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Looking for a Euro country free of subhumans and women know their

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I live in the us, and hate our affirmative action bullshit and race quotas. I want to move to a white homeland in europe, but I don't know where to start. Also, don't give me bullshit answers like Fransistan, Britistan, or Germanistan. I said white, not cucked. Looking at poland, austria and a few others. Suggestions? Pros/Cons?
plenty of white areas in america. also u have the south american nazi funded republicans in office so dont worry to much
Saudi Arabia
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Good goy. Don't forget to racemix once you arrive. Shal... I mean, good luck.
Just move to Montana, it's mostly white, mostly rural, and always votes red. Also beautiful scenery
Yeah but they capitulate to Zionists. Greece was also another country I was looking into. I wouldn't mind joining the Golden Dawn.
>In Europe
Please read sand nigger.
You live there?

Well, u can come here to Lithuania, only subhumans here are like 10 black ppl i saw in my entire lifetime, gypsies polish and russians, other than that u gotta learn the language thats probly the only real hurdle, cuz shits cheap af here, employement would be hard for u tho im pretty sure, as for the women, yes they.more than know their place, unless if ur a beta.
greeks arnt really white tho. they are based but kind swarthy.

jesus fucking christ im heart broken that europe has become a shit stained place. maybe lithuania? we can be roommates i wanna run away. because i can secure white children in canada but white grandchildren? white great grandchildren? with the trudeau legacy? fuck man..
How about you be an alpha in your own country ameripig. Fuck off.
No, but I've seen a good amount of it over the years and known a lot of people from there and it's basically what America used to be. Conservative white families, hardworking men, and women that actually want stable families
LOL i posted without even seeing this. can we come live with u?

>I live in America and have no marketable skills

Get away from me leaf, I'd rather blow soros.
Europe: slavic countries like Poland are your best option. Also very conservative and their economy is on the rise and is thriving.

US: south eastern states such as eastern Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida and maybe a few states bordering this region. But in my experience I'd have to say Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee are very conservative
Anti-refugee paradise with a strong Catholic population that won't deal with Islamic bullshit.
Also, it's economy is doing well or something but who cares.
Ye, we had rapefugees here for like a week, entire town joined in and beat some of their asses, they left for germany soon after in the morning.
alright fuck u

ill just be chilling at my new bros house

Denmark/Norway/Finland/Switzerland are probably the best you're going to get, but good luck moving there.
Everything else is either poor or neoliberal.
Mississippi is where I am right now. If you don't think that degenerate shit is coming down here, you need to think again. I left a company because it was promoting women and niggers to positions they weren't able to run properly.
Bringin amerilards to Poland stop.
Everyone thats not a nigger is welcome here
Any country worth a single shit wouldn't accept any faggot that would abandon his country when it needs him most. Just kill yourself faggot.
Got any pics of your country? Id google, but most of those aren't what you'd really see.
Switzerland is pretty good i think
Most eastern countries
The south is conservative, but the majority of the black population lives there. I've heard people from Kentucky and Mississippi say that blacks in the south don't really act like the blacks in shitholes like Detroit or Baltimore, but I don't know how much truth there is to that
>Europe: slavic countries like Poland are your best option. Also very conservative and their economy is on the rise and is thriving.
The problem with Poland is that they're not going to be doing all that well if the EU stops funding them and they might considering the whole refugee situation.
Move to Belarus or Transnistria, it's what you are looking for.

Based countries without affirmative action bullshit, race quotas, non-white people and muslims, no cucks.
Yeah, well shy of pulling a timothy McVeigh, there isn't much we can legally do as recourse to this bullshit. I can call for a genocide and return to traditionalism all day, but it's not going to change anything. I'm not cucked for wanting to be around like minded people.
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Only go to the baltic region if suicide is on your long term list of goals

If not look no further than the ex-yugoslav states, croatia, slovenia, shit even bosnia.

100% white and weather that won't make you suicide.
Well... What do you want to see in specific? The drug dens filled with gypsies? The small towns? The big towns? The scenery? The anti gay protests? The nazi marches?
I will join you guys. European Summers are the best thing on earth. Imagine being able to catch a $50 flight to a different country every year. I agree about the heartache too. France hurts me the most... Pars was once the jewel of Europe and one of the greatest cities on earth,
Older blacks are good, but because of the internet and nigger pop culture, the young niggers are pretty cancer now. Most go to prison or straighten up and do landscaping or something.
>The anti gay protests? The nazi marches?
Never mind, that's all I really needed right there. How bad are the gypsies? Does the general public realize they are a problem?
Move to Western PA, Almost all births here are white and we usually get European immigrants.
Ask an Canadian soon to be Croat citizen anything.
>tfw parents are lithuanian
>taught me the language as well as some russian
>tfw /pol/ calls ME the nigger
Yea I figured Mississippi was going down a shit hole. New Orleans is falling apart, but other than that Louisiana is great, especially in Cajun country.
Yes the general public hate them, druggies in general are pretty hated. We also make jokes at work or with friends about jews, gypsies, the polish. Very based my good man.
Import a Lithuanian chick if you're starting a relationship someday. Far more traditional then a lot of American women.

t.burger who's traveled there
whyd u switch
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I've considered PA. I think the fall there looks amazing. Plus I'm going into welding, so I might fit in.
i don't think anyone would want you in their country
i don't even want you here tbdesu
Well New Orleans is actually turning into Williamsberg in a lot of places. It's just like Austin. Just full of degenerate hipsters and shitty post modernism.
Because fuck Canada aka 34% of my tax is going to fund refugees, beautiful scenery and nostalgic feel. Will cuck Canada for benefits hopefully.
If you plan on living near Pittsburgh, Don't go near the Hill district. That's where most of the blacks live in.
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Anti gay protest here.

Hopefully Trump's call on bringing back white immigration can whiten some of our cities and towns. Especially if this benefits Afrikaners and Boers.

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I'm dating a Finn.
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Belarussia is not the way.

YOU have to pay to goverment if you don't have work. You could say that they still have commie regime.
Lukashenko seems cool tho. He is working with our goverment.

And if you want rapefugee free country go to Southern Poland. Like the map is. That place is 10/10.
This does look really nice. How rural/urban is the country as a whole?
true. how much hotter are the girls in croatia? im catholic so might fit in a little bit.

the girls here are getting chubby all of them except the brown ones. where are u from originally?

vancouver here

some poll showed an overwhelming majority of polish prefer no migrants over eu gibs
Where would you suggest living there?
Ill agree on that, most women here are either bred by based parents, or catholic parents, or slightly liberal but unlike in america all of our women know how to cook and sow, cuz required at school for women to learn it lol.
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Most of Poland is already fully white, The only trouble with them is the Vietnamese immigrants but they usually live in small populated areas.


The parts in PA that are above 60% white.
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>that chicken sign
I was in Vancouver BC during the weekend
hello from the other Vancouver in WA
Lots of Tourists near Kracov, Wieliczka.
a lot of hot girls here,but in the last 10 years most of them have been brainwashed by social media
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Come to hungary we are the most ppenly anti zionist party also there are amti pride protest alao we are the most anti migran and almost everyone speaks english
At least some of the bad ones are getting locked up, shame the older ones have to see their kids turning back into chimps after they worked so hard to become decent people. I live in CO so I see a bit of that with some of the spics here, the younger ones cause a lot of fucking problems and a lot of the older ones that have actually been busting their asses for years to eke out a decent living can't seem to do anything about it
Fuck civic nationalists
I'm dating a Pole currently, But I've met Lithuanians in the past.

Meaning... I really dont know. But i mean like we dont have many big towns here, we only have a poppulation of less than 3 million, most of the space in this country is pure forest, but hey, fastest internet in europe ;)
How's your country? I've really like a lot of the marches you guys have had, and you also have some MEP that is fucking golden.
washington seems alot whiter than BC. how is life there? thats probably the whitest place i could move that wouldnt be a culture shock in any way.
Washington is extremely leftist, I'd recommend moving to the Midwest or PA if Trump removes restrictions on white immigrants altogether like he said.
u guys are kinda niggers tho being huns and all
brb moving to Vermont
That is something different in Mississippi than most other states, or spics are pretty fucking awesome and based. Most just want to be rednecks and hang on to some of their traditions. Less race mixing with them than with the blacks.

She'll change with time as she forgets her native culture and starts to integrate to the culture where you live.

You'd have to make the move if you want the person you are with today to be the same person in 20 years time.
I'm a national socialist.
Not surprising youve met more than one, most of us leave purely for.money, the wages here are shit by comparison, but prices sorta match wages.
Washington is cuck central, I was born in Seattle and grew up on the Olympic peninsula and fucking everyone is a disgusting liberal west of the Cascades
Yeah and what I'm saying is that it will eventually affect their economy.
If you are in a field like IT it's fine but otherwise it won't be great.
i care more about race than politics. like we have conservative girls but they are usually asian or brown indians. i just want a white cutie, u guys have alot of blondes from what ive seen. whereas our gov is dumping all the browns and yellows the country takes it
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I know.
I visit Poland quite often. Zakopane and that area. That place is glorious.

Only nonwhites are """"british or french"""" tourists. From what i've seen in Krakow. But I only saw 2-3 couples from last time when I was there.

By the way, aren't those tourists from other V4 countries? Southern Poland is big tourist destination in northen Slovakia.
Citizens of 80 countries can enter Belarus visa-free for up to 5 days since February. That measure proved to be quite popular, so they may even extend it up to two weeks or something.
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>pure forest
Hot damn, that sounds like home
>fastest internet in europe
This is my home now.

are u guys drunk or high right now as well?
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If white immigration restrictions are removed, I can see America becoming more whiter. Our birth rate is slowly going up.

Too late, I'm already with a pole. I won't send my kids to college though because of our kiked system that infests universities.
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Libs occupied most Aesthetic land and the rest is mountain forests or farms. A few mexicans in the larger central cities (for labor of course) but go to the mountains and you'll find secluded russian, german, or other European immigrant communites
Does the deep south have that many spics? I've never actually been there, I've always just thought of the demographics there being basically just white people and black people. Not counting all the Cubans in Florida
Are you planning on assasinating Trump?
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Oh goy, you're gonna be so happy with senator bounnie sandas takin care of you.
Doesn't sound like it considering you are asking what country to immigrate to.
I'd sooner kill my own father.
Everyone in America drinks, marijuana is for faggots though
Fuck I forgot about that
You're clueless, everybody and their mother smokes weed in the states
Just because I don't want to live in this nation, doesn't mean I can't find one that more appropriately suits my philosophy.
i agree im only a few beers down right now. i was smoking weed hardcore in van but now im out in the country and realizing weed makes u a scared pussy

Just dont make any sudden decisions anon, the language barier is pretty strong, mainly only young ppl speak english, also dont go out at night if u look like a homo, no joke you're gonna get your shit beat if they think ur a homo in some of the bigger towns, but the cops are damn good, maybe even better than americas.
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chances are this guy has only been to Western WA or he knows nothing about this state. Seattle and Olympia areas are the liberal tumors but everything else is pretty great if you ignore the politics for a second.
Go to Belarus, they are very warm against americans and their women worship burger dick. We are full though, so yes, Belarus.
Only shitskins and leftists smoke weed here, I live in a blue state and I see that pattern constantly
the 2600-1800 fucked me up for a minute, I thought it was troll
ur thinking us in canada eh
hwite, urapeein and uncucked... good fucking luck m8

I hear Russia's a nice place. Za zdravje Vladimir Vladimirovich!
I've been drinking whiskey for the last hour to get hammered quickly like a good goy
Are you guys still under EU sanctions?

I heard about some cooperation between Lukashenko and our PM about industry.
We've got a pretty big influx. Mostly corrupt companies that bring them in from south america. One of the largest companies in the state had an ICE bust a few years back, but they've already imported some more. Most hispanics are conservative as hell. had a real good friend from panama.
I live in Jersey year round (except the summers when I stay in my homeland) and people smoke weed there like the plant is about to go extinct or something
Nice try Lukashenko but I'm not moving to your shithole just to get kidnapped or interrogated


Really estonia? You gonna dump em on belarus? Help tbe poor souls out, they live near... Niggers... Ugh the thought alon.
Yeah, I'm not a twink. You don't survive in the southern united states if you do that shit either. In all honesty it does sound really good. I'll look into some options for taking a visit sometime.
i had a beer, 4 shots of rum, and now another beer for something to sip on. havent drank in a week or two tho because ive been hitting the gym 2 hours a day gettin shredded but still canadian
Not here.
Advertising sex tourism you your own fatherland? You are a cuck and a traitor.
Okay. it's just weird for somebody to say he is a national socalist since it was ethnic nationalistic, and you're asking where to immigrate to where you aren't even from but i don't see it happening anytime soon so go ahead mate no complains from me
Austria is just as damaged as Germany and France, both their women and pollution with shitskins.
Switzerland is a bit more conservative, but they've also got a lot of shitskins.
Iceland is clean from subhumans but their women are somewhat damaged.
Russia is reverse, lot of subhumans but their women are good material.
Estonia is somewhat ok, but larping as pussy Scandinavians.
Ukraine is clean from subhumans, good traditional people and good women, but they're Africa-tier poor and full of Nazi larpers.
You shold opt for Hungary, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Belarus.
Belarus isn't too bad, but it's not a country that you could just turn up in and start a life in.

Poland and the rest of the V4 are more open in that sense but there is the whole issue of visas and residency permits.


If you want to exclude yourself from society, so be it. but don't fuck your kids over because of your issues with where society is going.

That's the whole point of moving to a foreign country or being in a romantic relationship with a foreigner. You can be mainstream with whatever non-mainstream views that you have and you can have a life where you aren't spending every fucking second bitching about race or politics.
Rental car (a decent one) for 2 weeks would be around 200-500 euro's. A day at a semi good hotel maybe like 100-150, just take a vacation, also try the beer, its legendary.
I'm happy down here in Pittsburgh, I live in an almost 100% white area so i'll be fine.
I have wanted to visit iceland really bad. I've never been to a country where I'd be a manlet at 6'3
>Most hispanics are conservative as hell.
I've experienced a pretty even split with them here in CO, probably because there are so fucking many and Denver is a sanctuary city. A lot of them only care about gubberdmend gibs and trucking weed and cocaine, but a not insignificant number of them just want to work and be left alone. One Mexican girl I know actually despises Mexico and Mexicans in general and wishes she were a white American

The northeast is just as degenerate as the northwest, of course everyone smokes weed there. Doesn't make it less faggy
Hey listen latvia, we need more based ppl around, id rather have these guys come than a fkin rapefugee or a nigger.
How well does this music video personify you
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sounds like a good idea if you want to end up on a dark web red room, being tortured to death.
What good would possibly come from going to your country ffs might as well go to fucking albania or something
Its's ok.
Marches are mainly in Warsaw but living there is pain in the ass because people from all over the country are living there so all pathology is arriving there but there are also good people there.
Katowice are just good but we have high level of crime there (not like Detroit tho) and living there isn't that comfortable because of air polution in winter.
Bieszczady is a great thing.
Mountains, Fresh air and silent in fact lots of hohols and some tourists(mainly from Poland)
my cousins in PEI are literally this but im pretty american i guess. we are leafs fans tho
When I was younger there were a couple mexican chicks that I thought were pretty hot, but hispanics turn to shit after 30 and I didn't even want mixed kids at that age.
I have friends that want to go to CO, but they are all degenerate as fuck. I'm sorry..
Doesn't exist, every country is a cultural colony of the West.
When I was in Kracov it was lots of Spanish People, Nips and Germans.
I don't know why there isn't as many tourist from V4 as from other countries.
I wish someday I could visit Belgrad and see Nighthawk wreck.
Why is your country such a meme right now?
I've only ever gone to BC so I don't know what the rest of Canada is like, but you guys seem like you're firmly divided between idiot leftist city faggots in Vancouver and Montreal, and rural Sasketchewan and Ontario farmers that just kind of pretend the country isn't getting its asshole pounded
Belarus is poor as shit in a lot of places from what I've heard. I have a Belarusian friend.
I'm starting to think I just need to take a vacation through eastern europe.
Also you can borrow, but not keep president trump.
Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and Aurora are the really shitty cities in CO, the rest of the state is pretty alright. Nearly every town in the mountains is based and most of the ones on the western plains are as well, lot of farmland and oil refineries and whatnot
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because the Croatian president wants Trump's cock
I'll do that. Do you guys have more of a German or Russian culture?
>If you are in a field like IT it's fine but otherwise it won't be great.
Why not, it's going to be awesome, 10-20% of the country will work for America and have American salaries, and 80-90% of the country will die in a ditch, this is the new socioeconomic stratification that we already got here 20 years ago, and they are falling for it all over again.

Can you imagine how stupid the people have to be to support a system that's literally been used since the colonization of India? I mean the actual people, not the collaborators that will (or hope they will) end up in the 10-20%.

I have no idea, what are you referring to?
Holy shit. I've never wanted to fuck a president before now..
I'm glad it's that case, but spare your kids from the tirades about race or 'the jews' or whatever shit you see on /pol/.

Don't flip out if your daughter brings home someone from another race or your son comes out to be gay.

This is just what America is today and your kids and wife will need to find a place in that.
Slovenia is the best country desu, right by Austria for jobs, Italy for everything else, and Croatia for sea.
People are a blend between Germans and Slavs
im from suburban/rural bc and moved to vancouver for university. was like moving to a whole different country, first 5 people i said hi to first day were fucking brazillian, german, russian anything but canadian.

and ya in this neighborhood in a town called abbotsford on the border they shoved all the punjabi immigrants. but if i drive up the road into the more rural areas youll find mennoite germans living like its 1850.

we still got good old boy canadians here but jesus christ thats changing fast. downtown vancouver is all mexicans now since trump banned them, atleast its women.
Have fun then and watch for those fucking gypsies.
Americans are no better than Russians. Both are foreign occupants who want nothing more than to undermine our nations.
Lithuania is no longer the suicide capital of Europe. Please go fix that.
YOU. Australian. Your country seems fun and scary as shit. I know you're number 2 in the number of refugees, but would you say your country is decent?
Its strange how people just think they can just "move" to other countries with no reason other than wanting to yet are against mexicans coming into the US without a reason
Why haven't you people finished those things off yet?
It's the best option of the Nordic countries. Also worth of mentioning is the countryside of Finland, it is mostly white and has conservative women. Just stay away from Southern Finnish cities/large towns such as Helsinki and Turku, they're damaged by degeneracy and mudslimes
Well when you're white and from a European back ground, you can assimilate into countries a little easier, my hispanic friend.
I just went through Eastern Europe myself. The chicks are hot as fuck, everything is cheap, and people aren't wage slaves because there's not enough jobs in the first place.
But I missed my new 750i , big house, etc here in America. I didn't miss getting right back to full time work and being generally lonely
I know people give the fins shit, but they don't seem that bad.
what are confederados

Thats cool. Where can I find the list of those countries?
Yeah, I'm not married to american consumption. I think it fucks our women up and too much money flows into kike hands. If I do a good job, I'll get what I earn.
You're ignoring the fact that you can't just move anywhere. You need actual reasons to be able to live in a country you arent a citizen of.
Unless you're planning on living there illegally?
>move to brazil to escape nigger filled usa
>race mix
You either die a white or you live long enough to see yourself become the nigger
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Either /Pol/and, Czech Rep, or Estonia, they are all the whitest countries in the EU, and have the lowest rates of terrorism, islam, buttcuckery, and gays. Estonia has only 1 million people though, and 78 percent of them are women, but are for the most part, more attractive than even Ukrainian girls, so consider Estonia, although they have weather that consists of; fog, rain, clouds. Poland has rejected muslim invasion and is successfully defending their national pride and identity from the onslaught of Islam. The Czech republic is also great, they only took 12 "Refugees", and they were greeks who got kicked out by mudslimes. The Czech also have a lot of Koreans, and the majority of them are attractive younger women. So, consider all three and find out more about them, they would be your best bet for the kind of country you seek. Good Luck
DESU Belarus wouldn't be a bad option if you just stay away from political matters and don't mind not having a democracy. Not sure how is it with english language in there, though. For example Ukrainians suck when it comes to english, there's lots of them that come to work in Poland and can't speak neither polish nor english. I wouldn't expect Belarussians to be different, especially as they're more pro-russia than Ukraine is.

Poland is fine, although you should stick to bigger cities like Warsaw, Cracow, Gdańsk, Poznań etc. as I can't guarantee you'll be able to communicate freely in smaller towns. I know a lot of EU foreigners that live in the Tricity area (Gdynia/Sopot/Gdańsk) and are doing just fine.
ya bet they got to own slaves for a few years longer
they are actually a great country
I'm working on getting a trade right now. I'll find work before I move. I'm not too worried about the logistics until I find out which place i'd like to live.

It's the same as any country in the Anglosphere.

If you already have money, you have a partner and you have a good career. Then you can have a good life here.

This is a terrible country to look for a prospective partner though, Australian women are fucking horrible. They are easily the worst in the Anglosphere.
Implying slavery was the fucking reason for the civil war. Educate yourself you indoctrinated fuck.
Thanks bratanki.
we dont learn about that shit here, i dont give a fuck why u guys murdered ur brothers
The cities on the west coast are completely different from the rural areas, I've been all over Washington and Oregon and Seattle and Portland were fucking degenerate central, but the eastern parts of both states were decent enough. Poor as shit but not infested with dirt people or liberals
I live in northwest Mississippi and people wouldn't believe how diverse it is here for the south. It's still mostly black and white but, we still have a shit ton of Mexicans and more coming in every year. I can't go to the grocery store here lately without seeing a few Muslim families also and just middle easterns in general.
It was over the north trying to monopolize the entire economy and the south gaining too much power with the cotton and textile markets. also governmental disputes. Is america made up of individualized states working together, or are we a slave to the federal system? That's the gist.
It is not bad, Muslims are 1% of the population but they're concentrated in said cities and stirring a lot of trouble.. You could also settle in a pure-white neighborhood. Even here in Denmark with 5% mudslimes, I live in a 99% white neighborhood and I never visit Muslim ghettos, so I rarely get contact with them.
Funny, CO is pretty leftist and diverse, but I actually never see muslims here. Lots of mexicans, chinks, and poos, but I literally never see muslims outside of Denver
Fucking right? I think the race mixing is the worst. If these people saw jackson, they'd know the shitty situation we're in. Greetings from the 4th district brother.
they're all pretty tall btw and very hot your kids will win the genetic lottery if you make good money.
No problem leaf.
Canadians and Americans, please adopt me :( just give me a work permit, no gibs, no shit, no path to citizenship. Just want to work and get out of this mess :(
I'm glad that there are countries like yours that manage to maintain pure European populations.

Depends on if you're white, If you're Trump might repeal our current immigration act with an older version that benefited Europeans/Anglos.
Where are you from
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>Looking for a Euro country free of subhumans and women know their place. Suggestions?
>free of subhumans
hes a niglet guranteed dont fall for it
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Why am I not surprised
Forget Austria, it's literally a poorer version of Germany
nobody mentioned u once.
Wow this area isn't as far right as people think either especially when dealing with the younger generation. And the Muslims I've run into usually just keep to themselves or are fairly polite just can't watch their little kids for shit running around/into people.
Relax, Kamil. The pure comedic value of OP's post deserved a (You)

ffs stay in your own shithole and fix your own damn problems, you spineless american
yea, it's not this bad.. It's mostly our capital being a cesspit. Even Sweden has 6-7% Muslims overall, just concentrated in suburban ghettos as well. Their biggest mistake was allowing Malmö to rise to 20% Muslims. It's much worse with France, they're fucked considering the size of the country. 10% Muslims already (that is 6.5 millions, not counting non-Muslim niggers), with 15% in Paris and 25% in Marseille, 20% in Roubaix etc. etc... This won't end well..
Exactly I've watched this city since 2009 go from mostly white to about 50/50 mix between white and other minorities (usually all come from Memphis and the surrounding areas). Race mixing is pretty damn common also and increasing it seems.
Except OP in his post, can't you read?
Like I said, I literally never see muslims in my area. College age people are leftist as all getout but the teenagers seem kind of split between far right and far left, I'm interested to see how it plays out in the coming years
Go to italy
Italy is shit
Visit Italy someday and change your opinion
Yeah it really depends on where you go I guess. Probably you should stay away from cities as they'd be migrant-infested, but some smaller town in northern italy, maybe in mountains, would be a beautiful place to live.
It'll be interesting to watch for sure. I have read/heard before that gen z is more conservative than anything. Hope it stays that way.
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Serious answer here.
This should be out of the equation if you don't like mudslimes. The larger cities are full of them, countryside is ok, but people are a lot less "friendly". Also, no coast!
Based white, this is definitely a contender . Landscape not that "pretty" though. No useful coast. I liked the people when I was there as a tourist, but I only saw the major touristy cities.
> Baltics
Suicide weather, good people, hard language
> Eastern shitholes (Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria)
Gypos and totalitarian regimes, advise against going there
> Croatia
Landscape ok, based white, kebab removers, coast galore.
Lots of crazy people though, not quite as friendly or outgoing as Serbs for example.
> Serbia
Half shithole, half ok, also kebab removers, very friendly and outgoing people, lots of pollution though, not _that_ good to actually live there.
> Bosnia
No idea, but many kebabs there, lots of wahabis even, definitely not good in the long run
> Slovenia
Landscape 9/10, good position for short-distance vacation (Italy, Austria, Croatia), efectively no mudslimes and/or negroes.
_VERY_ safe (crime (aka theft) is mostly done by gypos in the southeastern part of the country).
Good infrastructure even in the countryside (FTTH in many villages), however the road network a bit iffy, rail network very iffy. Public transport not that good. Car is a must, unless you live downtown in a big city.
A lot of people above 50 speak some english, everyone under 50 speaks basic english, everyone under 30 is fluent in it, so no need to learn the language.
> Slovakia
Don't know much about it
> Czech republic
Good people, nice landscape, no mudslimes or kebabs, Germany and Austria are close for vaciationing, no sea though.
> Hungary
Based Huns, definitely the most anti kebab/rapefuge country. Language is a motherfucker though. Also, lots of gypos stealing things. No sea, again.

So, come to Slovenia.
We like westerners, and you will likely enjoy the climate here.
Btw. you americans have to understand how poor Europe, especially eastern europe is compared to the USA. If your income isn't from something online be prepared to vastly downgrade your standards of living. Forget your big car or your big house. (Unless you have saved up lots of moneys beforehand.)
And yeah, the west is whiter than the USA (for now) but be prepared to be assraped by taxes.
50% income tax, 20% VAT, 1k€ yearly vehicle tax, property tax, 36-50% VAT on cars, 50% tax on gas. Want to buy a house? Prices start at 700k€

Maybe if you make it into Switzerland or Norway, but otherwise forget Europe, move to a white county.
have been there, they're 4% Muslim with the host population shrinking rapidly. they're arrival port for shitskins crossing the Mediterranean, and they're being accumulated there due to stricter border crossing rules into the rest of the EU. wouldn't recommend

Fix your own country, coward.

It's the same in most western countries, most rural area are nigger free , while the city are infested.

Nothing makes me laugh quite as much as an american who thinks he's white. America is where pure genes go to die, you're all mixed beyond recognition, Europe wouldn't want you back.
If anyone wants more info (expect salaries, costs of various things, or maybe photos) let me know>>132594743
It's not that bad.
I am an IT guy, with a Salary of about 2k EUR (I get 1.4k out of that to my account), and I own a house on the countryside, two cars (convertible and a wagon), and I go to a nice vacation once or twice per year.
If I wanted, with my skillset, I could earn up to about 2k on my account every month, which would leave me with 1.5k after living costs.

>Looking for a Euro country

Stay out of the Europe, you burger filth, and don't bring your degeneracy with you.
Based american is like based nigger.

In the end, it will CERTAINLY nog.

Though nothing undermines national pride more, than faggots from our military who bow down to britbongs.
Bit biased, as living here i know it to be different when it comes to Croatia, but generally very close. Mainly would say tourists always note very friendly people, but you might have something there in terms of that due to the difference between regions, coast is tourism core so that is to be considered. Good analogy overall. Might add that i would not move for anything in the world and if i had to, it would be slovenia as its the closest to my current living standard. I guess closest in terms of travels aswell lel.

It's not shitposting when it's true.
Belarus is an oasis in Europe but for a foreigner it's not easy and very few people know English
>Communist faggot.
We are less niggers than you guys
Sanctions were targeted at government officials involved in constant ongoing election fraud, their families and business partners.

Our only real beef with the EU is that for years they required 60 EUR for a single-entry visa leading to our further cultural and economic isolation. It was reduced to 30 EUR only recently but is still outrageous. Literally every fucking EU member state had opened a visa office in our country, many multiple, to milk that free cash.
don't come here, we are full with niggers and sandniggers.

just go to poland, it's much much better!!!
Honestly, I was all over the world (practically all EU countries, some middle eastern ones, some asian ones) and I would NOT move, ever.
I was offered a job that paid 3x as much as mine in Berlin, went there for two weeks, and just puked. All that degeneracy and mudslimes, simply no.
Then I was offered a job in austria, went to the interview, and eventhough it was an IT company and everyone was fluent in english, they spoke to me in German. I am fluent in german as well (only lacking a bit in the technology specific terms), but fuck that. Also, I am in Austria a lot, it's good to visit, but the countryside people are half insane.
Like I said, I love Slovenia, the country is beautiful, and the living standard is good enough.
I'm guessing it's similar in Croatia. Your standard is not that lower than Slovenia, especially now that Tourism is on the rise.

The lack of kebabs and mudslimes is always appreciated when I host foreigners here. I also always recommend they visit the Croatian coast, and they all love it.
That's why living somewhere near the Croatian coast is imho a very good aspect. You basically get postcard type vacationing in a couple of hours whenever you want, and you live in a country where you can relax, since blacks are not around, yet :)
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a mas svojo firmo
Fuck you stay out of here, gypsies and Chechens will rob your shit
Fuck off we're full
I agree with it mostly, but I will provide some additional information:
> Eastern shitholes (Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria)
Worst out of bunch is Ukraine, don't ever consider this place. Corruption everywhere, even worse than in Russia. Competes with Moldavia for worst place in Europe, wages around 1/3 of what is in Poland
Belarus - totalitarian regime, can't speak bad about the leader or his administration, a lot of rural places and one big city - Minsk, pretty chill place with only Slavs, wages are around 2/3 of what is in Poland, a lot of people there LARP about being Slavic pagans
Romania, Bulgaria - Romania has good economic growth, but still has a lot to do to catch up for example Czech Republic, a lot of Gypsies in those countries, don't know much about them

Mostly rural country with economy on par with Poland, a big problem with Gypsies, only non-whites are

a little better than rest of Baltic countries in terms of economy, economy even better than in Poland, yet it has bigger problem with Russian gopniks, can't speak how about non-whites as it could have changed in last few years, but prior to 2015 they were white
>a big problem with Gypsies, only non-whites are
Polacy jak zwykle maja ochotę na turystów z zachodu. Idźcie im ssać teraz fiuta, hop! Pieniądze czekają!
Kys zhmudian peasant
>and women know their place.
Worry not friend, you're very unlikely to know one close enough for such details to start being relevant
Fuck off we're full
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Can i watch blacked in poland?
Ofcores as well all gayporn what you watching normaly sweden
Croatia is the place youre looking for but please dont come here we hate burgers (except the coastal sluts)
Now thats a good country!
Hungary and Czechia seems like only places that make sense to emigrate if you are burger.

Poles don't hate foreigners, but scepticism and lack of acceptation is more then common.
Slovakia is too small and too rural, so unless you want to become flax farmer it doesn't make sense. Also polish and slovak are too hard.

Baltics are even smaller than Slovakia and they have nigger tier russian minorty. Russians from Russia are cool, but those who live in other post-USSR countries are cancer.

Belarus is still communistic.

Romania and Bulgaria are still shit economically.

Croatia and Slovenia are also cool I guess.

Countries that wasn't even allowed in EU are not worth it, really. EU is a shitty organisation but acceptance terms are pretty legit measure of civilisation.
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>mfw the women part alone is making me consider to move to Lithuania
This is how I feel too. I don't want my grandkids to be half breeds so I'm earning my degree and looking for an Eastern European guy to marry
Stay in America.
Fuck you, you fucking burger fatso. We don't want literal sharts plaguing our streets. Nobody likes United Statians, they're incapable of ever integrating anywhere that's not their multicultural hellhole. Everything that's wrong with Europe is your fucking fault. Stay in your shithole, fuck off and die.
Going to call you out on most Magyar speaking English Tesó. I've just spent nearly three weeks going round with my Hungarian girlfriend, granted the more rural areas, and English really isn't that widely spoken.

Still genuinely planning on moving there though before Brexit kicks in, looking to maybe buy some farmland and live for ourselves. Unfortunately, non-Hungarians can't purchase agricultural land in Hungary so we're going to have to work out how to go about it.

Hungary/Hungarians may not have much money, but the pace of life and way of life is far more comfy than we have here. Family is important, your history and culture is important.

The language is a barrier that I'm really going to have to push through. Egy kicsit magyarul bészelek, but it's difficult as fuck.
Was in Bern recently and was incredibly saddened by what I saw. Beautiful city, but seemingly overrun with shitty people. Was down near Bahnhof and around 10pm on a Monday there were people vomiting in the streets and a fight was going on, moving down Spitalgasse.

Taking in the Yugoslavs wasn't the best idea was it?
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