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>literally doesn't believe in the Resurrection, the absolute most important event in all of Christianity


Well he's not a Christian then is he?

Bitch, you're not suppose to take in all of the bible.
Yeah he's not
absolutely heretical!
rebel media kike
He is a Christian because it isn't cool to be Christian anymore
>Muslim tier heresy
So he's a "cultural Christian"?
Guess so.

You are either a believer or you're not, and "cultural Christian" aren't believers, so the hellfire awaits them.
No he's not, he never said he is, you're just retarded
>underage OP doesn't understand secular christian
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There is actual talk on how Jesus Christ might have survived the Crucifixion that he endured. It's not to say I'm not a believer myself as there are PLENTY of unexplainable phenomena.

But take for instance the Red Sea was "split" because of a low-tide and reconvened upon the tide being leveled once again.

The Resurrection could be a result of a tonic that placed Jesus within a comatose state when he drank from the sponge a Roman Soldier supplied him. Never the less a Miracle was performed upon his death when the ground underneath them shattered upon God's Wrath. Miracles happen within moments, and how it is remembered.
>secular christian

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>t. brainlet
So people worship this guy as some kind of saviour of civilization?
He's never really said
4:10 if you're wondering when he says it.
What do you think a secular Christian is?
Reminder that Jesus killed a kid for talking shit and slew dragons
>did his body resurrect?
>I din't know, I don't know, the accounts aren't clear

yes he did
>"truth" is what's good for you
>saying God does or doesn't exist is too "binary" of a question
>I'm a Christian but not really, I bet your mind is blown lmao
This dude is basically a crypto-leftist, as much as he rails against postmodernism and neo-Marxism he's still entrenched in the postmodern epistemology and intelligentsia.
Peterson, Dawkins, and the majority of the Founding Fathers
>The earliest leaders of the Church also recognized the Gospel of Thomas was a late, inauthentic, heretical work

your own source refutes you
None of you are Christians unless you literally forsake all you have. Luke 14:33.
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OY VEY! Peterson outed by KEK himself. Sort yourself out, Jordan. It's time.
I didn't say who dipshit.


Also you think Dawkins the atheist is a Christian? You're mentally ill buddy.
I think you fail to see the irony of allowing elites to interpret the supposed word of God
I'm sick of hearing about this faggot, and I couldn't less about what he believes.
I bet he doesn't believe in the "miracle virgin birth" either!

Yet that doesn't mean god doesn't exist.

>I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.
>the third day He arose again from the dead.

I'm sorry, but if don't believe in the Apostles' Creed then you are not a Christian. Simple as that.
I.T.T., heretics and infidels who vainly believe they can validly judge a Christian man.
Lol the kekistan flag looks like a pakistan flag if youre not paying attention
Oh, you're mentally ill too.
The Word of God is Jesus not scripture or books. The bible is just a book just like the gospel of Thomas is just scripture. Jesus Christ and His teachings matter more than the entire Bible.

Islam's position on Jesus is retarded. The idea of him not dying but going straight to heaven is fanfiction created literally just to spite Christians.
>hehe we're like all Christans bro you're saved even if you have never been to a chruch maaan *hits blunt*


now, when does school start again?
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Which means there is still hope for Peterson.
So hold on, a person who doesn't believe in God is a Christian.

Alright buddy.
sorry buddy i tried to help but you're too mentally ill

this is the last (You) you'll bait from me
see >>132688112

Are you actually that stupid?
Amen. I don't dislike Peterson, he's taken a very counter-cultural stand, but people need to slow down and stop eating up everything he says, esp in regards to Christ. Diogenes Allen is a much more sorted theologian who reverently incorporates a non-literal reading of the Scriptures with the core truths of Christian faith.
Secular Christian was the dumb term for atheists that Now call themselves Christian sympathizers. They don't believe in god but understand the importance of Christian values in western society
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>Troubled Believer
>tfw two dumb for Jordan Peterson

I cleaned my room and sent my father to the underworld, when does the dragon appear? Should i spec into lobster or trees? It's all so confusing, more or less.
considering jesus pretty much just barked what he heard in other religions, im glad he doesnt believe.
Bible actually took place historical records prove Jesus was alive and Rose again because they sent out search parties and such.
I don't blame you. The guy mumbles and makes no point 99% of the time.
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>the importance of Christian values in western society
Yes. Like mass importing non white immigrants, as Merkel, Gauck and both churches in Germany did, and rallying the mudslimes to lobby for their rights as the Archbishop of Canterburry did. Or the Pope himself who called the muslim invasion of Europe a fact and a good thing.
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>Doesnt believe in the resurrection

pay attention. He open to the possibility of it. He saying I dont know.
Oh look, another /pol/ purity thread where we argue about people who don't hold 100% of the opinions OP thinks they should. Kys
Sure whatever you want. I was simply saying what people who think Christianity is good but don't believe call themselves
His interpretations are much more important than having a blind faith though, he explains about the deeper meaning on the bible, and all the teachings it has. Not only that is more practically useful, but it's also a more viable message to resurrect interest in christianity.
A leader of a billion people humbling himself in the image of Christ and washing the feet of common people. An example for us all to follow.


It's either a yes or a no. There is no maybe.
So basically he's preaching new age bullshit.

Thanks for confirming my point.

>fuck traditions and actual religion maaaan. Shit's too strict brooo
Retarded D&C
How many different types of christianity are there anyways?
Only 1 (The Holy Catholic Apostolic Church)
>based christian
>doesnt believe in resurrection

Oh okay. Did you know the devout radicalized leaders of ISIS actually believe Christians are the real based religion?
>Oh okay. Did you know the devout radicalized leaders of ISIS actually believe Christians are the real based religion?

Well if you believe that discipline, aiming for a higher good and fighting against inaction against evil is new age then yes, he's "new age bullshit".

He got to the point of explaining how the bible was made by people who had to pass wisdom in an age with much less accumulated knowledge and because of the the meanings that underlay many of the bible passages are ageless.

Couple that with him saying that with the discovery of science and Nietzsche's "death of God" caused people to become aimless in life and Jung's proposal that many of the meanings that Nietzsche's thought that can be used to cure nihilism aren't actually found but "rediscovered" be many different people through out the history he basically loops right back at the underlying teachings of the bible.
Obviously, Christianity doesn't require believing in a literal interpretation of the Resurrection. That would be abzurd.

Christianity only requires you to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. He lays out rather articulately why Christ is the exact place we should focus our attention.
Protestants actually believe this
Not retarded, obviously
did you not watch the video?
forsake can mean renounce aka don't put too much importance on material things. He doesn't literally mean get rid of all your shit. Well, he did to the disciples but that was because they had to come travel with him and it was more for practical purposes.
I do.
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He never said he was Christian, just that he saw the benefit of Christian values.
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retard op he says it clear, he gets it as a metaphor but he's still figuring it out
What a faggot
So what did Jesus do once he rose? He showed himself to a few people then what? Got a gyro and split?
Of all the things to complain about this pope, and you choose this?
Praise Kek.
What the fuck am I reading?
A little too euphoric for me

Formally, he is either heretic or charismatic cult founder. Anyway, he is more Christian than 99% sunday mess attendants.
Lemme give ya a little secret op.

psttt* (no christians believe that there is a god. christianity just represents the best system to to keep a stable community and so people aren't horrible to each other.)
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Finaly we know his true form agnostic.

>I act like god exist

Pascals wager this guy is not christian at all
>Doesn't believe in sky god
>Thinks teachings of Jesus are good
Secular-christian u fukin retard
I've listened to a lot of Peterson's stuff. He isn't really religious, he just likes the morals and values that christianity has at its core.

I don't think he "believes" the hocus pocus and magical lore at all. He just feels christianity gives people a moral compass compared to the postmodernism atheism communism bullshit being pushed today which says ANYTHING is ok.

All this bullshit today is producing people with no life skills who are totally unable to control their most basic urges. People are becoming total degenerates who fuck anything that moves and abuse any substance they can get their hands on while remaining constantly distracted with smart phones and social media.
the 'sponge' was an ass sponge soaked in vinegar. That is what they used back then.
Behave as if God is watching
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> Compacting all that into a single sentence cannot be done without fatal loss.
If you're discovering it for the first time, that really doesn't do it justice . You have to watch to him elaborate elseware to get a better understanding. OP's vid had a bit more verbiage allotted. Here's his bible series:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL22J3VaeABQD_IZs7y60I3lUrrFTzkpat>>132699045
Also should watch him elaborate on the logos, and divine individual(if that's what you got hung up on).
He's obviously not a fucking Christian if you spend 3 seconds listening to him talk about philosophy and interpretation of ancient texts as a form of moral parables. You don't have to be a christian to appreciate the influence judeochristianity and the bible has on modern civilization.
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>Pascals wager this guy is not christian at all
That's a shallow and overly simplistic and level of analysis. I don't you don't understand what he believes, or what it truly means to do so.

true but i am not going to watch his 40 hours lecture
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>ITT: butthurt christfags mad that Peterson treats the Bible like the children's book that it is
He believes in the ideas that underpin Christianity not the fable on top.
Crypto jew. Do not trust this man.
>rebel media kike
lol wut.
He would count as Christian. However, he'd be a Christian Perennialist.
You'd be wiser if you did, but maybe that isn't your objective.
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I haven't seen his section on the Bible. I know he's a perennialist, however. How does he treat it like a "children's book"?
He knows exactly what he's doing
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He's literally LARPing lmao
Literal Heresy, might as well go Mormon desu
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Nu-Christian detected
>Get Gnostic
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Don't be a (((Gnostic))).
He is God.
Based nip one of the only ones making sense in this thread. It's full of fedoras or unintelligent "IT LITERALLY HAPPENED" Bible thumpers.
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>The ((Pope)))
Pick only one.
Also to anyone saying it's kike religion, the Jews that will be saved are Christians. The jews who rejected them, as Jesus called it, are the synagogue of Satan.
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>believing in fairy tales
Well his Kekistani faggots are now in G20 threads, supporting literal globalism because some Antifa shmucks got roughed up by the police.



He's talking about accounts outside of religion. Take his talks about how there's scientific evidence that snakes and fruit are what caused humans to develop our vision, and therefore Genesis is True in multiple ways.

He's got one foot into stating that science can prove the resurrection.
>Bong education
>these sheep shaggers need to get off the board already.
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>Doesn't even know Buddism and shizzle is made to get people to not give a shit about karma because it's all maya.
>AKA KARMA is crp made up for peasants by kings in India/asia.

This dude got aids from yellow fever.

Fuck what a load of crap.
Yeah, not a christian
>buckos i studied Nazis for 20 years
>and let me tell you they were just vicious animals
>muh story of Cain
>absolutely nothing happened in Germany that might've provoked such a reaction nope nope nope
>i for sure talk a lot about Communism but ignore the elephant in the room about the driving force of Bolshevik upriusings in Germany and Russia
>i for sure talk a lot about Solzhenytsyn but hem and haw about his book "200 years together" which discusses the driving force behind Bolsheviks
>guys the important thing is to not actually c
change anything and just man up an b urself

He's a Boomer Tradcuck damage controller. All he is doing is brainwashing Kekistani faggots into supporting the system he is supposedly against.

>psttt* (no christians believe that there is a god.

I'm not even a practicing Orthodox but i suggest you keep this bullshit to yourself IRL, otherwise you may some actually devout person really fucking mad.

dumb fence sitting cynic.
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>Can't handle bantz
>Call yourself a follower of Christ; The bantz handle master

This is why Nu-Christians are full of shit.
>Muh book
>Muh church
Why those stories always have to get a boogieman? It doesn't even make sense to believe in lucifer.
>Jordan Peterson
>he's christian
>teaches at Toronto Uni
>he hates feminazis and sjws
So far so good, what else
>he believes in evolution
Wait, what..
>he doesnt believe christ rose from the dead
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When they already have a bad guy.
>Muh book
>Muh molester taught me this very truth
Then use the name Satan, Satan is literally the word for adversary which in that context it's exactly what is being described. It's an evil spirit that tempts you and yet it's basically just part of you as well.
Prove Yahweh is real.
>I don't know if it actually happened
>But I act and believe it did
He's just showing skepticism as in there's not enough proof beside the gospels to say with 100% certainitiy that it happened, this is the leap of faith that all Christians take.
I meant the picture for You>>132711525
murders your whole family and bloodline if you displease him. A la ahtiest societies
Oh so you are portraying the christian god as evil, without any analysis or thought.
All this TRS faggots that are mad because he hates the NAZI ideology.
He also hates God.
If it takes you 40 hours to explain, you need to get better at expressing yourself succinctly
Peterson is a hack. He sees religion as a pragmatic, purely human created "tool" that's supposed to help you climb up the lobster dominance hierarchy. He's a spiritual materialist, trying to fit square pegs into round holes. l feel sorry for the people who're so lost they see this crypto jew as a surrogate father figure.
Or claims to.
so you believe in a literal interpretation of the bible, omfg thats preciuos.

so when you go to church and you eat the bread and drink the wine, do you actually believe you are drinking the blood of christ and eating the body of christ?


I hope you're ok, try not to forget to breathe.
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