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State your age, profession, income, political ideology. I'll

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Thread replies: 116
Thread images: 24

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State your age, profession, income, political ideology. I'll start:

Age: 26
Profession: Electrical technician
Income: $66,000/pa
Political ideology: NatSoc
NEETs stay out, real men only.
Age: 43
Profession: Engineer
Income: $320,000/pa
Political Ideology: Socialist
Redditors will actually reply to this datamining thread
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3KB, 112x125px
Age: 35
Profession: ((Banker))
Income: $40,000
Political Ideology: Titoism
I'm just trying to find out how many of us are actual men with real jobs and not retarded NEETs
Age: 21
Profession: student (mechanical engineering)
Income: 0.00
Political ideology: Randist
Age: 22
Profession: selling off my thousands of BTC and LTC that I bought in 2009-2012 for nothing with a small inheritance, like $80,000 at the time, then went to school, just graduated this year
Income: $971,XXX last year from what I ended up unloading
Political ideology: shove it up your ass
Age: 19
Profession: Space cowboy demolition sniper
Income: $1 mil/year
Political Ideology: kekistani
(((chem grad student)))
White Nationalist
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taxi driver.jpg
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Taxi Driver
Fucking pathetic!
Age: 18
Profession: nothing
Income: Dicks
Political Ideology: Memes
Please go back to le_donald, thanks.
Age: 22
Profession: Student (applied math)
Income: student loans
Political ideology: fuck non-white people
Age: 27
Profession: University student
Income: lol
Political ideology: Fascism

Move libertarianism to "devious little creatures tier" pls
nice try CNN. "Hey...sooooo...can you help us Dox you?"
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Oh, why didn't you just say "faggot" ?

It's okay to be gay in this day and age. Just because you're looking for a big daddy to tell you what to do - doesn't mean you have to make that your politics.

Stop being such a faggot (oh, sorry "NatSoc") and just become gay. Ya fucking fag.

Hell, I'll take your rights if you THAT into it (that's what NatSoc is about after all).
I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your damn autism.

yea USA is such a little creature. you would cry if they went away . maybe the most successful country in the world. surly the democracy thing works pretty well. also how do u have libertarianism without democracy?
Libertarianism should go in pitiful tier tho
If you deepthroat burgerstan any harder you'll throw up, slow down anon.

>how do u have libertarianism without democracy?
Please go and read a book.
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>If you deepthroat burgerstan any harder you'll throw up

love you cunt
Inb4 NAP no gubment buttfuckery
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Why'd you change your flag?

Age: 40
Job: data miner for george soros LLC
Income: depends on how many conservatives I doxx
Politics: communist
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>not posting the full version
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Age: 23
Studying: computer engineering
Working: Math particular teacher
Income: 1500-ish merkelmonis a month
Ideology: pic related
>project manager (A&E firm)
>I don't affiliate with any political ideology, I vote for the party that seems less corrupt- I'll probably never vote democrat
I didn't.
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hating on USA or Australia too why not. is the biggest problem with sjw, Its the self hate that really pisses me off. especially when you enjoy its fruits. you are just a spoiled kid then.
12 years old
meme craftsperson
over 9000
what is this
Age: 24
Profession: Armed security
Income: $30,000
Political Ideology: White nationalist
you do know that there IDs on pol right?>>132476200
> underrated
Age: 9
Profession: None
Income: 30$/pa
Political Ideology: Based Kekistani
What are you talking about? My name is Anonymous
Age: 143
Profession: Vampire heir
Income: 5 Gallons of blood a week and 2Rats
Political ideology: Satanical Darwinism
55 CNN Producer 500k
Age: 48
Profession: Chef at Wendy's
Income: $130,000 a year
Political ideology: Communist
Penis length: 9 inches
Height: 6'5
>Age: 69
>Profession: Pussy Eater
>Income: 696,969
>Political ideology: UrGay
Age: 23
Profession: Cybersecurity consultant
Income: 96k/yr (plus bonus that ranges from 10 to 30k depending on various factors)
Political ideology: Conservative libertarian
2m per year

No joke. You'll hear from me soon, /pol/. I'll be memeing in Stephen Colbert and you'll see.
Data mining thread. Also not /pol/ related.

no, youre just switching the flags to different things
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1MB, 1200x818px
Age: 23
Profession: Agricultural engineer
Income: $13,000/yr (Russian economics is shit-tier)
Political ideology: National Socialism

Stay at home mom
Right wing libertarian
Age: 20
Profession: Student
Income: Very little, I'm living off of saved money
Political ideology: pretty much Natsoc although not a strict Hitlerist
Age: 35
Profession: Architect
Income: 50.000
Political ideology:
What? My flag is the same as it is in the OP
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>state your political ideology
>not related to politics
Age: 23
Profession: Civil Engineer
Income: €30,000/pa
Political ideology: Libertarian
Age: 21
Profession: NEET, high school dropout
Income: 0$ (9000€/yr if you count my dad job (he works in a mine))
Political ideology: Fascist, National Socialist
Fluffer (retired)
$35k/yr pension
About 50k from my job and another 15k from a rental property I've paid off.
Political ideology: Right wing libertarian
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Age: 21
Profession: QA Automator and Data Analyst
Income: 78k EUR per yer (however im a contractor, may not be here for the whole year)
Political Ideology: Technocracy
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36KB, 551x591px
Age: 31
Profession: Planning / Oilfield
Income: $51,000
Political Ideology: Libertarian
FBI plz go
Awesome thread Original Poster!!! I love talking about this stuff with my friends on 'politics'!

Age: 14
Profession: Student lol
Income: My allowance I guess haha!!!!!
Political Idealogy: Umm idk like Trump and stuff lol KEK!!!!!!!
>Financial Controller
Job: office shit
Income: $12 an hour
Ideology: Monarchist
based, post titties or gtfo
$13k still should let you live kinda OK there right? Or are you in (((moscow)))
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>User Interface designer
Libertarianism is babby's first ideaology.
Age: 45
Profession: NEET
Income: $25000/yr on NEETbucks
Political ideology: Socialism

enjoy paying for my life you wagecucks

Age: 71
Profession: POTUS
Income: $400,000
Political ideology: Monarchy


Age: 25
Profession: High school math teacher
Income: $66000 but goes up every year or so.
Political ideology: Fascism.
Age: 14
Profession: Urban planner/Community organizer
Ideology: White Nationalist
Age: 29
Profession: Project Management/Construction Estimation
Income: $70,000
Political Ideology: Libertarian
damn /pol/ truly is grown up /b/ with politics
>Shove it up your ass
It checks out.
Age: 11
Profession: time traveler/russian hacker
Income: unnecessary
ideology: kek
Age: 23
Profession: X-Ray Technician
Income: $58,000 annually
Political Ideology: Italian Fascism
Age: 19
Profession: Student (Computer Science)
Income: $0.00
Political Ideology: Libertarianism

Why are people so quick to share personal information on an anonymous board? There's threads asking for age, city of residence, income, degree, and even DNA test results. Stop feeding into this bullshit. Nobody will reply to your post anyway.
>ITT data-mining for retards
Age: 27
Profession: Pirate
Income: Varies
Political ideology: Pirate

I hate (((Moscow))) and his degenerate culture. Thank God, I live on the other side of the country.

This money is enough for a comfy life with vidya, classic Japanese car and gf.
Age: 24
Profession Fashion Designer
Income: $73,650 per yr
Political Ideology: Centre-Right, Anything against Globalist/Elite Jews, Republican, Racist against niggers
>he isn't making up fake information
nigger this is like writing in nigger cyborg as your ethnicity on surveys.
Age: 33
Profession: Carpenter
Income: none
Political Ideology: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's.
>God tier

What the fuck am I reading, It should be bellow devious little creatures
>he's 40 and posts on 4chan
Age: 24
Profession: Civil servant (salary without work), 'administrator' of one of our family businessand, and SEO experimenter
Income: $85.000 per annum
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1MB, 3264x1836px
Age: mid 30s
Profession:overnight Walmart
Income: $30,000 gross
Political Ideology: Fascist
*businesses, and
Age: 19
Profession: College student/ retail worker
Income: 900/month
Ideology: Falangist
inb4 human waste
Ideology: classical liberal
Age: 23
Profession: Plastic surgeon (assist)
Income: $20,000 year
Political ideology: Fascism and racism
CNN journalist
Marxist (((we haven't seen REAL communism)))
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just turned 21
profession: locksmith/ proximity key refurbisher
income: 63k/yr
political ideology: constitutionalist
Reddit is out, brought dataminers with you too as I can see.
Age: 21
Profession: Computer Science Student
Income: N/A
Political ideology: Classical Liberalism
Libertarianism sucks by the way

Rate me
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527KB, 704x528px
Age: 33
Profession: GM - Rental Car
Income: 55k
Political Ideology: Classical Liberal

Although, to be rather honest, I have been doing my best to stop focusing on politics and have devoted more of my time to religion, psychology, and the esoteric. Materialism, in every aspect, is a prison. (((They))) are doing their best to keep all of man divorced from the divine and imprisoned in the flesh.

Or maybe I am just schizo and spent to much time on /x/
Age: 21
Profession: Supermarket Nightwork
Income: £20,256
Political ideology: Autocrat
Age: 31
Profession: Doctor (Internal Medicine)
Income: 150K
Political ideology: Independent/Libertarian
Neet/Lawn Bowler
11K per year neetbux
Age: 26
Profession: Musician
Income: widely varies
Political ideology: refuse to pick a side thus avoiding allying myself with people who don't believe what I do.
Work:get paid to poo in loo
Political ideology:both facism and libertarianism appeal to me not sure yet about which one I would choose over the other
125k per year
A citizen republic similar to Heinlein
Do you drind only human blood or animal blood too?

What about dick blood, do you love sucking dick blood?
Because transhumanism is socialist wankery. In
Age: 65
Profession: Philanthropist
Income: Billionaire
Political ideology: Zionism
Age 20
Profession Air Force
Income around 20k plus housing, food, clothing allowances
Political ideology Bit mixed, as while I do love my freedoms, to the point that I recently spoke to the FBI about me being investigated about past interest In militias, I recognize the need for strict laws and a strong leadership which fascism provides. I'm sure I'll cement into one eventually.
John I need to see you in my office now.

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well, imagine yourself in like 20 years,
would you still be gay?

it's the same with /pol, minus the AIDS and anal prolapse.
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>income: none
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My name Shitavius. I'm twenny fo years old, and shit. Profession: Slangin rocks an pimpin out my ho. Annual income... IDK nigga math be rayciss an shit. political idology: gimme dem gibbs
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>profession: philanthropist
Occupation:Postal Worker/Student
Income: $40,000
Political ideology:NatSoc
Transhumanism is technologically advanced eugenics.
Age: 19
Income: $0,14/month
Profession: City planning yt videos
Political ideology: Far-right populism / national capitalism

same as CTR and Shariablue employees

nice digits
Thread posts: 116
Thread images: 24

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