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Fascism and NatSoc is objectively just as evil as Zionism. Imposing

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Fascism and NatSoc is objectively just as evil as Zionism. Imposing an over-oppressive order on the world is just as evil as cultivating degenerative chaos. The Nazis created their own "master race" mythos which was only the inverted image of what they found so repulsive about Talmudic Judaism in the first place

One of the messages of Christ is that truth and salvation are the domain of the human individual, not the nation-state. Not realizing this is the failing of Israel, and it was the failing of Nazi Germany as well. The story of Jesus as recorded in the gospels is about what happens when the Spirit of God appears on Earth, and is resisted by the worldly powers of organized religion and the state. Anytime the message of Christ becomes co-opted by religious doctrine or state power, it has already abandoned its roots, since at its core the Jesus story is about how those very powers will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy the Christ. Though of course they can never succeed - to those with eyes to see and ears to hear, the King remains enthroned.

Hitler was an anti-Christ false idol, he was trying to do the right thing by fighting Zionism but he got his methodology all mixed up because he failed to comprehend the value of true Christlikeness.

Look up the quotes of Hitler praising Islam and denigrating Christianity as a "Jewish swindle". His reasoning is very flawed because both Christianity and Islam co-opt Jewish monotheism and the stories of the Torah. The difference is Islam glorifies the power of a worldly nation-state - just like Zionism, just like Nazism - unlike Christianity, which calls out the evils of the elite Jews and which glorifies the human individual in communion with the Spirit.
Daily reminder jews cannot gain power in their un-holy ways if there is no goverment. They always used goverment to host their parasitic interest.
> One of the messages of Christ
Jesus Christ was wrong, Christianity is wrong and false bullshit just like Judaism.
That's a thesis, no argument to support that.
There's a reason Jews despise christianity.
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>master race
Stopped reading right there.

You're right, it's not like they also control the banks, media, porn industry, and Hollywood
They control goverment owned banks, goverment owned media, goverment owned holywood. Try banning porn in your country.
You need an argument to prove a positive claim, like Jesus being right. There isn't really though, Christianity is full of contradictions, Jesus wasn't conceived of a virgin, nor did he resurrect, both are physically impossible, just like miracles and tons of other shit in the Bible/Christianity.
> There's a reason Jews despise Christianity
Because Jesus didn't fulfill what the Moshiach would according to them and yet ended up being worshipped and getting a huge religious following much of which hated and persecuted them. You would fucking hate that too I bet.
I don't care about if it's contradictory, I'm an atheist.
All I care about is the rules it teaches. Catholic societies are nice societies, except for other religions. It can defend itself, I like that in an ideology.
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Look at the Weimar Republic, there was so much degeneracy at a time when the government was on the verge of collapse and too weak to stop anything bad from happening.


This is why they easily had a communist revolution in 1918 that lasted for a few days. The government doesn't control all of that shit. Can you prove the government controls Hollywood? I can prove the Jews do. And the government doesn't own the banks. The banks are established by the Rothschilds and are privately owned but loan money to the government usuriously.
All these institutions hold any power because of, guess what?

Also your jew argument is fucking retarded. A person is not inherently bad because he's jewish. Communist jews are the disease.
>Jesus wasn't conceived of a virgin, nor did he resurrect, both are physically impossible, just like miracles and tons of other shit in the Bible/Christianity

I believe in the literal truths of these miracles because of the esoteric and spiritual implications within the story, not vica versa. The virgin birth and the Resurrection have deep spiritual implications and refer to unseen truths, even if they were not literally true this would not change the psychological and spiritual importance of the story they tell. If I did not have an authentic connection with the Spirit, the stories and doctrine would mean nothing to me, even if I insisted otherwise.

Train your brain to perceive realities unseen rather than reducing everything to mere matter
thats impossible to do in tetris
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>Fascism and NatSoc is objectively just as evil as Zionism.

Nationalism for everybody, I can't tell African's or Asian's how to represent their nation, but I believe we all have the right to our nations. Don't let zionism destroy athiesm and Christianity. National Socialism represents the worker as much as is needed but doesn't throw out the great parts of capitalism that commies would destroy.
P.s. All Commies are jews.
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Read and learn
Or maybe the Jews created the Nazi party?
>Fascism and NatSoc is objectively just as evil as Zionism.
Thanks for your idiotic opinion, kike.
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Why do Jews make porn? Why do Jews control Hollywood? Why do Jews advocate NO BORDERS (except for Israel of course)? It must be the government, right? So a Jew couldn't start up one of these businesses in AnCap? They would magically disappear?

>muh government

Alright, Schlomo. And I never said all Jews are bad. I just find it funny how you collectivize them and distinguish them as a distinct group when they're communists but not when they're doing something you happen to like. How convenient for you.

>Jews despise Christianity -What you said

AnCaps are often antisemites like me, but turn into #NotAllJews sympathizers when confronted with the reality of their own beliefs.
Because libertarian jews promote the best possible reality for the white race. Just because of profits.

Jews get their money because goverment exists. Under capitalism they would have to compete like any other capitalist, which would effect in increased quality living for all.
Yeah there's NO WAY that merchants can survive without the government.

You and all an-caps are fucking kikes are retards.
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>christcuck not even willing to take a stand against the ideology that killed millions of his brothers and sisters in eastern europe
Dont worry friend we'll preserve your basic morality but all the fluff surrounding it has to go :^)
The weak doesn't realize numbers don't determine the outcome, so they whore themselves to as many as they can. The polarities don't matter. Jesus was one and that's is all that is needed, same for any individual.
Not an argument and I didn't say that they wouldn't exist.
Nat socs are some of the biggest retards on this side, no meritoric arguing, just screaming like a baby.
>best possible reality for the white race
Most of these people don't think race matters. They advocate societies without borders. The reason Jews rise to the top is because of their ethnic cohesiveness. They will simply adapt to an AnCap society and continue to corrupt it. You act as though there's no possible way to compete with them in our current society. The government isnt holding up these Jewish businesses like you think. How do you explain the rise of the New Left, the father of which was (((Herbert Marcuse))) of the Frankfurt School? The government wasn't propping him up, he rose to power because they didn't try to stop him. The government has done quite a bit to stop Jewish communists before the Jews took it over. Look up what happened to the Rosenberg couple. You're advocating a society in which Jews aren't expelled but simply have more competition. Competition to do what? The only reason the Jews have control over so many things is because nobody was doing what they did before. So you're advocating that people act like kikes and basically do the same things the Jews do and outcompete them? That's not any better. You're saying that to stop the Jews they need competition, which basically means encouraging non-Jews to act like Jews which means you just have more Jews in your hands. Fucking AnCap logic man
> A person is not inherently bad because he's jewish.

Way to out yourself as a child.
>Imposing an over-oppressive order on the world
But I'm willingly signing up for it.
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Christianity and Nazism/Prussianism are cuck ideologies.

>hurr durr i want to be a serf
Yet he was attacking the Jews viciously before that. Look at his previous comments. He only started saying
>not all jews though
once I pointed out Jewish involvement in his ideology. AnCaps are only antisemites when it's convenient
You're just retarded. I know more about jews than you ever will. The jews are made up of three main groups

-Orthodox Jews, not dangerous necesarily
-Bolshevik Jews, worst kind
-Capitalist Jews, the ones who are responsible for some progress in libertarian ideology and austrian economics
If somebody is for open borders than he isn't an Ancap, he's a retard.
What I mean is the globalist jews you stupid fuck. When have libertarians done anything to you? Your founding fathers had the same ideals.
what high schooler's theory is this?
>I know more about jews than you ever will.
Probably because you can study one just by looking in a mirror.
People like you are why /pol/ is in such a state as it is today.
This is a theory, the elite Jews threw the lower and middle-class Jews of Europe under the bus in order to legitimize the new Zionist state

I think both these forms of morality should be held in a proper balance, having either one without the other to counterbalance it seems hellish to me

The world is comprised of more people than yourself
Do you advocate a stateless society with only private property and no national borders? That's what most people mean when they say "open borders" dipshit. And who said I like the founding fathers? Hitler is my founding father. Your ideology is essentially globalist because it advocates freedom of movement unrestricted by national borders and freedom to trade with anyone even if they're enemies of your people. How is international capitalism not globalist? Or do you pick and choose only the qualities of globalism that you like, sort of like a buffet? I hate libertarians because many contributors to the ideology were Jews and your ideology is completely inept at solving the JQ.
>The world is comprised of more people than yourself
And I'm fine with those not being fascists, so what's the issue?
You know nothing about anarcho capitalism if you honestly think we believe in "Freedom of movement".
>Libertarians in charge of the JQ
An authoritarian government is the only government that will let you go door to door in Europe kicking out the sandniggers.
So the tell me, am I not allowed to travel anywhere I want as long as I'm allowed on that property or I own it? Also, nice cherrypicking
That's true though. Even le based Hebrews were lying parasites. Exodus was made up and they were never slaves in Egypt.
If you want to run your own life with fascistic discipline, more power to you. You will probably even have a good amount of success from it, though you will likely experience some burnout after a while.

But fascism as a political ideology is suggesting that society itself should function on those principles, and in a compulsory manner dictated from a top-down power structure. I think this is unsustainable, and it will choke out the dynamic chaos which makes life fun and interesting, and allows life and humanity to continue to evolve and change in fresh ways.
>But fascism as a political ideology is suggesting that society itself should function on those principles
Yes, anon. Why shouldn't fascists be allowed to live in such a society? Why does everything have to be a social democracy?
"Trust us goyim I mean sure our ideology will allow non-whites to buy property and move to what's traditionally considered European land and sure the Jews and non-whites will have nothing stopping them anymore except your McMilitias (don't worry they won't be strong enough to start wars with other people in Ancapistan but they'll be strong enough to defend against invaders) as long as they don't violate the NAP but we're on your side"
Anarcho capitalism is based on two simple principles, private property and the NAP ( Non Agression Principle ) .

We believe individuals create societies naturally, but these societies prosper when they are voluntary. Let the niggers, spics, whites, jews segregate themselves and let them do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't violate the NAP.

For example you could live in a society for which the contract says you cannot do any trading with Jews and that only whites are allowed.
When have Jews been fucking able to form an army?
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>But fascism as a political ideology is suggesting that society itself should function on those principles, and in a compulsory manner dictated from a top-down power structure

What's the problem?
>I think this is unsustainable, and it will choke out the dynamic chaos which makes life fun and interesting, and allows life and humanity to continue to evolve and change in fresh ways.

Like the fun and chaos that diversified germany now experiences, right?
I mean Libertarians support free association right?
Why do they get butthurt when fascists associate and form organizations?
What if they get so powerful they start violating the NAP left and right?
What Anarchist organization (lol) is gonna stop them?
Who told you I support free association? No commies in my fucking private society.
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Lol who's gonna stop em nigga?
You know who's really good at fucking up commies I'm sure they'll offer their services if you pay them...
You know, what you just said is funny, because back when I used to be a liberal, I was concerned with people having the right to not serve gay people and black people and shit at their businesses. AnCaps always said "Don't worry because the free market won't allow segregation and shit because everyone will protest that business and boycott it". Now that I'm far right, AnCaps always say segregation will occur naturally and that businesses should discriminate to preserve the white race. You all have two different face depending on who you're talking to. The Jews are at the top 1% of society, and could easily buy out tons of land and bring in migrant hordes. Private property hasn't stopped migrants in Europe. When a bunch of them come to shore because the government has decided to not govern anymore, the migrants just pour onto private property. You can find videos of them breaking into homes and taking over neighborhoods and shit. Have fun using your McMilitias to stop millions of migrants.

>Jews forming armies
Nice strawman, I said nothing about that. They would probably collectivize and associate with their own and then together they could easily buy out tons of land and import migrants. But hey, no government, right?
>get out of my store nigger, this is germany
>angela merkel enters in full nazi regalia
>you're going to prison for violating ((civil rights))
>well ok, I love the state after all
that was the future when nazis used the state for their goals
If you oppose globalism and/or appreciate the Constitution, then you should know the answer. Top-down power structures are extremely corruptible and can only be helpful if they are controlled with rigorous check and balances, and are seen as less important than a respect for freedom and individuality.
>(((just like Zionism)))
We just want lebensraum, kike. If we have to remove you to get it, we will.
Just because I'm not a Nazi doesn't mean I endorse white genocide
blah blah blah bullshit
>When a bunch of them come to shore because the government has decided to not govern anymore,
you just admitted the state is a crock of shit? since they ARE coming to the shore, right now
Voluntary contract that says "No promotion of communist garbage under threat of physical removal." Some protective service that resembles a military.
If they buy land and bring immigrants to their own land than why do you care?

Bussinesses shouldn't discriminate to preserve the white race that's fucking retarded, what does it matter if a Jew wants to buy a piece of bread or a nigger or a white guy? Now, if you want to discriminate then who cares. I'm speaking of segregation. Niggers living with niggers, whites with whites. This happens in every "diverse" city in america.
You also dont endorse anything that might stop or reverse it.

You are worthless.
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On the grounds of objective morality this is not true.
>AnCap society
>Millions of migrants pour out of their boats onto the shores
>The McMilitias aren't strong enough to stop millions of migrants from invading everyone's private property because they compete with each other and refuse to organize together to come up with better ideas
>Migrants don't give a fuck about the NAP, they can hardly even read
>The Jews, since they make up a large portion of the top 1%, have bought out tons of land from everyone, basically forming their own societies where they make the rules
>Jews allow migrants to fuck everyone up and don't try to stop them because they're Jews
>Forgot to mention that the Jews probably own the militias as well with their affluence
>But hey at least there's no government

How did migrants get to Germany in the first place? Oh yeah, they closed their national borders, something you don't have in a stateless society
*sorry, opened national borders
This is all based on that
>The McMilitias aren't strong enough to stop millions of migrants coming to your shores.
Which is a pretty retarded claim. It's not hard to shoot 1 bullet at a poonton or 1 missile at a boat.
A top-down power structure is necessary to overcome severe systematic gridlock that hollowed out democracies ran inevitably into, and to prevent it from further falling into a state of colonial servitude to some foreign power.

Eastern europe has a multitude examples of succesful authoritarian regimes that lasted for a small period of time, enough to reverse the communist infiltration, before returning the full liberties of the native population.

There is no way to vote yourself out of communism, or self-destructive globalism.
Yes, they are, because they aren't doing anything to stop it. Essentially, they have lowered the amount of government control over their borders and pretty much have open border policies. Don't you guys like less government control?
What also happens in diverse cities is high crime rates. The fact that people generally tend to stick with their own hasn't proved to be enough in multicultural societies. You need an all-white society, and the only way to do that is with government. If you don't advocate an all white society then don't bother advocating for your race at all
Where do you draw the line?
You have an anarchist system enforced by an anarchist military?
Anarcho Capitalism is a phony ideology.
What if a white person doesn't want to live in a white society? All I'm saying is voluntary contracts make the best societies. If you only live with people who CONSENTED to a white society, then they're most likely great people.
You did not understand me.
I will ask you one question, can private property be defended?
So you're willing to kill people now? Just for intruding on private property? That doesn't sound like a society anyone wants to live in. I wasn't even advocating the murder of migrants, I just want them deported. So you admit that you can kill someone for stepping on private property? So if I step on my neighbor's property he can kill me?
I never said people can't leave a white ethnostate.
>Anarcho Capitalism is whatever I say it is
In the current society your neighbour has all the right to shoot you for entering his property.
I was always willing to kill people, an ideology which cannot defend itself is pathetic to say the least.

Also you described illegal immigrants who would cause general chaos and ruin the world for my children, what's the difference between that and a commie? Just making the world a better place for my children.

Strawman. Anarcho Capitalism allows any society to exist as long as it's Private Property + NAP.
How would one implement an ancap society? barring some catastrophy, how would a society abandon its vices to enter into ancap modo?
Find me a law that says you can murder someone for stepping into your property. Also, how do you prove the migrants have a negative intent to harm people? I thought Anarcho-Capitalism was all about individualism and individual rights and free markets and shit. Now you're treating entire people as collectives and advocating their murder based on this collective that you've made of them. This brings up an important question of how justice would be used under your system. Am I allowed to administer any punishment I feel like to someone for just entering my property? Anyways, I'm done here. I've spent too long on here, and you've only driven me further away from libertarianism now that I've thought about all of the potential flaws in your ideology
That's a good point, Jews could own militias in an ancap society.
>Find me a law that says you can murder someone for stepping into your property.
Castle doctrine.
Hell, the "Stand your ground" laws are even appliccable outside your property.
I have no idea honestly, definitely not through violence.

One thing I can guarantee is that there will be no revolution, a violent revolution to implement a society based on voluntary contracts is something retarded.

I'd be satisfied with monarchism in the current day and age.
I can shoot a thief on my property, can't I?
I don't have to prove it, nobody has the right to enter my property unless I have a rule that anyone can enter the property.
Anarcho-capitalism is about the voluntary contracts = Private property + NAP.

People are collectives, communists need to die.

Justice systems would be privatised. One society can hold disputes with another society through an unbiased court or something. Also a society can have laws limiting freedom so people could be sued exc.

If you have property you could just declare it independent of everyone else and that you're not willing to co-operate with anyone, that might end up badly though, like no one trading with you.
>Too young for ytmnd
>if they reasonably believe the threat rises to the level of being an imminent and immediate threat of serious bodily harm or death.
From the Wiki page on stand your ground laws. You're saying that you can shoot someone for entering your property. Simply stepping into someone's property is not the same as breaking into their house with a weapon with a clear negative intent that justifies force to protect you and your family. Stand your ground laws require you or someone else to be in immediate danger of harm or death
Look, if you enter my gated property un-invited, you're getting fucking shoot. Even in modern times.
You are applying jewish overexaggeration in trying to undermine the entire law. Just as no sane person would shoot their neighbours kid for coming to their lawn to retrieve their missing ball, that doesnt mean its equivalent to a pack of nogs hopping over your fence and leering at your wife through the window.

Funnily enough, not everyone is a psycho.
Imagine what would happen in a private society if you shot a kid just because he was trying to retrieve his ball.
If you lived under a contract with other people, you might already be going to McPrison.
If not then no sane person would be willing to do trade with you.
The only way i can imagine it is if it forms naturally after the society matures into a high IQ and agency populace, and fazes bit by bit out its governments power peacefully.

Or in other way, the corporations become so powerful that government is in itself either so powerless, or trivialized that it loses its legitemacy as the nation goes into full cyberpunk mode.

However with the current dysgenics, i have heavy doubts that we can produce a high-IQ population anymore that is necessary to form the base of this ancapistans population.
Corporations only form thanks to goverment and goverment intervention into the free market my friend.
We'd basically need everyone to have IQ in the 120-140s. Which is an extreme goal but an achievable one. It'd probably take 1000 years of a free market.
They do, but corporations exists as multi or super-national, and will compete with the government for the loyalty of people more and more as they assume more power.

Sure, the difference between corporate rule and of communist party is perhaps simply a matter of advertising, but as an entity that is competiting with nation-states, Corporations "might" abolish rule of law for their own benefit.

Or maybe instead, just create a single world government that they can bribe more easily, instead of having to shake hands with every provincial state they operate in.

Could go either way. Still dont see any other way to generate the necessary prequisites for ancapistan.
So just like Hillary Clinton, Anarcho Capitalism is just too smart to win?
I'd just say the AVERAGE goverment would need to be extremely small. Which might not take too long, maybe a couple centuries.
Not necesarilay too smart. With the current IQ of whites we could maintain peaceful an-capistan but in order to achieve it, we'd need to be super smart.
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And if we had to go through a fascist faze to archive the necessary health and sanity of a peoples group, would that be worth diverging from the autistic focus on ancap mindset?

You said it yourself, it would take 1000 years of no dysgenic effects to archive the minimal base of self-reliant people necessary. What will you do in the mean time before your paradise is born?
>I'd just say the AVERAGE goverment would need to be extremely small.
Also there lies the problem. If the average gov is small, but there exists an international structure that is overpowering the simple nationstate, you are even worse off, ie: EU or UN.
Yeah, god can shove it! Men created equal my ass. The white race are proven to be the master race. (((the bible)))
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