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We are the only European country that successfully spread white

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Remember that the next time you call us 'Eternal'.
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What have you done lately? Now keep the shitskins from coming in and then we'll talk
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>meanwhile in 2017
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we gave nigel to the world you ungrateful dong
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Ireland is pretty much Tumblr on a field
che looks like a downs syndrome rapist in in that
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Excuse my friend's poor manners.
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stick em up

it's nigel time
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The absolute state of Republican street murals.
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muh britbong empair.jpg
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it was all for nothing because now we are all being replaced everywhere we went.
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The problem is that you brought souvenirs.

Collapsed the fourth German empire?
>We are the only European country that successfully spread white people across the planet
is that a good thing?

this! kek
Fucking hell. How are you alive?

> This comment.
> This flag.
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And we're the only country that successfully spread White people beyond the planet.
There's been British astronauts in space.
>is that a good thing?

having some white people starting successful businesses in your country to employ people would be a good thing.
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Paki empire strenk
>he thinks LEO counts as a proper space program
>he thinks his country has a space program at all when it's call the EUROPEAN Space Agency.
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>literal caliphate for centuries
> EUROPEAN Space Agency.
I didn't even know that was a thing tbqh
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I've spent three years in London for educational purposes "mate". And now that I'm safely back home, I wouldn't go back in that god forsaken place even if the whole of England were to spread their legs for me. Having spent eighteen years in Ethiopia prior from traveling to England, I can proudly say that I have never seen as much Somalis and other mongrels as I did during my stay in London.
Fuck you & your shithole.

>There's been British astronauts in space.
Sure, but he isn't talking about that, is he? What he is saying is that 'muricans are the only ones that have successfully landed a man on the moon you fucking rube cunt.

Of course, but don't forget where we are m8. Almost everyone here wants segregation.
Also, are you abbo? If not, your comment is invalid, kek.
>British education
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>meanwhile in the heart of the British empire
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Heh the IRA done a good job of spreading your white people's guts over the wall
I know. I thought it was all done through burger rockets.
>Invaded by the British

My sides, you count Gibraltar as invading Spain?
actually we don't even have manned rockets anymore. The dumb kikes running NASA decided blowing all of their money on minority outreach and PR was more important than developing a replacement for the space shuttle in time. Thankfully, American capitalism is saving the day again via SpaceX.
The Peninsular War and the invasion of Gibraltar would be contenders.
>Spaniard indirectly defending his "whiteness".
Try harder, kek!
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It's time to stop being two faced and embrace the truth.
All wh*Tes have to go back to Europe.

Asia belongs to Asians. Russia is European and have to leave

Africa is for Africans. Afrikaner and Rhodesians have to go back. China will leave Africa.

Australia is aboriginal. Australians have to go back

North America belongs to the natives. They will go back including Chink colonizers.

South America is not wh*Te. Argentine Brazil and various wh*Te countries will go back. Mexicans aren't native. They go back to Spain or Portugal

We will enforce this sooner later. TĂĽrk is God's punishment to wh*Tes. Go back.
How's the weather down there?
Here it's sunny and pleasantly chill
Taigs lol
You could rise up only because France got rekt in Seven Years' War by eternal kraut and your island location. All other power were out of the game for a while, you didn't rise up because of your inteligence or hard work, you not exceptional by any means. Good for you, but keep in mind Spain was once the most powerful state in europe and now is a shit. Same thing is happening to you.
>become worlds largest empire
>hurr durr its all a mere coincidence
>from czech
Get some new content you little bitch nigger. Every day it's the same shit.

oh look, they have autism in turkey.
isn't it your turn to hold a pop concert for us now?
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.


If that's the case, then I'm afraid that you'll have to leave as well roach.
Bring back the byzantines and fuck the turks.
it is? i wouldn't know because i only listen to trash metal, but there was a damian marley concert not too long ago here in addis.
Byzantine werde wh*Te colonists. They were removed. Turks are moslty Anatolian.
you mean kurds now
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K*rds will be cleansed eventually. But first wh*Tes will leave Asia. Russians will go back to Europe. Maybe to Germany or Austria...

yeah. the kurds are massively out breeding the turks. turks will go extinct like western europeans are going to and turkey will become kurdistan.
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t. I know nothing about history
>t. I get my history from /pol/ memes
Are you honesty refuting my argument that the largest empire in world history didn't come about from sheer luck with a memeball?
how many times are you going to write that m8?
kys roach, you're deluded if you think that you lot can reform the entirety of the world. the ottoman empire had it's fair share in history, so did ethiopia... and now it's time to witness the rise of russia or china maybe?!?
Turks have 1 kid on average, Kurds 5. I guess it doesn't matter to you since from the pictures of you posted on here you look like a fucking gook instead of a Turk or a Kurd but you niggers are going to be fucked in about 30 years.

And then Grosskurdistan will stretch across the world from India to the North Sea.
You realize Spain was the first to have an empirw that spanned the Globe right
The phrase "the empire were the sun doesnt set came from spain"
Your colonies are a fucking disgrace.
Your empire is and always has been a meme. Now, most of colonies lost, more coming and you have in reality no control over "commonwealth" countries. Isles are infested with poos and Poles because you even can't clean a toilet. It's a fun to watch your fast decline.
>So did Ethiopia

You will go back to your caves mo*key

I would rather nuke Anatolia than to leave it to K*rds.
>Your empire is and always has been a meme.
That makes no fucking sense you inbred gypo. Did the British Empire exist or not?

The Commonwealth isn't the Empire. The Balfour Declaration killed the British Empire. The Commonwealth is simply countries with the same sovereign.

CANZUK, a union between Australia, Canada, NZ, UK is the only plausible future union. No one disputes the Commonwealth is a joke, but no one claims that was the British Empire either.

>taking imgs seriously
So you unironically believe your empire rose up because of internal effort without important external factors? Just look at you now, kek
I think both down to exceptional governance, geography, circumstances, skill and due to time, we were able to build the largest empire in history. You're the one making stupid claims assigning it all to sheer luck.
wtf cares though? i don't think that no one irl cares about these things except for you leeches.
why don't you try to achieve you own accomplishments to be proud of rather than mooching of of others, you fucking parasites.
we have a saying here in ethiopia, "hono megegnete new" which roughly translates to "the point is to be" as in what matters is what you are now rather than what you were before. sure, england was an empire, so was spain or ethiopia (shameless self plug) but neither of our countries are "great" nowadays. the days of collectivism are long gone. the twenty-first century is merit based system rather than a collectivist one that grants free loaders such as yourselves a reason to live.
kys, the both of you
*it had a meme life. Fastly built, fastly lost. You can guess why. If you didn't realize, I was talking about the commonwealth as the only actual outcome of your short empire, since colonies are lost with some very few exceptions, John. And don't think we envy you. We like our non-existing colonial past, no infestation with shitskins now.
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hey tell ur president to stop building the dam or we'll bomb it
You're literally not worth any (You) beyond R A R E. It's understandable why municipal and national pride wouldn't exist in a shithole like Ethipoia, providing you aren't just proxyfagging.

Sorry who helped save you from Napoleon? Fuck off spic.
> I was talking about the commonwealth as the only actual outcome of your short empire,
Global medical triage, professional invasion based armies, theories of political hegemony and division of power between monarchs and parliament, codified law for pretty much all of the world, distinctions between civil law and criminal law, the Industrial Revolution and formation of Anglosphere identity, just off the top of my head.

As for it being short, it spanned 4 centuries you fuckwit. That's as long as Rome lasted in the west.
And now all of those people are spreading back to you, hilarious
>who helped save you from Napoleon?
The Spanish guerrillas?
>reddit-tier censoring
kys, you fucking roach, i'd rather be a nigger than a turk.

go ahead (i'm not nearly as patriotic as you lot are) but i fear that it might be too late for egyptians now. ethiopia was plotting your demise whilst you desertmonkeys were fighting amongst yourselves.
should've never deposed based Mubarak desu. once the dam is 100%, all your bases will belong to us. we will then posses a tap that we can close/open at will when and if you misbehave.
if there's ever a time to take a shower, it's now m8, because all you'll have to drink and shower with once that dam is complete will be my piss that flows down from the upstream.

nigger... ethiopian are probably the most arrogant, patriotic, backwards, racist cunts on earth. hence why i hate being ethiopian. try visiting an ethiopian forum and it'll make stormfront look like teletubbies in comparison.
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The IRA killed more Irish than it did English you complete fucking potato.
it is never too late mate, we got the rafales so we can cover the distance and we are preparing our south air bases now, if the negotiation wont give us fair deal we will do it , and yeah removing Mubarak was a mistake
How does it feel that we still occupy your land you potato-nigger papist?
Your greatest colony is Mexico - a country so bad that our colony, the US, elected a celebrity as president just because he said he'd deport spics.
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No-one even knows where your country is you gopnik trash
t. White people please accept me
>Magna charta etc
Lol, I am not arguing this shit, but the contitutional form of monarchy speaded across europe, other countries also had these, it's not the main reason of expansion later. You cannot deny the fact the main expansion of anglo came after Seven years war.
For centuries you have been profiting from your island location and tried to keep europe divided so nobody could theaten your navy. "Neutral" Belgium was created in 1815 so Antwerps (who controls the harbor, threatens the anglo islands) won't fall to any other power. Without this tactic, you wouldn't be a thing. Now, cuz technologiez, your location is becoming more and more irrelevant and you can actually feel it.
I didn't even mention the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta had more of an effect centuries after its conception than in its initial period of governing England. The Bill of Rights 1689, Act of Settlement 1701, and all laws stemming from the English Civil War/Glorious Revolution had more of an effect.

War is glory.
What has the Czech Republic ever invented?

I genuinely can't name one famous Czech or any famous wars you were involved in. Stay mad you Russian rape baby continental commie trash.

Who would have been crushed without Wellington's Army.
frankly speaking, i hope it's not. i like Egypt, despite your tendencies to self-pawn whenever the opportunity arises.
first you btfo'ed not only yourselves but also the rest of the middle east by engaging israel during the six days war
then you assassinated based sadat (pbuh)
after that you chimpout on mubarak and his sons
and lastly, you overthrow and banish the muslim brotherhood, which despite it having assassinated sadat, is still one of the most based political parties of the world along with the ba'ath party

don't be mistaken m8. i do hate ethiopia, but i never said that i like white people
i'm just old enough to understand that right-wing libertarianism is the way.
>ib4 rothbard meme
fuck him, ludwig von mises and hayek all the way.
t. economic graduate
CZ Arms manufacturers, some of the early German Panzers were also essentially stolen Czech designs. Not bad tanks mate.
Besides czechoslovak legions, weakening austries from the inside, and general self-determinism, independence was given to us in order to keep austria-hungary divided and keep french hegemony in central europe (and we did our part well, but the french went pussies in 1938).
>t. I don't know history
I am not going to englight you just because you are ignorant. Also we had been part of HRE and Austria and fought their wars, faggot. Our neighbours were only poor Poles and krauts, so we didn't have support for independemlnce calling like Denmark or Netherlands. Also, read something about neoabsolutism (in short, caused by lesser impact of plague and no sea access).
Not to mention my grand-gradfather was defending your precious island WW2, retard.
starting war with israel with idiot mistake, a war we didnt need and for people who doesnt deserve it, but we ened it with all o our land back and we got a huge annually weapons from annually to keep the treaty so win win, we didnt assassinate Elsadat, Islamists trash who killed Elsadat so "You" misplaced here, we removed mubarak for wanting better life, yah we discovered that was a mistake after Muslims brotherhood got the ruler chair, but we fixed this mistake and removed this trash after one year,
>starting war with israel with idiot mistake
*was idiot
>annually weapons from annually to keep the treaty so win win
*from US
Nazis had mostly shitty tanks in 1938/9 (Panzer I, II). They stole our LT-38 's, added loader, renamed them Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) and invaded France with them, kek. (t) means tschechoslovakisch...
>Not knowing history

Isn't that usually the job of burgers?
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Reminder that Canada is no longer Anglo.
Hey remember that time Spain had an Amanda 10 times the size of the British and was going to invade?
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We are island slavs
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picrelated is slav in UK
brits are just the cutest lads out there. no homo, but i have the biggest point-faible for them.
hoping that it won't sound gay if i say it in french instead
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the beady meme has gotten out of hand
I remember the Brexit night stream when this lad came on and the chat blew up
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The British Empire crumbled after it supported the Arabs over the Jews. Just as every Empire that persecuted the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has been BTFO - Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Imperial Russia, Britain, Germany - mess with the Jews at your peril. The only thing keeping the USA afloat is its support of the Chosen People.

Genesis 12:3 -
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee
Thread posts: 101
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