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Have you ever thought about how early we are in a fucking millennium?

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Have you ever thought about how early we are in a fucking millennium? One-thousand years ago gunpowder was being invented, look at where the fuck we've gotten, and wonder what will we have by the 3000's
>Paris year 3000
Where are all the mosques and mud huts?
Pubic hair will be replaced with tiny thin robots
>those big numbers on buildings

whats the purpose of this?
Central planning hell.
Humans won't exist.
I can't wait to see what the world is like in 70 years when i'm close to 100 years old if i ever live that long. I think about it all the time. I always think that there has to be another world war before i pass away, it just seems weird that one wouldn't happen.

Probably less than we have now
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I have some bad news...
>implying all who are now under 40 will not live for ever
If the idiots keep pushing quantum computing as haphazardly as they are we'll be removed.
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>doesnt know about current central planing nightmares

We're not going to make it to 3000. Humanity has less than 50 years.
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>Too late to explore the world
>Too early to explore space

Just in time to see mudslimes and niggers burn down the world.
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Makes me erect thinking of the coming war
Yep. We're going extinct either by death or 'transcendence' of some hivemind.

The people who invented quantum computers can't even explain how they work. They're basically sending all of their calculations into another dimension and letting whoever is on the other side do all the work.
"We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean."
"It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."
"Yeah. Major drag, huh?"
Yeah that's how it starts, outsourcing, then those bastards are gonna start heading over and we'll have to build a space wall to keep them out
brazilians will have devolved into literal monkeys
>by the 3000's
Niggers will destroy civilization far before.
its still an amazing feat of engineering and construction. I've seen some districts like this constructed fully in blazing speed in my area. I guess it works for some people.

No well be fine. The challenges will be greater than ever before, however.

Not everybody will transcend.
Sounds like bullshit. How do they not know how their own invention works?
You not understanding the explanation is not the same thing as them not being able to explain it.

Also in a thousand years you can expect all the things we've kept for the last thousand years to still be present in the future. Roads, houses, shoes, clothes, cookware, books, those will probably all be there. Read Antifragile by Taleb he explains in more detail.
Theres going to be a class of people that are transcended. But humans as we are now, or pretty close to it, will still exist.
>implying technology isn't going to peak in the next 100 years
>space travel will always be tedious and need to be unmanned due to the massive radiation doses created going faster than conventional
>space colonisation is a pipe dream, never going to happen as there is no way to change a planet's terrestrial gravity and keep colonists from dying of inevitable cardiopulmonary degradation, let alone atrophy.
>there is no cure for cancer
>gene therapy will only stop aging so much, DNA will always degrade
>war and famine will probably send us back to the Stone Age soon enough with all the droughts and the coming resource/water wars from all of starving overpopulated shitskins because we just had to sustain them in an unsustainable environment with our resources

Futurists are a fucking meme.
Look at that glorious communism
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Sure. Why not?


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
Without a doubt
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Reality is a computer simulation and real people do not exist!
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>and wonder what will we have by the 3000's

190 million square miles of this.
theres a projected meteor thats like 10 miles wide thats gonna hit the planet in 2486 or something lol. Good riddance

They can't explain it because they don't WANT to explain it. They are literally sending info packets into another dimension and letting the entities on the other side complete the calculations.
By then we'll have the means to blow shit up well before it poses a danger.
Well, that is as long as we keep up on progress and don't feel the need to decolonize science because it's too white.
We arent going to have shit. Theres not enough nutrient rich topsoil to feed billions for a thousand years. The wealthy will leave this place and you'll never even be told they had the means to do so
How the FUCK does that one in the middle have solar???

No, that's not how it works at all. Back to remedial maths for you.
>implying we will need soil in the future

bro you dumb?
Yep, 17 years in. Hoo boy, what a poignant thing.
>You will never live in the year 3000
Malthus please, we've been pulling nitrogen out of the atmosphere for 80 years now.
year 3000 will suck ass. the good years will be 2700-2750
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>How the FUCK does that one in the middle have solar???

Nigger that's a TV set.
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Double checked.

>implying technology isn't going to peak in the next 100 years
>space travel will always be tedious and need to be unmanned due to the massive radiation doses created going faster than conventional
Radiation shielding and warp drives.
>space colonisation is a pipe dream, never going to happen as there is no way to change a planet's terrestrial gravity and keep colonists from dying of inevitable cardiopulmonary degradation, let alone atrophy.
Literally Venus has almost exactly 1g and 70ish degrees high in the atmosphere.
>there is no cure for cancer
There probably is tho.
>gene therapy will only stop aging so much, DNA will always degrade
That's fine?
>war and famine will probably send us back to the Stone Age soon enough with all the droughts and the coming resource/water wars from all of starving overpopulated shitskins because we just had to sustain them in an unsustainable environment with our resources
Only if the West is destroyed in nuclear hellfire would this ever happen.

>Futurists are a fucking meme.

if jews get their way, there wont be a year 3000.
Cloud cities would probably be possible with graphene. For anything meaningful we absolutely need orbital shipyards and space elevators first though.

>Radiation shielding and warp drives
Seriously? There is no material, manmade or natural that can block out raw Hawking radiation. Warp Drives are a death sentence as soon as they reach a certain speed. The matter inside will generate its own radiation at that point.

>Venus being sustainable in atmosphere cloud cities
The radiation is insane too and cloud cities are completely unsustainable. That's a pipe dream
>Cure for cancer exists
No, it doesn't. Period. It's a result of DNA degrading. Exist long enough and you become a tumour.
>Nuclear hellfire is the only thing that can bring us back to the Stone Age
Mad Max is a very real thing in places like Somalia. Even that's only barely propped up by aid. If the entire world is unable to feed and provide water and medicine, things go to shit immediately. There's plenty of factors that will completely fuck the human race without having a massive nuclear exchange.

Stop reading sci fi you fucking NEETs. Science is reaching a wall with what we can do with our given resources and capabilities.
>The radiation is insane too and cloud cities are completely unsustainable. That's a pipe dream

"Planes cannot fly, tis dream of the pipe chip chip cheerio mum and crackers"

There's a difference in paper and wood on air currents and building something functional for interstellar travel. That is the dumbest analogy ever.

"Haha if I can just do one thing I can do this completely different thing in a much greater magnitude of difficulty ;)"

"If I dream I'm a girl I can be a girl :') Just with a penis"

"If I dream I can becoming an otherkin scalie, I really can be"

"If I dream I can reach the edge of the universe, I really can using my imagination and the resources of a ball of rock with some mineral extracts."

Get real.
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I'm, sweetie?

You are LITERALLY that guy who wanted to close the patent office after the locomotive was invented because "everything useful had already been invented"

Shameful display really.
If we continue the same path making lots of niggers and sand niggers we'll never achieve that pic related.
You know that we're already reprogramming immune cells to identify and kill cancer right?
If gunpowder was the invention that shaped the 1000s right upto WW2, This new millenia starting from 2000 is clearly defined as the age of the Internet. We are using the Internet in its most primitive and earliest form.
Our shitposts will be studied a 500 years from now and displayed in virtual museums.
The next 50 years or even sooner, governments are gonna sink their claws even deeper into controlling information flow on the internet.
At this moment, we are truly revelling in an age of absolute informational freedom, the media kikes have realised that their old model of controlling goys with their 'narratives' has failed , politicians on either side were fooling people due to lack of knowlede among people, now everything is on the internet.
The elite will put all their resources into controlling the internet, the last bastion of freedom for the poor and get us back into being the mindless consumer class, debt-ridden, no-knowledge dogs that we are.
Tl,dr :Internet as we know it is gonna change.
>expecting humans to still exist
There won't even be liquid water on the surface of the planet
>logical fallacies
You are a bad troll and clearly have no fucking idea what you are talking about
2/10 got a reply but you went 1 shitpost 2 many and got found out

>Year 3000

Pro tip: still no hover boards.
>warp drives.
It isn't possible to go faster than the speed of light, full stop. If you think otherwise you're a retard, end of story.
Spacecucks try to handwave this away with "well some future technology will solve it" like you can just brush aside the laws of physics with the circuit board. Pathetic. We're going to live and die here just like everyone else.
>the year is 3000
>The last white man is killed by the United LGBT Progressive Hyper Caliphate
This guy is right. Warp-drives and such are good only on sci-fi movies.
But,we won't be dying on Earth. The only reason manned space exploration has stopped is because of 'muh value for human life'. Once the chinks master manned spaceflights, we might see a rise in suicidal space explorations(similar to soviet ones in the 50s) ,some of which might bear fruit.
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your so full of your own hubris, its fucking sad. x out your browser and take some time to think of how stupid you sound

also you might not necessarily have to break the speed of light in order to travel unimaginable distances.
because you can buy the cells f you just save up the money
Why is it so difficult to understand you aren't actually moving in a warp field?
Warp drive isn't about going faster than light, it's about cheating relativity. If you could travel at the speed of light you could be anywhere instantly because from your frame of reference you are at all points in space, but everyone else would be long dead by the time you got anywhere because from their frame of reference it took you 10,000 years to get where you were going.
So the planes know which tower to hit.
>look at where the fuck we've gotten
Nowhere? You're not that far from gunpowder really. Had electricity for over a century and done fuckall with it.
>Rightwingers always depict the bad guys in fiction as themselves
It's like you know or something.
France is a communist country at heart...
They like to build everything out of concrete and divide it in sectors.
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>This guy is right. Warp-drives and such are good only on sci-fi movies

we know how you feel about technology pajeet
>québec flag
>We're going to live and die here just like everyone else.

Unless we solve apoptosis ;)
>the irony of that statement

my sides
>de future is ebik guys futur is now XDDDDDD

The internet is the birth of the hivemind.

Every year it grows increasingly more interconnected and influencial.

People everywhere are connected to this thing. The only difference is that now they might actually look away from their phones periodically... At some point everything will be hardwired directly into their conscious.

It's an unbelievably incredible tool that will be used by the wrong people to do the wrong things to everyone.
Because it creates visual interest within the composition
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>lets make skyscrapers with lots of wasted space and big numbers on them because it's the future!
We'll all be dead by the end of the 21st century.
You think pic related is desirable? Imagine yourself being a civilian of that city, how much your existence is like that of an ant.
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>What is retard fashion trends

>Let's make a huge glass tumour because it's the recent past!

Pic related.
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