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how do we stop the_donald from raiding us periodically with their

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Thread replies: 151
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how do we stop the_donald from raiding us periodically with their civic cuck propaganda?
Ignore their threads, dumbass.
What's wrong with civic nationalism?
Ive obviously been to plebbit less than you have and ive always been a civic nationalist
I dont get the hate we get from /pol. We're all fighting the same fight. We recognize your great accomplishments in the Meme War and honestly its time you recognize ours. We singlehandedly got Trump elected and are the face of the New Right.

Honestly if we join forces instead of fighting all the time, we can easily stop the Globalists and MAGA together.

Here take this Rare Pepe as a sign of peace and good will from our based Domreddit.

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Oops I forgot to upload the picture. Here you go.

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>the absolute state of /pol/
fuck off
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More mummy thread desu, and lots of gore.

Not in the same threads though, obviously.
>being a racist

We just need a proper eugenics program to fix up their IQ is all.
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mummy will save us!
You just want to steal all our dank memes since /pol/ has gone stagnant.

I personally don't see a problem with civic nationalism as long as they also want closed borders.
I-is that MUMMY natalia??
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what's wrong niggerlover? no based black cock for you to suck today?
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posting the IQ studies by race
Natalya pictures can be signals. NFP? Grandmas rear end? Does it mean something?
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I didn't realize how bad The_Donald migration situation was until I saw a majority posters defending Civic Nationalism in a thread yesterday. Six months ago, that would have never been the case.
You can't. Bots and Newfags bump their thread this board is over run with shills.
/pol was fun when it was making jokes and memes about political correcteness, retarded SJWs and american leftism. Now it's more and more just a place for retarded basement-dwellling white supremacists and literal nazis shilling their retarded faggotry.
We need to step up the hate and racism on this board it scares the normie redditors away.
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we need to start making civicnat hate threads
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I thought the whole "BASED BLACK MAN" thing was a meme until I actually went there.
You must be new as fuck
Reminder to sage and report this thread and similar threads. They are made by lefty faggots who are asshurt that they're losing their hold on normalfags and reddit niggers. 8 years, faggot.
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Civic nationalism is the best kind of nationalism.

People from all walks of life, beautifully united together over their love and passion for their country.
/pol/ was always a White Supremacist/Nazi board. You're obviously a migrant of The_Donald if you think otherwise.
Yeah its pretty bad. And by pretty I mean extremely. Civic nationalism must be annihilated, and it will be
>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day
OP is a faggot

>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day
>Top left corner
>White male
Lol no
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Reminder to sage and report this post and similar posts. They are made by The_Donald faggots who are asshurt that they're losing their hold on reddit.
You're a newfag. That's the problem with redditor they larp as oldfag all the time throwing faggot every two words you think you guys aren obvious ?
wtf i love white genocide now
this ffs
and you dont deserve these doubles, summerfag
>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day
When are people going to learn that nobody is raiding, This is our website as much as it is yours. Most of us would never even use Reddit. And never have.
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even more
He was making fun of leftists who say that Trump supporters are all straight white males.
Outed yourself as a total newfag. This board is nationalist, mainly of white guys. Nonwhites can be nationalist for their own countries if they want here too but they don't run this board (yet, its becoming a problem online as in the real world). Politics are divided generally between fascist-nazi/libertarian-ancap, but all are pro-white.

You. Are. New.
post photos of white couples

>The crazy eyes on that coalburner

She looks too demented to be allowed to breed
Shut up stormcuck you literally had to have a campaign just to invade this board because no one takes your meme ideology seriously

/pol/ has always been a politically incorrect board and that is the only true "/pol/ has always been an x board" statement anything else is literally screeching autistic minorities trying to take over the board
here we go

>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day
I never said I was an old fag. I don't care to admit I'm relatively new to this board. I read it mostly during the elections. I don't read it very often because I don't care much for retarded nazi faggotry. Only come here very occasionally to see if there's something funny
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S-sure and fuck trum- I mean antifa anon

> kys
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Where are your BASED MINORITIES now?
this. break their weak spirit

Simple, point out that if the demographic changes continue the entire western world will soon be south africa.

You can always count on people to act in their own self-interests when they are clearly threatened.
You are a newfag if you think it's mostly white guys. At least half of natsocs are Asian LARPers.
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Absolutely nothing
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/pol/ has been systematically stripped of everything it has ever had. /biz/, /his/, /news/, /bant/, etc. have removed almost everything traditionally posted from /pol/ except the annoying redditors. As someone who has used /pol/ since ZimZam, I think it is unironically time to delet /pol/ and let the redditors leave forever.
>how do we stop the_donald from raiding us periodically with their civic cuck propaganda?
Maybe you should be worrying about globalists instead.
Oh wait, you're already one of those, sent here to divide us when we need to strike the Left down together.

get that from the Shareblue divide and conquer while sucking ten thousand dicks hand book?

>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day

They also breed 20 times faster than we do, and they vote against us when they find out they can't compete.
>only two results

Fucking disappointing
imagine being this buttblasted
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just post race realist stats.

it's literally a good thing, you retard.

>le-donald drags in more normies
>normies come here thinking they're the dominant culture
>bait them with extreme unclean memes
>they laugh at first, because we're the funniest place on the internet, but soon they start to see it ain't all a joke
>redpilled like all the others.
no one can routinely lurk here for long before they start to understand certain realities.
/pol/ was created because /new/ wouldn't stop spamming kill all niggers and kikes

this has always been a containment board, or did you honestly believe civic nationalism was politically incorrect?
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the only eugenics program they deserve is a nuclear holocaust
You guys are absolutely Fucking retarded. I will spell it out for you since you can't understand it on your own. stop with the god dam race shit, it just fuels the leftist rhetoric.

Look at what happened in canada with those 5 soldiers that got discharged for protesting the natives bullshit. Our government has give PLENTY of gibs to the natives regardless of the fact that most of them today have not suffered any injustices at all. These soldiers were protesting this and they got labeled as white supremacists because retards like you want to make everything about race. Any valid arguments they might have had about the ridiculous apologist shit towards natives was thrown right out the window because you assholes want to partake in lefty identity politics.

Fucking hang yourselves. YOU are the reason it's so easy for lefties to fuck our countries. And if any of you are fat or ugly and still preaching the muh race supremacy shit then seriously hang yourselves, you are a waste of space and a bigger drain on this country than everyone on welfare.
I've been here since /new/ and I'm not a nazi

At the end of the day you're just shitposting on an anonymous image board you're not changing the world you're not making normies wake up. You're on fucking 4chan, think about that for a minute, you're on fucking 4chan.
that's cuz you're probably a nigger.
whites need identity politics you fucktard or else we are dead, we need to start acting as a group the same way blacks and hispanics do

fuck you and your "le based minorities"
In this atmosphere nationalism itself is politically incorrect

This board wasn't created for natsocs, otherwise they'd ban communist general threads. It was created for people to say whatever they want to say regardless of political affiliation. This is literally the mods official position
I could also be the president's son
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Yes, that is true, but there's always been a sense of "incorrectness" and /n/ was literally killed because of this.
nationalism is not politically incorrect

i never said or implied this board was created for natsoc

this board was created because /new/ wouldn't stop spamming kill and niggers and kikes

continuing any conversation with you would be inappropriate and i will not respond further
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But America has no race
>Correct me if im wrong
Hang yourself
>this board is mostly white
Holy shit you stormweenies are delusional.

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
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You may be oversimplifying it a bit, but it's sorta true.
It's politically incorrect here
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Maybe we should return the favor. Maybe have some fun on reddit.
Identity politics is a cancer that's ruining our society. It's the reason we're in this mess to begin with, with all the SJW and identitarian alt-right nonsense. I'm tired of the whole idea that someone must be the enemy simply because of their genetics.

Let's stop the pointless division and work together to decrease our wealth gap, fix our failing infrastructure, stop wasting trillions of dollars invading countries we have no business being in, etc.
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>Yfw you realize that you are one of the idiots
haha yes friend balkanize the population xD surely this isn't a divide and conquer technique haha
Definitions change. In 50 years, maybe less, people will say sweden was always a multiracial country and you have no right to it anymore. You can cite all your history and everything but no one will care. Even your own european brothers will post shit like.

But Sweden has no race
>correct me if Im wrong

And I will laugh at you then
sucks to be you m8
>80 IQ people will help remove the wealth gap rather than fall for kike lies.
Just remind them that:

Civic nationalism has been tried and failed. It's been pushed in the U.S. since the 1960s as the idea that America is a "propositional nation." This lie is a huge part of why our politics is so dysfunctional and our country is so divided. The US was only able to maintain unity when Americans clung to a historic identity as a White English-speaking Protestant people. Real Americans are united by a common heritage rooted in our shared experiences building our nation. We are settlers, colonists, pilgrims, and pioneers. The suppression of this identity in favor of the "nation of immigrants" position supported by the "propositional nation" argument has resulted in the ethno-political marginalization of the majority of the population and the loss of our sense of common purpose and common identity. The simple fact is you can't build a united nation out of an ideology. It's been tried and failed.
>supporters of the us president are politically incorrect
someone's been watching alex jonestein
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Part of the plan
No one can resist this place.
A+ trolling son.
Well if it isn't mostly white that just goes to show how shit it has become and you are making it that way. I'm not a youngfag, I remember when the nonwhite world had barely any internet access whatsoever and the internet was far better.
/pol/ is the most racially diverse group of white nationalists
it's too late. it's been too late for two years now.

go to the other chan that has a real /pol/ board. this one is through.
nationalists are divide and conquering based workers around the world comrade

Pick one faggot.
Why not? Every other race works in their interests but whites aren't allowed to?
>We got Trump elected

Top kek, I hate this fucking line. I'm starting to really believe Trump was a psyop to reinforce faith in the system every time I see someone repeat this. Do you actually think for one second that (((they))) would let someone in an office of power through the system? I mean come on, they may be monolithic super villians but they're not that stupid. They saw how disillusioned alot of people were with Obummer and needed a "people's man" to get up to bat. The system got Donald elected.
yes I'm singlehandedly ruining your white fantasies, sorry bud
You're a shitskin leafposter, everyone hates you. Objectively make this board worse every time you post.
This. I forget the name of the study, but someone tried to scientifically prove diversity is a strength and the results came out exactly opposite. The more ethnically diverse, the lower social trust is, even within ethnicities.

I forget the name of the prof, but I am sure someone here knows who I mean.
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fucking donald redditors are out in full force today
you first nigger
tribal politics are the reality of a multiracial society, they aren't going away as america becomes more diverse and whites need to adapt if they want to survive
>not want a white ethnostate
america is doomed to break up the same way yugoslavia did, too many political differences between races, the tension you see now is evident of that, get redpilled
Holy fuck, this board is a mess.
>they started it!

No anon, the lefties work for identity politics, there are plenty of people of various races that want to look out for national identity rather than than individual group identity. Your stormweenie brain just automatically categorizes them into you and not you.

I'm probably whiter than you, Paco.
Rome was civic nationalist you Fucking retard. No empire in human history has lasted as long as rome did. Do you honestly think it's viable in a world of 7 billion + people for whites to be the only ones in control?
Get noosepilled you retarded bong
>I'm probably whiter
no suprise that civicucks are mostly half breed mongrels
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>white supremacists
>constantly obsessing over and discussing black men and their penises
Can someone explain this phenomenon?
do you ever leave your house?
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>unironically calling someone a white supremacist on /pol/
this is what it's come to
i'm at work right now
Rome was a city state. It built an Empire by first uniting the Latin nation, and then by conquering its enemies with that unified force. It would have lost the second Punic war if not for the national unity it maintained with its Latin neighbors on the Italic peninsula.

It's not only viable for an Empire to have an ethnic identity, it's absolutely necessary. The ethnic identity of the central ruling ethno-state of an Empire is what gives that Empire its values and character. Neither the Roman nor British empires could have been built or maintained without the values of their dominant ethnic groups, and it was the corruption of those values, the loss of cultural dominance, which caused those Empires to collapse. Empires only stand so long as their constituent parts have a clear idea of who is in charge on an ethnic level. Once that is lost the competing identities and value systems of the formerly subordinate ethnic groups push the Empire into civil war.
This is gospel truth.

>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day

>stormfags thinking they ever ran /pol/
>divide and conquer shareblue shills
>Antifa larping as Nazis

same fuck thread
every day
one hundred times a day
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kill yourself, outsider
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lol my dude, Rome wasn't civic nationalist, it was a cultural imperialist. Non-romans didn't have the same rights as romans, they were considered subject peoples. The romans (from the city of rome) only reluctantly gave citizenship to the italians after hard war and that was the status quo for centuries. It only became truly "civic nationalist" after Caracella gave citizenship to every roman from the niggerest nubian to the palest snowigger, but that was when rome began to decline. Whatever nationalism the legions had at its height for Rome had begun to dissipate. Multiracial empires inspire little loyalty or fervor. I mean how many of you would die for modern america or canada? Very few, if any. People join the military to get money, maybe respect, experiences. They don't join anymore for nationalism. The army became mercenary at best. Civnat imperial rome was then easy prey for vigirous ethnonationalist tribes, whos ingroup loyalty easily outcompeted random "romans", many of whom betrayed the "roman" empire to serve under the germanic tribes. So ya, its always a sign of decline and not a strength
I'd insert my penis inside her vagina, if you know what I mean ;-)
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you're not shilling hard enough shlomo
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first Indian I've seen since the camouflage flags came up.
And yet being Latin or British had nothing to do with the colour of one's skin or eyes or hair.

And yet anyone could obtain Roman citizenship for themselves amd their families by serving 20 years in the legion.
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>The romans (from the city of rome) only reluctantly gave citizenship to the italians after hard war and that was the status quo for centuries.
This, absolutely.
Hell, the Romans didn't even accept fucking CICERO as a full Roman, because he was technically born in another Latin town outside of Rome.
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The other ethnicities in Rome that relied on gibs to stay peaceful was part of its downfa
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Fuck off commie.

All politics are "identity politics". You won't convince anyone (other than brainwashed whites) to abandon their ethnic interests.

Race and class will always be factor, whether it's genetic, cultural, or social, and it will always create natural division (also fomented by people who have an interest in agitating racial tensions). That's why multiculturalism is retarded. Look at what's happening in Europe with the refugee crisis.
Come on I have been shitposting since morning today (today is work off)
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it's like you aren't listening.
that's why it began to decline and was easily conquered by comparatively minor tribes with in-group preference, you dumb fuck.
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>using the term "stormweenie" unironically

Kill yourself redditor.
Being Latin or English (the dominant British ethnicity) did have implications for hair and eye color, but those were deeply superficial considerations next to the cultural values and collective temperament of those groups.
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fuck off blork you filthy spic
Yes they could, arguably that was a coping mechanism for more recruits because it was becoming harder to recruit troops from the italian people due to the degeneracy of empire.
Also keep in mind, even if rome was civnat (it arguably truly was the only good example you can find because its methods were both brutal and long lasting) it was just a civnat nations of mainly european types, meds. Sort of like a proto 1965 america but for the mediterraneans. Civic nationalism can work if the peoples are close enough and one culture is very dominant. It wasn't a mix of people from the around the world like niggers, kebabs, chinks and pajeets. The systems don't even begin to compare honestly. You could NEVER create a modern rome of such poor clay
You don't you stupid nigger. You let them vent and speak their mind. You show them why they're wrong and then they'll come around. Faggot, listen. 90% of the niggers on this board started out as civic nationalists. Give them time you dirty kike.
they have been the majority since 2016

most are ethno-nationalists by the way
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Dailiy reminder that this is what "civic nationalists" support.

>White Britons to become minority by 2066

>“I think a reasonable middle conclusion is that Canada will be 20 per cent white, 65 per cent non-white and 15 per cent mixed race by 2106,” he said.

>America's dying whites: Caucasian death rate now outstrips the birth rate in a third of states

>Nonwhite babies are now officially the majority in the United States

>White Britons are now a minority in 4 towns and cities

>Germany will be a Muslim Turkish nation by 2050 if demographic trends continue.

>The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

>Germany: Nearly 40 Per Cent of Under Fives Now ‘Migrant Background’
I have never seen /pol/ explain what civic nationalism is
Rome is the Fucking staple for how to build an empire. Nothing in human history has compared. Arm chair country builders need to really shut up.
It fell because nothing lasts forever you Fucking dipshit

This was my entire argument. Culture is the main factor to making a nation strong. The reason the west is falling is not because of skin colour but because we allow other cultures to integrate without making them assimilate.
there's so many of them coming in they aren't assimilating
We move to another website where the mods aren't pussies.
give them time - would you rather they have no exposure to the JQ and racial question?
nothing, to a certain extent. beyond that extent, you better hope your governing documents and culture are rigid enough to fend off the sharks.
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>Civic nationalism, also known as progressive nationalism, is a kind of nationalism and identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with progressive values of freedom, tolerance, equality and individual rights.[1][2]

Basically liberalism and white genocide rebranded as "nationalism"

Essentially it's fine for whites to become a minority in their own country, to eventually be wiped out, and not to care about race or religion (even though the left does all the time, and Muslims or Jews obviously do, so you're basically cucked and constantly and on the defensive all the time), as long as you care about "culture".

What is that "culture"? Vague ideas like "freedom" or "the Constitution" and Wal-Mart, Burger King and Jewlywood. So it's fine for 50K 80-IQ Ethiopians to move to Montana as long as they "integrate" (which they never do), and as long as they consume our products and work for cheap wages.
If culture is defined by skin colour to you then you're no different from the leftist cucks who think only non whites can be victims
I repeat, Civic nationalism can work if the peoples are close enough and one culture is very dominant. By close enough I also mean genetically since race and culture are tied. The extreme example is niggers being raised in western culture, it just doesn't work. Even the other nonwhites it doesn't work because its impossible to stamp out their identity due to skin color and physical features. For example an asian american will always be aware of their asianity even if they have zero asian culture left. This is why you need people of close genetics so you can't really identify anymore. A white american can't really tell very well between an irish and german american. I mean you *can* but its difficult. Same thing with like a thracian roman and an italian roman. They are pretty close that the identity were possible to stamp out largely.

Its still subpar to ethnonationalism though, however it allows you to make meganations and empires so there is that
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we need more weird and awkward shitposting
the good goy conservatives can't be allowed to feel comfortable here
>le both sides are the same
>Hhahaha bro remember when 4chan was ironically racist? xD
Fuck off redditor.
The history of Rome is vastly more complicated than "muh ultimate empire". The Romans didn't originally want an Empire. They were pushed into becoming the dominant power in the Mediterranean by repeated attacks from the Cathaginians.
>Americans think that ethinicity isnt part of nation
>Americans thinks that nationalism is the same as cucked patriotism shit like "WE ALL MUST WORK TOGETHER XD"
>they create meme words like "civic nationalism" even though it has nothing to do with nationalism
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Leftists want to destroy European-derived culture with mass immigration, feminism, globalism, Marxism, political correctness, degeneracy, destroying the family unit, etc. Anyone who's not retarded wants to preserve European-derived culture and the people who created it and oppose all of that.

It's not a fucking coincidence that most of Africa and the Middle-East are still shitsholes while Europe and America have created so much and the entire world wants to move here. You can't preserve a culture if you get rid of the people who created it and are responsible for maintaining it. The people who will replace us will also replace that culture with their own.

>Hispanics are also divided over how much of a common identity they share with other Americans. About half (47%) say they consider themselves to be very different from the typical American. And just one-in-five (21%) say they use the term “American” most often to describe their identity. On these two measures, U.S.-born Hispanics (who now make up 48% of Hispanic adults in the country) express a stronger sense of affinity with other Americans and America than do immigrant Hispanics.

>40% of Millennials OK with limiting speech offensive to minorities

>In France, 93% of Muslims vote for socialism.

>In France, more than 40% of young Muslims believe that terrorism is justified.
File: mummysomething.webm (317KB, 800x674px) Image search: [Google]
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hi friend
Culture is defined by the aggregate and average behavior of a social group. Race, as crime stats clearly show, has a significant impact on the aggregate and average behavior of a group.
i would suggest 8pol but that's turned into a slightly more edgier version of le_donald
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