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Give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't invade this place

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Give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't invade this place and annex thier lands?
I thought you already did? Quebec isn't real don't fret anon.
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try it bitch
go back to eu4, faggot
it would add 10M non-whites to your population, plus a shitload of liberals
It's too fucking cold
>Canadians pretending they have a comparable military again

This is such a shitty show, these writers need to be fired.
Do it, last time we protected them. This time we'll piss ourselves laughing as the leaf gets wiped out.
just do it at this point. Please give me the right to freedom of speech and guns and take away my right to dog blowjobs.
So that mean we would win.


t. trudeau
I would genuinely prefer this
Behead Trudeau on live feed while you're at it, times square or something
Uwot leaf?
Canada is pretty fucking white
81% in 2011
Gone down a couple points I'm sure but still compared to the US much better
You probably live in a big city with all the visible shitskins
An hour North of Vancouver Toronto etc it's 99% white people
it would be rude
Not much worth annexing
your maple syrup is ours, there's no hiding it any longer
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Here are 5 good reasons why you should invade this place and annex the lands

Spare no one, just help those who take action get out

When the fuck are you going to wake up to that fact and go full Manifest Destiny 2.0 & finish what the Founding Fathers started?






That wouldn't be very nice at all
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>Here are 5 good reasons
1) 23% of worlds fresh water

2) 3rd largest reserves of oil on the planet

3) 2nd largest land mass, northern border security for russia

4) Poses a massive security risk to the USA due to harboring terrorist sympathizers (see: paying a child soldier $10million for killing a US medic)


Just fucking do it.
Please do, I can't stand this fucking country any longer.
>what is genocide
No candian will be left alive
it's easier to just nuke them instead.
you'll have to go thru me

nah just joshing rake em all mate>>132498064
Because we have Omar Khadr now and we just gave him $11million. That can buy a lot of hand grenades.

Tread carefully yank.
Please do.
I don't want that many Muslims becoming American all the sudden.
it would be anuda 9/11
Please do we will help you
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You'd have all the leafs inside your country if you did that.

Why would you think annexing the D E S I G N A T E D leaf containment country would be a good idea?
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>Give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't invade this place and annex thier lands?

Because the leafs would expect to become citizens and vote in our elections and they'd elect pussies like Trudeau.

Now if we put them all in tundra labor camps as slave labor then I could see it.
we wont be protected by their constitution and Ted Cruz will become senator of Canada by right
>annex thier lands

Fuck that.

Let's just take their oil and lumber.
haha epitome of a leaf post.
>Ted Cruz will become senator of Canada by right
>based Ted will be our senator

wtf I love annexation now
you will have do deal with a multicultural shithole and ultimate shitposters. Invade brazil instead !
Nuke PEI, Halifax, ALL OF NOVASCOTIA, Toronto and GTA, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, and Vancouver
if you invade us we win
their special forces are actually really good and would probably start a long and costly insurgency that we would lose
do you really want to be part canada?
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We have the son of a Cuban Dictator running our country. Please do it Trump. Whatever it takes to get this cuck out of power.
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You don't want your whitehouse to burn again would you ?
Just try it buddy we'll see how it turn out.
You weren even able to invade North korea vietnam afghanistan irak or anything for the matter.
You protected them ? You retarded coward. Like you britbong did anything at that time. Those were Canadian and are still so. What you did was lose a war for the bankster.
Leaf here.
I pray for a Trump + Putin invasion every night
Canadians are weird, dude. Let 'em rot. A country of soulless, laughing at nothing, weirdos.
>Give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't invade this place and annex thier lands?
Your mobility carts cant climb curbs.
We have curbs.
Why NS? I like my stupid city.. minus all the LGBTQetc fruitcakes.
Oh come on, just kill the metropolitans, the rest are almost exclusively christian conservatives.
please do it i cant take it anymore
>Give me 1 good reason why we shouldn't invade this place and annex thier lands?
We have the best snipers in the world and you have the fattest targets. It's not going to end well burger.
all I want is to live in a real country where I actually have a chance to be successful
I can't get a fucking job washing windows
Calgary fag spotted. Your city is shittier than all but the worst southern Ontario has to offer, enjoy Nuevo Somalia.
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>it would add 10M non-whites to your population, plus a shitload of liberals
So the USA would be only 51% white now
Because they are a sovereign nation and our best friend and trading partner you retard.
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Because you are too soft and flabby and would probably get rect.

I bet about a third of the more intelligent Americans would side with us anyway.

You guys have your hands full. No need to create issues.

We will crumble on our own soon enough. Maybe you exist by then you can just collect the pieces
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>2nd largest land mass
Fucking Mercatorfag.
I can't, please do. Canada is a globalist experiment at this point, much like Sweden.
Why haven't you done it already?

Go to school Sonny. Get a trade.
Because then they would be Americans. Why the fuck would we want to put ourselves through that.
we must convice jewstin to open the borders up for americans and immigrants
Pro tip: you can't
"What are you waiting for? DO ITTTT"
wipe out the native population and we have a fresh slate for new alaska
It will make your country even more of a left-wing shithole
you think we havent fantasized about maple burgers?
this! We have East-West now we need North-South!

First we take Canada and Greenland (maybe Iceland for some hot springs) then we move on Mexico and the rest
What are you?
please go right ahead, fuck this place
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Because we already have too many cuck states in America. Rake up the liberals or at least deport them to Quebec and then apply for statehood.
We should invade for lebensraum.
This, it'd skew towards the Dem's favor.

If all the liberals in the US went to Canada, it would make BOTH countries more conservative. Think about that.
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Like you could do anything to stop us, cuck.
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So now that it's been decided we have to come up with names for the new states.
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10/10 leaf
its all New Alaska, to fuck with Alaskans
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"Uh yeah totally, I'll crumble the american government with my totally not gay antifa comrades"
Our Maple Leafs will blot out the sun!
Just call it Greater Post Cuckistan
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The sooner, the better.
You can just have some though, eh?
Free of charge for our friendly neighbors, just don't share any with Mexico.
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You would get your ass kicked. I'm not saying that Canada is that strong, but that America is completely impotent at this point.

Just like Saudi Arabia. You have a massive bloated military budget and all sorts of advanced weapons but in the hands of an American soldier they become toys. You couldn't secure a tiny country from a bunch of goat herders, goat herders who managed to fire a badly put together missile directly at your pentagon without you noticing and drove two commercial airline planes into your biggest towers armed with only box cutters.

America is idiocracy at this point. I think the actual average, unreported IQ is around 50. Less than 10% of your population isn't crippled overweight and most of these are Asians and other foreigners.

America couldn't beat an egg, let alone invade Canada. All you can do is wait until Russia settles it's affair with china and empties your country with holy ICBMs to recolonize it.
Here is my list in random order of states:

New Alaska
Canadia (to piss them off)
Oil Sands
implying trhe non whhites canader has wouldnt be white in the Us
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Think of the children! That's 7 more states and 7 more capitals for 4th graders to learn
15/10 faggot
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fuck off leaf
implying iceland wouldnt just cause an eruption to stop your planes working implying one icelander could 1v5 of your tanks if theyre even lucky enought to land there

fine, less of an invasion but more of a mutual-vacationing alliance

Don't underestimate the Left. Many believe deeply in their worldview and they are sincere and committed, never kid yourself.

In all seriousness, What I'd envision is akin to the Spanish civil war. Leftists from all over (who HATE HATE HATE America already) would form volunteer brigades.

Americans themselves would be against this (obviously) and would refuse to have anything to do with it.

What would result is about 15 or 20 American /pol/tards with ARs getting repulsed in a fierce 5 minute firefight at the border, with perhaps a few flesh wounds and maybe a few sprained ankles.

Like an old time Fenian raid.
Hard to time a longer sentence when your fingers are bigger than your dick cheese encrusted keys.
u tried before and you failed miserably
>Give me 1 good reason

I will blow your brains off before you even know what hit you. Good enough for you?
Because the last time you tried cockneys burnt the white house down. Inb4 hurr draw

>Make up thin pretext for invading Canada
>Get thrown the fuck out of Canada
>Get capitol city sacked
>Lose a battle where by 4000 us troops surrender to 80 redcoats
>All the while British fighting one of the biggest wars in its history against Napoleon
>Britain finishes off Napoleon, freeing up 200k veteran soldiers and motherfucking Wellington
>USA sues for peace
>200 years later they call this a draw
You don't have the insulin supplies to launch that kind of military operation.
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There's more than one of us, leaf.
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Do it. Please. We need you America.
commiefornia already is one huge cuckshed too many
all of your military is overseas fighting for the jews. We would burn washington to the ground before your populace were able to get out of McDonalds-
Im glad i have an American citizenship now. Im going to live in America soon. Its going to be nice not living under a cuck.
If it's Americans, we will be breaking those records bigly. We won't even need scopes to hit their fat asses, or sights, or vision, or a general sense of where they are located, etc.
where you moving to? so many types of places here instead of just
Very few people alive today can shoot and hit what they are aiming from any further than 300 meters. The gun that was used for that is illegal in leafland.
No it isn't

Record-setting sniper rifle available for non-restricted sale in Canada


Yes, but you are only allowed 1 nerf bullet.
Lol. We have 31% gun ownership. It's not Britain or Australia tier.
>lose to a few redcoats, militia and Indians in your 1812 invasion
>get rekt by rice farmers in Nam
>lose against goat herders in the Middle East
>IEDs, RPGs and AKs beat burgers every time.
>lose your own country to Mexicans and your former slaves.
>never lose any weight

Duuurrrrr better attack the second largest country on earth which is mostly frozen tundra with huge Stalingrad-esque urban centres. GI jamal and specialist Sanchez would desert as soon as they saw a prairie winter.
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