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Syria General /sg/ - The Ongoing Saga Edition

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Thread replies: 307
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Raqqa Jul 8
>E Ghouta Jul 8
>Mosul Jul 8
>Hama/Homs Jul 6
>Palmyra Jul 5
>SE Syria Jun 29
>Daraa Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul9
Ru, US agree to ceasefire in SW Syria (southern Daraa, Quneitra and As-Suwayda provinces), started July 9th
>HTS conducts massive anti-ISIS raids across Idlib gov
>SAA reported to break through Jihadist stronghold In Ayn Tarma, East Ghouta, potential breakthrough into rest of pocket
>DeZ: IS assault stopped by SAA in Panorama area
>Idlib: Jihadist civilwar continues,HTS takes over hill overlooking Ahrar Al-sham base in Bab Al-Hawa area
>E Ghouta: HTS & allies attack JaI. SAA capture more land in Ayn Tarma
>HTS raids IS base in W Idlib, capture IEDs planted in vehicles, motorcycles, explosive belts, weapons
>US refuses Russia’s offer to inspect Shayrat Airbase for CW
>OPCW ignores possibility Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack was staged
>unconfirmed: Kurdish forces might transfer power to Sy gov in N Aleppo
>Rebel commander assassinated by 'unknown side' in attempt to prevent recon agreement in Qalamoun
>224 civilians killed by US airstrikes since Kurdish forces entered Raqqa
>ISF claims Mosul's Old City liberated

Prev: >>133008809
First for blockbuster movie of OP pic!
All posts below this line are nothing but useless Soviet propaganda that should be ignored :
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DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:00 P.M.) – With the intensity of clashes reaching an unprecidented peak on the eastern fringes of Damascus, the Free Syrian Army’s (FSA) Failaq Al-Rahman launched a failed counter-attack on Sunday, resulting in the death of approximately 20 rebel militants.

Meanwhile, FSA anti-tank units conducted two consecutive strikes earlier in the day. The first attack targeted a gathering of Republican Guard units who where standing behind a sand barrier which proved to be a lifesaver for the unsuspecting government soldiers:
The second attack proved more succesful as a US-manufactured TOW missile scored a direct hit on a T-72 tank in the Ayn Tarma suburb:

Similar to a video released by the very same FSA group a couple days ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) armored vehicle was not immobilized upon impact.

With the FSA and SAA battling it out in East Damascus, two rival jihadist factions – Jaish Al-Islam and Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham – are fighting each other in the neighboring East Ghouta.

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It goes well with this #1 bestselling book
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:30 P.M.) – After a major advance by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) today in the district of Ayn Tarma, whereby the SAA attacked the suburb from four axes capturing large parts of its southern and western areas, Faylaq al-Rahman militants launched a counter-attack in a bid to retake the areas wrestled from them. In doing so the Islamists only succeeded in sustaining large losses.

Faylaq Al-Rahman rebels had hoped to surprise the SAA and eject its troops from the newly liberated areas before they consolidated control. However, in the event this was not to be as government soldiers were already well-prepared for any counter-attack.

The Islamist militants were to walk into a number of ambush zones set up for them by the SAA throughout the newly liberated areas.

According to a military source, the main component of the ambushes was the use of pre-dialed zones of fire by SAA artillery units. This served to break-up militant concentrations as they approached the contact line.

Reports say that Faylaq al-Rahman lost more than 20 fighters killed in action, the majority of which died as a result of SAA artillery strikes.
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DAMASCUS, SYRIA (8:30 P.M.) – On Sunday, ISIS insurgents launched a localised counter-attack in the eastern countryside of Homs, targeting the newly liberated Al-Mashirfah hill that overlooks the long-standing government fortification of Jubb Al-Jarrah.

Preluded by a succesful suicide bombing, an elite ISIS Inghimasi unit assaulted the government-held hilltop which is located some 60 kilometers east of the provincial capital.

As fierce firefights continued for several hours, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) finally withdrew from the strategic point on Sunday afternoon. Amaq Agency claimed 20 SAA soldiers were killed following the attack, primarily due to the initial car bombing.

Upon enquiring with a military source stationed in the area, Al-Masdar News was informed that the hill had indeed fallen although the alleged death toll could not be confirmed.

The SAA is now regrouping for a counter-attack to recapture Al-Mashirfah hill which nevertheless remains under firm Islamic State control for now.

Since launching a large-scale government offensive earlier this month, the SAA’s Desert Hawks Brigade, Military Shield Forces and National Defence Forces have liberated a handful of villages across the provincial border between Homs and Hama, a region representing a massive ISIS salient that stretches across much of central Syria.

Fucken Inghimashi elites fighting EXCLUSIVELY SAA, I swear..
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Press F
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) – The Ahrar al-Sham Islamist faction has released a 9-minute propaganda video showing its sniper service in action against pro-government forces throughout several embattled regions of Syria.

Based on the footage shown, it appears that the favored weapon of choice for Ahrar al-Sham’s snipers is the Soviet-built, semi-automatic Dragunov design which uses a standard rifle-caliber bullet.

This stands in contrast to better-armed jihadist factions such as the Islamic State whose snipers have been repeatedly seen to use high-powered anti-materiel rifles (some of them remote-controlled) of various designs.

Though Ahrar al-Sham’s rifle-caliber Dragunovs are limited in range compared to the anti-materiel rifles used by ISIS, the Islamist group’s snipers are shown to be exceptional shots, hitting their intended targets at distances well beyond the recommended range of the Dragunov (which is about 800 meters).

At least a dozen snippets are shown of Ahrar al-Sham snipers landing shots at likely up to one-and-a-half kilometers, where the drop curvature of the bullet is clearly apparent.

In the video, it appears that not all kills boasted by the Islamist group were in fact hits-on-target. Nonetheless most of the claims made are visibly provable.

It is quite possible that many of Ahrar al-Sham’s snipers have been trained by well-paid foreign specialists.

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>The Syrian army controls a number of blocks of buildings from its positions southeast of "Kneb Snapple" towards the "good markets" from the west in the valley of Ain
>الجيش السوري يسيطر على عدد من كتل الابنية انطلاقا من مواقعه جنوب شرق "كازية سنبل" باتجاه "اسواق الخير" من الجهة الغربية في وادي #عين_ترما
What is Kneb Snapple and good markets?
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (4:15 P.M.) – An amateur video published by a Turkish soldier on Facebook emerged on Sunday showing what appears to be the beheaded bodies of militants wearing the People’s Protection Units’ (YPG) insignia.

The highly graphic video depicts Turkish-speaking men in uniform holding the severed heads of Kurdish fighters whose bodies lay dead on the ground. Viewer discretion is advised:

Al-Masdar News cannot independently verify the footage nor the exact location of the footage.Nevertheless, summary executions are common place for the Turkish Army during counter-insurgency operations against the PKK or its sister branch, the YPG. Another similar video featured the execution of female PKK militants was also leaked a couple months ago.

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>not posting the full version
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:50 P.M.) – The Syrian Ministry of Defense released video footage on Sunday that showed their armed forces, alongside Hezbollah and Liwaa Fatemiyoun, liberating most of the Al-Hayl Gas Field.

The video footage above was captured by the Ministry of Defense during Saturday’s advance, when the Syrian Army’s 5th Corps and their allies broke-through the Islamic State’s main line of defense at the Al-Hayl Gas Field.

In addition to the Syrian Army’s ground operations, the video footage shows Russian and Syrian jets pounding the Islamic State with a barrage of airstrikes.

While the majority of the gas field is under Syrian Army control, the Islamic State is still clinging onto a small portion of this site in order to slow down the government’s advance to the key city of Sukhnah.

Sukhnah is the Islamic State’s last stronghold in the Homs Governorate; it is also strategically located along the main highway to the Deir Ezzor Governorate.

Annexion of /ptg/ by /sg/ when ?
Nice. Though tell me mate, what if the cold war had gone hot in 1989 or 1990? Would Nato had been able to stop the Soviet attack without using nuclear weapons? These recent wars have shown that Russian tanks equipped with ERA are able to withstand tows(older models) and other western atgms and certainly the Soviets would be using top of the line models of T-72 and T-80s unlike the monkey models the one arabs used.
Considering the inventory of the soviet army and airforce
There was alot of material they had in-store for war. What is your opinion?
I only saw this for the first time today, I'm still laughing
Sonbol benzin station and "good market" in Ain Terma
the way the story is told here their army was almost non-existent then. full of heroin, gear in disrepair, I believe trump would have called it "a mess"
"Benzin" is German kek, I'm not sure how is it in English, the place where you tank your car!
And the name of the market seems to be indeed "Good Market"
Well, Al-Masdar covered most of the recent developments, other than that a push in Quneitra, closing on Jihadi stronghold on Golan border and significant gainz in Ain Terma.

Benzin is an alternative word for gas in many languages.
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When I think about it, I can't find a reason why Islam still exists in the 21st century.
What is the secret of it's continuity and adaptation ?
I don't understand why "muslims" think they're obliged to fast in ramadan, for example.

Scary thing is, its not going anywhere, and it will swallow and outlive any and all opposition.

Personally I belive that what happens is the sole good, and since Islam happened and is still going, dare I say then, that it is for humanity's good ?
Petrol/gas station i guess.
Must be Al Fi'ir Markets.
Could be something like this
>I'm not sure how is it in English
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>Personally I belive that what happens is the sole good

Oh man this is bluepilled on a whole other level
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>What is the secret of it's continuity and adaptation ?
They behead anyone who tries to change Islam
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Hey Assadist faggots.
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures of Assad, Putin and the SAA. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of Jews, Sunnis and Americans because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Suheils”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
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what type of communist munafiq are you ?
I'm inclined to believe NATO would win, but there's no way nukes wouldn't be involved.
Yeah, in my language too
Compare it to Vatican, the structures are similar and the success of these two as well.
>What is the secret of it's continuity and adaptation ?
the people that follow it don't adapt to mdoern times thus the religion can continue existing
>What is the secret of it's continuity and adaptation ?
hardship tends to have people turn to religion
Stop spamming you fucking autist.
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Hi John
They clearly aim at cutting Jobar off and forcing the remaining Jihadis to surrender

oh man, the memories. That was one of the first (if not the first) video of the conflict I saw from these threads.
Why would /sg/ annex /ptg/? that would lower the quality of /sg/ considerably, we are only interested in annexing territory that adds value to /sg/
oh and your posts have been must better right?
>adapt to modern times
yeah """modernism"""" has turned good for your nation
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 P.M.) – Reports have just come in from the front in eastern Homs that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies, in their ongoing advance towards the strategic town of al-Sukhnah, have captured most of a key mountain chain which overlooks areas of the al-Hayl gas field that have thus far eluded their control.

After liberating the rump of the al-Hayl gas field yesterday, the SAA today achieved the capture of most the hilltops within the al-Qalilat mountain chain to the northwest of the al-Hayl area.

In addition to securing this strategic stretch of high-ground which overlooks the al-Hayl complex, the SAA also managed to kill over twenty (20) ISIS terrorists.

After the advance made today, the northern part of the al-Hayl complex which is still controlled by ISIS should soon be abandoned by the terrorist group due to the fact the jihadists are now under the fire control of the SAA’s artillery.

There are additional benefits to this latest advance, for the area of the al-Qalilat mountain chain already captured today also offers fire control over a large stretch of the remaining road between the al-Hayl complex and the strategic town of al-Sukhnah. It serves to not only give pro-government forces an ideal terrain for taking the remainder of the al-Hayl area and defending their new positions from any possible ISIS counter-attack, but also to ease the remainder of the journey to al-Sukhnah itself.

lurk moar newfag
it's a meme
Annexion of (inferior thing) by (superior thing) when ?
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please give link to streaming

what adaptation?
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At first I thought you might be a new fag, but then I saw that you are actually a retard with nothing better to do than agravate people on /pol/.

Good job. Now must go here >>>/r/eddit

Also this is your last (you) from me so better enjoy it.
>posting news
checks out, go eat a dick UN cuck
With this development it seems that the push to encircle the whole east Homs area will start in Rasafah, after Suknah is secured, and Shia militias will try to link up with 124th (rebranded 30th) and the Tigers somewhere in the middle, maybe around al-Kauk area.
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kys kafir.
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Way the frontline is looking and after the statements on mission objectives, it's starting to look like they're gonna bulldoze their way through half of Ain Terma in order to encircle Jobar. kek
>I don't understand why "muslims" think they're obliged to fast in ramadan, for example.
intermitant fasting is super healthy and a great way to loose weight M8, the human body is not made for 3 meals a day.
Most of the time i don't eat a single thing before 19H, water is cool tho
Jewish Jew
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>Qatar charities, including those targeted by Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Gulf dispute, have signed $8.5m worth of agreements with various UN agencies to finance aid workers on the ground in Syria.

This will end well, it must. Notice how Al-Jazeera doesn't even tell us what charity work will be done, it just goes on a rant about how people accusing these "charities" of terrorism are cold heartless bastards.

What stream? Astana and G20 ended, Geneva is in 2 or 3 days I think.
wtf i love honor killings now
Ebin post shitmap pl0x
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/pol/ moderators have been compromised, they're coming after you faggets.
>autobiography written by someone else
/pol/ pls...
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sorry i was thinking in Autismo Cup, already found it
>white helmets

I was right!

>>once again, no one cares.
Yes. Because what happens was fated as a result of a previous unchangeable chain of causes and effects.
The chain began with an unknown first cause.
The word good means "appropriate". Not a question of good or evil.
And since the current reality is your only option, for your own sake you'd better consider it good.

>the stoic bluepill

Yeah but they do it for imaginary reasons.

It still exists, eventhough in an unauthentic form, compared to the times of the alleged prophet.
How accurate is this?
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wtf I love FSA now
>yeah """modernism"""" has turned good for your nation
Actually one of the biggest problems with his nation is diaspora like you, so it comes back full circle to (you)
Oh, alright, sorry.
Yup, also significant flow of reinforcements seems that they're really commited to take Jobar finally, it was a thorn in the back for SAA last couple of years, sort of a honour thing of "Damas is ours", no matter countless lives are lost there.
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switch isis and fsa
Whoever missed it, latest Hezbollah releases:

Syrian attack aircraft operational at the Kuweires Airbase: rare video
Andrew Illingworth - 09/07/2017
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:07 A.M.) - Video evidence has been released of light attack aircraft on the tarmac at the Kuweires Military Airport in eastern...

VIDEO: Syrian Army tanks race headlong towards ISIS bastion in southern...
Editor's picks 02/07/2017
The battle of al-Qusayr, 2013 – The underestimated victory: 40-minute OZ...
Analysis 21/06/2017
You should include the At Tanf buffer zone radius

Liberals are now, I shit you not, accusing Assad of biological warfare.


For the uninformed, Stat is owned by the Boston Globe, one of the shittier "progressive liberal" newspapers.
What is the economic policy of FSA? I know ISIS is very decentralized so that's why I view them as more libertarian in ta sense.
So if i see the map correctly if we get Suk next is DeZ?
Could you people kindly fuck off with your meaningless and silly entertainment?
Nonono, after Suknah, the encirclement of the east Homs turbo-pocket should be the primary objective, there's thousands of IS militants there, it's their largest gathering other than along Euphrates.

Jizya pays for everything
What is the economic policy of FSA: a tl;dr
>get (((material support))) from US, roachistan, gulf incestfamilies etc
>sell to nusra
women are children in adult bodies they will always work to serve their own selfish interests at the loss of the community greater good
they always want to rebel at social structures yet constantly seek an strong authoritarian figure to protect them (that's why they always vote more to the left for bigger government involvement and nanny states)
the biggest mistake made by the west is thinking that women can lead nation and that their opinion is relevant
but you cannot reason with immature being that's why women will be always spearheading depravation (transgenderism, open border, anti religion etc.)
i could spend the afternoon redpilling you the the matter but i unfortunately don't have time
check out this vid as a starter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxpVwBzFAkw
This, maybe regular /pol/ wants to see it, or they could take it to a sub-reddit
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pic related
>#Syria Some #Tartus #Tartous #NDF soldiers who are heading to #Raqqa #Raqqah region to participate in battles against #ISIS #IS #Daesh
I'm inclined to believe the Rusafa-Suknah push will start any second now, so they reach Sukhnah simultaneously. Capturing Mount Dahiq should be on top of the agenda to control the western flank.
do you think they will encircle them? or just make slow progress? surely if ISIS retreat before the encirclement, retaking the eupherates is going to be alot harder?
>implying open borders isn't part of the progressivism mindset
>implying liberalism doesn't destroy nations with different tools
drop the blue pill
Also fresh Syrian MoD releases, well worth the watch:

nice will watch later
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Wow assad is now using Biological 4D chess now.
The Kurdish independence referendum in Iraq seems to be inevitable. What are the odds of Iraqi Kurdistan gaining independance and becoming a safe, stable and internationaly recongised country? And in what timeframe?
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that's nice and all but if i want the "why is the west fucked" discussions i will go to the 50+ daily threads on the subject
I'm not sure, see >>133020601 it indicates that indeed 3rd of the 5th shock troopers were headed elsewhere (probably east Homs) and they're going to use Tigers exclusively for the push, don't know if it's going to start soon because it's a huge operation, so lots of time is needed for logistics.
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Amaq released some pictures of the Sinai attack.
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Right, and that is where diaspora like you come into play, they use you as those tools. I did like your response with the YT link, cheers m8.
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Amaq captuing Sinai for Israel like good boys they are.
Iraqi Kurdistan is already the best part of Iraq, most safe, stable and prospering in terms of economy.
Abadi will not allow them to gain any kind of internationally understood sovereignity though, no matter the outcome of referendum.
Yes, I think they will, but at the same time pressure will be put on east Homs from the western side.
is that why you are blue pilled then ?
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>0933 ▶
>File: sinai4.jpg (194 KB, 640x360)
>>>133020902 (You)
>when your ballistic skill is ork tier
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learn ffs, it ain't that hard, start with these four (learn the forms)

that's the joke you dumb burgershart
Just to remind, the final outcome was 26 Egyptian soldiers/police killed, IS used 2 SVBIEDs, lost 40 militants and 6 pickups.
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/end gallery
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nah he's right, it's too off topic
ok i see, so still some time till they rescue DeZ, sad but keeps it interesting at least
immigration and """tolerance""" to refugees is a pawn in the greater picture
i just don't understand the people cheering for muh progressive west and crying at the consequences and the fall of the west
cognitive dissonance at it's best
>Abadi will not allow them to gain any kind of internationally understood sovereignity though, no matter the outcome of referendum.
what about if Iran backs them to fuck with him?
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al-Hail frontline
Abadi can only do little in the case of a unilateral declaration of independence. If the Kurds actually do it, will the international community adopt Kurdistan as a legit new country?
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>tfw someone saved my screenshot
>tfw I successfully contaminated people with my Farfour fixation
Very good read for anyone who's working in field of counter-terrorism regarding IS future after Mosul
So that's the power of the strongest army of africa...

Didn't know bedouins had tanks tbqh
i was answering to his off topic answer to the off topic question of syrianon tho
child sex slaves baby
Honestly the only thing that keeps Iraqi Kurdistan out of Iraqi autonomy is Peshmerga.
I think Iran doesn't fuck with it's political proxies
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I just got back from church. We get the strategic garage yet?
Is that Lithuania?
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lad, the things you post is shit i already know and acknowledge
It's just incredibly repetitive and off-topic
And it also doesnt make islam less backwards
yep that's exactly how it happened, I watched the one with the bee too but his head was too freaky imo
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>strongest army of africa
>not algeria

>inb4 muh stats
doesn't matter when you get constantly BTFO by isis and israel
We'll see. Indeed, the offensive from Rusafa will probably be a wide one (won't only follow 1 road).
But the reporter heading there kind of indicates it's about to happen any day now.
Sinai had plenty of time to get materials and manpower for a serious offensive like this one.
Yeah, Deir ez-Zor is very hard to reach, mostly because IS concentration of troops in frontlines against under-manned SAA, east Homs and Khayr/High Euphrates
this, I tried 36-hour fasting, apparently this is what my intestines need to regenerate.

>sodomites are whipping their dicks out in the streets in broad daylight
>he wonders why people still want Islam
some people still haven't accepted gay dicks in their kids faces yet I guess
>literally the current century
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/ptg/ against /eire/ now i think next game is ours
The anti-Erdogan march in Istanbul has concluded, "hundreds of thousands" were in attendance.

How so?
This guy looks more like a sci-fi baddie than a human at this stage. How much longer can they really keep him kicking?
that's your problem
what you call backwardness is the gatekeeper against degeneracy and the fall of civilizations
violence is the true redpill not tolerance
its better for us if /ptgw/ wins this one
Isis is pretty redpilled when it comes to economy. They made a whole 1 hour documentary about why a Gold backed currency is necessary to defeat (((the global banking scheme)))
>egyptian competence
i've heard that it's a myth
yeah what's with his facial expression, looks mad, which might explain the stuff he was doing to cats and tigers.
>I think Iran doesn't fuck with it's political proxies
you think Haider is that far gone?
Yeah but starch is fucking them over, SAD!
lmao ok I gotta watch a little bit more now
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wew lad keep in mind isis in sina have a border with israel but they choose to attack arabs.
Spoken like Lahey, you've got this special something in you, Jim!
The MoD luckily learned a thing or two and (maybe with a bit of help from Ruskies) they've stopped to let the whole world now that this exact amount of forces will be striking this exact location on this exact day.
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>what you call backwardness is the gatekeeper against degeneracy and the fall of civilizations
Gee,it's almost like both systems have (many) flaws
we are fucked
yeah hey are being butt-fucked
Yes, his reaction to Mosul was indicating it like nothing else, when he was praising PMU, over Iraqi Federal Police or the Golden, which did the most and took the most losses for that matter.
How not so?
>that's the joke you dumb burgershart
Oh really? I didn't know that was the joke, like after the first 50 times he did it I thought "maybe he's LARPing as Maghrebi as a joke" but then I must have just went on being a dumb burgershart and not realized that was him trying to make a joke after the next 100 times he did it.
If you had read further down into the thread I told him how old it had gotten and complimented him on his own personal posting style that he has, when he's not pretending to be Maghrebi.
Thanks for the link mate.
But we don't need Islam to know faggots are bad.
>Yes, his reaction to Mosul was indicating it like nothing else, when he was praising PMU, over Iraqi Federal Police or the Golden, which did the most and took the most losses for that matter.
wow, I missed that.
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You're welcome lad!
>But we don't need Islam to know faggots are bad.
one has to look at China to see that
violence against dissident may make a civilization less confortable but it will keep shit running in the long term
that's why nazi were doing so good even tho they persecuted dissidents thinkers
society well being>individual freedumbs

(captcha: boundary street. what did they mean by this ?)
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maybe, but others do
Shit man, I don't know. I'm not an expert in these matters like most of you guys in /sg/. Or maybe I interpreted your post wrong.
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we belong to the Church of Maghreboi, we believe that impersonating Maghreboi as faithfully as we can will one day summon him back.

Behead those who insult our church.
That's where you are wrong friend. All values up to this time came from relligion, straight.
Without it, we're bags of meat with dicks and hedonistic ideas.
There's no moral laws in human nature.
>ISIS Apologized To Israel For Attacking IDF Soldiers
Actually no the muslim fasting is not healthy at all because you are just putting your organism in stress and causing it to burn fat that it usually doesn't then when you gorge yourself becuse you do, then you body will store as much fat as it can because it thinks food has become scarce.

Christian fasting is ok though, since its just removing meat from your diet.
>tfw China no longer recognizes faggotry as a mental illness

This needs to be changed back.
religious dogmatism is a beacon that keep the """"""free thinkers""""" from straying away into degeneracy
You are right..
I have morals without being religious. How is that explained ?
>#Syria #Hama #EasternHama #SAA #SyrianArmedForces #SyrianArabArmy #Syrian - Photos from Soldiers operation @ Eastern #Salamiyah Countryside
Well clearly we need something, because there's a strong link between people who disregard their religious laws (not just apostates but also people who dismiss what their sacred texts say about fags being an abomination) and fag and their enablers.
I've simply meant that if Peshmerga was none-existent, Iraqi Kurdistan would turn to a shithole like rest of the country is, because the federal law would be forced unto them.
>I'm not an expert in these matters like most of you guys in /sg/.
Haha, fuck no, nowadays we have maybe 5 posters who knows their stuff, don't be afraid to ask questions related to the conflict!
t. i have no clue of what i'm talking about
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kek, i like how they always claim that they hate the jews and want to kill them but they only manage to kill Muslims and Christians.
makes me wonder.
Your ancestors were given these moral obligations by their ancestors whose ancestors grew in the knowledge and law passed on them by the people who found their inner morals in the thousands of years of understanding there's more to life than fucking to make children and eating.
Not an argument.
I see.
M8 when meme flags started and Maghrebois was using the pirate flag Jewish Jew LARPed as Maghrebi a few times. After this went on for a few hours I pulled off a LARP as our Spongeposter that even tricked Maghrebi himself into thinking that I was Jewish Jew LARPing as him.
But after that I stopped. You know why? Because it would have been overdoing it if I'd continued.
Also the odds of him returning are less likely when you get your kicks to the fake one, what reason does he have to come back?
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>Photo from visit to house of Brigadier General Issam Zahreddine - Shown in Middle of photo is his Mother Zahrat & Brother Mohammed
what does this mean

Just now, heavy Russian bombing (might be Tu22M) hitting IS positions in Deir ez-Zor, indicating they were ready for an assault tonight.
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>replying seriously
>being this autismal
>I have morals without being religious. How is that explained ?
unfortunately a part of the population needs something to explicitly tell them what is good or bad and to keep them away from degeneracy
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I was thinking as if I spawned out of thin air.
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is trump autistic or something?
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Also, since I've already used it and no one else will make money out of it, identification of people in pic related.
good find, but not quite Farfour
Unless your in ketosis your body will burn the carb first then the protein, then the fat and when we see what muslim do during the fast and what they eat after i'm sure the body will never get to start burning fat

For stocking more fat it's false : you only have one meal so you only have on insulin spike wich is the thing (can't remember the name) that actualy tells you body to store fat

Look on the interner Keto+ intermitant fasting is a great way to lose fat fast

anyway it's of topic were not on /fit/
Technically its good

In reality its only a tweet so may not indicate anything at all.
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>Ivan censored the word "fuck" on the t-shirt

Seriously, Ivan? Fucking seriously?
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>tfw I like everything he's doing at home but I hate his involvement in the middle east
i could debunk what you said but talking out of your ass and pseudo scientism isn't really worth a debate
so have a non-argument instead
The thing is we have some 40 thousand years of history of not spawning of thin air my friend.
2 years old but it might be of interest to you.
>The Covert Origins of ISIS
You mean the diet that bodybuilders use?

It's also a incredibly easy way to become a lard ass if you do it.
They do the diet then after they end it they go and eat 20 hamburgers.
Ivan is a smart, wholesome young gentleman. he is being polite
>that fat tranny soldier
Does Issam have connections to US Spec Ops guys?
did the game start lads?
you have to hit 36-hours to really get the health benefits (beyond losing weight). Apparently this cures diabetes.
Fair point. I just miss the real one.
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don't we all, don't we all...
Where does it say that it's written by someone else? "Ben Garrison press" doesn't mean this meme book was written by Ben Garrison. Do you even know how books work?

we play next in like 5-10 minutes
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What are they chanting and is it bagdad or mosul?

/ptg/ just lost to /eire/. We're next
can't cure diabetes but you can delay it long enough if you have a healty life style (if you have genes predisposed to diabetes i mean)
t. medanon
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This is how you know the guy wearing it is illiterare.

Occasionaly my local facebook will blow up with pics of women wearing chinese made clothes with hilarious slurs.

My way of thinking is a product of wishful individuality. I sometimes think how "insulting" and humbling the way Man comes into life. I wish I was born from thin air, or that I created my self.

I dont know whether the previous is a result of sexual shame.
that sucks for us
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How long before another (((gas))) attack happens.
any chance the czech lad will write a poem for maghreboi
Micks beat the oranges.
You saw this I guess?
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Hello master baker, how are you?
dam zalh alwarf
"may the flowerfull live long"
I might be wrond tho
sucks that they are not doing 6 games ... home - away thing
If we win Trumps out
Good luck on the game /sg/
This, humans need religion for society to function probably, sure some people don't religion to moral but still being raised religious will strengthen the morality.
will watch but what does it mention other then US funding isis?
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his work rivals shakespeare
They there pakistanbro! Just got in and i'm looking forward to the game... it's stupid but it makes me laugh due to models and stuff.. how are you ?
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Construction bro here.


What do we need to stay?
There are celebrations in all Iraq
If ISIS doesn't retake the narrative with a spectacular attack in Europe or a new occupation of territory it has simply got BTFO
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+ /ptg/ lost 2:1 vs /eire/
thats not good cause we have to win and score more points than them
/sg/ must win against /britpol/ or we're out
I see your funny activities of following an electronic game start again, so it's a perfect time to take a bath, will catch up in an hour!
do we advance on -3-3 draw?
Not even a tie?
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Have a bonus pic of Rafi bro
mate tea?
kek! tfw i'm waiting for the game to end to take that bath!

See you soon polandbro!
>don't religion to moral
don't need religion to be moral*
fuck i need to sleep.
Any win = we win
Draw 3-3 or more = we win
Draw 2-2 = we play with ptg again( or at least i think so)
Draw 1-1 and 0-0 = we lose
I think so.
Thanks. We are a bit fucked
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Get in faggots
kek! not that fucked as our national team who always depends on others results to have any change to qualify further!
no /ptg/ and the irish has 6 points so we need a win and higher goal score
/britpol/ doesn't have any players with medals so don't worry too much
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Hi where are the discussions about IRL Syria???

I heard there were discussions about IRL Syria in this general?????
No, a 1-0 win will put us through
The ceasefire is holding?
>no /ptg/ has 6 points
Libyan rebels and their connection to al qaeda and how Libyan armories were looted after Qaddafi's death and sent to Syria among other things.
There is a transcript of the video if you dont have time to watch it.
/ptg/ have 4 points and they are 2 goals aheed of us
Yes. The moderate beheaders know they're beat, and any violation of the ceasfire will fuck them, so they're going to stick to the ceasfire as it's their best hope of holding out while the SAA focuses ISIS.
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Its happening lads get in the stream!

didn`t they win against the brits????
A lot of things can happen in one match
Im fine aswell bro thank you for asking. The matches are some fine entertainment.
No they tied
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>he doesn't know /sg/ is /shitposting general/
look around the thread though, some people do report Syria stuff
Bus and tank gonna run some brits over today!

where cunt
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>smashcast 4chancup

google this shit
Our team is also in better form. Count the red and orange arrows.
I´m somehow in fear that moderates in southern Syria will get what´s Chechnya to Russia.
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ups my fault
so either we loose now or we win and never get our revanche
Thanks amigos
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Of course I know, but this is a more ridiculous level than what we get during dead hours on a no gainz day.

Most of the recent posts are barely six words long.
Yeah..unfortunately a new work week will start and that's the sad part when I will lay down my head in bed! I never asked are you a student or you work ?
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I advise everybody to make an account on the site and discuss the game THERE to prevent flooding the thread with it!!!!!

Im doing the same
looks more like it's part of the shirt design
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thanks, i already know that and not only the rebels had connections to al qaeda they also fought with them armed and trained.
before hafter terrorists from magrabe used to come here and train before they go to syria via turkey.
their government were also very involved in funding and arming the terrorists until recently, some members of the government fought or had relatives that fought in afganistan.

even when isis appeared in libya they said that they were fake and are actually loyalists fighters funded by ghadafi cousin.

it was very fucked you guys can't imagine how much libya contributed to isis and the syrian rebels, even Tripoli governor created an extremist militias in syria and fought with them, pic related.
>U.S.'s Tillerson praises Turkish 'courage' during coup attempt

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>4-3-3 vs 3-5-2 without width
Dude it will be over after today, have some fun
Next bread is mine unless Romania wants to bake.
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wise word
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Press S to shit on the fresh grave of the Russian kike who just died who wanted to genocide Syria
Tillerson can come an admire my dick as well
go ahead lad!
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they hate assad
Your posts are very KC /int/-tier.
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The issue isn't the 4-3-3, it's playing 4-3-3 with a 77 SS.

t. manager of a 4CC team
Heavy clashes erupted on Sunday between rival factions on the coastal road east of the Libyan capital Tripoli, according to a witness and local reports.

The clashes broke out when an armed group opposed to the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli tried to approach the capital and were confronted by forces that have aligned themselves with the GNA, the witness said.

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Im sure he would have preffered to be prisoned.
But it doesn't assure anything. It's like relaxing on a allinbet because you have 60% chances of win instead of 50%
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I have a question, Op.
What is the likelihood of having the Syrian Army steamroll the rebels.
It's been a while since I last saw the map and I did not notice much improvement
Ready for the game, lads?

>Implying there's anything wrong with that

That board beats /pol/ any day any hour famaladingdong i only come here for /sg/.
going to be fantastic i predict mad gains will make the first goal
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>>Implying there's anything wrong with that

Nope, there´s nothing wrong with that.
Wouldn´t recognize it if I weren´t there.
Im a uni student mate. Mechanical engineering. But giving tuition as part time work.
>new work week will start and that's the sad part when I will lay down my head in bed
Part of life bro. Dont give up hope and just keep moving forward
>all the brit/pol/ team except farage is flat pictures
low energy desu
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can someone link me to the /sg/ anthem? It's beast
Whatever you say, Hans Shillo
low IQ, that's the secret
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You're wrong (pic related)
:( /ptg/ won, right?
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