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Why are Eastern European countries nationalistic, while Western

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Why are Eastern European countries nationalistic, while Western European countries aren't?
Less Western propaganda and control since they weren't US puppets during the Cold War. The US doesn't want its puppets being nationalistic.
That or (((Communism))).
eastern Europe is 50 years behind western Europe in social, industrial, cultural, agriculture evolution
We went through communism and don't want to expirience it again.
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Because hard times make strong men.
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And we'd like to stay there.

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They were under soviet regime until 1991, they know bs when they hear it.
Lower IQ. Less empathy.
Nationalistic people tend to be less developed.
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that's the indian influence in british multiculturalism
You're talking about Africa.
africa is about 100-2000 years behind depending on specific community
because they are 100 years behind
Speak for yourself
They felt the cruel boot of Communism
None of your business bitch ass nigger, fuck off.
Eastern Europeans drove out their German populations.
Our "nationalism" is barely hanging on one thread which is our history. Other than that this country just got more fucked after we got out of Russia. Wealth inequality is fucking huge and shit here sucks major dicks, I would be surprised if this fucking country lasted another 50 years because the only people living here are patriotic retards and once they die out it's kaput.
Overcompensation for their inferiority. As a general rule of thumb, the prouder you are as a nation, the less you have to be proud of. The only exception to this is the US.

you get nationalistic when you don't have anything real to be proud about and you need to tickle your ego somehow. nationalism and revanchism always finds root only in populations that are predominately poor and stupid

notice that the wave of nationalism happened right after millions of eastern europeans left to clean toilets in the west. the more intelligent and brave, the stupid left and have it their way now. the region also become increasingly religious

you will. or you'll fall even further behind

>Tanveer Mann
Interesting theory and partially correct. Basically west sold their morality and values on the altar of capitalism, and it is definitely a lesson for eastern europe to never sell it's own nationalism and ethics on the altar of money. The things happening in the west are due to the fact that people have been enslave by the Isiah Berlin's presentation of negative liberty and lacking any positive liberty. We hope here in the eastern Europe that we can ensure positive liberty while maintaining negative liberty.
being nationalistic is the only reason our country, people and language still exists in 2017
They went through pretty harsh domination by the Soviet Union and are suspicious of other nations imposing on them

yes, we are shit please dont come here.

Because the west doesn't care about anything but money.
country is dying because of nihilistic fucks like you, who blame each other and have no faith
>>132618395 >>132619640
>>132625331 >>132626826

Because W. Europe is low T, ultra gay, chopped off peepee, and into cuckold porn. E. Europe is not.
because the ottoman empire blocked the westerners' path to asia they searched for alternative routes.
they found a continent in the process.
chased some niggers in the jungles.
they had colonies.
so they ditched nationalism for internationalism.
the east had to stay and fight the ottomans.
they are poor and uneducated plus they were under communist anti-nationalist control
We aren't that nationalist, but everyone is patriotic as hell cuz "muh Austria-Hungary, but where is Czechoslovakia?". The only nationalist countries I can think of are Ukraine and Poland, who are nationalist because they hate Russia.
Every other country in eastern Europe that I've been to is just patriotic.
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Because they don't know the horrors of communism.
> germanfag: raized cities to the ground and stole everyhing they could
> US and UK: gibs eastern countries to Stalin
> Stalin - lets divide the resources of those countries justly between me and myself
> germanfag, US and UK - look how shitpoor those countries are, they got nothing else to be proud of, we so betyr
/pol/ is now confirmed reddit.
the United States ruined them.
Since our countries have been under soviet propaganda bullshit for more than half a century, we have become somewhat more resistant to blatant ideological brainwashing.
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It's illegal
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(((Russia))) so based
Because hard times create strong men.
Lack of historic guilt, poverty, western left-liberalism hasn't been as deeply rooted in the East as in the West. Maybe it has to do with a weak respect for the authority of the elite?
they learned from the jewish tyrany of the (((ussr)))
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the west was overtaken by the amerijew after ww2
they already experienced marxist utopia

for some people, the true heaven, real equality, is just too much bliss, that's why they want to go back to nationalist hell
The reason why is complex and has numerous factors, like all things.


Most eastern Europeans hate "communism", but are still prone to socialist ways of thinking, and expect the state to run things.
The closest "ism" i can come up with is: Nationalistic Democratic Socialism. Kinda like Nazism but without the swastikas and shit. Violence to minorities included, but the minorities are ethnic, not racial like in the west. For example Serbs and Croats killing each other for 200 years.
Which leads into the next factor.

>Constant war and instability

It causes people to band into groups more. Breeds a "us vs. them" mentality.

>Economic problems

Like some others in the thread pointed out, poor uneducated people heal their sense of inferiority with nationalism. In 2 ways specifically:

1. Blaming their problems on designated black sheep. Gypsies, neighbours, "the west" (which replaces Jews for the western Europeans)

2. WE WUZ-ing, which is very common in eastern European nationalists.

>Poor education

Which results in a general mistrust of science and history, which is tied closely with WE WUZ-ing,
The most disturbing thing about this lack of education is the lack of political education, which allows for openly corrupt politicians to stay in power, who then pollute the media with their propaganda.
Most of the poor and uneducated fall for it, and sink deeper in delusion (Blaming their problems on "the West" and WE WUZ-ing).

In the end it's similar to western European nationalism in many ways, except for the fact that the intellectual and political elite in eastern Europe is overwhelmingly right wing and nationalistic (in a different, better way than the masses), and mostly keep the plebs in check. They also steal a lot, but i'm beginning to think that's better that being brainwashed but living in prosperity like for example Sweden.
This, just look at Germany
For Central Europe, it always looks to Hungary for leadership. This is a subconscious reaction to Hungary's dominance as the Huns, during the Middle Ages, and as Austria Hungary.
For Poland, its the constant betrayal and historical hardships that make them more self aware of their existence and more vindictive.
For Hungary, same as Poland.
>the intellectual and political elite in eastern Europe is overwhelmingly right wing and nationalistic

the elite in Eastern Europe literally despises its own people and venerate the West as those most progressive
poland was poor even by GDR standards
They're not. All of them have 90% of the following:

- governments filled with ex-communists who then turned capitalists and sold their countries to foreigners, and then turned EU advocates and copied all the EU laws helping to exploit us, and then turned "Euroskeptics" for easy brownie points because no migrants want to stay here anyway
- disarmed populations with gun ownership being almost impossible
- mass surveillance of communications and public spaces done by the ex-communist secret police/mafia and their successors
- no freedom of speech especially regarding WW2 stuff
- laws against insulting people, blasphemy, speaking out against NGO propaganda, feminism etc.
- NGOs, businesses, bankers and secret services from America/NATO, EU/Germany, Israel, Russia, IMF running the show
- feminist, misandrist, anti-family, anti-straight anti-nationalist propaganda everywhere since all the organizations that fund any kind of art and culture have been taken over
- shitty third world-tier economy where the only draw for foreigners to "invest" in is the cheapest possible labor force and subsidies directly from taxpayer money (so essentially taxes pay for people they hire and they don't have to spend any money themselves)
- separate ruling class that just stamps all EU directives
- culture destroyed and replaced with American globalist culture
- no piety
- women that whore themselves out to foreigners
- literal economic, cultural, ideological and military colony of the west
Why are Eastern European countries steaming piles of dogshit, while Western European countries aren't?
elite not elyte
Korwin Krul is member of the actual elite.
Because when you're poor and starving you have to think of something nice and find someone to blame other than yourself, taking pride in things from 600 years ago so you forget your current shame.

Russians for instance have to take pride in their country, Vlad, the 2nd WW etc, because how could they live with the shame of having Africa tier AIDS rates, massive homicide, crime and whoredom?
One more thing i forgot to mention.
People in eastern Europe are a lot less materialistic than in the west, for better or worse. That impacts political thought in a big way.
I think it all started with religion. For my family patron saint is St. Alypius the Stylite.

>Alypius was born in the city of Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia. His mother, who had been widowed early, was very pious. She sent her son to be educated by the bishop Theodore, gave all of her livelihood to the poor, and herself became a deaconess and lived an ascetic life. Alypius built a church in honour of the Great Martyr Saint Euphemia the All-Praised on the site of a dilapidated pagan temple. He erected a pillar beside the church and lived atop it for the majority of his adult life. Two monasteries were built beside his pillar, one for monks and one for nuns, and Saint Alypius served as spiritual director of both. According to his hagiography for the last fourteen years of his life he was unable to stand, and had to lie on his side. He died in 640, at the age of 118. He is recognised as one of the three great stylite ascetics along with Simeon Stylites the Elder and Daniel the Stylite.

So basically a dude that stood on a pillar all of his life.
Contrast that with Catholic saints, who all pretty much had to do something useful to be considered saints.
Here martyrdom and intent is prized as much as being useful. At least in a historical, story telling context.

A country with such high crime rates, campus communism, creationism, flawed democracy, etc... Not really that much an exception when you consider how it is no where near as nationalist as eastern Europe
Because Eastern Europe drove out its Jewry
Why is Turkey an even bigger steaming pile of dogshit than eastern Europe?
For one I agree with the Serb, all tho that Serb-croat fighting is a 100 year old meme only, not 200.

It is funny though, none of those nationalist mention how some of those they hate helped them. Hell, Albania saved the Serbian army in WWI.
Tbh I find Serbs hating on Albanian Albanians idiotic, though the hate for those in KosMet is somewhat justified
What you said only applies to Croatia, maybe Poland and Hungary to an extent.
>"Oh look a jew who sells shoes, he is totally hiding his gorillions of gold and plotting to ruin my life reeeee"

Antisemites are almost always alauakbar-tier mentality.
People here warp history to suit their narrative. World capital of historical revisionism.

I dislike the Albos because they are Muslim, not because of history or race.
If they all converted i would welcome them with open arms.
Oh yes, Eastern Europeans are like those monks, living in silence, focused on prayer, they despise the material world... I don't know where in EE do you live, but what you write is bullcrap
First: I'd always prefer selling all national resources to foreign companies than let a villager with 4 year of elementary school run em because his political party wanted to make him a gift.

Second: piety
Oh come on, piety is the beatification of slave mentality. If you meant modesty, the yes, but religiosity is an issue.
Half of em are Christian and the remaining muslims are halfly atheisized thanks to Hoxha, so yeah, easier to get those 25% to go full atheist as well.
I never said that.
I just said eastern European culture is less materialistic then western European.
I compared Orthodox saints to Catholic saints, to provide and example of what i meant.
>low jewish populations
i dont really care about the muslim albanians in albania

I do dislike the ones firectly outside the borders of albania, especially in kosovo, but also in macedonia, greece, and montenegro
>I just said eastern European culture is less materialistic then western European
and this is why bolsheviks won in Russia. Eastern Europe is just full of christianity
How do you defend pop Maca becoming a freaking Saint?

Though, one can make a difference between classical church and the current SPC, which is just a criminal cartel
You know what flag you're using, don't yah?

First time i heard of pop Maca, thanks for the info.
I admit, the argument i made about materialism is a bit shaky.
Maybe it's better to say European culture in general is very materialistic, eastern European is maybe slightly less so.
Don't come here "refugee".
>implying that norway isnt nationalistic at all?






do not come here
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>the ottoman empire blocked the westerners' path to asia they searched for alternative routes.
>the east had to stay and fight the ottomans.
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>tfw Village Warlord took my last son yesterday and is going to raise him into yet another of his ladyboy slaves.
>tfw Won't have enough potatoes to pay the tato tax to the Warlord by the end of summer cause Ivan accidentally burned my fields in a drunken stupor
>tfw Wife was publicly executed for calling Warlord a gopnik

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i like that cat picture
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throwback to my favorite post ever
western European countries are "progressive" (aka regressive)
feels. Another day without food. Unintentional water fast for 5 days now. At least not as bad as for you braliukai
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words of truth!
Get the fuck out kike.
Kas sa laulupeol käisid?
>Western Europe

False empathy (aka virtue signalling) maybe but otherwise W.Europe is the soulless place on earth
Russia one of the least nationalistic and most ethnically diverse country in the world, and it's all because we were part of the USSR, andby Putins shitty migration politics, btw all Russian nationalistic partys are in fucking jail, so yeah we pretty fucked in terms of migrations and economics.
>"Oh look a jew who start communist uprising to weaken my state and halt most of rail communication with Poland so his homies at Kremlin can roll over entire Europe"

If the Jew is just a Jew, it's not a problem.
Problem begins when said Jew adopts kike mentality.
Could it be that comminism actually saved eastern Europe?
They've seen what socialism actually does to countries and don't want to take a step back and fall back into the old ways the just escaped from
And (((whose))) fault was communism? Hmmm
Capitalism. Capitalism requires globalism and interracialism to function.
Because Eastern European countries were stripped of their national identity by USSR, so we value it way more than western countries.
thats right albanians here are stupid crazy nationalists
Eastern Europe had communism forced upon them from the top down, while Western Europe is seeing communism developed from the bottom up.
What did communism "actually do" to their countries? Where are the niggers? Where are the faggots? Where are the feminists shrieking about male privilege?
It hardened them. Strength from adversity.
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Because rebellius people.
The soviets promoted interracialism
It must be a coastal thing. The closer a country/state is to the coast the more liberal and cucked it is.
So why is Eastern Europe so white? They should be at least USA tier brown now if not more if /pol/ memes were correct.
After dealing with the nightmare of Communism, they already know the destruction Marxist thought brings.
you forgot about gypsies and tatars
Immigration levels to these countries was minimal though, because of all the bureaucratic bullshit you had to go through. Kinda like the same that happens in China fore foreigners except 10 times worse.
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imported a few hundred thousand of these subhumans as means of russification:
Notice how the former Soviet satellite states have now become authoritarian shitholes with failing economies.
years of the size 13 boot of communism stomping on your fucking face vs not
Tatars only live in Russia and Ukraine. During communism, they weren't allowed to move to Slav areas. It's only after the West forced them to become more freedumb loving that the regional borders were lifted.

Gypsies lived in Europe for thousands of years. Nobody has intermarried them, not during communism, not now. Marrying a gypsy is considered much worse than marrying a nigger, it's basically like marrying a monkey.
Because of the (((commies))) which became (((social democrats)))
>Lower IQ
On average, I guess..? But you have to take into account Bulgaria has some extremely bright mathematicians and scientists, and the country is experiencing an enormous brain drain, sadly
>Less empathy
Entirely debatable
Becaused we fucked you bugs in history more times you had a warm meal? I don't know you tell me.
*with them
The West was taken over by cultural marxist agenda. It was all started by few KGB agents in order to destroy the West. It worked, but unfortunately for them Soviet Union is no more, so they can't just invade the West and take it over.
The East was not taken over by cultural marxist agenda, because obviously you don't send your agents to weaken your own nation and its allies.
Because freedom and prosperity breeds misguided altruism, while hardship and oppression breeds nationalism.
Ironically, the Soviet pigs ended up doing them a favor in the long run.
What eu fags can take pried in from recent history? Right, ethnical genocide and destablilization of entire region. Good times, good times. If only Hitler knew your methods and impose them on parasite we wouldn't have this conversation since you would live in faggot free Europ.
Black pigeon has a video about this.
>Leaf in charge of geopolitcs.
Laughable you utter mongoloid.
We experienced socialism.
We had communism.
We had marxist classist society.

It not works, guys. It not works.
>EU flag
>defending the chosen people

everything is in order sir.
Shouldn't you be minority white by now? Since communism causes that supposedly.
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So much of this
My country is very nationalistic
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> waiting for capitalism to collapse
Because we don't take freedom for granted, unlike the west does. The only way for one to understand why is that so is to become a second class citizen in ones own nation and ones flag and language replaced with foreign ones. Only then you would truly understand our mindsets.
And also Russia is not nationalistic at all, but imperialistic.
Communism opens the door for Globalism. Globalism causes white displacement.
thanks for creating hard times for us russia, because of you now we are strong /s
I have a question for you
How come you're not a nazbol?
So why are all the communist and post-communist countries homogenous and all the capitalist countries diverse? It's not a state-driven market that causes it. It's capitalist desire for cheap production costs(outsourcing, cheap migrant labor). Degeneracy is a byproduct of people being told they can do whatever they want, literally whatever they want, aka freedom. Most people are dumb as shit and will do dumb shit.
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it could; we learned the hard way that not all change is good change
It only exists in Russia I believe. It's a new untested ideology
Dughin used it.
Might finally work for you.
They are not. Russification is not that noticeable in Slavic speaking nations, but it is here. That is why we have a thing called non-citizens here. They are literal niggers.
It's called NatOxy, or alternatively: Duginism.
Once you are forced to experience commism, see how it destroys your nation you get gene coded hate for it.
And muzzies! Fuck off kebab
because the eastern european countries haven't been taken over by shitskins yet
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Niggers are the only literal niggers. You probably haven't met too many.

Communism in Eastern Europe was never as self-destructive as Western leftism. Universalism was underplayed. It was socialism + civic nationalism. Our national identities actually bloomed during this period but it's shameful for some to admit. Peasants didn't give a fuck about Poland and being Polish up until half of the XXth century. The awakening of their national identity began in the interwar period and bloomed during the communist period.
>A country with such high crime rates
>campus communism
Already dying.
Are we godless commies or bible-thumping rednecks? Make up your mind, retard.
>flawed democracy
So... democracy?
Yeah, generally speaking, you only use that once you've made a series of accurate points in a row, not after you've completely embarrassed yourself and your failed "superstate."
>jew selling anything other than debt
No, you haven't met actual "Russian" Soviet diaspora. They are a whole different animal from even the most vatnost of Russians.

Nationalism is objectively stupid and so are eastern europeans. Next question?
Two world wars were enough to kill most of the nationalistic pride.
So just kill them all except qt3.14 women under 25. I doubt anyone will notice since Slavs aren't a protected minority.
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>Slavs aren't a protected minority.
but they are , ex-communists push that all the time
Tell that to the drunken psychos of the east of us, just itching for a reason to stage another "Peoples Republic"
They love "liberating" Russian speakers, but would rather have the black plague then them go back in Russia.
We can't even tell them to learn our language if they want to become citizens without Russia staging another large scale military training excercise next to our borders.
Russia won't invade a Nato country. You can literally do whatever you want kek. What I meant is >>132652559 nobody in the West gives a fuck about Slavs. The liberals who becry every criminal nigger won't give a fuck about Russians.
less xenoestrogens
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I remember in early 2014 everybody said that Russia woudn't invade Ukraine, as they were pretty much carbon copies of each other, and look at things now: "nazi hohols" "traitors" and whatnot.
And NATO would not come to our aid even if we asked them to. The troops here are merely as a deterrant. The moment Huilo stikes NATO will either instantly kick us out, or fall apart on the spot.
But atleast Russia would balanize in the result it invaded us (for the 4th time in the last 100 years), as tey are too resource strained by their war in Ukraine right now.
>nobody in the West gives a fuck about Slavs
And nobody here gives a fuck about the west.
Also I can see many parallels with the Kosovo war here.
>Why are Eastern European countries nationalistic, while Western European countries aren't?

eastern europe experienced communism and extereme leftism.

western europe was either fascist italy germany and spain. or nationalistic so the moved from one to another.
Ukraine is not a Nato country, just some large shithole nobody in the West can really afford to take care of. You've been invested in too much to let you go back to Russia. The one thing you should be worried is 2040+ when the US becomes majority spic and Nato will probably fall apart
>Ukraine is not a Nato country
It doesn't matter. NATO is a sham. I have been doing some digging for a long time into them now, and NATO is not capable of the things it was created for, it can only do first strikes effectively.
>let you go back to Russia
We were never a part of Russia to begin with. First we were an autonomous region in the Russian Empire, and after that we were annexed by the Soviet Union.
>when the US becomes majority spic
That is none of our concern, the Islamization of western Europe is. And also I will probably be dead by then.
Anyways, this will be my last post, I have work tomorrow. Goodnight.
Direct experience with communism.
>East European
>USSR boundaries

What kind of retarded psy-ops is this?

I counter your Russian propaganda with a chart of your GDP

No white guilt to exploit.
No overconsumption turning into decadence.
Virtue signalling, empty feelgood slacktivism bullshit is not part of local culture.
People are much more aware of their countries history of suffering and hardships. many of us were kept off the map for centuries, No one is deluding themselves into expecting an eternity of peace and prosperity, an "end of history"
No history of imperialistic smugness and delusions like the ones that lead to brexit.
Culture of mistrust and doubt, everyone assumes(correctly) that all the talking heads on TV are liars and should never be fully trusted. Every public statement is constantly questioned.
Desire for more clay
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