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Why didn't he make the national headlines? He had quite

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Why didn't he make the national headlines?
He had quite the backstory for a spreekiller
tranny, don't want the goym going against their pets do we.
Because, he wasn't a raging faggot like you
That didint stop the kikes from publishing that black gay guy spree killer
You must be the future jimmy neutron bomber then
Because it was embarrassing for everyone.
Did you see his little training video? 10 feet away, couldnt hit shit.
What's with bowl cuts?
Most of these spree killers cant shoot for shit anyway yet they make it in the headlines
He must've done target practice with a of ANTIFA cucks
Are you sure about that?
Praise kek
Why do you keep reposting this guy? Nobody cares about him, and nobody is going to join your fan club
Give me the quick rundown on this guy.
Cause it proves that trannys are mentally ill
would shed light on what loneliness does to someone and there was no way to spin it around to be a gun control story
the media already fucked up reporting on elliot roger and doesnt want to try again
Don't know who he is and don't want to
>that haircut
>that edgey pose
>that poster hung up
tranny brony who thought he could become a ghost girl if he killed a bunch of people before committing suicide
I think it's just best I link you to a video. This story is too autistic for me to describe.

>going ghost
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This explains everything.
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>tfw you will never join egs
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because she won
(((They))) are learning. (((They))) have adapted. I saw TV shrinks whining and pleading as far ago as the Sandy Hoax """"shooting"""" saying the only way to stop mass school shootings is to stop giving them coverage because the shooters actually just crave the attention.

Seems like from now on these stories will be buried. More fake news.
Ricardo Lopez but not as fun.
His backstory is long, explaining it is autistic, and the whole situation is embarrassing.
Also it's a good argument for concealed carry.
Any goyim who reads that this guy took hours to kill three people with like 100 shells would realize if one of those victims had a revolver only the brony would die.
Tldr doesn't bring in view money due to inaccessible story, also doesn't advance gun control agenda. So it gets buried.
Could you imagine being the guy who came up with that cartoon? What would you think, knowing that some weirdo obsessed over your drawing that only vaguely approximates a human form?

Do you suppose anyone was suicidially obsessed over neoclassical photorealistic paintings? You know, that actually look like people?
Because ze was literally the epitome of a DNC/"I'M WITH HER!" poster-Xhild

Brony? Check
Tumblr tranny LGBTQXYZ123? Check
Antifa commie? Check

Basically that...
Has butch hartman said anything about this?
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That guy was probably the most autistic, embarassing, ridiculous spree killer of human history. Being this kind of pathetic in evil is quite an accomplishment in and of itself.
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/co/ first shooter. Disappointing.
>Antifa commie? Check
He hates blacks and gays though
because he killed like 3 people???? lmao
Too much cringe
When gender dysphoria is left untreated it can and will warp the afflicted into monsters. 500 years ago is no different than today, most just get suicidally depressed but some go off the deep end and develop a menagerie of even worse mental conditions.
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didn't this faggot fire like 80 rounds of 00 buck and only hit 3 people or something?
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Smug sob he knows.
nah I don't even think it made national news he only killed 3 people that barley qualifies as a spree killer
Would you fuck him, /pol/?
It's embarrassing on the victims' part that they didn't just banzai charge the American with pathetic aim.
Great shame.
I am not convinced that gender dysphoria is any more real than any other "mental illness." It's just some weak minded retards who decide they want to try to conform better to our gynocentric society by *becoming* women. But that's of course impossible so they just act retarded.

Honestly, 500 years ago there weren't transvestites. Today there are more than ever. This is symptomatic of society. It is not some permanent aspect of the human condition.
Whats his name?
I love being alone though. I dread being forced to interact with others
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i know what you mean - but there was no way for the victim's to know what a faggot he was, so i can emphasize a little with them
on another note, do you know if this happened in a gun-free zone?
It was probably too embarrassing to have the mainstream news have to explain that shit. You know how they stumble over themselves and get anxious when trying to explain even just some basic tech garbage or internet memes, imagine them trying to explain ghost buttholes and waifus?
>I am not convinced that gender dysphoria is any more real than any other "mental illness."
Yes? It's just like other mental illnesses. Are you saying they aren't real?
>Honestly, 500 years ago there weren't transvestites. Today there are more than ever.
1.Yes there were
2. Transvestism isn't the same as being transgender
3.Trans people are still only ~1% of the population, the only reason you think there's so many is because the jews keep shoving them in front of your face. I read a study once where it said straight people estimate that ~25% of people are gay when it's ~10%. Why? Jews.
It was a grocery store in a red state so maybe not.
Probably had a company policy against weapons but a grocery job is so pathetic any real American should carry anyway and take the risk of being fired.
It touches on too much.
>youtube brainwashed him with brand ambassador bullshit
>tranny/gay acceptance brainwashed him with the gay
>Nickelodeon is too blame
>4chan is to blame
>his parents
>he obtained the guns legally
>mentally ill, white man shoots white people doesnt grab headlines.

He went on a rant about how he was doing it because he was a woman trapped in a man's body.
/co/'s first spree killer was such a disappointment.
It's a pity that he didn't manage to make more animated videos.
That shit was hilarious.

I'd fuck his new ghost form.

>I am not convinced that gender dysphoria is any more real than any other "mental illness."
Because it isn't real, at least not at this scale.
VERY often in these cases it's a fetish that has turned into people mistaking it as an identity.
That's because society nowadays aggressively pushes this shit as your identity.
Combined with people not having any hobbies or anything else going on in their lives, so they latch onto that sexuality and turn it into an identity and a lifestyle.
Also it's a form of escapism. When nothing is going right in your life, at least you can ditch your former identity and become something else, that's somehow supposed to fix all of your problems.
Then they discover that this doesn't really fix shit and that they're not actually gay, so they go off the deep end and kill themselves.
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>ayy ghost boi watchu think bout dis?
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thanks for the info my english teaching bro
hypothetically, how would you feel about 1 in 10 people being CCW wherever you go - do you think that would make places safer? i'm of the opinion that yes, it would make all of society safer
>It's just like other mental illnesses. Are you saying they aren't real?

>1.Yes there were
Transvestite revisionist nonsense.
>2. Transvestism isn't the same as being transgender
Yes it is. You're falling into their delusions.
>3.Trans people are still only ~1% of the population
That's about a 10,000x increase over ten years ago. HMMMM.
>3.5 straight people estimate that ~25% of people are gay when it's ~10%.
This is a fun game I like to play sometimes. I ask people how many homosexuals there are in the country. Usually they have never considered it before. After being persistent and forcing them to guess, would you like to know what number they generally settle on?


Which is strange, because the real number is 3.5%.

Why do you think 10% of the population are gay, anon? Don't say Jews.
it probably is 10% considering faggots like you refuse to come out of the closet
Fun fact: Randy hated niggers.
Oh. So if the figure is something other than what you want it to be, you just think there's people hiding the truth?

Tell me, what do you know of the Kinsey scale?
Probably would make people safer from things like murder and assault but might complicate things like shoplifting.
I agree with the cucks that lots of guns in a bar is a bad idea though.
He fired 16 shots and only got three kills.
What a loser
what about bisexual people then? are they considered straight or gay and how do they fit into those stats? what about trap fappers? im just saying its wrong and Kinsey had down syndrome
Does anyone remember that day he was supposed to come back with the Ghost Squad and cause havoc on our earthly realm?
I'm worried.
Real men like Genghis Khan haven't figured out how to return from the dead but this faggot will.
"Bisexuals" are just hedonists with no morals. If you don't believe me, ask an actual gay what he thinks of them.
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Oh sorry I didn't know you were autistic.
>Why do you think 10% of the population are gay, anon?
3.5% are openly gay but I think the actual number is ~10%
It's okay. Get your Engrish students to light a match at their ancestor's shrine. The ghost fears the samurai.
Being trans doesn't mean you're completely retarded
yeah but you cant deny that it has an adverse effect on that retarded scale

according to the scale a bisexual could be seen as 2 different people

im just saying kinsey was a retard and he was probably a raging faggot too
It was actually close to 60 shots.
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Because, they can't afford to have people link severe mental illness with transgender identities. Its been in the (((DSM))) for fucking ages as an illness, and now its (((progressive))) and "stunning, and brave" to be trans. The niggerfaggot was an angry black man, and its a fucking stereotype at this point.

In reality mental illnesses frequently aren't a "one or the other" type of deal. A lot of mental issues run in tandem, or digress into more serious problems.

That said, this bitch knew Wtf he was into and didn't report it. She was a columbine crush chick too. Also Randy's parents should have seen some red flags in their son.

Also, piss poor high score.
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you raise some good points
i agree that minor offences would become much less minor if people are armed, but perhaps less minor offences would be commited since people know what's in store for them

people are trusted to drink at a bar and drive home, which is sort of in line with what we're talking about
perhaps the designated drivers or bartenders/waitress could be armed? i'm also assuming that if you're going out for the express purpose of getting drunk you'll be leaving your CCW at home like a responsible gun owner

>pic unrelated
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I guess the news got tired of reporting another whiteboi shooting spree every week. Why do whitebois snap so easily? They don't know the pain we endured for 200 years.
I see. You're ignorant of history, too. Elagabulus grew up in the East and so adopted eastern customs, including worship of the sun god El Gabol, from which he took his name as emperor. The cult of El Gabol later was incorporated into the cult of Sol Invictus, thus normalizing his army's victories and letting the Romans save face. Nevertheless, his political enemies always slandered him for being effete and foreign influenced. He wore clothes that were not like Roman togas, but more closely approximated the dresses Roman women wore just because that was the style in Syria. He even wore makeup, which is something that only women did in Rome. For this reason, they called him womanly and unfit to be emperor.

You should stop believing the propaganda about him, though. He was just a teenager in over his head.

>3.5% are openly gay but I think the actual number is ~10%
>evidence contradicts my preconceived notions, therefore the evidence is wrong.
Because he was a mega faggot
>obsessed with childrens cartoons
>only managed to kill 3 people
Low score probably. It seems like you need one good kill or at least half a dozen nowadays.
You're a nigger.
>yeah but you cant deny that it has an adverse effect on that retarded scale
How so?
>according to the scale a bisexual could be seen as 2 different people
You've never seen the scale, have you?
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Calm down whiteboi
Genghis Khan should have made a plan to go ghost.
Nah when you're willing to pay anyone who can give you a vagina and like to be addressed as a girl I'm pretty certain it means you're trans. And I just said they exist not that people approved of it, in most societies they're never really seen with high status.
Maybe but people are gonna be dumb and there'll be a whole lot more dindu nuffin shit inbthe media.
Yeah I mean people should but some CCW owners are adamant that they should be allowed to drink while carrying and will do it anyway because a right doesn't end while drinking. And they're right, but many drunk people with guns is still dangerous.
I'm a proponent of unrestricted concealed carry, I just think a society with it has advantages and disadvantages.
>things that didn't happen
You never learned to evaluate a primary source, did you?
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Dude looks like adam lanza
Why does the captcha always sperg out every summer?
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The truth is that he was just another crazy whiteboi.
The last we need is more stories to fuel the stereotype that leftists love to preach.

We need stories of sandniggers shooting up places, not whites
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>I just think a society with it has advantages and disadvantages.
i agree with you totally on this point.
how many gun stores get robbed? i would imagine very few since the robber knows the guy inside is armed - i wonder if this sort of "robber-avoidance-logic" would apply to the aforementioned minor crimes like shoplifting
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You "people" can't help yourselfs. I blame the chimp DNA. White "people" are naturally savage and violent.
Stop being a nip
When you pay attention to school shootings on the news, but ignore the gang shootout down the block
>point about whites having hairy chests
>directly blow it showcases a white with a completely barren chest

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t. 65 IQ somali
you have to back
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>directly blow it showcases a white with a completely barren chest
That's a shaved chimp directly below the hairy white guy. I know it's hard to tell the difference.
>"The husband of this "woman" [i.e. Elagabalus] was Hierocles, a Carian slave, once the favourite of Gordius, from whom he had learned to p467drive a chariot. It was in this connexion that he won the emperor's favour by a most remarkable chance. It seems that in a certain race Hierocles fell out of his chariot just opposite the seat of Sardanapalus, losing his helmet in his fall, 2 and being still beardless and adorned with a crown of yellow hair, he attracted the attention of the emperor and was immediately rushed to the palace; and there by his nocturnal feats he captivated Sardanapalus more than ever and became exceedingly powerful. Indeed, he even had greater influence than the emperor himself, and it was thought a small thing that his mother, while still a slave, should be brought to Rome by soldiers and be numbered among the wives of ex-consuls. 3 Certain other men, too, were frequently honoured by the emperor and became powerful, some because they had joined in his uprising and others because they committed adultery with him. For he wished to have the reputation of committing adultery, so that in this respect, too, he might imitate the most lewd women; and he would often allow himself to be caught in the very act, in consequence of which he used to be violently upbraided by his "husband" and beaten, so that he had black eyes." (Dio 80 15.1-3 http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Cassius_Dio/80*.html)
sounds pretty fucking agp to me
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Yay an EGS thread.
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Tranny armor. He hurts the narrative. Proves trannies are all unhinged.
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Low body count
he made the cartoon bro
He had videos up of him "learning" to shoot. He exclusively shot from the hip, missing almost every shot at 3 meter(13 freedom feet) range.

Fucking idiot.
>"black" food
>literally just white southern food

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>White "food"
>bland and flavorless with no seasoning
It makes sense. You whites have no culture of your own.

The only reason there were trannies in history is because they didn't have enough women to work the brothels. So they went for little boys. Tranniedom is highly linked to, and the result of, pedophilia.
>"Gotta Blast!"

So? Everybody hates niggers. Even niggers hate niggers.
tranny phantom. i had already forgotten. he almost seemed like a normal human when he was hanging out with his doggo. whatever, kid was a faggot.
ooga booga you can't count and your dad left you
Dio was a Senator and contemporary of Elagabulus. He probably took part in his death. Of course he would publish slander against the emperor.

The truth is that Elagabulus was hated by the elites in Rome because he had Eastern customs, including worshiping a foreign god. That's why he died.
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Try again faggot
No, it's from a TV show.
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>He had videos up
which i assume have been scrubbed from the information superhighway?

> be white
> cook with garlic
> whites spazz out like vampires

It's fucking true, I don't like white food culture. Some of my close relatives tell me I smell like an immigrant because of my food preferences.

I know unix: https://youtu.be/PFRArJmAedA?t=27m26s
Bifag, can confirm my gay days before settling down with my fiancee were about hedonism.
Which isn't to say cock isn't fun, sometimes as fun as pushy. Just don't say it's not for hedonism.
Randy was an average kid, that no one understands,
Mom and dad and the voices always giving him commands,
Gloom and doom up in his room,
is broken instantly,
By his magic DA babes,
Drawn by Andrew Blaze,
But in reality

They are his Ember Ghost Friends
Ember Squad Ghost Friends
(Multi pierced ears!)
(and Hot Topic gears!)
Ember Ghost Friends
Ember Squad Ghost Friends
>TFW you never get to watch an emaciated fag with the jimmie neutron haircut yell this and blow his bomb vest in a crowd

It is my deepest regret that I am mobile posting and cannot post a picture to aproximate how hard I am kekking at this moment
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thanks ya cunt
Coming from someone absolutely steeped in white culture....we are not into "nigger worship" anymore and your pissed.
I think this guy saved all of his videos btw.
I don't wanna be "that guy" but Africa's not known widely known for its cuisine
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If he had been mlp-right, they would have had a field day. We'd still be hearing about him, and they'd be using him as an example of how evil whites are.

Instead he was a faggot pony loving leftist, and a tranny to boot. I'm surprised they covered it at all, honestly.
2 get
>deranged suburban white boys will never stop imitating the columbine cliché of prioritizing flair over effectiveness
>deranged suburban white boys will never EVER reclaim the high score from the quranic carmageddon

Really breaks my flinty heart desu
huh he hated niggers though
>no hooves
Going ghost!
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this kid is probably in the top 10 faggot hall of fame
my jaw dropped when i saw him "shooting targets" and missing 95% of the shots from 10m
when you google 'epic fail', this idiot should come up
chimps are actually very poor swimmers.
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not only that, but when a human baby is born underwater the baby instinctively holds its breath and survives, wheras chimps do not hold their breath and die.
also interersting to note that niggers don't like swimming pools or the water
it's always strange when the descendants of sub-saharan africans bring this kind of thing up considering whites were responsible for the international spice trades while sub-saharan africans have largely gone without any kind of spice historically. blacks even have a sodium sensitivity due to their primitive history.
can't really blame them, they're a jungle/savannah race. all kinds of dangerous animals inhabit and frequented their bodies of water so their instinct is to drink your fill and get out of there.
didnt he fire like 50 times with a shotgun and hit only 3 people?
sorry, she*
there are numerous evolutionary reasons why they would have evolved the way they did and i think you touched on the most important one
Haven't been on /pol/ lately, what did I miss?

Can people who haven't watched his videos not comment about him?

If you watched the videos you would know he planned on using the rest of his ammo to shoot up the store.
is there something about the dylan roof look that makes you a killer?
>Thinks he was KANGZ
>Doesn't know a single thing about his ancestral home
>It all gets mashed together with all other slave cultures and covered over in thug bullshit

Yeah, you sure showed us.
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