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Alright, fellow /polsters, we did quite a number on those filthy

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Thread replies: 118
Thread images: 26

Alright, fellow /polsters, we did quite a number on those filthy CNN gay jews. They won't be able to ever recover from this, time to move on to the next target.

Who are we going to destroy next? I'd say we target FOX news - I remember they also rigged the polls agains President Donald J. Trump back during the election.
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>y-yeah guys, let's leave CNN alone.
>t-they're totally finished guys, forget about them
I wonder who could be behind this post
Just an oldfag trying to help fight the good fight!

I wanted to post this before I go to sleep to start again with renewed strength.
Don't you guys agree we should start on a new target?
Yep, I think CNN™ has learned their lesson.

How about taking on those gay jews over at Fox News?
Kill yourself newfag
Quit LARPing, you drama class faggot. Sage.
Everyone can tell you're a shill, retard.
I think I've been longer here than you've been registered on reddit, friend.
Sorry you've had a bad day today, friend.

New York Times
Check these digits!

I don't understand why anyone would even try and shill on 4chan. It's so decentralized it's impossible to get anything across. Only our collective efforts can pass through! That's why I love you guys!
You do realize we are cis white men who cant resist the urge to rape kill and colonize therefore it is beyond our capabilities to negate this attack until we have thoroughly raped killed and pillaged every CNN contributor. That is how the patriarchy works.
CNN is the standard in journalistic integrity.
get the fuck out of here, "not ur prsonal army" and all that. fuck off with the cringe flag too
yes op the new york times sounds great to me
Your digits are beautiful, friend!

Haven't we already killed CNN? I think even the corpse has been burned. It's a waste of time to go and keep beating up the dead. We should start preparing a new attack. I suggest FOX.
go home buzzfeed
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Fuck of CNN jew
Hillary has lost, friend, you should accept that Donald Trump is your president. Don't be so gloomy!
New York Times doesn't have as much exposure as FOX. We should start with TV stations first, and then we can finish of the smaller outlets.
I hate buzzfeed!

You make great points about the new york times OP, you're right they are the number one enemy.

Only haters are in this thread, unfortunately... Where are you, meme warriors?
Le ebin troll bro!!!
Who are we going to destroy next?
If its not your asshole then Im sticking with CNN. Those fake fags destroy themselves over a meme.
New York Times is barely an enemy, and it's controlled by higher entities. What's the point in trying to waste our time and hit the tail when we should aim at the head?

TV stations are obviously the heads in this. FOX is huge, we need to start digging under it. I bet it's lead by as many jews as CNN is!
there enough shills as it is without you LARPing as one faggot.
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Nice try
Why should we destroy something that's already destroyed though?

You're absolutely correct OP, the New York Times must be brought down. The New York Times is CNN's cousin and is just as bad as CNN. We have to focus our meme magic on the New York Times. Thanks OP for clarification.
Nobody likes CNN here, friend, you should better leave.
die nigger
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>lets abandon this trending hit topic with CNN to attack Fox for no particular reason

All you'd have to do to kill Fox is wait another 10 years for their viewer base to die off.
This is the beginning of the end for CNN. This is the month CNN will lose 3/4 of its viewers.
I think you can't think straight because of sleep deprivation. I clearly explained why New York Times is not the best target right now.

Why don't you try getting some sleep for now?
The second place is clearly the Washington Post imo

OP I already told you I agree. DOWN WITH THE NEW YORK TIMES!

oh my God, shlomo, horrible try
That's rude, I haven't insulted you, friend! And you have digits!

Fox has a lot of exposure, and it's one of the major stations out there. And they tried cheating during the election with rigged polls, so I'd say it's time for revenge!
I think you need to take some well deserved rest. Take a nap for a couple of hours, alright?
what did his autism mean by this?
Shill. How's the pay at CNN? Your buddies at buzzfeed are next.
This is either a high quality troll, or a really low quality jew at CNN
You type like a female. You're attempting to be overly friendly. Your sentence formatting is questionable. Do you really think you're fooling anyone?

Stay on target
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Yeah, I'm tired, too. Let's see what tomorrow may bring.
OP, this was the worst shill post I have ever seen.
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>just an old fag!
>uses exclaimation points
>types like new flag
>no sauce showing damage to CNN
Away with you
Ah, so close with those digits!

I meant that we should start preparing for our next attack!
I'm unemployed currently, but I would never work in journalism! It's absolutely vile and full of lies!
Yes, as a matter of fact I'm a woman. I don't think that's the problem, right? We're all anonymous here in Kek's army! So we should group up and unite against our enemy, the FOX and other major outlets!
Good night!
This has to be the worst fucking bait I've seen in my entire life. Which one are you, a fed, or a libtard commoner?
As I've already said - I don't believe anyone would waste their time shilling on an 4chan. It's much more productive brainwashing the normies so that they would condemn us. But we will stay strong!
Just open your eyes and see that CNN is already dead.
You're mistaken, fellow anarcho-capitalist! As I said I'm unemployed, so I'm not assosiated with federals, neither am I liberal (as you can see by my flag). I just wanna help!
Not sure if bait, or just really bad shill.
Why don't you even consider the possibility that I'm neither, friend?
Yeah, this definitely bait
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Op, Please check this video.
Yeah, this definitely b8
Your not unemployed. You probably write or contribute to buzzfeed. If you work. Your a shill Shill trying to steer pol towards a news organization that you don't like. You a lefty shill hiding behind a flag. News flash, we like fox. If you weren't a shilling you'd know that.
Lmfao I'm not an anarcho capitalist. You're either a Jew from CNN or some faggot who's a native on this board and is producing a high quality troll.
Love it, such a catchy song! I'll forward it to some normies I know!
Fun shitpost, did you expect anything but laughter though?
>Where are you, meme warriors
Hi cnn
Welp, have at it if you'd like.
>pic related should help

I'm not going to waste time on them when CNN is being served up on a platter for the whole country.
Your ID's is showing, friend, I know you're sameposting!
This is a really weak trolling, friend. Everybody knows we don't like mainstream media, and FOX is like a huge giant among other mainstream media outlets! So that's why we should crush it in the name of Kek and President Trump!
Yes, I've already told you guys I'm an oldfag and a native here, and I know that a flag with snake is for anarcho-capitalists! You're not fooling me, friend!
Checked, and great pic! This is exactly what I'm talking about! We should holocaust these FOX jews ASAP! CNN is done, forget it, we need fresh blood!
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fuck off CNN isn't fully cooked yet.
only room for one in the oven at a time and Buzzfeed is next
Agreed. OP is cucked.
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For fuck sake leaf leave
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Nice try CNN.

We're coming for you
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You can count le r/edditor out, they are busy soiling themselves with fear
I suggest you neck yourself, larping faggot.
I'm not into cuckold fetish.
I'm a proud american born, kekistani at heart!
Only if you enjoy watching corpses rot, leafy friend.
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>I'm a proud american born, kekistani at heart!
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>Just an oldfag
>doesn't know about what we've done in the past to FOX
wew lad, ishiggidy
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>They won't be able to ever recover from this
the fuck are you talking about?
After we have made america great Again can we save sweden? :(
Wow, great triples! Kek likes you!
I know, but that haven't killed it, have it?
Checked! Kek will Sweden to be saved next!
Exactly. This is the epitome of a shill thread.
This is probably the same asshole who kept promoting Fillon in the French election.
>responding intelligently to bait posts
You're right OP, we should go after the new York Times immediately. I'll begin redirecting my kekistan forces in the field to bolster our efforts.
>t. CNN Damage Control Operative
>yes goyi....fellow kekis, we sure showed cnn, let's go after fox now that we taught those .....gay jews!... a lesson. (Yahway g-d forgive me)
Please read the replies, I've already told another fellow anon that he needs some rest to think clearly.
>fellow anon
Try again jewboy
Why should anybody control the damage when we can continue spreading it?
You've shown me the light op. You must be kek in physical form. I've never felt better! Down with the New York Times!
Sorry, I'm just gonna ignore you, alright? You can't think and read clearly.
I'm not of jewish descent, and neither am I a boy, as I've said earlier. You really should read the entire page before replying, pirate friend!
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>Yesssss friend
What's that op? There's a pedophile ring run out of The New York Times basement?

I know exactly what to do ;)
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>check these digits, I'm one of you, I love you
Yes, please continue reading further, you'll understand since I've explained everything at the top of this page.

We've been having good discussion here, I think everybody who wants to fight should come here!
the fuck is this shit, the thread
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Yea "notjew" is right fellow kuckistanis, lets move onto next target, either Buzzfeed or NYT. Who's their top (((journalists))) I'll start tweeting
lel, you are a fucking retard OP.
Try this fellow https://twitter.com/ToddPiro
Look at his jewish nose! He needs to fall first, I'd say!
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>thread is still here
>these replies


If you don't know how to reply without bumping you need to kill yourself and leave /pol/

Please read this page before you go to sleep, anons! We have a good battle ahead!
Whats That? CNN is in on the pedophile ring too!?
nice try ShareBlue
I told you I'm ignoring you. Please stop replying to my threads.
Seriously why are you shills so fucking retarded and easy to spot?
it's because it's obviously one of us creating a Bait thread, or someone who has studied us for a few months.
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We know it's you leaf
Maybe you should consider that people with opinions that do not match yours are not instantly shills? I'm your friend, we fight the same fight! We should stick together!
Don't you have a standard fuck party to host in your anus?
You're right, how do I contact you again?
If only you'd bothered to read the page, you'd have seen that I've been here long. Longer than you've been on reddit, friend.
I'm an US citizen.
I don't enjoy anal very much.
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If this thread gets bumped one more fucking time....
You do know it's against this site's rules to announce that you're "saging" a page, right? You can get banned for it, and it would suck. We need all the manpower we can get in the fights to come!

I think more people should be aware of our next target!
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ok newfriend, you've been here long. Long enough not to have to google what meme this spawned.

Faggot I've been on this site since 2005, that's nothing to brag about it's fucking sad, you're a faggot ass larper so stfu you lil NuPol cancer Pussy bitch.
What are you talking about? I don't understand why you're being angry. Care to elaborate, friend?
newfriend doesn't know a shoop at first site.

mfw when he asks "What Photoshopped image"
Why don't you try reading your posts again and realise that you couldn't deliver the idea that was good in your head.

Maybe try getting more sleep?
Thread posts: 118
Thread images: 26

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