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Will the Mars colony become a nation in our lifetime? What form

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Will the Mars colony become a nation in our lifetime?

What form of government will they implement? (The ISS is de facto communist due to the equal share of resources).
Spoiler alert

It's either going to be American base or some kind of UN style corp.
I still think the USA will kinda own the shit
A corporate republic most likely
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There is a colony in Musk's future. A penal colony. All you sperg lords will pretend you never masturbated to this guy.
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Bogda Empire of Mars
we will have space affirmative action
even though the mission will be made possible by mostly white men, of course they will choose a nigger, or a women nigger to step on mars.
>Mars colony.

We can't even colonize Chicago.
This guys only getting into space exploration because he wantrs to start MINING on the moon.
Musk is a silly cunt.

Humans can't stay in space for an extended period of time without getting some serious health problems.
>Will the Mars colony become a nation in our lifetime?

Mars is just a stupid meme. There will not even be a colony on this useless rock.
He is not silly. Niggers in the US government can't into science, so they fund his "research". He is not silly. People who believe him and let the government fund this fraud are nigger tier.
What I was implying is that his <vision> is pure fraud material.

Corrupt cock suckers will give him funding for something that will never happen.
You would think the fraud is easily detectable and they are corrupt and play along. But it's not the case. These people are that stupid. They believe in his bullshit. Never underestimate the stupidity of our government and the people. Most of the people believe this shit. Army sponsors this. God forbid we enter some war with some real army. We will discover a lot of "cutting edge" research was outsourced to Musk tier people, and the disaster that will occur will be epic. 90% of mars pink beret troops will be wiped out. They are serious with him, and its scary.
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I know they are serious, because I talked to a few hedge funds managers with billions under the management, and they believe he will revolutionize transportation like Apple. They actually believe in this. Not playing along with the fraud, but honest to God faith. They would buy Space X and fund this shit if he so chooses. So those are hedge funds people. Army people are even more stupid. This is real Idiocracy here, the movie is a documentary. There is no ulterior motives. There are but they mostly believe shit like that.
I agree. I can't imagine how much money this fucking guy is going to rob off the american tax payers. Then the fuck fest that will be other countries wanting a piece of the action.

I remember reading about the Russian dude (I think) that came home from who knows how the fuck long in space and when he jumped out of the capsule his fucking legs snapped like twigs...Imagine spending 4 years in space!

His shit is like a timeshare scam wrapped in a ponzi scheme and lubed up with snake oil
I believe you. I often hear stupid mother fuckers talking about how Space X will change the world..how they will get to go to vacations on the moon...

I think the drugs in the tapwater are fucking working
He is transparent to anyone with an ounce to common sense. Unfortunately most of the country lacks any sense. They lack any critical thinking. If they like something to be true and the guy confirms their desires, it must be true. They believe in him, and will fund him to the end. Unless he decides to run away, which he will not, this guy will appropriate defense dollars in perpetuity.
>or some kind of UN style corp.
also hes an american exceptionalist
he would NEVER do that
Something is definitely happening here as far as thinking capacity of the population is definitely impaired. I have friends with advanced degrees who believe this shit too. It's pretty widespread. It's no accident Musk is not an American.
A micro government American based constitution written on the Etherium blockchain, making it impossible to hijack.
The greatest swindle in human history.
the more money he will get, the more he can pay off people to turn a blind eye
Oh fuck, if only
I hear so much shit from educated people about Musk that it is almost like they venerate the guy..

The next Steve Jobs...even Jobs was not Jobs...just a <science> prophet for the techno lovers.

Fucking creepy if you ask me
South Korea was ran by a cult. Maybe we are too. No way the fucker is paying these people off, they refuse to even contemplate that he is a fraud. In fact, they debunk the fraud charges with the fact that this rocket has landed. That landing rocket is the proof of everything. I think the top brass are firmly in the cult.
It's some sort of a cult thing. Not just Musk, either. Hillary is the same shit. It's mostly the same people too if you ask me.
the lovely deep state and their constant fucking over of the people.
Musk is autistic so you'll only be allowed if you're a /v/ poweruser

form of government will be shitposting

and who the fuck cares about mars? SJW faggots are just gonna shit it up by sending tokens just for diversity's sake.
>implying Musk gives into SJWs

the man said himself he doesnt give a shit about degrees and hires based on skill
Its easier for mars to get nuked into oblivion than for it to become a nation in our lifetime
>ISS is de facto communist
No, ISS is de facto American clay. We paid for 80% of it. Any time Russia bitches, we remind them who paid for all of Zarya and most of Zvezda.
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You think this is really Earth, or a terra-formed Mars? How can the stars maintain their relative positions for thousands of years? They lie about everything.
The Co-Prosperity Sphere of Auman will be a heavily armed stratocracy on the southern shores of the Hellas Basin. With an aggressive "Mars for Martians" policy, it will quickly expand its borders, coming into conflict with the Jovian super powers of the Triumvirate of Yut. A cold war will be waged through the cold vacuum of space as the martial minded people of the Co-Prosperity Sphere prepare for the final confrontation with their rivals on Titan.
Reminder that only commies and (((resource merchants))) hate Musk.
>mars colony
its a stupid fucking meme
Do you know what "de facto" means retard ?
jobs was a terrible human being
go easy, he's American
by being farther away then youve ever imagined?
How does the ISS get air? I haven't seen any pictures with plants on board.
>Will the Mars colony become a nation in our lifetime?
No, we can't even colonize the moon, might as well say we're colonizing Alpha Centauri

Just like the underground passage system via Boring company, is a meme that just works as a well-executed PR stunt

Tesla is a meme shit that lives off subsidies and fossil fuel industry, as I see it, all those are just fronts, his main stuff is SpaceX, which I see it as a descendant of NASA executive operations, kind of like a daughter company
martian libs with no one to challenge their twisted logic, it's going to become a breeding ground for degeneracy in all forms.

they won't last a decade.
recycling. You hear that hum on board? ventilation works constantly creating the air flow, cleaning the air and regenerating it.
Do you know anything about how station operates?
Still, you can't say de facto when you can't even get up there. And without Russian segment the station would die, so its fully international, no one can claim control of it.
>Lets escape this gravity well to jump into another.
Mars will be a U.S. state in our lifetime
it isn't possible. it's just a scam to get free money from scukers. Same with the hyperloop. people want to believe and are easy to con.
>in our lifetime?
Yes, but only for those of us who will be able to afford aging neutralization therapy, once it becomes commercially available in 2031
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