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If our PM really is as much of a "cuck" as /pol/ claims,

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If our PM really is as much of a "cuck" as /pol/ claims, how come we haven't had any terrorist attacks? UK has Theresa May and they've been attacked. France was attacked several times under Hollande and Hollande can hardly be called a "leftist" given as to how he escalated French imperialism in Mali, Central Africa, and other French neocolonies. US had a few attacks under Obama but like Hollande Obama was just a neoliberal in socialist clothing.

Not to mention, we don't have a single shariah ghetto here. Toronto and Montreal's Muslims aren't shitheads like Paris and London's Muslims are. Why can't /pol/ accept the truth that the only way to deal with Muslims is to assimilate them so they no longer cling to the backwards-ass parts of their culture?
You never hear about them because mandatory liberal media blockouts, happened with a muslim cunt trying to stab people in a Canadian Tire, gotta wonder how many others we never hear about.
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>Xe doesnt remember the parliament attacks
Because rather than forcing the terrorists to detonate bombs on Canadian soil to force Canadians to give them what they want, Trudeau just gives them what they want outright.
you'll get your turn soon leaf
Those happened under Harper, dipshit.
They had a media blackout because it out be too racist to report on because it happened same day as London bridge attack
>how come we haven't had any terrorist attacks?

>worth wasting a terror plot on

Don't flatter yourself leaf
Because you effectively dont exist on the world stage.
Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing btw
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>how come we haven't had any terrorist attacks?

>October 20, 2014 – On October 20, 2014, two Canadian Forces members were hit by Martin Couture-Rouleau, a recent Muslim convert in what is known as the 2014 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu ramming attack. Warrant officer Patrice Vincent died of his injuries. Couture-Rouleau was eventually gunned down and killed.
>October 22, 2014 - Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a convert to Islam, fatally shot Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a Canadian soldier on ceremonial sentry duty at the Canadian National War Memorial in Ottawa, and then forced his way into Canada's parliament building, where he had a shootout with parliament security personnel. He was shot 31 times and died at the scene. Zehaf-Bibeau made a video prior to the attack in which he expressed his motives as being related "to Canada's foreign policy and in respect of his religious beliefs."
>August 10, 2016 - Aaron Driver was killed in Strathroy, Ontario, in a confrontation with police after detonating an explosive in the back seat of a taxi. The confrontation followed a tip from the FBI that Driver had made a "martyrdom video" and was planning an attack on an urban area

You have, plus many more frightening attempts that were only just foiled, like the 2006 Ontario terrorism plot where these people planned to storm the CBC, drive a bunch of trucks with explosives into populated areas, and storm parliament hill and behead the prime minister.

>Hollande can hardly be called Leftist
>Invading other countries is inherently right wing

No, actually one thing in common with Right wing parties is they advocate leaving other countries the hell alone and not interfering. Hollande is a Marxist globalist cuck.

>We don't have any culturally enriched sharia ghettos

That's because the islamic population isn't big enough, yet. But you do have ghettos of other races,
Surrey for example.

That's because the muslim population is still small
Trudy is a great. The Leaves gave us a good one to have fun with.
Okay, I vaguely remember this. But when I say "attack" I'm talking about something along the lines of the Manchester bombing.
Obviously because he's sucking the muslim dick behind the scenes.
then why has australia had attacks? our country could get wiped out tomorrow and nothing would change other than a reduction of shitposts on the internet

Make them white?

Or make us Shitskin?
It was still a terrorist attack. We would have had 2 huge attacks but the US warned us before they happened because we are incompetent and can't protect ourselves with a liberal government.
>That's because the islamic population isn't big enough, yet. But you do have ghettos of other races,
>Surrey for example.
How are poo-in-loos a threat to anyone?
I met a Hezbolah supporter a few weeks ago. he was my uber driver.
Lots of terrorists are here, along with sympathizers and ones wanting to outbreed us, with time but not actively kill us.

They're waiting for a few things and to increase our bumbers. We probably won't have an attack until Sheer starts to run, or something next year.

As it stands, we'll continue to have the shootings and stabbings that are trending nation wide, along with sexual assault.

Didn't the metro say they had 800 reports of assaults in the last two years to OC transpo?

I've known people sexually assaulted/ assaulted/ stalked/ cars bashed, and harassed for dates by Muslims. It's all starting slowly but surely.
You fucking idiot.

Because you've got the best wall that God himself couldn't make better; the United States.

Go choke on some maple syrup.
Obviously the former. Canada isn't becoming "islamicised" by any means.
shit on the street spreads disease
you disappoint me, leaf.
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The Toronto muslims aren't shithead terrorists is a retarded false statement
What do you mean? I've been to Toronto (I live in Montreal) and I've never encountered a batshit crazy Muslim in either.
>you've got the best wall that God himself couldn't make better; the United States.

It could be made better if there was 758400 square miles of nuclear glass to the south of it.

>This anecdotal story oughta be enough to describe the fate of an entire country
why would they blow shit up when islamits already run the place?
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how could you ever follow somebody who had this facial hair.

Are you implying that national boundary can somehow stop international terrorism?

"Forget it guys, the US is next door, they'll never let us bomb Canada"
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>how come we haven't had any terrorist attacks?
So the dozens of them you've had where you tried to conceal the ethnic origins of the perpetrators don't count because why again?
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okay, so you went to Toronto once and decided we didn't have cancerous muslism ghettos that are full of people who hate Canada. Pretty sure the fact a retard like Khadr joined isis after living in Toronto is enough proof you are wrong. I'm sure Justin deterred more attacks by gibsing him 10.5 million and a public apology for killing an American soldier.

Justin, you should really be sleeping right now. Your wife will come back from Donald's room any minute now, just trust her.
We haven't had one on the scale of Bataclan or Manchester, that's my point.

I think he means in relation to other countries.

France, UK and USA have dozens killed every few months.

Canada has never really faced a major terrorist attack for a long time
Canada has one of the most restrictive immigration policies of any western country.


Both of these would have happened if not for the US, our government is too cucked to monitor potential terrorists because it would be racist!
Terrorists have no need to attack Canada. They have already full control there, what would be the point?
Depends on what you mean by restrictive.
>we havent had a big one therefore everything is fine
fuck you are a literal cuck, let me fuck your wife

The canadian government settled for 10.5 million because they allowed one of their citizens to be tortured, not because he was a terrorist
First you said >hurr, Canada has had no terrorist attacks

Now you say >Durr, Indians never did anything

You really don't know what you are talking about when it comes to third worlders.

>Air India Flight 182
>Another Air India flight that was blew up over coast of Ireland

I am guessing you are either a Muslim, yourself, or are a very blind white guy who gets a rush virtue signaling.
Terrorist won't attack a place that won't actually defend it's self.
Justin decided to pay him 10.5 million because he thought it would make him look good. Only a complete retard would actually believe the shit they are being told by the CBC and other cucked networks. There is absolutely no reason why he should receive any money, if anyone but a shitskin had done the same thing nobody would have cared. They should have spent another 10.5 million fighting the retard terrorist in court, not just gibs because Justin said so

Was he a Canadian Citizen? Yes
Did the Canadian Government allow a Canadian citizen to be tortured? Yes

accountability swings both ways, the laws of the land in terms of human rights doesnt automatically become null just because we slap a "terrorist" sticker on them.
>white convert
>half white convert
>white convert
How do these cases support your argument that the problem is "ghettos of other races"?
Did the Canadian government have any say in whether or not he was tortured? No. Does anyone actually care about him being tortured? No. Was this law based on retard Trudeau srs completely cucked constitution? Yes!
There was 0 reason to pay him anything, you are a brainwashed retard. Any other country would have had him executed upon arrival back, Canada is just extremely cucked.
Not Muslim, atheist. I just see no evidence that Canada is doing anything wrong.

Your issue is with the supreme courts interpretation of human rights (and I get what board we're currently on) but in the law of the land that counts for a hell of a lot more legal weight than "Fuck that shitskin"
>a neoliberal in socialist clothing
they all wear suits, the capitalists clothing
sheep dont usually see a problem until its too late
>Did I mention Omar Kadhr even once


>Did you fail to refute anything at all that I said and decide to change the topic of argument?

Most of the white converts who become radicalized were already angry enough to commit attacks BEFORE they converted. It's not that Islam radicalized them, it's that they became drawn to fundamentalist Islam BECAUSE they were already violent and took up Islam because it's the "militant ideology du jour". This is often the case with most born-Muslim terrorists too: for most of their lives they were non-religious or semi-religious.
No, you are just a complete retard. He made a bunch of retarded baseless claims like 'u guise let me get tortured wtf" "i was manipulated at 15, am poor child soldier who dindu nuffin". The chance of him actually being awarded anything was basically 0. The money would have been better spent fighting in court and I'm sure the vast majority of Canadians aside from muslims would agree.

It means you don't let any piece of shit in. Canada is extremely selective and has standards about who's let in. They don't just let tens of thousands flood in unrestricted daily.
>Most of the white converts who become radicalized were already angry enough to commit attacks BEFORE they converted.
how do you know? did you ask them?
>implying that was the core of my argument

ENglish is my second language, but come on. You guys are either being dishonest or having terrible reading comprehension.

It was not an argument, retard, I was refuting what other anon was saying aboht there being ZERO ghettos in Canada. There is one. Come back when your marijuana high ends.
He was saying if Canada's only bordering country wasnt in the US, and was in somewhere like Europe or the US we would have been overrun by muslims/spics and would have terrorist attacks every day and probably would cease to exist. You are just too dumb to understand that xD
well, i like him. so there's that.
Canada is, well, pretty cucked all things considered. Your country is pretty left leaning and for the most part refuse to resist the issue of Islam culture. That's the reason you guys don't see as many terrorist attacks, because they know the system won't fight back.

I'm telling you now, not all of the religion of peace are radical, but the ideology will always be a huge problem for the western world so long as it doesn't conform and adapt. Do not let yourself be fooled by apparent peace.
liberal cunt spotted
>I've never encountered a batshit crazy Muslim
Brit living in Toronto 2 years now.

You're off your rocker. Some of them are batshit insane, allah ackbar faggots. I had my guns loaded and ready to go during the 150 celebrations incase some fucker attacked.
>culturally enriched sharia ghettos
>Surrey for example
You're wrong there too, dump jap.
Have you ever been to Surrey? It's really not all that bad.
Lower income, sure, but I'm from a wealthier part of Vancouver north of Lion's Gate and I've never had issues in Surrey.
>chinese colony
Yoir country is literally Made in China, there's nothing worth bombing.
>my paranoia mixed with racism is proof positive that "Some of them are batshit insane, allah ackbar faggots"
You being a terrified whiny pussy is not proof of anything lol
Canada is a fairly oppressive country. Very cold, high taxation, anemic economy, high cost of living. People are struggling. No time for jihad.
When the muzzels have a comfy life, with a belly full of food, then they will daydream about jihad, and make it a reality.
fuck off faggot leaf
>how come we haven't had any terrorist attacks?
we're irrelevant
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