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Why don't Millenials/GenZ know what to do with their lives?

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Hardmode: Can't mention Jews or Globalists.
ENtitelment and unwillingness to compromise
Otherwise, a (well-deserved) lack of faith/loyalty in employers
Because they're lazy faggots
I knew exactly what I wanted in life, so I became president.
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Because society is very shaky. The future of your race is at stake.
Boomers put us in such peril and their egos won't let them realize this yet.
Before Trump was elected I was waiting for civil war.
What do you mean they don't know what to do with their lives?
Elabourate; don't just make a moral judgement.
Because a lot of jobs are gone, and real wages have not kept up with cost of living so one needs a high paying job they may not be suited for, or like, to have enough money

They all study the same useless shit that's easily outsourced, then left baseless, to float from job to job until they die. There will be no retirement for them. This paired with the spoiled environments they're raised in, which convinced them that they're special, and entitled to a wealthy, healthy future.
It helps having to compete with Automation as well as mass-migration, especially if combined with this lack of Will and strong feeling of entitlement.
Including myself, till recently most people just go with the flow and do whatever. With no real goal in sight.
Maybe because their parents could afford a house on minimum wage and they can't afford to rent a studio on the same salary
There are jobs, well at least here. It's just that they require you to do manual labour or learn an actual skill.
Most of them will probably have less assets than their parents and they spend more time trying to scheme ways not to be in a worse position than their parents because they know some people can be better off than their parents but almost nobody will be

It's the first time in generations that the children are worse off than their parents and its causing decision paralysis
I'd say a lot of that's to do with inflation.

What's your goal now anon?
Moreso that the anger and frustration of millenials is misguided
They've been tapped into fighting vague power structures that don't actually improve their situation

In other words millenials/GenZ has been cucked by the globalist narrative and don't think the issues you brought up are actually issues
I'd also say that a lot of us choose stupid career paths, and unlike our parents were they could get a decent career without decent quals, we cannot.
Real jobs, actual careers don't exist anymore because company loyalty has been eroded. So the only way to work is to live in a degenerate liberal shit city. People work with a company for two months as consultants or some bullshit and then move on to the next thing. Take a look at millennial linkedins. The days of graduating high school, deciding what you want to do and settling into a comfy career are gone. The only way to work is to work for yourself.
Ineffective education system that basically baby sits children until they are legal adults and then dumps them off into the workforce or convinces them to get meme degrees with massive loans that virtually cripples them financially, then these pseudo adult citizens impose their ill choices on the younger ones to self reinforce this horrible system.
Full time Electrician with my own business.
Once again, compromise
I moved to a smaller town with job opportunities

I forego the "fun things" and "urban lifestyle" that come with the $1000+/mo rent for a studio apartment
Boomers and chinks (see: globalists) completely destroyed my city's housing market, making it practically unlivable for any young people and any individuals not living off someone else's dime.
>Why can't mice ever seem to stay alive in areas with lots of cats around?

>Hardmode: Can't mention cats
We're also in a knowledge economy, now. All the shit jobs are taken up by Mexicans in America and Europoors in Britain.
Housing prices aren't an issue in my city, the issue is quality.
OP said no mentioning Jews.
Well yeah our parents got art degrees and 100,000 starting - without even being hyperbolic

We have to be so much more careful and planned than our parents, grandparents, great grandparents.

The average boomer wouldve been just as retarded as the average gen Y, except the boomer would end up with a job and a home even with the retarded decision making

I'm sitting here trying to figure out whether to do a masters, whether to go into full time work, whether to study part time and work part time, whether to study part time and work full time, whether to have a family and throw caution to the wind.

Shit is a fucking nightmare
because everything that seems accomplishable, sucks
too many options. Before people were forced into situations now a middle class 18 year old can literally go anywhere and do anything
It's not like my Granddad's time were he had to work on next to nothing for 4 years, as an apprentice electrician.
We were raised for the next phase of civilization (automation and UBI) but some people are not letting it happen and instead hoarding all the wealth for themselves.
>Just deal with working for slave wages, you don't need fun goy. All you need to do is work and sleep

Yeah, fuck off nigger.
They're two different things. They're linked but still different.
shit economy, outsourcing, good jobs require a college degree

boomers dont know how good they had it,
Once the Chink economy dies, I feel that automation maybe rolled back. They wouldn't have the money/IC to match the chinks or automate that much.
My grandpa literally dropped out of school in year 4 and retired as the manager of a company you would know managing a team of 50 with an annual budget of $10m in the 80s

Hes an outlier, but I grew up with him and he and I both know that story doesnt happen in 2017

You need the perfect condition of everyone else dying in the wars and then the post war boom time and then luck on top of that
The years they should have been spending getting ready to enter the real world and figuring out what they wanted to do were spent watching funny cat videos on the internet. It's something that affects damn near all millenials, from the SJW faggots who latched on to feminism to the young /pol/acks who spent their formative years laughing at guro on /b/.

This, by the way, is also why there's such a surge of more childish apparel for adults, and why we have so many people who act like having a cat is in any way similar to having a baby or that being 30 means "being able to eat Jell-o for breakfast". Because they stunted their own growth by overengaging in internet entertainment, mentally they're on the same level as a young teenager.
>Slave wages
>Afforded a spacious apartment with tons of amenities
>Have plenty of hobbies so I don't need 100+ attractions to keep me occupied
>Still money in the bank to save up or drive to a city and unwind

But yeah, your 120sqft closet of an apartment sure does sound nice
>The years they should have been spending getting ready to enter the real world and figuring out what they wanted to do were spent watching funny cat videos on the internet

What you fail to understand is that the internet was going to be the next 'real world'.
Yeah, there are so many forces - automation, mainlining (a small share of products getting a very large market share), central planning, outsourcing, mass migration, work visas, pushing women into carriers, getting rid of maintenance in favor of trashing stuff, "efficiency" aka cutting workforce and putting more stress on the remaining employees - but what all the mentioned things have in common, they worsen the bargaining power of the employee

what are things that actually better the bargaining power of employees in the last decades?
At least the field I'm going into pays well and are having a deficit of skilled workers. Most kids my age don't want to get their hands dirty at a work site. They'd rather just sit on their ares in an office.
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Because, apperantly im not sane enough.

And the neetbux here are nice.

I want to work. But i see why people dont really want me as a co-worker.
I was a laborer and left cause I hated it. I shouldve done a trade though. Youll do well in a trade, enjoy.
Boomer parents that still think the job market and dollar worth is still that of the 60's-70's
Wrong kind of compromise, friend

The right to bear arms is absolute and unimpeachable
The right to live is absolute and unimpeachable, the right to live in a populated center with high rent is not

If you can't afford to live somewhere, why not focus your attention on moving somewhere that is affordable?
For me it's this. I want to do and experience everything and in the end in wounded up in a corpo job with a company car which I both don't like very much and I feel like I've wasted every opportunity I had to actually do something I like.
I really enjoy electronics and labour, so at least being an electrician will do me well.
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Sort yourself out, Pol.

I got sick of laboring and applied for uni and told myself if I fail Ill go be a carpenter. I didnt fail and ended up top of the class. Now I have to choose between work or post grad.

I guess in the end its a good problem to have. Options over no options.
Did your teachers sell you the Uni lie? All through out school, from the start till the finish it was just "Uni, Uni, Uni". Was never taught about tradeschool and once I found out I felt a bit betrayed.
pretty much. UBI is problematic because it kills drive but having to do the rat race is not needed anymore to get by.
I was interested in Carpentry, but found out there weren't many jobs left in the field. Most had been taken by Euro-Poors.

Because there is no reason to do anything. The real reason to build a career was to build a stable family. Now that marriage is almost irreparably broken, there's no point in having children. With no children there is no future. So why bother?
I'd love UBI as an artist. The freedom to make fine art for people without worrying about supply, living costs, or even revenue.
UBI would bring about a media renaissance.
I think it's to do with my personality, but I can't understand why anyone would want to go on Welfare? I understand if they're fired but taking when you could be working.
yeah thats the shit go, its a fun job working with wood but most any retard can do it. id still take it over any other trade though, if you have to do something you should like it.
So your idea of a goal is a good career and financial security. Millennials are still achieving this, though it's at a later age than average compared to past generations. The reason for this I think is of the increased emphasis on university. Now that getting into university has become easier, the average person is getting a degree meaning that those without them will find it hard to impress employers since it's nearly expected now so people aren't entering the workforce until they're older. Not to mention, not every graduate will find it easy to land a job with a degree anyway. STEM graduates should be fine but history, communications, English, etc. majors won't. The result is these people have been in education for nearly 20 years under the guidance of some authority (school or university) so they're only good for taking instructions from a higher up at a firm and they're also in debt meaning they're not willing to take risk so starting a business isn't an option either. They're forced to go on the dole or work shift work in Lidl or as a barista.

Of course this only applies for those who want to work. There are other people who would disagree with your goal and would rather be NEETs. They always existed but they couldn't get away with it in past generations like they can now because social welfare wasn't as good then as it is now
I've become so introspective I sometimes forget theirs a real world around me.
It's also a perverse incentive for those who could be producing but choose to just go on the doll. Also, who's going to be paying for it. If you try to get the rich to do it they'll run off.
Everyone sold me the uni lie. "Study or you'll end up miserable, with no money and no gf, anon". Well guess fucking what. At least I have a job while I'm looking out for something I like I guess.
if you can do a useful uni degree it's better, you're on a higher level

but if you just studies daydreams on debts then it will be a rough awakening
I do, I have a career, and play to retire with two retirement checks by 60. Then have my 20 acres and gun range.
I'm a geologist and my wife is an economist
At least Electrical trades rely on you having an aptitude for Maths and Science, which I do. Most people who go on these courses end up dropping out, because it wasn't the walk in the park they'd though it'd be.
>would want to go on Welfare?
not really, it just happens

>but taking when you could be working.
if they don't like working, at the moment it's a non-question to most people, they know for a reasonable life you have to work, so they never really considered if they would do it voluntarily
Mate, it really depends on the subject. If you're talking about postgraduate level engineering, math or science. Yes. If you're talking about the humanities or art, you can teach all of that to yourself without paying.
Information overload that gives one the feeling of maybe missing out if going down a certain path
when does math come into electrical?
>What you fail to understand is that the internet was going to be the next 'real world'.
Maybe that's what we all thought once upon a time, but fifteen years later look where we are: a generation of slackers and fools who think they can eke out a worthwhile existence by whining at their parents and the government.
>At least Electrical trades rely on you having an aptitude for Maths and Science
it's very, very simple if you're used to anything academic

if you're doing trades you're putting your body to work, for the most part
If you won't work, you're a useless human being who shouldn't expect anything. Like the saying goes "Those who don't work shall not eat".
>life is unfair
>i didn't ask to be born
>you owe me
>gib gibs, nao or riot
Boomers took their pensions and ran. We are holding the bill. Working to pay their retirements, working to support ourselves, working to support the government, and no retirement for us. Work until we die. No pressure. Have kids too, don't forget to have kids in there too sometime...
That's the route I'm going basically. I thought working in labor would mean better pay (shitty conditions, that's how my parents remembered it, and all that shit), turns out it didn't and wound up only making an extra $1.25 from my chicken flipping job. I can't afford a studio that's not in section 8, this is with OT. I'm heading back to school to get Accounting, MBA, and probably CPA, tired of busting ass for nothing and no lateral movement
Yep. It was the uni's and academics best trick to get humanities and art cleared to be accepted by the student debt program.
Take a circuits class and you'll find out, shit is a little nightmarish
Absolutely feel the same way, m8. Was told that like all throughout uni, a degree was the answer to everything - didn't help that my family is working class and I was the first of any of them to go to uni. I fell for it hook, line and sinker.
nice man. dont forget a trade. a lot of work in trades, but if you want an office job uni is the go. I went to law school, it was hard at first but then it became really really easy. everyone is a fucking cunt and wont help you, you need to figure out how the whole uni game works. thats been my experience.
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*cheat code unlocked*
The answer OP is
Jews and Globalost
Exactly. I feel like "Universal Basic Income" goes against this assumption because it makes it acceptable and possible to live on not having worked a day, and UBI proponents expect their UBI payment regardless of having contributed anything, since it's "universal", too.
It's not so different from socialism.

because everything sucks
>but fifteen years later look where we are
Because of facebook.

Do the pieces fit togeather yet?
UBI and automation will bring us into the golden age of a NEET utopia. Why is this a bad thing?
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Harris talked about ubi.
its worth a listen
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>Information overload that gives one the feeling of maybe missing out if going down a certain path

This shit is an epidemic
I had gone before for ChE but was one of those over sheltered kids that got a taste of freedom and went full degenerate. Was worth it though, experiences I'd never give up. My dad was a welder, his closest friend HVAC, both have availability but seem to be more of a bachelor's job than someone who wants work/life balance as well as a medium-low salary ceiling, etc. I've been cautious of it
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I've got the opposite stigma where I've got PHDs in my family and we're Middle class. I'm going into a trade, but the good thing is that my Granddad was a trademan, so he's helping me out.
I'd say it's a gutted version of Socialism. Even socialists know that'd be a retarded idea, it's a way of getting legalized voter slaves. They're only going to vote for the party which is giving them gibs me dats.
our whole foundation is cracked and breaking apart. No sense of community, no family structure, theyre fuckign with social and gender roles, facebook has ruined relationships and intimacy and everything else you can fucking thing of.
Everything in the universe is math.

Get a masters degree in mathematics, any job you want, 300k starting.

I am contributing to society, right now anonymous, by sitting here and engaging in conversation with other members of society.

I contributed when i helped meme trump into office, i contributed when i explained to my mother, who then explained to her friends, about why north korea is not a threat and the news is just being hysterical.

Some things in society are arbitrarily compensated for, others are not. This is the nature of the imperfection of the system.
So you'd agree with killing all the old, infirm, and the idle rich?
How wonderful, we could all be slaves!
I've sort of given up on finding "Youthful love". Most women I've encounted have either been emo-selfcutters or Lefty ideologues. This is in a "Romance" context.
gibs are the current welfare system
the idea of UBI is it becomes as invisible and ever present as taxes, people dont think about it, it just becomes a normal part of life.
It's not a binary as that, what it means is that you don't contribute to society, you don't get anything. This is in regards to the dole system, rather than pensions.
Still a perverse incentive, still gotta get someone to pay for it. You try to over tax the rich, they'll leave. Like in Venezuela.
It's just so frustrating. The teachers at my school basically sneered at anyone who wasn't going to uni - and then those kids that left at 16 to go into apprenticeships with their dad's etc were making the wrong choice. This was back when social media wasn't such a thing, so >art degree memes didn't exist and my parents didn't know any better. A degree was a degree, and that was all that was needed - this is literally what our school was told.
Gen Z here. (Over 18) we are actually doing very well finding jobs considering the millennials have done a great job of not taking any trade, law enforcement, government, or labor work opportunities away from us. I don't know a single person in my age group (particularly white males) who isn't interning, doing stem in school, working, or at a trade school.
They're probably just jealous. A lot of those lads will have their own business and be over 40k in ten years whilst they'll still be on their shitty teaching salary.
Postmodernism took the ground out from under them, and they haven't a clue where to build a life, or upon what.
>whether to do a masters

typically this is worth it unless you're going for a meme degree. PhD is where you start getting diminishing returns that don't cover the opportunity cost on average.
No idea but Generation X is getting sick of their shit.
Oh, in hindsight, of course. It's just that their awful advice affected a lot of kids, kids that would've done better in more traditional workplaces and not in some shitty polytechnic. I feel I'm lucky, when I hear about what happened to some other kids at school.
we might have it eventually and it would be a good thing. but if you try to get UBI passed in the next 5 years it will be just gibs.

Future men should get a chance to contribute and live in ways that's not fighting with scarcity and aversion of direct harm. Sort of like the internet, but mainstreamed.
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I don't think most people can see a reality that isn't tainted by Jews and Globalists rhetoric of all goods and services exchange requiring capitalism.

People lost have lost their tribalism spook and sense of community with the people they interact with for a greater spook, "society". There are a few holdouts such as the Amish and other cultesque microsocieties.

"Society" as most define it being the Jew's current globalist socialist capitalist spook, da gubmints and corporations.
>$110k for 9 months of 3 hour days with every conceivable holiday off is "shitty".
>but fifteen years later look where we are

>coming out of the worst recession in a long time
>forced to compete with illegals and jamal for low-pay jobs
>raised by one of the most fucked up generations
>put through a failing education system at its worst

It's been a pretty big shit sandwich for us too, anon.
Britain, not America.
NEETdom is the last vestige of civil disobedience. If you work you are paying taxes which are funding gibs for shitskins and weapons for Jewry. If you're a NEET, you're parasitizing from the same pool of money the nigs are, thus taking from them as well as helping to accelerate the much needed collapse. It's the 21st century general strike, but it never ends. If you spend all your time on the internet spreading redpills you'll accelerate the collapse even more. NEETs are the new transcendentalists.
Workers are self-harming race traitors.
NEETs are soldiers against shitskins.
>don't cover the opportunity cost
This is a problem. You should be getting the degree due to your already present interest in the subject, not to 'unlock jobs'.

i would wager most people are interested in what they're studying and don't just throw a dart at the catalog of majors.
>gen x
Grungy heroin junkie, coke-snorting wigger, or meth-smoking copper wire thief detected.
Fuck off Onigger!!
Holy fuck that pic. You better like some enchiladas.
Because the world has changed so much and so fast.

Millenials grew up in a world with boundless opportunity, told they could do anything they set there minds to, then shit started changing, the economy took a dive, things got more expensive while wages got lower. Jobs are harder to come by, and they all had dreams of being astronauts, and presidents, and rock stars, but now those jobs are so impossible to get, they have to rearrange the plan they had for their futures. It's hard.

For gen Z, we got that crash earlier in life, we've always been prepared to live a tough life, but we are finding the job market is just as hard for us as our predecessors. I wanted to be an astronaut, then in high school I changed my dream to building something that went to space, now after dropping out because I'm too poor to pay for college, my dream is to make enough money to stay living on my own in a house I'm renting with 2 roommates.

Life is hard and we grew up being told about how easy it'll be for us. Give us time.
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>starts a millennial thread
>no Soe in the OP

Historically, teenagers got low-level, shit jobs at places like McDonalds.
Thanks to immigration (illegal and otherwise), these jobs are now taken by immigrants.
Teenagers don't learn hard work, or the value of a dollar. Instead they spend their time trying to be "relevant" by picking up on any SJW crusade Twitter and Facebook tells them is important.

Because they don't have to worry about anything because their moms and dads provide them with everything. I was like that until 2 years ago when my mom quit her job.
I love how genx are the most vocal detractors of millenials when their generation had the highest rates of youth delinquency and violence ever recorded.
Because (((somebody))) suggested them that they don't have to be drones for the next 60 years even though history shows that that is exactly what will happen to 99.99999% of us
Stop cheating.

"Astrologers believe that an astrological age affects humanity, possibly by influencing the rise and fall of civilizations or cultural tendencies."

"Proponents of medieval astrology suggest that the Pisces world where religion is the opiate of the masses will be replaced in the Aquarian Age by a world ruled by secretive, power-hungry elites seeking absolute power over others; that knowledge in the Aquarian Age will only be valued for its ability to win wars; that knowledge and science will be abused, not industry and trade; and that the Aquarian Age will be a Dark Age in which religion is considered offensive."

Why'd they have to be so right.
Our teachers are in bed with our politicians and basically write their own checks. We spend on average $12,500 per child per year for public school, and our public schools rank 30-40 in the world.

But the teachers make very nice salaries and have massive benefit packages, in addition to excluding themselves from Social Security.

It's quite a racket.
You don't have time, Anon.
jews and globalists, also boomers
it's the correct answer though
Boomers and their utterly cancerous, naive, privileged and brainwasged view of the world spawned a bunch of communist, mentally under developed retards.
I hate boomers so goddamn much
no direction, nothing to strive for and nothing to look forward too. for me the two you mentioned the jews and globalist gave me a reason something to strive for. to become what they don't want me to be. They don't want me to be fit and healthy so i will become fit and healthy, they don't want me to read and get smart so i will read and get smart, they don't want me to get a nice haircut and dress properly so ill do that to and also they don't want me to hate but fuck them i hate them because even though my people hate themselves I don't my people are everything to me.
I know. By the time I'm grey, I won't recognize these countries anymore unless something changes now. I don't want to lose America, I want to see Europe, but I don't want to see the new Europeans.
Pretty much lied to about everything in life, tried working in my 20's and was taken advantage of by every employer, they only promote kiss asses, not hard workers. So I started my own business but I decided to sell it and now I'm 30 and living in a basement with only $5000.00 in my pocket. Not really angry or depressed, just concerned about the future, don't plan on getting married cause women are whores and will leave you the first time hardship occurs (watched friends get divorced left and right after the 2008 crisis).
Thats because millennials are worthless lazy pieces of shit. None of my management team likes them. Their overly sensitive *literally always about to cry about something), lazy, call in excessively, and quit if it involves any real work. Many still live with mommy and daddy so they have the luxury of quitting if they don't like it. And my job pays well too. My managers are starting to just throw their apps away and hire the generation Z and X'ers only.
the future is uncertain until I become dictator
Yup. My first job was as a dishwasher in a sports bar at 15. At 16 I worked for Wendy's for a while. I was out on my own at 17 and never looked back. Generation X.
Damn, that's unacceptable
I must admit I have it myself. I spend more time here on 4chan then I would like to.
But gladly I will have a two month hard withdrawl when I'm in africa
Personal story time

>BA in political science
>high gpa
>years of experience working various McJobs.
>want to get a little bit of experience working in law before makiing a decision and spending tons of money on law school
>apply for UNPAID internship with the public defender
>two interviews at two different offices
>Interviewed by panel of roasties at first office
>Interviewed by a Jap and come roastie at the second office
>explained I wanted to experience working in a law office before spending a ton of money on law school and that I thought the public defender's office did admirable work serving minorities and underprivileged groups, and that I had experience serving minorities underprivileged groups (worked in a retirement community and tutored poor kids).
>It was brought up at both interviews that they want PASSIONATE interns.
>Jap manager wondered why I had never interned before.
>Guess I was not PASSIONATE enough. Guess the years I spent at shitty jobs did not build character.
>My thoughtful and reasonable explanations were apparently not valued.
>never heard back from them
>Have interviewed at other places since then
>Still unemployed.
>refuse to work another minimum wage, go nowhere job again because it seems to just work against me anyway.
I remember when I got my first job at 16, all my coworkers and managers were amazed by my work ethic, my only guess is they were expecting a millennial, and got an average Gen Z kid instead, as I've never considered myself to be hard working, if anything, compared to my peers, I'm a bit lazy.
Being a NEET is the final redpill
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That's simple: because they work for nothing and are always in debt, while boomers could buy anything easily and didn't had debt since young ages. Running hamster wheel isn't fun.
>I hate boomers so goddamn much
me too, me too..
I moved out at 18, moved in with my girlfriend, got a full time job and went to school full time. I only managed that for a year and a half though, I dropped out, kept the job, and moved back to my home city. I haven't lived with my parents since I first moved out though. I have a lot of hope for my generation (Z), and a lot of respect for yours. Both of my parents were X, and almost every Xer I know I respect.
That's because working is wage slavery, you'll never become CEO.
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Millennial here

>27 and in trade school
Renting is slavery. If you can't buy a house + car after working for 1 year you live in slave society.
Enjoy being a slave
>t. Kike slave goodgoy
Enjoy funding your extermination and paying welfare checks to the black bull who's cucking you while you're on the clock.
Literally everything has been getting worse for the average worker. Wtf are you talking about? Just renting a place by myself with my wages would be economic suicide, since it would take at least 2 weeks out of every month just to make enough for rent.

Costs of living have gone up considerably while wages barely move.
I work 7 days a week and I honestly rather work constantly and make money than be a NEET. Too boring of a life.

Forced servitude due to debt and being pressured into going to university.
Stop projecting
This, so many wage cucks justify their job while I cuck them watching anime and enjoy life.
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I am 18 and just finished college i fucked up my computer science course because my teacher left a month into the second year and also using alot drugs which led to mental health issues. I am trying to sort my education out for september as i'm not one to give up but i also feel we are not pressured/pushed hard enough by teachers i did try hard in college but felt the teachers were not teaching as much as they should have been and didnt seem very enthusiastic also i think my generation have had it way too easy as our parents and grandparents went through all of the hard stuff so we don't gain as much life experience as quickly
calling other things slavery doesnt make them slavery
taxes and inflation do more harm the borth the things you listed, but taxes and inflation are not slavery. they are theft. use your words
You're working to make someone else money, more and more men are waking up and choose not to be wage cucks
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Millenial here.
I don't really blame anything except myself. I had a good job and got written up so when lay offs happened I was on the chopping block. Working a new job that pays much less but I can work weekends for extra money which has gotten me into the habit of just wanting to work more to get more money. So if I get another good paying job my work ethic will be better.
>have industrial engineering degree wish I had gone mechanical
> have two years experience in a technical field
> a lot of jobs want more experience or skills I just don't have
> the fear of looming automation
> live in Louisiana so good jobs are pretty scarce
I think I'll be okay. I'm not in Europe so I don't have to worry about cultural enrichment plus I live in a rural area
didnt the nazis love of statism turn out to be a huge mistake?
/pol/ does this part right, actual freedom to disassociate and not a contingent one
Yes, that's the problem, salaries stayed the same, while taxes and inflation is on the rise, everywhere in white world. Salaries should increase for minimum 250%.
>to make someone else money
I own my own business. Though if you mean paying taxes, then yes, I am a slave to that. The government just wants more money to steal from me so they can hand it over to Tyrone Jiggums.
People who think NEET life is boring are fucking retards with no hobbies or interests.
>"Why are millenials unhappy?"
>hurr we just bin millenial resumes

Did it ever occur to you that you are part of the reason for that? The cutthroat tactics in the job market that have been prevalent in the last few decades are just insane.

Treating young adults as niggers. Yeah, sure. Let's see where that leads us.

In 20 years when the current generation grows up, what do you think is gonna happen? It's just going to be a bunch of in-debted people without any experience. The economy will be in the shitter.
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Oh, pray tell. What sort of hardships did our parents face in the 80s and 90s?
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>Be born
>Get indoctrinated for 12 years by women teachers
>Take engineering class
>Not a single person fails because the feminazi (((engineering teacher)))) just passes everyone
>Be told your race is evil
>Be told you should pretty much just die off because you're evil
>Be told that whites ruined Africa
>Go to college for engineering
>Get a degree
>Spend 2 years trying to get hired
>Nobody will hire a white cis male

and you ask why we cant do anything? the productive whites like me are shunned out of society, while the land whale feminazi HR people are being given jobs left and right. then those same people get nothing done and instead bitch about being oppressed, even through they have a high paying engineering job. and then the money that they do earn goes to stupid shit and they never become successful.

There is literally no way to fix this. We need a war.
Wagies are boring people, they're dead inside from being forced to work while I enlightened myself off the wagies slavery.

or taxes should decrease, or they should stop printing so much fucking money for themselves
Which trade?

I'm not really interested in trades because

>weak and dont really like physical labor
>physical labor isn't really valued anymore any way and you have to compete with all the spics
>good chance you'll wreck your body and be in no shape to enjoy your retirement if you do make enough to retire.
>have had discussions with people in trades like auto mechanic, crane mechanic, and carpenter and all of them excpet the crane mechanic said they would do something different if they could do it over again. The crane mechanic is probably getting the best deal because he is a longshoremen and that union is still strong. The carpenter used to belong to a union, but it's not powerful anymore and all his benefits got slashed.
In Canada, minimum wage is just enough to rent a cardboard box once a week
They don't need to lack production to create debt, they just want to create debt, so that their rich deep state can control your lives. Always remember that they enjoy goys suffering and working for rent. They want to rent you air at end too. We already have tax for rain water in USA and Europe.
gen z here, writing this on my break at my job
The winners and losers is this generation have already been decided.
Highly paying home go to tech workers
Low paying home go to the uneducated immigrants. Everyone else gets to fight for service jobs. You can thank mass immigration.
Did Comp Sci my first year of college, fucking cancer. Doing a trade instead.

Its like this

Productive White Men:
>no job
>no family
>die off

Whale Feminist:
>no family
>die off

this is how you ultimately kill off a population. don't give jobs to people who will reproduce.
Our generation is sheltered as hell. Most (middle/upper-class) kids don't know the first thing about suffering. This isn't unique to our generation, it's a phenomenon that coincides with our getting richer. Our society has become a themepark, and it's expected the citizens act like children.

Like the point above, parenting is a skill and requires mature individuals. Those people are in short supply.

Mostly for lower-class kids, the great recession had demolished many opportunities. Especially when your identity is partly defined by the hard labour your do. It threw a generation into a identity void where they couldn't achieve what was expected of them, and they couldn't shake it off either.
I am an Electrician. My hands are "workers hands" and are rough. But other than that I've been fine. My dad did physical labor into his late 50's and he enjoyed retirement.
As for worrying about Mexicans...there aren't any. My workers are all white guys who grew up here and had to learn the trade. Mexicans can't learn welding or electrical lighting just like that.
Keep in mind I'm working 7 days a week and making more many than the others guy working for me. So even though I'm working my ass off, I still get bank.
It's funny how genz thinks they're doing just great because they're young and excited about joining the workforce. Guess what, back in 2007 millenials busted ass too. I used to work 60 hours a week.
i dont know alot about the older generations really i only know what my parents experience adn they both left school and had to work hard to pay for housing etc most people now stay with their parents until they are atleast 26
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Also goyish libretardian capitalist idiots didn't help you at all
>hurr a company should have to give you insurance or vacation
>I hate having time off I dont know to do with myself
>You don't deserve a job if you need time off
This is your future
Going into tradeschool to be an electrician myself, wish me luck.
The computer science a level is good if you goto the right college but the one i went too had a shit version of it we spent a whole year learning visual basic and the difficulty barely got harder than it was at gcse it sorta killed my enthusiasm and love for programming i had friends doing it at another college and they learnt c and were doing loads of cool projects

What trade you thinking about ive been working renovating houses with my dad since the end of may
heavy computer use scrambles the mind...
If you want to secure a safe financial future for yourself, buy some Bitcoin
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Spark. Know how you feel about CompSci. I was put on the course 6months late and finished it within 3 months. Learned nothing and could get through with the knowledge I already had.
Diminishing returns.
Gotta love the excuse memes used to justify why faggots get nowhere now.

Protip: your failures are because you didn't try very hard, no matter what MUH BOOMERS put in place, it's still all your fault even if you choose to deny it.

t. Guy who knows enough people who had to struggle and work 80-100/hrs per week to get to the top of their game because they didn't need to carve out half their day to shitpost and play vidya and preferred accomplishment to making excuses
yeah it's shit ive spent the last month trying to apply to as many software development aprenticeships as possible also trying to get onto any uni course that will take me

You're wrong, though.
Because growing up my mother never inspired me and my father did work I could never do because I don't have the physical strength my father has. So I opted to becoming a housewife and now I'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
>millenials this millenials that gen z and gen x boomers boomers
just a kind reminder to those who are unaware: these are divide and conquer threads and the content should be ignored or mocked
would it be easy for me to come to murica for uni instead of doing it here think id much prefer to live there by next year were probably all have to have morning prays around a big black cube in the middle of town while shouting allah akbar
Did you only get a pass or something to do with GCSE?
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>mehmet my son, you must choose
>will you be wage-cuck good goy working 100 hours a week to make money for Jews and niggers while your wife fucks other men?
>or will you be a NEET soldier against Jewry who leeches off the dying system and gets to do everything you want all day, every day?
How can someone be this fucking dumb?
I wanted to be a filmmaker before I knew what was going on in the world. I'm completely clueless now and I lack the ability to get gud at anything that I'm not 100% excited about.
It's all math.
>Be me
>24 years old, born 1992.
>Moderately fit
>Exercise + eat well
>University degree
>Work as a sound engineer
>Play Piano + Guitar
>Play in a band
>Generous and good with money
>I volunteer helping sick kids

>Women find me attractive
>If interested they always pull away or excuse themselves before anything serious starts
>Only ever had sex while at university in South England with mainly sluts from conservate backgrounds

>Offered job with one of the UKs leading audio hire companies
>Work in the warehouse, doing mundane things
>Boss is alright guy, but hes a pushover
>Anyone who moans or complains about having to do their job getting preferential treatment
>The 3 women who work here are completely useless, so they are promoted to jobs that involved extremely simple tasks with also a payrise
>Guy who used to be a drug dealer was hired by boss to try and get him on the straight and narrow
>Constantly injuring himself, often late, often called in sick
>Constantly complaining and getting stressed out over simple tasks
>Gets an entire office built for him and given the easiest job in the company
>Pay rise
>Meanwhile i'm working overtime doing the job of two people for little more than fucking minimum wage in a job that requires minimum of further specialist education and an extreme eye for detail.

Whats the fucking point in even trying any more?
Na i got 3 A gcse's (computing,maths,desing) all the others were b's ive just finsihed my second year with an as in computing(c) and as in photography(probably a b-c) A level in design (probably b-c) and a half btec in game development i couldnt cope with it was a college level course but defo for retards the whole year we did jjack shit and the last 2 months we got to make shitty games using drag and drop functions in game maker
You shouldn't have a problem, most only require B Math, C English and at least a M,M,M on the extended diploma.
What's your hourly rate thats sounds so fucked
Because a lot of jobs are threatened by automation and specialization is the only way to survive in the future. You can no longer live as a jack of all trades.
This is why this system will collapse, it's not sustainable and companies are collapsing left and right from the costs of leftist policy

Also British women are either boring and frigid or tacky sluts. This is why I live in London, so I get to fuck and date foreign students while still not needing to know any language but English

If I were you I'd just move country
I dont have 3 full a levels though only one the careers person at my college basically told me i have no hope of getting on any courses really put me down as ive been dealing with Depersonalization for the past year and am trying to sort my life out
Globalist Jews never gave me my permanent work assignment
Because only a select few figured out what to do with their lives back in Gen X. Everybody had kids regardless.
If I was you, I'd look for an apprenticeship in the field. If you can't find one, do a trade. I've known a few lads who just gave up on college and went to work with their Dads as whatever trade they are. Don't know if you've got that privileged?

I repair loudspeakers and pick and prepare items ready to go out on shows. I'm responsible for making sure all rigging is set correctly so people don't die. One mistake and entire shows going out to the West End get cancelled.

I earn £8 an hour, work 40 hours a week.

The company is getting more and more popular with customers so my workload increases and often end up having to work late to keep up. 12 hour shifts are not uncommon in the autumn and winter.

Still theres nothing better as far as i can see, the job is somewhat enjoyable and has decent career prospects. The office staff are on salaries of over £50k, and each rely on me to notice any mistakes they've made, which they often do.

People are still responding to these "Why can't/won't/don't millennials like or not or do or not do X" cancer threads?
>£8 an hour
I make more at my graphic design job and these things pay god awful wages. Get a new job, holy fuck
>Why don't Millenials/GenZ know what to do with their lives?

Because they lack a cultural identity.
This already happened with boomers and TV. Honestly at least with the internet some millennials have had the opportunity to be auto-didactic on a level that has probably never existed since the beginning of human history. The sheer amount of data processing we have done as a generation is astounding, and I'd argue its hard to frame that as a pacifying circumstance vs. what boomers went through with television. We also had access to creative tools the likes of which artists have always dreamed of (programming, audio and video recording, all manner of editing software - all accessible at home via computer, and progressively less difficult to interface with, so that more energy may be put into the creative process).This will lead to creative thinking in times of stress with a high abundance of information hanging over our heads.

While I agree we aren't equipped with the long-lasting social/relationship skills and a lot of us are morally deficient, I think we'll pull it through and manage to advance culture in the right direction once the crisis has fully manifested itself and it becomes obvious that we, as a generation, must either fix it or eventually we will be judged by our sparse progeny to be the same as the boomers were, letting it all go to shit.
Because Millennials are retarded and Gen Z is still growing up

Are you based in London though? Whats your salary?
The world is no longer developing like a few tens/hundreds of years ago, nor is it rebuilding after a war. So there's not as much that needs to be done? More or less. Am I wrong?
Feel like you should get payed more for doing something which requires skill and knowledge i used to get $7 an hour in primark (cant do the pound sign my keyboards american)

stick with it if you enjoy it i hope you get a raise or promotion soon lad

because they were thought that getting BA was "education"
Yeah i've been working with my dad whos a builder since about a week after i finished college im just trying to find a way to get a job in software development as i love programming
I get £12 an hour for the brainless admin part of my job, the skilled bit is £20-40 depending on what I'm doing.

£8 is disgusting for something that requires skill, how long have you been there now? Surely due a raise...
No I hate spics. They don't belong here.

This is it in a nutshell. The planet is having a hard time coming up with enough bullshit activities that millenials can call "jobs" to justify their existence with.

If you were the wealthy elite would you be planning ways to help them or ways to let them be consumed and die with minimal effort?
The same effect the industrial revolution had on workers
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>Born with fucked up feet
>Intense surgeries at 2
>Walk properly and be cool
>Did football, box, karate, won football school tournaments, shieit
>Started studying in a conservatory at age 10-11, did pretty good, played some concerts and shiet
>Dropped at 15 because I wanted to become a cartoonist
>Studied in several places and do quite good
>Drop of it because of love interests and shit
>Finished school at 18
>Failed introduction test for English because I make le fune joke
>That whole year was lost because I fell in love with someone who fucked my life up
>Next year get into phylosophy
>Be a depressive fag so I drop that career
>Work as a plumber rest of the year
>Last year, get into History, it was damn good, still I'm a faggot and I drop it because I can't handle it
>Work in as a graphic designer rest of the year
> 2017, work as an ebanist with father
> He says some dumb shit so I quit because I don't want to work with him
> I'm up to study psychology now,we'll see what happens.

Don't really know what my problem is, but that's my story boys.
Too many jobs in the traditional economy aren't worth doing. Not sure if the current system beats being a NEET.

If making money didn't imply supporting DeShonda's 5 kids, a government trying to import literal savages that bring violence and an education system that tells me I'm privileged to do it... it could be worth it. Maybe it's time to starve the beast? Even without the government, you are upholding an upper class that despises you and are helped set up the fucked up system we are in anyway.

Crime and NEETness makes more sense.

Blacks get such an easy life.
>ENtitelment and unwillingness to compromise
>Otherwise, a (well-deserved) lack of faith/loyalty in employers

Boomers die already. You destroyed the country and you were more "entitled" than any other group in history.
Evidence that Millennials/Gen Z don't know what to do with their life?
some fuckers who dodged summer camp took over, and took all the monies.
Yeah I'm in London, I get London living wage. Plenty of saps take 18k here for the same job but then I'm not them and I'm not selling my hard work for less. I busted my ass for this job
Ever thought about moving out of london i imagine you'd get payed alot better doing the same thing if you can find a place thats will hire
Mestizo, half italian/aborigin/french,Mehmet, I know it's difficult to understand a new word with you mongolic tongue, but repeat after me
"Mes" like in "mess", "ti" like in "tea" and "zo" like in "zozo"
>This, by the way, is also why there's such a surge of more childish apparel for adults

The most childish shitty lazy fucked up generation to ever lived is still going to go around calling other generations childish, from Gen X to Gen Z, the Boomers still haven't realized we're cleaning up after their 30yr party.
congrats my man. that's a great goal. I see many young people on the jobsites doing trades and bluecollar work - while making $25/hour and up. Not an amazing wealth, but a guaranteed paycheque compared to an arts major. (plus they're mostly white males, and even the black men doing the trades are decent guys)
move to a smaller city, or commute.
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Whats with your face? When she talks she remind me of a ventriloquist puppet.
There are fuck all jobs in this field outside London, and they are miles and miles away from population centres. I'm not huge on London but the perks are
-commute is 30 mins per day on bike rather than 1hour30 by car to most job in the UK
-reasonable standard of living since I am good with money
-don't have the money drain of a fucking car (hate the things and hate everything being so spread out in rest of UK that you can't even cycle)
-actual job progression, tons of work for freelance

I'd have to see a pretty good offer to move, especially since I'd have to learn how to drive. Fuck driving
100% this

Speak English please
>american english
I know, unfortunately for me, I only know one person who's doing something similar. Most people I know are retarded enough to think they're going to become directors.
>Why is fire hot?
>Hardmode: You can't mention heat

Every time I see your shitty threads I immediately think of some clueless millennial/gen z who needs to write an (((article))), but is too inept so they get the internet to do it. Obviously you can't mention Jews or (((Globalists))) in an (((article))) so you need to exclude them. Or is there some other reason because the only people I ever see that say "I know X is the way it is because of Y, but Z sounds better than Y. What kind of mental gymnastics can I use to remove Y and say it's because of Z?" are leftists.
Get the fuck off my island you human garbage.
*Simplified English.
People are shocked at my work ethic, but frankly I don't think any generation has had a good work ethic since the Greatest Generation (during and before the great depression). Man those guys are fucking awesome.
>Hardmode: Can't mention Jews or Globalists.

Because there is nothing to do.

No new market to develop.
No new ideas or scientific breakthrough.
No job because Chinese Slaves / robots (same, really...)

We have a ton of interesting stuffs to do in terms of entertainment and personal growth, but none of them can be turned into a job

I'm in one of the poorest regions of the UK, cost of living here is fuck all. A pint often costs less than £3 here.
Arts major
$22/hr online
There's a huge amount of choice but all of it is crap

Like going to a restaraunt with a huge menu but nothing on it is good

but you have to order something or people will think you're a shiftless loser
>Do what's required of me by job
>people always talk about how good of a work ethic I have for my generation
>even though the older people are just as shitty as the young people

Pretty much every job has been like this.
I'm near Liverpool and you can buy a house for £1, in the dole area of the city as long as you promise to live in it.
doing what?
>$22/hr online
doing what?

And my post was not to say that no arts major can be successful. I'm merely pointing out that it seems to be a risky strategy, and there are better choices that can be made if one is seeking out a stable income.
My grandpa has an incredible work ethic, and is well rounded in all aspects. Thinking, working with his hands, mathematics, history. He's tough as shit. A true example of the former Protestant culture that made Canada a great country, now almost fully extinct. Sorry, but no Boomer, Gen X, Gen Y or Millenial has those same characteristics as a whole generation. Gen Z may have some hope but even then it's more of a libertarian resurgence and not a Greatest Generation type of thing.

At my job literally showing up for shifts already puts you above about half of the workers. They think I'm great, but I'm not even being pushed. I fullfill their low expectations but could probably be twice as productive if they actually organized the tasks needing to be done better.
Unironically laziness. Not that the current generation is any lazier than previous generations, but there's unfathomable amounts of competition that didn't exist until the last decade or so which means you have to work harder just to survive. I'm somewhat successful (24 and make $85k a year) and people assume I'm either really smart or really lucky. The truth is that I work like a slave in order to make myself more profitable to the company than outsourcing, perpetual contractors, or just hiring some kid for half my salary. If I actually worked only 40 hours a week, the bean-counters would axe me almost instantly.
Same here, but I guess it's to do with him being Welsh.
Too casual and comfy and most of the jobs i can get are shit because i didn't finish a trade schools and went and failed at an university instead.

Fuck me.
Time i get my shit together and stop posting here.

Laziness and entitlement. I work with a kid, he couldn't give less of a shit if he tried. We all screw the pooch more than we should but he takes it to the next level, he spent 5 hours today driving the golf cart around eating black berries. Last year's kid was the same way.

They honest to god think we owe them this job and they have no fear of being fired.
Waste of fucking money anywhere in the country. And what is your point exactly? I'm sure your region is miles away from any kind of work. What's the point. Commuting is a loss of your precious time on this Earth
At first I thought you had said, "Elaborate, don't make a moral argument" and kek'd

Then I reread. It was less funny.
This also boomers cause a lot of jobs to be chased out of the states and crippling student debt.
Weak fathers.
Just make an articulate argument. Don't just throw out an insult or moral judgement.
Same dude I've basically given up on on females and seems to be an exercise in futility, no no virgin either I've been with my fair share females but all of left me with a deep feeling of dissatisfaction in the sour taste of wasted time.
Narcissistic Babyboomers.
I'm finally away from my BB parents and actually getting my life together and just realized how much they held me back.
It's hard and I'm learning everything I should of learned from them on my own, but it's something.
I agree. My Grandfather is my role model over my Dad.

The point is £8 an hour in a low cost of living area is worth more than £12 in a high cost of living area.
I pay £500 a month for rent and about £200 more for utilities & food (pm). No transport costs except repairs because bike

How much is your living costs?
Are you down south or north?
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By utilities, do you electrics and heating?
>boomers get free shit
>take free shit away when their kids come of age.
I propose a new term: Jewmers.
Fuck hard mode.

because i suck
What counts as Gen z? I'm early '94
I have no degrees and I'm making more money in labor and ship repair then I know what to do with. 41$/hr.
A lot of times the job is what enables you to do what you want. I don't care for my job that much but the amount I make keeps me going happily
How about "Leaches"? You can still stay within the rules.
I'm Early 99' and am still not considered Gen Z. The thresh hold is 2000.
I feel pretty bad for gen z
They had a shitty upbringing and the upcoming recession will fuck them over harder than the one a decade ago
South London

Yes, it's £200 per month for all shared bills & my food. Always £700-750 per month basic expenditure
Conventional work/labor is unfulfilling. I make music and sing, and spend time with my loved ones. I am happier than a working slave :)
Man, that's pricey. I can get an apartment in one of the nicest parts of Liverpool for cheaper.
That's what I always considered it but I've been called gen z more than a couple times in the last year or two.
It just shows how pointless generation labeling is, especially when the internet has connected everybody to the point that people with niche interests completely removed from their generation are able to find like minded people.
How much do you spend on food? I could probably get it to £80 per month if I cut out monster and beer.
Oh.i misread Gen z as millennial somehow. I'm retarded
Was asking the cut between gen y and millennial. 1994? 1995?
Why have kids. Everything costs a fuck load now. Kids only make it impossible to obtain your own happiness through material wealth.
Millennial is 1989 till 1999. We're the same gen, but are pretty different.
You'd be better off putting "Atheism" and the "disillusionment of Christianity."
If I can help it, less than £20 a week. £20 is my tops, and it's very doable. Lidl and frozen food = cheap but decent living

Yeah but Liverpool is a shithole with no jobs and nothing to do. Who cares if it's cheaper, it's because people don't want to live there. If I wanted to live further north it'd be out of the city or an actual nice city like Edinburgh. Cities are shit but at least London has plenty to see and do for free
I've never really heard of the term, but it'd be 1979 till 1989.

bad mixture of low self-esteem and narcissism
There are jobs, they're just in construction, engineering and media stuff. No office jobs or retail.
>live in city
>have all your neighbors be thieving niggers
>have to lock your doors at night
>"fun" includes night clubs full of sluts and niggers
>crime everywhere
>cant do shit or own shit because of little space
>faggots everywhere
>police around every corner
>sirens 24/7
>high taxes to feed Jamals addiction

>live in country
>peaceful and quit all the time
>only 2 or 3 neighbors, but you have a close relationship with them
>no niggers, atheist, or faggots
>can do whatever the fuck your want (biking, hicking, hinting, ect...)

is this bait?

I couldn't live of frozen food. I'm one of those fags who's stomach can't take it.
While I agree with you idealogically, there will come a time when automation will take virtually all our jobs away. I'm a trucker for example (lory driver for you Bongs), and eventually decades from now there will be no more professional driving jobs due to AI and autonomous vehicles. Here in the States that's roughly 1.5 million drivers, and another half million support jobs which will vanish.

No amount of retraining will turn your average trucker into a programmer, doctor, investment banker, or Jew. If there are no jobs, there is no income for consumers to turn the crank on Capitalism's meatgrinder, therefore the sausage will not get made.

God willing I'm dead before it happens, but a UBI will be innevitable to keep Capitalism alive before we got a true post-scarcity society.
we. rarely. tell. them. wat. to. do.
infinite resources
This, every generation has had its challenges and it's just gonna get worse from here
lack of mentorship I feel us a big one for my generation. the simplest for is the father figure.

there's a strong lack of father figure.i have always had my dad but he was alway to busy trying his hardest to provide for 6 kids and a herd of animals
Loyalty my ass.

This isn't the old days where your boss and company took care of you and your family.

These motherfuckers try to reduce your benefits, cut pay, and will fire your ass at the drop of a hat.

The millennials cant afford to be loyal to these vultures, unless they want to stagnate and never improve.

I tell every kid to get some experience and whore out that resume. All ways look for something better.
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