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>Hillary hits her head in 2010 but quickly recovers. /po

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>Hillary hits her head in 2010 but quickly recovers.
/pol/ - "OMG she's retarded and has Alzheimer's and she's old and weak"

>Trump is obese, thinks he came up with old expressions, and literally can't find his limo right in front of him and has to be helped back by younger aides.
/pol/ - "What a great strong youthful leader!"


lol at the hypocrisy!
He was showing he isnt afraid of being shot or attacked out in the open you cuck.
Yeah, the video doesn't show that. It shows him going the wrong way, looking confused, immediately being redirected, and seemingly going "Oh, over there, OK". That's the most reasonable reading of the video.
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Merkel was right
<Hits head, quickly recovers
From fbi files
Fbi- why did you set up an illegal email server?
Hillary- I don't remember. I have severe and permanent brain damage

What. Maybe the dude just wanted to get some fresh air or let out a fart in between disembarking a plane and getting into a limo
Looks like jetlagg due to him looking way too calm but confused
He was probably confused, he just walked down some stairs, he is very scared of stairs
This is stupid. So stupid that I don't think you're old enough to vote. If you are, that's sad.
Aren't there like 3 different limos that have to travel with the president? Im sure he didn't know Wich one he had to go with
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>being fat and losing your car
ooooh yeah what a horrible medical condition!

>fainting in front of your getaway van and aides having to pick you up and block camera angles
Actually he went to slap around a CNN reporter but the guy told him they already have him tied up in the trunk
That's not what the video shows though. It shows him walking away from the limousine he is meant to enter, looking confused, being immediately redirected to the limousine, and giving a physical reaction which, as I said, is perfectly consistent with "Oh, over there, OK".

This is of course a terribly trivial piece of evidence, especially when compared to the many insane statements and lie that Trump has told. But it is telling and it works as an analogy for how Trump supporters approach such evidence. They don't care what the reality of it is because they always have a theory which, I'm sure purely through coincidence, favors Trump. It's a video of a tired, old man going in the wrong direction. Nothing more and nothing less. If you cannot accept the video then it says something about your ability to accept reality.
wtf I hate Trump now!
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except losing something that is right in front of you (cars, keys, glasses etc) is a common human mistake you FUCKING IMBECILE
This. He does this. Look at that fucker flaunting his balls there, going off script. He is simply letting us know he got this going.
Looked like he mouthed "oh this one. Right."
And there are 3 different limos. Show me a bideo where he almost collapses and can't steady his hands/fingers, then I'll begin to worry.
Of course what happened in the video is totally normal and trivial, as I said. Although comparing it to losing your keys is strange. A limousine and keys are a little bit different.
Unless you are Clinton, in which case it's undeniable proof you'll be dead by June of 2016.
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Impeach drumpf over Limogahzi!!!
If you guys are instead interested in undeniable proof that there is something wrong with Trump, then simply refer to the claims that he has made. Such as his claim that he was the best baseball player around his age in New York when he was a teenager.
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except she didn't "forget her car"
unless that's what having a seizure/fainting in front of your retard van and having aides grab you to prevent you from hitting the ground is "forgetting her car" in your world

also unlike Trump Clinton suffered from a concussion and had a blood clot in her brain
but yeah im sure we're just stupid for thinking she might not be that healthy
>trump gets off plane
>wants to walk around
>clearly has a destination in mind
>gets corralled by secret service to get back into a small cramped space
>trump gives up

Sounds like fake news but ok
haha we made america vote for this.
>losing a 10 ton truck-sized limo a couple of feet in front of you is common human behaviour

top kek
right... i misread one part of your comment

anyways people lose where their cars are all the time or forget what they're doing and keep walking like he did
if he did this multiple times and suffered from concussions in the past then maybe this would be indicative of something but as it is it isn't
That's right. She forgot her shoe.
That's the best you can came up with? How much are they paying you? Too much IMHO

GTFO and do something else
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demoshits wanted THIS
so you've never walked out of your house to go to your car and forgot what you were doing
or walked into a room and forgot what your were doing

oh wait you're an idiot and yes you have because we all do
i think what happened is that normally the limo isn't parked right in front of the jet and he's used to walking past it to wherever his vehicle normally is
>Reminder Judicial Watch found Clintons staff lied about why she fell
>hmmm i forgot my shoe
>time to fall backwards into the ground!
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Trump is the healthiest president that we've ever had. His mind is still sharp as ever, he has an IQ of 170+.
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remember when he ended a tweet with covfefe and passed out?

trump can't even fake being normal
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Covfefe was part of his Fake News media manipulation plan. You (((dems))) got played by The Don.
it's funny because libshits ACTUALLY believe this
>be Trump
>make a typo on your phone
>autocorrect doesn't do anything
>shut it off and go to sleep
>next day
It's possible there are two identical limos (one is a decoy) and he didn't know which one they wanted him to take.
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All of that bizarre rambling about vaccine conspiracies was of course about Barron. When Ben Carson was forced to say that it was total nonsense during that particular Republican debate. Trump actually thinks that Barron was made autistic by getting vaccines. That is of course a very delusional view for a President to have.
damn son them levels of idolatry are edging on borderline fucking gay you lala prancing closet queer boy.
His mental state is clearly deteriorating
plus, he's got a 10 inch cock that gets rock hard and stays rock hard. he's my hero, and my wife's hero too.
>I'm not retarded I troll you

After the hundredth such episode it's clear that he's crazy.
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Trump is a genius. He is president, Hillary is not.
>hurrr im gonna pretend to be a trump supporter and act blatantly retarded!
>hehe Glumpth btfo!
kys you faggot liberal muslim cocksucker

> leaning on a dead horse (the argument, not just Hillary) this long after the election is over

This board has actually meme'd itself into retardation and non-critical thinking.
To be fair, the camera makes things look weird since it's so far away
I mean... That's what I do when I lose a shoe. For sure.
I would have done the same thing desu.
This thread is stupid
I can see why he would be caught off guard by the limo being right in front of his face as he's going down the stairs. It's jarring
There's always 2. He was probably walking to the other one.
i have done those, but i've never lost my fucking car. and i don't drive a 100-foot monster mobile
OP wanted to point out hypocrisy so i countered with real hypocrisy

look at my other posts because it's obvious that him momentarily forgetting what he's supposed to do is in no way abnormal or indicative of some sort of mental condition
only low IQ people would actually think him doing that means there's a problem
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Trump has more important things to care about than his car right now, like running the United States and his quest to Make America Great Again.
Sure;y that chin is shopped? It defies the laws of possibilty.

Mekel - Days Without Betraying Her People 0
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>Fucking shill>132504128
>Hillary collapses unconscious in 2016 on a cool september morning. Thrown into her ambulance van like a sack of potatos.
2 hours later an obvious body double Theresa Barnwell emerges to show "Hillary is OK"

Say the sentence "Obama is a filthy nigger and I want him lynched like all other niggers, faggots, and Jews should be." with no quotation marks to prove you're not a leddit newfag.

you literally can't do it.
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Like when he walked out of the oval office without signing and Pence tried dragging him back? Was he afraid of being shot in the oval office?
lol to think we went from super cool youthful Obama to this confused crazy old fartknocker
a house is heavier than a limo
by your logic you "lost your 120,000lb house" if you accidentally drive by your house because you weren't paying attention
the weight of the object in question has nothing to do with mental sanity... you realize this right?

the point is forgetting what you're doing or where you're going is completely common mistake
between this and that Israel just wandering off thing he has obvious mental health problems
Goy faggots haaaaaaaaaaaaaa. suck my dick
yes, king nigger was a cool pussy
I wouldn't be talking Germany. Right now you are a shit stain and you're a current breeding ground for ackbar rape hybrids. Not only that you kicked out a 14 year old girl during the of class because that fucking subtle and deported her. You're all more busy crying over America pulling out of a climate scam than "Attack of the Sand Niggers" partCXVII. Then you tell poland to take refugees or else? Attack Poland see what happens. Theyll kick your ass. Also my president gives a fuck. Your president is just a little cuck bitch. If someone takes a US citizen hostage now, they'll get a fucking air strike or start world war 3. you on the other hand want to be more tolerant. What the fuck do they put in your saurkraut over there!!

Trump wants reduced government control and regulations so that smaller businesses can grow and compete and he cares about our safety. He increased border security and immediately reduced crossings by a large margin. It also lead to 3500 arrested for underage sex trafficking. It goes up the chain too. There's politicians involved so he's draining that swamp while spending 11 billion on body guards. He's probably paying out big because he knows Hillary's Russian friends will try to kill them all or their families so hes secretly buying them protection too and going to fucking WAR on scum. He stopped jobs from leaving overseas by threatening to fuck them royally and started an amazing job program. While you get raped and blown up while being more toleramt my president is talking shit and diverting carriers towards north korea. They release Otto shortly after as a vegitable. Korea is totally fucking scared for once. Now he's doing a large scale training excersize and invoking Otto. He's going to suck my presidents dick! Obama ignored that family!

Your country is a joke! Your country is going to suck my presidents dick!
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He's a physical and mental ruin, fuck the politics, how could anybody vote for this piece of human shit? No discipline lazy cunt.
Have you got that out of your system now?
Perhaps a little rest, I bet you're a little sleepy..............
>hmm I thought we were walking somewhere
>oh I guess not
wtf im mentally ill now
oh look! It is another Nothing Burger.

That's called a Senior moment, forgetting where he is or what the hell is going on. It usually last for a moment or two until it gets worse.
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Anyway fucknugget

I don't mind you hating on Trump and trying to outclever people who's cognisance is a bright sun compared to your flickering candle but trying to defend and promote the evil she wolf that is Hillary
this is why you will go to hell
This is why we will never support you in any more wars
>Nothing Burger

You realize this is what people say about something when it's obviously damaging to their cause and they're trying to deflect, right? People said this about Hillary's e-mails and her fainting spell.
what a face
no dickspoon, reference to CNNgate, retaaaaard
because you supported us in previous ones right? remember north africa? remember greece? we were the ones supporting you...
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He was walking over to Marine One you moron. He usually always takes the chopper back to the White House but for whatever reason secret service said they're taking the car instead. Nice try with the fake news lad, try again.
and now your the ones holding Ahmeds coat while he rapes your daughter
fuck off
If you think he doesn't see the limo in front of him, YOU'RE the one who needs to see a doctor. Obviously he knew the fucking car was there but thought his agenda was to walk to his right and do business over there.
>while he rapes your daughter


The irony :^)
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Merkel is never fucking right. She's a commie cunt.
>terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city.
>just part and parcel
>part and parcel
I don't have a daughter Fritz
I don't get the problem with him going the wrong way? I mean, yeah it's a mistake but imagine how often the president exists a plane and is directed to some car or another.

So sorry to hear you'll die an old, lonely virgin <3
As compared to the average burger he is quarter pounder fat

Looks model thin in America
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here's another one
unlike your daughter
what i'm saying is it's pretty hard to miss a fucking limo when you're getting off a jet, common mistake or not, only a retard makes that kind of mistake
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I mean, I'm glad you don't have a daughter. It means you'll never have to explain why it's illegal for a parent of a Muslim rape gang victim to present evidence to the police :^)

>A girl's mother copied the names, numbers and text messages of 177 Asian men, including a police officer, from her daughter's mobile phone after the 13-year-old went missing for five days. Police said that using the information would infringe the girl's and the men's human rights.

WTF are you talking about?
Why are you here?

What is your purpose?
Are you winning?
Why are you telling me something I already know?
why is the bong mad now? i only corrected a stupid statement of someone else. i hold no coats for no fucking fakefugee.

btw, we all know that your country is much worse off than germany. which european country send the most isis fighters to syria again? oh yeah, that's right, it was yours.

also, you're*
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>that mascara drop forming on her chin
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For moral support. Hang in there :^)
are you new? you don't seem to understand greentext

"asian men"

oh god lol
Grammar Nazi now huh!

It's a slippery slope Hans
dementia with age is a helluva drug
They are both old and senile.
lol at liberals being disingenuous faggots as usual. Never change
good that that's the only thing you answered too, proved to me that you have no argument whatsoever. you are just a stupid brit who hates germans because you believe that we run the eu. grow up, get educated.
At what point have I presented an argumant Adolf? I'm not here for rational debate. Dur
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Also, why do you assume I hate Germans, is it perhaps an irrational fear?
Maybe I just hate you

Aaaww, is English not someone's first language? :3
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Hillary Clinton will never be president.

Surely it must be someone's first language?

Surely it's not yours? :3
they have two cars for security reasons you fucking retard.
Yeah its fucked up, I do the same shit Trump does and now I believe liberals would call me mentally ill if they would ever gain an advantage from it.
Yeah! BASED democrats! Real pol was always liberal, conservaTARDS are the REAL ESS JAY DUBBLE YOUUUSS! #FEELTHEBERN
this retard is going to be the first president to launch the nuclear bombs by accident
What if it is or it isn't ?
you started talking about migrants taking over our country, me and >>132513263 presented information to you that indicate that your country is off just as bad, if not worse. so we made an argument out of your claim. you have no rational response to it so you just throw around german names like fritz and adolf (btw, do you believe that's an insult to us? kek'd) and call me a grammar nazi. why are you even here anywas? to show off the lack of british education? well done.
who cares what you think loser? You couldn't even win an election, pathetic faggot
so it's not, you are not even a brit, what are you? are you the ahmed, raping young girls? or are you just a parasite living off of british taxpayers money?
Triggered much?
Oh my days, see you do have at least the spark of an imagination
Your video is shit.

He's in his 70s and this is the best you have? kys
i was triggered by the italian claiming that they supported us in wars, by you though? nah, you only make me angry by how stupid you are...
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What an idiot, worse than Bush.
How is this damaging to their cause you absolute retard?
whaha how does it feel knowing that he is your president? knowing he's now shitposting on twitter. The madman did it and you're still crying months after, gonna be long hard years for you democrat scum. Also, 2018 will be just as big a failure for you, don't get your hopes up xD
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He sworddances like a mutha, bruh!
Well don't go too angry and do anything hasty and rash, you know' like invading Poland or anything

Better than a nigger saying in the USA. That they have been to 57 states.

First off Snopes KIKE dis info sight. First thing that pops up. They can't help but nigger love since its ANTI white and they are KIKES mind you. Snopes is a anti-white dis-info shill sight. If anon wanted to do good rip that kike dis info sight up!


2nd Sight

Actual video of the nigger fucking up!

nothing wrong with hating Germans, you guys are big piecies of shit trying to fuck over Europe every fucking chance you get.
>/pol/ - "What a great strong youthful leader!"
I just dug into the archives and such quote could not be found.
Yes yes Drumpf is dumb and also cunning nazi not obvious nazi because cunning and so was every Republican before him.
Hear, hear, we should encourage more Germanophobia, they're vile after all
It seems more like he's confused because there wasn't anyone there to open the door for him so he didn't believe he was supposed to enter the limo yet. He has had man-servants and now the Secret Service doing things like that for him his entire life. I bet that was the first time he ever had to open his own car door.

The nigger doesn't even know how many states are in the USA because he wasn't raised here and didn't have the education the rest of us did.


Because he was NEVER AN AMERICAN! He wasn't born in the USA. So he was never a citizen but being COMMIE KIKES TOM NIGGER PET HE HAD COVERED IN SPADES.

Friendliest President ever to BIG Corporations. You know who those people are right libshits? The KIKES, WALL STREET and the ELITE!
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>waste of time
American autism is beyond repair.
i know you are special but i am still going to tell you that you are indeed a massive faggot.
Honestly peole over 65 should not be allowed to run for president.
i'm in stitches
>you started talking about migrants taking over our country, me and >>132513263 presented information to you that indicate that your country is off just as bad, if not worse. so we made an argument out of your claim. you have no rational response to it so you just throw around german names like fritz and adolf

The USA was never a white homeland--it was always packed with white and brown migrants. Today it's beaners but up until the late 1800s it was natives until we killed them all. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty for fuck's sake. Germany, however, actually is a white homeland and it's laughable that your own government shames you for being white and German. How cucked can one nation be?
ITT: Trumptard spin doctors failing miserably.
Anyone who wants people to die in the streets is a fucking asshole, including you. You motherfucking Trumpeters only tell half the story while deflecting in order to garner support from those who are on the fence. You sugar coat everything with obvious propaganda and without bringing up the entire situation. You are fucking scum and should be executed, just like him.

Go make up another story like Pizzagate you fat faggot fuck.
>Sill thinks pizzagate is fake news

you realize though that it is YOUR government which is in control of ours since we lost the 2nd WW? it is also your people which are in control of our mass media and education. i do agree about most germans being disgusting cucks but this is not self imposed, you did this to us, for a german it is quite obvious that every bullshit tested on the americans by (((them))), 5 years later is imposed on us. like "social justice", anti-national resentments, commie-loving professors at universitys or whatever. america is the ground zero from which (((they))) control the world via mass media and war
Now now Adolph, you'll be talking about a final solution next and growing funny moustaches
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The police sketches are real kike worshiper


http://victuruslibertas.com/2016/11/do-john-and-tony-podesta-have-a-connection-with-missing-child-madeleine-mccann/ They were in Portugal that day.






Fixed the unrachived clickbaiters

>https://theguardian com/uk-news/2013/oct/14/british-detectives-efits-madeleine-mccann-suspect
>You (((dems))) got played by The Don.
Said the increasingly nervous turmplet for the 10,000th time.

You dems like to diddle kids for real.

I bet the KIKES like to do their Blood Libel like clock work when they have free time from destroying the west and bringing in more shit skins



If you're gonna defend them then you're need to DIE WITH THEM!

Predictably dead silence.



I always rape them then they get archived or closed.

She was wearing Fresnel prism glasses for the treatment of seizures and double vision.

So either she is a walking drunk or she does have brain damage.
>pretty hard to miss a fucking limo when you're getting off a jet
nit really. they have a shitton of generic black limos and suburbans. only one of which is "the beast" that the president is supposed to ride in.
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Typical American dumbfuck, what would you expect?
SOmebody shop a gun into this pic
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