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>tfw to intelligent to believe in arbitrary races, borders

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>tfw to intelligent to believe in arbitrary races, borders and cultures (including my own)

Who else is /nextstageofhumanity/ here?
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always a leaf
Kys nwo cuck
can I move in your house?
Reductio ad absurdum
Cosmopolitanism General when?
Since when does the /nextstageofhumanity/ involve legalising sex with animals you fucking syrup nigger?
A nation is a HOME of homes. Who is inviting everyone in our HOME?
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Alright, this upsets me, not for the obvious, have we gotten so low and so filled up with reddit magafags that bait this low quality is posted, that we have stooped so low that someone even CONSIDERED posting bait this low quality, that non-sage replies are EXPECTED from people taking this bait

I am dissapointed
But even though you're an obvious troll, that's unironically what I believe.
All people should be able to travel freely, without any borders preventing them from doing so.
International borders should become a thing of the past, and cultures will then grow closer to each-other.
This will create a more just, fair, and democratic global society. We sure need it in these troubled days.
What are the legal boundaries of your home, if not a border?
The only problems with this are:
Everyone wanting to go to the best nation.
And. The fact that people that can potentially commit crime exist.
This board isn't smart or urban enough for that

You are skipping a few steps. We need consciousness integration first

Once this is done, every culture will be eliminated slowly until there is one global monoculture, the human imperative. This is the end of our long struggle and the beginning of peace eternal
>unironically criticizes arbitrary constructs while glorifying intelligence (which is an arbitrary construct)


t.illiterate niggers
I am next stage too
>Everyone wanting to go to the best nation.

Typical first world ivory tower thinking. The reason the first world is so desirable is due to inequities in the global capitalist system which concentrates capital into a few designated areas as willed by the elite. This system will fail and die out very soon as borders break down and wealth is spread out
Why don't you move to Uganda and be on next stage of humanity there
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OP forever BTFO
yes but then: remove borders? remove immigration rules? And you dont think potentially millions and millions or billions of people attempting to flock to greener pastures, would not potentially mess things up?
it's "too"
but also resources. arable land, developed land, infrastructure, fresh water, climate, minerals, wood, etc.
And by what means will the wealth be spread out? How so?

Seems like to me, people will just start robbing the middle class and lower upper class.
I am the same. I'm moderately liberal and come here because I like debating without the babysitting in other communities. I respected /pol/ because even though it was full of racists / bigots, you could still have stimulating arguments. The whole Trump thing changed that though. It made this board go full retard.
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Tfw I'm the same person as this guy.
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Mfw "to intelligent"

"too" maybe?
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>tfw it doesn't matter of you don't believe in race, values or culture but barbarian shitskins do

Idiots think they're evolved by thinking like OP. The enlightened know few people are and plan accordingly, creating structure to elevate the apes beyond their shit flinging.
nations are like petri dishes, petri dishes have borders.

If you want the culture in a petri dish to successfully develop, be fruitful and multiply, you can not take the contents of 40 other petri dishes and dump it in to the one at once... likely... very likely
Most every one of these places are resource poor if anything. The resource rich areas are the ones that are ground down to keep the cheap resources flowing

The creation of a global citizen, united in their struggle will leave the international capitalist no choice but to spread wealth among every area, as the world integrates economically and all parts are joined in a whole
>arbitrary races, borders and cultures
>complete history is a struggle for borders, cultures and races
delusional leaf
The Petri dish is a glass border created by men for their purposes. Without it, bacteria spreads equally and in all areas
>The resource rich areas are the ones that are ground down to keep the cheap resources flowing
Europe has the best agricultural land in the world, next to usa. you WILL NOT take our homes away from us you fucking lowly scumy thief
>arbitrary races
So, instead of opening the borders and allowing many people from all over flocking to the richer more developed countries, wouldnt it make more sense to take some people from the richer more developed countries to help all the less developed countries develop, so there is no need to people to flock and cross borders?

If there are no borders, people just cross the borders and then what? they exchange their money to appropriate currency,

and try to buy a house?
try spreading yourslef in Africa and see how the natives chop you up in pieces for being a white nu-male you fucking delusional confused maggot
at least try and get some help, read some books instead of parroting your ill-thought propaganda for dumb goym where-ever you can
>Men create arbitrary borders, cultures and races therefore they are not arbitrary.

That isn't how it works. The fact that there is a "struggle" to draw these lines is proof that it is arbitrary. The lines have continuously been moving, at the whim of whoever is in power.

Move in with some african tribes see if culture is so irelevant as you say.
Do you own the land you were born on? Do you own the world?

We are all cucks to ethereally arbitrary ideas like countries/government/debt etc. There are some ideas that are okay to be a cuck to because they are good ideas, but at the moment we are following too many bad ones that profit a small group of people and treats the majority of the population as slaves (even those who have a good amount of money and are comfortable materially are slaves to gaining more material wealth). Most of us are deprived of the full human experience, instead coerced to think wealth and value comes in the form of money and the material goods and services it can provide.

People lust for money and material goods because they think it means they themselves are valuable too. It don't work like that I'm afraid. Same for race. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're instantly some angel sent from God. You shit and piss like all the other animals in this world. We think our skin is white but look in our arseholes and you'll see a different shade of colour.
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Read the first letter of every row
What a bad bait Rosenstein. HAH

You Jewrats really don't know how to /pol!
Borders aren't arbitrary because they (usually) have been paid for in blood.

True, borders are social constructions. But so is not killing each other.
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>mfw when you're not intelligent enough to know the difference between "to" and "too"
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>Borders aren't arbitrary because they (usually) have been paid for in blood.

Someone/people came up with the border in the first place, which is an act of arbitrarily labelling something, as something else, as an idea.
Its all about the striving to continue to live, and attempt to have a family. Continuing to live requires useful actions. Theres no way to get around that. The world is created by a lot of consistently carried out useful actions. Many different types are needed. Some more difficult than others.
>Believing in the arbitrary value of humanity
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the idea of borders came up because everyone cannot live in the same place.

It starts with the idea of a house, then the idea of a yard. Then the idea of houses and yards. Then the idea that there needs to be a maintained order and system, so that everyone in the world does not try to start building houses and yards near our houses and yards
You're not intelligent for removing context from constructs that are very real in our physical reality.
You can put your cool-badge down and open your eyes to the truth.
Suicide is the leading cause of death among people aged 20-34 years in the UK.

I don't think the current ideas are working any more.

Let's hypothetically say borders are arbitrary. My follow up question would be: so what? Does their arbitrary nature somehow nullify the function or necessity of borders?
>to intelligent

Fuck off, can't even use correct grammar
checked and fpbp
Let me google that for you!

>all these newfags

it's a meme ya dip
>"to intelligent"
Naive. It's not in our nature (yet). Globalization in our time can only mean the end of freedom.
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>including my own

think again, friendo
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Yes, humanity is heading towards a "borderless, mono-race" future. The question is how we're going to get there. If you put up stiff borders and keep the low-quality Mestizos out of high-quality areas (and keep their numbers low), the mega-race of the future will be high-quality whites. Technology (etc) will advance much more rapidly. If you remove the borders instantly (like Soros wants to do), and the fly-covered street shitters flood into your country, the mono-race of the future will be a low-quality brown. Technology will pace itself much, much slower.
Fuck off sweetie xD
>arbitrary races... cultures
Do you mean retarded? You can't be intelligent if you think race isn't real.
>everyone cannot live in the same place.

But we do whether we like it or not, it's called Earth.

>It starts with the idea of a house, then the idea of a yard. Then the idea of houses and yards. Then the idea that there needs to be a maintained order and system, so that everyone in the world does not try to start building houses and yards near our houses and yards

Can someone who has the same nationality as you build a house near your house then?
>>tfw to intelligent to believe in arbitrary races, borders and cultures (including my own)

They are not arbitrary you dumbass. They serve regulatory purposes.
You know that a reductio ad absurdum is a valid way of disproving the validity of a concept and not a fallacy?

>leaf intellectuals
>Someone/people came up with the border in the first place, which is an act of arbitrarily labelling something, as something else, as an idea.

This happens many times in other places. Religion, respect for each other, culture, values, things like money, language -- all of them are based on people arbitrarily agreeing upon a particular thing.

Social constructs serve many roles, but one of them is to prevent violence. They are not always bad, no matter what your gender studies prof had you believe.
>But we do whether we like it or not, it's called Earth

Aye. And it's fucking massive ya spacker

>But we do whether we like it or not, it's called Earth.

obvious deflection/dodging the question. We're talking about specific locales, obviously.

>Can someone who has the same nationality as you build a house near your house then?

If we share a common historical, linguistic, cultural, religious, and racial heritage, then yes.
You are a stupid faggot who believes in gay fairy make-believe shit that will never work.

Your life will only get worse and worse with open borders.
>too smart to believe in something that is real
Andrew is this you?
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Clearly a global democracy is the answer to all our problems.
Same, nationalism is for inferior beings
Call it hypothetical if you want.

The fact people believe an arbitrary idea means we are playing pretend, only it involves billions of people. We seem to think that when we get older, the imagination we once had as a child fades away. Only it doesn't, it just settles for other people's imaginary ideas because cooperation is key.
there are no nations, there are no people's, the world is a business
I would be kind of nwo if I were assured that the joos are not going to genocide us or turn us into a slave labour.
Fucking rekt.
>the world will be better when NO ONE has a good life in a good country
Do you faggots have any fucking idea what kind of nonsense you are spewing???

Even if we invested $10trillion in Africa, the continent is still shitty and they'd want to move to places where they can rape white women.

No one from USA or Europe or Asia would want to move to Africa.

The USA isn't the greatest because of our money, it's the land and the people and the constitution
You didn't answer my question. you dodged it like a weasely little Jew, so I'll ask it again.
>so what? Does their arbitrary nature somehow nullify the function or necessity of borders?
>Too blind to your base emotions namely narcisim and insecurities to see that is why you virtue signal online

Who else is /stuckinselfrelativethought/ here?
Fixed it for you.
Did you rewatch Pocahontas for the fifth time before posting that?
Wouldn't it be better if we could use our 10 mil to help the people of Africa and the united states at the same time?

By your argument we should ban people from rural areas with low skill/education/value from moving to highly developed cities.

And we especially should not spend money on building hospitals in rural areas because they will still be under developed shit holes afterwards.

The fact is that moving people from unproductive places to more productive places is objectively more efficient than trying to fix shitty locations.
>The reason the first world is so desirable is due to inequities in the global capitalist system which concentrates capital into a few designated areas as willed by the elite.
The 1st world will soon cease to be "desirable" as the number of 3rd world immigrants accumulates. The new hotness will be 2nd world that preserved its cultures (at least more so than 1st) and borders. Enter China, Russia.
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>to intelligent

nice meme
Have you ever been to a party? Have you ever been to a party where 'everyone' was invited? Do you trust everyone in the world?

>Does their arbitrary nature somehow nullify the function or necessity of borders?

That's the point, it is an arbitrary idea that people confuse with truth, and therefore treat it as truth.
You are forgetting that not all capital is "fiscal." There is also "cultural capital" which also causes 1st world to be desirable. However, this cultural capital is rapidly being spent by an idiotic immature elite that doesn't value its own culture.
>The USA isn't the greatest because of our money, it's the land and the people and the constitution


Please tell me you're not this retarded. The people in USA came from everywhere else. There is nothing that made them special. The constitution also is really not very different from other democratic constitutions and is not objectively more effective in any way.

If you honestly believe the differences in development between USA and Africa come down to fucking geography, or that it is even still a factor, please go read a book
OP and his ideas are faggots.
Were you invited to this website? Who gave you permission to be here? Doesn't this site pretty much have open borders?

You realize you're a fucking idiot, right? If you're gonna dodge the question time and time again, at least do it eloquently. Do you dispute that there are practical, pragmatic functions that borders serve and that these functions are a necessity for modern administration and governance, security, etc? Does the fact that borders are sometimes arbitrary somehow negate these facts?
>The fact people believe an arbitrary idea means we are playing pretend,
We play pretend all the time. It's called "language," "money," "culture," and many other things we humans value as a social animal. The essence of human sociality is to invent "pretend" things and agreeing on them, because, as you say, cooperation is key. Without those pretend things, cooperation breaks down. You no longer know who can be trusted, what values your neighbors hold, and so on.

>unironically comparing online image boards to real-world domiciles and social gatherings

British intellectuals, everyone
is cyber digital space without any physical bodies being in the same place requiring many physical needs the same thing as real world?

Where do you live, can everyone using 4chan right now come over and camp in your yard? Open your borders
I think that this anon gets it. There is nothing inherently better about 1st world people besides that we used a more powerful military force to design a global system that would continue to reinforce our position. Yet now that everybody is getting nukes the difference in military force won't matter anymore. That's why the next world war will be between the 1st and 3rd world
>expressing your beliefs is virtue signaling
>only unpopular, edgy, and controversial opinions are heartfelt

Virtue signaling is a meme beyond measure.

There was already a word for the behavior you describe before that phrase was coined. Its called "sanctimonious", but I guess that didn't make the most recent edition of the new speak dictionary ...
When an indigenous tribe worships a mountain, it's a pretend thing, no? But the right thing to do is to respect it, and most people who think borders should "disappear" agree that places worshiped by native peoples like certain mountains should be respected. But they're both "pretend" places, no? Why is that?

Because, defenders might argue, the native peoples believe their ancestors inhabit those places, or something like that. So this can be reduced to "ancestor worship."

But borders are also "ancestor worship." Wars have been fought over borders, and many peoples' ancestors died in them. It doesn't matter whether they were colonizers or native defenders -- it matters that they died. So by disrespecting borders, you disrespect the souls of the dead. Does that make you a better person or worse?
You compared a real world party to an entire planet, continent, country. You really don't have room to claim he was being fallacious.
don't use words you don't understand, shill
>You compared a real world party to an entire planet, continent, country.

No I didn't. You realize we have IDs, right? Why don't you quote where i did what you claim?
International borders are pragmatic and practical for those who benefit from them being believed by the world's population.

A species at war with itself is much easier to control.
sanctimonious, cheers I'll use that
Further, most borders have been established after bloody wars reached a conclusion. They are visual demarkations of peace. If you remove, them, you don't accomplish anything, but reduce people to the previous Hobbesian state of nature, of war of all against all.
Is this a social gathering or not?
>International borders are pragmatic and practical for those who benefit from them being believed by the world's population.

No, they benefit any population that is served by a semi-functional governing body. Borders determine what laws apply where, who has the right to enforce laws in a given area, who is responsible for security in a given area, who collects taxes in a given area, who provides public services in a given area, etc. Are you seriously too stupid to realize this?

Not nearly in the same sense as an party in which people are PHYSICALLY PRESENT you slavering tard
I hope he doesn't hypocritically claim that there is some kind of difference. Your post is accurate.

I would claim that respecting a mountain is equally retarded as borders and should be discarded/ignored/ect.
humans aren't the same. Genetic differences exist. Not to mention culture etc.
>tfw too intelligent to believe in free will
Who else is /getmeoffthisride/ here?
>don't believe in culture
>let people with culture invade your land
So what if it's not physical, this is my website (I claim it) and you're using up my bandwidth which I'd like to reserve for the natives.
Oh so now there's no culture either, are we supposed to be a race of cattle with no history you fucking kike?
The difference is if you are born within a border, you are automatically assigned an identity, I'm Spanish, I'm American, I'm Icelandic etc...

Worshipping a mountain is also arbitrary, but it at least doesn't force an identity on you that you are forced to believe.
>tfw to
As if that's superior in some way?
America doesn't have much of a culture.

What does superiority or inferiority of internet gatherings vs real world gatherings have anything to do with it? What are you talking about? Why are you trying to obfuscate the point?
>to intelligent
You mean "too" right? you fucking retarded leaf
My mistake.


Cultural differences are learned And can mostly be ignored in long term analysis. The culture you would like to defend wont exist after a couple generations and neither will the culture you wish to exclude. This will happen even if you keep them isolated.

Genetic differences cannot be ignored. But they are not clear cut enough to be very useful.

There is more genetic difference between two neighboring populations in Africa than there is between all the populations of south america.

how are you going to identify which genetics are incompatible besides guessing based on phenotype?
You have an admiration for the idea of borders yet spend your time on the WORLD wide web. Why don't you mind your business and get off the WWW and focus on your own country if borders are so important to you.
>tfw to intelligent

You're "to intelligent," you say?
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The "Globalist Endgame" has plans to destroy Race by Mixing,Bioweapons & eventually phasing out/replacing Humans for/with Machines/AI.

While also destroying Culture & Religion and replacing it with Technology Worship & Trans-humanism.

(Did a thread about all of this, which you can find here: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/ )

Borders would depend on the Global/World Government. Some would have them around Regions/Continents, but nothing else. While others would do away with Borders entirely since they would be controlling the Planet.
see you tomorrow on the place that swamped you with so much american culteure you take it for granted
>You have an admiration for the idea of borders yet spend your time on the WORLD wide web

These aren't contradictory in any way, you realize that right?

>Why don't you blah blah blah

no thanks
does your front door have a lock?
Are you neor---safe from a certain sub reddit?
The problem is even if you aren't tribalist, most others will be.
Take a look at BLM. Reparations, voluntary segregations (which really just means no whites allowed), even the WE WUZ KANGS stuff. Blacks are being radicalized before our own fucking eyes and people are still afraid to talk about it.
That's not even factoring in people cheering for the browning of America and the refugees welcome phenomenon.
This is why sweden is a fucking laughingstock
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>your fw baits shitty
benis :D
Lmao you don't even understand logical fallacies and claim to be intelligent

"reducto ad absurdum" is an argumentative technique, not a logical fallacy. Reducto ad absurdum is a perfectly valid argumentative technique too

Fucking retard
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I've never had Social Media, that includes Reddit.

Also, be on the look out for the Shill Operation that has been going on(Pic Related).
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No difference between 1st world and 3rd world? Wow... just... wow... I can't even...
>This board isn't smart
You thought reductio ad absurdum was a logical fallacy

We should make the internet mirror the physical borders of countries. You cannot visit a website hosted in another country until you show some ID and pay a bit of money.

Native people don't burgle houses?
Today we show aggression to those of a different color. Tomorrow we'll show aggression to A.I.
There's no fucking point
>We should make the internet mirror the physical borders of countries.

Why? What functional purpose would this serve? You can't just make a sweeping ridiculous statement like that without qualifying it.

>You cannot visit a website hosted in another country until you show some ID and pay a bit of money.

again, what functional purpose would this solve? I realize you're trying to draw a comparison between real world borders and internet borders, but it's apples to oranges and you're not actually explaining your opinion, just declaring it
>anti-science morons actually believe this

>every culture will be eliminated slowly until there is one global monoculture, the human imperative. This is the end of our long struggle and the beginning of peace eternal
Talk about ad absurdem, heh.
Humanity may fuse, but it will take a very, very long time.

For some bizarre reason, the jews are hell bent on forcing this in completely unnatural way that is contrary to human nature and common sense.

You almost get the feeling they are purposely making a hash of it all for some reason.
because there arent different cultures coexisting inside countries already

Have you heard of cyber warfare?
Too intelligent to spell correctly.

How exactly would this affect cybersecurity? and does it serve ANY function besides cybersecurity?
Most of the world doesn't have the IQ for a democracy. As proven throughout asia and africa. Even if they did, that would mean that minorities would be drowned out by votes of the majority, leading to massive conflict. How can you be this stupid?
No, expressing beliefs in relevant forums, supporting them logically, and discussing them reasonably is just that.

Virtue signalling is the unnecessary, inappropriate, irrelevant "look at me I'm so compassionate/insert other 'positive' trait" actions undertaken by celebrities, women, beta males and others. Examples being posting #refugeeswelcome memes on facebook, with no purpose other than to signal to others how nice you are.
the ultimate redpill is understanding that while you are "too smart for that" most people are not, and they need a basis to build their identity around.

culture in particular is important in this aspect, you have to understand that people who are of different cultures value different things(though beliefs do tend to divide amunist personality differences in the given cultures).

so while you may believe most cultures are arbitrary it would still be prudent to defend your culture because it is the thing that provides society and thus you with stability.
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