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Poland (in collaboration with Jews) started World War 2 by i

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Poland (in collaboration with Jews) started World War 2 by its ethnic cleansing of German Civilians in the Danzig Corridor and Bromberg Massacres.

Why is this subhuman, disgusting war crime not taught in the history books?


"The real reason Adolf Hitler invaded Poland and Bloody Sunday." - http://www.thefuhrerbunker.com/WWII.htm
>all proven to be fake
try next time stormfag
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wtf I love polocks now.
Polish nationalist shill, it was never proven to be fake. You provide no proof for your crimes against the Aryans.

Subhuman slav.
guess who publishes books
guess who holds a virtual monopoly on the media
guess who dictates school curriculum
and so on
This is the worst fanfic on the internet
Oh look I spotted a Canadian Polish/Jew. ADL?
>muh reich
>muh jews
>muh conspiracy
How about some proper arguments and facts instead of subhuman stormcell gibberish
Who cares? That was 75 years ago. Polocks are trying to stay European. I hope they succeed.

[...] The sequence started with an attack of German Selbstschutz snipers on retreating Polish troops and then was followed by a Polish reaction and then the final retaliatory execution of Polish hostages by the Wehrmacht and Selbstschutz, after the fall of the city [...] The Polish Institute of National Remembrance found and confirmed 254 Lutheran victims, assumed to be German victims, [...] Goebbels had initially estimated that 5,800 Germans had been killed during Bloody Sunday but in 1940 increased the estimate to 58,000 which was subsequently published in the pamphlet "Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland" which convinced most Germans for the invasion and fueled more hatred against the Poles.[14]
History is cyclical never forget.

If this is in the Poles nature, they can do it to the Aryans again in the future.

This should be taught in the history books and everyone should be made aware of the Polack. Also, there have been many reports of Polish rapists in the UK right now, and Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew.

History is important to understand the present. The past should always be investigated and studied for the truth, or are you happy being brought up and taught a history of lies?
Wikipedia edited by Polish Jews. Shame on you for not acknowledging and apologizing for your country's and peoples crimes against innocents.

You are the worst kind of human in the world. The typical Polish.
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>Hitler sets off a chain of events that leads to the deaths of 60 million white people and Eastern Europe's descent into communism
>destroys centuries worth of European heritage

Just for the record, was the following edited in by Polish Jews as well?
During the German suppression of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 around 70 to 80% of libraries were carefully burned by the Verbrennungskommandos (burning detachments), whose mission was to burn Warsaw.[13] In October 1944 the Załuski Library, the oldest public library in Poland and one of the oldest and most important libraries in Europe (established in 1747), was burned down.[14] Out of about 400,000 printed items, maps and manuscripts, only some 1,800 manuscripts and 30,000 printed materials survived
Feel free to keep making assumptions. Keep in mind also that Hitler destroyed europe and killed millions of whites. Had it not been for Hitlers autistic temper tantrums we'd be living in a beautiful world.

>muh jooz
Best explained in Corneliu's book. But the kraut can never let things be and MUST follow his natural instinct to destroy European civilization.
Hitler was the last bastion of defending Europe.

He only reacted to provocations but pushed into war.

Poland sold out and were traitors and backstabbers to all of Europe.

Poland fought on the wrong side of history. Because they are subhuman backstabbers.

You along with other Jewish controlled countries set off the chain of events.

No re-writing of history can change this fact Polack.

You should be disgusted and ashamed of trying to defend what can never be justified.

You deserve to be conquered again by Germany if they ever free themselves from Jewish control... But this time they should annex all of you and cease the existence of disgusting Poland.
Look at Europe today. Hitler was trying to prevent that.
Now it is weak and degenerate because you were weak and sold out to Jews against Hitler.
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Hitler dindu nuffin. Pic related, the peace deal he offered. His pre war demands were justified, and moderate. His peace demands were beyond justified, and generous.
There's nothing wrong with killing Nazis.
NS Germany was a Pan-Germanic movement. Hitler didn't care about the slavs (in b4 Slovakia) and reckessly charged into Poland under a made up CB, plunging the world into chaos. Before Sept 1 there was no war. After, there was. Hitler didn't even have the honor to declare war, he just sent his units in. NOT TO MENTION... allying with the USSR and giving them a healthy chunk of land (lol, Stalin knew to be the smarter man and sit back for nearly three weeks and let the eternal kraut do all the heavy lifting). Not to mention Hitler ABSOUTLY knew what the ramifications actions of his actions would cause.

The Jew cowers and connives. Waiting for the kraut to make a fatal mistake. Then plunged at the right opportunity. The Jew alone is not to blame here. But the kraut for enabling it.
>ethnic cleansing of German Civilians in the Danzig Corridor
No such thing happened you fucking liar prior to WW2.
>Bromberg Massacres.
>started World War 2
>started World War 2
>Bromberg Massacres.
YOU FUCKING HSTORICALL ILLITERATE RETARD. The Bloody Sunday in Bydgoszcz happened literally in September 1939 during the invasion of Poland - stared by German Selbsstschutz units and Nazi collaborators. MORE POLES DIED IN THE BYDGOSZCZ MASSACRE THAN GERMANS. You fail.
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We both know you don't belong here, and I know you're only larping, this is a fun little hobby for you, posting about "killing nazis". Thats all that matters.

We aren't larping though. We have thousands of years of history on our shoulders, and our entire race.. and you position yourself for its extermination. With that in mind, there is literally nothing wrong with defending your race from white genocide.

However you decide to do that, thats up to the individual. Thats how these things work. Just remember, when someone does something "you dont agree with" - the answer is:

>I would never condemn someone who chooses to oppose white genocide at great personal risk, that takes a lot of courage. What we need to do is look for the root cause of what drives these people, and to fix the problem.

Thats how the Animal Liberation Front responded, in regards to violence used for animal rights. They were wildly successful.
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>Hitler was trying to prevent that.
You fucking retard. Hitler was an anti-European faggot that wanted to anihilate the white Aryan Poles who were Europeans. Hitler was a mad pro-German nationalsit and CHAUVENIST, NOT pro-European. He wanted to make the German nation supreme over all other European nations - THAT'S NOT PRO-EUROPEAN BUT PRO-GERMAN.

Pic rel just shows how "pro-European" Hitler was killing Poles. That literal Rothschild bastard ruined nationalism for decades.
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If you are a Jew and spread Jewish propaganda around because the real history shows youre the bad guys, maybe you would see it that way. Or if youre a retarded Swedecuck who never looked into what started the war, or what the pre-war demands were, or the peace deal offered etc.

The invasion of Poland was justified, his peace deal was generous, and Churchill refused on behalf of the Polish government forcing Germany into a war it had no intention of fighting. We go over this regularly, so its obvious youre just a newfag/shill/anti-white, I shouldnt really need to explain it all, and I dont feel compelled to desu, shill.
Latvians and Poles are subhuman. Your opinions are irrelevant.
That is an important image. But is missing certain information about what a shabbos-goy traitor Churchill was.
This whole thread is jews having fake arguments

Anyone who actually likes the nazis is a fucking dumbass.Sure , they are better then the commies , but that doesnt make them tho good guys.Saying that the war against poland was justified is like saying that the russian annexation of crimea is justified.Nevertheless you're just a bunch of faggots hiding behind a nazi flag.Probably amerifags who think they know shit about europe.
>Bromberg Massacre
>german attack

wew lad, stay butthurt ;^)

Jews are subhuman. Poles are a distinct white people with their own culture and it would be criminal of us to do anything except protect their right to exist with their own culture. Whites are united in a struggle against international jewry, all whites, if we are to survive, must be united - in principle, and in opposition.. but not physically united. We are National Socialists, we espouse Nationalism - for all. We need a separate National Socialist government, in each of our white countries, which acts on behalf of its people, and understands its own culture etc... is united in its own forward striving spirit. National Socialism can only happen on the national scale. We are not kike subvert National Bolsheviks(and I shouldnt even need to explain that there are more differences than the anti-national view, anyone who actually thinks this is a real ideology should fucking get out and go back where you came from).
and who gives a shit about those godless faggots?

Go Poland!
Poland is Jewish.
And Portugal has a long history of the Merchant so you can not speak either.
Jews and Poles are subhuman. Poles are Eastern european slavic mongolids. I can spot a Polack shill like you pretending to be Aryan.

You are a Pole. Stop trying to disguise yourself.

Most of the kikes in Poland died, or left. Poland is pretty white these days, not saying there aren't kikes there anymore.. but there are kikes everywhere.
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Im not a Pole, but Hitler had no intention of exterminating Poles or taking their land. Youre larping,
Retarded gibberish. Hurr durr subhumansh jews, You have no fuckign arguments at all, And you are probably a fucking amerifat, half-kike hiding in basement, pretending to be aryan.
1. The massacre occurred after you invaded to rape and pillage our lands in an effort to spread globalism and Islam.

2. You lost, you don't even deserve proof.
>but Hitler had no intention of exterminating Poles
Drang nach Westen.

Observe German plans for Warsaw before the war. Poles were to have a sub-basic level of education and used as slaves for the great saviour of Europe (hey at least he's saving us from international jewery!!!). Poles would have been reduced to simple labourers with their culture stripped from them. To believe otherwise is naive. At best they would have been assimilated into the German nation. But who knows what Himmler would have to say about that. Poles would have ended up in Labour camps as mere cattle for the German empire.
there are like 10 countries "the only reason hitler invaded" was some muh conspiracy bullshit
seriously, get some help, my dog is more aryan than you
Cool story, bro.
History is cyclical.
Poland saved Europe against the Islamic Ottoman invaders.
And they are trying to save Europe from the Islamic invaders again.
Their is only one reason to try to get people to turn on them right now. And that is if you want them to fail in stopping the Islamic invasion.
If they weren't ethnically cleansed, they'd be armed and used as an excuse for invasion. We already had this here, trust me.
You're wrong. War was inevitable if Hitler waited any longer it would have been even worse when the USSR had completed industrializing.
Hitler was a good man for invading Poland. I look forward to the day it happens again.

He destroyed and conquered you easily in such a short period of time, it should be easy.

Maybe it will be Putin, who knows? But the fact remains Poles deserve to be ruled over by their betters.
Ok OP, let's see your German flag.
dude, not saying im against ethnically cleansing germans out of my land but nothing like this happened, it was a propaganda move to justify war and thats it
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>History is cyclical never forget.
das rite!
watch this fucking video and stop infighting with your brothers, dumbasses. our enemy is not each other, it is this small group of psychopaths who own everything and look at us as cattle.

We didn't have problem with Germans, but the point is, minorities amassing on your periphery = war sooner or later. Learn from Croatian mistakes, prevent, don't cure.
Except up in till that point Germany only focused on expanding its own borders (alerting Poland, causing them to have a negative approach to Germany. And hey, in the end they were right to do so (Germs taking over the rest of Czech lands)) and causing a resource and economic draining war.
A unified European state against bolshevism was a much more practical approach. I'm aware that Poland didn't sign the anti commentern pact, but in said case, had USSR invaded Poland, and Germany actually caring for the state of Poland and Poles, would have a legitimate cause for war against the USSR. Germany would have found itself a powerful ally. The same one fighting for the allies against the Germans in every theatre of the European war.
thats german tradition btw.
move in, breed like rats, go MUH CLAY, overwhelm with sheer numerical advantage, was like that since rome or god knows how long

^ This. Globalist shills are once again mad that Eastern Europe is pushing back against the Germoni empire (as per usual..)
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If we are subhuman backstabbers, why would there be a right side of the history for us?

Poland is a beautiful country. You just need a big firehose to spray all the scummy, retarded people out.
>Long history of the merchants
Weimar republic lol
It's not genocide when they are invaders.

Not a one of you leftist fucks would have referred to it as a genocide if the American Indians has wiped out every single YT that ever set foot in the new world.
To be fair, they had been manipulaated by (((them))), just like France, great-Britain and the US.
Come on, why don't you blame them for the war now?
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> enemy fighters in library
> " Gee Hans, better not burn that library, we gonna destroy all the books."

just how fuckin stupid are you
If the Germans had won the first time around, Europe would not have been weakened by Christinsanity.
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