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>Boogie doesn't deserve free healthcare. He's shown

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>Boogie doesn't deserve free healthcare. He's shown zero effort to lose any wei-

He farted
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20 pounds wow amazing only took him like 5 years
>20 pounds
At his weight, I bet he could lose this in 2 days by eating normally for 2 days, because it's essentially the weight of his glycogen stores + the massive amount of food mass that's in his digestive system at any given time.

What the fuck does 20 pounds matter when you're 900lbs?
How much does he weigh? Anything past normal overweight and the pounds fall off of you providing you just eat 1800ish calories a day, this really isn't anything.

t. recovering fatty
if he was actively trying to lose weight then he wouldn't look like the way he does today
Is he trying NOW? Sure.

He it been way too fucking long before he started showing any effort?


Also, I dropped about thirty pounds over this past year by just not eating every now and again, and I find myself having pretty intense cravings for junk food, so what's this fucker's excuse?

Just have some self-control, nigga.
It's a start. Only 200lbs to go. Keep up the good work, fatty, you'll be human soon enough. You might even get to fuck your wife, that's got to be some sort of incentive?

Ibogaine. It's an African quasi-hallucinogen that cures crack addiction instantly and with no withdrawl symptoms. (True the side effects can include three days vomiting and shitting, followed by up to a fortnight of insomnia, but your addictions are gone.) Works for anything, way better and more permanently than fad dieting.

all he needs to do is lift weights and eat small vegetarians meals

the fat will strip off him because hes burning more fat in 6 months but fatties always lie and 30,000kcal midnight snacks
I hate this guy, and I am a huge liberal
lifting weights doesn't burn shit for calories. he needs to hit the treadmill but he'd probably kill his joints doing it
When you are extremely fat losing weight is very easy. Boogie has to put in more work to maintain his weight than lose it.
not extremely easy when you're a genetic failure by nature who can't stop eating.

seriously, a normal person can't even make themselves that fat. you would constantly throw up trying to make it

I bet even if he loses weight he'll just put it all on because he just completely lacks self control due to bad genetics
When you're that fat, the only exercise you should be doing is in a pool.
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-.05 bmi? Nice effort, now can take money at gunpoint.
He should have been put to sleep 5 years ago.
>aquatic ape
>supposedly go on "diet" with wife
>she gains 50+ pounds
A diet of what? McDonalds?
When you're as fat as boogie, you can swap out soda for water and lose 20lbs in a week or two
T. Recovering fatass who did exactly that
>20 pounds

I can't imagine anything easier than losing 20 pounds while weighing 500+ pounds.

Just eat one less jar of mayo a day...
He could lose 20lbs in 2 days if he just cancelled sugar and bad fat. Fuck this nigger.
Mods need to start deleting any threads ending in "-" and ban the OP

Useless argument threads with no substance
probably one of those retarded meme diets that tell you to just eat as much X as you want, where X is some meme food

a diet designed by someone who didn't comprehend just how much X fatties can stuff into their mouths

for example, the fruit diet by that retarded australian bogan
Still doesn't deserve free healthcare
>lifting weights doesn't burn shit for calories
Read the sticky.
He's a disgusting piece of fat shit.
Nah those idiots will think "it's a liquid It's good" So they ended chugging down milkshakes, pudding and smoothies all day, some even think soups count. It doesn't matter if the 4,000 calories you're consuming a day are in a liquid form, all that matters is that you put 4,000 calories in your bloated body.
it doesn't you /fit/ memeist. it will just let him keep more of his muscle as he loses weight.

but if you weigh 1500lbs you have a much more immediate problem to worry about than how much lean mass you keep. don't recommend lifting weights for a cardio job

>spent a month last year preparing to lose 20 pounds this year

That is probably pure water weight here.
If he really wanted to loose weight, he could just simply stop eating entirely.

It's a newer diet fad diet called "Water Fasting" where you just keep drinking tons of water and no food for weeks. Designed only for very obese people because it involves the body consuming it's own fat for survival.

Cool thing is that not only does it work fast, as in a matter of months, but that their tastebuds and stomach become so sensitive they're satisfied with considerably less amounts of food after.
>take xboxhueg shit
>drop 20 pounds
>a year ago he had a diet that dropped 20 lbs in a months
>for some reason he stopped doing it
>and now wants surgery to make his stomach smaller because he can't control himself

Yeah, what a great story about effort OP. After seeing how effective it was, he quit!
we don'y care about jewtubers you shill
Kill yourself you fucking dyel cunt
>Designed only for very obese people because it involves the body consuming it's own fat for survival.
You are literally describing any effective diet there. Just saying. Fat is for storing excess energy, people get fat when they just keep eating and never let their body consume it
I do lift, that doesn't change that you are a pure memeist if you walk up to a 500lbs whale and tell him to lift weights in order to lose weight

if you're this triggered by facts you should join the left
>he has to resort to living on liquids to lose weight

This. He needs a doctors help but he needs to straight fast. There are camps you can sign up for where you are near zero food. I get the feeling hes a complete cunt when fasting though.

This. That sugary causes shit to be worse if you cant control yourself after.
Found the skeleton
>bad fat
end this meme.
that monstrosity literally deserves to be thrown into a fire pit alive, because he can't fit in the ovens, and no one could drag his corpse.
>seriously, a normal person can't even make themselves that fat. you would constantly throw up trying to make it
>this is what fatty's tell themselves
The fuck are you talking about? You don't have to completely gorge yourself to the point of vomiting to become fat. All it takes is eating your fill, and then saying "I know I shouldn't, but I'd really like a slice of that chocolate cake" and then you wolf that extra thousand calories down, maybe it gives you a tummy ache but it will be easier to do the next time. That's how bad habits form, and obesity starts, little bad habits that grow into gluttony.
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>Be boogie
>Take a shit
>Step on scale

OH MY GOD I've lost 20 pounds!

>Post about it on twitter
>Make celebratory video
>Eat 4 victory cheeseburgers to commemorate historic weight loss
>Tip the black guy that Dez fucks on the side
Iv gone from 92 kilos to 85 over about 2 months. Wasn't too hard. I think the next 10 kilos will be the hard ones.

After that I might lift. Main aim is to look slim and good in a shirt.
I don't know how much a pound is, but I do know he has to lose a lot more than that if he wants normal people status
>lose 20 pounds over a year
>still 250 over weight
>gains the 20 back
>is a youtube millionaire
Nice strawman
have you seen boogie? a normal person just isn't capable of that. his defective genes should be removed from the pool.

He has as much innate control around food as a black gentleman has around a wallet
fat people always do this, they diet for a little while, lose a small % of their total fat, then go back to their normal eating and are surprised when the weight comes back
lose 20-gain 40
i have no semblance of self restraint in any applicable definition. I wake up at 7pm, pound bourbon and everything until 7 am. The fattest I got from inhaling mac n cheese and bourbon was 260 at 6'3 and I can honestly say I couldn't get any fatter than that because I didn't try but I lived
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I try to get over it by keeping shitloads of Coke zero in my fridge. Just chug one if I get a bad craving for something.

I know it's not exactly healthy and I ought to just have the willpower to drink water and eat some cucumber or something, but sometimes I just want something sweet.
it's because they see dieting as a temporary thing. they don't realize that you are always "on a diet", the difference is whether the diet is good or bad
Hearty kek.
Trump should mine that fatty for biofuel.
he's not calling fat bad, he's saying bad fat as in the kind that you get from Doritos and little Debbie
Boogie losing 20 lbs is like a normal man losing 4 or 5 lbs.

>only lost 20 lbs

At his weight, he should be losing 20 lbs a week
>My wife did a whole month on that (liquid) diet.
Boogie, shes trying to tell you something m8.
boogie is lazy as fuck. he ain't putting in work like my nigga EDP445

hes right tho
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What he meant was, he dropped the weightlifting gear because of mayonese hands
Can i use this thread to discuss how pathetic he was for letting anita sarkeesian intimidate him?


Dez is fat as fuck now as well, shes blown up like a blimp. Some fan went to stay with him and he flipped out at them recording in the house, because Dez doesn't like being caught on camera.

You see her lurking in the background in a few shots, for a moment, and shes enormous.
>direct link to boogie2988 youtube
Fixed so they don't get views


"free" healthcare. nigga please.
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Pretty same here. I've lost 40lbs. over the past 6 months or so just by changing my diet, doing light workouts, and not drinking as much beer/liquor. Now I've kind of hit a wall when I've got about 15-20lbs. left to lose. It doesn't just fall off anymore and I've got to be more diligent about working out/eating right on the weekends (what really fucks me over).
is that his liquid diet?
No one deserves health care

You pay for it
I hope he fucking dies. Surgery is for pussies put down the fork and neck yourself.
haven't peopled offered this guy cash to lose and he fucked it up? he's already shortened his life considerably and trying to drop so much is bound to make it even shorter. I don't even know why he doesn't just go for it and finish eating himself to death
Pack it up boys. We're done here.
this guy has reached critical mass, probably consumes 4000 calories a day. he is the face of liberal America. They should have statue of him instead of Lady (((Liberty))), in the NYC.
why is gastric bypass necessary when you could accomplish the same thing with simply eating less and having a little motivation (>I dont want to die early)
That's nice for him.

Regardless, people with the means who have to pay for their own expensive health care should not be paying for other people, especially for people who are at risk in some way.
I lose like 10 lbs taking a shit. It's super easy to lose 20, especially when you're ultra fat. The real work begins when you approach 10% body fat.
>makes fun of people for being fat
>makes fun of them for losing weight
I would be all for socialized health care, but people like boogie fuck it all up.
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>20 lb fart
holy fuck.
I am laughing so hard, I might drown in my own spit.

thank you Greek
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>somebody will have to pay.
Oh don't worry. Somebody will be paying.
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what exactly is wrong with his legs?

and can you imagine being so fat that your body is literally decaying on the spot and yet STILL eating?

that picture really rustles my jimmies..

>someone has to pay so i can empty an entire can of cream into my mouth!

>liquid diet

he will be fat again in no time.
I don't believe in magic, but this one is too scary.

there is even more baggage he needs to lose.
like his retarded center left attitude.

when will Boogie finally swallow the redpill?
Bitch if you do low weight high rep workouts you'll burn a shit ton of calories
Nobody "deserves" free healthcare. Except maybe military.
I can't believe how cucked he was over the anita thing recently.

Here is a man who routinely eats small horses whole and he's scared of a girl saying mean things
>But me and my wife...
He has a wife?
>what exactly is wrong with his legs?
a serious case of diabetes can make your legs rot
At that weight, you could lose 20lb in an hour. Literally. Sit in a sauna on a excersize bike for 1 hour at 400 pounds you'll drop 20lb ez. No exaggeration.
you are essentially turning lifting into wannabe cardio if you do that. why not just tell them to get on the treadmill?

actually the guy who said he should be in the pool has the right idea, because his knees would probably collapse in on themselves if he tried running for 30 seconds

Him losing 20 lbs at his size would be as if he missed one meal. It's meaningless. Talk to me when he loses 200+ lbs, then you'll be able to begin to notice a change.
Thank you for destroying my sides
> if you weigh 1500lbs
> a cardio job
you cant do cardio at 1500lbs some lifting is all you can do.
The "bad fat" in Doritos and snack cakes isn't making you fat. It's the calories per serving and the fact you're eating half the bag in a sitting.
I try to loke Boogie because he does seem like a decent dude that has been through some pretty bad shit but hearing him demanding medical shit on the h3 podcast was too much.
no shit retard
Still don't understand this 'paying exorbitant sums for a checkup is freedom' meme. I went to college in England and free healthcare is pretty awesome. 10 bucks for any prescription medicine and free doctors. Just stop bombing sandnigger goat herders and use that money for some basic level of free healthcare. Shit here is ridiculously expensive and heath insurance is a fucking joke. Takes 10% of my salary with a 6k deductible and even then I still got to pay 50% of costs. All it does is line the pocket of Jew insurance companies. I'm fucking sick of insurance ripoffs
Ah well, that guy is fucked i'll agree. Needs a good old fashioned starvation diet
Then why are you suggesting otherwise, dipshit?
>be me
>84 kg, 1m79
>stop eating sugar-things(soda, cakes, icecream, etc)
>3 months laters
>74 kg

>tfw you will never be a fat american
Around 540 lbs.
>take away some fatties healthcare
>he starts trying to lose weight after this
>look the guys trying, you shouldn't have taken away his healthcare
Boogie would pay more taxes than you that would go into a single payer system. It's not FREE, single payer is just the MOST EFFICIENT way to run healthcare. OP is a fucking imbecile.
Who is going to throw him into the fire pit?
Checkmate atheists
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>posting fake tweets
Boogie is a fat whiny cuck, but at least he's not you
Only reason it's so expensive fore people who pay for their healthcare is because they have to cover the cost of the shit they give away for free to poor people and illegals and the shit reimbursement rates they get from Medicare and Medicaid

A healthcare provider that wasn't bound by this shit would be insanely inexpensive.
Maybe it was the lack of free healthcare which has forced him to lose weight?
>single payer is just the MOST EFFICIENT way to run healthcare

2000000 pounds to go
>The soviet system was the most efficient way to build cars and distribute goods to the people
Boogie losing 20 pounds is like me trimming my fingernails.
t. Boogie
What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
only another 480 to go!
Thank mr skeltal
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By "liquid diet" he means they are drinking only the HIV+ seed their bull provides.
It is recommended to lose no more than 2 pounds a week on average, in his case I'm gonna say 5. Someone do the math for how many pounds he loses a week then'll we'll know if he's shit or not.
When the say "I don't usually make these kinda videos", but 40% of their content is that kinda shit.
You realize that the morbidly obese are always 'losing weight'.

You always see 'i lost 20 pounds. i lost 10 pound. i lost 40 pounds' yet every time you see them they are fatter than last time.

their reality is literally warped badly
oy, leave boogers alone. hes a harmless and meek bean bag chair. low hanging fruit.
>the massive amount of food mass that's in his digestive system at any given time

He had gastric bypass mayne. Not much in there, unless he's doing steak milk shakes constantly. Gonna be interesting to see how long he survives.
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good for him, but that's not enough. gotta space it out though i suppose.
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Why are non-whites so funny?
>10% bodyfat
>not stuffing your face with 8,000 calories a day is "boring"
I am 5'9" and once weighed 190 pounds. I ate like shit, drank too much booze and soda.

One day I stopped drinking soda, cut all fast food out of my diet, and stopped drinking alcohol. Two WEEKS later, I had lost 20 pounds.

What the fuck is Boogie's problem?
Finish your sentence or don't start it.
Dude can I ask you a serious question,
>184.6 lbs

What's your current weight bro? and do you feel fat?
kek. Turks are hilarious sometimes.
losing 20 out of 6,000 pounds = easy
^ what this guy said:

its like: e ^ x,
where x is the weight.
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What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>slurps chemically concentrated transfat
>punches chest to restart heart


obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder
lisping Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

Gets 10000 likes

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

smears mayonnaise on upperbody
skin obsorbs mayonnaise

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!
Yall just jealous of his $600 jacket.
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^ Glitch in the matrix
He doesn't but he can afford it.
Those that watch him enable this
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I need you to cut down to only 3 shitposts a day.
Losing weight if you're fat is laughably easy, you can lose a mass of weight in a week.

The problem isn't losing it, it's keeping it off.

Once your body creates fat cells they are never broken down, they just deflate. This is why a thin person can eat chocolates and not put on much weight but a fatty can eat a few chocolate bars after a long standing diet and put a ton of weight on just from that.
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Literally every boogie video I've seen he says "this isn't going to be like my regular videos"
The fat is literally causing blood to stop flowing to his brain.
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>denbts: paid.

It doesn't do shit

Diet and hours of boring cardio if you cant hack a hardcore diet are the only ways to go into a major caloric deficit
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I heard Boogie is due for surgery to have a 95 pound mole removed from his ass.
the problem is controlling appetite and addiction to substances in food.
Bed sores, poor circulation, diabetes can do that. It's fucking horrific how people can get into that kind of state.
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The liquid diet is the daily meal replacement shakes they give you for weight loss surgery. Instead of just being more realistic about food, he wants to waste $20k on fucking up his organs and crash dieting.
20 pounds !?!?!?!?!

He just ate some Mexican food. Nothing to see here.
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