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Does anyone else PASSIONATELY hate Brazil and brazilian culture?

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Does anyone else PASSIONATELY hate Brazil and brazilian culture?

>hue hue hue i named my son Santos Bumfuck de Souza Retardinho, do i win? Am i being quirky and creative yet?!
>Hue hue hue let's dance on the streets with the rest of STD ridden favela monkies, thats what life is all about dancing and not giving a fuck about anything!

Fuckton of natural resources

But still

>Favelas, massive unemployement, corruption and literal shit in the streets and the rivers

Has there ever been a more cancerous 'civilization'?
They are a bunch of retarded niggers , did you know that some brownzilians have the nerve to claim pure german ancestry?
Brazil is a perfect example of what will happen to the Western world if it keeps importing dindus and shitskins and keeps glorifying their "culture".
>import germans
>germans import diversity
>country ruined
The eternal kraut strikes again
not really
It's actually (((their))) model country. Chaotic enough to have to be controlled heavily, but not chaotic enough to be considered unstable. We cannot let that happen here.
As a rule of thumb, any Catholic country is going to be shitty.

From what I've seen, their prevailing culture revolves around moral relativism, opportunism/ corruption, excess materialism and superficial anti-intellectual attitudes. Then add cultural Catholism on top of that. Like the worst of several worlds.

It's not all bad though, I don't dislike Brazilians or their country. At least it's not like Mexico where people are routinely making towers of human skulls or stuffing dumpsters packed full of disemboweled torsos.
It's OK Hans, we don't hate you. I understand it must be really hard to go out in the streets of Germany and see all those refugees fucking your women and your cucked men holding "refugees welcome" signs while they aren't prepping the bulls. Knowing that your entire race is going extinct before the end of this century can be really hard to cope so we forgive you Hans, no hard feelings :)
online they're fucking assholes
This is the confirmation bias problem. Only the worse of the Brazilian community will put a [BR] in their name and shit up the server while speaking in portuguese or very broken english so everytime you see a Brazilian you get the worst of the country. Meanwhile you've probably played with hundreds of other Brazilians who could either speak proper english or never made themselves known to be Brazilians like I always do so to you only the first type of people exist. But then again not even I like to play with Brazilians depending on the game and platform, specially on PC, PS4 is pretty expensive here so I have no problems with other Brazilians there.
I'd say India is bordering on being similarly worthless.
The entire middle east, too.
Some Asian nations.
Brazil is violent and drowning in drugs. But at least its population is declining, or at the very least will be when famine begins to strike hard.
Sadly can't say the same for India.

ANY nation eradicating its own population is a hero-nation. End of.

Enjoying Germany, fellow monkey?
Germany is far worse than brazil now. and dont even start with our poverty and iq. You guys are filled with gommies. We just impeached one. You guys are getting beaten on the streets by antifa blackblocks to the point there is no free speach anymore to the right. i can go on the street and scream "hitler did nothing wrong" and people either will not understand or laugh about it. Oh and i will not even start to talk about terrorism, because we dont have any. Of course we are in a political and a economic crisis, but our crisis is a healing one. we just arrested 300 people envolved in a major crime against the state some of them were governors mayors and we have an ex-president on the line to be arrested. Ou current president is also under heavy investigation. You see shit ? i see improvement. Hey hans, mabe you should check on your streets if its really fine, because i belive in a few years you will be as afraid as we are walking in the streets of rio now. but with totally different reasons.
>muh dick

never change, BR
BRfriend has a point. At least they have free speech there, even if they keep electing corrupt socialists into office, at least they are not deliberately trying to destroy their country.
>Oh and i will not even start to talk about terrorism, because we dont have any.

your country is fucking warzone with 30 times the murder rate compared to Germany.
Fucking isis would have to plow through people every day to come even close to this.

>Has there ever been a more cancerous 'civilization'?
I heard there is a country called Germany that likes killing millions of their own people every 50 years of so.
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Why are you always so angry at everything, Achmed?

Western Europe and Canada are the examples of societies looking for their own collapse. Your elites desperate search for more people to feed the system is detroying all the core values that made your nations once great.

Brazil is far from perfect but atleast we aren't actvely trying to destroy our nation.
>Brazilian culture
there is no such thing Tysker

this dude is not even right oriented. i guess he is just an anarchist. he got targeted for just being close to that leaf Lauren Southern in a pic.
>Brazil is far from perfect but at least we aren't actively trying to destroy our nation.

because there is literally not much left to destroy...
its still not terrorism. its drug related stuff, and hey if im not mistaken we cant create the cocain purifying chemicals in south america. we buy it from GERMANY! so stop selling chems to us and we stop the cocain.
>its still not terrorism

it's something even worse... Brazil is leading the total number of murders worldwide and is number 14 in terms of murder per capita.


Even mudshit countries aren't that bad.
You rope in Canada and Europe as if they were anywhere near your shithole.

>Brazil is far from perfect
Understatement of the year.
t. most cucked country in the world
There's always those little german styled villages in the south. Keep talking shit and I might put my seed inside one those frauleins
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How many genders does your son need to learn again?
you are avoiding the point. we live in poverty you fucking moron, you have been a economical potency for ages. are the gommies decreasing your iq already ? Im not sayign we are not violent. but people here do it for money not allah or Karl Marx. Some people here have no other way of getting money other than going to crime. the state is so fucked up we have 14 millions unnemployed people and they have to eat. So a man do what a man got to do and turn into crime to get money. violence is consequence of that. In germany case it was a fucking choice you guys had it all and choose to share it with immigrants and ellected a fucking gommie to presidency.
they ruined every fuckin f2p mmo back in the day

fuck brazil

only their bunda bitches are worth keeping
Horrendous kek.
the most funny thing is they all think they are germans


yeah dream on you nasty mestizo shitskin
That's what happen when poor people get internet access, I bet your bogans ain't much better.
> Im not sayign we are not violent. but people here do it for money not allah or Karl Marx. Some people here have no other way of getting money other than going to crime.

Then wait until your have a wealthy middle class generating spoilt brats

>In germany case it was a fucking choice

and you chose to be a fucking poor fag country...
Fuck Brazil.

You guys couldn't clean the shit out of your water leading up to the Olympics. I'm pretty sure that sums up your country.
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Brazilians are the niggers of South Americas.
Not a big surprise though, since it was colonized by the niggers of Europe.
that is not true. the problem is most of 4chan users are either from são paulo or from the states in the south (most immigrants). The german immigrants are normally dicks and that hate the rest of brazil (even tho i know they have better education and less violence). And they are normally pretty white (im from rio so i can say that, im a half nigger).
you must be kidding, bogans didnt even have internet.
>Hey, Luis you are poor as fuck and you struggle to make month's end meet, would rather have a canditate that promises to cut the taxes for the rich so they can open industries, or would you rather the canditate that will give you money from those rich.

And that's a quick summary of the brazilian socialist government rise to power.
What's with all the hate BR is getting recently? Did they do something?
kek. you know that in some places in Leaf land if you mistake the gender name of a person you must pay him a fine. The apex of cultural Marxism.
no, we did not. We are just a beaten dog trying to heal. europe is so fucked and desperate they need a target to feel better, like in "atleast we are not brazil" kind of observation. im here to show them the reality of their own country, and its getting worse by the minute.
more socialists going nowhere
Brazil, or even better Mexico, is a good example for what can happen when culture is destroyed. If the indigenous culture would still rule today, they probably would an amazing unique culture today, similar to japan for example.

yeah you are right, we will see that soon in germany also. what a great nation you guys were. i hope you like burkas.
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I don't hate Brazilians, but I do enjoy the banter
Brazil is truly a shithole.
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forgot the pic.
> day 12
> Juan still trying to defend the glorious nation of Brazil
> doesn't realise that everyone still knows his country is a pile of shit
No I hate Angela Merkel and now Germany for obvious reasons
yes im with you 100%
Oh new Zealand and Australia. your attempts are fruitless. here, take your (You)s.
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Average Brazilian

Brazilian or probably spic.

Why so much hate?
Germany has been comprehensively btfo on this thread. Well played Brazil, makes up for the last world cup
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Average Germans
The glorified parts about Brazil are:
1.The rainforest,seen as beautiful because of its lack of people which is telling.
2.Sex culture,which also leads to a high AIDS rate which is telling.

Normies go to Brazil and think about MUH DICK with a beautiful green backdrop or maybe an ocean view but the word Brazil evokes green thoughts.The sex culture ruins all of that as monkies multiply and chop down the forest so soon that back drop will be brown.

The German Villages are sort of a secret and they probably want to keep it that way so nobody finds Hitlers bones or bring shitty strobe light club "culture" there.
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i thought we were friends!
OP is not even German.

There is no such reason for this hate. OP is Brazilian or spic.
we are, brazilians tend to be based when they are in cold places, but i really fucking hate the whole "dancing in the street" crap, i think the temperature gets in your heads
Fruitless? Like your countries attempt at building a stadium without killing half of the construction crew?
Brazil makes some damn fine coffee candy.
Can confirm this. I am portuguese ergo I am a nigger.
you hurt muh feels. i whas planning on helping you to take malvinas. but i changed my mind.
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They are still butthurt after all this time.
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dont respond to this kind of bantz pai. keep on hitting germany instead. There is reason to do so. They are Gommies now and until they dont impeach merkel they must be beaten.
They just need to wait a decade or two before the UK collapses
R.I.P. Gunz: The Duel. Never forget
im sorry but its nigger tier behaviour brazil, real white men chill by the chimney in cold zones
>UK collapses
heueheuheueheuheue i get it bro. mabe it will take far more than 20 years. brexit gave them 100+ years.
Germans are mostly living in south brazil, rather isolated from the dindus, "their" parts of the country are the most stable as far as i'm concerned.

also, shouldn't you be thanking hitler for giving you a country? catholic serb.

>country where lootings are common
>talking about nigger behavior
But the enemy is already within the walls of London.
And as Cicero warned, no can survive a enemy from within.
we are niggers argentina there is no way to change that. but we still love you as friends. we are figuring our political situation out. to make south america a good place to live. you know that before the gommies took power in argentina we had this saying in brazil about rich people. It used to go like "João is rich like a argentino", because in the past argentinos used to be rich as fuck, we did not forget your past bro. lets make it happen again.
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With their last dying breath, the krauts exhale an almighty "get a load of brazil though amirite"

Truly pathetic
No filho, the reason you are this way is because your pai is a nigger monkey and your mother is an indian cannibal.
>oozing butthurt
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EHEUEHEUEHEHEUHEHEUE ok pai, i will embrace it and wear it like a bone armor.
OP isnt kraut. No kraut knows that much about brazilian names. Probably a uhe who is leeching in germany.
>communist and islamic terrorism
>will be a muslim country one day
>no freedom of speech(europeans in general hate free speech)
>mostly white, but small population

>also have problem with communists
>no muslims
>no terrorism
>good food
>freedom of speech
>only half white, but big population
>christian country
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That moment when i realize its a brazilian trolling brazilians, making the whole world attack germany in a cold vengence move against that 7x1.
When germany and france fall to the muslims hordes, can we join for the reconquista?
Trust me, any hatred you havê towards Brazil is nothing in comparison to what white, non-shitskin Brazillians feel about their own country.
Is it even possible to call that culture? These Wogs are the lost remnant of a once powerful nation left behind to fend for themselves. Sugargas is the pinnacle of technology...
Its obvious, what kraut knows what retardinho means?
it won't happen until you stop having festivales cariocas

>lootings are common
no they aren't
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you cant turn off that autocomplete. 10 seconds google.
if kek agrees then its true.
what do you mean festivales cariocas? baile funk or carnival ?
First of all, I disagree with OP, but we all know about your crazy names, mostly from football. It's a common thing to call someone who's brazilian x-dinho.
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>festivales cariocas
come on. its easyer you get malvinas back than carnival stop happening in rio.
Our crazy names? Dont put us in their boat, we give european names to our children. We mock them as much as the world does. The problem is that retardado in portuguese means retarded. So retardinho would be a diminutive offset of that. No kraut knows that. Krauts tend to be very ignorant.
yeah but since they know english (retarded) and inho from soccer they can come up with that pai. therefore it can be either a brazilian or a german there. hue. its a high level bantz.
It's shitty culture but it's our culture. We don't ask you to stop venerating Eva.
Krauts are not that smart. You are giving them to much credit.
Kek'd. I didn't check your flag, this was obviously aimed at BR's. I know about Portuguese names as well. I'm far from ignorant. You on the other hand seem to be really mad at Germans Alberto.
also This. Every German knows english.
its degenerate as fuck
they used to be smart pai, did the gommie cast that cultural marxism spell that decrease the iq ?
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We could have had something good.
My name is Hugo krautbro. I am just banting. Alberto is a name with germanic origin so start thinking about some other shit to call me.

This is European culture. French basically.
>Krauts are not that smart

Only did the most inventions of all people on earth in terms of science, engineering, maths, etc. Compare to Portuguese pls.
Thats just not true. Most germans are americanized but that doesnt mean that they can speak proper english.
'here' being where, memeflag?
france isn't europe
we are degenerate alot. but carnaval cant stop happning. you know what defines us is the hue gene, that is also a blessing and a curse. and carnival serves the purpose to deal with the degenerate side of us. in brazil perfect state we would have this place for degeneracy in our calendar and in the rest of the year we would be normal working people. you see? carnaval here is a necessary evil. problem is the degeneracy side took our society because of our 15 years of gommie government we just had. we need to fix that.
Hugo, Pablo, Alberto, I don't keep up with the meme names because I simply don't care.

Also, you wont believe it, but neither I nor most of Germans eat a lot of kraut, if any. It's an American stereotype which is based on the 2nd WW, quit being ignorant.
Stop larping, its about what you do in the present, not about what Benz did in the last century.
Pablo is a spanish name. Nice try wurstbro
Their pronunciation might be terrible, but at least the younger generations all speak english. Much better than the sandniggers I saw when I was in Lisboa lately.
Too many brazilians passing as portuguese. Gotta genocide you.
i don't think its a purge think, i honestly think the temperature gets in your heads and you are thinking of partying and fucking 24/7
I love wurst, most of us do. Keep using that one instead of kraut, it's actually close to reality.
They dicovered brazil and we invented the airplane thanks to their education
they discovered india
they used to have 3k% profit visiting india and buying condiments and selling to you guys.
they passed the cape hope when its was called torment cape.
And last and not least they know how to put immigrants out since they expelled the muslims from their lands. mabe you should take notes.
They have free speech because their population could not be roused to a race war by any speech. Germany has that potential. Yeah buried deep sure, but maybe circumstances will claw it out.
Lisboa is not portuguese to start with. Young people tend to be more americanized everywhere tho. Its cringy to listen to young krauts listen to rap but sic transit mundi.
Stop with the bullshit son, most of those achievements are irrelevant.
And then the 16th century was over.
they are not. Its from a time portugal used to rule the world. germany tried and failed miserably.
I have to agree, taste really nice if they are real german wursten but its a shame when I learned what they were made with.
This ie.American Southerners vs Northerners.
You seem to think that you know a lot about Germans, if not everything. How are you so educated on my people?
Hint: you are not.

Yes young Germans listen to a lot of rap, which is shit-tier music to begin with, but at least the overwhelming majority listens to German rap, not American hip-hop-nigglet bullshit.
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All the good German lineages either died or moved to America, stop kidding yourselves.
Germany was the center of spiritual achievement while portugal sucked jewish dick. Read some Evola.
>Ruling anything but a small kebab shop in Mozambique
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As always, demographics is destiny.

Pic related is Rio de Janeiro in the 40s.

Portugal ruled the world lel. Portugal made great achievemnts in the era of discovery that's true. But ruled the world? Come on now, you can't seriously believe that. You ruled over sandniggers far far away from your homecountry. Even on the peek of portuguese civilization the french, english, castillians, ottomans, austrians and even poles had more power in europe alone.
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they're a buncha fuckin faggots
what are you talking about? there is like a million types of different sausages in germany

Btw, the plural is Würste

Also what the fuck is this baile funk shit, this is horrible man, what the fuck is going on , there's no rythm, like literally, i keep waiting for the crazy brazilian percussion to drop in and it never does, its just some disjointed percussive hits and a faggot singing about selling crack, are you supposed to dance entranced to that? wtf are the jews doing to your youth????

Ok Konrad, keep your bottle blonde niggers than. I know you more than you think. You dont know shit about me.
i know that pai. most philosophy i read is german. Still they are lost nowadays, mabe they should read their own philosophers to get out of that shit is happening there.
germans will be the first ethnicity to apply pic related
Not hate but I find them very low.
Germans do read their philosophers, shame they only read the cringy ones like Kant, Hegel and Marx.
gommies bro. they fucked it all up.

t. reggaeton shithole

talking a bit out of your ass mate

And they're right. It's a big country as you may know. The south is very different from the dangerous north.
Funkeiros deserve to bite the bullet, but carnaval still needs to exist.
Here in Portugal we are sold so called german sausages aus Frankfurt. Shit is made with horse meat and tastes like horse shit.
no man, compare
So no references except a link of a disgusting autotune song? You sure seem to know a lot.
Btw, i never heard of that song.

Deutsch rap ist die best rap auslander.
I hate having to play with them in online games. They are the biggest fucking idiots I have ever seen in my life. Every single one with no exceptions has been a complete moron with a <60 IQ.

This sound like shit too


they're both shit

but you took a bad example:


reggaeton shitholes can't compete
Know more than you think, back to the wald with you.
Frankfurter/Wiener Würstchen are the lowest type of sausage lel. Comparable to american hotdogs. I don't know what's it with foreigners always eating this type of sausage but we rarely ever do. You should try a good Rindswurst (beef-sausage), Bratwurst (Spicy pig sausage), or bavarian Weißwurst. As someone who's from Frankfurt himself, lemme tell you, not even Frankfurter people eat the Frankfurter sausages a lot, because they are cheap shit.


previous video has no sound
No it doesn't friend, baile funk sounds like an intro that never drops, musically its broken, you may think cumbia is niggerish but it follows musical theory and has structure, it also has a pervasive rythm to dance to, the shit i posted literally has broken percussive sounds thrown around arrythmically
We have huge crime issues because Latam is basically a giant drug lab for all you degenerate fucks. I'm really looking forward to see your rampant drug addict youth and the African refugees trying to pay your overpriced state pensions as your population gets older.
cant really tell whats worse bro.

literally every video of the song was muted by disney

No sound
I don't hate Brazil.
Ofc Brazil is a shithole, its over 60% negroid.

I feel sorry for the 30% european brazilians there, they should be classified as refugees and come back to Europe while we deport non-europeans.
this one also has none. and its also shit.
A beautiful song, from the 12th century. I much rather listen to Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn or Bach for example.

What are you on about?

disney banned the song. just got to know
Thanks for telling me, now I know. The only thing which I love about Wurstland is the Leckerei. No wonder you are all chubby, lecker lecker!
thats lovelly.
>Wholesome and synced memes

thats because you are not paying attention, the difference is obvious

muted, but the percussion sounds chopped too, like listen closely, it sounds disjointed

if there's something brazil excelled at was rythm, now the jews are taking that away from you

Just banting, proceed with caution wurstfreund.

found a working version, top kek this song
Krautsprache is very melodic, learn filho learn.
I hate them too. Too much murder, and too much robbing.

It also doesn't help brazillians are among the most annoying people to play games with as they'll spam "jajajajajajaja" over and over again for no reason, they'll spam "br br br br " as well, they also fuck up team games with their mexican language and their degeneracy because Brazilians suck way too much at video games.
Their country is also a shit hole, I'd only ever go there to die.
You would love a lot more about my country if you actually knew it.
>all chubby
this is not britain. yes we have a good amount of chubby people in the older generations, like 50+ years old, but the younger ones are mostly fit and healthy
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>>Favelas, massive unemployement, corruption and literal shit in the streets and the rivers
>Has there ever been a more cancerous 'civilization'?

We are mestizos, in majority. This means, Europeans + cannibals (from Africa and some from our jungles).

Plus we have Cultural Marxism as a country identity. Reds wins all the cultural battles.

Obama, Merkel and European Cucks are trying to do the same in Europe. Avoid this as a pleague.

I hate my own country. This is not a healthy way to live, but can't be other way. Just do whatever you must to avoid a black and white mestizo society, no human being deserves such shame and indignity.

completely, because of those macacos south America is a shithole.
funk is shit no arguing, but comparing shit with shit is pointless bro. i bet there is something nice to hear in argentina other than this pop bullshit.

It's even worse, Europe will be Brazil on steroids because of Islam.At least here people are christians or cultural christians.
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I dont love your country Hans. Get your shit straight. Your "country" is nothing more than an artificial protectorate created by America and Israel to rule over Europe. I am fit, your jugend are scrawny and weak manlets compared to me.
you're retarded if you think slavs weren't/aren't the real niggers.
>monkeys join
>chat spammed
>all use glitched weapons
>lag the whole server
>only have shitty mics that pick up the whole favela
>screaming at random intervals for no reason
Fucking Brazilians. They ruined BF3 East Coast servers.
Estonians arent slavs moorbro. Stop making us look ignorant.
im 100% serious lad, im not criticizing it cause "its not bethoven"

its seriously not on the same level than reggaeton or cumbia, it has no structure and no rythm, it feels like an eternal intro im jsut kept sitting there waiting for it to release the tension and it doesnt, cumbia and reggaeton are structurally and rythmically sound
Fuck you, this is politics. I want all but the three Southeastern states of your shithole nuked from orbit.
Read again. I didn't say that you love Germany, I said you would love more things about it than only the "Leckereien", if you knew it. Not the country itself. Alltough you should.

And yes, Germany is a stupid vassal state of (((them))) created by the americunts in order to, together with france and britain, ruin europe. Ever since the anglos destroyed our country in the 2nd WW it's been this way. I know. I don't like it either. But do you actually think that I, PERSONALLY, can change anything about that except for voting and demonstrating against it? I can't. And i surely wont start senslesly terrorizing my neighbourhood like the commies in order to show everyone that I'm displseased with my government.
>playing multi-player FPSs

this is a +18 board
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There is nothing good about current Brazilians and our culture. Just destroy the Americas pls (except Canada).
oh god. i could school you on how funk looks like gregorian chant since the voice range from inbetween chords. still i will just say both a shit. stick with that.
I lived 6 months in salvador. Worked at Petrobras nearby at the village Madre de deus. That place was a shithole. A dangerous one might I add. Still, some of the best times of my life.
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Allthose women and children that were forced to follow that crazy fucked, being raped and murdered as your armies annihilated on the field again and again.
And now you sell muamba for us.
i wasnt making that claim.
just ask the admins to separate players by region that would solve both lag and language problems by building a virtual wall. its easyer than in real life.
xdddddd brazilieans are momnkeyzzz xdddddd
le based merkel!!!! xddddddd we luv le based muslimz xddddddddddd
get trucked white boi xdddddddd heil macron!!
well i already asked if it was intended to be entrancing hypnotic music
Who told you I only like the Leckerei du dumbkopf? I know more about your county than you yourself and I will never set foot in that shithole in my life. I got a proposition to study there in Marburg. Refused without blinking. I live in Portugal, this shit is one of the biggest shitholes in Europe.
Frankfurt is like the armpit of Germany which is a real shame because it used to be the real hauptstadt back when Germany was German. Keep surviving wurstbro.
I didn't like Brazil when I was young, I hated it more as soon as I met one of their "kind"
its more like tantric music. there is retention and apex, its created by people that only have sex as lasure. they start fucking at 14 and only can think about that. it has it value to expressing what our lower class thinks. but its still shit.
Amo-te nunca te esqueças disso.
>Does anyone else PASSIONATELY hate Brazil and brazilian culture?

Yes, me.

Most people here are socialist retards.
i don't find the apex doe, is just retention retention retention
you will change your mind soon enough.
>be Brazilian
>grow up in violence
>find qt
>spawn shitlings
>drink some skoll
>enjoy samba
>fuck neighbors wife
>more shitlings
>get found out and beaten
>buy neighbor skoll
>all good again


>Be German
>live in shame of white skin
>work all my life
>hard work ignored because white
>"I deserve this"
>get turned on
>find qt
>unfortunately she doesn't have a penis
>have her peg me 24/7
>ask government to invest tax in migrants
>get flooded with migrants
>wife raped 5 times in one day
>"das progress vench! Heil Progress!"
>wife agrees
>bring Ahmed, Mohammed, and Muhammad into my home
>they don't work because migrants
>take turns at wife
>she's pregnant
>I'm happy
>convert to Islam
>wear funny vest
>told to wait Ahmed near shopping center during lunch rush
>Ahmed is slightly late
>"wonder where Ahm-..."

In the distance, witnesses heard a flying head's words echoing

>"I'M OKAY With THIIIiiiiiiiiiiisssssssss..."

Boy being German sure is great.
I have a (British) relative that lives near Campo Grande.

Any BRs know what that city is like? It sounded like it was very rural since he's always taking pictures with BRs wearing funny cowboy outfits and grilling and drinking sketchy Cachaca out of plastic buckets.

I kind of want to go visit.
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But some Brazilians have reason doing that. Also in São Paulo we had a small colonie ("Americana") made from people that runaway from burger land in the end of civil war.

Brazil is continent, there's decent people here. Democracy put and end in any ambition of this shithole, because all laws and all public money are spending trying to do the impossible, make people "equal". Mestizos, Blacks and SJW always vote for equality, which means turn the entire country in a colored Nigeria.

Pic related, to compensate "inequality", people adopted the black culture of violence, lazyness and sexual obsession as a form of "resistance".

Is worse than be a black in Africa, because some of us knows what we are losing in accept degeneracy as the only path to "equality".
thats the thing, in math we have that concept of x tending to a limit. the limit is the next chord that never comes. the apex is turning off the music and actually fucking.
You know nothing. Claiming Frankfurt used to be the real capital, kek'd at that one. Frankfurter people where the only ones ever to think that way. Noone else in Germany does or did. Wien is the eternal capital. Berlin is the one and only capital of the divided Germany.
>the apex is turning off the music and actually fucking
hack shit

>55million views

germans embarassing themselves ITT

how often do you see this in cuckland?

Hopefully your reason to change my mind will be political, hopefully also anti-black.
It used to be the seat of imperial power during the Hohenstaufen which the best dinasty to rule you dummies.
>Wien is the eternal capital.
Habsburg cuck spotted.
> "win" the war
> Brazil is still a shithole full of monkeys, the worst of South America
> Paraguay is comfy and population looks almost European. 15 percent are white "Brazilians" who scape from that hell

kys macaco.
Pomeranian speaking germans, celebrating bavarian culture in brazil. We don't see this at all in "cuckland"
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what was meant by this?
its political. time will tell, just check our ellections next year if you have nothing better to do.

Paraguay is literally the Brazilian Chinatown.

A bunch of short, ugly quasi-humans peddling their shit-tier goods to Brazilian tourists year round.

You know it's bad when you have your primary clientele as "Brazilians".

No joke, I feel sorry for Paraguay. If it mattered as a country anyway.
hey do you still have cheap computer parts to sell ?
>brazilian culture
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now let's compare
um elefante nunca esquece. como é que me puderia esquecer? um evento de tal importançia fica com um homem para sempre.
I hate the Habsburgs with a passion, they ruined the dream of a united Germany. But Habsburgs aren't Austrians and Wien is the most glorious German city. The seat of imperial power changed again and again, it was in Prag, in Aachen, in Frankfurt, in Wien and so on. And because you like a particular dynasty that doesn't make the city they resided in the German capital.
Hamburg is a leftist shithole, 90% off all Germans despise what the commies are doing there.
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>the denial

poor germans. it's like that last twitch the chicken does when you cut off it's head
90% ? and why merkel was not impeached yet?
At least Brazilians don't sell their country and culture off to a bunch of fucking muslims. The muslim population of Brazil is less than 0.5% while your shithole of a nation that started 2 world wars is plagued with migrants that rape and kill your women and children daily. 20 years from now Brazil will still be Brazilian while Germany will be brown and muslim, instead of hating on other countries that aren't nearly as cucked as yours go fucking do something about yourself before Germany becomes worse than Brazil.
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>Im not sayign we are not violent. but people here do it for money not allah or Karl Marx.

Keep lying to yourself, materialistic good goy.

We are trapped. No money on this earth can make half of Brazilians human beings. I said half just to look optimistic.

>population looks almost European

My sides
Ja ja goyim, wien was always the place to be for jews and coniving merchants. The asshole of everything germanic lies in wien. No wonder Hitler hated that place. Aachen and Prag dont count wurstbro, at that time the HRE wasnt even formed or was declining.
Because Merkel ordered the riots right?

She deserves impeachment though.

it has nothing to do with money. but with values. and values are learned either by violence or education. Do you think Europe was allays civil ? they learned their values due countless wars and genocides, until they realized that killing people was not that effective nor profitable. we will learn too in time.
Hitler hated that place because it was flooded with jews and slavs, which was not the case in earlier centuries. I've read Mein Kampf.
Are you allowed to read that in scheißland?
no negro DNA here macaco, indios are like 2 percent of population, but of course you don't know shit because of your retarded negro ancestors.

Good luck wurstfreund although I am not hopeful for you.
this one is good
Hans. This is why the US is starting to return to a concept of isolationism.

Africa and South America are resource rich, have existed "forever" and yet are hell holes.

Europe is old as fuck, but cant seem to get its shit together, and even when they try its like a fucked up frankenstiens monster that just wants to kill itself and drag the US and rest of earth along with it.
mabe she did not ordered but im quite sure she has money flowing into those blackblocks organizations. This happens in venezuela you know ? maduro has his "coletivos" brazil also had it. Why do you think merkel does not has her own "coletivoCraisen" or some shit? This size of resistence is hard to exist without money.
She is a lunatic puppet. Yes the "government" has money flowing into leftist organizations like Antifa, but Merkel controls nothing except her stool.
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Will we live till the 22nd century to see Germany become a third-world country? I don't want to die before the conclusion of the refugee arch
>mc KEKel
You wish me luck? After all those insults? I don't believe you.

On the other hand I sincerely hope that your country gets back on track one day. Just leaving that here. I'm out for today.
Yes of course, Brazil is a shithole
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dude you are literally brazilian. we killed 90% of males and raped 100% of females. we are like family. it happend a long time ago, lets forget it and be friends.

>indios are like 2 percent of population

More like 90% of the population
Stop bullying Paraguay, I bought my gun there.They're based.
You should put all this immigrants in a fucking plane and send it to israel. really, if the left is basicly jew why cant they get all the fucking immigrants there?
i live by the border with paraguay. you are all just a bunch of guarani indians
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