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One picture man

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 153

File: IMG_2447.png (175KB, 1023x941px) Image search: [Google]
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Sum up /pol/ in a single picture.
Or vegan.
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This and always this.
Whenever there's something remotely resembling a happening, all the part-time /pol/ lurkers return.
This really hit the nail on the head.
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Go back
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pol 02.jpg
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>hot shouting "cuck" the entire time
so badass. Slow walk, fuck the earth.
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EU class.jpg
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Holy shit this would be perfect if someone photoshopped over the DC panel
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Winner winner chicken dinner
Yes sir
taking attendance must be a bitch. on the other hand, it would be really easy to skip school.
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>typing with just two index fingers instead of multiple
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>i don't like beer
>therefore nobody really likes beer

fuck off. the funny thing is, this is the exact type of fucking thinking i except from that asshole who draws those comics.
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sauce please
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Nigga how much index fingers do you have?
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Oddly, this makes me like pol more.
Type with all your fingers, nigger.
How many index fingers should I use?
Thanks, made me laugh
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download (1).jpg
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all i got
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An attempt was made.
Nice! Thanks anon!
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after poll.gif
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Fucking Kek
Jokes aside, it triggers me

Just watch this faggot go
>If I don't like it, nobody must like because I'm such a smart individual
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fucking kek
came to say this


So many good images ITT i'm not going to quote them all
I love that one.
>Haha, I drew a comic making fun of people who are so above it all and think everyone around them is a mindless sheep
>I'm not like that though, I'm ACTUALLY not a sheep, I'm a free thinking radical
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>not understanding body-mind relation
This is so many epistemological levels below me
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randall munroe is pure cancer
xkcd sucks!
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i'm not right wing.jpg
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Holy fuck, this is like everytime some retard tries to sum up /pol/.
Like this. This is a prime example of one of the dumbasses:
dzieki bardzo m8
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le hat joke.png
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>Implying women would get an education
Also fuck off kike
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typical pol user.jpg
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The people that dis info are the kikes and their commie idiots.

You're kind are a stain on /pol/s credentials.

Because you people in of yourself are liars or DGF.
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nigger you didnt even change the url
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>the Jews Rachel
I laugh everytime I hear that sentence
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>Sum up /pol/ in a single picture.
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what is pol.png
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I love seeing this knowing I made this a thing and that he's still my roommate.
>you won't believe me but I know it's you portugal
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I love it too.
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Fact Seagull.png
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i prefer pic related
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Best one
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pol dating.png
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I believe you.

>literally proves the comic
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It's pretty pathetic that all /leftypol/ memes have the same format. At least use a different text faggot; it's blatantly obvious that the faggot that made that and all the anti reddit fag memes are from the same person. You fuckers are the most unoriginal fuckers I've ever had the displeasure of seeing
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nigger talk for reject/avoid
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>...You trump

This is literally the greatest meme in fucking existence. When this first was posted in a matchmake-larping thread I laughed so fucking hard for minutes. I kept replying to pro trump thread's with "...You trump", hoping to meme it in to existence, but obviously nobody got it.
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I'll never forget you Portugal. I'm going to circulate another nazi black guy tonight just for you.
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Babby's first redpill.
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...you trump

I can just imagine how embarrassing this interaction actually was for Randall Munroe.

>hey man, want a beer?
>huh? n-no.... okay sure
>Cool man, i've got (list of types)
>a-anything's fine... it all tastes bad.... aren't you just pretending to like it?
>Uh, no.
Hehe I saw it when you posted it first on /v/ :-)
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i need to organize my image folder
>someone I curved

Can someone translate please? I don't speak single mother.
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t me.png
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>someone i rejected
i translated it above, beucase pic related
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giphy eee.gif
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Spencer is pretty gay though, and I don't think his group is part of that.
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anytime anything happens anywhere
>tfw 90% of my typing is only with my index fingers
>still ~90wpm
Back as a kid this infuriated the shit out of one of my teachers
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that feel.gif
13KB, 633x758px
>tfw can't do 3 because dick is super thin
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polball white supremacists.png
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just lie
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Yes we must become like Reddit echochamber to survive and invite all the elitist Redditors here to shit the place up...
he looks like jonathan in second panel
Lying would bring shame to my family.
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Goblin Di Spencer.jpg
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>This faggot
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feels erryday.jpg
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no more clicking on street signs for me
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>A Person in Europe is stabbed, an unconfirmed report somebody heard Allahu ackbar.
is that a mcdonalds flag?
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>it works
No, I can't believe how dense in geography burger are, this is the flag of the United States of Amerilard.
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didn't mean to have the link
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Its piss water shit, deal with it. You are as obnoxious as wine faggots.

Not just me that don't find beer tasty then. Had a bearable one but, nothing good while there's alcohol that actually does taste good.
Same applies to you >>132940649
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>dick is super thin
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This isn't half bad, but completely misses the point
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this to be honest
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Bez tytułu.jpg
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fuk that was cool
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>le euphoric xkcd comic
Fuck off back to le reddit
That hitler though
>not having 2 sets of 4 index fingers and opposable thumbs
You will be left behind
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average pol.webm
1MB, 640x480px
easily the most accurate
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Lmao nice one
Oh shit, what are you doing faggot leaf?
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delete this nao!!!!!!!!!!
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gooks are fucking wierd sometimes
if you look closer it is a man on a cross
Jesus is with Trump
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Mr. Rogers.png
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Is this from Blazing Saddles?

I think it's time for a rewatch.
wew this is a vintage meme
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4c (203).jpg
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>Sum up /pol/ in a single picture.

Yiff Heil!
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what boards are the most triggered and traumatized by /pol/?
What others?
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I miss him, bros...
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that profile pic next to the tiny circled one
if i recall, that was actually another /pol/ack. however, the person maria replied to was 100% legit. shitposting on twitter was a hell of a lot easier a few years ago
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what's going on in this thread.jpg
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Not a word, then.

WTf no degeneracy is allowed, this is a rightwing board. vanilla female:rape only
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>proving anon's comic right
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swazi asian.jpg
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>Orange hardhat
>Black flood
Liberal media
this is retarded but beer is actually disgusting and it doesn't get you drunk
>beer is actually disgusting
I don't think you've had any good beers then.
Americans aren't going to read a grossly disorganized and lengthy insult.
its what happens when you get nuked twice

only explanation
digits says this guy gets cancer
I've had many different types of beers, and most of them are bitter shit.
t. Milk Drinker
is 4loko beer
Is this a good way to red pill normies?

57 keks
Alcohol tastes like gasoline though
Yeah beer is shit
Are you twelve?
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>The Jews, Rachel.
i lose every time
turn this into CNN meme right


they actually do this for a very good reason.

crude oil often has high levels of H2S in it.

if they didnt set the well ablaze they would all be dead fairly quickly.

i agree 100%

beer mostly tastes like shit.

i would far prefer a bloody mary or a daiquiri or something. shit tastes ten times better and has more booze in it.

anyone that drinks IPA's are fucked up beer is either pretending to be somewhat sophisticated or is an alcoholic that simply enjoys the chemical tastes of these things.
>a rare Deepwater Jew
top queq

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his story is that he's straight from the 80's, and only came back recently to tell modern comic heroes that their stories are shit.

One comic ended with him back home, deciding to dedicate his life to shitposting.
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triggered much?
>this is like everytime some retard tries to talk things you don't agree

>implying I as an American will read all of that
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newfags don't know that people would say 'nigger' all the time on every board. The only times I've ever seen people posting this image on other boards is when they get upset over someone saying 'nigger' or 'faggot'.
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>I look exactly like this
>Pretty much every one of these statements apply to me
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Literally me
This is why breitbart helped start huffington post
Most accurate image especially in regards to e-celeb bullshit
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Barely anyone uses cuck any more unless its actually appropriate. Faggot or nigger are the go to insults again
Well considering the astronomically absurd [western] women have these days, you literally have to be a Greek Demi God mind reader just to get the attention of a women. Its all good though, a man should ALWAYS prioritize self improvement over relationships anyways.
>leftist tryhard projection maymays

Also misery loves comedy and some of the funniest people to have ever existed were depressives or suffered through bouts of depression.
>astronomically absurd standards
>tfw you remember when normies where referred to as normalfags

it was literally appropriated by normies for normies
>severe chronic acne
fuck you canuck, that hit hard
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>Humans have pretended to like beer for the last 5,000 years across all countries

just fucking kys, does a 16 year old girl make these comics?
all alcohol tastes like shit to me t b h. Basically identical to isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
guy on the left is the /pol/ fag like me who is on /pol/ 8+ hours to see the ups and downs of the daily postings/countries/influx of liberals trying to attack /pol/
guy on the right is the /pol/ faggot who stops in once for 5 minutes a few times a day
pancakes is real, guy on the right is just a faggot who doesnt bother asking for quick rundowns
I think people drink bear for the alcohol and not the taste. After a few, the taste don't matter. Only the weirdos like non alcoholic beer.
Still more reliable than CNN
Ive unironically done that before
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I've had stretch marks since I was 14, not from fat though, I grew 4 inches one summer and it fucked up my back
the story behind this pic fits us perfectly
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Yea, I also like how diverse it is. How they lived on the outskirts of society. How they just fucked shit up with little raids. It works on so many levels.
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Pol in One Image.jpg
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pol sends a message.png
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moot announces pol.png
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Lessons of Darkness -Werner Herzog
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not everyone is a nigga france
>t. Triggered atheist
What did he mean by this? Is he admitting he does it and projection it onto everyone else? Or admitting he does it BY projecting it on to everybody else? Seriously, how would this nake him seem at all like a good person?
Really made me think.
It depends. Your average mass-produced beer is mostly quite shitty. If you want something great, you have to go into craft beers. There is about 80 different styles of beer - stouts, ales, sour beers, smoked beers, wheat beers, belgian style beers, barley wines, IPA... Almost every beer in your average shop is either lager or pilsner. Brewing it yourself is also great option. In general, taste of alcohol in beer is a big flaw, and should never happen.
>Just made 20l batch of sweet stout yesterday. 36x0,5l and 6x0,33 bottles. It has glorious aroma of coffie and chocolade, while it's sweet thanks to generous addition of lactose. It's about 3,5%, alcohol is not important in this style.
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think of the children.jpg
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forgot pic
>It's about 3,5%, alcohol is not important

Wot a fucking poof
>Western women.

And yes, until about 30-35 standards ARE astronomical.
It's a price of "You're so speshul princess" attitude that was/is orbiting them all the way until university and a bit more.

Also, read an article or two about women bitching that they can't find their prince charming in the 35-40-ies with the status and salary (of course) higher that them
The standards ARE absurd and women NEVER know the word "Enough" and always look for more.
So accurate kek
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Hard to pick just one...
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If you would make it stronger, alcohol would just made it undrinkable. This style embrace the idea of making beer like sweetened expresso. This style was created in UK btw. You can't just make strong beers without any plan, or you will get something smelling like bleach, or nail polish solvent. I did a lot of stronger beers as well, currently I have 7% dubbel maturing in a fermentor, last batch was 11% Imperial IPA. If you want stronger sweet stout, you have to go all the way and change style altogheter - and make Russian Imperial Stout instead. That stuff is bretty good, at least 8%-10% depending on recipe.
>my whiteness s all i have
>he doesnt verify it himself
not the /pol/ i know. at the very least i do a rudimentary google search to make sure im not being jewed when someone shoves an infographic in my face.
Is trappistes dare say /ourbeer/
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>he doesnt get it

>he doesnt start at helicopter rides
Haha, I made a comment mocking a comic someone drew making fun of people who are so above it all and think everyone around them is a mindless sheep
>I'm not like that though, I'm ACTUALLY not a sheep, I'm a free thinking radical
>haha I made fun of a guy who made fun of people who are so above it all and think everyone around them is a mindless sheep
>I'm not like that though, I'm ACTUALLY not a sheep, I'm a free thinking radical
im here today to see whats /pol/ doing about g20
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holy fuck americans are retarded
>americans and their beer experience

well yeah when your beers basically consist of the worst tasting shit generally, then yeah.
>women have historically high standards for mates in almost all societies where they have agency to choose one
>women today keep spouting: "must be 6'10" tall, literally the statue of david, and have a dick longer than my forearm. also needs to live in a mansion"
>even the obese ones
>are usually the ones that initiate divorces after 2 years of marriage, usually due to them cheating on the man anyway
>promiscuous culture at large encouraging women to have many partners but never be loyal, even deeming it permissible for women to take advantage of their legal standing as women, present in all western societies
>""astronomically high standards""
jidf pls go.
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>5 is literally rubbing a dude's crotch
>2 still looks like more of a faggot
He probably just observed how everyone calls everybody else brainwashed, sheep and delusional. And it's true.
anyone have the meme of /pol/ wiping his sweaty forehead, and then a thicc brown chick behind him? I can't seem to find it
> his state borders other states
Fucking pleb
>i'm german
Never seen this. Why would anyone want to LARP as a cuck?

Life is already all memes in the west and is insufferable for significant portions of the population either way
/sci/ is flooded with threads about IQ and race and other race realism stuff
/his/ is flooded with KANGS threads
Half hate /pol/ the rest makes fun of the triggered ones
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nigger thinks bud light = NCBA
/qa/ and /ck/
>tfw mum says I talk too much about American stuff now days
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Thats the principle the """"science""""" of psychology is based on
But most actual beers taste good, what the fuck is wrong with people? It's the most enjoyable alcohol out there, just makes you pee a lot.
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made this before kek became culturally appropriated
I actually like how beer tastes, fuck off.
Well it's tough to take the accusation of fucking up other people's boards seriously while mutiple boards, external sites and multimillion-dollar astroturfing campaigns are so persistent on /pol/
It's like gamer gate - people could have fucked off and left us to be aspies in our little gutter and we'd have just stayed here doing nothing but no, they had to go stirring the sewer and start whining that there's shit everywhere.
This, I faintly remember a post of a woman asking if she should leave her trophy husband(As in that he fits the astronomical requirements), for a man who has similair achievements, but his dick is a bit bigger(she had already cheated, but wanted to know if she should try to jump ship).

I assume not all women are like that, and that men can have the same absurd demands, but it's typically the females that reject mates of similar likeness to themselves, for a Chad.
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Ancient Egyptian didn't have a short E sound. His name was pronounced "kuk"
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lynch a jew faggot and really do something who cares about niggers
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>post from probably male anon on 4chan dictates beliefs about real life women
>will never get laid even if Nazism
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You try too hard
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pol _usa_meeting.png
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