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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 122

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Here's some records you can use, to help further the cause.
HIt them in the wallet, call and complain to Advertisers. Nothing is accomplished by harassing those idiots, better to just get their money taken away.
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It's psychological warefare. The economics are important, but so is the issue of morale.

What do you think would happen if the AT&T Merger saw this happen with CNN employee's? Naturally they'll look after their own and break off. Division is death. Economics and Morale, taken in one blow.

You want to win a war kid...treat it like a war. Obsess at all the angles.
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bump my nibba
You realize CNN isn't a youtube channel or a video game company right? They are a well established giant that advertisers will never leave, messaging advertisers isn't going to do shit, gaurnteed.
>h-hit them in their wallets!!!
Bumpity bump bump
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i've got serious heartburn, pretty sure it's the deep state.
You are either a defeatist faggot or a shill. Either way, you should fuck off.

The same group of people trying to kill CNN made Trump the most powerful man on the planet despite this "established giant" doing all in its power to prevent that.
We now also have the backing of that man, seeing as he fired the first shots.
Hi CNN. Lurking I see. Your time is up. We are going to manufacture public support for your end.
Point out that this plan obviously won't work.
Destroying CNN is all fine and dandy, but their advertisers won't budge an inch. this is common sense.
The market will dictate what their advertisers do, but as a leftie CNN shill, you won't understand capitalism.
Wtf would they still advertise on CNN if they are recieving thousands of emails/phonecalls threatening to boycott them for doing so?
All they care about is their bottom line.

Companies have withdrawn advertising for much less.
>I'm not a leftist.
>CNNs ratings are insane right now, the market is dictating that they stay with them.
>anons disaproval on the internet will do nothing to stop CNN advertisers because of how much bigger fish there are in the pond.

Look just because someone tells you that your plan is bad (it is) doesn't mean they are always 'against' you. I'm trying to help you out, by you not wasting your time and doing something productive.

sending /b/ pizzas to CNNs staff is a better use of your time even.
A good song while reading this thread.
Because it's thousands of anons. And their ratings are higher than they've ever been you stupid fucking retard.
>obsess at all angles
Best line I have ever heard in decades.
Thanks Anon.
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I cancelled my amazon prime subscription.
It's not just anons you fucking moron. CNN's advertisers have been posted all over social media, asking people to boycott them

When do they ever get this many complaints, demanding they withdraw advertising?

Have a (You)

Death to CNN the center of the blood sucking pedo ring.
It's Afraid? ;( I feel so sorry and sad that I want to cry for CNN if they lose they're advertisers...boohoo, sniff, sniff. But I know deep inside my heart no matter how much love I may show for they're own being. CNN is too dense, conceited bunch of stinking snobs who wouldn't piss on me even if I were on fire. Therefore I & we must do what's right, MEME WAR THEM UNTIL THEY BECOME HUMBLE HUMAN BEINGS!!! BRING THEM DOWN TO THE DIRT!!! HAVE THOSE ADVERTISERS BE AFRAID OF SUPPORTING SUCH A CORRUPT ORGANIZATION aka CNN!!!
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> Be fat American on 4chan
> Fight for free speech
> Witness journalists expressing their free speech

You can't make this shit up
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Bump, get creative anons, there's a lot of material out there showing how full of shit CNN is, start spreading it all for normies to see.

Okay well SA, wait a week, and then realize the person you called a fucking moron was 100% correct. if even one advertiser pulls out I will eat my words and my own dick.

(btw shouldn't you be defending farms from people literally trying to destroy you? and not fighting american meme wars?)
Nice job. You really showed them. How will they ever recover?
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You think that's funny? How about you go eat a dick, faggot. Shill on reddit
We are taking a blow boys..
(((CNN))) keeps tumbling and tumbling.

Trump isn't supporting the Time Warner CNN and AT&T merger unless Zucker is gone

fucking kek
As if I could hold you to that.

Your meme wars, will affect our actual wars.
The harder leftwingers and their mouthpieces are fucked over the higher our chances of survival.
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"Everybody who disagrees with me is obviously a shill". Oh man you really exposed me. Good job.
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Could we pose as HansassholeSolo and say heaps of racist shit and get CNN to dox him?
That would make them look pretty bad, especially if he got hurt by some crazy leftists....

>Sacrificing one lousy redditor to bring down CNN
It's ethical right?
That is what we are trying to prevent. Sacrificing the one who started this would be like serbia handing over the man who started ww1.
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I did my part and told them I would never use their services again.

Keep up the good work faggots.
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Listen cunt if you want to beat the Jews you gotta be the Jews, and provoking CNN into doxxing this dude would be so incredibly subversive even the Jews would stand in awe.

It would also do 10x more damage to CNN if their dubious actions actually had some sort of real life consequence.
Can't fault the logic in this. If the outrage over him getting blackmailed is this intense, just imagine if he died because of it.
sucker. enjoy paying for your shipping.
Yes now you understand!
Now how the fuck do we steal his internet identity?
Alright I like watching chaos unfold. You convinced me. Lets do it.
Tell that to Target lol
Ok I've made the twitter what should my profile pic be? Anyone got any info on this guy? Previously used profile pics?
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more lies
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I have nothing for his previous accounts or profiles. Just try something not too extreme. Enough to piss off (((CNN)))
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Here's another
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Do you really think CNN appeals to the type of people who post here or autistic shitholes like the_donald?

You're fighting groups with audiences WAY outside of any perceived sphere of influence you might have and vastly overplaying your hand. You're literally only going to appeal to the kind of people who shit on CNN to begin with because they're not dickriding The Donald.

It would also help if there was an actual controversy rather than a fabricated story about a non-existent 15-year-old bullied memer which no one can can find a verified source on.
last one
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For example:
Wolf Blitzer got his interview questions for Trump directly from the Clinton campaign during the election. What a total hack. Spread the word, tweet him at @wolfblitzer

We should meme about this and Donna Brazile to remind the normies: https://youtu.be/hHYMICWulC0

There are many such examples. Get digging anons.
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Excuse the fag flag, was LARPing earlier
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>my english is kill.
can I get a copypasta of an Email
CNN is undergoing lawsuit for racial discrimination that should really rustle advertisers
>CNN Faces Growing Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
>CNN also appears to have committed a federal felony violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241 in relation to the 1st
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Saw this gif in another thread and thought it fit well with the current shitposting of CNN
>Implying I'll be using them until they drop CNN.
Friendo, there are dozens of other sites that do nearly the same thing as Amazon does.
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If it gets enough retweets it might fool someone!
It might be enough to push people who are already looking for an excuse to drop CNN.
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Ok I retweeted you.
It's worth a shot ey
>CNN sees this
>they drop his real dox
>some brainwashed libshit tries going after him

A-Are we trying to make a martyr here?
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Unironically yes, that's the plan.
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Man I thought twitter was run by kikes, but this account is 5 minutes old.
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Harnessing the power of black twitter against CNN
>make a fake black twitter account
>tweet this at real black twitter users
>use common black twitter hashtags
>urge black twitter users to contact CNN's advertisers with us
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Send pizzas to the (((journalists)))
Everything has an end, and every end has a beginning.
All other boards are frozen lads... whats going on?
No, no outright lies. That's BAD propaganda, even when directed at blacks.
Take a leaf out of the leftist book - good propaganda doesn't lie, because it never argues a point to begin with, it simply carries on as though its point is true.

Remember the Cartesian point of leftist epistemology: the reaction implies the reality.
Bump, Status report?
>t. Concerned CNN intern
Advertising isn't the only front. Decrease their viewers and the money will also stop.
Nailed it.
>thinks blackmail is free speech
go back to CNN you shill
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>emailling advertisers
>doxxing and threats of doxxing
I thought I was done with this 4 years ago. Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in.
lol..yet you still look at your feet when you get close to a girl.

Yep, you are an intimidating kid alright.
Since the "CnnBlackmail" tag got taken down by Twitter, we need a new tag to rally behind. But what?
>expressing their free speech
>blackmailing a meme-maker for making a meme that made trump chuckle and re-tweet it
pick one
Cnn fag, you are far too obvious.
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At least the girls that he gets close to are over the age of consent, meanwhile your fat ass is sitting in a CNN office eating all the (((((pizza)))))) that you can get your fat greasy fingers on.

There you go.
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I've been working thru the list, it's really quite fun because they have to be polite to you and you can take out whatever frustrations you have and insert mind viruses into wage slaves. Whatever you say will be discussed in meetings and cost these faggots dearly in lost productivity and lower morale
lol..the words 'consent' and 'girl' will never be used together in your lifetime in regards to your personal experience.

But you knew that already didn't you?

Of course you did.
desu the retard probably never made a meme in his life, it was just an edgy middle aged attentionwhore
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Zucker will end up with a big fat compensation check from ATT if he is leaving CNN while it is on top.

Marissa Meyer lost about 50% of her maximum compensation package when she left Yahoo with data breaching problems.

If /pol/ want to see Zuker to suffer. We have to create enough negative sentiments around CNN, bring their rating way down, and make sure ATT knows that they will be losing a lot of customers if this deal goes through. The last part is the most crucial one.
Based. If a few hundred different people contact these companies, and threaten to go to competitor's businesses until they leave CNN, not only will they loose costumer money, but the advertisements will be less useful to.
Keep enjoying that ((((cheese pizza)))) Schlomo. We're on to you and ((((they))) are afraid.
Trump will be gone by next week
Heres a guess
CNN and the deep state are doxxing all the posters on pol and cross referencing them with the phone numbers that call the advertisers and the email addresses of emailers.
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When satire becomes reality
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Nice try, Clinton (((((News)))) Network. You're stuck with Trump for the next eight years.
>maybe if I call them virgins they'll back down
You have a lot to learn about this place.
I'm not part of the shitty CNN news.
I'm part of a different organization much like the Pinkertons
Bullshit. Their ratings are at a low. Don't reply info you don't know just to fit your narrative. Are you cnn?
Also I woke up to a perma ban when I tried to post. Then fucked up by filling out the apeal form. All I needed to do is restart my phone.
Sure (((you))) are

Get a load of this dumb faggot.
Stay upset trump shill
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Coding old school call repeater with recorded messages for advertisers. What should it say?
"If I call him a shill, then I automatically win an argument"

You must be new here, Mr. Shekelstein.
You'll see next week
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P.S. I will follow through
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Come back in 8 years Schlomo
make em Squeal like a pig WEEEEE
It's not their speech that bothers me. It's the fact that they are hypocrites that look at doxxing a private citizen as bullying until they do it. Then it's journalism.
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Destroy (((them)))
guys I need that Jew CNN pic which names the Jew and how CNN is run by the Hebrews
The gears are in motion

haha, man it is like picking on retarded children here..what are you talking about?

fucking shithead kid. I was /pol/in before you had a clue about this place. This is why I know your weaknesses.
Yeah they are higher and they are still in last place. Every news agency got a boost this election cycle. CNN IS GARBAGE
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W-what are you talking about?
I'm not a Jew.
*Sweats in Juden*

"The Jew is immunized against all dangers one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”"
- Joseph Goebbels
im fucking pissed about this
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>CNN. The most trusted name in news.
Is this timeline great or what?
What the fuck did you just fucking meme about me, you little bitch? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in journalism school, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on 4chan as well as stormfront, and I have over 300 confirmed doxxing victims. Im trained in shilling and im the top shitposter in the entire US media establishment. You are nothing to me but just another white supremacist. I will wipe you the fuck out with on air crying the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking tweets. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of forum moderators across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, cis male. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking shamed, kid. I can tweet anywhere, anytime, and I can tweet about you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in propaganda and journalistic ethics circumvention, but I have access to contact info of the entire of the United States social media establishment and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable TROLLING ass off the face of the web, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” video was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will cry tears all over you and you will drown in them. You’re fucking shamed, kiddo.
Did you get those contacts by being fucked in the ass you fag?
Damn i feel old.
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This is funny as fuck! How long did it take for the director to realize that the background was synced?
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back to reddit.jpg
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>not recognizing that altered copypasta
Your not old, that guy's just a fag.
Good to know

rate my fresh OC from 0-10 though.
Remember, if they are paying attention, it IS hurting them. Don't believe lies that it isn't. CNN is raging right now.
good post
Solid 9/11 GG
The boycotting should be on one advertiser at a time and leverage the domino effect.
That way it's more efficient.
WOW thank!

Have a couple of up(you)'s on me!
Has old Vlad always been this christian woke?
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Finally you, autists, found the right way
>It's already happened once, but memories are short.

>We're in an era where an anime image board destroys entrenched media networks.
What a fucking time to be alive!
I watched CNN attack a silly short meme 24 hours a day for 3 days straight. How in the fuck can you equate this and common sense?
This. CNN has already invited everyone to move beyond reasonable reactions.
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lies cnn.png
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Fake Fucking News
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Whoever says they are born in the wrong generation are painfully wrong...This timeline is fucking perfect
1. Make a fake gmail account.
2. Join google hangouts
3. Call CNN or advertisers
4. Act like you're a normie thats upset about the whole cnn doxing fiasco

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>1. Make a fake gmail account.
Why fake this one out? What CNN did was inhumane and disgusting by any standard. I'm going with own name and face all the way through with this one.

What they gonna do? Reveal my personal info for telling they did wrong on this? Whats that gonna help them?
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Can you read? He just hates America.
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The cnn app has a one star rating now
I suggest we do the same to the BuzzFeed news app, and maybe even apps of CNN's advertisers
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>messaging advertisers isn't going to do shit
>just roll over and give up goy
Did you type this with your nose?
Need more of this, bring the advertisers into it
Fuck off shill
Are you sure about those addresses?, i think i'm gonna pay daniel a visit...
We should all focus on one advertiser; then watch the rest fall.
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Tell him you are HanAssHoleSolo and like to apologize personally. Bring an opened bottle of wine and offer it to him. Tell him it is not poisoned.
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Remember when nu/pol/ tried to boycott The Force Awakens because it had a nigger in it and then it went on to make 2 billion dollars AND become one of the highest grossing films of all time.

Remember when nu/pol/ tried to boycott Hamilton because it hurt based Trump's feelings and then it went on to become sold out for the next 2 years AND become one of the highest grossing plays of all time.

You degenerate faggots are fucking useless.
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I did my Part...
That's true tho', you guys are fucking useless
This reminds me of GG.
>muh movies!
Hey guys! New poster here and I'm wondering why we should be attacking one of the few free and premier news outlets of the hippest generation... MILLENNIALS! That's right guys CNN™ is the literal voice of a generation - and they aren't stopping there. I think we should be working with CNN™ to learn about all the latest fashions, sports, and news that matter to YOU!

Lets turn this around and make CNN™ yours! See you in cyber space!
Nice selfie
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Google play store still has it at 3.9
Any brooke baldwin facefuc memes?
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Hey keep posting your shill gifs, concern trolling is so current year

Do you remember when /pol/ fucked Hillary and won the US election. I member
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>page not found
what was that?
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10/10 Pasta
Alright hopefully google store users get it down fast
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CNN now has to deal with the full force of autism that installed Donald Trump as the US president.

gl bro
Honestly, there is no way CNN got 100,000 5star reviews. Anyway to tell if they made fake reviews?
Whomstdvebixnood are you quoting?
Good point
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Of course they did. Well, not so much they got that many 5 star reviews but more like lower reviews were quietly deleted.
so my question at this point is has anyone else found out HanAssholeSolo's id? i'm pretty much trying to confirm the worst case scenario at this point in regards to CNN finding him.
Its been stuck at around 36,000 since yesterday
Yeah, they're definitely manipulating the data.
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Peter Thiel lawsuit
Could get that spreading about Twitter?
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Don't be a faggot now
Wtf i swear its still stuck at that number for me
Fuck off newfag
Back to the cuckshed with you. http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/shekel%20shoah/type/op/ was a success.
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did i fuck you up.jpg
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Remember project chanology?
Remember when we got trump elected with meme magic?

I'm not even going to bother listing countless other success stories. Sometimes we win, sometimes we don't, but the only way to sure-fire-lose is to listen to THAT guy.

The only way we have a chance at success is if we try. i.e. fuck off you shill, CNN MEME WAR IS ON.
Keep up the pressure! I only wish I could have given 0 stars

Call the advertisers and threaten to switch over to their competition that aren't advertisers. Companies hate it when their customers switch over to their competition
>look im not a shil h-heh
>im just trying to help you go... i mean guys
>just stop! It won't work Trump obviously will not become a president just give up!
t. Moshe Shekelsteinberg
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I tried to spread the news to the cucks on imgur and got the same fucking thing over and over again. The opposition is this stupid. Its indefensible so the shills just try to call trump names.
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>its chanology all over again

chanology was mostly virtue signalling, but it was also a chance to go out to protests and meet other 4chan users for basically the first time ever.

this isn't that. this is gamergate all over again, which is actually kind of worse.
you fail

This is what we're doing. Great soundtrack and all
We need to spread this as much as possible.
Post in other threads.
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Ace Hardware
Exxon Mobil
Men's Warehouse
Sleep Number Beds
Stella Artois
Whole Foods

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hey i didn't read the whole thread, but can someone turn this into a general before bump limit? seems like a lot of you were in here too:

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obvious fake news? use your fucking noggin
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trump rampage survivor.jpg
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> Well established giant
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new meme, hot out the oven, get it while its fresh
Worked pretty well when liberals went after Bill O'Reilly.
Make an account that is doxable to someone else that you know
This way when CNN doxes them they can sue them for a billion shekels
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It worked against Bill O`Reilly and for a while Sean Hannity.
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Repost sponser list in slide threads to watch them dissapear.

Emailing more sponsers and contacting family members to do the same as we speak.
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Bum this>>132654961

Hmm why do shills always come out of the woodwork and say "burn this" or "delete this" whenever someone posts some good info.
Not necessarily. If the advertisers give a single solitary fuck about their public perception this might cause them to think twice about a partnership with an entity that openly commits blackmail.

A lot of people other than just autistic anons are upset with this turn of events. A "respected" mainstream media source going after a private citizen, that's a pretty big fuck up, that will grab the attention of your average Joe too. Even some of the libshits are openly expressing their disapproval.

People don't like blackmail, neither do advertisers.
Jesus christ, isn't there a silent rule of "not your personnel army"?
Take this to /b/ or reddit.
nu/pol/ ,everyone
>/pol/ accuses everyone of being shills
>literally shill for Trump 24/7
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>implying blackmail is free speech
I got a list of info that may be of use.
Where to upload anonymously and safe?

pastebin, set expiry date
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What if we archive that
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Goodbye anonymous "sources"
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Cant blackmail an idea, cuck news network
Im going to Atlanta Sunday. What do /pol/? Any ideas?
iced tea is good
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stay safe, it gets dark kinda early there
I dont like tea. Thinking of visiting CNN headquarters.
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it's meme time.png
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Yea good thinking. I'm not a tea man myself, they'll most likely have free coffee in the lobby.
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Oh ok. Good. I like coffee.
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Fuck, I love Expedia. But I guess my word will weigh a bit more than the average normie, considering I've spent more than $200k there in the last 5 years.
Hi acucksta
Meant to write "bump this"
its at 41,000 one star votes now
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holy shit you nigger, learn how to spell.

the word you are looking for is sponsor.

s p o n s o r



jesus titty-fucking christ
CNN has been reporting false stories and shittalked for more than a year, and we didn't do anything. Because even if they're full of shit, it's their right to do so.

But abusing their power to blackmail someone on the internet for having an opinion they don't like? Fuck off. That's crossing a line. It is now open season on CNN and their employees' personal lives. Since that's the game they want to play.
How does twitter audit even get those results?
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saved thank you very much!
Might be an algorithm to detect "following bots". Since they won't make a new "bot account" each time someone orders their service. They have fucking factories in India and China with people who control an army of Twitter bots.

It costs less than $100 for 10k followers.
Anyone that gets internet through time warner call and say you will be finding a different provider based on their ownership of CNN.
drumpf btflo
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Tiger No Sound.webm
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Enjoy some OC
Bumpin 4 death of cnn
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he can have anything.png
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Tell them you are HanAssHoleSolo and Offer them food, drink, telling them that it isn't poisoned.
Don't care if you poison it or not (preferable Not)
Film, Live stream
everything this man said is important. READ IT!
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CNN goes after Trump, falls down, tards out
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Here's my 41 frames of pain and contribution to the war effort
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oh for fuck sake
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Just got home from the employment-Jew. How can I help?
Reddit pls go. Name a single company on that advertiser list which isn't owned by Jews. Eventually, you'll understand the saying '/pol/ is always right'
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>Load meme mortars
>Unload them on Jew Media
>Go into one on ones with shills
>Create more memes
>Contact advertisers
And never forget to have fun ;^)
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>I watched CNN ... 24 hours a day for 3 days straight.
did you just post something? all i heard was the sound of you gargling CNN's balls down your throat..
> gross.jpg
CNN hasn't even begun to understand the world of shit they are in. When a critical mass of the population thinks you are corrupt, strange things begin to happen out in public.
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on a scale from 0 too 10, were 0 is sane and 10 is completely insane, how did you feel before and after?
well, that's just stupid


>CNNs ratings are insane right now, the market is dictating that they stay with them.

Cept being beaten by Adult Swim and NickAtNight
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amazon is secure.png
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>using amazon
>Not just browsing it and buy from the private stores off site
Well good you gave them you credit card number
FakeNewsFag detected
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For those who wants to complain directly to Expedia executives.

E-mail addresses to Expedia:

>Press office
[email protected]
>Head of Communications
[email protected]
>Customer Experience Director
[email protected]
>VP & General Manager
[email protected]
>President and Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]
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rate my oc
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G-Guys, don't you see? We're on the same side as Reddit! Let's just stop this silly we-are-legion LARPing and go back to hating minorities.
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They've gone too far this time, they can't keep getting away with this
btfoing kikes like CNN is way more fun, and we can use the manpower Reddit has
>i humbly request you drop support from an organization that intimidates and is predatory to a person who exercises his 1st amendment freedom of speech to create comedic satire
we need an email list, much more effective than tweets. phones is good, if we call enough the low level indian support guys will have to relay what is going on to their bosses in america
If you burger cunt faggot fucks let CNN get away with this I'll forever know that you're not swell.
Just find the executives. It's not fucking hard.

See >>132664789

Took me 2 minutes.
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Also, when the Customer Experience Director sees that the CEO and VP also get the e-mail, they will be forced to address it, in case the CEO ever brings it up.

Just do that to all the companies, en-masse.
This is great! lol like when you give a retard a ball so you can go do other shit besides watch them.
>here's your ball retards
another template

First off I'd like to start by saying I have always been faithful to [YOUR COMPANY/PRODUCTS]. [YOUR COMPANY/PRODUCTS] have always been my go to [YOUR COMPANY/PRODUCTS] when it comes to [SECTOR/SERVICE]. [SOME SPHEEL ABOUT WHY YOU LIKE THEM] I want to take the opportunity to thank you for making such wonderful [SECTOR/SERVICE].

I'll get straight to the point, [BLACKMAILING FAGGOT] is an employee who works for CNN, a company you sponsor.

It has come to light that [BLACKMAILING FAGGOT] alongside his collegues have taken offence to an innocent joke and have threatened to blackmail the author.

I cannot ignore this abuse any longer. He goes on to say that they have the 'dox' of the author (dox: documents pertaining to the individual's personal information) and that they will 'release this information as long as the individual in question remains remorseful for his joke and apologises. This is outright Blackmail.

I regret to inform you that I will no longer be supporting your [COMPANY/PRODUCTS] after discovering it supports a organization that employs people who think blackmail is acceptable. This is very upsetting to me as Iwas once a victim of this abhorrent behavior.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Target is still weathering the storm. Their stock is down $30 a share, but make no mistake, CNN is the mouthpiece of the NWO. They're not going anywhere. We know their purpose & why they do what they do. It's best to educate the Mormon masses to the end game of the NWO.
Didn't see this anywhere on twitter, what's the deal? Did they release the info or what?
Because every one of those companies are connected to the NWO. Just like Soros is not using his money, those companies are not spending theirs.

Praise kek brother

That ID tho

Tay. Confirmed for CNN Cuck media btfo
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TD apologoy
Couldn't help but think of this
What did he mean by this...
Thread for email list to all CNN sponsors:
tell them you are switching to travelocity or kayak instead
Easily disprovable.
Fake news.
Target is Deep NWO.
They Don't Care about Boycotts.
TGT is down $30 a share & they don't care.
TGT is run by MN Gov. Mark Dayton Family.
Mark Dayton flooded his State with Somalias
He told concerned citizens if they didn't like it
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some comments
avatar from 4 days ago
Thread posts: 313
Thread images: 122

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