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-remember when he said he'd be tough on china and declare

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Thread replies: 125
Thread images: 31

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-remember when he said he'd be tough on china and declare them a currency manipulator?
-remember when he said we wouldn't intervene anymore in the middle east?
-remember when he said he'd stop the Boeing, Ford, and Carrier jobs from leaving?
-remember when he said he'd drain the swamp?
-remember when he said he'd defeat ISIS in 30 days?
-remember when he said he'd tear up NAFTA?
-remember when he said he'd stop the Boeing deal with Iran?
-remember when he said he'd release the Comey tapes
-remember when he said he had proof obama wasn't born in the US
-remember when he said his healthcare would be cheaper, cover more procedures, and everyone would have it
-remember when he said his wall would be already started by now and paid for by Mexico
-remember when he said he'd release his tax returns
who dat?
We dun goofed didn't we?
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>trusting a jew

the cucks are totally silent.
none of you want to defend him? is he that shitty of a president?
not refuting anything you said but he's still better than king nigger
Delete this fucking thread right the fuck now.
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All Trump has done is prove that right wing retards are the biggest cucks on the planet.
>Trump will never run
>Trump will never breach 15%
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never release his financials
>Trump will never breach 25%
>Trump will never win SC
>Trump will never breach 35%
>Trump will never breach 50%
>Trump will never reach 1237
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never win unbound delegates
>Trump will never recover after Colorado
>Dahnald, hand over the delegates...
>Trump will never be the nominee
>Trump will never predict BREXIT
>Trump will never pivot to the GE
>Trump will never beat Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never get 270
>Trump will never win the recount
>Dahnald, hand over the electors...
>Trump will never be POTUS
>Trump will never block TTP
>Trump will never get Sessions' nomination to go through
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never eliminate voter fraud
>Trump will never make Mexico pay for the wall
>Trump will never block risky or illegal shitskins
>Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs
>Trump will never win a second term
>Trump will never abolish Common Core
>Trump will never renegotiate our trade deals
>Trump will never MAGA
>Trump will never MEGA
>Trump will never become world champion of golf.
>Trump will never eradicate cancer
>Trump will never discover time travel
>Trump will never colonize Mars
>Trump will never colonize the Milky Way
>Trump will never deport the xenos
>Trump will never defeat the Gauna invasion
>Trump will never become Emperor of the Universe
>Trump will never ascend to a higher plane of existence
>Trump will never live until he's over 9000
>insert desperate attempts to change the subject and ignore OP's points

The only thing you have to remember is 7 and a half more years, champ.
Like clockwork.
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lol, is this it?
you guys are trying too hard. amateurs. new on the job?
that's not how cuck is used, newfag

>this long ass list of things I didn't vote Trump for

i got exactly what i wanted

fukin sav'd
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a shia shill
A day with your brain would make most kill themselves, congratulations for making it this far.
You fucks need to stop responding to meme flags, especially UN, or EU flags.
you're trying too hard
sage goes in options, newfag

90% of your post is pre-presidency and contains 0 of trumps dozens failed promises.

for proof just look at the list of things he was going to accomplish in the first 100 days.


China cucked Trump so good. Trump is such a fucking retard. Kim Jong Un is deploying bigger and better missiles but yet Trump thinks China is working with him.

Russia is cucking him too.

Russia's boost in trade with North Korea worries U.S.

>The State Department and several U.S. officials responded after USA TODAY reported Monday that Russia boosted its trade with North Korea by 73% in the first two months of this year.

Nobody takes Trump seriously.
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Remember when OP was a faggot?
Rember when shills stopped being butthurt? I dont
Archive please
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this is how cucks are used
nice reddit spacing, shill
See >>132815041
>-remember when he said he'd defeat ISIS in 30 days?
he literally never said that
still trying too hard. be more subtle next time


are spaces actually triggering you?

holy shit...

I'm so sorry
>He's so desperate he can't do anything but shitpost

It'd be a great day for internet shitposting if you could see all the times you actually got BTFO'd by real people.
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>trying this hard
>trying this hard
You don't know anything about anything, do you?

Reforms must be accomplished slowly, since people don't like sudden changes. If you do too much, too fast and fuck up one small thing that angers the public, the weight of all your other decisions, and of all the problems they caused crashes down on you. It must be done gradually.

Settle down and leave the process of governing and statecraft to people who actually know something about it.
>trying this hard
fucking faggot
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he said he had a secret plan
How many times before you give up and realize >>132815041

ok... since ISIS isn't a big deal, dipshit can get around to figuring out a plan at his leisure.
yep u nailed it.

this shill >>132816035 is pathetic
can i join your discord?

>literally never sai-
>Reforms must be accomplished slowly

tell that to trump

link your discord

Good luck with that. No one is turning against Trump. Even most of the hardest of the hardcore Nazis are back on The Train. Whine all you want I guess.

I'll get to it in my first 100 days as president I promise. believe me. I know.
why won't you link it?
wow you're pathetic
pls link it
All politicians promise the world and then don't deliver most of it. If you believe he'll do everything he promises, in the timeframe he promises it, then it's your fault, because you are retarded.

He exceeded my expectations for this time period, and he still has 3.5 years to go.
holy shit Trump shills btfo

I'm trying. believe. nobody knows better than I do. ok.
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ok well then i'm leaving because this is boring

but before i go i'm gonna roll

>All politicians promise the world and then don't deliver most of it

his entire shtick was he isn't a politician and he wasn't going to do that... so derp more.
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3 6 7 or TRIPS pls kek

He's a business magnate. There's little difference. The same kinds of power plays with similar, often times overlapping results are present in both occupations.

I honestly feel sorry for idiots like you that think ideology has any role in the modes of operation of the powerful, beyond being a tertiary mechanism for self-gratification, and ego appeasement.
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Aww yeah got the ct3.14

hmm better stay on topic

Fuck dems
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You better give me that 3, i seen her first
There were only 2 choices. It's not as if there was another candidate who was running a lot of Trump's popular positions who was more sane and didn't go crazy on Twitter.

Although honestly I think Trump might have been the battering ram needed to reset the overton window back to the early-mid 90s so that people like Kris Kobach can run for president and fully accomplish the agenda someday.

Do you have source for those outrageous claims chaim? Because I do, and most of them are distortions and outright lies. those that arent true that is. Obongo born in US, lel.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7EAxesVQ8wo [embed]


lol, what the fuck are you talking about!? libs saw right through the fucker. it was the republicunts who saw him as the messiah. nice try though moron.
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She said
I know what it's like to be dead
I killed my nigger uncle fred
She said

lol nice proof there chief.
drumpfcucks are 0/100 in this thread. I knew you clowns were pathetic, but good god...
over an hour and not a single defense for this "so-called" president.
Did you except anything else from the brilliant minds of /pol/ ?
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Remember when he sucked Koch cock and fired Meatloaf from the Apprentice?
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Not to mention Soros cock too.

Trump Defended George Soros During 2011 Tea Party Rally: ‘Leave Him Alone’
Faggot, he didn't say any of those but one, and the swamp draining is ongoing as we speak.

>over an hour and not a single defense for this "so-called" president.
Still waiting for you to provide me with clips of him literally saying all those things. Pro tip: You can't because he didn't say them. But then what else would we expect from some fucking delusional commie pedophile who still believes there is a "Muslim ban" and that Trump called all Mexicans rapists.

He knows anyone who believes what they hear on tv is retarded. That's how he won the media game. Try to keep up. He was the best bet going in and won't stop doing great work.
and now Trump is going to act like a limp wrist puto on North Korea.
the problem is that Trump's weakness is emboldening America's enemies
he said he would do everything in the world, it takes time buddy
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Because we can't be the MAGA 4 Life crew with a (((white))) jew telling us what to do?
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I member.
Smells like leafposting.
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>trying this hard
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>trying this hard
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>trying this hard <3
Or just plain old cuck
Yeah he lies like crazy, but with Trump, you know he's just selling the sizzle.

The others lie too, but not with as much panache.
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>hurr.....mommy bought me trump poptarts
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>trying this hard
oh, the day of the rake is still coming, leaf, nobody has forgotten that, but you're not of any significant consequence right now, especially since your compatriots all hide behind other flags now.
I wonder why that is...
remember when your narrative fell apart and you are now losing across the board?

If he delivers 10% of what he said that's a win in my book.


Mom I posted it again!
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Don't you have to get to baseball practice?

Because all the liberal-leaning corporations aren't avoiding our insanely high corporate tax that ends up going to wars and providing a welfare state for 3rd world nations, right?


Right. Lower the corporate tax now, bathe in retarded wannabe-commie tears later.
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Its bad when this guy is in your own rally...
Forgot the Travel Ban.
Remember when you lost?
we have been HERE for 6 months nigger
i will enjoy it when all of you niggers get converted into nazis from being here too long

embrace it
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Yep you retards will sure show Goldman Sachs! By giving them a tax cut!

My god u retards are cucked beyond repair.
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>sez the fat greasy fuck that makes subway sandwiches for nickles
>muh global ecomony
/pol/ has been bamboozled
Yep. Better than Hillary but still. Idgaf about tax returns but he said we'd stop intervening in the whole world, get out of syria, bring jobs back, lock up hillary, etc.

Did the deep state get to him? Was he or his family threatened?
Was he killed and replaced with a clone?
Seriously, what happened?

the deep state is super power, yet couldn't stop trump from winning. that's retard logic.
He actually did nearly all those things, even a tax return.

he only released the 1 year he paid taxes
anybody that doubts that corporatism dominates both parties of congress is straight up stupid.
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It's another Obama leaf thread.
Let's face it. Both parties are dissatisfied with this President.

On the left side, it's obvious. They've always disliked him, and I don't need to explain why. Sure, for them Pence isn't much better, but it is a big milestone to get Trump out.

On the right, there's a bigger problem. You guys have all agreed he's a Jewish puppet. After the Syria strike, not fulfilling any campaign promises, and just bowing to leftist policies (that don't help either side anyway) it's clear that you all feel discontent with him as well.

You all on the right don't seem to have a problem with Pence, and it seems he is liked better than Trump on both sides. Everyone wins!

So why don't we work together? With the "meme magic" and weaponized autism from us Polers/4channers, the overall damage the opposition to Trump from the right will cause, and the protesting and help of the left, we can get this man out.

If we put our differences aside and work together towards this common goal, we can reach the 2/3 votes and more needed to kick Trump out and get Pence in. So what do you guys say?
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>Trump will never build the wall

And that's where it stays?
you're right. We can no longer let him get his tiny hands on the nuclear codes.
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