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Germans are worse than niggers. https://twitter.com/TEN_GOP

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Germans are worse than niggers.

are you surprised? they have been like this for most of modern history.
Correction, Germans are niggers
Anarchists/communist protestors need to be shot on sight, period. These faggot larpers are given too much slack and need to be beaten back into their parents' homes to cry.
They don't have guns to shoot looters with.

Or as in Texas, swords!
You suck Germany. You give white people a bad name. We controlled antifa here you are antifa.
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Germany needs Roof Koreans to keep law and order.
>2000 of antifa niggers
>It's all germans goys!
Anti German JIDF thread #104
Even if the protestors are bussed in, your govt not only permits these groups to operate with impunity but they undoubtedly support them to some extent.
Those "Germans" are speaking Arabic for some reason.

Those aren't Germans and 8/10 of every "German" protestor in the G20 arena I've seen had dark skin. These are middle-eastern migrants rioting. Watch it again and listen carefully. No deutshe spoken, all arabic.
>butthurt germigger

Germany is fucking shit and the reason we are all dead. It all goes back 100 years ago. FUCK GERMANS
I'm pretty sure if anyone then it's the united states that's at fault for modern society
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What the fuck happened to you Germany?
When did you lose all your fucking honour?
Nothing is worse than niggers, faggot.
it's not their fault, they have weak leaders
oh I don't know, maybe the firebombs on dresden and a million of mongols and chinese (the red army) raping literally every women in the country? oh yes and those few dozen thousand american soldiers in germany who would shoot anyone if they dared to think that they can have some pride

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Oy vey its like ze 1920's again

Where's your fucking cycled pussy cops? Shut the fuck up faggot. Your country is shit in every imaginable way. Enjoy your future
Are you suggesting a country with democratic elections somehow ended up with bad elected officials? How can this be?
>fucks up a country for standing up against your precious kikes
>hurrhurrr ur country is shit
god I hate americans
Coming on here because 88 pol isn't talking about this stuff, why don't you guys have webms with sound? No one posts screamers on our website, its never been a problem. Why not?
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oy vey indeet :)

No we fucked up his country because he went full retard and was invading everybody including your country.
The weird thing is, the germans totally deserved it.
Unfortunately, my inventive friend, you are correct. However as far as I know Europe willingly got into bed with Islam.
Have the lefties started making this situation out to be a victory yet?
At this point I want Germany to be nuked.Theres no going back.
How did Lucas get away with this character?
88 pol goes autistic when you criticize Germany
>rural G*rman retards chimpout and scare all the kikes away
>kikes come to US and pretend to be goyim
>70 years later burgers get blamed for kike degeneracy
I would say right about the end of the war, when their women were inseminated by ruskies
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bullshit, all you faggots care about every time is your little jews, you don't hesitate to invade any country if it poses any danger to your kikes and marxists
just like america deserves to have 5% of their population to be straight white males
do remind me who killed kadhafi again?
>t-the germans are to blame for our love of kikes!!!!!!!!
ameritard delusions at their best
Israel and the US fund ISIS schools just like this in the arab world
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>all of them are white
>all of them are german master race
/pol/ BTFO in one single video
The French did most of the work in (((liberating))) Libya.
>American industrialists fund the reich
>hitler returns the favor by sending us all the kikes that created the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic
G*rmans are histories biggest dindus and you seem to be a nigger lover.
What a fucking disgrace the entire German leadership needs to be strung up along with the police.

Sandniggers kill ghadaffi and France was behind you uneducated retard.

We have never invaded your country. You are in denial. Germany is shit and always (besides 10 years) has been. But continue blaming the us for all your continents problems. Fucking retard

France was behind it*
ahahahaha sure they did, THE FRENCH the masterminds of military, shut the fuck up idiot
>i-it's their fault we love niggers and jews
you can't be more delusional than this you kikepuppet nigger trash
99% of the world agrees that the world would be a better place without americans, you know you do something wrong when both the right and the left hates you
Germans ARE niggers nowadays.

Jealousy breeds resentment. You sound like a fucking retarded gypsy. Go read a book
>Hungarian educatio-
Not even going to finish because apparently it's nonexistent. You have nigger tier IQ.
>americans bitching about education
that's rich tyrone, now do a favor and kill yourself, that's two less kikepuppet trash in this world
And you're welcome for that computer we invented and the internet you're using. It's probably the most valuable possession in your commie bloc
GIDF plz. How many marks does Merkel put in your account for posts like this?
>Hungarian Tivadar Puskás invented the telephone exchange in 1877, while János von Neumann was the conceptual inventor behind digital computing. Peter Károly Goldmark invented colour TV in about 1940, while in 1936 Kálmán Tihanyi described the principle behind the first plasma TV and flat-panel TV. The high level programming language known as BASIC was co-invented in 1964 by Hungarian János Kemény. Another Hungarian Károly Simonyi started and headed the Microsoft applications group that was responsible for the hugely popular programs Word and Excel.
Oh yes thank you amerifats for letting us use our own inventions that are made by chinese companies
>we wuz inventors n sheeeiiit
Shut up, nigger.

>we wuz inventors

You are literally a nigger. Fuck off
are all reifags complete shit?
>claim all the inventions made by europeans
>hurrhurrr enjoy our inventions
literal nigger kikes
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no, YOU are literally a nigger mr 56%
The US is like 32% white and has the same average IQ as your country. You must be 68% nigger.
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Hungary lets get one thing clear, your only use in the entire world is to give me beautiful swimmers to look at every 4 years and paprika
europe will fall to islam probably a full two centuries before america
its a muslim country what did you expect
and all that iq is centered in california and washington, strange isn't it?
yes let's be clear, your only use is defending jews, that's literally it
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>Germans can unite only when it comes to stealing things
Really makes me think.
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>US is 17% white
>Hungarians are dumber than a country that is 83% nigger
You retards are below Africa tier
RIP Germany,you had a good run
just nuke us
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>Hungarian educatio-
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[proceeds stealing coffeemakers]
>by our own estimates we're very good
typical ameritard bullshit
>hurr wats population density

but let's be real here, you guys really want to convince others that americans are smart?
come on now
not all germans
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And people on here have the nerve to say Dresden was a bad thing...
I noticed the same when there was demonstrations in France. You could see plenty of dark skins using the confusion to come from their suburbs and loot.
enjoy the pakis your dad fought for mate
Krauts have the natural want of fucking Europe
Nazi Germany wouldn't have fallen if America didn't intervene in Europe.
Do you have any idea how much potential Europe lost when the Nazis were defeat?
fuk off u bloody basterd bich
PISA and the OECD are French
>Hungarian educatio-
>population density
>at all relevant to IQ
Gonna need a picture of your hand to prove you aren't a nigger.
fucking germans killed me grandpa in the world wars
not gonna forgive them anytime soon
u saying wat
>having a hq in france means it's done by the french
you can't be this retarded
oh wait yes you can

but yes keep just throwing nigger around, when there's a 100% chance that you have some nigger blood in you, like every american does
How old are you to remember that? Besides, wars are fought for different reasons and it's okay to say that one's family was fighting on the wrong side without knowing it.
So the US forces European boats to cross the Mediterranean to pick up migrants stranded a mere ten miles off the coast of Libya and then ferry them back to Europe. Now you're in denial
I licc ur mum pusi u basterd
>wars are fought for different reasons and it's okay to say that one's family was fighting on the wrong side without knowing it.
No. I don't give a fuck about wars. Just give him back. Fucking germans, GIVE EM BACK!
Things like that don't happen in civilized countries
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they literally do though, if you deny this you are actually retarded
ill put my lolla into your momma and i'll be your dad and youl have to respect me basterd little bich
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Your argument is that the Americans and the French have an elaborate conspiracy in which the OECD allows the US to inflate its scores because some Huniggeran retard will get triggered that he's dumber than actual niggers?
Sorry about your grandfather, but remember that he cared enough to fight. You should ask yourself if your grandfather would be happy at the current state of the West after "his" side won.

Are you surprised about russian rape babies.

This is what happens when you mix german and russian together. The slav side takes over and becomes a white nigger.
my argument is that your country is a bunch of delusional niggermutt kikepuppets so you have 0 right to say anything about europe
>lil nigger boy is triggered
>the US is forcing Europe to take in refugees
No, your women just love Muslim cock. Not our fault you prefer to beat off to anime.
get Kalergi'd faggot

ANTIFA is from Europe; Italy then Germany.
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stop bullshitting, there's literally american funded NGOs transporting the migrants, it's recorded and there's a shitton of evidence
not to mention the constant whining and backlash we got from the american government for our anti migrant policies and we still do
>muh based trump tho
bullshit we get the same shit from americans that we got during obama
to be honest though I'm pretty comfy now, 98% of our population is non jewish whites and the government is dedicated to keep it that way while the us will lose all it's white population in 2 generations and turn into africa 2.0
ahahahaha sure they did, THE AMERICANS the masterminds of helping brown people instead of bombing them, shut the fuck up idiot
>i-it's their fault we love arabs and africans
you can't be more delusional than this you muslimpuppet nigger trash
>kills kadhafi
>blacks start to flood into europe, like kadhafi warned numerous times
>american ngos actually help them cross and put political pressure on countries where they have THOUSANDS OF SOLDIERS to accept them OR ELSE
>we dindu nuffin tho
literally a kike nigger
>Europeans are getting bossed around by a 4% white niggerkike country
Pretty sad. Why you so weak and beta wh*te boy?
blame the traitors of the white race, aka the french and the brits
So why aren't they cracking down on this shit by putting the people who arrange these riots into deep shit? I'm sure they can find everything they need on facebook

sage goes in the options field
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Fuck off cunt.
It's not like your leftists are any better, they're the same shitheads all around the world.
Look at the leftist riots in London, Paris, Cali or anywhere else.
There is no difference.
Germans ARE niggers.

Boat niggers.

They do exactly what niggers do, but they have boats, and they used to call themselves "viKANGZ"
The Bolsheviks and their Communism is why the world is as fucked up as it is today.
except those leftists are anglo saxon, as in they are literally germans.

all germans are boat niggers.
u sound Australian
I served in the army, but let's be honest with ourselves: War is a major industry for the US. We have to move inventory to keep people employed. We had no reason to invade Iraq and destabilize that region. That said, I can't accept that European govts take in Muslims by the boat load solely because the US strong arms the entire continent.
>blame the traitors of the white race, aka the french and the brits
i thought it was just blame americans?
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Maybe if the didn't kill millions of white people and ban 'nationalism' in public discourse 70 years ago it would loook different.

Why didn't you give Danzig back to the Germans? WW2 could have been avoided.
But why are they doing this ?
What's the reason for this riot ?
>WW2 could have been avoided.

You clearly have zero knowledge about World War 1 v.2 so I won't even start. Read few books and then try to ask better questions.

Free City Gdansk wasn't exclusively german city. World War 2 could not be avoided, he attacked couple countries and regions, single fucking city does not matter.

Maybe you have a spirit of cuck pussy that would sublime to one ball maniac and loose all your honour, some people are not fucked up like that.

>partisans are not terrorists

>oy gevalt why cant I just ambush German officers, wearing civilan clothing, torturing them and get away unpunished what a HOLOCAUST

fucking slavniggers are the worst

Ostensibly it's to protest globalism
But at the same time they scream for open borders and free migration for everyone, so it's really just Antifa being Antifa
Ummm when they started throwing Jewish children in ovens maybe? Read a history book sometime
I don't understand, what exactly are they protesting?
It's not like they moved to a right-wing city to do this, they're just trashing their own city.
Move along, faggots.

Gabitalism :DDD

See >>132847627
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Mfw Britain USA and Russia are bros against Germany again
The idea that America is supposed to care what the "world" thinks on every issue is hilarious. Do fathers go around and poll their children before they make decisions?
being a productive member of society
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Why is /pol/ so retarded and doesn't understand that these leftists come from all around the world?
They all clearly had light skin in the video

Checked. You forgot to archive that:

>Berlin police

Can't say I'm surprised

Thank you Nord bro I was being lazy.

Let's be honest here, Hamburg and Berlin alone have enough Antifa faggots to pull this shit off by themselves.

antifa fucking sucks, just kids that want to judge and looking for violence, but far right isn't in any way better they even kill people.
i am sick of this, it mostly isn't about politics but about aggression.
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>master race
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>Germans are worse than niggers.

No hair extensions
No Plasma TVs
No sports shoes

wicker baskets filled with
Bottles of zima
and farm fresh produce....

You are right
The Germans need to be gassed.

Press F or S.
pls send these images to africa so they stop coming and start sending our clothes donations back out of pity
maybe if you faggots stopped encouraging them? like if your police started shooting looters throwing explosives around in public? instead of playing water tag with them?
Germanic people are the pinnacle of humanity, which is why they are so attacked.

Leave us be, niggers.

I know right... It looked like they just go after the foods.

> 132851205 what do you expect is in a supermarket?

Don't forget that Germans made Stalin's communism.
American here. France invaded with the express permission, and planning from, HRC's US state department.

Bitch even took credit.
>We came
>We saw
>He died
I just absolutely love how this is being reported by the media, blaming this all on "protesters" without even elaborating on why this is going on. This is just like that Evergreen College bullshit: they keep encouraging this faggotry and now the chickens have come home to roost.
Indecent degeneracy.
Laying down the truth. Ty hungary bro.
The unspoken rule, No1 is worse than niggers
It takes 5 minutes to declare Antifa shits a terrorist organisation and have the police sweep the streets or any twat on twitter claiming they support it.
Problem being noone of the protesters is going to get more than a 200€ fine because Germany are major cucks.
Problem is how you deal with them.
you're the best poster on /pol/
Germany has a tenacious desire to destroy Europe since it's modern inception. Control your Antifa idiots who're operating under the disguise of protests, they're opportunists who wants anarchy. They're unequivocally uneducated if they think humanity can prosper under such conditions.

Kill them and be done with it or give them as fucktoys to your pet migrants for entertainment. I'm sure that would help alleviate their desire to live without borders.
What does it feel like to be a German patriot/nationalist right now? Must be suffering, I imagine
Thats what the kikaroo story book will tell you.
German nationalists are just as opposed to this summit. Although for different, and perhaps more coherent, reasons.
In any case, Antifa riots and looting aren't anything particularly new, so I'm not sure why you would be concerned about how they feel "right now" as if this is some watershed moment here.

Where the fuck are the police, is this what constitutes a peaceful protest in Germanistan?
This is the Antifa snitch that got those journalist attacked and almost Lauren Southern and Tim Pool. Show him some love.

They riot at this shit every time you think they would fucking prepare for it
Wearing a mask during riots and looting should be a automatic 5 year sentence
Where is sense of shame in these fucking people
Germans are literally worst fucking posters on this board. Go kill yourself.
>can't afford something? steal it!

nigger ideology 101
>Germans are niggers
We're aware of that since 1000 years, senpai
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slavs are subhu-
>Rural Germans
I think you mean all the faggots living in the cities. Rural people go to work, tend to their gardens and generally mind their own business.
Antifa doesn't even exist in my area.
This is how confused neo Nazis are these days.
These people are protesting capitalism and neo liberalism....
They are on your side.
Jesus, you people are thick.
t. Mr 52% white
Fuck off.
My pal worked in a bar in San Fran that got a lot of tourists and the Germans were horrible. Always excessively drunk and fist fighting. They're just people like everyone else
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From the footage I can gather that Germans tan incredibly well :D
>White guy getting attacked by multiple white guys until Achmed shows up to save the white guy from the white guy.
What did Hans mean by this? You're literally bigger niggers then the Muslims or our actual niggers.
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You hate you local club that you're a part of and would like to see it restructured to be better

>Guy walks in, shits in the corner, wrecks the place, steals the beer and lights the shed on fire.

The enemy of my enemy is a rampart cunt
Germany is finished. I need to move to another country ASAP.
whats it with commies and food. some kind of weird fetish one might think
>When did you lose all your fucking honour

What made you think they had any honour?

>B-but look at this photo of comforting a German child
It's all for show. They don't actually care about her; if they did, then they wouldn't have killed her.
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The 90s were a magical memetastic naive paradise.
I think that's an accurate picture of >>132841566 My Step Father is a sub human Magyar Hungarian piece of shit and he looks exactly like that. Why the hell are the Hungarians butt mad at us over World War 1? The fact that their non-country had 2/3 of it chopped off and handed off to Slavs and Muslims is not at all America's fault. I think the answer you're looking for is France you stupid fucking mongrel as far as Ghadafi and who fucked your ass in the WW1 treaty. Roosevelt wanted a white peace but UK and France wanted blood $.
Pretty sad, all it would take is a couple of pissed off krauts with some finely machined German weapons and start shooting these bastards. They'll flee like cockroaches being exposed to sunlight, but they're too busy stuffing dicks and sausages down their throats to save their country.
Shoot them, stab them, burn them, Germans should do something in retaliation for fucks sake. Hack some heads off, they understand that, use chainsaws.....
So you were there then and witnessed this personally?
>János von Neumann was the conceptual inventor behind digital computing
>conceptual inventor
Mang I bet one day we have space ships with fusion drives and sheeeeeeit I guess I just invented it huh subhuman?
Hungarians BTFO
Is this Hungarian shit posting or is he actually this stupid? I can't even tell anymore guiz.
Maybe that stupid Kraut Nigger Hitler shouldn't have declared war on us then huh? Summer Pol isn't just a meme.
Well, let's see your faggot country stop us then you assmunchers. And your stats are wrong you filthy freak.
The (((Americans)))
Good. The we here in the US should chop off all funding that goes to any other nation or treasonous organization. You bitches will be screaming for Uber American cock then...
Don't worry you'll catch up soon enough. Think about the trajectory
redpill me on what's going on in hamburg, I have no idea
Right, keep telling yourself that nigger. Just like Marconi smeared Tesla who invented radio and after Tesla's death The US Supreme court ruled in Tesla's favor.
>le black and white ideology

Is this how far Britain has fallen? To clarify : liberals are bad, communists are worse. There's some actual nuance to this, but that's too hard for you to understand, right ? Kill yourself, Britcuck.
>"anti-capitalism" and "anti-globalization" demonstrations announced
>mysteriously devolve into antifa setting the city on fire and attacking police
The Germans are brainwashed by the media and don't fight it.

Just consider how the media portrays PEGIDA compared to Schwarzer Block.

Within PEGIDA everybody is a no good empathy free demon who do not want to share the abundant riches of our country.

While the leftists have just a few disillusioned youths. Yes, they destroy property and don't mind injuring ACAB cops, but in their hearts they just want to bring wealth and prosperity to the whooooole world.
bist du buchstäblich behindert?
how do pro-commie anti-nazi Antifas perceive soviet rapes on germans duing and after WW2?
And people complain about trump while lifting merkel to the sky. do u see what that piece of shit have done to her country?
He didn't.
Nein, er hat gerade eine Prostata-Massage in seinem Arsch stecken.
They try to hard Germanbru.
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absolutely disgusting, thank Allah I live in Egypt and not in some Euroshit country
nice divertion kike
>black people
This. Get fucked haters, Germans are our brothers.
What the fuck happened to you /pol/?
When did you lose all your fucking honour?
Yeah it's not like they did anything that caused that, they were just innocently minding their own business. The German is worse than the jew as at least the jew knows he is perfidious when he seeks to cover it up, the German is proud of it and thinks his suicidal schemes are what's best for everyone then he is surprised when everyone hates him. Dindu nuffin the country.
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> great Hungarian inventors
>(((von Neumann)))
Neck yourself, Kikelover.
its funny to me that the tn gop twitter is usually based but tn senators and reps usually suck balls.
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All ironic weeaboos and animetards altogether on social media should be gassed. They are always the worse type of people usually whiteknighting.
>fucking aussie cunt interfering with European conflicts

That old fucker better died a gruesome death
What do you expect fromsubhuman people who systematically tried to genocide an entire ethnic group?

Germans were the niggers of europe since at least the holocaust.

imo we should stop calling black people nigger, and start calling germans nigger instead.
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