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When are greeks going to take this land that is Europe's land?

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Geographically speaking is in the european peninsula, why are kebabs there. I know now is impossible but why they didn't take it back back in the day when conquest was a normal thing?

With only the Pope rallying a new crusade and all europe combine could have repeal the kebabs from there.

Who opened the gate of Constantinople?
>why they didn't take it back back in the day when conquest was a normal thing
Who? Greeks that were being cucked by Ottomans?
Crusade was reason why Ottomans captured Greece you fucking moron
>why didn't they take it
Here's a history lesson
Back in the 20s, the allies decided to finally carve up the Ottoman Empire. Greece received all of East Thrace, but not Constantinople/Istanbul, and Smyrna/Izmir in Asia Minor with its hinterlands also. France received all of modern-day Syria, Lebanon, the Turkish Hatay province, and Cilicia. The Brits received Iraq, Palestine and Jordan. The fledgling Armenian republic was given an (over)generous helping in the east, giving them coast on the Black Sea also, this area was known as Wilsonian Armenia, as it was designed by U.S. President Wilson. The Italians also decided to occupy the south-western Aegean coast. Leaving a rump Turkish state deep in Anatolia, and with a possible Kurdish state also. This was unpopular with the people, and were rallied by war hero Mustafa Kemal, later known as Ataturk.
A neutral 'Zone of the Straits' was occupied by Britain, France, Italy, and Greece, also existed.
The Turks declared a war against the nations, and quickly defeated Armenia, already facing a dual front war against the Soviets, and even occupied some territory from Georgia. Turks then moved to face the French and the Greeks. The Greeks had prempted this by advancing further into Anatolia, they seemed poised to win. The French struggled, but nothing deceisive occured. The Greek PM, who had seized complete power from the king due to infighting concerning entry into WWI, called for early elections, however, Greece had been at near constant war since 1912, and this was now 1920. His party lost, the king was recalled, and many republican officers refused to partake in the war. Meanwhile the Italians had withdrawn without a fight. The king then took control of the army and plunged deeper, closing in on Ankara. Some units making it 20kms from the city. However, the king decided to be in the vanguard, and was nearly caught, and subsequently, fearing his life, called a retreat.
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Unfortunately, never
that area holds more people than the population of Greece.
kebab needs thrace to feed the roaches
When they have the will, the conviction, the brains, the shekels, and the resources to do so.
I didn't know that. What a fucking disgrace, fucking barbarians attacking a christian city. I hope the Pope rejected them from the church.
Supply lines were already thin, and due to this retreat, France lost faith, and sued for peace, accepting rule in Syria, Lebanon, and Hatay. The Greek retreat was so rapid it slammed into the sea, with the Turkish army hot on their trails. What followed was the Great Fire of Smyrna, it's unknown who caused the fire, but many believe it to be either the Turks, vengeful of the scorched earth tactics employed by the Greeks, or the Greeks, to spite the Turks. Now this doesn't answer why East Thrace went to the Turks. Well, the British were tasked with policing the Zone, and Ataturk had been making small incursions into it. British PM Lloyd George backed Greece and wanted war, his party and the dominions supported the Turks and wanted peace, and so a new treaty was drawn, negating all Greek gains from the Ottomans, and granting protection to the Greeks of East Thrace and the islands of Imbros and Tenedos, and the Muslims of West Thrace. All other Greeks and Muslims in each respective country were to be transfered to the other. Causing 1.2 million Greek refugees, in exchange for 400,000 Muslims, many of whom, were not Turks. Had Ankara been taken in 1920 or so, then the Turkish revolt likely would have died, Greece receiving a larger portion of Anatolia, France receiving Cilicia, and the Italians maintaining their sphere of influence in the area. The Zone was to be decided at a later date, and likely be awarded to Greece. Greece and Italy had also made an agreement, whereby upon conclusion of the Turkish war, in exchange for Italy gaining a zone in Anatolia, all Dodecanese Islands, bar Rhodes, would be ceded to Greece, and Albania was to be partitioned between the two and Yugoslavia. However, the retreat was called, and the rest was history. Furthermore, the two sides were meant to demilitarise the zones near each other, but that didn't happen, and the Greeks of East Thrace were later persecuted, notably the Istabul porgrom.
OMG what a disaster. Reading this, we not deserve to have the Holy City, God take it from us because our incompetence.
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So close..
The Turks put up a good fight. I do wish they respected the terms of the Treaty of Lausanne, they were allowed to keep Imbros and Tenedos for protection of the Dardenelles, not because they were Turks. Albeit they did at first, but later would import thousands of mainland Turks to the homogenous Greek islands.
Oh I forgot to mention, the Turks, in exchange for not following up their successes against Armenia and Georgia, were given a good helping of Soviet gold and weapons. When the Italians left, they also gave them a good helping of weapons and money, and the French treaty also gave them, you guessed it, money and weapons.
He did, he excommunicated all involved in the crusade.
And the leaders lost their nobility titles?
If I remember right, the excommunication was lifted once the Pope saw the riches the crusaders had plundered and offered. Catholicism was always the crypto-jew
He temporarily excommunicated them, and begrudgingly accepted plunder given to him. It's estimated that approx. 119 billion USD was looted from the capital alone.
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