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The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains

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The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure
Let's just gun down trumpc u c k s. Make America actually great again.
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>access to healthcare is a right
>access to guns is a right
what kind of mental dysfunction do you have?

Owning guns is a right, I'm not asking for you to pay for mine.

Having healthcare is a right, but I'm not paying for yours.
It's funny how it's mostly foreigners that want us to disarm ourselves.
I don't want government controlling my guns or my healtcare, leaf. You may enjoy your death panels, but us over here in a sane state of mind find it abhorring.
Circumcision is known to cause brain damage in infants due to the shock of the intense pain. This brain damage obviously results in psychopathic behavior, as can be deduced by looking at Americans, jews and muslims.
Where the fuck is healthcare in the Constitution?
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Yes there is, stay in your own country leaf, don't come here.
Fuck off libby
How come liberals can't see the false equivalency?

Government doesn't provide you with guns, you have to buy it. You have a right to buy it.

Government doesn't provide you with healthcare, you have to buy it. You have a right to buy it.
>what are positive and negative rights
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>forcing other people to pay for your healthcare is a right
Right next to the part that guarantees police protection, anon.
First of all, your a leaf, so I want to blow you away with a LEAF BLOWER.
Secondly having access to buy gun does not mean it's free. just like everything else in life you have to pay for it.
Go fuck your dog you filthy Canadian swine.
forgot to change your flag faggot
Healthcare is provided by doctors, nurses, and a plethora of other people throughout the medical industry. Do you believe you're entitled to force them into serving others against their will? Do you believe you're entitled to forcing people to pay for your poor life choices against their will.

I run 15+ miles a week, lift weights, and eat right. I do all this to stay healthy. I haven't had to see a doctor in years. Should I have to pay for someone's health who chooses to be unhealthy?
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Before you criticize us, go fix that new law that allows the state to take away children if their parents discourage the kids from turning into freaks that want to cut their dicks off. Even after you do, we don't care what you think...you're a fucking leaf.
>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure
Holy fuck, you snow mexicans can treat death?
gun rights are a restriction of power of a government.

Healthcare as a right is a positive right, something that is provided by government.
I don't understand the hysteria around the constitution. Don't like it? Elect people that will change it to your liking.
that picture is completely wrong.
You have a right to get healthcare and you have a right to buy a gun.
You're right.
Gunownership should be mandatory.
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Healthcare isn't optional though.

If band-aids cost 50,000 dollars each. That would still be fair?

It always amazes me how blasé and unangry you Americans are at your healthcare system. You should be furious. It's charging you 20,000% sometimes. Yet you do nothing. Even defend it.
>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people
America is all about creating winners, leaf

Because if you don't want to pay for it, you don't have to. I shouldn't have to pay my tax dollars when even I barely get sick.

Canada = 1/10th the population of America.

Your country struggles to keep Public Healthcare functional.
420 blasé it
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This. It's real simple. If you want health insurance, go get it. If you want a gun, go get it. The government does far more to stop you getting a gun than it does to stop you getting health insurance, by the way.
guns are not only used to kill people, they are also used to kill communists
>have a right to buy healthcare
>have a right to buy weapons
whats the problem
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Dead people do not strain healthcare infrastructure.
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>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure

Implying all killing is bad. Case in point if you raked yourself to death like a good leaf the world would be a better place
Healthcare is a service. It requires another person to dispense the service for your benefit. Your rights are not the dictates of others you ignorant faggot.
Again with this.

Where in the country can I go to be given free taxpayer-bought guns?
This comparison is only valid when pro-gun people start demanding that the government pay for their guns.
the ability to own a gun is a right. the government doesnt actually go around, handing out free guns.

These kinds of shitposts are so disturbing, because the only way you could support the message being projected is if you lack a complete of understanding of basic english.


You have the freedom to to own firearms
>>The 2nd amendment protects that freedom
It does not grant you a right but rather protects the "right" that you were born with. And that my friend is "to self protection"

Healthcare is NOT a right. At all. What so ever.
They do have a right to healthcare but they have to pay for it just like their guns.
Liberals are pro gun rights

You are thinking of authoritarian progressives
Every leftist "meme" is intellectually dishonest like this

But they don't care
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Not if you kill them before they breed.
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I keep it next to my jennings and lorcin collection

tis elite anon
your country is about the same size as ours and you have a smaller population than california. of course you think healthcare is easy and no one needs guns
spend well pupper
You'd have to get up pretty god damn early in the morning to kill a black dude before he reproduces.
Liberals are pro gun rights

You are thinking of progressive authoritarians
This. Commies are arguing what "should be" instead of what "is"
I'm literally sitting here with Tigger, who will surely be remembered as one of history's greatest kitties, on my lap and an SA M-7 Classic. Come and get either, nigger lover.
There is something seriously wrong with a country that thinks the labor of others is a universal right, but self defense is not
Wait so are you suggesting that guns in America are free?

You can own guns, cars, dildos, and houses in America if you can afford it.

It's the same with healthcare.
Okay, I'll pay for your health care but only if you can pass a simple gun safety course, physical fitness requirements, and are required to carry your weapon at all times with the understanding that you are required to protect the health and wellbeing of all those around you as well. Deal? If not, then you're literally stealing food from my mouth to save degenerates from themselves and that's not just theft, it's slavery.

You're for slavery, stupid, and you're the first to get fucked.
I LOVE THE FACT that the regressive left do not even possess a basic understanding of logic.

your memes suck, your estrogen filled men suck, you suck.
Explain in simple terms how hard it is to get Healthcare coverage in the US, for a covered European it seems a mystery.

My job provides me with health insurance, if I don't have a job, affordable Healthcare is funded by our taxes. Is it much different in the states?
It's not a gun problem you stupid cucknadian! It's a people problem. Health insurance companies are greedy. They want to hold your health hostage. Profit off your sickness.
>leaf thread
Sage report and hide
Healthcare is a privilege. But you have the right to go get healthcare. Just as you have the right to go get a gun.

>The only thing guns are used for are to kill peopl

How is this true when I use guns to protect my farm from predators?
See U.S. Constitution.

>dead people strain healthcare infrastructure

That explains Canadian healthcare, you wait in the lobby for a doctor until you die because Dr. Pajeet loaded all the beds with corpses and won't rest until he's cured the sleepytime plague
But until Obamacare, it was legal for insurance to refuse to sell to you, and then get you blacklisted from the entire industry.

Gun sellers can't just go "Based on this person's history, we think he shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun ever." like that.

Obamacare made it illegal to deny people insurance like that.
The difference is I don't want taxpayers subsidizing my gun purchases.
The army
>leaf at it again

try again leaf
I have the right to live just like you, my genetics won't allow me to lose weight. I may be obese and unable to move much but I'm still a fucking human
That has to be the dumbest meme I've seen in a while. Guns aren't free. Yanks have a right to both of those things, should they have the funds.
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>What are criminal background checks???

Also, """""preexisting conditions"""""" means type-2 diabetes, COPD, etc. It's not everyone else's job to pay for fatasses and dying smokers.
Pre Obamacare:
If you have a job, most large companies will pay for up to half of the costs of your health insurance. If you don't work at a large company, or don't work at all, or don't work full time, or don't have a high enough rank at the company, you need to buy insurance on your own, entirely out of pocket (Which is very hard if you are poor, which you would be if any of those apply to you).

Even so, insurance companies could refuse to pay because you were sick in the past (called a pre-existing condition) or could put lifetime limits on the amount they would pay, or charge you vastly more than someone else for the same product.

If you still can't get insurance, and you are elderly, or a pregnant woman, or a child, or a military vet, the government will cover you.

Otherwise, a single hospital trip will bankrupt you because you pay millions.

After Obamacare:
Every company with at least 50 employees needs to pay for half of the insurance to all of their employees who work at least 30 hours a week.

Insurance companies cannot deny you if you are willing to pay, they can't cap your coverage, there are limits to how much they can increase your payments, and they can't charge you more than someone else who is the same age. You can still go buy it yourself out of pocket if you don't meet those employment requirements.

However, because that would obviously bankrupt insurance companies, (After all, who would get insurance ahead of time when they are healthy if they have to give it to you even if you get sick?) everyone is required to get insurance at all times, or else pay tax penalties.

If you can't afford insurance, then the government will pay for part of the costs. If you are too poor even for that, the government will pay for everything - unless you live in a state with a Republican governor, in which case the government will not pay for it if you are too poor. (thanks to the supreme court allowing states to opt out of that last provision).
no, i want healthcare to be legal just like i want guns to be legal. if you can afford a gun or healthcare, go get it. if you can't afford a gun or healthcare, you can't have it. and you can't democratically vote to steal from the rich so you can buy a gun, same with healthcare.
New Republican Plan post Obamacare:

Get rid of the requirement to have insurance. Prevent insurance companies from going bankrupt by allowing states to opt out of the protections (like lifetime limits) and by giving insurance companies massive tax breaks. These tax breaks are paid for by the government stopping payments for poor people.
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Healthcare is not a "privilege" because care is something that implies ownership or ward status. You could properly call medical services a privilege because they're provided by contract rather than imposed by sovereigns or their agents.
What's wrong with it?
Twenty-something identified.

Too young to remember the fuss over pre-existing conditions eh?
Owning guns is in fact a privilege. If it were considered a right the government would be handing them out for free.

Dead people don't need healthcare you stupid leaf.
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Get your vagina looked at....... Doctors orders.
>one leafpost by this id
trips of truth

Let's make a deal, in exchange for free healthcare, we get free guns.
Thanks, very clear. So how are the reforms going? It seems clear that they will have to water down if this is what they want to do.

Why are Americans not happy with Obamacare?
>rights are something the government owes me, not limitations on what the government can do
Canuck cucks are the worst. They didn't earn liberty so they don't understand it's worth and what it takes to maintain it. Why ur shitpile of a country is being overrun by shitskins and ur faggot sock wearing cuck of a leader supports them. Guns save far more lives than they take. Criminals will always be armed. OP kill urself, but not with a gun, just move to inner city and leave ur door unlocked
>i want healthcare to be legal
No you don't, not for mentally competent adults, anyway. What you want is for medical services to be legal.
People don't get free guns, idiot.

You have the right to buy healthcare just like you have the right to buy a gun. A "right" doesn't make you entitled to someone else's unpaid labor. Why not just repeal the 13th amendment at that point?
No one likes being told they have to buy something.

People in Republican states who in many cases very literally cannot buy insurance (Again, due to their state opting out) are extremely pissed and blame Obama.

Most of this hatred is due to the fact that the law is really, really, really complex (It does shitloads more, like specific coverage requirements, panels to determine limits on insurance agencies, security requirements, tax changes, regulation changes, laws regarding healthcare exchanges, etc) Thus almost no one (including me) knows the entire law. People don't like what they don't understand, especially when /pol/ or Fox news tries to sum it up in one line of "It will make your insurance more expensive!"

The reason it's complex is because it's essentially impossible to balance "Everyone should be able to buy insurance" with "Insurance companies shouldn't go bankrupt covering everyone"
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A gun shop owner absolutely has the right to refuse to sell a weapon to a person he deems unsafe. In the exact same way, a health insurance provider can refuse to provide service to a person it deems a massive drain to it's program.

This does not stop the dangerous person from seeking a weapon elsewhere, or the fat cancerous diabeetus-riddled Floridian from seeking insurance elsewhere.

Also, why should any private company be forced to subsidize your ruined body? If they can come up with a program that works for both parties, fine. Should the government be forcing companies to provide services they don't want to provide?
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A leaf ladies and gentlemen
healthcare is a SERVICE.
what's the difference?
1.) A leaf.
2.) 1 post by ID
3.) Doesn't understand what a Constitution is.
4.) https://youtu.be/k6XUS-QKQJk

Well that's fine if thats your opinion, but judging from your flag you aren't in the US.

The people of our country want to be able to own firearms, if you don't like it I suggest not moving here.
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wew, lads
>If band-aids cost 50,000 dollars each
Which never happened and never will.

As long as we're pulling non-sequiturs out of our asses: What if letting women vote made the world explode tomorrow? Doesn't this possibility make you want to change your political views?
Obamacare is an unhappy medium between full private coverage and single payer healthcare

The people who want single payer healthcare are unhappy because it doesn't go far enough to lower healthcare costs.

The people who want private coverage only are unhappy because their plans are more expensive due to the extra expenses required to keep everyone else insured.
If bandaids cost 50k I'll put together some redneck version and sell it for 1k and put those asshole put of business
what are sports again?
Where's my free gun?
Go to any hospital with a legitimate health care concern and you will be seen. Shut the fuck up leaf. We also have the right to PURSUE happiness as well. We are not guaranteed the right to BE happy. What rights do you have? To suck the queens clit?

Ayo hol up. So what you be sayin is... The gubmint should pay for everyone to own a gun? I'm down. Hell yeah.
You just but hurt because Canada has terrible Heath care so does the us but we can just THE the guns as meds
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Because then the person gets sick, gets treatment anyway, doesn't pay, and everyone's prices go up.

Unless you start holding doctors at gunpoint and make them rifle through people's pockets for insurance paperwork and credit cards before treatment and dumping them on the street if they don't have $100,000, that isn't a solution.

Pic related. There's literally thousands of pictures on google, so don't bother pretending.

Also, don't confuse hyperbole with non-sequitur, you sound like a moron.
Lawns are a privilege but protection my property is a right.
They're both rights.
You have a right to buy a gun.
And you have a right to buy all the healthcare you want to.
It's a 1984 word like gender and governance. Think about it who else gets care?
>your dog
>your car
>your child
>your senile grandmother with Alzheimer's
spend well pupper
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>it's another /pol/ gets trolled by a 1 post by this ID distraction thread with a topic that gets posted several times a day

I hate reruns.

I'm starting to hate all you idiots who reply to this shit too. The fuck you doing, replying to someone who isn't reading your shit?
Both are rights. Neither are privileges.
the government doesn't have any money, that money belongs to taxpayers.
If you want healthcare to be as cheap as guns get the government out of it and allow the market to lower costs and improve quality.
Care implies a guardian/ward relationship.
Services implies a contract between equals at law.
It's perfect: all the white people will have a gun to defend their home/business/etc while all the minorities kill each other with the guns given to them. Just have to hold out for a week or two then scavenge all the guns off the dead minorities.
One makes money and the other loses money

I always spice my posts in these threads. I don't think you can sage with an image though. You just gave him a bump.
that makes sense, i'll use medical service from now on
So perhaps a reform of the entire corrupt healthcare system is in order. Rather than forcing everybody to participate in a system designed to inflate healthcare prices to levels beyond ridiculous, find a way to force the prices down.
If given the choice would you be in favor of Obamacare or against it? From my experience single payer Healthcare costs tons of money (I live in one of the highest taxed countries in the world) but everyone including poor people can get decent Healthcare here, but it's quite a shock when the numbers are in front of you.
The setback is giving such an important financial influx to a government which manages it badly (corruption, waste etc) so I can see the benefits of private insurance as the cost for myself would go down (payed by my company).
Though in general I would like to be able to know that everyone can get his/her health taken care of at low costs.
No one but a leaf could be such a faggot

Yep. No such thing as "free" anything.
Getting government out of medical services should include no more physician licencing or medical school certification. Private organisations should do that, like they do now for electronic devices.
You have no right to the skilled labour of others.
Guns are a right but they aren't free, you stupid fucking leaf.
Of course that is the solution, but then you have two options:

1. Price controls. Literally make things worse 100% of the times they are tried. (See: Venezuela)

2. Copy other countries and have single payer. As a single payer, the government would have stupendously massive negotiating power and could bring prices to rock bottom.

3. Take a chance and try massive deregulation, and pray it works. We have no evidence it has ever worked in the past, but it might. Or it might just completely collapse health care in the country entirely. But you know, it might work, after all, econ 101 says... (etc)

Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
>Healthcare isn't optional though.
>If band-aids cost 50,000 dollars each. That would still be fair?

Tell you what, you repeal the NFA and allow CCW reciprocity nation-wide, and repeal all state laws that violate the 2A and we'll talk about single payer.
>Just have to hold out for a week or two then scavenge all the guns off the dead minorities.
Why bother when you'll only need hunting and recreation shooting firearms then?
>which strains healthcare infrastructure
dead men take no stitches
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> bent dead taxes the healthcare structure

Legal guns kill nogs, relieving societal burdens.
If that's my only choice, in favor, but it's garbage as a law. It needs fixes that it will never get because the issue is too political. The republican plan is even worse.

Just give me Canada's system, even with all its own problems it is 1000x better.
In case my joke wasn't clear, price controls isn't supposed to be a real option.
I just got a freedom boner
>state-issued guns for all citizens
you're thinking of Switzerland
OPee, I like the way youthink. Next step? since NIGGERSare committing 90% of the gun crime, lets just stop treating them. End of "gun strain" on the medical system.

No more white people coming when niggers and spics shoot each other, stab each other or beat each other to death.

No more paying for expensive white cops, firefighters, EMT, white paramedics, white nurses and doctors.
We'll save a fortune!
>>>American education
Spend well pupper
>strains healthcare infrastructure
But day niggas day be ded son lik nigga dem nnigga be dead nigga how u do that health care sheeit when niggas be ded nigga
underrated post

niggers are LITERALLY responsible for over 85% of the gun crime in the USA. If you deduct porch monkey violence, we are lower than europe!
The superstructure of the nanny state began with Rockefeller's foundations and attacks on "quacks" which set up a de facto monopoly where competing approaches to healing and providing MEDICAL SERVICES are shut out rather than submitting them all to market forces.

Anybody with a cheap/abundant/non-patentable cure gets shut down now.

Without civilisation reset, it's probably not reformable. Too many people whose income depends on the status quo.
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I love guns but that thing is actually retarded. What is the muzzle velocity of that thing? 700 fps? Plus that bullet probably starts tumbling the second it leaves the "barrel", I'm honestly amazed that you can't see the tip of the bullet protruding. That is quite a novelty you got there. I'd imagine an airsoft gun would probably have the same effectiveness as that thing at any range.
the reason why healthcare is a privilege is because it is a service that must be paid for

the people who support gun rights do not say that everyone should get a free gun. They should just be able to get one, you must still pay for it.

The people who say healthcare should be a right however, demand that it is given for free.
Whatever. Faggots and retards are wrestling each other to bump this fucking thread anyway. It's futile.
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>right to buy guns
>right to buy healthcare

I don't see a problem here.
There is something wrong with the person who created this meme, and YOU. They have no idea what a right is. Just like you have a right to go buy a gun, you also have a right to go buy a doctor's service.
You are not ENTITLED to other people buying you a gun or buying you your doctor's services. YOU have a RIGHT to go get those things all by yourself, and you are FREE to get those things or NOT.
we are not sociialists you ignorant cunt.

You do not have a right to services you did not pay for.

got it?

productive citizens live
leechfucks die

its the way it has always been and always will be.

you idiot cucks have been lulled into a low brain state to forget that the price of lazyness or failure is not as high as it was.

The price of being a leechfuck in the turd world is death- no one would even bat an eye over some idiot like you dieing in the. street
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Look at Canada
You idiots can have guns,and now you are rules by a for feminist dictatorship,and you can't do anything to stop it
Guns are a birthright faggot
You idiots can't****

Bait. Nobody is this retarded.
I love the M92, great gun. The Tavor isn't so bad either.
Access to a gun is a positive right, the same as freedom of speech. If I want to say something, it is up to me to say it, and nobody can be forced to listen to it, either. Likewise, I am given the right to purchase a gun, and if I want a gun, I must purchase it for myself, as nobody is obligated to purchase one for me.

In both cases, my ability to exercise my rights confers no negative externality to those around me, that is, nobody is obligated to do anything in order to provide me with my right.

Healthcare is a different sort of "right", one that by its very definition as such requires an entrenched state to force people to pay for the healthcare of others by way of taxation, which is the removal of capital from the citizenry by the state using force. Under those circumstances, if I have a "right" to healthcare, regardless of my ability to actually pay for it, what I *actually* have is a right to rely on the state to take other people's money away from them by threat of violence in order to pay for something that I otherwise cannot afford on my own. This is why the "right" to healthcare is anything but.

TLDR: Gun rights take nothing away from citizens who don't want to exercise them. Healthcare "rights" strip individuals of their capital without their consent to pay for something that others want but can't afford themselves.
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I fucking dare you.

Come get some you motherfucker.

spend well pupper
>Implying an overpriced, inaccurate kike-built meme rifle that underperforms a $500 PSA AR for damn near as much as a SCAR will EVER be anything close to "freedom" inducing.

A literal Soviet-built AK, designed to kill US soldiers in order to spread communism around the planet has more "freedom" street cred than the Tavor does, because at least it's a cheap, durable platform that has fed insurgencies across the planet.

What's the Tavor done, other than separate bluepilled mall-ninjas from their money or allow Jewish college students to LARP as soldiers while they gun down unarmed palestinians in yet another Zionist turkey shoot quashing teenage reactionaries in Gaza or the West Bank. At least the OG Galil was actually used against proper nation state-level actors.
I'm pretty sure you are allowed to care about your health yourself in US. Anything else is false equivalence.
spend well pupper
US already has single payer, it's called VA. That works so very well doesn't it.

The problem is the ADA's boycott of lodge-serving physicians, combined with massive tortuous penalties for malpractice. Because of the first, the second becomes fair. Because of the two together, we have an anticompetitive market and an unbalanced supply and demand scale where the supplier gets to set the price.

Fix the first and wait 20 years to solve itself. But too many people will due first so we can't wait. And doctors don't like actually being accountable to patients so they'll lobby against the first again.
I don't support Gun Care just as much as I don't support health care. If you want a gun you pay for it. If you health insurance you pay for it. Simple as that. We are not giving out free guns, so why should we give out free health insurance?
Fucking leaf, how can dead people strain the healthcare system? Go suck some Arab cock faggot.
I see someone read that sourceless wall of text image that gets posted on here from time to time.
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>strains healthcare infrastructure

guaranteed cash flow from insurance and subsidies strain it far worse than injuries
You'll have to excuse my ignorance, I've to idea what you're referring to.

If there are any claims you'd like to refute, please educate me.
One is a form of coercion (you must pay for Tyrone's AIDS treatments or else we'll send you to prison).

The other is just an option that allows you to defend yourself from Tyrones and the government; nobody is forcing you to buy a gun.
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I didn't the government gives out free guns.
>Liberals are pro gun rights
what fucking parallel universe do you live in

No one is buying guns for you.

Healthcare is not a right because it costs money and is realities to your health and your own actions day to day.

So, if I am a fat pig and gourge myself, is it still a right that you pay the hospital bills?

How about someone on a skateboard, that keeps getting hurt.. etc..
>If band-aids cost 50,000 dollars each

Somebody else would make Band-Aids for a cheaper price.
I'd make a cheaper band aide
They do if you're a Mexican drug cartel.
>Somebody else would make Band-Aids for a cheaper price.

I think he met the concept of liberalism, not modern "liberals".
hi. just wanted to tell you guys that we have a nice-ass country with few problems
Rights of citizens are limits on government.
This is why you're confused.
Also, hide your leaf.
>Gun sellers can't just go "Based on this person's history, we think he shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun ever." like that.
>what is NICS

It's like you've never purchased a gun before. Ever seen a 4473?
That entire claim about "lodge physicians" is based on a copy pasta conspiracy theory that has tiny grains of truth mixed in to make it seem real.

Basically, just ask yourself "If it worked so well, and actually treated everyone, how come absolutely nobody remembers it, including the 70 and 80 year old politicians currently trying to find a health care solution?"
>1 post by this ID
Healthcare is not a right. It is a service. Therefore it can be rationed. Calling the right of self-preservation is purely misleading, dishonest, manipulation.

Healthcare can have the following qualities: Quality, Affordability, Universality. You have to choose and compromise between the 3. And Universality seems the one not to worry about.

Western Countries spend more than 10% of thir GDP in healthcare. What must be adress is the cost of healthcare. Let's look at other sector of the market where prices are cut and quality is up. Any idea?
My claim is actually based on a thorough history article I read on I think CATO institute a few years ago. I'll see if I can find a source for you. But it may take a while
There is quite a bit of difference between a federal law taking away the rights of citizens because they have a criminal record (which most states also do, see: right to vote) and a private company deciding who is and isn't allowed to exercise their rights.

For instance, the MPAA can give your movie an X rating, but they can't actually stop people from being allowed to watch your movie because they had a "pre-existent pornography habit"
Prices are high because of niggers and anchor babies going to the ER for a sniffle and not paying their bills. So Joe taxpayer has to cover them
Pretty sure the CATO article is the same as the copy pasta.

You also probably shouldn't trust a source that publishes articles about how traffic lights are an infringement on freedom and driving was much safer before we had traffic light laws.
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>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure
Our firearm rights aren't subject to healthcare prices.
healthcare IS a right, you are allowed to buy healthcare.

Guns are a right too, you are allowed to buy them.

stop smoking pot, you stupid liberals, you can't even understand words anymore.
any people who advocate fat acceptance should be banned from using health care
You pay for the gun not the state

what kind of bait thread is this
>It is a right to buy a gun
>It is a right to buy healthcare

The disagreement is who PAYS for the latter.
>it was legal for insurance to refuse to sell to you

Because if you're already a wreck there isn't anything to insure. That's not insurance. Obama wanted to subsidize the feckless and irresponsible. It's dishonest calling that "insurance", it's not.

Your politicians need to explain to the American public what insurance is and isn't.
>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure

>kill people
>strains healthcare
>hospital rooms full of dead people

i'd love for the government to force you all to pay for my guns
This was posted in 1993, and later republished dozens of times: http://freenation.org/a/f12l3.html

Your 80 years old would have been infants in 1930, AFTER the problems started.
goddamn liberals. it's in the constitution. fucking retards. we need rwds now.
You don't have to pay the bill. No public hospital can turn away someone with an immediate life threatening condition. The reason you get bills that large is because there are shit loads of people who go to the doctor for every little thing and don't pay. Most of these people are illegal aliens. Also insurance is a giant scam that only raises the price of actual healthcare
fuck off. gun rights should be UNIVERSAL
And their parents and grandparents just casually forgot to mention it or write it down anywhere.
I mean how hard is it to use tape and gauze?
You seem to assume that links bibliography is missing
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>Using a Zastava
Amazing how liberals keep posting this but have successfully changed anyones opinion on the matter.

Cringe threads for days...
Healthcare is no less of a right than guns : just guns you gotta pay for, or know somebody...just like medicine.
And you forget some recent history documented in cartoons of all places.

Fred flinstone was your average blue collar Everyman. His lodge was a common thing to the audiences those cartoons were geared towards. Today it's anachronistic, "what's a lodge dad?" Or should I say "mom" for all the single mothers out there.
Yep, it was this massive system that everyone loved and covered everyone, and somehow only 5 people managed to discover it existed.

Fucking freshmen lit papers want more sources than that.

And again, you still didn't answer how come no politician has heard of it or proposes it, when knowing about it is their entire job and all of them would know someone who lived through it?

But no, thankfully some random chucklefuck on "freenation.org" managed to solve the mystery and told us all about this thing everyone seems to have known about but somehow the entire world forgot.
>Healthcare is no less of a right than guns

Sure it is. Show me how you have a "right" to healthcare?

Your rights all stem from a single idea: the right to be left the fuck alone. None of them require other people to do dick for you, even if you pay for it.

I guess you could argue that you have the right to provide yourself healthcare, but that's not really what you meant.
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How do you respond to this?
Because few if any politician alive today would have ever experienced it. And the ADA, a massive lobbying group, says no. Why wouldn't you want a politician trusting the doctors, that's expert-based policy isn't it?


No one is asking for free guns, just the right to have one, which they fucking pay for... you have all the rights to healthcare ever, just cough up some $ for it...

Roderick T. Long received his PhD in 1992 aka not some freshmen chucklefucks college essay you dunce.
>The only thing guns are used for are to kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure

stop equipping police and military with them, I'm all for that idea
I spend $300 a month for insurance and I still payed a $3000 hospital bill.
>Healthcare is no less of a right than guns :

you already had the right to take care of your own health

or for some reason people now need really expensive nonsense medical care even though they were fine without it for thousands of years
>2nd amendment is meant to keep the government in check.
>Healthcare is just a gibsmedat.
Guns are a right for a reason so the people can maintain their ability to keep their government from turning their corruption on them. Healthcare is demanded from greed from people too lazy to deal with it themselves.

OK Listen up

There are THREE political axes

1- Leftist/Rightist (Economic axis)
2- Authoritarian/Liberal (Civic axis)
3- Progressivist/Traditionalist (Social axis)

Leftist = Believes in more redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, socialised and nationalised industries etc;

Rightist = Believes in lower taxes, freer markets, etc;

Authoritarian = Believes in more government control, more surveillance, more more police, etc;

Liberal = Believes in less government control, less police, less surveillance, etc;

Progressive = Believes in things like Pro-abortion, Pro-LGBT rights, Pro-Womens rights, Atheism, anti-gun, etc;

Traditionalist = Religious, anti- LGBT, anti- abortion, pro- gun, etc;
>Because few if any politician alive today would have ever experienced it

Yep, and their parents forgot to mention it. And historians forgot about it. And so did teachers and college professors. So did lobbyists. Even doctors forgot. Hell, even the fraternal societies themselves forgot.

No one even knew about it decades ago when the article was first published.

Thank god we have Roderick T. Long to pull this mystery back from the beforetimes. If only our ancestors knew how to write things down people might remember.
Of course healthcare is privilege, it something other people provide to you.
Healthcare isn't a right, btfo Canada
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Then he should know that 5 sources who all quote each other does not an argument make. Especially with such a grand and massive claim that he makes.

But I guess that is okay when "Formulations by the Free Nation Foundation" was the only group that would publish his rantings, he couldn't even get a legitimate publisher.
>asks for source
>gets source with extensive bibliography by PhD from 25 years ago
>wah but why don't people remember

Just go away you illiterate anti-intellectual
Dead people don't need healthcare

Healthcare is not a "natural right." Self defense is a natural right.

Learn to read and go pick up some John Locke or Adam Smith or something you stupid fucking syrup nigger

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit
>kill people which strains healthcare infrastructure
and how do dead people strain healthcare, your fucking dead you don't need healthcare
I just want to use government as a hammer to smash all those who dissagree with or even irritate me.
I didn't ask for a source, I knew exactly what the source was. A conspiracy theory.

But if you wanna talk about sources we can. Notice he cites a bunch of unpublished, and self published garbage, and what little published work he mentions is from fake libertarian journals, not real historical journals. He couldn't even get his own article published on a legitimate publication.

Again, he's claiming it was a massive system that somehow covered the healthcare of every working man and their family in the country, yet the best source he can find is unpublished materials?

But please tell me more about how it's legitimate because he used APA format.
So I take it you voted democrat?
Hilariously enough it already is. What the left wants isn't, "rights," but, "free," and they want to ignore the costs and hand it off to others (ie: the right).

Which is why Trump won. Almost everyone understands this.
>but I should just get healthcare.
>I should just get it for free
Doctors are not slaves
Bibliography includes:
Manchester University,
St Martin's press
Institute of economic affairs,

And 1 unpublished reference in 1992, later published in 1997.

Please silence thyself so that adults might converse
It's an easy solution. The government regulates what anybody can be charged for a procedure. If you can afford it, pay out of pocket. If you can't, get insurance. Either way, it's regulated.

I did that in Japan. I got diverticulitis, went to the hospital, got treated, blood work, antibiotics and everything for 90 bucks. I could live uninsured like that.
Or just regulate medical costs.
>The government regulates what anybody can be charged for a procedure.
There are already examples of this being a horrible idea. Why do we have to keep rehashing commonly known information to shallow arguments?
Also, what you forgot to mention his the working conditions of Japanese doctors. The suffer. Badly. The reason they still have Japanese doctors is their sense of service which does not exist in the USA.
spend well pupper
spend well pupper
a libertarian think tank that publish literally anything that says "government is bad" see aforementioned article about the evils of traffic lights

>Manchester University,

You mean "Manchester University Press" a book publisher, not a university. IE, garbage. Anyone can publish a book that says anything they want. That's as good as a source as Harry Potter.

>St Martin's press
Another book, not an academic source.

>Institute of economic affairs,
A libertarian think tank exactly like Cato.

Are you really so stupid you see the word "Institute" and think "Oh yes, it must be an important and reliable objective source, it has institute in the name!"
What if the stores have an exclusive contract with the 50k bandaid people. Enough money to put competitors out of business instantly?
Fuckin' leaf!
If you shoot the shooter, it won't shoot anymore. You keep the money.
You won't be hospitalized if you shoot the shooter who would shoot you. You keep the money.
Yes, price controls worked out so well for Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and Weimar Germany.
I see, so please name some acceptable journals that you consider as valid historic reference, aka "real" history journals.

If 40 years of historic research summed up in 1 article isn't good enough, I would love to know what is.

Price controls won't work, single payer is an objective failure, and tort reform won't ever happen. What's the solution, friend? Could it be democratization of service just might work?
Nice trips.
This is simultaneously the argument used with secondary education as well, which is pretty pathetic. Education is important but if you don't feel you can get a good career after investing in yourself, you shouldn't even attempt it. This is also why I voted Trump and am happy he was elected.

Owning a gun is a roght because it is considered personal property and I need to buy/make or be given one as a gift.

Healthcare is something that an entire society contributes. If you're not a productive member of that society why should you get to reap its benefits?
In that case.
"Free" health care for everyone and "free" guns for everyone this or healtcare has to be payed for and guns have to be payed for.
Chose what you support.
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And this is why EVERYONE laughs as Canada. You fucking pussies.
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I have the right to build and own a gun.

I am not entitled to have the government force someone else to pay for my healthcare.
The hilarious part of the education argument is the costs are stupidly inflated for what people get in return. $500 or more for a fucking textbook. That alone points out why the government should stay the fuck out.
Allow people to put on shoes again. Seriously, the TSA is security theater anyways. They have never stopped a single terrorist. They are there to make you feel safe, not to actually make you safe.
Let it crash and burn. Deregulate, let the shit fail and let the free market find a more effective replacement
Any of the legitimate peer reviewed history journals.

The Historical Journal
The American Historical Review
The Journal of American History

Remember, he's trying to prove objective facts, and yet he doesn't have anything other than opinion pieces as evidence.

>In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, one of the primary sources of health care and health insurance for the working poor in Britain, Australia, and the United States was the fraternal society.

Is an objective statement. If it were true, there would surely be thousands of pages of evidence on it. Again, "The primary source of healthcare" is a pretty bold statement.
Owning a gun isn't a right. Being able to purchase and posess a gun without others preventing you from doing so is a right.

Receiving free healthcare isn't a right, just as receiving a free gun isn't a right. Purchasing healthcare or accepting healthcare that is offered to you is a right.

Bandaids are a meme. If your wound is minor enough that a bandaid will do fuck-all, you don't need anything. Just let it fucking heal. Bandaids just slow down the healing process.
And fuck everyone hurt in the meantime right?
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>having a gun isn't a right because it puts a strain on the healthcare system
>but being a faggot and spreading aids is a right despite putting a bigger strain
"Owning a gun" isn't a right. You have the freedom of purchasing a gun and the government must respect your property rights. "Healthcare" isn't a right. It's free stuff given to some at the expense of others.
but bandaids aren't 50k. They are cheap

It's not an argument to make up a hypothetical situation.
If health care was treated like gun rights in the USA then you'd need a background check to get it, a mandatory waiting period, and felons would be denied access.
I take it you don't agree with SAGE publishing as a reputable journal then.

Great, so you get to decide the arbiters of truth. Everyone else is wrong and nobody can undermine your authority.

Good to know, I'll take your insight to heart.
Go have sex with a dog
It's called "peer review" google it.
Is SAGE peer reviewed then?
Google it
SAGE is a publisher, it's not a journal.

Again, that's like citing "Penguin Books" as a source.
good rebuttal fag
Make a meme post, get a meme reply, fag.
Sage is a publisher of journals you fucking retard. Their entire catalog is journals in the sciences and humanities.

Are SAGE journals peer reviewed?
America is already a socialized healthcare nation. You are billed by the docs and hospitals, but there is no obligation to pay, and they have to treat you.
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Okay you really want to make that argument? Lets make healthcare a right just how guns are a right since you want to play this game...

Gun owners (not counting Law Enforcement, and Military for the obvious reason it is a tool necessary to perform their job at times) are not just given a gun by the government to any citizen that wants one.

The right to bear arms does not mean I can just walk into a gun shop, or gun show with empty pockets, and be like "I need a free gun man, I got no gun help!"

The right to health care does not mean I can just walk into a hospital uninsured, and be like "Hey doc, let me get all the best pain killers you got. Also bust that periscope cam out, and stick it in my pooper I'm feeling randy!"

You want a gun, you pay for the gun.

You want medicine, you pay for medicine.

Not a complex concept.
Which one? How should I know if every single one of the hundreds of publications is peer reviewed?

What's your point?
>Gun sellers can't just go "Based on this person's history, we think he shouldn't be allowed to buy a gun ever."
They totally can. Gun sellers can simply decline sales for any reason, they don't even need to say why. They think you are buying it for someone else who can't buy guns? They can decline the sale? You seem suspicious? They can decline the sale. You are a nigger? They can decline the sale.
different fag u fag
Healthcare is a service. Saying healthcare is a right is like saying eating is a right therefore grocery stores should be free.

Healthcare is not banned. You have every right to purchase the services of one of the fine medical professionals currently working in this country, but they also have the right to charge you for that service.
But the government does pay for your food if you can't afford it.
Somebody else would sell Band-Aids for a cheaper price.
The Second Amendment cannot be changed as the rest of the Bill of Rights cannot be changed either.

The Founding Fathers could see these gun-grabbing scum coming two hundred years ago.

kerdasi amaq
Let's use a real world example.

A CT scanner costs about $100,000 in the U.S.

A CT scan itself costs about $1,000 in the U.S.

A CT scan in India costs about $50.

So, if "someone would just sell it for cheaper" why does no one in the U.S. sell CT scans for cheaper?

There are thousands of hospitals, and hundreds of thousands of radiologists and doctors, so why does not a single one sell it cheaper?

Could it possibly be that your theory is entirely wrong?
My point is that you don't get to exclude a source because you don't like it. If you have a grievance with the publication or it's citations, then document the error and publish it in a peer reviewed journal and let the world know. You don't get to attack the messenger for not living up to your documentation standards by claiming exclusivity on historical or scientific fact. You either refute the claim directly, or you stop attacking it. That's the only basis of intellectual discourse that is acceptable in literature.

Just because you refuse to read the essay and it's citations by University publishing houses and peer reviewed journal does not make it false.

Stop acting like a blithering anti-intellectual liberal and participate in discourse, or shut the fuck up.

I'll accept a refutation of the claim. You pretending that nobody remembers is directly contradicted by an article from 1993, republished hundreds of times over the last 25 years. Now EDUCATE me on why Roderick T Long's essay is incorrect, not on why you think it isn't remembered when it very clearly is.

If your stance is still on "memory" then I'll ask: "how does history remember FDR?"
>Using your money to get a gun is stupid and bad
>Giving your money to the government so other people can use it is good
>you don't get to exclude a source because you don't like it.

I'm not. I'm excluding sources because they aren't real sources. Again, literally anyone can publish their own book and say whatever they want. It's not peer reviewed.

I'm saying, "This guy has absolutely no scientific sources, yet is making grand claims why? And, why is it so hard to verify anything he says?" And you are saying "BUT BUT THE CATO INSTITUTE!"

> Now EDUCATE me on why Roderick T Long's essay is incorrect

I don't have to. You assume the Null hypothesis until proven otherwise. If he can't undeniably prove that this massive, well known, public, primary healthcare system existed, we can just safely assume it doesn't. Again, "why has no one but Roderick Long, and people who read his essay heard of this" is a pretty basic question. And a pretty damn important one if your claim is that this system covered the entire working class.

Otherwise, let me tell you about the history of the Earth/Mars war in the 1970s, I've got sources from UFO Quarterly to tell you all about it.
>I'm the arbiter of historic accuracy
Good to know. Let adults speak
The risk pools are separated so the poor fags in it are still making insurance companies lose money. A lot have backed out and half the non profits went bankrupt because people who need treatment all the time are bad for an insurance business. There was insurance that didn't deny existing conditions before, it was just far more expensive and comparable to insuring a car when you've had lapsed insurance or a house that's run down.
kike detected
So you accept UFO Quarterly is a legitimate academic journal?

You agree everything in it is 100% true facts?

It must be true, someone wrote about the martian invasion.

After all, you wouldn't want to be the arbiter of historic accuracy.
spend well pupper
Ha, ha, ha, the real purpose of the TSA is create employment opportunities for perverts!

kerdasi amaq
It's the US. There's no right to have guns, it's simply forbidden to the government to mess with the fact that you might have arms. Ffs, I'm Italian and I understand this shit....
No, incorrectly used guns are a strain on the healthcare system. If put six hollow points in a niggers chest, all it will cost is an ambulance and a cremation. Pretty cheap compared to the cost of taking care of someone for decades whose diet is primarily fried chicken and grape soda. And that's just for the ones who live free lives til middle age. Those yung bucks who get put in prison early cost society a whole lot more than a magazine of bullets. Basic /pol/conomics, friend.
>they just go anyway
Looks like they already have a right to healthcare, doesn't it? How about fixing why they're poor faggots instead of raising taxes again?
Spend well pupper
>Looks like they already have a right to healthcare, doesn't it?
Yeah, of course they do.

That's why people who think that healthcare isn't a right are so foolish, because it obviously is.
The government didn't pay for my guns.
Spend well pupper
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The only thing guns are used for are to kill niggers which relaxes healthcare infrastructure
It eases healthcare and welfare systems.

20yo gibmedats dying is 10 years worth of gibs not needing to be gibbens.

Din gibbed nuthin if they dead.
>implying you have any guns
>implying the states with the highest rates of gun violence aren't all blue liberal shit holes that are full of niggers and spics
You can't cure every disease with medicine, no matter how advanced we may become.
You can cure every disease with a gun.
You have a right to healthcare the same as you have a right to own a gun.

The message is just criticizing capitalism because just because you have a right to something doesn't mean it's owed to you free of charge from someone else.

Marxist argument that twists the truth to appease liberals. Subversion tactics at their finest appeal to emotions and stomp on the truth in the name of progress.
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The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights -- life, liberty, and justly acquired property -- against aggression.
All people have the right to self-defense and they may agree to be aided by any other individual or group.
Individuals have the right to keep and bear arms.
People should not be prosecuted for exercising their right to self-defence.
Government should not restrict, register, or monitor the ownership, manufacture, and transfer of firearms and ammunition.
People should be free to choose which products and services they wish to purchase and not be forced to pay for something against their will.
Individuals should be free to determine the level of health insurance they want, if any.
Health insurance companies should not be regulated by the government.
Provision of health care should not be socialized.
Health care should be provided by the free market.
Socialized welfare programs should be phased out and replaced with a private voluntary system based on insurance, charity, and mutual aid.
I'm not a poor nigger so I actually have work paid insurance. My healthcare is 100% paid for all day. STOP BREEDING AN UNDERCLASS
this argument will be invalid until federal and state governments are providing citizens with free AR-15's and a monthly ration of ammunition.
One is a commodity while the other is an action. Why would anyone be surprised that a country protects the actions of citizens before it protects a commodity? No one who argues for the 2nd amendment argues that the government should raise taxes and create punitive mandates for gun ownership.
>Bandaids cost 50grand
>no one buys them
>Bandaids go out of buisness

99/10 buisness model there senpai.
Well healthcare IS a privilege.
You are not born with it.
Just ask anybody in the 3rd world.
Besides, I paid 3K in taxes last financial year, got $200 back... It's not FREE healthcare, although there are freeloaders.

On the other hand, we are all born with the right to defend ourselves. Not just us, every animal. It's our governments that took that right from us in most 1st world countries.
A gun seller can refuse a sale for any reason just as much as a bartender buddy.
I apologize on behalf of all canadians who dont understand how our Healthcare system works. Who don't understand that it's not free, it gets funded by our tax dollars, and the only reason we can afford to put as much money into it as we do is because we live right next taxi America and are protected by them in every sense of the word. America has the most powerful army on the planet which gives us the luxury of spending jack shit on military and using that money for other stuff.

I would also like to add that our hospitals are abysmally under staffed and full of immigrants who can barely speak English. You will wait on average 2 hours to see a doctor in a Canadian hospital, sometimes it will take as long as 8 hours if it's really busy.
They can't:

Charge you more for a gun because of your gender (gender discrimination in insurance prices)
Send your information to other gun sellers to ensure you don't get a gun (blacklisting)
Decide that "Other people like you misuse a gun, so you can't have a gun, or have to pay more than anyone else, even though your record is clean" (risk pools)
Retroactively take away your gun because they discovered you used a gun before purchase (pre-existing conditions)
Enforce a contract to limit your gun purchases to only once per year (Enrollment periods)
Put a lifetime cap on the number of times you are allowed to fire your gun, and take your gun away if you break it (Lifetime caps)
Put you in a "high risk pool" of gun owners and watch you so they can take away your gun if you misuse it. (high risk pooling)
Insist you use a different gun for the first 5000 bullets per year before you are allowed to fire your new gun (Deductables)

spend well pupper
spend well pupper
>implying communists aren't actually people

They can say "I don't want to sell you a gun". A right a baker doesn't have. They can certainly alert fellow business owners of someone they don't want to sell guns to and that's more power than a baker these days. You've confused healthcare and health insurance the entire thread.
A doctor can't say "I'm not going to treat you because you can't pay", can they?
And you know nothingb about gun laws either, more restrictive states do a form of each of your shit analogies. I had to be background checked to get a permit to buy specific types of guns, that lasts only one year, after which I must reapply to buy guns, and checked again at each sale, which can be refused at any time. If I misuse a gun you can be damn sure they're taken away, stop being an ignorant faggot.
The world according to Garp!
Where did you learn that bullshit?
3 axes? WRONG. Where does a An-Cap fit in your narrow view of the world? Or even a libertarian?
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