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Ivanka, June 26: "I try to stay out of politics."

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Ivanka, June 26: "I try to stay out of politics."

Ivanka, July 8: Seated with global leaders as an equal at the G20 summit.
The first lady doesn't get elected either. Should she not get to go either?

People didn't vote for May, Xi or Merkel either.
hey we getting a lot of attention aren't we

if anyone doesn't see that this is a play by Trump to ridicule the g20 leaders on constantly picking retarded women to lead their nations...to ruin...
Kek. People didn't vote for Putin either.
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I'm telling you guys. 2024, it will be her turn.
She doesn hold a position of power.
Ivanka sole realization in life is using dad money and opening a sweat shop in China so she can scam people with over priced crap only because it has her name on it.
>implying anything of value to be gained from public meetings with those scum.
Trump will meet with each of them in private and break their will to fight us in the appropriate way individually.
Let's bring this to a conclusion so I can see what you are concerned about. What exactly are you afraid will happen in this situation? What is jeopardized by having her sit in on some ceremonial meeting?
his chess playing levels are way too far up that people are completely oblivious to it by this point
>trump steps out for a minute
>tells ivanka to fill in for him
>comes back a few minutes later
if you post in this bait thread, your mother will die in her sleep tonight.
The underagers and 2016 election entryists WILL defend it.

They completely forget she is a liberal, she is the one who convinced her father to bomb libya, she is the one working on him now to go further, she is the one with her kike husband pushing neo-liberal policies on a populist nationalist administration, she is the one hanging out with george soros, she is the one taking opinions from her manhattanite liberal friends, she is the one with zero diplomatic experience who's greatest achievement being a handbag, she is the one...

But the Trump sycophants (Bill Mitchell, Posobiec, Cerno, and their army of underage retards on /pol/) will cheer and defend it all day long. I swear this place needs chemo, and you kids need bleach.
This is reminiscent of monarchy. Unelected unqualified people discuss of the future of the plebs. It's disgusting. I still hate the whole G20 but particularly Ivanka for being a spoiled brats and the perfect example of and undeserving 1%.
Why aren you on /reddit or twitch where you belong at 13 years old ?
you are 12 years old
chess? fucking neck yourself.

then stop being such a sycophant. think for yourself. if you had any experience (which you dont) in ACTUAL diplomacy and ACTUAL politics outside shitposting you would know this is 1) inappropriate, 2) she is not a diplomat 3) undermines the message of trumps admin 4) ...you know what. Im not even gonna bother. You're just gonna call me a shill anyway because you are 14 years old.
she has to let kushners asshole recover occasionally
you are a idiot if you think kushner is allowed to fuck her
I would vote for Ivanka.
Dude take it easy you just seems to have bad reading comprehension because we are saying the same thing. I'm of the same line of though.

Who voted to create the G20? Checkmate.
Shes a beautiful straight white woman who helped her father become the US president, that is more than enough for her to represent America
you forgot to take a larpflag kike
Thanks my greatest ally, only you truly understand me.

Daily reminder that Trump sent Ivanka to some bullshit meeting about "migrant's rights" as a slap in the face of the globalist Jews trying to ruin Europe and the world.
disgusting anti-semitism
So if she doesn't hold a position of power, what are you worried about?

Politics and power are not equivalent. She is going to be the most powerful woman in the world, her dad will see to that. whether or not she enters politics is another question.
Where were these commies when Hillary was trying to destroy health care in the 90s?
>t. Tredoo

Most of Israel (except the usual lefty scum) loves and supports Trump
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Good move, donny!

This describes almost every ambassador appointed by Clinton and Obama.
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Fuck you. We have the largest military I the world and have bases literally inside all your countries. The only reason you think you deserve diplomacy is because we've made the mistake of giving it to you for too long anyway.

Hopefully Trump is succeeding in his plan to force the rest of the world to suck US dick again and be grateful for the opportunity to do so, as you should. Fuck your stupid meetings. Put some real leaders in charge and maybe you'll get some respect; until then start sucking, euro-faggot
>They completely forget she is a liberal, she is the one who convinced her father to bomb libya
Retard. That was Clinton towards Obama.
The funny thing is she actually cares about this so if they give him flake hes actually doing them a favor.
Rex Tillerson wasn't elected. Why was he there? Also why did Hillary Clinton go years ago when she was SoS? Never elected. Impeach now.
What policies and trade agreement did Ivanka Trump decide while sitting in for Trump? What treaties did she sign?
hopefully don jr.
How are any of the leaders there "qualified"? Is there some kind of school to become a president?
Oh wait there isn't, leftards are just fucking nuts.
Ivanka is absolutely being groomed to run for President at this point. That's why the liberals are so butthurt, they know she's likely to be the first female President.
You won't get away with it this time, DRUMPFLJS
What are trumps "qualifications" other than he got voted into office? Same with some of the other people there
I hope not. She's a globalist kike.
You're fucking stupid she has the consent from the president of the United States of America to be in that meeting. I swear liberals are the dumbest creatures alive. Please kill yourself. You would be doing the world a huge favor.
I hope not. She and her husband are both Libtards
None of the other leaders mentioned are actually elected by the people. Xi, May, and Merkel are all elected by ministers.
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>yfw they still don't get it
>yfw Trump can't be fucked dealing with globalization nonsense, but America first
>>132880704 >>132880123 >>132880060 >>132881034 >>132881197 >>132882463
>>132882709 >>132882766 >>132882767

Most qualified Shitlery poops pants.
I guess politics just wasn't able to keep out of her.
Fuck off, JIDF. She's a globalist kike.
>undermines the message

Pretty sure putting her there is the message. He left her with the multi-lateral posers to attend bilateral talks.
Do you have to be a liberal to have a problem with nepotism? Both parties practice nepotism, and I think it's disgusting that people will support it when their party does it.
Ofcourse Israel loves Trump
Who doesn't love that retarded friend that gives you shekels for free and always defends you when you're about to get BTFO
>for free
US never gives anything for free


>USA Never gave anything for free to Israel
Kek kike is using his main superpower,the power to lie

Nothing wrong with having people you trust as advisers. He ran his company with his children in key positions, I don't see a problem with him continuing this management style.
>arguing against a kike makes me CTR

back to plebbit
Hey people, don't fuck around with my countryman, he got it right, Ivanka is an unelected busybody, she should be hosting charity cocktail parties at most nothing more.
You don't need to be voted in to become an ambassador. The president is free to appoint anyone he deems necessary and qualified for the job.
Yup. (((Ivanka))) and (((Jared))) are snakes in the grass.
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If you have a problem with being represented by Ivanka you should probably get laid lol
Lrn2Politics you painfully obvious underage retard
Disprove me
Xi Jinping is actually pretty qualified, especially compared to macron or merkel

>When Xi was age 10, his father was purged from the Party and sent to work in a factory in Luoyang, Henan.[12] In May 1966, Xi's secondary education was cut short Xi was age 15 when his father was jailed in 1968 during the Cultural Revolution. Without the protection of his father, Xi was sent to work in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi, in 1969 in Mao Zedong's Down to the Countryside Movement. He later became the Party branch secretary of the production team, leaving that post in 1975. When asked about this experience later by Chinese state television, Xi recalled, "It was emotional. It was a mood. And when the ideals of the Cultural Revolution could not be realised, it proved an illusion."

>From 1975 to 1979, Xi studied chemical engineering at Beijing's prestigious Tsinghua University as a "Worker-Peasant-Soldier student", where engineering majors spent about one-fifth of their time studying Marxism–Leninism–Mao Zedong thought, doing farm work and "learning from the People's Liberation Army".[14]

>From 1979 to 1982, Xi served as secretary for his father's former subordinate Geng Biao, the then vice premier and secretary-general of the Central Military Commission. This gained Xi some military background. In 1985, as part of a Chinese delegation to study U.S. agriculture, he visited the town of Muscatine, Iowa.[15]
From 1998 to 2002, he studied Marxist philosophy and ideological education [...] and obtained a Doctor of Law (LLD) degree, which was a degree covering fields of law, politics, management, and revolutionary history
>Looks at all the gibs the KIKE-S-A Has been giving you until the formation of your state
>Lel it's nothing
The First Lady has zero power.
>G20 meetings
It isn't a meeting, it's a fucking dinner. Nothing is happening there.
Trump is right to skip that shit. Ivanka is a liberal cunt though.
Kek. He's got a point..
Brockboi revealed himself and he doesn't even know his mistake
Not an argument
>Everything that I don't like or agree is not an argument
I voted for the Trump family to be monarchs, faggots. Still though Ivanka is a libshit Jew. It should be Eric "Democrats aren't people" Trump sitting in for Donald.
This is pretty typical conservatard behavior. Claim that all women are stupid; relentlessly attack actually qualified women such as Clinton, Geraldino, Warren; put bona fide bimbos such as Sarah Palin, Ivanka and Donald Trump in positions of power they are woefully unqualified to handle.
wtf, I love globalists now
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>brainwashing yourself is good goy
if clinton showed one thing during her whole life is that she is unqualified for even the most menial task
No you fucking brainlet retard it's because she is literally the opposed of why burgers voted Trump
She is on a Clinton level of liberalism and all Trumps major fuckups were done thanks to her
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that's why everyone laughs at americans, worldwide, they think studying something = brainwashing
> thinks kikes control the world not reptiles
KYS tumblr
the record is being corrected hard today.. kek
but donald is still pres and the media can't change that. suck my dick
I knew that in some deranged mind in the middle of Bumfuckville Nowhere Sarah Palin and Ivanka Trump were more qualified than Hillary Clinton, and I guess you're it. Well at least you're white (maybe).
So it's not because she's basically a bikini titty model who only ever gotten a seat at a table because daddy demanded it?
Notice how I didn't say anything against Sarah Palin or Ivanka Trump, but honestly yes I do believe Palin is indeed more qualified than Clinton, and by miles.
If she were so qualified, why did she run the objectively worst campaign in modern history. If she can't run a campaign, how could she run the country?
That much marxist education doesn't qualify you for anything except Starbucks barrista
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Nvm, I remember why she lost.
unless you stroke out like president wilson
>military training
>farmer training
>chemical engineer
>doctrine learning
>administrative work
>learned firsthand the evils of the cultural revolution

You probably don't even know what marxist education means especially in the context of Chinese education.
But yeah I guess Xi is more qualified than you in probably everything, including being a barista, lmao.
>gobbling down doctrines from a one party system makes me smart. If you had even an inch of critical thinking in that yellow brain of yours you'd side with western values instead of this cave man commie shit.


>marxist education
>plants will have their own revolution
If you are upset about Ivanka sitting in a chair one time but never said anything about Huma Abedin you can kindly shut the fuck up right now
>learning applied political theory, where it works, where it fails, with the purpose of governing a country is bad

Cool and now you look at China and it's the leading country in genetic studies.
It's always easier to try and make a point than just linking an unrelated wikipedia page.
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i was joking about you, not china

>Hillary Clinton
Staffer for Congress
Teacher at University of Arkansas
Director of Legal Aid Clinic
Full partner at Rose Law Firm
Board of directors of the Legal Services Corporation
>Jump to 2000s because I cant be bothered
Senator NY
Secretary of State US
Candidate for POTUS

>Sarah Palin
Bikini Model
Weather Girl
Mayor of Bumfuckville Alaska (pop 2000)
Governor of Alaska (too much work, so quit after a year)

You people are laughable
What a misogyphobe
Are you a reddit transfuge by any chance ?
Your inability to quote is confounding.
Go sit in that seat? She sure as hell shouldn't.

when you become president you can make these decisions you dumb nigger.
Why was ivanka there? Seriously? No melania but ivanka? Wtf?
And Clinton was shit at everything she did and was only in those positions as a way/mean/enabler for massive corruption.
I don't know why you people are so hell bent on defending a proven criminal that is, and has always been, utterly irrelevant as anything but the wife of the shittiest president of the U.S..
In almost every country, except for some exceptions (such as mine), the entire executive branch is unelected.
has ivanka ever ruined the whole of north africa?
you forgot
>hillary clinton
Increasing hotness quotient.
Mongs will come up with ways to excuse this, it's really tiresome.
she convinced her father to bomb syria, so yes
She's the First Lady you moran!
She will run for Dems
Based Charles Blow
this whole thread is donald fags doing ad hominems and insults to try to excuse this behaviour by ivanka
I did haveto rub one out after an hour of merkel and treaduck, then she shows up.
Are you unironically retarded?
They sure don't consists of daughters of lawyers just because muh daughter of lawyer, you degenerate mongel.
>People didn't vote for May, Xi or Merkel either.
We are not England, China, or Germany. We are the US. We don't have Royalty or Dictatorships. Ivanka has NO business being at the G20 let alone sitting in for the President. It is embarrassing and a disgrace. She is not qualified to represent the USA in such a setting, nor was she elected.

She lied when she told 60 Minutes that she would "just be a daughter."

She lied when she said they (her and Jared) were not moving to Washington, D.C.

She now lies about staying out of politics.

Get her our of the White House and get her out of US politics. I can't stand her or her commie globalist slum lord hubby Jared.
you are a special kind of intellect arent you
>there are people on /pol/ who unironically think like this
What the actual fuck
good post.. finally some fellow american with sense
stupid idiots
We elected his greatness Ultra Supreme God Emperor to represent us, and we trust his judgement to delegate authority. I'm glad he understands vagina power and how to use it. Best President Ever.
go back to the_d you dumbfrog
>Emma Watson and George Clooney can talk at UN to 100+ world leaders
>President's advisor shouldn't be allowed to talk to 19 world leaders
Two wrongs don't make a right. It is no longer the 90s and Hillary is out of the picture. This is about Ivanka being involved in US politics because of her daddy.. It is embarrassing for the US to have an adult daughter running around in place of the President. She was not voted for, she is a progressive democrat (so a polar opposite of what We,the People, voted for), she is in no way qualified, and - as much as I despise Christ Matthews, he was right when he said it is like Saddam Hussein and his sons. No one can say anything bad or critical of Ivanka and Jared, so they know they have free reign to do whatever they want i the White House. That is scary. We did not vote in a dictatorship.
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Mentally deranged conspiracy theories are not an argument. She was accepted to Yale as a way/mean/enabler for "massive corruption"? Some fat redneck sitting in his shed (in France) imagining how a bikini model who says stupid things he likes to hear is actually much more qualified than people who became the elite in their 20s by means of brains and hard work.

I thought conservatism was supposed to be about rewarding excellence, instead it boils down to rewarding bimbos and fuckups as long as they will talk the talk. I mean, your habit of giving "conservative media" websites to any whore who will drop her clothes and complain about "liberals" goes even further back than Michelle Malkin.
Go take your women's study classes again faggot-nigger lover. Must suck being you, always losing.

She really shouldn't be an adviser though. None of Trump's should be advising Trump because it creates bias
so you are saying ivanka is on the same level as clooney
>unironically doing #MAGA
fuck off to reddit you retard
... does the left not see the Hillary argument here... this is fucking absurd.

*Trump's children
They both have that one so I just omitted it for brevity :D
Too late they are already busy organizing the US as a family business (see his sons).
Americans really have no clue what they got themselves into, this is degeneracy and on a historical scale.
Never posted at Reddit ever. Been here for over a decade though. Go suck some nigger trans cock, loser. MY GOD MUST SUCK BEING YOU. LOSER. LOSER. LOSER.
>creates bias

>>Emma Watson and George Clooney can talk at UN to 100+ world leaders
>>President's advisor shouldn't be allowed to talk to 19 world leaders
When stupid liberal Hollywood stars speak, they are not representing the USA. They are not brought in as representing the USA or the US government.

The G20 is for world leaders to discuss important issues. The leaders are there representing their countries. We voted for Trump, therefore he is there representing us. If he cannot make it, I would think there would be protocol to appoint someone else who represents the American people and government, not the Presidents kid.
The day /pol/ defended the Jew.
Israel needed representative too so they sent Ivanka.
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>this is degenerate on a historic scale

Merkel is the leader of the progressive globalists who push this nonsense. You have no room to talk, m8. Hitler can't come back soon enough.
Thanks. I feel very strongly about this and wish more Trump supporters would get vocal about it and let Trump know he needs to stop this Ivanka/Jared situation now.
Bill had no problem letting Hillary push legislation. I don't see the difference. Trump was elected, let him decide who he wants to delegate tasks to.
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She is smarter than me and an amazing speaker, I have no problems with this at all.
What is wrong with I said?
Look at the cabinet of any shit-tier dictatorship and its filled with family. Vice president of Azerbaijan is his wife.
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trumps choices for his administration have been miserable. See DeVos (dumb as rock) or Mattis (retarded warmonger who has no clue about geopolitics)
On top of that, Ivanka is low intellect brainlet who is only interested in opening panties shops in china
>convinces his father with tears to attack the syrian gov

she is a airhead
>Bill had no problem letting Hillary push legislation.
Right, just as Trump has no problem letting Ivanka do whatever the heck she wants.

>Trump was elected, let him decide who he wants to delegate tasks to.
No. We have rules and laws for that. We are not a Dictatoship, we are not a Monarchy. We do have nepotism laws, but obviously not one attorney or congressmen is willing to fight Trump on it. Jared and Ivanka have no business being in the power positions they now hold in our government. Because they are related to Trump so closely, do you really think anyone in Washington, D.C. can say anything negative or critical of Ivanka or Jared without being fired by Trump or having revenge by Jared or Ivanka? That is the danger. Ivanka and Jared know they are untouchable. And they have been given great power by Trump. And thus Jared and Ivanka know they can do whatever they want and no one will dare say a thing about it. They have complete control and power, while Trump walks around with stars in his eyes toward them, thinking they are all that and then some.

How embarrassing that he was gushing about Ivanka to the world leaders today at the G20. Is any other world leader gushing about their 35-year-old kid in the same way?
>a billionaire is dumb
>one of the best generals in modern history is ignorant of geopolitics

Just admit this is about your fee fees.
you brainlet. In almost all first world countries the top political class is still elected by the people
>we have nepotism laws

lol, wut? No we don't.
her money comes from her brother who made illegally money with mercenaries shooting dumb sandniggers in iraq
Mattis is also one of the most dumbest clowns , he doesnt even know where ukraine is located
>Mattis is one of the most dumbest clowns

Surely you see the irony in this?
Yes we do. Put into place after JFK appointed his brother Robert Kennedy as Attorney General. Look it up. Know your American laws.
are you retarded, yes, its called conflict of interest in the USA you dumb redneck
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You prudish fucks only concern is some faggot dressing up while the real world is playing ping pong on your back. You are delusional, you have very low education levels, the math stuff you are confronted with when you are 18 is 6th graders stuff over here, you don't speak other language, you permanently fuck up the globe with your retarded foreign policies catering to your industrial military complex.
But the worst: you keep massaging these people's dick, faggot. Without questioning like inbred minions.
I never voted Merkel but even she is disgusted by this degenerate wrestling-tier soap for a reason.
The whole world is.
Truth is your country is a meme now, the only reason you are taken serious is because your nukes, mong sherlock.
all his choices in Iraq led to the formation of ISIS
US army generals have not the intellect to think ahead for the future
>conflict of interest is nepotism

Do you just repeat buzzwords? What law is there against having family as advisers?
>conspiracy theories
how to utter the two magic words that land you straight on the paid shill list
see >>132889016
>Merkel...even she is disgusted by this degenerate wrestling-tier soap for a reason.
LOL. Who gives a rats ass what Merkel thinks? She is an evil commie globalist who has destroyed the once great country of Germany and is helping to destroy all of Europe. She is a disgusting excuse for a woman (or human for that matter) and does that stupid triangle hand sign in every single photo. She looks like a complete moron. O.K., we get Merkel, you are in a secret club, stop doing that stupid hand sign.

Please, Germany, don't tell us our country is a meme. Your country is turning Islamic more and more every day. Your German culture and heritage is being destroyed as we speak. Clean your own house before you judge ours.
>conspiracy theories

Then what the fuck are you doing here, Shlolmo?
>the law is there, just find it

Yeah, that's not an answer. What law is it?
which eastern european country are you from ?
Obama hated Mattis. Obama and Hillary's bone-headed plan to send billions of dollars in arms to "moderate rebels" is what created ISIS.
>4) ...you know what. Im not even gonna bother. You're just gonna call me a shill anyway because you are 14 years old.

Wow, you sound like a faggot from Reddit. Shill
>What law is it?
Federal Anti-Nepotism Law Congress passed in 1967.
ISIS was created before that
they come from ex iraqi generals

Trump is the continuation of obamas Middle east policiy, actually even worse
And which agency are Jared and Ivanka working for?
I did a quick search and found this article:


As I said in an earlier post, no one is willing to fight Trump on this. Yet more proof that Ivanka and Jared truly are part of the commie globalist network and that is why everyone is allowing them to stay.
What if we archive that
How many more tweets from cucks ya got?
ISIS, as an entity was created before that. It would have never been the juggernaut it is today without the billions Obama and Hillary gave it.
What cabinet position or agency are they in?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. I don't know how to archive and I keep forgetting. Thanks, and sorry.
Trump didn't bomb Libya.
Even in first world countries the executive branch outside of the position of president is appointed, only brainlet here is you
Do you even know the difference between legislative and executive?

So, Jared...or Eric....or Don, Jr. Why do you keep defending this? The government as a whole is an agency in my opinion. Stop trying to find the loopholes to justify Ivanka and Jared having their positions. They were given great power. They are directly related to the President. No one dares criticize them or question them, thus making them untouchable with unquestionable power. That is NOT America. Trump has not set a horrible and scary precedent if this is allowed to continue. We will become a dictatorship by our next President if someone does not get Ivanka and Jared out of our government.
>Trump has not set...
Trump has now set...
Keeping you at least somewhat sane inside your putrid reality marble?
>I must never believe the lies of anyone who points out that I'm completely raving insane and off my meds
Facts and truth are on my side, your regurgitated ad hominems and MSM talking points don't matter.

It is disrespectful to call her by her slav name.

Her legal name is Yael Trump. She changed it after converting to Jewery.

איוונקה יעל טראמפ
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Well, since everyone else is bumping this...

>post on /pol/
>that flag
>"i AM the resistance"
>gets lawsuit from alex jones
>honestly yes I do believe Palin is indeed more qualified than Clinton, and by miles.
Me, too.
>Her legal name is Yael Trump.
So not Yael Kushner? Did the Kushner's not want her to take their family name? Or is her feminist mindset keeping her from taking the Kushner name?
Trump's name worth more.
>le strong firm father figure leader
Any of you anons trying to convince these fuckups about Trumps transgresions is a waste of time. Trump's entire image is the fatherly firm figure (exactly like the (((Fuhrer))) mind you) that panders to the subconscious. These poor kids grew up essentially fatherless and has latched onto his image like a parasite. "HE WILL PROTECT US!,HE WILL GUIDE US!". Its impossible to reason with these people. They will literally die for him. Their "father". Sad scared fucks with no identity seeking a carer. Pretty depressing actually. The perfect drones. Doing "daddies" bidding. Just a shame daddy used you like a whore. Trump doesnt give a fuck about you. But that doesnt matter does it :)
For once they are right, this jewess shouldn't be in the seat of the POTUS, it's almost disrespectful for the others.
>tfw agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons
My read is it's the leftists who lack for a strong father figure, much more often than conservatives. Or if bith camps have the problem in comparable magnitude, then the difference lies in disposition amd response: inward loathing or outward anger.

It's a good point.

Just like how Hillary's appointments have been complete bullshit. Just because you're the president's cockholster doesn't mean you get to do politics.

That goes for Hillary and Ivanka both.
same as the american people and the president.
Hillary had enough experience and official background where you could bullshit it being justified. She was a popular political candidate and Obama's opponent during the primaries. It is a solidarity hire more than a nepotism one.

Ivanka is just King Trump's little crown-princess.
solid factual post. it's too bad the alt kike losers are trying to float the sinking ship along with all their jewish bots and spam accounts...lmao fucking kike losers
>with unquestionable power

Surely Trump can question their power? I don't see how letting them be advisors turns us into a dictatorship. Seems like juvenile fear-mongering.
you first fat kike jidf. this is so pathetic. kikes now shaming 12 year olds to get laid because we all know how dumb and pathetic (((ivanka))) is. rotfl saved. kike die soon hahah.
Its a growing problem. Ease of media in homes is causing much more familial alienation. Not to mention the U.S divorce laws. Recipe for disaster. Or success. Depending on who you ask ;^)
a dictator gives jobs to idiots just because he knows them. a jewish dictator gives jobs to idiots and family just because they are jewish...donald isn't a dictator, he's just a fucking retard at this point. aw isn't it cute ivanka at da meeting aww? fucking so dumb and all the jewish shills itt are evidence of their goals. kill jews. have a nice day.
>a dictator gives jobs to idiots because he knows them

Isn't that what every president does? Former governors frequently bring their key staff with them when they're elected to the white house. Your hyperbole just makes you look ridiculous.
Perfect choice of a flag. You should recycle your body.




Its still made up of elected officials. Usually members of parliament.
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Why do you think anyone wants advice from you on politics?
>Surely Trump can question their power?
Of course, but why would he? He gave them unlimited power (pretty much) and yes, he has a right to say something, but since he is blinded by them, I don't see where he would question them. In his eyes, they are totally loyal and perfect. I mean, come on, he is at the G20 surrounded by world leaders and he sits there and gushes about his 35-year-old daughter? How embarrassing.

>I don't see how letting them be advisors turns us into a dictatorship.
It is a start because (1) it has started a precedent that every president going forward can now appoint their family members to high positions of government, and have their family members sit in for them at meetings and world events. If Trump is getting away with it, every president after him will, too. Unless someone with integrity and courage puts an end to it. And (2) the fact they are his family makes them untouchable. Just like you could not say anything negative to Saddam about his sons, I don't see how anyone in Washington, D.C. would feel safe or secure saying anything negative about Ivanka or Jared, or questioning them. And Jared and Ivanka know that, so they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. I find that greatly disturbing and scary.
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I remember when the days of OP's foul cries used to actually work.

Now his tactics make out like a broken record.
Surely you see how laughable it is for you to say that Ivanka and Jared have unlimited power when Democrats oppose literally everything Trump does. By your own logic, Trump has unlimited power as well.
this. isnt that illegal, these people need to be arrest for hate crimes.
>Ivanka is just King Trump's little crown-princess.
And this makes her doubly scary. She is a JAP -Jewish American Princess. She has been spoiled rotten her entire life, given everything her heart has desired. I bet she have never once been told, "no." Her daddy, Trump, has praised her being to everyone who would listen.
Ivanka has said that when she would go to his office after school, if he was on the phone he would tell that person, no matter who it was, that she just walked in and how beautiful and smart she is. So, her entire life she has heard that she is the most beautiful and smarted girl on the planet who can do no wrong. No way do I want someone like that representing my government or me as an American citizen. I am sure Jared had the exact same life.
>when Democrats oppose literally everything Trump does.
I have yet to see them oppose anything that Ivanka and Jared have done, and they have done a lot, it is just under-reported.

And it is all smoke and mirrors. The game of opposition on Obamacare repeal and replace and tax changes is just that - a game.

No President, yet, has unlimited power, but Obama came very close. Obama basically was able to do whatever he wanted and nary a word of opposition was spoken.
What is your point. The president appoints advisors and delegates his responsibilities. Your argument that he isn't allowed to let Ivanka in his administration is factually inaccurate. Your disapproval of Ivanka's policies has merit, but that's an entirely different argument.
Listen you nigger-cock sucker, your boy Obongo created a bunch of "czars". Not cool. Go fuck yourself.
>still being a mysogynist
>not respecting wymyn
There is literally nothing left to do. Trump made his say and made the deals. No reason to waste any more time there. Ivanka was just the middle finger for playing games. Besides, Poland was the main reason to go to Europe.
im sorry, i cant hear you over all the leftover cum in your mouth from sucking michelle obongos tranny cock for 8 years.
Oh shut up Eric...or Don, Jr. Or possibly Jared? Stop justifying this. It is WRONG. End of. Iivanka and Jared have NO business being in our US Government, unless they run for office and are duly elected. If you want to live in a dictatorship,there are plenty of countries whom I am sure would love to have you. Bugger off,then.
Are you going to make an argument? Only the president is "duly elected" in the executive branch. The president appointing advisors doesn't make it a dictatorship.
Why don't you listen to your own advice?
Friendly reminder that your country is barely 50% white and the epitome of immigration / multi-culti
Karl marx is a jew too tho

tfw the whole world but america is brainwashed
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What makes anyone think that a seat at G20 is an elected position? It's a completely superfluous event. These people likely didn't even know what it was before this year.

But I love the faux outrage: ?!
Why do so many of you krauts stand up for Merkel? She's a mess.
Thanks, based nord
I love how you can tell liberal shills all read the same tweet or watched the same news story, because they all use the exact same adjectives in their own tweets.
Marx's analysis is on point, the issue is the solution he proposes, as a historian/sociologist he's absolutely relevant
Fuck off retard.
>Most of Israel (except the usual lefty scum) loves and supports Trump
I've noticed that the past week that I've been here. Everyone is asking me what I think about Trump, and then they immediately start listing things they like about him.
Can someone shop some cum on her hair? Please?
t. creepy loser who would pay to be her orbiter
>Marx's analysis is on point

Yeah, everything except his labor theory of capital, which is the entire basis of his ideology....
Americans will vote for her in 2020
she will win
everyone will realize America is dead
>muh digits
>she is literally describing the entirety of liberal leadership
no self awareness on these cunts eh
trump can run again in 2020 though
kek. no. I'm not voting for a thot

Fuck off Kushner, your wife is a cheating whore who chokes on globalists' cock

She is a jew you dumb goy, all these post are reported for anti semitic content. literaly neo -nazies being outed here.
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