberry with prepaid sim so we can livestream it xD
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why arent we catfishing the host and producers keeping track of there whereabouts? Its legal so I dont get why were not doing it so more people can know where they are to inform them about trolls.
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>Heres how it plays out
This is MTV.
They will do what they do for every one of their reality shows.
Make it up because thats cheaper to just script it.

Boom tons of shekels and they give none away, your not thinking like a jew, good thing I am part Jewish to fix that for you.
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Charlemagne is also a Yakubite, he believes that white people were demons created in an evil experiment by a black scientist thousands of years ago


why can't niggers handle the banter /pol/
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He's a radio jockey, he's gonna be looking for people shitting on rappers and singers on instagram, twitter etc. Ya'll dumb motherfuckers think anyone would waste their time on you.
Fuck you faggot. How else am I supposed to browse at work?
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>tfw have troll accounts with cartoon pics
>tfw have troll accounts with pics of m favorite artists

Maybe I should switch it up and use random pics of people.
Catfishing isn't entirely legal:
Impersonation (if done) is illegal.
You can also sue for intentional infliction of mental suffering.
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>reverse catfish the show producers
>They arrive to meet you
>Answer the door in a kippa
>Rant about niggers on camera next to your menorah
>"I'm not racist because I'm a Jew not white"
>"It's just my religion, I'm not a bigot. My religion says all gentiles are soulless animals who only exist to serve the Jews"
>"I supported Hillary, because she would have brought these niggers to heel"
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Hang about this nigger calls himself charlemagne? as in the father of Europe charlemagne? This filthy nigger should have some respect for the man and change it to something like "bix nood craka". Jesus Christ this has really rustled my jimmies
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>Charlamagne tha god
and who do you think will be bankrolling the show?
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Ever since the faggot was in the lena dunham video it was clear he wanted massive fame Zog tier recognition, incoming movies and gay collaborations with more mossadywood tv roles.
Why is this dudes name "tha god"?

Is he a real life troll or is he really that fucking arrogant?
This, but also
>Be a black chick.
too much airbrush fuck off
>It will be all fun and games until /our guy
>Produces a +10 rifle of anonymity.
>This stupid twat may well be the 1st martyr of the race warz.
>MTV's inadvertently starting the race warz would be the best timeline and top KeK.
Even better, claim you're transblack.
This is the sameness nigger Hillary gave the hot sauce line to and he called her out on pandering to black ppl immediately on the air. She said in reply "Well, is it working?"
Well then that should be our angle. Spread the word that this shit is fake, bomb his accounts and the comments section of everything he posts about it with sources of all of the fake "reality" tv that MTV has produced in the past. Get normies to bring it up, maybe he will have to address it.
Satanic trip's confirm it
>Lure host and producer to forest.
>What they find is 20+ Anons in frog masks REEing all at once and dancing to meme music.
I hate him because he doesn't respect Joe Budden which is a sin.


How do you even become the most vocal of trolls? I guess if you stick to one or 2 accounts you become more noticeable. The ones that do that are often newfags at trolling.
And miss out on happenings? I don't think so homo
>Be producer
>Go to woods
>Get clubbed & knocked out from behind
>Wake up at the center of some satanic ritual
>Piss yourself
>Suddenly Anons in frog masks appear & start REEing
>Become a meme because the whole thing was livestreamed
>Kys in shame
>Vacationing in north mexico before she gets raped and beheaded by ms-13
great work anon
this is all you need to know
Along with this guys name and Hamilton the musical. What is it with blacks appropriating white culture?

t. Indian male
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all of it will definitely be staged. if they actually had a show that revolved around doxxing people on the internet with the express purpose of humiliating them. that, would of course be illegal af. its just another sjw faggot show goys.

>nothing to see here
I'm sure your boss loves you
So how do we do it /pol/?
We need to communicate with them somehow.
The host mentioned about "Hiding behind cartoon pics."
Does he memes or anime pics?
We need something to lure them to us while they are thinking the opposite.
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He's just begging for attention. This autist will be forgotten in a week who gives a fuck what he thinks

"I've got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with. I'm from 'IT', bitch."

He is from It...sounds like he has implicit knowledge of the puppeteers. He always struck me as fake, and a poser who tries too hard. He goes from playing like he is of the streets saying bro and talking about lending cigarettes, how he is just some regular citizen who pays his taxes, to revealing he has more money than all of them essentially and their system and how he is connected to something bigger, behind the scenes from the day to day life. That money talks, he has it, they don't, and he is from something more. "IT".
Even if it's staged, it would be fun to show him what an actual troll can do
not true lol
>t. a mexican
>To Catch a Predatard
i agree with you. i've already 1 stared the niggers book.
>Lol what the fuck is plan
It's a tv show, so they'll hire someone to pretend to be a "troll" and they'll make them whatever character best suits their narrative. At the end of the show the "good guys" will win and the troll will suck Charlemagne's dick. Nobody will watch because lol who the fuck watches cable tv.
We should start the counter attack now, if we go full raid it'd be hilarious. Shia level memes

They still have viewers?
Why the fuck should I be scared of some retard who can't even spell Charlemagne right?
I well I survived 4 or so rounds of lay offs
>kekistani flag

I want the_donald kids to die already
Only stupid white bitches watch that channel anymore.
Been to Matamoros and Monterrey, can confirm the German and Spanish population there is very white and very good at Spanish, it's weird
>Charlamagne Thagod
>his name is literally "king god"
One nigger with money vs a bunch of people with little to nothing to lose, only he stands to fail

I'm literally laughing right now. Thanks for brightening my day. That's the thing about the WORLD WIDE web.
Better yet, Aussie trolls
Filthy shitskin "rapper" I assume, calling himself Charlamagne.,,kill this fucking nigger.
I believe he is just a radio host or something.
This is true for Sonora, Guadalajara and Sinaloa, downtown and in the good parts of town.

They don't look like that in Texas which is north, north Mexico.
>Yelling at people until they kill themselves?
Well that wouldn't be suicide then, would it?
It's ranting about killing people.
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The best is in his bullshit concerning McGregor v. Mayweather he says to Mac, " remember the ony reason you gettin dis big a pay day is dis nigga" referring to Mayweather. Why can they see that bit not see that the only reason charlatan the god gets his payday is because of whites. He'd be an HIV+ African booty scratcher otherwise
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Oh it's that nigger?
I remember that shit
>"What hotsauce?"
>Uh oh shit uh
>"All kinds"
She couldn't even pull tabasco, tapatio, cholua, valentina out her ass

We could probably bait him into saying
"Oh yeah prove black people have a lower IQ"
Then out come the bell graphs
*smacks jump cuts*
*10 minutes of commercials*
I can already hear his rebuttal.
>I'm black, but I'm smart
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>Plus he called at that wigger whore coal burner channel westcoast

What in the fuck? Why do you faggots follow this nigger shit? Kys
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>I'm black, but I'm smart
Good one lad

Yeah not the best example but I couldn't think of a better trap off the top of my head, maybe something to do with Jews oppressing black people like this, could make a good gotcha not for him but his kike producers

We should probably make a discord
lolno, irc or gtfo
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Hahaha this 4Chan post chain is really funny.

These are all some really epic plans yall layin down but it's tuff to get a plan together on the internet

We should meet in person cuz it b so much easier to get stuff done ya ya know what I'm say in?

Lets meet at that knew Kardashian joint on holly wood Blvd August 24 and talk bout some 4 real shit.

DM me and let me kno if you comin
Hey wait a second are you trying to trick me?
it's 2017 barely anyone watches TV, let alone MTV.
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I wonder what the intro of the show would be?
>Generic rap song starts
>Showing a montage of "Troll" profile pictures they found.
>Charlamagne Thagod's voice is heard in the background.
>More pictures are shown.
>Music stops with camera is now focused on Charlamagne Thagod's face

> average female in sonora
> posts a picture of kaypea, a canadian streamer of dutch ancestry

You're a fucking pendejo, my dude.
That's pretty hot desu
16:04 "Bet your a Donald Trump supporter" heheheheh

I'm saving this post so when the show launches and this happens, I'll piss myself laughing.



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It will all be fake with actors 'based on actual twitter comments' using a reenactment format type of show
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You are now aware that people who complain about "reddit spacing" are phone posters.

Let that sink in.
To et to real trolls, not just to people who don't agree with you and your agenda, you need access to IP database of the site, and then you have to trace person behind it. I suspect it would be highly illegal.
They probably just hire some fat (should be easy to find) men and prop them into "typical" basement dwelling stereotype to play "exposed trolls".
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Yep. And like everything else on MTV, 5 people will watch.
irrelevant nigger

the only thing he ever does is shit like this and radio talk shows
Back in my day Music TV played fucking music videos.
Best post ITT.
Flag fag pls die.
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>mtv trying to subtle nypa themselves for free ratings and clicks
you guys realize the "trolls" will all be actors pretending to be the whitest dorkiest fags possible to try and make "our culture" look lame.
Kikes only pretend to do work, never actual work.
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What is wrong with his face?
Their memes will be absolute shite.
Easy to spot & mock.

It will all be scripted.
Charla is a jerk. But he's kinda funny xD
It's black.
I know but it's more than that, his eyes have that FAS look about them.
Pls pol. I never ask you for anything, but I've been following this cunt for a while. He got jumped for being a loudmouth faggot. So detestable is this nigger that he is hated by other niggers.
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>shows up to a troll's house
>ready to confront, all hyped up
>little old woman answers the door
>turns out troll proxy'd through a random IP and gave false info for a meet up and Charlemagne Thug Od traveled all the way across the country to the wrong fucking house
Texan here, everyone should go to Guadalajara, the state of Jalisco in general. It's gorgeos, even a portion of the underclass look white Hispanic, well not brown as Indio but obviously Mexican. The food is great, and right now the conversion rate is 1700 pesos for 100usd. A seafood dinner with cocktails and well served for two people is like 50 pesos.
Charlamagne did everything he could to make this conversation about race.
Awesome! I live in Colorado so when he shows up on my private property threatening me I can kill the nigger
Niggers can't trick me, I graduated high school.
liberal fear-mongering
Could be his piss colored teeth
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that is so photoshopped it looks like she's made of pudding
>Alright here we are in Australia where we are going to teach this Cracker a thing or two about racism !!
>Breaks down an Aussie door
>Oy cunt the fuck you want m8
>I'm here to teach you a lesson!!!
>Fuck off Cunt
>Aussie then proceeds to throw a spider at Nog
>Nog gets bitten and dies.
We all know this will happen.
You know how this will end up right? It will be like Destiny where he brings on total idiots to "debate" with and he will shut them down to make him look good
Of course they'll be paid.

I think I saw a couple posts on r9k or here about people being contacted by MTV for the show, just like Catfish, youll get a whopping $1000 for your participation and a lifetime of being labeled a faggot by anyone you meet in real life
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>How to defeat trolls.
You don't.
dumb cunt probably believes whites are albino demons too

Sad about your flag, this was a good comment.
yes this think "pig skin" and "cum skin" are equal words to "nigger"

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they won't even need to find a kid.
they'll get an actor.
fucking great song, with the GOAT guitar solo
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I honestly wish I could be on their show. I like to see them try.
My thoughts exactly.
God's work
Arizona Anon here I can tell you that is not what Mexican women look like in the north.
They look like Indians mated with Buffaloes is the case.
you nailed it except for the part where the kid they hire is a nephew of one of the producers and the house they pay to shoot it in belongs to another producers' brother in law
What's it like have double digit iq

>9/11 was a CIA / Mossad false flag.
>His name was Seth Rich.
>The war on terror was one big lie for globalism.
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Why is no one reverse catfishing him?

>Goes out to catch a troll
>Gets trolled
they have been on their show before, people that make up stories to get on the show and play up a character
We should bait this fucking guy and fuck with him
i was thinking along the same lines.

i pictured the show CHEATERS and their staged affairs.
Contributed with a review. Hoping more anons can pile on.
Trashy girls
This is some funny shit, This means hes the one that has been on Wurlstar hiphop and being upset at those 4chan trolls in the comments and wants revenge. Just from the way he describes this shit i've seen him talking on those threads there.

A week or so ago some Jew from viceland was trying to recruit /pol/acts for a show called Hate thy neighbor

trips dont lie.

Thats the dominican cab driver nazi who used to post on /pol/ aka pipebomb
>the Internet is to be used by computers ONLY! NOTHING ELSE!
Didn't Viceland give that wannabee nigger Eddie Hwang his own show?
Fucked if I know I don't watch that shit. That thread is pretty funny tho, outs himself as a literal Jew, name and email doxxed, everyone fucking with him. Unless it was the best bait I've ever seen and I'm a retard
It was. The shows on Viceland are either about Pot, social justice, nigger worship, "sports" and shitty comedy only a libtard would like. They also gave Action Bronson his own show for some reason

bump for ultrapotencial
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Somebody should tell this nigger it's called Anime not cartoons.
Hate thy neighbor already exists, he claimed he was going to use the alt right for the second season. I hope the anons he contacted were our best and brightest
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Remember kiddies always use someone else's wifi.

Let this fucker and his film crew track down your local coffee shop or library.
Reality TV is fake they're going to pay people to pretend to be remorseful trolls and retards will watch it
Is he a pedophile?

According to the NYT

Charlemagne tha God's real name is Lenard Larry Mckelvey. He was born in Moncks Corner, SC. A quick visit to the Berkeley County Clerk of Courts online search page using his name yields the following results:

Mckelvey, Lenard Larry 0048-Minor / Contributing to the delinquency of a minor


Mckelvey, Lenard Larry
0048-Minor / Contributing to the delinquency of a minor


Mckelvey, Lenard Larry
0397-Sex / Criminal sexual conduct with minor, or Attempt - victim under 16 years of age - Second degree


The only thing I question is the difference in birthdate between the Clerk of Court records and Wikipedia. Can anyone verify that this is him?
>be Imhotep Thekangz
>log into 4chan
>read the black-on-black crime statistics in this country
>get scared
>move to Germany
>Refugees throw him off the roof for being a degenerate
The court links are blocked for me, but have a (you) for top notch research
I don't actually know my i.q but it feels pretty good.
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Screen of the criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 16
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Court docs claim this defendant was born in 1978, Wikipedia claims 1980. Unique spelling of "Lenard" and middle name of "Lenny" match.

Is this you?

"Larry" not "Lenny"

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