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>government pays you to live there >isolated white communities

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>government pays you to live there
>isolated white communities far away from nig nogs
>The survivalist culture is resistant to degeneracy
>you can get a huge house for cheap
>gun laws are extremely laxed
>conservative stronghold
>tons of Natural Resources
>great for prepping if you stock up on resources and learn how to fish and hunt.
>when the Zionist Bankers collapse the economy you won't be affected
>no shitlib cities
>no Hispanics
>no Muslims
>below average obesity rate
>The only state in the America where you can find a Orthodox Church
>Captivating mountains
>Final Frontier
>a great state to get a boat in
>Close to Russia so if the United States of America goes through balkanization Russia might Annex this territory.

So why doesn't more people on /pol/ talk about Alaska being based
because whites are snowflakes and preffet Commifornia?
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I'd live in alert if I the military actually wanted me

but I got leg problems so they won't accept me
even North Korea won't fire missiles at Alaska. Nothing to bomb there
>Shit internet
>Food is shit if not fresh fish/game
>Pay a shit ton more for shipping
>Have to ship everything because nothing there
>Lives on the border of British China

It is a pretty nice place to live, but there are some serious downsides to it as well.
How is Quebec
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You forgot to mention large orthodox minority

Planning to move there one day. If we're going to have an ethnostate, it's going to be in Alaska.
You had me until the BBC vernacular. Stopped reading there
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>why don't you move to Alaska?
>heh faggot, just shoot the bears
no, I'm not afraid of bears, but you need to understand that grizzlies are nothing more than giant fucking raccoons. I hate dealing with raccoons now, but make them big enough to tear into a car and I'm not having any of that shit.
I feel bad for enlightened people or anyone who is redpilled that lives in California
I am terribly sorry to hear that
I should have added that to another benefit of living in Alaska thank you anon.
the government pays you money to live there and if you embrace the survivalist culture and learn how to adapt you will end up enjoying it and Anchorage is technically a major city so you'll find something to do there.

internet speeds are always improving Google creative destruction.
I said it's one of the few places where you can find a Orthodox Church
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look at that dreamy weather

Alert gets 100MB/s internet recently the only issue is that there's like a 10seconds ping delay because of the distance

it's neat, country side is full of white people. Only problem is how liberal so many of the people are. On the bright side though spics that come over for farming in summer leave before winter hits because they can't handle the cold
The state doesn't exactly have strict gun laws so ar15.com or get a ghost gun that's what my friend in California does.

Government is also paying less because of the collapse of oil. I like it because of the Nautical nature of the society and that its freezy and cold most of the time. So like the Northeast, but fewer cucks.

Grizzlies are actually the dangerous bears. Black bears will just run up a tree if you walk into it and scare it. Grizzlies will just cleave your ass in two.
>when the Zionist Bankers collapse the economy you won't be affected
Except for all the stuff your state imports. Yeah that will stop.
I fully support the Northwest Front with Harold Covington the problem is the Highway connecting every city between Southern LA and Vancouver Canada outside of that rule Cascadia is pretty underrated.
Haha this. No one takes BBC vernacular posters serious
The whole point of prepping is to become prepared for the claps learning how to fish and hunt and stocking up on supplies and how long will the collapse last?
The only state in the America where you can find a Orthodox Church
wtf are you taking about - plenty of Orthodox churches lower 48
I would have to drive 3 hours just to see one meanwhile in Alaska almost 13% of the state's population are Orthodox Christians.

How do you have internet leaf?
Yeah, I saw a video recently about that. Lots of Russian descent, right?

Not a race

say "Mestizo" you anti white kike

by paying an exorbitant price for a way over priced connection
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less than a thousand non-white Hispanics were born in Alaska in 2015 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Alaska#Religion) but I'll make sure to keep that in mind.
I hope you like bears and mosquitoes. I've been considering it though
you forgot the part where Alaska is a military target for nuclear war or planned invasion
no sun for months

it's not really that warm for most of the year so I won't have any problem with mosquitoes and when it comes to the bear question I'm extremely pro-second Amendment and ghosts guns will be a thing in Alaska.

that's anywhere in the Arctic Circle and there's Parts in Alaska that aren't in the Arctic Circle it's a big state.
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Welcome to the new white ethnosphere.
In 30 years when the equator is scorched and the arctic is a temperate paradise this is going to be Panama Canal 2.0.
Entryway into the Arctic and heart of white civilization.
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I live in california and we have plenty orthodox serbian and greek churches
I'd like Alaska more if there wasn't so many furries and weird bush people with names that come straight from Barneyfags
>Not paying 20$ more for that juicy unlimited connection
what's the percentage
you can just give them $10 extra for unlimited, used to be all the connections had a cap and the best one had a 200GB cap
probably 1%, we are majority spic and they are catholic
>within range of a north kroean nuke
what are they going to Target
the most popular here >>132836992 is better than I get in New Jersey
How are people so orthodox christian? Left over russians? Eastern european migrants?
I actually live there
1) good luck getting a job
2) housing isn't as cheap
3) almost everything is imported from other states (which means things cost more)
4) not enough women
thinking of moving to the lower 48 because of these reasons
only come here if you're prepared and you know what you're doing or you're going to fuck up big time
Don't use libshit terms like ghost gun.
yeah from like Siberia
This. Have any of the fucks in this thread actually even been to Alaska? There might be less nig nogs, but there's tons of chinky brown native alcoholics roaming around, smuggling booze and snorting meth.
Fairbanks is a complete shithole, Juneau is too isolated, so that leaves Anchorage, of which most is a shithole except for some nice areas in the south.

Don't get me wrong, I love the nature, but the people there suck ass.
leftover Russians mostly and neighbors that converted to the religion I would imagine there are some Eastern European migrants though

I found two houses on zillow both are less than $220,000 one is a two bedroom two bathroom the other one is a four bedroom one and a half bathroom both have more than a thousand square feet of land, this could be cheap for me because a house I would live in in my current state of New Jersey would cost around $300,000 at least.

I don't know a terrible amount about Eskimos but I'm planning to binge-watch a handful of YouTube videos and read an article or two but I know their average IQ or their mean IQ is 92 and I know for a fact that they're less violent than the average mestizo and nig-nog but Alaska's big so from what I've seen Googling Wikipedia articles about individual towns there's a lot of isolated white communities that are 80% Plus White with a handful of Filipinos or Chinese.
Read 'Lord of the Flies'
Add guns
a lot of people in Alaska are used to living off the land aka the anti degenerate survivalist culture they kind of have that the History Channel loves to show off, if the government was to collapsed most people would Resort that hunting and Scavenging and outside of Anchorage I think people will do fine.

I read lord of the flies and High School I'm extremely doubtful it would ever happen in a situation with grown ups especially those used to taking care of themselves.
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Truly is a most spectacular place,
Seriously if you are interested get a summer job up there,
for a fishing plant, mining, construction, more up there then you'd think.
Seriously a place everyone should go work.

Down sides are what people say though, $$$ is totally needed & if it weren't an problem I'd be there in a heartbeat. Rather bring my own women though.

Also some of the peeps can are just weird, look down on 'the 48ers' Act like we never use a chainsaw before.
AKfag here.

If you are not somewhat wealthy goodluck carving out a decent life here.
Electricity costs, utilities can be insane.
I have a paid off house I can barely afford.
I hear jobs are hard to get but most people I know look like they don't try very hard or look like bums.
Lots of drug use.
In my 30+ years here, there just doesnt seem to be a lot of women.
A gay mans paradise I suppose who like bears.
Or someone who likes fat women.
I hear it's shit and full of minorities.
unlike the South it's fairly segregated with the rare occasion of a bigger town, the two houses I found online are both in neighborhoods that are 85% + White one town has 270 something people the other one is barely over a thousand.
It has always been a dream for me to live in areas such as Finland or Alaska. I fucking hate the weather here in Australia, too hot and humid for me.

If I am an American citizen, I would definitely move to Alaska.
It's blacker than any Canadian province. It's a shithole.
Alaska belongs to Russia.
greenland is rightful canadian clay

The Kenai Peninsula is kind of the last white cities.
There is a very small population of blacks. Very small.
Though the cultural enrichment will probably be worse in 10 years I imagine.
Natives are everywhere but they are generally much less of a threat than black people are.
Speaking as a half native here.
There is crime but it's drugged out losers of all races mixed together. Just don't leave shit out for the taking even if you live out innawoods
>isolated white communities far away from nig nogs
You mean isolated eskimo communities that are worse than the ghetto.

>conservative stronghold
Not for long.

>no shitlib cities
>what are anchorage and juneau

>no Hispanics
Packed with them.

>no Muslims
Two mosques.

You don't know shit about us.

That said, get up here and displace the californians
You're an idiot OP
>Niggers spics and nates everywhere in the state causing problems.
>housing expensive as fuck
I could go on but you're just a dumb nigger
>housing expensive as fuck
Only in Anchorage and SE
You didnt address the job issue, kikestain
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>Not on any electric grid
This. Anchorage fag, can confirm.
>Shit internet
Palmer has gigabit.

Leftover Russians. FYI Soviet immigrants are still communist and breed more than rabbits

Solar panels, man. Lots of solar panels and battery banks
The 8(a) federal contract system is a huge give away to Alaska Natives. They are flagranly corrupt and rip the US off of every penny they can get. They are like degenerate Jews with open rape and alcoholism.

>The Denali Commission lost 100m for utility upgrades

>Here is just one incident of Alaska Natives getting over 200m in non-compete 8a bids they may not have even been eligible for.

>Here is a time where 20 AK Native 8(a) companies received over 700m in "ill gotten" contracts.
They're like abos is the best comparison
Russian orthodox or Greek? Because there is plenty of both if you know where to look. There is a huge Russian diaspora in the USA.
>Solar panels, man. Lots of solar panels and battery banks
We're hydroelectric where I live.
Only places worth living unless you work on the slope, would Never buy a house in the valley unless I built it myself(lack of code requirements)
>worth living
Calicuck detected
Keked hard, been here since 91 but yes Anch. is getting cringyer ever year. I have thought of moving to Ketch when I retire.
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Orthodox heathen. Please leave the continental United States.
I don't think Abos have their shit together well enough to commit fraud on this level.

They abuse their own people, rape everyone they can and then play the victim all the way to the bank.

Sounds pretty Jewish to me.
The native corporations =/= actual subhuman natives
Ketchican has some real drug problems. With between 800k and 1m tourist going through the drug problem and child prostitution issue is real.

Meth has taken over large parts of the rural state. Part of me wants to just go out to the wilderness and homestead a farm. Good living.
Look at the boards of most village and regional native corps. The boards are native all the way through, coming from the stock holders.

The fact is, even with native hire, and native education, and all the programs in place the natives are so inferior that most cannot make it.

You and I, if we had native benefits and a high school education would be solidly middle class. These people can't even finish high school without raping a dog.

They were savages before oil money, they will be savages after oil money, and the 10% that has their shit together will pass as Asian the first chance they get and abandon the land they claim to be tied to.
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Ketch too, NOOOOO. And kiddy fiddlers.

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>child prostitution in Ketchikan

In any case you folks are all right about drugs and one of us needs to run for office on replicating pic related
Let me guess, you spent a summer here and now you're an Alaskan expert.
Thats what i pay. So what? It sucks but it is what it is
>government pays you to live there
Pays you with money stolen from other people. Kys statist fuck.
Pays us with royalties from the oil companies who are drilling state owned oil.
>Nates people?
It's really fucking cold.
Nigger it was probably 85 degrees yesterday
I had a job offer to go to Nome in 2012, would have advanced my career about 4 years ahead of where I am now. Internet was shit (at the time satellite based). Internet is still shit today but at least they got some microwave ground links so the ping isn't 5 minutes.

I worked as a youth counselor at Mclaughlin Youth Center for a while. Damn near half the girls that were given two year orders for crimes were prostitutes (some were whored out as young as 6). I have known many a girl that was kept high for days as guys ran a train through them.

Have a read on the drug problem and just put the pieces together. High amounts of transiency during the summer (almost 1m people some year). Small town problems in an isolated region. Shit is fucked in Ketchican.
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They've got fiber up the northwest coast these days

Jesus H. Christ, just shoot em

If it's anything like my British Columbia, "native" means at least half-white.
Fiber isnt up yet except for prudehoe bay

Even if you have the fibre you still have to deal with being iced in if you are above the bering strait. Not a good deal.

And really we need to reform the Indian Child Welfare Act. An Native Child will be kept in extradorinarily abusive Native home because of "Muh native culture" to be abused and neglected by a string of "uncles" that visit their mother.

The only way to break the cycle of violence is to break the link to their abusive past by putting them in good two parent homes, which natives don't have anymore. Hell they never really had them. Read a biography like 50 Miles from Tomorrow and the author just glazes over children being abandoned by their parents and random older natives coming through to take a kids virginity (a "magical experience").

I have known a lot of Natives that were dragged down by their inferior culture. They could have been something.
Most natives with any white in them, when you ask them their ethnicity, will list off their white heritage(s) before they mention that they are native, even if they are unmistakably native when you look at them
Also when either Yellowstone happening or Nuclear winter induced ice age trigger glacial expansion, the entire place will become a cannibal haven of inuit as the supply chain breaks and there is no way to return to civilization. Choices will be either starve slow or kys. So FUCK Alaska. Nice place to visit. Would never live there.

Considering the amount of people here prepared for the end of the world I think a lot of us will be okay.
Elmandorf/Richardson, Greeley and, fuck one more base. Anyway I'm pretty sure there's missles up their.
They are there.
A bit late now, shit internet one one of the main reasons for not going at the time. Would be a backwards career move now.
In Alaska eligibility for a Native Corp is a mere 25% native blood. But most of Rural Alaska Natives are over 75% Native, especially in the West and North.
>>government pays you to live there
Not much
>>isolated white communities far away from nig nogs
But you have natives. Lmao.
>>The survivalist culture is resistant to degeneracy
See above. Natives. LMAO
>>you can get a huge house for cheap
>>gun laws are extremely laxed
Besides open carry, they're normal. Also you'd be surprised the number of places you can't shoot.
>>conservative stronghold
>>tons of Natural Resources
So does Africa. Also no. It's difficult and expensive to access oil, massively opposed and politically stalled mining, and fish. Fish is profitable.
>>great for prepping if you stock up on resources and learn how to fish and hunt.
Sure bud.
>>when the Zionist Bankers collapse the economy you won't be affected
Yes you will. Alaska is massively subsidized by federal tax dollars on the order of 12:1 and up.
>>no shitlib cities
Hahahahahahaha you've never been there.
>>no Hispanics
>>no Muslims
Natives are just as bad
>>below average obesity rate
But highest unemployment in the coutry!
>>The only state in the America where you can find a Orthodox Church
>>Captivating mountains
>>Final Frontier
No that's space. My license plate says LAST frontier. Get it right.
>>a great state to get a boat in
Expensive as fuck to keep. Year round Ice-free harbors are few. Hard storage is expensive. Parts are ungodly expensive. Shipping is ruinous.
>>Close to Russia so if the United States of America goes through balkanization Russia might Annex this territory.
Learn Russian, Cyka.

thought they changed it to 50% recently
>Besides open carry, they're normal.
>Alaska is massively subsidized by federal tax dollars
Spotted the LARP'er
Shit is complicated. Native Tribes get to decide on their own membership and there has been many lawsuits over it.

I remember doing a paper during my college days when a Tribe in the South West voted out all of the members that were part black. This increased the tribe-members earning per share and showed how racist they were.

That is a recent article but they have been doing this for decades. The Cherokee in particular don't like Blacks because it reminds them how they owned a bunch of slaves when they were kicked out of Georgia. Most of the deaths on the Trail of Tears were not Indian deaths, they were slave deaths.
Here's the archive

>voted out all the members that were part black
fucking based.
There's only 1 place to shoot for free legally within 90 minutes of Anchorage. Name it, and I'll forgive you for your shit stupid comment.
When the economy collapses you wont be affect? Don't they import most of there shit?
I know it and I'm ready to correct him
Alaska is massively dependent on subsidies though. The Feds shovel money at the Bush in energy subsidies, facility improvement, education block grants, so forth and so on.

You can see the map. You know the Bush votes (((D))) for free money. And the Dems give it to them.

what would you say you do here?
They did it for the wrong reasons though. Natives are so far down that having some black in them is a step up for most of them.
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He said Alaska has "normal" gun laws. They are fucking god tier even the knife law are god tier. He said we get lots of federal aid look at pic related.
You'd freeze here Brodie
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Wow, what a novel fucking idea
You didn't answer my question.
Also, those statistics do not refute my statement. My statement was about the ratio of federal tax dollars paid out to federal tax dollars received. It had nothing to do with general revenue.
You still haven't answered my question.
I have pulled off 111 twice and 00 once. Good times. I'll Include myself in my screencaps.
>They abuse their own people, rape everyone they can and then play the victim all the way to the bank.

Sounds like abos to me.
LARP harder faggot

You know, my brother actually once worked in Alaska as a fisherman

It was apparently so shit, he actually, unironically returned to Ukraine.
moving to alaska once I finish my youth in cali
Gonna watch that movie again tonight, thanks for the reminder.
Are there a lot of available jobs there for unskilled economic migrants? I'm considering working abroad for a while to make money and it seems comfy.
Don't come here if you aren't gonna stay, for the love of God
Oh you sad little fuck. What sad little shithole do you live in where you have ever had to give a fuck about, or even be familiar with, knife laws?
You didn't answer my question.
Kek, that's because those fisheries use Ukrainians like mexicant's. copper river seafood imports hordes of slavs for their plant in Anchorage. would ever so often fab and install stainless shit there, hottest women in town.
If you want to work fish processing you can find work every summer.
Why? I'm white, I'd work, I'd pay taxes, I would only take a job if there are a lot available and I wouldn't destroy your culture with islam-shit. Why is that a problem?
So is THAT why there's all the hohols
The crime rates are my only problem. Other than that it looks like a pretty neat place to live.

Dont hang out with people who make under 2000 a month and have guns and a cheap security cam setup and you will be okay.
Yes, better than Mongs though. Regular phillipinos are fine but those mong fuckers are nasty
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>OP mostly correct
Only 3 normal sized cities.
Few blacks, few spics. ~20% eskimo
AKA Tundra Niggers (they are alright)

Property affordable outside of large cities
Lots of Filipinos in Anchorage, and O'Bongo +'shit senator got it some ~20,000 mudslimes
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One of the worst things I remember about Alaska is the fucking mosquitoes in the summer. I went hiking there one time and couldn't believe how many mosquitoes and horseflies come out during the summer. In this way summer is probably the worst season in Alaska if you're innawoods. For comparison, I've also been to the marshlands of Florida and there wasn't nearly as many mosquitoes, but they were a lot bigger for sure.
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>did you say brown bears?
The meat is really tough, and makes it smell like bear every time you fart

I feel bad for /out/ with their version of adventure
Fuck all of you for jinxing me

Black bear flipping the trash, 3rd week in a row tight now. Gota put on clothes now...
>Close to Russia so if the United States of America goes through balkanization Russia might Annex this territory.

Why do you list this as if it is a good thing?
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