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>moot sells 4chan >gook who has ruined other imageboards

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Thread replies: 98
Thread images: 12

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>moot sells 4chan
>gook who has ruined other imageboards buys it
>this gook is already in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, so must have a plan
>gook hires Jay Irwin as the lead moderator
>jay Irwin, manager at Taykey advertising
>Taykey advertising, specializing in datamining
>/g/ users discover persistent cookie that tracks your posts across boards using a Web socket exploit, obviously well designed

Why do people not care about this? I'll tell you why. More data = more money for Gookmoot to pay off his denbts. 4chan is going to go mainstream, it will be heavily policed, and your posts will enter a database where advertisers can tailor their garbage for you. I seriously hope you dont use a static IP and o seriously hope you google "4chan ekansovi cookie" to learn how to disable it
Or what? Companies will be able to customize advertising to fit my material desires?
This. Who gives a shit?
>he doesnt understand the importance of anonymity

Shoo shoo newfag this thread isnt for you
This is just bait right?
Literally the mainstream cancer I was talking about

>your name and social security number are on hundreds of government articles
>but your "anonymous" on 4chan
>despite ISPs tracking you
>despite browsers tracking you
>despite Windows tracking you
>despite social media
>despite email
No, posting had risen almost 300% in the last couple years. Newfags are the vast majority of posters now
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They'll never catch me
lol i use 5 ad blockers and have not bought anything ever

im more worried about moot selling 4chan away to the FBI back in 2008, but you are a newfriend and dont know about that

go back to plebbit
Reddit cancer
I only have one adblock with an anti adblock script with tampermonkey. Works on most adblockers
>he legitimately thinks ad blockers stop exploitative cookies
>he has 5 ad blockers installed
>he makes nonsensical arguments to call others newfags

Classic newfag behaviour
How do we know the (((cheap))) server hiro moved to is not run by the CIA?
>not a single post condemning Jews and gooks for exploiting 4chan
>on /pol/ of all boards

This thread was really eye opening to the true amount of filthy dumb newfag scum here
Being this desperate for attention.
The wesearchr guy offered to buy 4chan for $1 million maybe 6 months ago. Too low a bid, maybe? Source: one of the 'Ascending the Tower' podcast episodes on socialmatter.net. From his own mouth.
So, how do you permanently disable it? Googling it just brings ups a bunch of 4chan posts about it.
spit it out, disable how ??
Search the archived /g/ thread for using ublock origin and disable third party cookies in your browser

4chan can only become more profitable from here if they keep increasing traffic. Absolutely no reason to sell
examining this one

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this is from the archived /g/ thread; it's at the top, but none of the responses seems to take issue with it:

The consensus is to use uBlock or uMatrix.
and add this to your uBlock Origin filters:
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>and your posts will enter a database where advertisers can tailor their garbage for you
>Seeing ads

ccluster.com has real working privacy options so you can't be datamined (you can post with TOR), and there mods can't delete your posts even if they own a board

It´s still under construction, but it is a safe place for free speech for the future while everything else keeps getting more cucked
>>he legitimately thinks ad blockers stop exploitative cookies
>>he has 5 ad blockers installed
legit laughed out a peanut butter belvita while reading this
Why do you think they "hate" phone posters.

lol. Shills thinke they are
>advertising to NEETs
>a cookie
>not just using private mode which disables all history storage and cookie creation
>not running noscript

Just run a not shit tier browser that has a private mode and only browse in private mode with ads blocked and scripts nerfed.

I have literally been doing this for more than ten years and have never browsed any imageboard any way besides this. It's stupid to do so they all have ad botnets and cookies build up insanely easily as it is why add more you don't need?
Riddle me this, why should I care if private business is tracking my interests so they can better serve me?
What you should be worried about more are the "1 post by this ID" threads and how they dominate /pol/ with shit topics.
Checked but how did you digits anon reply so quickly to fagget anon?
good luck im behind 7 proxies
lurkmoar newfag or go back
There are other boards out there that may or may not help anonymity, vichans severs are hosted in Poland or some shit. The kids posting here don't value anonymity anymore.
>and your posts will enter a database where advertisers can tailor their garbage for you

What is uBlock, Alex?
that might explain all the shit spam emails I've been getting lately
this nigga woke af


Because it's one step away from the government being able to track everything you say and do on the internet. And if you think the law protects you in such matters: do you really thing major agencies don't use loopholes or any other method to get around the law?
Holy fuck how do we stop this?
I would be happy if I redpilled some government agent reading my posts with the undeniable facts I post here on a regular basis.
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Do you understand that defeats everything 4chan stands for, this WILL kill a fundamental part of the Internet, if your posts are tracked across boards it's now far easier to track criminal activity
>your posts will enter a database
How do you retards not see the problem with this.
The government already does that, it was a couple steps ago in fact.
Not even gonna chance it I'm done with 4chan. I might lurk from time to time but I can't post.
Criminal activity online is not a fundamental part of the internet and 4chan has never been about allowing criminal activity.

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Clearly you forgot about Doublethink, Citizen.
Luggage lad deserved it.
The only one of those that matters is the ISP. And yes the ISP is tracking you to some extent even if you have a DHCP public IP that chances when you spoof a new MAC address on the WAN. Doesn't matter what IP you get because it's all under your account.

So if a jewish group gained the legal power to subpoena 4chan for public IPs tied to post, and ISPs for personal info tied to the accounts using those IPs, all because of hate speech laws or whatever... well I would be fucked since I have constantly been advocating calls to violence and killing jews for years. But I'll just blame it on my open wifi which I will say is needed for legacy WDS wifi router extenders that don't work with encryption very well when mixing brands.
1.be on /b/
2. Be on foreign soil
3. See Loli thread
4.life imprisonment.
Again I don't feel comfortable anymore posting on this website.
Who the fuck goes on other boards?
>be on /b/
It's not 2009 anymore. Nobody uses /b/ and /pol/ has the highest amount of traffic
You do realize this is the same as someone running down the street with an open loli magazine and then the government arrests everyone who saw it right?

Loli is not allowed on /b/, if you go there without the intent of viewing it you are a victim of the person posting it.
This is shameful. The fact you justify loosing anonymity for any reason.
I used to frequent several boards here the rate of traffic is pointless to my point.
You've never read the rules. Go away.
Post those rules to prove your point.
Ok so you are referring to global rule 1 however lolicon does not directly violate any US laws if a US citizen posts Lolicon and a non US citizen views the thread they may have broken the law of their land and will do jail time all because their personal data was saved to a data base.
Who cares?

Even if true, anyone not smart enough to block these things deserves it. Don't like it? You should have bought 4chan.
>I seriously hope you dont use a static IP

I can assure you 80% of users wouldn't
>Web socket exploit
That's a feature. Literally the whole point of web sockets.
Additional the action of saving user data to aid in advertising is directly in violation of global rule 11.
I mean, the NSA is already doing this on a far more invasive scale. The line in the sand was already drawn and nobody crossed it. Time to just accept you've submitted to your surveillance overlords.
Everything that I've ever posted here has been satire, so why should I care?
i use this computer only to LARP Nazi survivalist.
But they never had 4chan.
you never heard of nsachan?

Fucking pleb
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Holy fucking shit the kikes have begun testing their good goys in public now
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just stfu we all know who's really behind this.
People have been getting v& for posting threatening/illegal content on 4chan since long before moot sold to Hiroshima.

If you think you've ever been truly anonymous here, you really underestimate the extent to which the internet is monitored be the authorities.
Better Privacy
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Yep and he looks like this.
we dont care because we already filtered that shit last month. there were a tonne of threads, i updated my blacklists on noscript and ublock, kept on using duckduckgo like i normally do, and the day rolled on.
Get rid of adblock, corporate sellouts and you don't need more than one blocker anyway. Add HTTPS Everywhere and self-destructing cookies.
funny how so many fell for the "4chan is having financial problems" and rushed to buy a 4chan pass.

everyone who bought one is a cuck idiot
the only inconvenience I've had is the archives are often denied because of my ad blocker, c'est le vie
All they do is post ads of shit you already bought, the marketing program can't even give novel or useful suggestions to my buying habits. Worse than worthless it eats my data.
may disable self destructing cookies on this box when I'm not on. Don't know if the wife has crap that uses them
Just use Apple. They are bulletproof from getting "broken" or tracked, if geo is turned off
Noticed this the other day had 3 tabs open I could not close and was using shit loads of data

Daily reminder everything is satire only fools believe things posted here ;p
There is a big difference between the government monitoring activity and a private organization creating a database of user information that can be sold to whoever has the money. People who think this isn't a step up from the FBI collecting American posters data are cucks and should have their nazi posts sold to George soros so he can make their lives hell
Decima is real. fear Samaritan

Stop using chrome, dont use IE, get firefox, install greasemonkey, install ublock, go to settings, click 'my filters' and add ||ekansovi.com$domain=4chan.org
Who really gives a shit? I have nothing to hide. The most they will see is my porn history. I'm sure they will LOVE to see what I watch.

And besides I use adblock so I will never see whatever ad they shit out. dont care.
What does he mean by this
Why that
>be a burger
>be scared of hate speech laws
Well guess what gookmoot

>niggers tongue my anus
A TV show I used to watch "Person of Interest". About a machine(s) hooked up to everything.. n/m

How do you advertise to a guy who's most often used word across all posts is 'nigger?'
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What they don't understand is that everything posted on here is satire.
Fools if they believe anything anyone posts on here is real.
Don't really care. I use my neighbor's wifi and have a few fake identities with dead people's SSNs to fuck with advertisers. Only way Big Data is going away is if you make the Data useless. If everyone had 19 fake accounts for every real one these companies go bankrupt.
Midway USA?
Yeah a IBM so what
you lost me. you asked about advertisers.. I mentioned one..
I too, like to pretend on the internet.
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