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Redpill me on social anxiety and panic attacks Why do they exist?

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Redpill me on social anxiety and panic attacks

Why do they exist? Wouldn't evolution had gotten rid of it millions of years ago?
Because (((society))) prevents natural selection from taking place, allowing genetically inferior ""people"" to breed and pass on their shitty genes to the next generation
some worlds arent for some people
e.g. Aspergers might have social anxiety but instead are very intelligent or have other qualities. they might not breed but at least some of them help to make progress in science or other important fields.
They are a warning that something is wrong in your environment and you should stop/change it.
Today they are more common due to less bounding between people and a society that squeezes a lot of obligations in a very reduced time
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Anxiety is a form of hyper vigilance. It would have helped in early human evolution. So evolution selected for more hyper vigilant humans because it increased survival.
They are your brains way of getting you to stop and think about what is wrong with your current situation.

If you choose to listen to it you can change things for the better but if you're just sitting on your phone or computer all day you'll just hide from it and subsequently it will never go away.
who told you it you had nothing to be afraid of? kek
This is somewhat true. There are drawbacks to other things though, such as sleep and can increase blood pressure and other physical attributes. It all comes through as stress, but yes high anxiety also typically goes in hand with noticing hints of danger or other small things quickly.

I've always had high anxiety and stress, but it was never a huge issue for me until I started working in an IT department in a hospital. It was high impact, and I had to deal with a complete bitch and incompetent department director.

Had 2 panic attacks while sitting at my desk by the end of my shift on two different occasions. On the second one I actually went to the doctor immediately afterwards, my BP was high as fuck, and I ended up getting a prescription for Lexapro.

Not really sure how I feel about that as a solution, but I guess I haven't had any panic attacks since then and I do feel a bit easier in busy social situations now. Even in busy supermarkets and malls and shit. Just don't know if I like being on meds.
This we are fucked
>If you choose to listen to it you can change things for the better
But it's telling me to kill myself
I think it has a lot to do with technology advancing too fast, at least for social anxiety. Our generation is the first to grow up in a time where you can socialize without any physical interaction with the second party. There's time to calculate a response or a statement to a text message, where in comparison to one on one interaction it would feel like you were put on the spot. For example this took me about three minutes to type up right, but if i was saying it it would take like ten seconds, and probably not come out how i wanted it too cause im used to taking as much time as i want to write up a reply.
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Then don't listen to it
I'm guessing this is why I get it around any female I would like to have a relationship with. My mum cheated on my dad and took heaps of his shit. Uncle killed himself after 2 years of separation since he couldn't see his kids. Gf of 7 years was cheating on me for the last year since I "spent too much time at work."

If I just want to fuck the chick I don't sperg out, if I think they are worth dating I start doing stupid shit
This anon got it right.

Humans didn't evolve in environments with extreme demographic density but in sparsely populated ones.

We evolved to interact with groups of around 100 people or so that shared the same cultural and ethnic background (i.e. tribes), not with heterogeneous masses of millions of individuals with little to no connection other than belonging to the same political division (countries) and maybe speaking the same language.

Social anxiety comes primarily from living like caged animals in concrete jungles with Muhammad and Jamal and Chang and Pajeet as neighbors.
It protects you from the dangerous and fatal consequences of your anger. Extreme forms become debilitating but the underlying evolutionary strategy is sound.

The same way a vivid imagination allows one to have hope for the future and keep going in the face of adversity. In extreme cases this becomes schizophrenia and becomes a major disadvantage.

Only our golden era of prosperity (cheap oil and cheap food) allows humans to never face deadly threats, in most of the western world anyway.
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Cellphone carrier waves are modulated to "calm the population".

EM of the same wavelength as a synapse used as an international standard? (((Pure coincidence))).

The research occured in the 70s and is declassified.
>My mum cheated on my dad and took heaps of his shit. Uncle killed himself after 2 years of separation since he couldn't see his kids. Gf of 7 years was cheating on me for the last year since I "spent too much time at work."

Black swan.
Aspergers people aren't any smarter than normal people, they just don't have a social life to distract them from their works
sauce pls
spoopy. got any links?
Well some social anxiety/panic attacks are caused by too much of a chemical in your head that increases your flight or fight response.
Its probably due to the chemicals in the food and water that throw off natural chemical balance in a persons head. Then add the factor that modern society is very negative towards basic human needs and doesn't help men keep a moderate amount of natural testosterone.
My anxiety is terrible when I drive. Only when I drive. It tapers off whenever I get to where I'm going and then disappears.

The commute home is a bitch. Saw a therapist and she says it's because I'm focused on the symptoms and amplify them. Gave me exercises to do to take my mind off of them. Works when I think to do them.
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People with panic attacks just lack magnesium and vitamine D (t. had panic attacks for nothing when I was a skelly) or don't know how to relieve their stress, it's just physiological imbalance unless we talk about people with PTSD or another illness in parallel.

Social anxiety is natural, it's a primitive "fight of fly" reflex when you encounter a stranger, everyone has it at some level, probably saved the ass of thousands of our ancestors in the past, however if it overhelms you that means you don't have enough interactions and should work on it.
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Well, EM waves don't exactly discriminate between people and (((people))), a synapse is a synapse. It's spooky, but how would the people implementing this shield themselves from it save for wearing literal tinfoil hats 24/7? Calling bullshit with no source.
>Why Weaponized Cell Phone Towers Are Popping Up Everywhere, Sunday, February 28, 2016

>GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the LF range, with transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper VHF to the lower UHF range of 225 – 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits in a 360 degree circle up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth, like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground.
>transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz

Well, I am. My mom had me tested. e.g. my reasoning skills were not even measurable anymore / higher than the test scale allowed.
But you're right, most Aspergers have an average IQ. But there are a few that got savantism.
I'm surrounded by normies, I'm anxious about that. Situation Normal All Fucked Up.
True enough. I probably sound like a luddite, but I feel like the Internet has made people less social, focused, and patient. People are used to overstimulation, so they're fidgety whenever they're not staring dead-eyed at a screen. People are used to having Google, so they're less able to work things out for themselves or to ask for help. People are constantly having surface-level, impersonal conversations with strangers on social media; they post quips for validation in the form of likes or shares, never really discussing anything meaningful because they don't really know anybody.

I don't know if it's a bad or a good thing, but social media has definitely changed the way people interact in real life. The more connected the world becomes, the more people seem to withdraw from it.
"Higher than the test scale allowed" on a test designed to be effective when administered to a drooling suboidal autist is not very high, anon.

>inb4 s-special test special test mine was different
that's not your anxiety saying that, it's your brain trying say you have problems simply for existing and they won't ever stop. suicide is the top form of defeatism. you feel that way because you feel trapped and can't figure out how to solve your problems. death won't help, no matter how enticing it may seem to "end it all". you're fucked up mentally and spiritually and you need to fix your life.
Anxiety can be helpful because it can lead you to think twice about swimming in a river where crocodiles might live, or about getting to close to a sleeping bear's cave.
It means that my reasoning skills are beyond what could be measured by the test. The result of that is that i have better reasoning skills than >99,99999% of all people.
High anxiety may be good in fight or flight situations, out in the open wilderness, where humans evolved, but it's useless and hurtful to humans living in highly social environments like we increasingly are since the last 3000 years (a timespan way too short to naturally select useful genes)
>better reasoning skills than >99,99999% of all people

You mean of all autists, which again is not very high.

You score out of range on a IQ test for everyday people, you're pretty smart.

You score out of range on a MENSA test, you're extremely intelligent.

You score out of range on a test for helmet-clad windowlickers, you're.. average? About normal-ish?

Are you guys retarded? for fucks sake... here's the quick rundown

Anxiety and Panic attacks are normal in humans,when we live around savages we get anxiety, when we feel fear we get anxiety. It's normal to feel this way.
your consciousness is the highest layer of a whole pyramid of layers of abstraction to solve problems of various difficulty.
the problem of your own mortality is an unsolvable problem and freaks you out.
>You score out of range on a IQ test for everyday people, you're pretty smart.
You can make social anxiety go away by doing anxiety drills where you put yourself in gradually more and more stressful social situations until your brain no longer registers any awkward social tension as stressful. You can correct it just like other evolutionary dead ends such as tonsils
>do mdma
>cure anxiety

pick both
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i heard from a vietnam vet that the most anxious soldiers were the best
Adrenal fatigue/exhaustion
Neurotransmitter imbalances
Anxiety, PTSD, high-functioning autism spectrum disorder, ADD/ADHD, and depression are not real. They are lies invented by the Jewish pseudoscience of psychology.
How to fix adrenal fatigue?
How you live isn't natural. The modern lifestyle isn't natural.

Also, find Christ. He helped me, and He can help you too.
>People with panic attacks just lack magnesium and vitamine D

If only it were that easy. There are dozens of other things that can go wrong biologically.
Eat enough. Any diet supporting optimal neurosteroid production. Nutritious high carb is what works for many. Others go for ketogenic diet. I feel the best I have ever felt by eating 2-4 pounds of potatoes daily and 1-2 quarts of dairy and orange juice.

It's fine. Having anxiety is normal and you have it for very good reasons, such as times when you need to be at a good behaviour, when you need to compete and when you're doing anything worthwhile.

Your anxiety won't ever be going away, so try and enjoy it.
I've heard this as a theory to explain depression
I dunno, for me it only had negative consequences. Like not going to job interviews, freezing up in social situations, not going to a doctor and so on
Cheers mate, will give it a try.
>find christ
Lol what a joke. You dont need imaginary freinds to be or feel anything. Social aniexty just exists becuse people have self doubt and low confidence. Nothing to do with god
Anxiety is a reflex when you feel something is wrong. Panic attacks are an overload of this reflex. People are told from birth not to be themselves, males to act more feminine, females to act more masculine, smart people to act dumb to fit in, strong people to act weak to not offend, unhealthy is now healthy, disabled is able, and so on. People who are taught to fight their natural instincts and act in that way are in a constant state of feeling that something is wrong, because it is, so they constantly feel anxiety.

Or maybe that's bullshit, I ain't a doctor, nigger

That's because your decision to stay at home caused those negative consequences, not the anxiety itself. We're all anxious when we go out and do something we're uncomfortable with or that's new, but that's fine. People are aware of this and everyone is trying to help each other out to make interactions between themselves as comfortable experience as possible.

Doctors are generally very nice. You have nothing to feel anxious about, chances are the doctor sees anxious people every day and will know how to make you feel comfortable.
>Wouldn't evolution had gotten rid of it millions of years ago?
Human not evolved to live in comfy environment, but in cold, and food deprived environments. Human never evolved to be happy but to procreate.
Social anxiety comes from simple fact that you most probably destroyed dopamine receptors in your brain by flooding it with high dose of dopamine from porn/sugary foods with flavor enhancements/internet/ and other artificial shit deigned for human pleasure.
Easy way out is to deprive your brain from dopamine for at least 3 months, meanwhile doing cardio/strenght training + natural food combined with meditation and breathing exercises letting your brain and your dopamine pathways heal itself.

Word of warning though, most people don't do that because it's extremely painful and hard, you need tons of willpower and you will feel like shit. Dopamine deprivation especially you will feel like your life is meaningless. Some guys just nofap but it not gonna work without substantial lifestyle changes.
Either way you are most probably fucked anyway and consider everything above complete bullshit because you are flooded with jewish propaganda from every side telling you what's good for you.
If you watch jordan peterson he explains how speaking in evolutionary terms, women have the power to choose if we get to propagate our genes. This causes extreme anxiety because only half of men reproduce which is our primary objective, and women decide if we will be in the half that reproduce, or the half that don't.
Haven't you noticed that retards don't really get anxious, while high-IQ individuals suffer from anxiety issues almost correlated to their intellect? The smarter you are, the more afraid you know to be, and for some people, the fear becomes impossible to manage.
Oh, also cold exposition.
>1 post by this ID
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>Social anxiety comes primarily from living like caged animals in concrete jungles with Muhammad and Jamal and Chang and Pajeet as neighbors.
>My anxiety is terrible when I drive. Only when I drive. It tapers off whenever I get to where I'm going and then disappears.
Please don't drive. You're going to have a panic attack and kill someone.
I was fine until I went to Iraq and had to deal with sand niggers for a year.

Now I'm all fucked up and have anxiety, depression and PTSD that makes me jump when something slams which can turn a good day into a nightmare until the next day.
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dude is unable to see reason give him a break.
>3 posts by this ID
>all in a row
samefag harder idiot
This is why I chemically castrated myself
No more stress

Even as a kid I was scared of losing the races at sports day so I refused to run because I didn't want to do my best and lose so I did my worst instead
This. If you crowd animals together they also get stressed, harm each other and themselves. That's not what nature intended.
In times of war, the suicide rate goes down.
Modern urban humans have too little exercise, too much to mentally juggle, and not strong enough bonds with others.
Your comment about living with Outsiders, means we can never relax. We've been fucked over.

Being low test and wasting your time with video games instead of socializing with your peers while growing up, wreaks havoc in your confidence.
traffic isn't as dangerous as it seems, you just need to stick to the basic things and then you will roll in and out and in and out like a machine

double check and drive carefully if you're not certain, over time you will be good enough anyway, and much less anxiety if you don't push yourself to things you weren't ready to
If this faggot is literally too weak to drive, he can ride a bike. Get him off the road.
This is the redpill. We didn't evolve for modernity.


Start lifting, start eating vitamin D, start eating Zink. Have your T-levels checked.
Also this. Raising your test from suboptimal to a desirable level is the biggest change you can make.
Lexapro will destroy your mind. Eventually you'll feel like an emotionless zombie. Plus it gives ED.
Someone who is paranoid is less liable to be caught off guard. Hence without the protective bubble of civilization, but in the untamed wild where threats may lurk hidden at any moment, the paranoid person is more likely to survive than the docile or otherwise unalert wanderer.

The closest thing we get to leaving the protective bubble of civilization and entering the domain of hunter and hunted is war; invading another land; another's tribal territory.
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>>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own.)
Someone who doesn't have any personal experience with social anxiety: this post.

Fuck you internet shrinks.
Are you implying that low testosterone correlates with social anxiety? Can you provide any sources? Cause I smell bro science and call it bullshit.
of course it's bullshit
if anything it's correlation
It's basically often a side effect of ongoing stress, human beings aren't supposed to live in a state of constant worry and threat they either can't or aren't allowed to solve.
Studies show people with higher IQ have a great chance of having anxiety, depression or other mental illnesses.

Seems like you're a retard, anon. You need to be castrated and removed from the gene pool.
i dealt with this shit many years ago and "the Linden Method" most likely saved my life. check it out if you want.
It is bug, adaptation thats became harmful because of creation of society, verbal languages and family.
Still it can be cured without medications in one year of psychotherapy.
I did it, and my life never been so awesome.
What the heck is that?
They're literally built in alarm buttons that let you know something needs to change.

If your having panic attacks you need to look deep and find out what is truly bothering you.
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They exist because (((society))) puts limits on our freedoms.

If I was allowed to kill any problem I encountered in life I would have no problems left.
Defeatist faggot. Not gonna make it unless you think with your brain instead of acting like a frustrated bitch.
Behavioral neuroscientist here, and my thesis was in the genetics of anxiety

>Why do they exist? Wouldn't evolution had gotten rid of it millions of years ago?
Not really, in the spectrum of differences in fear sensitivity, its much more adaptative to survival to be more afraid than normal than less afraid then normal. Over the course of evolution, those who didnt feel fear usually died, while the 'cowards' survived.

The genetic propensity to be pathologically anxious only becomes a net loss when it prevents the individual from carrying out his daily affairs. This is empowered by todays culture and society, and by the way we validade those extreme sensations.

Mechanisms related to how big and how expansive the neuronal ensembles related to fear memory are just being discovered, and its likely that genes affect them. Creating for instance, vulnerability to developing PTSD.

In fact, there are many places in your brain where exagerated expression of receptors (or lack thereof) can cause a varying degree of mental disorders. Which somewhat explains why is SO RARE to find someone who has only ONE problem

Its also, somewhat related to our lebensbaum. Modern architecture and modern cities are opressive in many ways, but for those whose brains are more sensitive to emotional distress, its specially horrible.

The reason its specially horrible is because you have some people who are genetically tuned to think 'now' and dont value future events/gains/losses as much as present ones. And these people who would be our explorers are basically screwed, because they were born to late to explore the earth and too early to explore the galaxy. For them, immediate spatial and visual variables have a lot more influence than for the routine tuned genes.

In turn these people become depressed and anxious as they consistently fail to fit in a society that places the best rewards all on the end of long journeys filled with sitting your ass down and waiting.

Our biggest problem is that we put IQ and long term thinking as goals everyone should be able to achieve and that simply is not the case.

Instead of doing a decent triage and directing people to areas where they would excell due to their genetic value creating patterns, we try to measure everyone by the same standard.

And change is coming too slow. In fact, we as humans are changing faster than science can study and comprehend the change.

Hopefully by the time we get out shit toghether it will not be too late
your welcome
>Redpill me on social anxiety and panic attacks
>social anxiety
>panic attacks
pussies with a guilty conscience and something to hide also unironically believe everyone thinks about them.
Wew lad, you certainly showed me! Got any more life changing tips you came up with your bros?
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