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The most fucked up thing you've personally experienced

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what's the most fucked up thing you have personally experienced? maybe with an ex-gf, or family, or work, or coworker, etc. maybe it's a true story they told you about their wife, neighbor, or whatever.

only true shit. trying to gauge the level of degeneracy of this world.
I fingered my friends pet duck once
I used to masturbate onto birds at a local park. Not a thing that I'm particularly proud of but I became quite good at it. I was taking zinc supplements so I was shooting massive loads and it became something of a sport to me. For anyone interested here is your best strategy. first, you need to find an isolated spot so you don't become a sex offender. I found a short kind of channel area where I saw the pigeons would congregate. Next, you arouse yourself. I was usually content with envisioning the occasional jogging lady coming over and taking a shit on my chest and that was enough to fuel the fire but if you're not as sexually charged as me just take some porn on the go. After you're good an horny, you get some bread. My pigeons preferred white bread but healthier birds might have a taste for honey wheat or maybe even multigrain. Fat, unhealthy birds are slower and easier to hit so remember that. Once you are seated on the bench and ready to do the deed, whip your roosevelt out and scatter bread out within a few feet of you. use your judgement based on how far you know you can cum. I was a lonely and depraved soul who could hit targets the size of a thimble at distances up to 4 feet. You wait for the pigeons to begin eating and to get comfortable with your presence. At this point, you want to coo gently and talk sensually to them to gain their trust. Now you're finally ready to cum on your bird. This is a tough part because the rapid motion of masturbation is very frightening to the birds, so you have to be subtle. Once you master a technique, you simply wind it up and let it go, aiming depending on your past cumming experiences. I always came high so I would aim for the neck of the bird and catch it right in the face. It's an extremely satisfying and erotic feeling, seeing those birds reel around covered in cum and maybe even transporting it to other places in the city.
I raped like 20 people and got away with it.
I used to hang out with some "sketchy but smart" types of people in uni. Walked in on one of them making crack sophmore year, like with a spoon. Tried it, didn't like it very much though, was a very speedy kind of high.
>be spic (muhh 90% Spaniard blood)
>go to Florida, niggers everywhere, my inner racism comes out around them
>go to decent restaurant
>orders drink
>"Dont you want water?"
>"are you sure you dont water?"
>Im sure

3 mins later

>orders an appetizer
>"is that all for today?"
>um no, just for now
>"okay then, Ill be back"

it isnt fucked up but I thought it was funny considering I look pretty white. This dude was like a bald pale skin head though.
My best friend was really suicidal and always had trouble with women I'd always be there for him hugging him when he was crying when girls wouldn't text him back or would label him a creep also lost a couple of friends for being on his side even though I still would if it was that same time he ended up sleeping with my fiance and then attempted to label me a stalker for trying to contact her when she broke up with me out of the blue while I was at work it wasn't until months later that I figured out what had happened. It really fucks with me to this day I treated him like a blood brother.

These digits don't lie.

I nearly sold my soul to the Devil. AMA
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>dated a girl for 4 years while in uni
>the type of girl who voted for obama 'just because he's black'
>daddy issues
>great lay
>cheated on me near the end
She was the reason I became redpilled - seeing the way she lived made me realize how wrong everything around me was. Only reason I stuck around for 4 years was because the sex was amazing
cucked by a cuck, you win the cuck cup.
I know someone like this. Was he also kind of a narcissist? People can do some really shitty things when they're low on the totem pole and desperate.
theres a guy addicted to propane in a small village near my town. he has this tube coming out of a 3 gallon propane tank and he keeps the other end in his mouth all the time
I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to cum onto pigeons, but I never had a strategy until now.

ding ding. that's the winner so far.
A white kid I thought was my friend, told some niggers he thought were his friends, when I was going out of town camping, and they busted into my college dorm and robbed all my roommates laptops, tv's, playstations at gunpoint. Then when I got back and found I out, I went to that white kids house, threatened him at knife point to tell me where the niggers lived. I dressed up in an old pizza delivery uniform, hid gun with a homemade silencer in the pizza bag I had kept, went to the niggers door, and rang the doorbell. I won't say what happened next, but I got their things back.
If it compensates for anything he's apparently heard us have sex in reality he's king of the sloppy seconds and he's as permanent as me but what is permanent is her having to see her cousin who not only lives in the same county as her but is the same age and goes to every family gathering she goes to and I fucked her right after I found out
I used to buy lsd from a guy named packrat who lived in the park. Quality stuff.
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abusing propane !
Did you have to do anything drastic Serb anon good shit
come on m8, elabor8
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So in a way you're the winnar rilly.
The most drastic thing I had to do after that was write a detective fiction novel and sell it off as reality when the pd came knockin at my door. But the first thing I did when the detective introduced himself was give him a strong gripped 'mormon' handshake, and looked him dead in the eye until he nodded. Then he took out his pad and wrote everything down that I said I knew verbatim and didn't ask any other leading questions. As far as I know the case was closed then and there.
I've seen people, like women even smoking around small children, it's really fucked up. Like bitch pushing a baby stroller or holding her fucking baby with a cig in her hand. Goddamn, I hate people.
>spring break
>going to panama city beach, florida. woo.
>stay at cheap hotel in shady part of atlanta...only for a couple hours because we got there late and drove for 12+ hours
>whoops, forgot backpack in car
>on way back to room with backpack see mexican woman, about 30, run towards me and away from two mexican guys [on balcony, outside of the rooms]
>she looks beat up and scared. can't speak english.
>two beaner guys looking a bit nervous.
>me, freaked as fuck and just want to get back to room. keep walking.
>tell friends, lock door, and GTFO next morning

not sure what the fuck that was all about, but it still sticks with me all these years later. had a bad feeling about what was going on.
Maybe it's not the worst thing that ever happened to me, but i reckon this, that happened 4 months ago:

>be me
>Just got a haircut
>go to the supermarket to lay my hair down with some water
>while standing in front of the mirror, nigger woman behind me goes into one of the toilets behind me
>doesn't close the door and just lay down the loudest fucking shit ever holy shit mang
>fucking stunned by wtf is going on
>wipe her ass like 3-4 times, not at all sufficient
>i hurry the fuck out of the toilet and noted down this for the dane bros to see (longer down)
>disdain this dystopian, degenerate shithole, just wanting to kill everybody and everything around me

"WTF MAND. Jeg står på toilettet i Fotex, fordi jeg skulle sætte mit hår (længere historie). Lige pludseligt kommer der en negerkælling ind og sætter sig på toilettet uden at lukke doren helt. Hun pisser/skider fucking hårdt og det larmer så fucking meget, at jeg skal fucking brække mig. Jeg skynder mig ud og ned til bussen.


Jeg snapper en eller anden dag, jeg kan ikke klare den her moderne, degenerede sump."
My apartment got raided by police once. That was a pretty fucked up feeling.
One final little thing that happened. Like 2 weeks later I got a random call ffrom that white kid while I was driving across the desert at night and he was apologizing profusely saying the cops were making him call me and apologize and make SURE that shit was behind us. I said we were cool, and before he even replied another voice said, 'good thats it' in the background and hung up. This is why you make sure you're a full tithe payer.
My friend's brother used to shit into soda boxes in his bedroom so he didn't have to go to the bathroom
I'll take shit that never happened for 500 Alex
Yeah, I made the whole thing up, how was my Larp
When I was 21, I saw a guy my age die. I was walking home from a bar, and saw a red mustang turn down the wrong way of a one way. The car sped way the fuck up and disappeared behind a building. Next I heard tires screech, and the sound of crunching metal. I took off at a Sprint down the street, the whole time I'm on my cell phone with 911. I get to the car and the driver ( Hispanic guy) is fucked up. By that I mean his legs are crushed by the steering column and he reels of cheap beer. He wrapped the front drivers quarter of that mustang around a young oak. He tells me to check the back seat. There's a baby girl in a car seat, and some chick bleeding from her forehead and cheek. She was not exactly coherent, but not unconscious. The passenger in the front was drunk as hell but responsive. I got the baby out first. She was crying but seemed uninjured. Then the front seat passenger helped me get the chick in the back out. I went to the driver. He was unresponsive at this point and a cop had just gotten there. I was checking for a pulse (which I didn't feel) when the cop asked me to back away.

Cop gave me a ride home. Got called to the station a couple days later to give my statement. Found out the guy was my age and had two prior DWIs.

I pass that oak tree everyday on my way to work.
>after that
>implying most drastic thing already happened

I highly doubt you took your shit back simply at gunpoint. Leaves only one other option, but is the most beautiful option
But if you're white, consider moving to Utah and converting to mormonism. the 10% tithe has more than 10% returns, and you'll always have the legal upperhand on state level issues when it comes to niggers and spics.
They were spics. U shoulda tossed in a match.
Saw the aftermath of a shotgun suicide
It was a young kid
Yeah we know, and it fucking sucked. Faggot.
We call southern Utah 'Dixie' for a reason
>missing the opportunity to crush the baby's head to make your nation that much whiter

thats real retarded sir
He should have colonized the girls
an old but good pasta
I hope so anon
thanks bruh, that makes me feel safer, really shouldn't be indulging myself.
Why did you LARP this? Its just strange and cringey.
This happened about grade 7 or 8.
>In change room after gym class with buddies
>pretty awful tardo in my gym class
>likes to flirt with people a lot but no one thinks much of it.
>tardo enters change room as we all change there awkwardly
>tardo approaches my friends shoes picks them up and throws them into a corner
>my friend was kinda shocked but didnt want to anger tard because this particular specimen was probably about 3 inches taller than everyone in class
>my friend goes to pick up shoes
>tardo drops pants and charges friend while screaming "I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL MY PEEPEE IS IN YOU"
>friend knocks him over cause floor is slippery because some twat kept turning them on
>we all escape laughing, no casualties.

I shit you not, tard didn't even get a detention.
Watched my dad die, gasping for breath, in front of me.
The gurgling sound he made at the end will probably haunt me forever
Guy in front seat was white, chick in back was white, baby was white.

Front passenger kept asking about his cousin.
If i ever decide to commit suicide im gonna advertise on craiglist as childrens party entertainment. I'll dress like a clown or cosplay as some cartoon character or something, dance around all silly making balloon animals for the children, then at the climax of the circus music i'll whip out my shotty, turn my back to the audience of kiddies and blow my brains out all over em. The white undershit I wear underneath will say 'Never forgetti'
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This thread.
Yeah he was he constantly compared himself to Cobain even though he didn't make any art or play guitar or write he had fairly good taste in music and dressed in flannel. He was also obsessed with this artist named Ty Segall and creeped the guy out so badly he sent my friend a lengthy email of what was and wasn't professional when emailing and to stop wasting his time.
Thats not even the worst thing I've thought about doing. I have serious plans with an anon group on the darkweb who buys/sells blackmail to crowdsource funds to buy blackmail on CNN anchors and force them to cooperate in filming a '2 anchors 1 cup' spoof.
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>going to library to study for finals
>see handicap leftist leaving and trying to wheelchair her cripple ass up the ramp
>ramp is a motherfucker because library is basically underground
>fuckit.jpg I need karma for tests
>help this blue haired viper up the ramps
>entire time she's telling me what a good minority I am how I'm a gud boy and kill all whites who won't help a 300 pound paraplegic
>more I hate whites
>thank god we are at the top now
>tells me she can't wait till my ilk inherits the earth
>this creature doesn't deserve life
>"accidentally" nudge her from the top of the stairs
Part two gets weird
Took some of my girlfriends mothers dirty panties and jacked off when smelling them in their bed
And it wasn't just once
good larp keep goin
stop not being white and I'll read part two
you want the degenerate sexual reveals or just the shit that really sucked in my life part?

I accidentally killed a girl in a car wreck. Fell asleep at the wheel. Found out later from her parents she wrote about me in her diary that she was in love with me.
I did that with my Aunt's panties, was about to with my cousin's until I realized they weren't my Aunt's. They know I touched their panties.
They know
I used to work for a shitty company that leased appliances and electronics. Alot of our customers would be white trash in trailer parks. One day I was making a delivery to a particularly scummy looking trailer where a grandma lived with her daughter and grandkids. They were all over weight and most of them were missing teeth. The mom spoke in an atrocious lisp from my short conversation with her, I was half convinced she was on the spectrum. Just as I was leaving, one of the grandkids walked in which pissed off the mom for some reason. She grabbed him by the arm and yanked him out of the room violently. They wore dirty clothes and the trailer smelled like suage .
I was delivering two PlayStation 4's
Wow you're a fucking horible person. Just think about how much deep dark black hole fucking soul sucking heart pain you caused those parents. You should probably read my suicide clown post and do something similar you fucking trash waste of humanity.
Commited adultery a few times. Once with a 9/10. Once with a fat chick. Once with a housewife 6/10.

They all made me choke and hit them. Girls are really into some crazy shit now.
I found out my degenerate whore of a ex fiance slept with her foriegn exchange student so I reported it to the PD that the student sexually assaulted her and she was too scared to press charges and sent them the texts. They contacted her and she had to keep the ruse up the entire time or else she would do time for statutory rape (kid was 18 but state will press rape charges vs teachers). I found some hoes on backpage and OKC and fucked them nonstop while she slept on the couch during the entire investigation and had to pretend we were some loving couple devastated by the rape for appearances. Literally all of her friends and family dropped her when I told them she sent her fucking student to prison to cover her own ass literally the day after the verdict.
They've always been. They evolved those desires via coping during the brutal ages of mankind before civilization when we were just wandering tribes killing the other ape men and enslaving their ape women. The ones who didn't like that got a big ass boulder to the dome.
yea cause you faggots grew cotton back in the day
You my friend, are a fucking God. How much do you charge for man lessons?
We also had public lynchings up to the 1980's
UNLV? I only know this because of rainbow six:las vegas
I constantly call immigration when I see Mexicans walking out of a house in my town
20+ people have been deported
I sometimes go back and have seen the police and vans escorting people in handcuffs 3 times

idk why I do it
Because you love your country.
because you dont want to live around a bunch of spics? nothing fucked up about enforcing our immigration laws and keeping your neighborhood civilized.
Lol now you just invite pacific islanders and spics to utah to cuck you
Nothing. Only one rule to remember: a shitty person will keep doing shitty things until they drown in turd. The object is to assist them with shitting as much as possible until the wheels fall off. Do that and every revenge will be sweet.
Yeah. It made me wonder what was the common thread amongst these different women. They all came from completely different backgrounds and age groups. But they all wanted to be dominated. Outside in the "real" world they were the alpha girls. In fact I didn't even approach any of them in a serious fashion. Which was really revealing.
I never actually know if theyre illegal or not
I just call based on skin color alone
Pacific islanders are awesome people and they have great food. Try honolulu grill. They are all very devout and civilized christians too, except a small percentage of their male youth that get into drug trouble. But the whites here do that too. Spics can't cuck shit when the states dominant religion uses church to coordinate policing and judicial strategies to minimize them.
Was at a party at uni during third year. Saw a tranny (female to male) trying to hit on this girl. Needless to say the girl told it to fuck off.

The tranny then went to the front porch and had a mental breakdown. Cried and wailed for like 30 minutes and wouldn't budge despite the sjws at the party consoling it. Killed the entire vibe and then proceeded to sperg out and go on a muh oppreshun rant at that same girl. Tranny tried taking a swing at her and then got punched in the face by the girl's dude friends.

It started crying again and ran out of the party screaming.

Shit was cash.
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went on holiday, got kidnapped and tortured for 2 days.

>posted a few times on pol, yet to get a (you)
Part 2 in summation
>get in lots of trouble
>had to meet one of those councilors to decide my punishment
>they hear my side of the story
>tell him landwhale made a driving miss daisy joke and called me a nigger so I pushed her
>have to take anger management course as only punishment
>they make her apologize to me
This is why niggers chimp out, we are incapable of getting in trouble
>friends with a girl
>liked her a lot, but never saw anything long term with her
>she starts to date a weird meth'd out kid
>lose touch
>hang out on and off as they're having their spat's once/twice a year
>they end up breaking up
>she gets into drugs
>overdoses and gets left in front of a hospital and dies

Was the first person I'd gone to school with who died. Fuck
i got 2 scoops of ice cream one time.
how died
Any spics that step outta line in Utah are just volunteering for draconian sentences where they get to choose between solitary confinement or near-free labor for the states robust manufacturing sector. Utah is a white conservatives dream land.
Learn to formulate English sentences like a normal fucking human. Disgraceful. Did not read; could not read
Omg, and noone got this gold on camera?
The only thing that surpasses white judicial privelege is administrative nigger sympathy.
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I used to live in a frat house in college (wasn't in the frat, pseudo-masonic bullshit not my thing) and at one of our parties there was this rich Jewish girl -- long story short me and 4 other dudes ran a train on this broad in all of her holes and when it was over she couldn't find her clothes and danced in the middle of the room to a Maroon 5 song while sobbing and repeatedly asking us if we thought she was pretty

I feel pretty sick about it now, probably the most degenerate thing I've ever engaged in
I'm 25 and know 3 people so far that have died from high school

>1 dead from genetic heart condition
>2 dead from suicide

>being redpilled by college

Happened to me too. One time a shooter was spotted on my campus and identified as a white male, everyone else hiding in the same room a me said "of course!" and started laughing. They where mostly white kids themselves.

We also had classes that told us gender was on this 3-spectrumed graph, was real fucking weird.

Like 4 girls told me 2nd day I met them they had been raped by guys before, they were also bipolar.

Lots of drug addict girls and guys who cares about nothing but a fix.

Jewish college professes ranting about old white males (while teaching about them).

At the end I learned to not take things so seriously and had fun trolling everyone there. Trolling professors = fun as hell.

My college was basically a /pol/ greentext story, looking back on it it's hard to believe any of that shit was even real life. [spoiler]but it was[/spoiler]
Caught my boss cheating on his wife in a warehouse. Blackmailed him into giving me free shit from work. Didn't even have to threaten or imply it. He just called me into his office and we had an understanding of the situation and I just told him I was going to take a few things home. He politely agreed.
S4T4N b£ WI+H M£ (x3)

Say your wish

Denounce god and pay the price


(faust is real)

Haha oh boy what a story!
Two of my best friends from middle/high school years have died because of drugs. The first one sucked because he was a happy ass kid that made everyone around him cheerful, and died cuz some meth'd twat was driving. 2nd kid, honestly burnt his bridges with everyone, had huge addiction issues, and noone even cried at his funeral, it was honestly tthe best way to end his suffering.
they won't get deported if they're not illegal. you're doing gods work. feel no guilt and do it with glee
Oh also in high school there was this guy named Lee and at a party he found his dad's revolver and him and a bunch of guys decided to play russian roulette like a joke because they were drunk and thought it wasn't loaded and he literally blew his brains out in front of everyone

That's actually probably more fucked up
did you meet at a crossroads in Tennessee?
exactly, this type of guys will easily turn on you and fuck you over if the first chick in their lives that gives then any attention requires it

I was lit af anon
>d I thought was my friend, told some niggers he thought were his friends, when I was going out of town camping, and they busted into my college dorm and robbed all my roommates laptops, tv's, playstations at gunpoint. Then when I got back and found I out, I went to that white kids house, threatened him at knife point to tell me where the niggers lived. I dressed up in an old pizza delivery uniform, hid gun with a homemade silencer in the pizza bag I had kept, went to the niggers door, and rang the doorbell. I won't say what happened next, but I got their things back.

i want to believe
Ugh, she's jewish... why the fuck would you feel empathy for (((it))).
Also this is a /b/-tier thread OP kys
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mom died when I was a teen so I drowned myself in alcohol and had to go to the hospital for liver failure in my early 20s. I also got polyneuropathy and had to relearn how to walk over the next 8 months
>newfag detected
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>frat house in college
>pseudo-masonic bullshit
What did he mean by this?
Loser kid I used to trade pokemon cards with in Elementary ended up dying from auto-erotic asphixiation. They found him with a belt around his neck and his dick in his hand.

Marseille, unfortunatly

we pronounce it
here for some reasom
> be me
>get married to 8/10 British chick
>she tells me she has been sexually with up to thirty guys
>her body, her choice
>I was raised believing it doesn't matter she chose me to marry
>three years into marriage
>she cheats on me
>this is the first time I find out
>the cheating has been happening for months
>get divorced
>thank God we didn't have children.jpg
>now single
feels sorta good and weird man
I tried this. Didn't work though
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fucking kek
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>managing VIP at a bar
>called outside
>customer talking to GM
>“security kicked him out because he’s drunk. Can you take him to pay his tab?”
>customer is friendly
>’sure. Why not?’
>15 minutes for this drunk to sign his receipt
>he falls down. THREE TIMES.
>“I forgot my coat!”
>follow him back to his table
>he trips over his feet
>falls on table
>smashes two carafes
>’R U OK?’
>”I’m fine, lol”
>girlfriend: “He’s BLEEDING!”
>shine flashlight
>fountain of blood coming out of his crotch
>big around as my thumb
>call for backup
>he gets up and tries to walk
>shove him down and try to pull off belt
>bartender throwing rags at my head
>someone tapping my shoulder
>guy at my shoulder keeps yelling
>hear “Recon…Medic” over music
>’You’re a Medic??!?’
>”9 for 15!”
>all yours
>MarineBro screaming “Tell me if you have AIDS, cocksucker. I don’t want AIDS!”
>customer is crying
>”I don’t have AIDS!!!!!”
>MarineBro rips hole open wider and digs fingers into guy’s crotch
>pulls out his femoral and twists the fuck out of it
>took FOREVER for 911 to respond
>finally see guy go into ambulance
>go back inside
>Marine is still there, covered in blood
>’Two shots of Johnny Blue. Double.’
>pound those shots like sailors on shore leave in Indonesia
>’Gimme two more. We’re gonna sip that bottle till it dies’
>drink that bottle empty
>owner calls me at 4:30am
>”why the fuck do you have a $1400 tab on Friday”
>’Just fucking pay it’
>MarineBro comes back for the next two weeks
>drank 2 more bottles with him
>Never seen him since

Two months later I get a call at 8am on a Tuesday.
Go in.
GM, owner, and lawyer in office.
They hand me a letter from the customer’s attorney.
Thanking me for saving the customer’s life and saying we won’t be sued.
Owner grabs my shoulder and tells me I have a job in any of his businesses as long as he’s alive.
He is a dum and thinks greek alphabet is pseudo-masonic.
Hey friend how do I memetext again?
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Sorry bruh, hoes and tricks and all that rot
fpbp digits confirm

how does find hoes on backpage to fuck that arent fatties/prostitutes?? I could really use some sex, been on a 9 month dry spell mang.
I imagine its similar to just ALMOST getting hit by a bus or train and living. Or dodging a bullet.
I can't make heads or tails of this.
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Well this one time I made a meme about CNN being beat up by Trump.

Then I got doxxed.
fucking awesome story

>My uncle was in his car with his first wife driving home.
>He's of Italian heritage, she's a Ruskie Jew.
>Both brainless liberals from Southern New Jersey.
>They were both drunk.
>Cops pull them over.
>Says they have to arrest my uncle for driving drunk.
>Put the handcuffs on him.
>My uncle offers for his wife to give the arresting officer a bj to let him go.
>She's not excited about it but my uncle tells her to do it.
>Both officers proceed to fuck the wife in the back seat of their squad car for 10 minutes while my uncle sits in his own car with handcuffs on.
>My uncle still has the balls to try to lecture someone about how bad conservatives are.
>He later defended his wife getting plowed like this by saying "at least the cops were white guys".
>He has admitted that incident ruined his first marriage and he's "lost a lot of tears" over it.
I saw this the other day in Shitcago

Fuck people
This is not the HanAssholeSolo you are looking for.

I did it when i was young, I was a 10/10 and everyone wanted to be around me.

it aint the answer folks

Had a breakdown cos i didnt know what else there was

had a dark night of the soul and now im on one Crazy Journey. (ive been forgiven)
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I was in a club in thailand with some mates, some guy kept trying to drug me (common tactic to offer someone spiked alcohol) i said no,

10 minutes later we're leaving and im staying a bit back for 1 of my mates who was taking a piss,

the guy returned and started walking for me yelling at me and had his hands by his sides, when he got absolutely bottled by my mate, saw him fall down and his teeth hit the curb HARD.

literally sprinted back to the hotel because i definitely dont want to deal with cops in that fucking country ever again
Living in a totaltarian informant society
is that not normal?

i smoke while playing with baby cousins erry'day
>cousin drags me to his whale gf's place to drink
>end up stuck there for a weekend
>literally in the ghetto, gov housing
>family is being evicted soon
>crackhead niggers rampant
>after 3 days of being trapped I break into the owners room to find gas money
>their crackbaby was dead on the bed

From that day on, any semblance of innocent that remained within me was dead. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit.
My father had a completely drunken 28+ year old woman molest me as i was drunk as well when i was 13 years old. In front of my stepmother, his coworkers, and about 30 others in view of it all. I had just started dating a girl for my first long term relationship lasting 2.5 years. We had been together for 6 months at the time of it happening, and it has really fucked my life up relationship wise ever since then.
Id say hes pretty fucking degenerate.
>Be female in H.S.
>Be friends with a guy, we will call him Patrick, he doesn't go to school with me.
>Patrick has a friend, we will call Chris, who also doesn't go to school with me
>Chris is engaged to a girl we will call Nicole, who does go to school with me, and is in the same grade.
> They've been off and on for years. Every time they've broken up it's because she's cheated on him.
>She gets sucidial every time, even carved his name into her foot.
> Nicole and I are on school sponsored senior trip
>Within two hours of arriving, she fucks the help in the swimming pool
>Brags about it to everyone
>Ask her about a Chris
>"It's not cheating until you're married!"
>Ask her how she would feel if he did the same
>Rolls her eyes at me
>Call Patrick, not sure what to do.
>He says I have to tell Chris
>Tell Chris and he doesn't believe me despite her doing this kind of thing to him every single time.
>sold soul
>life went great
>forgot about it
>homeless nog on street comes up, says he knows I sold my soul to the devil
>I remember, say fuck off man, throw change at him
>he says he wants the soul, he is the devil
>ask him for the documentation
>leaves me alone
the death ratttles. nothing like it

at 13 you should have been able to handle it

dont blame others for your inadequacies, anon.
My gf worked at a post office in the little town of austell ga. Her friend and coworker was having financial difficulty and needed more money to support his wife and kids. He got a job as a contractor in Iraq. He got beheaded by al queda . She found out on the news and wanted to avoid the imagery forever. I meet her years later, we talk terrorism, I pull up beheading clip. The clip. She breaks down.
witnessed a self immolation, was surprised how long they were standing/mucking about while ablaze before dropping. it was about 2.5 minutes till they were put out, still alive, with arms melted to where they were covering their face. it was likely a peasant with a grievance with da guubmint (this was in china)
>tfw my mom smoked ash and cigarettes throughout her pregnancy with me and still does to this day.

I had kids ask me all the time if I smoked which I don't and my mom brainwashed me into thinking that smoking was normal. Weren't until college that I realised and moved out but I guess by then the damage was done
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show chest balls
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>Is your name Lawrence by any chance?

pretty much,you can deal with the devilif you want, you can break the contract, he just makes you believe you cant.

>much like our jewish friends.

it'd make ya think...
No they do a bunch of really fucking retarded shit like they wear robes and have these staffs and golden medallions and chant a bunch of stuff in latin

They hold a meeting every week and everyone has to wear a suit and they have a speaker with a gavel and stuff
It must have been cathartic for her, especially to have you there to comfort her. Did you bang that knob widow or what?

shoulda turned round and been her guardian anon, no wonder whites are fucked.

you had a god given lay-up with that one.
There's also a "secret" room that nobody is allowed in unless they are a brother

If you knew anything about fraternities you would know that it's try-hard wannabe masonry 101
My step sister (both white) was kidnapped by her Muslim boyfriend, and taken to another state. Bunch of his uncles and cousins came to pick up her shit randomly not notifying my family. Just walked in the house (small town not known for locked doors)and took all her shit.
She came back 3 years later from off the bus. Said she wasnt allowed to leave the house without a male member of his family, was allowed to use a phone or internet, wasnt allowed to finish school. Was repeatedly raped and impregnated. She got away because she got fat and he kicked her out and not letting her see her child. Fucked up shit man
You'd have to ask Nicole, she'd show them to you
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Abused and sold LSD for about 6 months and could feel myself going schizo. Personally responsible for many bad trips. Also this whole time I was fucking this girl who thought I loved her but by the time she realized I was a semi-insane scumbag she was addicted to xanax and as much of a chain-smoking alcoholic whore as I was
My best friend killed himself when I was a teenager, I found his body in a creek behind his house we used to hang out and smoke pot at. The most fucked up visual was his head covered by a white sheet bouncing off the wagon as the cops brought him up.

Feels bad man.
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>be female in H.S.
>in H.S.

Show us your new dick
Saw the aftermath of a motorcycle accident in the wintertime in Alaska. Guy wasn't wearing a helmet, a car slid on ice and fucked him up bad. Needed a drink to get over seeing that much gore up close.
your italian?
I have no idea what this story is supposed to mean. Do spics act differently? Do they only drink tequila and cheap spic beer? What is it?
Wow so fucked up d00d! Except that there is no evidence that smoking around children or even while pregnant is harmful.
Pretended to be a girl with a fake kik profile and made dudes do embarrassing and painful things to their dicks in promise of nudes.
Okay this ones true
> Fat metal head friend likes this skinny Indo chick with awesome rack
>partying one night, indo chick pulls out yuji (weejee?) ouiji? board
>I say I don't believe in ghosts
>convinces me to play with her
>board spells out 'oral'
>she says the spirits is horny
>I say it was her
>drive away to random ass apartment complex pool
>skinny dip
>drive to graveyard
>return to party house for sleep
>fat metalhead friend pulls pity party with social group
>gaslight fat metalhead friend about how he told me he was through with that bitch when we were drunk and he didn't remember
>retain friendship
I'm 19 and my classmates have been offing themselves at a rate of 2 a year
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First one to get an audible response from me. What a fucking nightmare. Your headspace is fucked for life.
He killed himself there so you would find him. Did he ever try to tell you he was suicidal?
GF that I lived with for almost a decade cheated on me with my best friend at the time, who was my best friend for longer than I had known my gf. I knew something was up, but neither one would fess up, and were just acting like I was being insane and unreasonable, and trying to turn mutual friends against me. I had to pull upon my elite hacking abilities, and go to all these different email providers logins, and just started guessing her login, and password. Eventually I got it right and I was able to log in. She created a new account just so her and him could have private conversations about all the times they had been fucking. Her and I already knew each other's login info on our normal emails since we had been together for so long.

She denied that shit forever. Even when I pulled up her email, and called her on the phone, and started reading them to her word for word. She said I was insane, and talking out of my ass as I watched her deleting emails as I was reading them to her. This was a long time ago before double authentication was necessary. She never admitted it.

They got married, and have kids and shit now.
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Ok. Got it. Thanks!
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same age

1 dead from crash
8 dead from suicide
2 from cancer

from 450 people

i dont even know about people 10+ miles away i dont talk to.
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typical mudslimes
I told my mom my uncle molested me. First she told me it was normal and all boys did it, then she told me he was insecure about his performance with his girlfriend and I should feel sorry for him. Finally, she decided I was a liar and told the whole family about my "lying". They all believed her. I was 7.
I work in a downtown Level 2 trauma center. I see fucked up shit every day. Love it.
Been a while, but sure, I'll tag along...

>'05-'06 in Baghdad with the 101st Airborne
>On a mission to search for weapon/bomb caches in an overgrown field
>faggot shitbag with metal detector got a hit
>don't have a proper shovel so I have to dig with a fucking pickaxe-like tool used to rip doors off the hinges
>dig up a plastic bag with a mortar round sized item wrapped in a towel
>likely used for bombmaking, can detonate if dropped for all we know
>team leader picks up the item and gently removes it from the bag
>item slips from his hand and the towel unrolls as it falls to the ground

>stand there like a bunch of dumb faggots because we'd all be fragged anyway
>item lands on team leader's foot
>silly faggots, it's just a dead baby
>team leader throws up on guy next to him's boots
>guy next to him throws up near me
>I throw up
>use the tool to put the dead baby back in the hole and rebury it

And that, boys and girls, is why I couldn't hold babies for almost a decade.
lol cucked
I rolled my dad's foreskin back
What is this shit?
>be me
>go outside
>get called a faggot irl
>go back inside and shitpost on /pol

Damn that's depressing, sounds like Ohio

fuck their ex's anon, climb the ladder.
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My Existence
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pic related
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But wait, there's more!

>mom was on maury show with a nigger twice with two white babies
>they did it for money
>she would take my sister into walmart and have her hide, only to freak out and when a search was called; landwhale and nigger would steal whatever they could
>molested, beaten by alcoholic uncle
>adopted by great grandparents
>great grandpa beats me
>great grandma is literally a saint
>watch her get breast cancer, both removed
>watch her have 2/3rds of her stomach removed
>watch her live and die in pain, still hasn't died yet
>ex-gf turned into a transqueer, went from 8/10 softhearted painter
>she was raped and beaten by her muslim stepdad because her whore mother paid out countless shekels to bring him here
>so he can run them into debt, and beat them
>didn't even fuck gf because she wasn't ready
>ends up leaving for some cuck, getting fucked then dumped

inb4 learn to yellowtext, I don't give a fuck right now. My life's been a continual string of tragedies.

ah it's only the smart ones, the dumb ones have doubled the numbers since



Please ignore the OP. I was too stoned. Stoicism adapted to nationalism can save Western civilization.
Lol any chick fucked enough in the head to bang you in earshot of your ex fiance for free is trouble or uggo on backpage. You pay for privilege of a good lay and them leaving you alone afterwards drama free.

OKC is a different story. This was like 10 years ago before Tinder and that 3rd wave feminism shit but I just put a one sentence blurb that my fiance gets off on me nutting in hotter women than her, posted a body pic of her as a bare minimum for entry and inbox exploded. No matter who contacted I made them jump through hoops before allowing them over. The problem is those chicks want a loud, crazy performance to prove they are the best. Sometimes you just wanna eat Doritos and watch Always Sunny while a chick grinds on you and just give zero fucks. Backpage was good for that.
The worst part is that you hear about it and just hope it's not suicide, that it's just a accident or some shit but no, John jumped off the radio tower.
Didn't know the story beforehand . She told me after/during the crying .
i lost count
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I bet you're going to turn out a Hero/Saint anon.
Yeah, he did tell us he was suicidal but a lot of kids are like that with their 'teen angst'. I mostly brushed it off because he was actually the funny happy one. Our group of friends were at a concert when it happened, he called us and said he was going to do it but no one answered since loud noises. His brother sold drugs, he had a shit ton of klonipins and a .22 in a lockbox. From what we could gather he broke into the lockbox and ate a bunch of the klonipins and went to do the deed. My sister was friends with the coroner, he told me the .22 didn't kill him it likely just made him a vegetable and his cause of death was drowning in the creek.
>Currently female, no dick to be had
No. It's stupid. I smiled until I had a kid. Now addicted to nicotine lozenges. But I would never smoke around a baby. Even if I fully convinced myself that it's not as bad as CNN says (and it's not) that's still a small forming organism.

Stop that shit

Stop it right now

Gotta think on your feet
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I had a high school gf and she had an abusive family (Parents beat her and each other, older sister molested her and likely her little sister too, mom knows, but defends older sister whole 9 yards situation)
She one day swallowed a bunch of pills after we had a fight. Her response was to cut over every square inch of her body so she could go the hospital and get her stomach pumped without telling her parents. The sight haunts me.
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I bet he becomes a fucking serial killer
Did something similar.

>Undergrad at uni working in a grad lab for experience
>Entire lab is chinese
>One girl is a 9.5/10 master student on pretty much vacation from rich dad
>No one respects her because she smokes and drinks a lot
>Start hanging out, listening to her broken english stories about men who broke her heart
>At her house after lab almost every day, buys me anything I want, though I don't ask anything
>Meets my best friends
>Best friend instantly infatuated with her, begins going out on dates with her
>She always still wants to just hangout with me and watch weird chinese soap operas and chill
>We get super drunk and kinda toy around
>Lifting at the time so i prove to her I can bench press her
>Act coy and place hand on boob, she doesn't take it well
>Tell her it was a mistake and I'm sweaty and going to take a shower (her shower) and crash on the couch
>In middle of shower, she gets in naked, full bush
>Go to ask what she is doing and she just grabs my dick and begins kissing me
>Fucked at least 5 times before whiskey dick took over

She said she didn't want anything romantic but was horny after the tit touch and thought she should reward me for being a good friend. Her nips were super sensitive, she was probably the 2nd best girl I ever had. I later caved and told my buddy who genuinely felt he was dating her, he got pretty pissed but forgave me later. She got an arranged wedding after her masters.
I saw a saucer type ufo up close. Pretty sure i have PTSD from the event. not joking
I pretty much killed my stupid ass neighbors dog when it was shitting in our yard. It would always run its fat little ass across the street to our house and my sister and me would guide it across the road again. It would always run away and bark at us. It was a dick. Finally one day my sister said fuck it let it get hit. It tried to cross the road alone, and got t boned by a mini van. I had to sit there and watch it die then tell the neighbors it was dead before their 6 year old son got home from school.
I've seen two men die.
Once walking home from work, a man walking next to me coughed up more blood than I've ever seen and fell over. I heard the next day that he was a company employee and died on the spot.
The other was a man on the street who had a seizure, fell over, and busted his head open.
Both were pretty spoopy.


i get no fun when i believe nothing off this shithole

i get less fun when i believe anything off this site
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This story is fucking crazy and what /pol/ thinks school is like but I swear to god its all real.

>Senior year of high school was this year
>During nigger history month a group of students organized an all-day program of "Activities" we were cycled through
>First one was a group of blacks telling us about all the peaceful dindu's that got shot by da powlecc.
>Eventually turns into one nigress losing her shit and yelling "just wait to get shot pigs omg no balls" when I brought up the context of the various cases they were presenting.
>Next station was some employee from the local Ivy league school who lectured about "reformative justice" muh reparations and how whitey was the only ones who had race based Slavery.
>During this he asked the ones "who identify as a women" in the audience to answer what amendment gave women the right to vote.
>None of them knew and I just yelled out the answer after a minute of silence.
>During questions time asked about the Arab's use of Ghulams and their own vast trade in African slaves and he just refused to engage in an argument.
>Third Station is literally We Wuz Kangz, not much explanation needed, went over "muh doorknobs" "muh peanut butter" and Kangz shit.
>Fourth Station was a series of activities about our privilege. When we were asked to line up I said to the white guy next to me "This is when all the white students get executed" and we had a chuckle
>We stepped back and forth depending on how we answered questions and that supposedly gauged "privilege"
>The other activity was when we went around in a circle and had to talk to another student about a series of questions. The mixed hispanic/Norg kid I was partnered with hated BLM and niggers too though so it was tolerable.
>Final station was BLM trivia with several categories including "betcha didn't know we invented dat!" and "Black lives killed".
>Black pathers was answer to one of the questions
>Fat ebonics slinging nigress claims that Panthers dindu nuffin.
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what a cuck
Im surprised the officers did it. Dont they have cameras now?
i remember some maufau posted a pic of a baby birdie covered in jizz like a year ago

was that your ass? i think i dl'd the pic too but gotta search the private stash of jizz on bird pics
>fell over and busted his head open
That can happen?
How old was he?
First anon had a better idea, for some reason; I'm emphatic as fuck. I just care about truth. All I wanna do in my life is expose the kikes who've literally destroyed, tainted, raped, and ravaged every single thing/one that I love. They've taken everything from me, anons. EVERYTHING. I want them to fucking pay. I want the people to wake up. If only they knew how they're being torn to pieces. These unwitting pawns trotting gleefully toward their own extinction. Clueless to how they're being used and tossed aside... indeed, the end will come not with a bang or fury, it will be a whimper, the soft, fading cries of a dying breed.
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I was in a Bradley that ran over a 2 kids in Afghanistan many years ago, still haunts me to this day

Wait, you're a *male* who got molested by an uncle?
concussions are no joke
He was an older looking man, he hit the metal part of the curb. It can happen, I saw it.
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>girl was forced into prostitution ring
>she needed money, pimp gave her money thru "opportunity"
>she wanted out, owed $400, only had $250
>I gave her $150, she was to give to him at a 7-eleven
>I wait in bushes across the st, well armed
>butterfly knife, switchblade, brass knuckles, extendable baton
>tell her "just give him what you owe, walk away, if they try to take you, I will not let them leave with you
>I wait, she goes in, comes out goes one building over
>Not to plan, I freak, follow her but without cover
>while trying to find cover, sex trafficker pulls in to 7-eleven, but sees me
>he panics, drives off
>she runs back to my arms "more turned on than ever before:"
>I still regret not freeing all the other girls forced into prostitution
dude more fucking details plz

Im outside usually though, I wouldn't just sit puffing in the fucking futures face

I suppose your against giving teething children some whiskey too you puritan
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>Hayden Library
Wow, small world. If you're still in the thread, what timeframe was this, Sun Devil Anon? Also, surprised handicripple didn't bother with the elevator (admittedly it's pretty easy to miss).
Was talking to my dad's employee while we were working. Talked about how his father served in Vietnam. Lots of stories, here are some.

>on patrol in the paddy fields on a mission to search for weapons at some village.
>he's on the outskirts of the village with his squad with other guys meters away from them also on the outskirts and some are inside searching for weapons.
>A woman starts running away from the village towards the other guys that are meters away on the outskirts.
>squad leader orders him to shoot the woman because she's carrying something, they think it's a bomb.
> he shoots and she drops dead.
> go to the body to see what weapons or explosives she had on her
> no weapons, no explosives, just the body of a dead baby she was holding
>the body was mutilated from the rounds that were fired.
> to this day his son has to keep his grass cut because if it gets too high he gets flashbacks to that day when he killed a mother and her baby.

I once bought a roast chicken, a porn magazine and a beer then accidentally ran over some ducklings then got home, masturbated to the porn magazine while drinking the beer while having a shower, then I put my penis inside the roast chicken's asshole. I also sometimes masturbate completely naked in the bushes. I've also cummed on dead crickets and put dead ants inside my penis hole. I've also sometimes masturbated completely naked on top of other people's cars and on the streets late at night. I also masturbate to trap porn and I also masturbate to porn while prank-calling churches. I also used to play a game with my male cousin when I was a little boy called 'kisses and cuddles' which involved me having sex with him. I also masturbate while imagining myself having sex with my mother. Step up, niggaz!
I shit you not, I got kicked out of community college for two reasons, that being one. I was literally told that as a male, I can never understand the trauma of rape like a woman can. That, and the same day, my fucking WRITING teacher, okay? A class for fucking WRITING, starts us off on a week-long documentary by fucking OPRAH WINFREY about the fucking holocaust. I lost my shit. This fucking lesbian dyke old cunt adopted a chinese baby, is a goddamn vegan, and chastised me for using the term "mankind". I was fucking appalled.
Directed microwave radiation gun can do this. Lucky you werent the target.
make a thread anon
Anon, what book is that from? I saw this pic the other day and wanted to read it. I have lots in common with Hitler.
>I'd always be there for him hugging him when he was crying when girls wouldn't text him back
you reap what you sow faggot, should've told him to man up and get over it instead
Can confirm. Plus qt wife good shit than m8
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c'mon op.
I saw a nazi youth die yesterday (we wuz)

pretty heroic guy

just stealing anons thunder
How does Sweden compare to your home country?
I used to be a paramedic.

>Call early one morning
>kid with down syndrome had been beaten up in a park and left over night
>it was a cold night and we were legit concerned about hypothermia
>get to the park
>kid not only been beaten up, he had been GANG RAPED
>his rectum was prolapsed and hanging past his knees
>he was wandering around with his rectum swinging around
>there were bloody pine cones everywhere
>his face was punched to shit and he couldn't tell us what had happened
Dad's story
>dad once had german shepherd
>fucking loved it
>neighbor did not
>would dig through fence and fuck with his animals
>tells dad he'll kill it if it happens again
>comes home from work
>body bag
>dead german shepherd
>dad tells story to friends
>one works in SWAT
>gives him a flashbang grenade
>dad drops it in neighbor's bedroom window at night and runs like hell

Didn't really tell me what happened after that. May be fake but he's done crazier shit.

>dick neighbor calls cops every time dad has friends over, music playing
>breaks in and puts loads of fish in neighbor's ventilation
>neighbor moves

My dad was pretty cool I guess.
Same here. He rose up gasping, face horribly strained, then fell back.

Everyone who saw it was haunted by it.
I second this request
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I believe it is called "The Young Hitler I knew"
I don't usually spoonfeed, but fuck it. I feel for you anon. You see all the vile corruption of this world. The awful pain people feel and then you see the ones exploiting the pain and feel that rage. That visceral pain of an anger so great it feels like the world will break.
I feel you anon.
Here's a story I can't decide is awesome or fucked up:
>my grandpa
>trained pilot
>doesn't want to bomb people but when he's offered to fly an air ambulance he bites
>sent out to rescue injured Falangist officer
>not so clear landing zone
>bullets fly through the side window of the cockpit
>the medic jumps out of the still rolling plane
>lies on the ground an opens fire opens fire towards a group of trees
>screaming some guy tries to run away, but is shot in the back
>the crew start looking for the the guys they are supposed to save here
>they are supposed to be in a farmhouse somewhere
>find it and carefully approach
>there's a Falangist beating another man to death with the butt of his rifle
>watch him search the body as they go closer
>he looks up after finding a pack of cigarettes and smiles as he sees my grandfather and his crew
>walks up to them and puts one cig in his mouth
>gestures at them to light it for him
>the bloody rifle is still in his other hand
>they treat the injured and get the fuck out of there
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Please don't. You gain nothing from this and you only bully a an animal that lives a hard enough life.
>to insecure to hug a crying friend
Stay in the closet you very very masculine faggot
your dad sounds like a dick
No. I would totally give him whiskey.

But google the difference between making liquor and making mass market cigarettes
Being redpilled at 5 once forced into a diverse American public school. Worst part is i'm only half white and I'm lumped with the putrid muzzies thanks to my shitty skin by my own euro family and nazi friends despite my loyalty to them. I'll never have kids of my own.
>decide to take acid on camping trip with 3 stoner friends
>3 hour drive, 5 hour canoe ride to site
>take acid next day
>drugs hit friend too hard, he falls out of chair and smokes head on rock
>minute 1 into our 12 hour trip and he starts having a seizure
>2 quick jolts then he suddenly gets back up
>forget what happens for next few hours
>watching movie on portable DVD, small black bear shows up
>coming down from trip but now gotta pack everything up and canoe to another spot while its night time, windy, and rainy
>new campsite has cellphone reception, we get water taxi for next morning

I had a horseshoe up my ass that day

Well shit buddy, you are off to a rough start.
Good luck.
Really late for this but I think he's just trying to say niggers are cheap and only order water and appetizers at more expensive restaurants.
Another story

>after serving his first tour in Vietnam he came back to the States only to be tried for manslaughter in the death of a Maine senator's son in a drunk driving accident.
>Judge gave him choice of jail time or another tour in Vietnam and he took the tour
>They're on patrol in the jungle on this dirt path
>he's now squad leader, pretty experienced individual since it's his second tour.
>has a black guy in his squad
>black guy asks him why he never lets him take point
>he tells the black guy it's because he just never thought about telling someone else to do it.
>black guy accuses him of not letting him take point cause he's black
>he gets pissed and just lets him take point so they can stop fighting
> not even 50 feet up the road, a land mine
>black guy was literally split in half from the explosion
>had he not let the black guy take point he would be dead, his son would not be born and I wouldn't be having this conversation with his son.
And you look around to see your fellows unwittingly acting as pawns in that very game. It's unfortunate but true that humans are herd animals, and the Jew knows this all too well. They're masters of psychology, and have us conditioned at every turn. Once you wake up, you look around and see nothing but psyops... psyops and living advertisements. All the cucks, idiots, and brainwashed dullards on social media, the fucking SJWs, the degenerate nihilists, all the hopeless critters scurrying about...

If only they knew how bad things really are.
I would take a non leathal gunshot before getting married to a cheating whore. Like as long as its like missed my spine
I got no idea what I'll do, like I said, I only want to fight the kikes. Not much of a career choice.
also had an old guy fall and hit his head outside the grocery store i worked at when i was a cartpusher. was kinda fucked to hear some lady running in and going "call 911!" and then turning the corner and just seeing the guy facefirst on the ground, but he got up and was okay. was then later flirting with the nurses tending to him like a fucking champ.

And i was the first person to come across a customer having a seizure at my current workplace. just came out from the back and saw a leg sticking out and twitching.

>8/10 British chick

For Americans who don't feel like doing the math, that converts to a 5/10 in freedom units.
Oh, that makes sense. I've always heard niggers are the worst tables and tippers.
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>Hitler will never scream ISN'T THIS A DOG'S LIFE at you

god i would cum instantly
>Myah Bilton-Smith

Broads enlist because they're cumdumpsters.
And then if there's the slightest chance they'll be deployed--suddenly preggers.

EVERY MilAnon knows what kind of chicks go into the military.
I often wish I could have one 10 minute conversation with the Fuhrer. I need his guidance, wisdom. What would Hitler do in our situation?

>Goes to 'Nam
>cut off the bloodline of crooked politician
>Goes to 'Nam again
>gets nigger sjw blown in half

As one vet to another, I salute him for his service to our country.

> living in FL
> late at night
> live in a decent apartment complex that isn't near crime zones of the city
> going over to friend's apartment to play some board games, drink beer, smoke some weed, and generally have a good time
> friend asks me to meet him at his car to grab some stuff out of the trunk
> hear a car bolt away from the direction I'm going
> meet my friend at his car
> "Anon, I just witnessed a child abduction. Three grown men got out of this unmarked van, grabbed this child straggling behind their parents, and sped away."

Don't live in Florida. This place is full of crazies and fucking retards.

I remember your thread on /b/ when you jizzed on some baby bird on your porch
First thing i've read on thread that made me cringe. Who would get hard enough from a downer to be able to rape them. DEGENERACY!!!

ive gotten to the stage where sacrificing myself for others isnt just second nature, its the only thing i know, i dunno if you believe anon but,

retards like us are have the key : Pity.
we're better and we know it, but,

Pity the Jew. Its fucking powerful stuff.

conversions to them are like 6 gorrilion deaths anon (watch for the liars)


kill them with kindness anon
>And you look around to see your fellows unwittingly acting as pawns in that very game. It's unfortunate but true that humans are herd animals, and the Jew knows this all too well
I hate it. This world of lies and corruption. If honesty and courage were the backbones of the media, the banks, the other influential institutions, I believe things wouldn't be this bad. I believe that people wouldn't being trafficked like animals and having their innocence robbed of them. That's the one that gets me the most. The human sex trafficking. I've seen what sexual abuse does to people. It hurts them more than anyone can imagine and at that point there is no coming back. You can still find joy and happiness, but nothing will ever give back what they stole.
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>I bring up several violent attacks the Panthers committed, including famous Bank Robberies.
>She says that they provided dem programs for da community
>I turn on good goy mode for a sec and reply that Hezbollah fires rockets on Israeli civilians but provided healthcare and other programs for Shites
>"That still doesn't justify their terrorism and it doesn't justify the terroristic actions of the Panthers.
>She basically goes fucking ballistic and refuses to engage.
>A few of the smarter/sane black students and hispanics told me that it was good that I called her out and that they thought the whole day was crazy.
>The next day I get called into the principles office.
>She says I was reported to the administration by the Ebonics Nigress for being confrontational.
>Principle basically tells me nothing is gonna happen to me and they will ignore the report.
>mfw She knows who I really am and couldn't do shit about it
Kidnapped on Marseille, how did that happen pharm?
I was volunteering at my local hospital in the Emergency Dept when I saw the most fucked up thing I have seen to date. No it wasn't gore or some motorcycle wreck, but something that was emotionally fucked up. The patient was a 40 year old man who had fallen off his roof and broken his leg, no big deal. Shit like this happens all the time. About an hour later he informs one of the nurses that it was actually his parents house and he had been doing some work around their house and fell from a ladder while cleaning the gutters. It turns our he was doing this to help his parents out while his mom was in the hospital for a routine procedure (MRI or CT scan or some shit). A little later a resuscitation code goes off and the response team springs into action. 10 minutes later they come wheeling a mid 60s woman and place her in a room. Some woman had had a massive stroke in the imaging room and nearly died (was currently brain dead). As they wheel her through, I hear a voice say loudly "was that mom?!" Turns out, this woman was the mom of the dude who broke his leg. They let him have his bed moved in there so he could say goodbye and it was sad as fuck.

fucking plebbit that was like a decade ago and on /b/
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Yeah, I wouldn't lie about it. The concert was A Perfect Circle in November 2003.
- fucked up marriage
- one 7 year old daughter
- two weeks before xmas, huge fight. Marriage finally ending. I say lets get thru xmas for the child. She says no. Morning time we gonna sort out how to do this.
- I go to bed
- She stays up
- i not even asleep yet, i hear huge bang in computer room
- she on the floor, unresponsive. No Pulse. Not breathing, making fucked up gurgling sounds
- CPR. at 2:30 am
- call 911 . phone one hand, one handed cpr with the other. Upstairs bedroom. need someone to open door downstairs for ems
- No choice but to wake up motherinlaw and daughter sleeping in another bedroom
- they bust in and see wife on floor and me doing cpr on their mother/daughter
- fucking shitshow
- she never made it. Never got one heartbeat.
- doc says it was a 'massive cardiac event'
- every day i live with those fucking gurgling sounds and the guilt of her dying the night we were ending it. and the trauma of when daughter and motherinlaw came in and saw
- today woulda been my 13th anniversary
Anon, I feel you. The pedophilia is the worst aspect of this entire game. If people had even half of an idea what was going on, we'd be marching in the streets, rioting, and hanging these bastards; which needs to happen. Somehow, /pol/ needs to expose this en masse. Start a meme war against the trafficking. Dig up whatever we can. Spread it everywhere. It has to fucking stop.

Some people think they're lizards because there's so psychopathic, but no, they're human. All too human. Only a human being could be capable of such greed, and evil. But they are the worst of us. And they don't represent the whole. They are a blight that must be purged from the face of the Earth...
I work as a TV and Radio Broadcaster in the Air Force. When I was deployed I edited strike footage for public release. When the new folks came down, they sent us requests to put shitty "memes" over the footage instead of the usual "Coalition airstrike destroys daesh whatever, 30 February, 2016." I voiced my concerns officially, but I still edited the videos. When they were released publicly, some news outlets released some negative articles on it and we weren't asked to do it again.

I still feel bad about it though. I don't like ISIS or Da'esh as much as the next guy, but these were real people's lives I was mocking from a professional position. I shouldn't have been asked to do it in the first place, and it certainly never should have been released.
Dude, don't do hallucinogens anywhere but the desert...

So basically im gonna either be fucking a fatty or uggo unless I pay? Damn, ah well, rather an uggo then a fatty any day.

Also DAYUM, had no idea chicks were down like that just to show another woman she was better at pleasing her man then she ever could, its fucked up but in a really awesome way. Fucking hell.

>Sometimes you just wanna eat Doritos and watch Always Sunny while a chick grinds on you and just give zero fucks. Backpage was good for that.

God damn dude. I need live where you are! :D

ATL here. Off to backpage i go!
>nazi flag
hard times make strong men, anon
chin up
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I rolled 1488 one time. From then on, I knew I was destined for the fight. But how to begin, how to begin... we need organization. We all need to do our part. Redpill whoever we can. Organize resistance. Get the truth out there, before it's too late.
Dude, don't do hallucinogens anywhere but a completely white room with no doors
Please don't post the picture, it still haunts me

fucking organise
What's the first step?
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A 3 year old black girl once told me that "Ima cut you" because I refused to play with her because I was taking care of her younger sister. She wanted all my attention and she tried to hurt her sister because she was jealous. I was helping out at my church who was hosting homeless mothers and children.
holy FRICK
I smoked crack for like 3 days straight with my best friend and a random fat crackhead in the middle of nowhere and also in the heart of the ghetto (same weekend)

but crack is retarded and i'd never pay for it but it was a fun experience
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I've seen..
>women raped
>men beaten nearly to death
>women beaten nearly to death
>men shot
>men stabbed
>mans finger cut off
>mans face forced into a hot tailpipe
>lot of drug deals.

My dad was a biker and drug dealer. I can green text some stories if you like.
>The pedophilia is the worst aspect of this entire game. If people had even half of an idea what was going on, we'd be marching in the streets, rioting, and hanging these bastards; which needs to happen. Somehow, /pol/ needs to expose this en masse. Start a meme war against the trafficking. Dig up whatever we can. Spread it everywhere. It has to fucking stop.
Agreed. I don't even mind people who are pedos and admit they have a problem (Go to therapy, use 2D if you need, don't touch real children and find a girl who looks childish even as an adult if need be), but treating children as livestock to use for your own pleasure? I hate it. I got my best friend to listen to me on Pizzagate and now [spoiler]she[/spoiler] believe it. She feels disgusted with it and is hoping to subtly let people know. She just isn't as familiar with the facts as I am so it is hard. I can basically do an entire timeline of the Clinton crime family with the help of my lab top. Unfortunately facts and reason don't convince most people. We must pull their hearts so that their heads and hands can be pulled alongside it.
I also am hoping to drop little bits and pieces of stuff to one of my other church friends. I showed him the image John Podesta with the cut marks on his hands so now he believes, and rightfully so, that Podesta is a satanist. Pedophile won't be too tough after I've showed him some stuff with Dennis Hastert. I will probably show the Ben Swann video next
i live in tampa FL, the number one place in america for prostitued slavery. i forget the correct term but kids are stolen and asians are lied to and sold into sex slavery
on the upper hand its not hard to find happy endings at massage parlors
She had it coming.
>be me watching movie alone in my apartment at 4am
>hear a big boom sound outside
>look outside-see nothing
>called 911- think I heard a car accident
>decided to go investigate what happened
>go outside it's eerily quiet
>surprised no neighbors heard it/no one else is outside
>decide to walk to apartment complex entrance
>see a red 2 door car upside down in the ditch
>i recognized car as belonging to a girl that just moved into the next building from me
>look in car- nobody inside
>look around and see another car on the side of the road about 500ft down the street with steam coming out
>look in the median where it appears the impact took place
>see a female laying there on her side in almost a fetal position
>run over to her and roll her on her back
>notice clothes torn up & blouse torn open exposing one boob
>notice nipple is hard so she must be alive
>she starts making slight sounds
>can't understand her
>I look at nipple again and decide 'why not' and start rubbing it
>girl is in/out of consciousness
>decided since I already went to 2nd base might as well go for 3rd
>hear her try to talk-then nothing
>she's unconscious again
>ambulance & police arrives about 2 min later
>they come up and check on her-no pulse
>they start CPR & etc
>they say 'she's gone'
>they stop working on her and go to the other car to check on them
>mfw I realized she died while getting felt up
you know this board has IDs right
You know I'm not samefagging right?
Going after the pedophiles, in my mind, is what we should do. If we can redpill the masses on that single topic alone, I wager they'll be MUCH more receptive to the others. Pedophilia is universally condemned. That's why muh children is such a popular ploy for politicians. If we can wake people up to these Moloch-worshiping child-fucking kikes, they'll be all the more receptive to the news about the banks, cultural marxism, white genocide, the whole bagel. How do you suggest we can get this done? I've had an idea for a while now, a new general on /pol/. Resistance general, or something. Where we pool together memes, information, what have you for use in a specific manner. We need to become like a thinktank in a sense, but we're spreading truth, not propaganda. We need this shit out there, we need to organize, and focus our efforts strategically.
>be me
>pillow talk with woman I met on dating site
>she tells she's fucked a dog
>ask how it came about
>abusive ex partner """forced""" her to do lots of depraved shit
>she tells me he took pictures
>few weeks later she shows me pictures
>I need to see her fucking a dog
>start babysitting my brother's dog so it's there when she comes over
>she looks at me and asks if I want her to suck it's cock
>only if you want to
>spend evening watching her suck a dogs cock and fucking it
>it's not as easy as you think
>finish evening pissing on her in the bath
>had a very interesting three months doing weird shit to her
>Australian bant
When I was 27, my younger brother died from a heroin overdose. My only sibling. I had no idea he was even using that shit.

I've been through some bad stuff but that was the worst. A year later my father-in-law died of a methadone overdose. Really messed my wife up, and we have 2 young white children, trying to 1488. Suboptimal.

Drugs are shitty. Don't be a degenerate.
next time we're doing it in space
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>rather an uggo then a fatty any day

Ain't that the fucking truth.


Every man has done it at least once, usually out of morbid curiosity more than anything else.

Nice pink, plump, wobbly girls - that's OK, especially if they grunt and make squealing noises while you're ramming 'em. But 300lb misshapen monsters? Not that I haven't found myself parked next to one or two on an apocalyptic morning, with a raging headache and the need to drink several glassfuls of absolutely anything, very, very soon.

Night before I'd be drunk enough that they looked a bit better, but hell, not much. Just enough to convince myself that enough booze and a raging hard on can excuse even this. And they know, in their heart of hearts, no matter how great a faculty for self-delusion they have, that you're not fucking them because you're genuinely attracted to them. They seek reassurance and you lie. You lie, while you know that you're gonna fuck 'em out of sheer, malignant perversion. It's warm, it's strange enough to be a different species and you're going to screw it because the whiskey has removed even the thin veneer of civilization that allows you to pretend you're not a totally irredeemable sick fuck. You know that somewhere inside that mound of quivering, hanging, shapeless fat there is a human spark: warm, sensitive, craving love, respect and validation. The fact that not a crumb of that will be on offer for even an instant is what gives the whole sordid mess its irresistible piquancy.

And, once the grunting, thrusting, crying, and outpouring of greasy sweat and shame is over, and you slide off the mound of her like a strip of bacon off the top of a well-roasted Thanksgiving turkey, and she cries because you won't speak and turn away from her, you hope and pray that cunt has the common sense to go away forever.

Else, the poker is getting collected from the fireside and there's gonna be violence on a biblical scale.
pretty fucked up
>college sjw mode
>go to france to "see"
> live on champagne and caviar
>get bored
>decide to rough it
>walking down street late one night
wake up tied to chair, injected with some stuff by an egyptian while 3 giant niggers stand guard
>wake up being thrown out of a moving car
>thinks some organs have been take

say nothing for 3 years because "I DID IT TO MYSELF REALLY"

>finally break down one day
>tell family and immediatly brought to doctor
>no physical, no tests
>off to the looney bin withyou, anon (x6)
>diagnosed with psycosis
>still no physical exam (if i bring it up they say ive relapsed and put me back in until i deny i believe it happened.

last time was a month ago and barely got out, from now on its forced meds and i cant remember anything when im on them (literally drooling on myself dispite evidence to back me up.
> mfw im fucked.
You should genuinely gas yourself.

I've always said, we could be doing LSD on the moon, but here we are fighting Israel's wars. No one can say we wouldn't discover some transcendental truth doing that. That would literally be the height of the human experience, what could possibly be better than LSD in space?
I did sell my soul, and got it back later.

>not asking where they live and shooting them and the rapebaby hellspawn repeatably
>not shooting the coalburner who got herself into this mess in the first place
>not shooting her parent for raising such scum and doing nothing about it while she was away

And shitskins have the audacity to wonder why American whites commit mass shootings "at random". We need a fucking war
Holy shit i know someone exactly like this. Her shitty boyfriend was too high to function when she began to OD so he sat in the car with her, then when he realized what happened he dumped her body in front of the ER and drove off. The worse part is that her brother scammed a bunch of people with a Gofundme intended to pay for her funeral, but instead the funds went into some awful website he was starting.
>Be female in H.S.
>Tits or GTFO

You forgot the part where they raped, killed and decapitated their bookkeeper, Betty Van Patter (Toll paid) after she found evidence of the leadership embezzling funds. They dumped her body in the bay.

> In a story published in the month following Newton’s death, which appeared in the East Bay Express, Kelley revealed that Newton had admitted to him shooting 17-year-old Oakland prostitute Kathleen Smith and ordering the killing of Betty Van Patter for refusing to clean up the party’s books. Van Patter’s end was gruesome, according to Kelley: “They didn’t just kill her. They kept her hostage, they raped her, they beat her up, then they killed her and threw her in the Bay.” https://popularresistance.org/rage-and-ruin-on-the-black-panthers/

There is also the part where the founder, Huey P. Newton literally assraped co-founder Bobby Seale after the two had a falling out.

>Seale had been whipped — literally — and then personally sodomized by Huey with such violence that he had to have his anus surgically repaired by a Pacific Heights doctor who was a political supporter of the Panthers. http://konspiracybrothanews.blogspot.com/2005/10/bobby-seale-was-raped-by-huey-newton.html

Last but not least, I don't have a citation, but you find this shit out if you talk to older redpilled folks in the Bay, but the BP founder Huey P. Newton got a full magazine unloaded into his face because in his later years he became an insane cokehead, and he started using his clout to shake down all the dealers in Oakland. One day, someone got tired of his shit and fucking popped his ass.

I am thoroughly convinced that Bobby Seale was the commie idealogical heart of the BP, but Newton was more charismatic, so he used what others built as a vehicle to sustain his insane coke habits, which was why there was rampant embezzlement and why no matter how much funding they got, they could ultimately never improve the lot of black people in Oakland.
hey, me too.

mfw: we cucked satan
fuck me dude i laughed thats some shit i would do if cpr didnt work
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>be me
>was at bar
>on my way home
>see ex gf, turk shitskin screaming at her
>was about to hit her
>punches me, i respond with nice uppercut
>pull knife on him because i thought he would stop being a dirty turk
>runs at me like crazy nigger at banana
>knife in right hand, punch him with my left hand
>we both fall, knife into arm
>get 3 years probation and weapons ban
>had to pay 2000 eur because he was "that badly hurt"
>fucking turks

they probably raped the shit out of you then cleaned you up, senpai. Sandniggers fuck boys for fun, girls are strictly for babies. Hope that makes you feel better.
watched my mom get raped when i was 5
Ooh I have war stories from my family.
>playing ww2 game
>grandma tells me to turn off sound cause she doesnt want to hear US bombers
>tells me she used to watch Tokyo burn during raids and when the wind shifted she could hear screams of people and animals
>uncle tells me how he could smell burning people and how delicious they smelled after four years of no meat
>uncle tells me kempetai would disappear families
>grandma mentioned my great grandfather was training 14 year olds for kamikaze missions

>US grandpa was a minesweeper guard
>his best friend loved rice and ate the squads rice rations
>best friend fucked up disabling a mine and blew up covering grandpa with ricey stomach. Entire squad dead.
>He took shrapnel in leg and hoofed it. Found a disabled pz4, with Nazis.
>Nazis bandage his wounds & save his life and put him in their barracks/pow camp
>grandpa steals their bedding during a snowstorm and runs out and uses it for camoflage

So in essence my family was asked to train kids to be suicide bombers and were saved by Nazi teenager tankmen.
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Feels good man.
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Explain the experience

l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.

The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.

Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.

The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.

Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
I've got one story that's just a certain way fucked up, not graphic or anything

>my dad was the last kid out of 9 kids
>the first was my uncle named Jack
>was considered the black sheep of the family
>did lots of drugs, didn't stay in a lot of touch with the rest of the family
>despite all the drugs he did he lived till he was 60 but his brain was fried at that point, took him ten minutes to read one page of typed out text
>anyways, while my dad was in high school he asked my uncle jack if he had any nephews or nieces, my uncle is probably in his late 39's to early 40's at this point so him having kids was not out of the question
>my uncle said this: "Yeah you do, in fact you got a nephew that goes to your school, but I'm not telling you who it is
>my dad went to school with his own nephew and never found out who it was
>to this day I have cousins out there that I've never met
>finding out isn't easy because we don't know who the mother or mothers were of any of the kids.

It's just fucked up knowing that you have family out there and they don't even know you exist. I don't think they had good a upbringing either. It just sucks that they could be alone right now when they have a huge family waiting to meet them.
>Going after the pedophiles, in my mind, is what we should do
I agree, but it also can't be our sole focus. One thing that inevitably leads to failure is a sole goal in an operation. We should be looking to form a system rather than a goal a la Scott Adams. Another thing I think would be good is if we could somehow get a paper trail of them. If pedophilia can't be proven (Because frankly it is REALLY tough to prove beyond a reasonable doubt legally and from a persuasion standpoint it is also tough because of the cognitive dissonance of enabling a society that rapes the souls out of children is requires a lot of evidence to swallow. Best friend was nearly in tears after she realized that I was right)
>How do you suggest we can get this done?
First thing that needs to be done is erase the ability of the old media to respond. So long as they have the old media as an effective response it won't work because people will happily believe them without evidence if the alternative is believing that they have been unwittingly allowing pedos to harm children for the majority of their lives barely turning an eye to it.
One way to limit the effect of the old media is to put pressure on the banks and other sponsors through new policies that hurt multinational corporations that benefit from and give benefit to the situation. This is large scale though.
The first way I planted seeds into my best friends mind was through DNC corruption. It may be a vested interest for those who would protect many of (((Them))) so they will avoid ignoring it completely. You can easily imply you care about the long term health of the political system while also pointing out areas of weakness.
This gives an easy lead-in to the Clinton Crime Family. Talk about the murder, drugs, and eventually sex trafficking. Segue into Jeffrey Epstein and then finally, Pizzagate (Reality Check Ben Swann is excellent starting point). At that point you've basically won.
>watched my mom get raped

You can't rape the willing, anon.
That was just a gangbang.

I used to install cable.

I was crawling around a customer's attic tracing cables around because I had to change the configuration from their old system's setup to the system I was installing.

I noticed all the cables led to this little halfassed room constructed in the attic, which was really weird. Door had a little lock on it. I asked the older lady customer if I could get in there, she had no idea what I was talking about and didn't have the key. But she gave me permission to break the little shed latch the lock was attached to.

So I grab my thickest, longest screwdriver and pry that shit out of the ply wood screw by screw, cursing at this shit because its slowing me down and fucking up my efficiency metrics. It would be brought up in the daily meeting next morning and its so weird that my supervisor won't believe it.

So I finally get into this little shittily-constructed shed-like pantry-sized room in the attic with all the cables running to it. And they lead to VCRs and other recording equipment.

These cables weren't their regular television/internet cables, they were camera cables.

I notify the older lady and she comes up to check it out. This is summertime and its like 120 degrees Fahrenheit in this attic.

Apparently her daughter's family fell on hard times and had moved into her big house. So it was the daughter, son-in-law, and three daughters. Turns out the son-in-law had set up hidden cameras in all the bedrooms and bathrooms and was recording all their private moments because he was a perv. They kicked him out.

Really wish I'd just worked it out so that I could've blackmailed the guy.

i left that out, was raped at least once, i blacked out alot. they cut the inside of my asshole aswell so its a job trying to shit, doctor wont even check, or the broken needle tip stuck under my skin, physical evidence sitting there, still wont examine me

I was paranoid as fuck, i thought the Health workers were in on the White Genocide, now i just think their heads are buried in the sand
this one made me burst out laughing

no details, no replies, unnoticed just one weird fucked up line with no context that no one saw
That was you?
My man. Lets get a beer some day
>No one can say we wouldn't discover some transcendental truth doing that. That would literally be the height of the human experience
you're the worst kind of acidfag
or they have family more kick ass then yours
>One thing that inevitably leads to failure is a sole goal

this is a fucking kike

>to bake a cake, you must also pump up a bicycle tyre.

Study political theory anon.

we need
>Your Cause
on paper for the masses.
Yeah I hate to break it to you, but you're definitely insane. There's no reason a doctor wouldn't check you out.
I can only wonder how we can seek to achieve such things when we're too busy shitposting.
I understand that line was kinda cringe, but you can't disagree. I know legitimately retarded acidfags, so I wouldn't lump me in with them. Fuckers that share new-agey hippy-dippy bullshit without understanding, well, anything.
details you fuck
I knew fasch are cowards
Walked by a guy bring held up by a group of knife neds in Glasgow one night when walking back from a Dream Theater gig.
Opposite pavements, a good 20ft away, i just grabbed my gfs hand and dragged us away from there as quickly as possible.

I often wonder if he was watching me, hoping i was going to help but I never looked at any of the faces inclufing his, figured it was safer.
>Sister gets bf
>Mom cheats on dad with sister's bf
>It's found out when mom gets pregnant
>Family falls apart, ugly divorce initiated by mom
>Sister doesn't care and takes mom's side, is fine to share bf with her and not long after is also pregnant
>Dad moves out and comes to live with my in my small apartment
>Sister and mom don't act like it's all that bad, even encourage me to get to know their bf (I'm female myself)
>All three of them and their kids now live in our family house while me and dad struggle and scrape to get by since mom got his money in the divorce
>They're living it up while dad is suicidal and I'm the only thing keeping him from ending it all

And to top it all off, the bf is black. Our family became some sick, cruel joke of moden society. Like something you'd see on Jerry Springer except I'm living it. I feel the worst for dad though, I don't know what he'd do if I was there for him.
Torture. Smothered countless times when I was younger. Its why I don't trust people
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Man, I can't believe things like this actually happen in America. Fuck, that sucks.
Are you also attending the Tempe Campus this upcoming Fall semester?

dude, ive been to the top psychiatrist in the country, I mean the cream.

He says i amnt mad, he isnt a "physical doctor"
he sends to to others.
how it goes>

Hello, why are you here

I have a lump
Ok anon, let me see, yes you have a lump hmmm. how long have you had it?
few years.
Have you ever cut it or hurt it?
Um. well i think it was a needle.
Checks chart "oh, i see, your here from the looney bin, by reason of deduction its a cyst"

Can i get it removed?

Hmmmmm. No.

Man youve no idea, i took the meds, believed the lie. Theres more but i cant be putting it up here. Im sane by every other measure.
Exactly. This girl is so fucked up its not even funny.

I knew exactly what i got into when i met her. I had a hard time empathizing with her and her bullshit. She was raped 4 other times after

Dude its so common tons of chicks fuck their dogs

she did yall a favor

Ive never had the displeasure of fucking a fatty thankfully. Ive almost been desperate enough to fuck a fatty, but just couldn't bring myself to do it when the time came. I just couldn't get an erection to those land whales, even with alcohol. I didn't have it in me, i had too much self respect to bring myself to fuck a fatty. As much as I wanted a warm wet hole around my cock, wasn't happening.

I have fucked a few chubby girls before, those were pretty fun lays and not displeasing to look at.

But i know what you mean man. I agree with everything you just said. 11/10.
So that's where he got the dic
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>this is a fucking kike
No. I am just saying that tunnel vision is bad. If you can have a couple angles of attack, it is a good thing. Don't lose focus, but avoid tunnel vision. One way to have tunnel vision is to have more than one primary objective. Such as trying to find paper trails in addition to the human trafficking. It is good to do both
>Study political theory anon.
Could you be more specific? How am I wrong?
>I can only wonder how we can seek to achieve such things when we're too busy shitposting.
By making it fun to do so. Shitposting is just funposting. For example, during the wikileaks of John Podesta e-mails, a bunch of anons would play the "Last 3 digits of your post number determine the e-mail number you search up". The hard part is finding ways to make it fun.
The CNN thing going on right is a good example. People enjoy seeing the downfall of a shitty media company that doesn't get internet humor.
I would share my doujinshi collection with anons who found big things in the podesta e-mails too.
"A fun thing is a good thing"
can back you up in that i no longer do acid and am currently on track to selling all my weed and weed supplies, but honestly... doing acid on the moon would downright be the best possible place to take it
Pretty much the only thing I can think of that feels like it would be novel and motivate me to get off my ass.
you fucking bongs are cowards

ive never met a brave brit

>uh run home not me being murdered, no point helping

no wonder youve lost control of the cities to invaders. and the young men there are all skinny wimpy bitches.
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this hit a nerve
A different intelligence level attempting to communicate.
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I helped a guy called Ivan Milat. That's about it.
/pol/ could be a force of nature if it was just better utilized. We're chaos incarnate, and with some degree of leadership/organization, we might be able to make real change.
I'm trying to quit weed in order to get myself together, but it's the only thing keeping me from offing myself.

They wanted you to meet him and get some of that good dicking from the Big Black Cock and breed too. Cuz that's white women's place, slaves to black cock
Yeah because my gf, that guy and myself getting chibbed was a far better outcome.

This is why you need something like a 2nd Amendment
Helped how?
I've been tempted to write a guide/resource list on how to introduce people to the human trafficking stuff. I have an outline in my head that could work.
And at least half of it is this level of inbred
kill your sister and her bf along with their mongrel mutants, why are you allowing this? grow a fucking spine and get revenge.
You can't look after your dad forever, remember Norman bates

I saw my best friends brother die in a similar fashion when i was 14. It really fucked me up. Havent talked to my buddy in a few years. Its been about 12 since it happened. Good kid too. Always had fun playing vidya and doing dumb kid shit
You'll have to work that out for yourself.
KEK wtf this is just adult comedy

You should make your dad feel better by seducing him, then rub it in your mom's face.
Yep, well, ruined our family because of it.

I wouldn't mind killing them, but then I'd be off to prison or worse and dad wouldn't have anyone there for him. He's getting better but as much as I want to do something to mom and sis, I don't want to lose dad as well.
literally a cut a paste post, read this on some other fuckin thread. This is worse than ressurecting dead memes nufag

start with the rapes plz
>tunnel vision
to a good cause is dedication

>political theory
figure out how to slide it in to the current system or just go full alexandr dugin and write a new one.

im half meta, writing shit about the aether and try to sketch diagrams about how ecosystems work in glass jars.


Its better to have shitposted and been ignored,
than never shitposting at all imo
i used to do it daily. you can't go cold turkey, you have to do it bit by bit. everything else is just will power. 1 day, then 2 days, then 3 days, etc. This is good because if you go cold turkey you'll have withdrawal effects (including depression). It's a lot easier to feel the effects of quitting when you ease yourself out of it. Selling my bong, grinders, lighters + weed etc feels like a very liberating step. already made 30 bucks

Have you at least told them they are scum? You should cut them out of your life completely.
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