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he is all smug about it too, fucking disgusting
police are real busy now. response time is likely very high
If this thread dies, start a new one. This "journalist" should be fired, at least.
bumping this shit
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Bump. Take this communist cunt down!
26h of shit storm and this faggot is already crying? Let's see what he has to say after 48h or 96h.

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soeren.kohlhuber [at] yahoo.de
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Report any hints that will directly tie him to the assualts to the police of Hamburg
These are all shitty people, having at each other.
The more any of them lose, the more I win.
Nobody who matters cares about this.
Can someone explain to me why she is wearing a phalanx Europa shirt in the middle of one of the biggest black block gatherings in history?

Is she literally retarded?
She said she forgot about it. Tbh i think she underestimated euro antifag niggers and did this on purpose.
Nevertheless, this leftist faggot needs to be taught a lesson.
Someone posted a link that sören kohlhuber is his fake name the real name could be christoph frölich
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He is an easy target even antifa members didn't like him

>Gets because he talks to the police
> Gets hate because he just post photos but acting like a badass antifa commie

I really hope the guy goes to jail and meets the gangster cousin of some migrant who got his bmw torched by antifa.
Americans don't yet understand what Antifa is in Germany. They've been around since 1932 as military wing of the communists fighting the Nazis in brutal street battles.
In Germany they are therfor far more hip than in the U.S, who have yet only met twig humans fresh from mommy's home.
Also fuck Zeit Online.
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What if we spread rumours that he ran to the cops in order save his skin, ratting our antifa guys in the process.
Bump fuck this guy
Play their game call him a nazi swine or something, and tell that (((lauren)))'s grand parents had to flee europe because of his nazi grand parents, it works on them not us.
If you were to play his game you should send his pictures to actual nazis.
I can;t help if everything is in Hitler speak
kek or this

you got him by the balls, you can do better than just throwing feces at him
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Nah , better email flood him for starters
and make him feel guilty he's a useless trashcan promoting thuggery like >>132984867 says. Also keep mailing , I will write again. Also that *we will track him down*.

His mail is in pic go,go,go .
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Danke, Bruder.
Kommata und Punkte sind eh überbewertet, nicht wahr? Meine Güte...
looks like the typical communist who loves his wife and tyrone's kid
Worst thing, he has the backing of the newspaper neues deutschland, which although socialist is considered to be somewhat respectable.
Bin auf der Arbeit muss mich beeilen die Polizei wird schon nicht rumheulen wegen
> und Punkte

Wenigstens habe ich meinen teil dazu beigetragen

I hate it when these guys call for no consequences. That's how we've come to this point in the first place. There have been no consequences for these mainstream journalists for decades and it needs to stop. They have to realize there will be consequences and think twice before pulling doxing shit. This journalist knew exactly what was going to happen doing what he did and he needs to pay.
To all german anons, FYI:


I think it would be enough to bring attention to these attacks, shame would follow naturally. ppl in germany don't hear about it from the msm.
chances are he was working for government under Soros method of give someone a few K each month and let them continue whatever they were doing and report back goals and information naturally.
he tries to stir up trouble because doesn't feel he deserve this attention and support compared to real antifa who are struggling, starts trying to buy his way in and they ask him what he does apart from take photos that risk their lives. he goes off on rant about the real bad people who don't blur faces of the robberiers and arson and assaults, ending up with talking himself into punching one of those bad people.
he tries to rile up twitter and antifa just keep pointing out he is the one who has to prove himself , eventually sees one of them but still too chicken, antifa hit him in the head from behind and he bravely steps in to call them nazis and tries to trip them up.
it's gets embarrasing for all invovled and they dump him, he goes on socil media to say how scared he is.
Don't post linx wit trakcing info u fag.

the are the same lowtests coward trash just more radicalized
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The guy is a living meme
mail them too : Neues Deutschland Druckerei und Verlag GmbH

[email protected]


>in English, they can read.
G20 watch with pictures of possible offender. Whoever recognized a person there please make a submit to the Polizei Hamburg.

>for hints directly to the police
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>26h of shitstorm, I wouldn't have thought that it was this exhausting. And I'm not even responding to these people
Keep it up famalams, thanks for the support
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As promised, now your turn anon..
Over and out
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have a bump
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Did my part and forwarded it to the police with videos of tim pool/lauren soutern and the other blonde polish journalist who got attacked by the black block.
Okay what is it with this name? I have never met a sören who wasn't the most insufferable cuck
They are worse than Kevins.
Ich schäme mich für geistig behinderte Hurensöhne wie dich.
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Screenshot of real name and possible location. Unsure of validity but maybe can be used to track down acquaintances and family. Kraut anons, do you have voter information or housing information for Berlin?
Orchestrating a witch hunt against someone who orchestrated a witch hunt is .. justice?
I-is Lauren OK???
Go back. You know where.
Not from the Zeit. He's probably getting a promotion.
They need to make formal complaints to the US embassy that german authorities refused to take action against violent antifa attacks on reporters. Getting antifa branded an international terrorist organization by the US government is the best option. While they can't arrest germans if antifa is declared terrorists they can say goodbye to bank accounts, visa and mastercards, paypal and many other things they use regularly.
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This is a flyer from some anti-right-wing seminar, that he apparently gave a few years back for some organisation called "Mikado e.v."

There's a phone number under contact info, I'm not really sure whether thats just the organisation or his own number.
I guess she only knows the US joke version of Antifa.
netter name yo
Antifa are so facist
Big difference between initiation and retaliation. Fuck antifa and their enablers.

Yeah Lauren is man enough to take it. Lauren had to take the shirt off and turn it inside out. Would love to have seen those man boobs.
Nope, this is just the phone number of the organisation, not his own
Just saying if you harass him personally, he can use it to downplay his own malconduct. I'm pretty sure his actions would be frowned upon, if normies were actually aware of them. but there's total media blackout.
Her sister is hotter
no outsider cares about who started a fight. they'll only judge you by your actions, not in the order your commited them in.
German police aren't going to do a thing about this guy. Go ahead and continue to sit on the sidelines while they hurt your people.
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You assume we give a shit about what cuckolds like you think about us.
Larry Southern?
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This guy's actually a witch though.
Thanks, good meme to fuel the fire against antifa.
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Jess. And don't even think about calling her a trap

Trap. I'm such a rebel.
Basic bitch, talk shit but let the man take the hit.
I'm not saying to sit on the sideline. I'm saying that we should bring this issue, that nobody outside the alternative bubble has heard of, to the attention of normies so that the clearly reprehensible acts of this individual should be put to judgement.
And bringing attention to this helps him be put to justice how exactly? The courts are full of these same communists. The police is full of these communists. The government is full of these communists.

There is no justice without mob justice in Europe.
Damn I wish I could read german
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mob justice is exactly what happened to lauren. are you that thick?
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Are you fucking twelve? How exactly do you suggest we fight back when they have the media, the government, the police, and the justice system on their side and giving them a taste of their own medicine is off the table? KYS
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This is his real name apparently
u sound like an sjw.
I would not be so sure about that. The politicians are looking for scape-goats now, to move their own asses out of the line.
A relatively easy to find and proof (his doxing attempts, videos of the assault) might very well be investigated.
All from top to bottom:

>1625 [supposedly some antifa timestamp or code] #nog20 foto of IB [Identitäre Bewegung] at #b2h with IB-shirt

>2350 [supposedly some antifa timestamp or code] now getting messages with "we will find you and you will pay"
>who threatens you? cops? nazis?
>the victims [of the attacked journalists] or their friends
>"victims" of what

>Woman noch changed her shit. All four [of them] have cameras #nog20
>if identitaire [Identitäre Bewegung] then please foto. if we retweet this it must be 100% safe!

Wish i'd know what those codes are, they do not line of with actual time.
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>muh horseshoe theory
Again, how exactly do you suggest we fight back? I hear a lot of moralist whining about our methods but no suggestions. Get off your high-horse, faggot.
stupid irresponsible christian democrat try to blame everything on the hamburg mayor. these cuckservatives don't give a fuck about antifa.
Godspeed anon
>t. another numale who cant stand up for himself cries for attention
Fuck off. If somebody tries to damage your property or is pushing you away and you don't punch him in the chin as your first reaction - nobody should gave a shit about you cowardly no balls beta ass.
the first step in winning is not fighting yourself. don't be an angry idiot that wants to punch someone and ends up punching himself. the antifa is *not* backed by the population, even though it seems they are. if they see more of this violence, they will turn against them.
look at cnn! they are dying right now. and all it took was their own stupidity. just be a good person, and evil will destroy itself.

to get back on topic, I agree with
If we can feed the normies with proof of his wrong doing, I think we could score a win here.
I wonder if photoshopping identitarian shirts on leftists and distributing them to Antifa with fake accounts would cause the left to eat itself.
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Do you think this is a fucking hollywood movie? Are you actually underage? No, evil doesn't "destroy itself". Evil gets crushed under the tracks of a 10-ton tank, or strung up from a lamp-post.

This is clown world

The group of "anti-right wing" reporters he is part of are getting money from our ministry of justice to visit schools.


>Störungsmelder on tour: sponsored by BMJV (ministry of justice)
>The Störungsmelder are active in the whole country and already visited over 110 schools. Together with the pedagogic team of the association "Gesicht zeigen", they discuss topics such as far-right-extremism, everyday-racism and moral courage and organise trainings and workshops.
>The event "Störungsmelder on tour" is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Consumer protection since 2008 financially and ideologically. More infos on www.gesicht-zeigen.de
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>they are dying right now. and all it took was their own stupidity. just be a good person, and evil will destroy itself.

there is a bti of a wrong feeling about doxing him etc but taht would have been last year when it had any blowback, it's near the end of a very slow long turn from the far left and it will take a long time until the cycle repeats.
now it's open season on the antifa the main war has been won if they know it or not
Yes, evil does destroy itself. Hitler destroyed himself. Hillary destroyed herself. CNN destroyed itself. That's called Karma (which actually is not fate, that's something people always confuse). Whatever you do comes back to you in the form of angry people. This is why you do the good thing, which sometimes can include to punch a nazi.
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>Hitler destroyed himself.
Tell that to the women and children of Dresden, and the survivors of Berlin.
>Hitler destroyed himself
Huh, guess the guys running up the beaches on D-day were there for the scenery

He's not /ourguy/ if he classifies Hitler as evil and wants us not to take action. Either cuckservative or lefty trying to dissuade us from doing anything, the kekistani flag reinforces that.
Oh this is good.
We should escalate this to cut their funding and brainwashing.
So I came to /pol/ to get accused of wrongthink? Geez, get a grip.
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No, you came to /pol/ to babble you uneducated nonsense and got told.
Ok, then dox the guy and tell me later how that worked out in trying to take down antifa.
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Fine. You keep autistically screeching about how we need to conform to the rules set for us by the enemy
will you just shut up you fucking disruptor kike ? go get a life you fucking leftist cumstain
You are so unbelievably stupid. By engaging in the exact same behavior as antifa, you are in fact conforming to the rules set by the enemy.

After responding to you, now it's my turn to ask questions.

1. What is your goal? Is it to take down antifa? Is it to harass this journalist?

2. How do you think to achieve your goal?
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dox back
>punch a nazi
and who is a 'nazi' whoever disagrees with muh ideols, get the hell outta here
Sometimes you cannot deal with people, and you should avoid them. Sometimes you cannot even avoid them, and you must punch them.
That depends on what that person does, not what he *is* or thinks.

Punching a right-winger simply for being right-wing is retarded, but I also don't want to have violent right-wing gangs roaming my streets, just as as I don't want violent left wingers roaming my streets, and I don't mind the police punching them.

No it's called Zersetzung, it's what the Stasi in East Germany used. We demoralize him, demonize him and make him lose his job, thereby we scare away hundreds of other wannabe activists. Rinse and repeat. The goal is to undermine their numbers as much as possible and neuter their organizational capabilities for when the gibs run out in Europe in <5 years and things escalate.
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All in the plan
And look where the Stasi is now. Also, the analogy fails because "we" does not have the power of the gdr. If you target him with a harassment campaign, I predict the following outcome:

1. He won't get fired.
2. He will write whiny articles about how he gets harassed by right-wing internet trolls.
3. The mainstream media covers this eventually, decrying once again the awful awful internet.
4. Retarded politicians call for more regulation of the internet.
meanwhile, Antifa

The GDR failed because of opposition by the host population, not because the Stasi used evil methods. Considering how close the GDR was to the FRG you could actually make the case it was rather effective for how long it propped up the state.

What do you want us to do them, nothing? It's going to crash and burn really soon, if we can't afford to waste any opportunity.
kys, that solves the evil right problem
since the circle of violence will never be stopped until YOU DIE
cucked fucking mongoloid, honestly just kys
he looks like his test levels are under 100ng/l
defiling our princess like that with creepshots
Any why do you think population was opposed? Of course, economy was shit, but the protest was fueled by the oppression.

As I already said above, I suggest we get word about his doxing to the press. I think this would be the most effective action. That's my suggestion, I will comment no more on this.
We can definitely write our representatives in the Bundestag about this.

The social democratic party that runs the justice ministry is in a coalition with CDU/CSU, which should be more open to go against left wing terrorism, especially after the embarrassment about the G20.

If we are lucky we maybe can get them defunded.
Lauren has nicer body... xD. They're both pretty hot
apprehended *
Sören looks like a fat nu male beta, typical for antifaglets

Unfortunately the Antifa didn't beat up this Nazi bitch Lauren

>Lauren Southern, an Alt Right media figure who is working with European white nationalist Identitarian groups to block refugee boats. She had the chutzpah to wear a “Identity Europa” shirt to the demonstrations, which were so intense that the crowds overwhelmed 15,000 police.

hurr durr I'm the victim
stupid bitch
KYS mindfucked kraut

Yeah the press will surely side against one of their own who is on top of that fighting nazis.


Smelly, dumb, ANTIFA scum.
Yea, that's how it works faggot.
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>normies on twitter calling for antifa cucks to be chained up and forced to clean the streets
State financed antifa thugs with molotovs = 100.000
G20 in Hamburg and aftermath = 10.000.000
Volkszorn 2017 = Priceless
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