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>this is considered an american hero in 2017

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>this is considered an american hero in 2017
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this traitor should be rotting in a prison cell

> I'm a woman now
>dumb enough to accidentally post a picture of her boipucci
I honestly wonder what the fuck they did to him while he was locked up
I thought this Trans faggotry was just a cover so that he could go to the female prison instead. It seems he will stay a fag.
Is she a furry?
It was enough to turn him into a woman.
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man those sons of bitches at 'tanamo really did a number on this little fag
And they say waterboarding has no lasting effects.
this is hilarious

but clearly she's going through a mental breakdown right now
You really don't want to know.
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are you saying cia niggers did this?
So if I claim trannyhood when I get caught doing illegal shit, will I get off the hook too?
whatever it was he deserved it
>Steal government secrets, go on the run, get harbored like a fucking spy, get taken by the CIA
>...become a raging tyranny

Yeah, that science checks out.
He's dead, Jim.
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lick this *lifts up foot*
No matter how edgy you may think you are, if you actually knew what they did you would weep for him.
I hope he wastes 24 hours a day dilating. Fuck you 4chan for teaching me about boipussy dilation.
it appears so, but only if your case becomes popular and gets major media coverage
Most likely some guards raped him and he liked it.

Less than they did to me.

All I came out with was some light faggotry.

Xir is weak.
this dude was released purely to show us what mk ultra will do to you if you try to fuck with government.
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Kill it with fire
>height: 1m57cm
Forgot the " "
this is disgusting , what's wrong with you, anon?
MKULTRA is 50 years old. Just imagine what they have now.
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For anybody that doesn't think (((Wikipedia))) is liberal propaganda, tell me why there's an entire section dedicated to this in his/her/its bio
i would not because i would have never done what that piece of shit did.

Now with more brainwashing!
What did they do?
CIA black op
Oh, so I'm just gay just becuase I own a fairy wand to wish away niggers at work?
Then I weep for you.
women get lighter punishment for the same crime

stole a shit ton of classified intel and datas
leaked to wikileaks
no doubt soldiers were put in harms way and/or dead because of it

They still use the same premise.

But there's no real need for that program anymore when shit like this exists:


While it is useful to have someone with completely splintered identities for spying purposes; for simple control purposes, there are much better methods.
This one has different colored yoshis and squiggers.
The manning fiasco was all set up to push the gay agenda. All of it was an ellaborate show put on to the goyim to distract and gain sympathy. Good Goys. Good Goys.
This guy is so fucking retarded
worked for bruce after he ran over that person with his car
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shut up and start licking
I read a little bit about some of the stuff they did to manning

Trying to trick him into an escape attempt so they could legally kill him, throwing him into an isolation cell with no light for weeks on end, only punctuated by beatings from the guards coming into the room to keep him from falling asleep every couple hours, is probably just the tip of the fucking iceberg.
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Naw, the CIA pumped him full of mind-warping drugs, and the torture regimen probably included gelding and forced estrogen injections.

After that it was easy to brainwash him into a deluded tranny, honestly the best way to discredit a wikileaks source.
They would never say what went on - it's sexual. Mind control is always sexual.
They probably do that to all the political prisoners bruh, when you leak classified intel they're not gonna put you in baby's first prison.
>Dead burgers

So when does she get her 1.5 million from Trudeau? This woman is a hero.
Delet this
Post it
sleep deprivation torture will do that to you
We live in a time where a government agency can just brainwash a soldier into being a tranny cat lady/furry.

No one could have predicted this type of dystopia. I want to get off mr bones wild ride.

Didn't turn me into a tranny.

I bet he didn't even have to go 3 weeks without shitting.

Nigga this shit has been a thing since the 60s.
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>/pol/ this mad at a trannie BTFOing righties on twitter
Even Orwell wasn't this creative.
what did xe mean by this
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this guy got probed too much. the CIA probably felt bad enough to release him
you are very interesting and important
How has this faggot already figured out what twitter is?
This is considered someone the government has broken.
>before cia
Nigga have you seen his army pics or heard what his coworkers thought of him? He was low test and bipolar. Perfect setup for the "my penis is now a vagina" meme.
In a just, good world, every agent/officer/whatever involved in these torture schemes would be hanging from the end of a rope.

This isn't what white people should be doing. This is what monsters and psychopaths do.
Some deep state mkultra shit. It now communicates liberal propaganda in emoticons to the young.
This must be the price he payed to the devil for his freedom
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Hope '''her'''' dilation goes horribly wrong.
Stupid fuck.
Kek. I learned this yesterday too, it sounds awfully miserable. I'd just hold onto my dick instead of suffer through such torture.
This. Your testosterone drop completely if you don't get enough sleep. Combined with isolation where you are left alone with your thoughts to fester it's no wonder he became a cross dresser. The brain craves a change of environment but since its impossible the body finally goes crazy. This is also the reason why so many lonely neets are becoming cross dressers. They sit up all night every night by themselves and before you know it they think they're a woman because they cant change their situation from where and who they are.
>I honestly wonder what the fuck they did to him while he was locked up

Broomhandles up the arse until they broke his personality.
Was it this one? >>133198948
Also, don't forget to take out the hairball that accumulates in the back of your wounded hole!

> If hair is left on the scrotal skin, it can continue growing inside the vagina and it will be more difficult to keep the vagina clean. Normal skin shedding can accumulate on the hairs and bacteria can also accumulate eventually causing possible inflammation and infection. Also, with dilations and intercourse, some of the hairs can break off and wind up high up into the apex of the vagina, occasionally causing formation of a "hair ball" which can result in chronic irritation and infection
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If that's the case then how come all the Gitmo kebabs didn't turn into trannies?
They were alpha males with higher test and had a religion to hold onto. This traitor day got was low test, depressed, leftist and probably an atheist. Plus, that craving for attention from isolation.
So is it a cat now?
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>MKULTRA is 50 years old. Just imagine what they have now.
Michael Aquino doesnt even have a Wikipedia page anymore, even though he founded the Temple of Set and was an "Airforce Intelligence" officer.

They have contact with demons, lad.
One question: How is he/she/xer still alive and not assassinated by CIA?

nobody is giving them panties
Their culture doesn't allow that option at all. They believe other even crazier things instead and should never be allowed to leave.
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jesus christ
You're beginning to understand. Think of the ambiguity in a sentence like "In case of fire, do not use elevator."

Many people have trouble seeing the ambiguity, because of context. It is read as, "Don't use the elevator when there is a fire". But it could be evaluated as, "Don't use the elevator, or you'll cause a fire".

Human sensations, conceptions of the world and society, and even belief systems don't necessarily have an absolute. A hand held in hot water, when then placed in room temperature water, will feel cold. It is relative - the body and the mind both adapt to changes within ranges.

So when exposed to psychopathy for long enough periods of time, they come to believe psychopathy is normal. And removal of the psychopathic stimulus won't necessarily force them to recalibrate to some absolute normal. In fact, they usually just goon and recreate it. Not because they want to necessarily, but because somebody else - less righteous than they - inevitably will.

The idea of an army - that other men should totally control other men, that other men should order men to fight and die (and not compensate them much of anything for either), and that not doing this - or being against this - is weak, suspicious or unpatriotic - is a psychopath's wet dream.

That is not to say the army is not necessary. On the contrary - who would you rather win? Our psychopaths or the Macedonians, or the Russians, or the Parthians? But it is to say that it exists as it is: a culture devoted to violence of many kinds - personal and en masse - at the behest of often a psychopathic ruler. A culture which drags entire legions of otherwise peaceful men into pantomimes of the lowest circles of hell. All to satiate the desires of small, delusional men, with hearts of stone and minds of wolves.
He is a commie faggot, so Obama and the CIA saw fit to turn him into a useful tranny prop.

Notice how Democrats worship this fucking traitor now, all because he's a fucking tranny. It's disgusting.
Probably some heavy shit. Also, did LSD make him do that to his eyebrows?
You literally have to be mentally retarded to be a hero in liberal America
showing off their powerlevel by keeping this thing alive and in the public eye
>This is considered a victim of monarch programing
This video is guaranteed to activate your almonds as you fall asleep.
Because no amount of leakage could do anything to the CIA. They are untouchable. See Assange leaks. They leaked some hard shit and nothing happened. CIA is invincible.
Monarch butterfly confirmed.
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don't talk shit about catgirls you fucking faggot
<gets into defense position with tail curled between my backlegs> <shits myself> =w=
I bet you get off on this shit. Admit it!
>stick to values and principles
He is the Colonel that Paul Bonachi names bought Johnny Gosch.

It only makes sense.
being a satanist, maybe he wanted to look more owl-like.
Updated version.
Hairball edition
Did we taxpayers pay for the gender reassignment surgery?
Only a feminine thigh would have the needed fatty tissues needed to make a THiC dick sausage.
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Why of course.
Statist cuck detected
Do your burger friends a favor. Can't we pretend like this never existed?
>random zoomming on torn flesh
That's just what high level insider shitposting looks like.
I know we paid for the hormones. Didn't know it got its dick chopped off yet. Almost any other country would've just paid for a 7.62
Why does he write like teh Penguin of DoOm?
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What did he mean by that?
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Problem bigot?

holy shit that's real

What are all these trannys gonna do when they start getting male pattern baldness? Assuming they live that long, anyway
He hasn't been online in a few years.
Very sad.
Same thing would probably happen to Assange and Snowden.
I'm a weirdo too, who gives a fuck? In w/ he/she will do more and has sacrificed far more than the op of this thread-can't say I agree with either. I am more in favor of her patriotic leakage than this gay bread. That's all, Sage
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Who is this?
those boots taste good this time of year?
What a fucking faggot. And none of this stuff about patriotic leaking. Snowden was a patriotic leaker and uncovered some really heinous shit the NSA was doing to Amerixan citizens, and some of that shit was stopped. Seth Rich was a patriotic leaker and exposed some serious political corruption. All this little faggot did was to steal a bunch of videos of the army killing some shitskins in a war against shitskins. This mentally ill transvestite uncovered nothing and killed some CIA guys who were over there helping kill shitskins. Getting raped by a pack of AIDS ridden niggers is too good for this freak.
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pls tell me this is fake
read >>133201866
it's real :(
wake me up inside
~nyan nyan~
nice government secrets nyan
would hat to leek them :3

>three soldiers died today in a sudden attack...
>*footage of son of soldier crying about how his dad is gone forever*


They drugged him and tortured him until he went crazy, I'm not surprised.
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posting is a human right, not a mental illness

i don't think it's just the transgenderism (mental illness) that's doing this, the gov must have done some truly heinous shit to him
Wait wait.
If i commited a crime and go to Prison,if I claim that i'm female or anything near that,i go to the female prison?
>Be army intel weenie
>Leak shitloads of classified documents
>Get caught, sentenced to a million years in prison
>Oh fuck, I need to be the victim!
>Decide I'm a girl now
>Just as planned, Kang Obama pardons me because now I'm oppressed
>Fuck, I probably need to go through with dick removal surgery now. Oh well, worth it.
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yes, she
On some level, I feel like this is poetic justice. Being forced to 'dilate' (stretch) your fake vaginal canal daily, remove hair balls, fight infections constantly, and suffer from blood and discharge seems like a decent punishment for participating in the destruction of western civilization.

And for any faggot beta piece of shit who can't admit he's gay, and decides to fuck one of these freaks, fucking that festering wound and poking a fetid hairball with your urethra is decent punishment for him.

Until death is an option, at least.
Literally corrupted by the ruinous forces slanesh and nurgle.
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Are you excited about the dilation?
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I only go foe bunny cunny
Thanks for the giggle
>how was work today, honey?
That's a drag queen, not a tranny. And yes, there is a difference.
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Yeah this seems to be a point people miss.

Drag queens aren't trying to look like normal women, they go for wearing ridiculous caricatures of women as costumes.
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=^_^= Go fuck a Kangaroo's pouch, contract dick cancer and die. Nya. *swishes tail*
What an absolute freakshow this guy is. He needs his mental illness seeing to.
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How long was he isolation again (which is torture officially)?
Why are you so desperate for (You)s?
it kinda went the opposite of your statement

>I'm a woman now
>this traitor should be rotting in a prison cell
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I wasn't aware that not being miserable 24/7 was a mental illness in britain
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Dude, what the fuck.

He went from being a locked up soldier to a DeviantArt user.
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>He went from being a locked up soldier
It's not like he was Rambo before.
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Is the bitch at least PASSABLE yet...??
that shit seriously fucks with me so hard. There is zero chance they didn't know that fucking outfit wouldn't be uncanny and spooky as fuck.
wait so sex changes get rid of the testes? where do their hormones come from
They are delusional. They think it's a cute display of creativity rather than a nightmarish fever dream. Kids get freaked out by clowns, I can't imagine them being ok with that freak show.
>locked up

Khajiit is innocent of this crime
It's the fucking beard and eye shadow that makes it so fucking creepy.

It's also a man in a dress.
What is light faggotry?

What did he mean by this?
And the massive amount of skin colored blush put on the skin to give it that smooth leathery look. Don't forget the eye contacts or the fake hooked fingernails.

I mean seriously look at the cheekbones, its painted with make up to give it that retardedly prominent look
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not "this" --> IT

Honestly, I'm sorry for you.

I'm sorry that you lost yourself.

Surgery isn't going to fix you, it's only going to lead to regrets and even more self-doubt (I know it sounds counter-intuitive)
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Didnt read the thread.
But, what would you expect couple years of detention and mind altering and god knows what else they did to him. The engine is still running but there is nobody behind the wheel, that is for sure.

Also, i would like to believe that by posting this "nonsense" hes deceiving his watchdogs and is playing a part that he is insane/changed/whatever.
poor guy, this is what annihilation looks like
Im positive the government gave him drugs to forget shit. Goin queer was just a side effect.
aaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhh STAHP
granted normal vaginas can be messy but this is just beyond the pale
>has xy in twitter handle

Is that a cry for help?
How are whistleblowers a traitors?
They are literally doing you a favour by letting you know what shady practices your state is doing behind your back.
Then again, you could be another American obese loser who uses that bike at Walmart.
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Hitler did nothing wrong.
The recruiter who okayed that guy for the military should have his sanity checked.
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Nah, can't say that's the case anymore.
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> mfw the white race is going extinct
"Common Filth" was right.

LSD and Sissy hypno for sure.
Kek, the word hero has lost all meaning in this country.
you need to see a therapist immediately.
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You know...balls are mean to be warm and safe not cold...um...f-forget I said anything.
Want to hang out?
I agree that taxation is theft to some degree but I don't see how would public utilities/school/healthcare work without them.

Unending anal rape and testicle stomping?
It's working on Sweden so why not this girl (male)?
That's the thing: they wouldn't.
Private X > Public X
why'd obama let him out?
No shit, he didn't link to any lewds
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>muh roads
Also I'd be so fucking glad if you'd caught 42°C body temperature but wouldn't have money for private doctor.
Mentals like you should be prosecuted.
Also public schools are objectively better than private school, even though they need some reforms.
Statism: a religion of peace.
Free health services means that young women can be more easily independent from their husbands and fathers. If you have that then society falls apart, Anon.

Choose between roads and a society which is being taken over by foreigners or a society without publically funded roads (like in the 19th Century) that survives.
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>not being a fundamentalist
Jarheads would look fucking weird behind a desk, though.
They'll sign anyone up. Literally. Anyone.
>being a statist
Well written, burger, well written.
Liberty is great but how many freedoms do you need? I think many people are getting pretty fucking fed up with people using tolerance and freedom to just "do whatever they want." It's shit.

You people need some structure, some guidelines, some god damn responsibility.
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>burger meme
A state can't exist without a religion, that's why you're the enemy for ever, dim-witted imperialist slob.
It's kind of horrifying the government probably performed the most soul destroying torture and forced sissyfication to Bradley. Yet as soon as his sentence is commuted he is seen as some kind of hero to the left precisely because he had a sex change. If he told the truth he'd become a hated pariah who is harming "TRANS" community by claiming his sex change is the result of torture
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I need all the freedoms.
>You people need some structure, some guidelines, some god damn responsibility.
The only "rule" you need is the NAP.
No step on snek, and all's good.
Not the case senpai.
>I honestly wonder what the fuck they did to him while he was locked up

Hey shareblue, still posting this meme in every american traitor thread, i see.

They didn't do anything to him. It was an open and shut case. there was no need to extract information from him, they had the logs from the computer systems. They caught him red-handed.

What really happened is this pussy realised that if he wanted to get sympathy cards from the marxists in our american government, he would have to become the most oppressed classification possible: the one who is oppressed by your own biology.

Do I claim that the guards "like" traitors? That they should be "extra nice" to someone who endangered, nay, directly caused the deaths of Americans? No I do not. But Bradley Manning is a pussy, so he became a pussy not only in name, but in multiple deeds (treason, chopping off his dachshund)
Just because you fooled yourself into believing that you have an understanding of statecraft, doesn't believe anyone else is fooled by your song and dance.

Anon., you're silly. Political science is dead while people are falling back onto religion and race, only an imperialist denies it.
An hour with Bill Clinton.
Posting over an ebin nu-woman thread
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anyone still wondering why snowden isn't going back?
I deny it because I know fuckall about gen z.
If they become mindless, religious statists, then that's a shame, but I do hope that it's not gonna be the case.
he looks like marilyn mansons gay brother
>anyone still wondering why snowden isn't going back?
Because that behaviour is part of the deal.
He was promised freedom and the trade was to use his public image as murican hero to be a subversive degenerate
more like a sideshow.
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>a time when Marilyn Manson is not the gay one in a joke
I hope they trick him into sex reassignment surgery and ends up like the ones crying about how they have ruined themselves.
Savage mode engaged
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This is what anime does to young men around the world. Ban anime now!!

> Traitors
> Still breathing

Any nation worth its place in history hangs its subterfugers
It's a xe, you faggot why can't you learn xis prnonoun.
Emojis were literally invented for people who have no valid arguments but still want retweets from underage imbeciles because "Look a monkey with ice cream emoji, how cuuuuuute!"
The Disneyland of faggotry.
Literally for nothing else but his transgender con artism brought him out of prison.
>They have contact with demons, lad.
No they don't. What they do has to do with blood and sex and is absolutely disgusting. No need to make it supernatural - it's already horrifying enough.
Only in the big US of A. Here in the European countryside you only would be a joke on some shitposting joke site. Gott sei Dank.
>Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It's just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates. In its highest ranks even British Intelligence uses the back passage.
>When initiating children, the Alpha Lodge maintains: the younger the better, for a number of reasons I won't go into. Our methodology is that the child is deprived of food and sleep for days. Depending on how they react, sometimes beatings are employed. Occasionally the child is made to take part in sacrifices. The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the child's third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities.
>...the great majority of Masons...are never informed that the "All-Seeing Eye" of their symbolism refers not to sight, but to the genitals, the Eye of Hoor, which is the anus, and which signifies the homosexual or bisexual commitment of our present ruling class, the World Order of the Canaanites.
This is really disturbing. What was the whole story? Why did they chase the tranny and beat him to death? What would you do in such a situation? Would you try to defuse it or would you be too scared? (you would join the mob, so funny)
I wonder if I had it in me, to help that motherfucker.
>posting on an anime imageboard

We've come a long way.
>see I'm a a man just like you xD I like videogames and sports and action movies! Let's get a beer and watch football bro!
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1MB, 2000x1336px
he's posing as a woman and a weeb
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39KB, 552x484px
I would say "She's cute" if she wasn't the result of sick CIA experiments.
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