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why are south european countries really bad when it comes about

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Thread replies: 137
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they're shitskins
busy genociding moors & other assortments of niggers
Because they are mighty warriors than can cuck any nordicuck and german whenever they want , also the inferiors pay tributes to the glorious master race
Nah bro , shitskins are the americunts and their mexican bloodbrothers
Since when is Croatia a southern european country?
Because the current european work ethics comes from the most jewified form of christanity, protestantism.
Dont forget to work 10 hours a day, goy.
The Mediterranean lost the title of largest trade sea to the Atlantic and Pacific.
Italy and Spain are in G20, and they're more roboticized than France
Because we bleed them dry.
Also, population density. The world runs on a debt economy, so more bodies produce more economic power, which can then be leveraged internationally. Also, the euro. See Greece's economy pre/post eu, it literally tanks.
Italy was the amongst the 5 biggest economies just in the 80/90s.

Than kraut took power through the EU....
with less economy less niggers
They were all raped by sand-niggers.
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Because of abusive EU policies. Spain's getting a lot better in that regard now, though, and we're going to keep improving.
Fuck off Austrian stableman, stay on Cerekovec Svtinecki or whatever. Dalmatia is only part of Croatia worth mentioning
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German bank keeping em down. Euro is bad for everyone that is struggling makes them unable to get out of recession.
Fiscal policy tied to eurozone - they are unable to inflate their currency to deal with their debts.
Less protestantism = less capitalistic mentality
They like siesta and dont work, and you are rapebaby of them
His grandparents on both sides were likely Italian immigrants
švabe, samo su oni krivi
Aren't we east european by your dumb standards?
Thats bullshit though, catholic are some of the most jew tier people i have ever met, protestants are hard working.
Too much sun leads to laziness
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Too hot to work..
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Fixed that map of you
This is Southern Europe
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Oh sorry, I forgot
don't forget that we were the ones defending europe throughout the history while other countries were literal white niggers doing whatever they want since they had no issues with defending their homeland from invading countries.
if it wasn't for southern europe all the rest of europe would've been already muslim territory.
>implying they care
sometimes i wonder how Europe would've looked like if it weren't for croatia and serbia
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Dont forget that France was in alliance with ottomans
They work the same as you, but more in the night
That´s why you´re jealous

shut the fuck up you retarded shitskin, piss off with your retarded analogy
Austrian Empire says hi to you, blood feuds-possessed half-Turk rapebaby
no need to wonder, just wait a few years.
ok :^)
what's your education on the balkans?
don't say internet memes, anon.

Awful rulers, a very Christian view of wealth/success and overall lack of resources in Portugal's case
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Because they have always been Historically invaded by Africans & Islam.

(Thread Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/ )

This really shows once you look at Genetics of the people that are living there & recent events involving Refugees/Migrants & EU Economy issues.
they arent multiculti enough.
On the Balkans we have the excuse of Communism.
Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal have no excuse.
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saved the pic, always good to have something available to piss those angry roaches
>south european
The fuck is doing Yougoslavia with us? they are East Europeans

In the case of my country, we're recovering from housing bubble (some countries are starting to suffer consequences now) and we have to abide restrictive european impositions.
Also, this is a not-that industrialized country where tourism one of the main sources of income. People with degrees must emigrate to find a proper job outside, and the dinosaur entrepreneur stays here, making fleeting small businesses. But this is changing, we will get stronk as we always did.
Germany is exploiting southern countries through Euro.
They have less productive economy but Euro have same value for every country.
If they keep original currency, they could correct economy better.
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those roaches couldn't even conquer us when we were at war with all our neighboring countries and just made us a vassal state with a few regional ottoman mayors.
like i said, stuff your meme education up your ass czech faggot and ignore all the other wars we removed them from the balkans while nobody even gives a fuck about you.
that dick must be really hard right now. :^)
shitting on other countries while hiding behind a fake flag really shows how much of a "man" you are, anon.
we are all closer to mediterraneans than eastern europeans, we may have the slovenian culture but we area completely different race and are considered closer to mediterraneans than slavs.
during the war with mongols even sultan's sons left the battlefield when ottomans started to lose but serbian prince and his soldiers fought to the end. serbs were loyal servants.
During the Great War, there were numerous blood feuds in the Balkans. Fucking pathetic retards don´t even know, that the war is there
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Don´t even try
Nice bait
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i insist. serbs were loyal servants.
>closer to mediterraneans
>completely different race
> considered closer to mediterraneans than slavs
No you are not, I would take Romania instead before you, even if they are 40% gypsy they are more close to us than you, I'll take Poland before as honorary Mediterranean because they are catholics
we're more catholic than you, faggot
Half ortodox half muslim is what all of that is
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I have no clue goyim.
Yugos are a mix of everything desu
They are clearly not Mediterranean, they have some Southern influence due to Italian and Greek connection in culture
But Russia and Austria-Hungary were to deep in their lands to consider them as Southern European
keep larping you brown fuck
you belong in morroco
In our case, fascism for too long. Education was discouraged because the regime wanted to keep people as stupid as possible to stay there as long as possible. Retards.
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we rely so much in gold that brought us glory and graze, no we just have left tourism
Top kek >Ottoman till the XIX
Anon5 will you be revealing humanity's true home planet in your Origins thread?
>arab's knowledge of basic history
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Our monarchy was a union of brother nations fighting against you and your mongrel puppets
nobody cares about your images and meme education that you saved from /pol/, anon.
wanna talk about the crusades and that one pivotal battle that would've never happened without the balkans defending for years? how old are you even and what is your education even?
you are an idiot.
you are just posting serb propaganda that was used to fill the hate for the ottomans, and don't even dare to post the image where ottomans are raping bulgarian women and say that those are serb females.
if you ever read a book you'd be more aware that you are more balkan and sandnigger blood than anything else, even if a rape baby was born here it would have ended up in the janniseries and just ended up fucking your turkish women or just got killed. we had a population of less than 1% turkish, but hang on to your roach education and believe everything you want, balkan bro.
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>Yugos are a mix of everything desu
Yugos are not a single ethnicity and Croats/Bosniaks are dominantly Illyrian

Specifically, people from the Dinaric Alps are neither Slavs nor Meds

>But Russia and Austria-Hungary were to deep in their lands to consider them as Southern European
Russia never had anything to do with us, but Croatia is half Austrian half Italian influenced
>being this actually blind
jesus i hope you are trolling
Yes that's Belgrade 1800 >>132676729
2.0 - even Austria joined in

Italy is the most powerfull economy in the EU after Germany so this thread is a big fail
Yes, that map shows that Croatia isn't under Ottoman rule
Are you blind?
You even said this>>132676210
This chart is retarded
99% of the bosnian population is a mix of every race from that chart
I am blonde, 2m tall and i come from sinj
>Yougoslavia >>132674306
I never said Croatia
4chan really made me like the croats.
>I never said Croatia
croatia was part of yugoslavia you fucking desperado.
>i come from sinj
You're part of the Dinaric race, just like most Bosnians. Congrats
Yes but, like i said
Most people here are mixed, Dinaric's are described as Dark haired, pale skinned and with brown eyes
Spain is a shithole with 20% unemployment rate, they should stop siesta time.

Italy is bankrupt and corrupt

Portugal is.....non country

Balkan shitholes are still balkan shitholes

That is all
You're retard.

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>if you have dark features you're a muslim rape baby
i hate this part of 4ch
as mixed i meant like mixed between med's, dinarids or alpinid's
Arguing about who's whiter is borderline retarded
Again, I was talking about Yugoslavia as whole and the Serbs were 3 times bigger
By we you mean us? Croatians? Then yes. Since you were busy sucking baba osman's cock
These threads always turn into race baiting, instead of using ignorant race bullshit to further your agenda how about you guys actually talk about why your economy is so bad and how it can be made better
> pro tip: keep to the topic and make a thread if you want to push whatever agenda about race you have
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You’re an idiot.
Slovenia is an african country.

Proof: saharan sand in our mountains
the sand is on the snow.. not the best pic.
Is this 2007? We are breddy good.

>inb4 muh unemployment

Irrelevant in the grand picture.
sure thing serbbro
i also forgot to add that nobody really gives a fuck about your country, anon.
what? we have robots working on turism and oranges? first time i hear

Italy's economy, both historically and up until recently (say, the early 2000s), wasn't bad at all. After WW2 the only real crisis was within the late 1970s.

However, it has become stagnant and kept under by a combination of different things:
- Bureacracy and government (Italy's fault)
- Excessive Debt and Taxes (Italy's fault)
- The length of civil trials (Italy's fault, compounded by the EU)
- The Euro (a killer for Italian economy)
- The Economic Agreements within the EU (Badly damaging several sectors of Italian economy, like tourism and agriculture)
- The 'Special government' from Monti onwards (2010+), forced upon us by the EU.
- The immigrant crisis (France, UK, USA fault for bombing Libya, EUR and GER fault for first fining us when we were removing them, then creating Frontex to ferry the rapefugees here)
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Everyone who noticed a skin tone difference correlating to economic capability, infrastructure, and the completely coincidental IQ / crime rates are fucking racists. It's like, where do they even come up with this hate filled message? It's not based in facts.
Based Argentinian, that is exactly why...

While America and Canada became fucking potencies, both of our countries continue to have this shitty mentality that the state must provide

While their mentality is do it yourself, liberalism basically
Czechs and Germans kindly disagree with your statement
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go back to chimping out, nigger
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yeah, i don't really care what countries that are gold medal winners in licking nazi boots care about me.
A proud and noble, yet underrated people. So why did you fuck up Yugoslavia?
>licking nazi boots
Oh, yeah, we still have a lot of Germans in our lands
Oh, wait, we don´t, because we expelled them, the fucking nazis
lots of car factories stay here and closed in France, we also have Indra Navantia, few of Airbus is also here.....
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>not even the leader just a helping hand
croatia couldn't have done shit on their own. :^)
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I think it's something to do with Commons agriculture.
Sharing a common resource requires a strong culture of "fair play" to prevent the cliched tragedy.
Med countries never had this.
Austria is an example of a Catholic country that had commons agriculture and is first world.
Scandies didn't quite have commons, but they had to cooperate to survive winter.
Regardless of where they're from, European Jews have never been farmers and just can't help behaving like Aesop's scorpion.
Yugoslavia was fucked up since its creation
Serbs were always retarded half-Turk rapebabies, who were feeding off the old industry of A-H in Croatia and Slovenia
>not even poor ahmed wants to live in your german controlled country
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It's because of Germany.
thought all large docks closed
didn't know about airbus, first google hit tho...
I'm pro-Serb. Serbs have always been a tremendous ally with Russia, who should be ruling the other half of Europe-no, the world- by now.
>Collaborated with "his eternal enemy"
>Considers himself more
Yeah, tell me more about your mongrel blood and your instant submission to Ottomans, I will gladly hear it
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communism was shit
nobody cares about your country anon, we are the kebab removers while you are a country literally no one gives a fuck about. :)
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>least cucked immigration policies
>least number of muslim and african refugees
>still poor as fuck

What did they mean by this?
Kek, says the country, which is cuckolded by both communists and the emigration

Not even your countrymen doesn´t want to live in your country

Fuck Serbs, they destroyed our beautiful dream of an empire and suddenly are now trying to be more than Turkish rapebabies, retards

Russia is just talking and pretending to have muscles, nothing more
When the fp is also the bp
Oh, it seems weird, that when I mention Serbia, nobody knows anything about it, except for Yugoslavia.

We don´t need to make ourselves a reputation by lying, little Serbia, we´ve done enough and we like to keep it to ourselves, because we are actually working to make our country a better place
You try running a country when the average temperature is 40+ Celsius for half the year.
Getafe had one factory of them, should be still there, didn't know they were also in Cadiz, I know they had docks there, Galicia's Navantia is sure working
>cuckolded by both communists and the emigration
i'd really like to post some czech hate memes but like i said, nobody really bothered with you anon...
>Russia is just talking and pretending to have muscles, nothing more

Ironic, coming from a Bohemian.

>Fuck Serbs, they destroyed our beautiful dream of an empire

Wrecked by Serbians confirmed
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Post them, faggot
There is a difference between Stalin´s Soviet Union and Putin´s Russia, my man
Jewman sachs.
Look it up shill.
>implying Russia doesn't have more soft power and a modernized military now

Rookie exposed
>Post them, faggot
i literally just told you, nobody really bothered with you, anon....
I never really understood Serbian mentality, but then I realised, that I am not a Turkish rapebaby to be able to

I will go to bed, they´re poor creatures and I should not attempt to destroy them, because they would be killed by mere muttering of their incompetence

As for Russia, keep dreaming about them being powerful, even though they´re poorer that any other Slav
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Here it come the redpill
They're lazy.
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Iberians are white. You belong to Spain.
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Shitskins don't like rain and trees.
I want visit to see this for myself
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