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>tfw living in an orwellian-tier /pol/-state The text means:

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>tfw living in an orwellian-tier /pol/-state

The text means: Don't let Soros have the last laugh
the only Orwellian-tier state is uk
This is Nazi fascist shit.
Was it really necessary to put on 6 of the same? Orbán isn't really cost effective.
>one of the most evil men
How many Trianons do you need to chill?

Memes aside I really like Hungary :*
It is.

London Underground stations have long ass escalators and screens playing video adverts on the side. Each screen is synchronised and playing the same ad at the same time. I could only find this video to show:


I'm pretty sure it's an effective marketing strategy to force you to think about whatever is advertised
>Soros doesn't want the gypsies to adapt and embrace western culture.
>Soros wants to create an educated gypsy elite that protects the old culture at a higher level.

>Gypsy culture: steal, kidnap and sell kids, beg in the street and marry kids and reproduce like rats, basically a criminal culture.
>Soros want an empowered organized criminal culture in Europe under his patronage and control

Soros started to protect the gypsies by changing their name to Roma, plural Romani(supposed man/men translation from gypsy)( which is similar to Romanians)

BUT THE GYPSIES pronunciation is GOMA/GOMANI or GHOMA/GHOMANI for man/men.

Soros wants to create a confusion and duality of the estern gypsies so they are more likely to be accepted in the west.
because cameras that help to catch criminals in a city of 20 millions are orwellian

but having literal Two Minutes Hate in a country is healthy democracy
But were catching up
you are right, cameras must be banned for being racist and collecting evidence against poor youths which might get caught!

USA is closer to an Orwellian state than the UK.
It has a large degree of government surveillance, coupled with everyone documenting everything and posting any offence against the PC ideology.
Soros is a real-life billionaire fifth columnist though.
...says someone from neither place
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>oi m8, we erd you wuz saying bad things about the guv'ment. Time you were arrested for hate speech and were locked up in the clink for longer than the combined sentence of an Islamic child grooming rape gang. You better hope we don't find any lethal butter knives in your home or we'll set the k9 unit on you.
We don't get arrested for thought crimes.
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Does Hungary and Finland share the same language?
>pic related
Other way around by far. However the actual quantity of reporting on these things in the UK makes me think that it's not the most at all in europe. The most orwellian is the one is the libshit nation with the quiet media regarding these sort of arrest and shit.
Show trials and such aren't as bad as nabbing you off the street and being thrown in to a pen, because the state and public consensus are already totally aligned that propaganda isn't necessary.
It makes you actually notice the thing.

If you put up only one "ad", you just pass by, and don't even notice.

This is basic advertisement / marketing anon.

Mármint érted: te is a 8 plakátot egymás mellett észreveszed, sőt triggerel. Míg amikor csak egy van, leszarod (hacsak nem vagy libsi nyilván).
Aren't Hungarians just weird Europeans that really, really wanna be mongols? I mean i've never seen a European country so adamant about being recognized as chinks.
>checks flag
Checks out. No one in America has been arrested for questioning the holocaust shit head
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Yes, they all are fino-ugric peoples
no, it's a meme.

the languages have nothing similar in reality
>says americuck who's opinion of the UK is formed by /pol/ memes
Maybe they just buy a number of places and the ad company decides where to put. Or they are this retard, don't know but it's the same for others like Jobbik.
No but many have certainly been ostracized by the Jewish owned media, academia, as well as by other means and had their life and credibility ruined beyond repair
She was in trouble for taking a picture of them and posting it, as it said. You can't just take pictures of people and post them on the internet. She wasn't in violation of the law for what was said.
Yep. Pannonia was visited some time ago by a few thousand Asians and the people living there just adopted the visitor's language and customs.
The hungarians/magyars are europeans just like anyone else here.
Well, except for the fucking gyppos and the africans that the germans keep importing.
It's not illegal to film or photograph people in a public school, like what she has done.
Read up.

>not tanking a red permanent marker and draw horns on the fucker

gulash pls.
>a political party made a slightly edgy ad, that must mean that I'm living in a orwellian state
Nigger what?
Fucking retard. Students aren't public figures. You'd need parental consent to just film another student. Dumb faggot.

I thought it was legal to film people on public property?
>dat pic
He wants one giant mixed people with no identity so his ((("""""foundation"""""))) can control them for centuries to come.
Why do they want to be recognized as chinks? What's so romantic about being an oriental savage? They don't want to be called eastern European even though they check out the full criteria of the eastern soviet block. They don't want to be slavic or germanic because somehow being an Ugric mongoloid retard is so much better.
> Arabic
Life in Germany must be hard these days.
Thats not finnish. In finnish it goes like
>älä anna soroksen nauraa viimeisenä
And yes, our languages are relatives, but in reality its not same at all
"Generally,peopleare allowed tofilmin a public forum, which is public property traditionally open to the public, like sidewalks, parks and streets. ... Theschool doesnot have a right to take anyfilmalready acquired, however, norcantheschoolask a person to leave solely because they are filming."
It's legal, that anon is talking out of his ass.
"Community outreach" in a gay pride parade. Breaking the British police, especially the Met was one of the top priorities of New Labour, and they succeeded fantastically. Their current head is a lemon-faced old lesbian who cares more about mean words on twitter than islamic terrorism.

Just another day in the any of the British police forces.
Why? For the same reason every other country does it.
>look at me, I'm special
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Oy vey goy, how will my poor cousin pay for his fifth BMW if the government doesn't pay him a million a day for each advertising spot, you want him to starve you filthy anti semite?
>Soros ran away from some shithole
>became billionaire
>shithole was so buttblasted that it became a country called Hungary with national ideology of getting back at Soros

Literally every piece of news from Hungary confirms this. Every time.
i think that in the end, memes aside, slavs, vlachs and hungarians all like each other
its just that we all think the same piece of land belongs to each of us

A country with no forced resident registration is hardly orwellian.

In Germany you are forced to register your residence. Just let that sink in, the goverment here has a right to always know where you are currently residing and living. I still find that highly disturbing.

People thinking we have free speech here are delusional.
Many people don't know about "Ehrdelikt". Basically the sole reason why in Germany you are not free to say anything, because as soon as someone feels like his honor has been hurt they can sue you. Insulting someone here is a real offence that can get you high fines or (in theory) prison time. People always joke about "muh holohoax gets you prison time in Germany". Simply using the wrong pronoun can get you sued here. Not even joking here. In Germany we have the plural "Sie" as a polite pronoun instead of the regular "Du". Not using "Sie" when talking to anyone can get you sued.
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It's a matter of region and jurisdictions of courts whether a classroom is considered a public forum. Look up the state of the incident and delve into what their laws are to qualify that theirs was.
In New Jersey they state,
>School facilities may be deemed to be public
forums only if school authorities have “by policy
or by practice” opened those facilities “for… use
by the general public, or by some segment of the
public, such as student organizations.” Id. at 268.
So in the end, if that school in question doesn't deem classrooms public forums(it probably doesn't) then your entire argument is a steaming pile of dogshit.
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Lessons learned from sideways Hungary.
I thought this was all /pol/ memes being from a shitvillage somewhere in the North East, furthest I'd went was Scotland. But after 2 weeks in London, besides from sandmen, there's fucking cameras everywhere. The place stinks of raw fish. And the streets are filthy. 1/10 would not visit again.
No because what happened to tommy robinson is 1984 tier
Fake news.
We wouldn't give a fuck about Soros if he wouldn't want to destroy Europe.
Yet she was arrested for hatespeech

Show me where Glassboro even enforces safeguarding and you might actually have an argument.
you "give a fuck about Soros" because state media tell you to give a fuck about Soros

the trick is to make you focus on something that's not government corruption
Everybody will be so different but the same that it will be impossible to tell good from evil
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You have no argument, actually, because unlike you before posting it I actually went to the article. You should try reading for once in your pathetic life.

Come back with whatever the court determined in that case and we will have a discussion then. As of now we're discussing literally nothing but your own delusion and uncertain policies
He doesn't want the gypsies to adapt which is what the govs of Europe have tried in some ways for decades.
He says so in his statements many times even on yt.

He wants them to keep their identity which has been quite abrasive to the European culture.
He wants a destructive/disruptive force in his hands.
You glorious bastards Hungary.
Government corruption does not necessarily destroy a society.
Importing animals and making them equal to the people does.
>I'm pretty sure it's an effective marketing strategy to force you to think about whatever is advertised

Or you can look forward and not at the walls like I did this morning
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I see. Kind of like what this guy did.
Or what the dems are doing with the wetbacks.
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>it's bcuz she was filming n shieeet

No, she was charged with harassment, not violation of privacy.
You sound mad.
>muh you have no argument
Maybe that'd be true... if she wasn't actually charged with harassment

So remind me again how YOU even have an argument?
Why you hate your countryman?
I'm talking about everyone approaching a muddled gray skintone with TV, advertising, and consumerism as a culture. No more traditional dances,traditional foods, national pride.

My post was in regards to a global perspective. You're right, he wants disruptive forces all over the world. In US we have domestic terror groups funded by him (black bloc, antifa, BLM). In western europe, it's immigrants and imported terror via pakis and other degenerate muslims. Look at who the boats belong to bringing the brown tide to europe. He wants to break everyone in the long game.
Charges=/= convictions
You need to be over 18 to post here. Saying someone is mad doesn't validate your non-argument or make you look any less retarded
>Mármint érted: te is a 8 plakátot egymás mellett észreveszed, sőt triggerel. Míg amikor csak egy van, leszarod (hacsak nem vagy libsi nyilván).

>london underground
>shitskin in the first 5 seconds

So if it was illegal to film in school why wasn't she charged with that instead?
Nice damage control.
memes aside you're a gypsy
>He wants to break everyone in the long game.
But why do it?
Nobody determined if what she did was illegal at all since as far as we know she was never convicted. Come back in 6 years when you're old enough to post here.
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>resorting to personal attacks when the entire premise of his argument has been dismantled
>can't prove whether or not a person was convicted of something he asserts was "illegal"
>"lol but u called me dumb for doing that i win"
You're a retarded faggot and should strangle yourself for being stupid
>>tfw living in an orwellian-tier /pol/-state

Lucky fucker
They are already starting to shift focus onto his son. Which was completely expected as the old fucker might die any day.
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Charge: accuse (someone) of something, especially an offense under law.

She was accused of harassment, not anything. Your argument is pretty much null.
You have nothing left, lol.
Will I be given meningitis for stealing one of those?
Cause I want one.
She was accused of something. I'm glad you finally educated yourself on what it meant. It doesn't mean that the court found that it was actually illegal and convicted her for using the word nigger. There's nothing left to say, because I'm right, and you were categorically and empirically blown the fuck out.
How retarded do you have to be to believe that Soros has any influence?
isn't Soros a Hungarian Jew? Aren't there stories about him sneaking out of his home as a child to steal belongings off his dead countrymen during WW2?

>isn't Soros a Hungarian Jew?

Yes, and just like a Jew he was trying to destroy Hungary from within by pushing pro liberal agendas such as same sex marriage, immigration reform and such.

He is barred from entering now.
Yea people getting arrested for harmless tweets and facebook posts while muslim rapists face little consequences is not Orwellian at all.
>"s-she was arrested for filming in public"
>well no actually she was arrested for harassment
We were discussing what the regulations were for her state and school because you(incorrectly, as seems to be a habit with you) asserted classrooms are public space. Which isn't really true.

Then I read the whole article, something you should have done before even posting it, and it was revealed that courts hadn't even ruled on it for you to make the claim that people are being charged of thought crimes. You've made yourself look legitimately retarded for a while now, I'd advise to stop posting, fucking idiot LOL.


pick one
Why should we deny our past just to fit your current chink hating narrative? According to our knowledge they came from there. End of stroy.

Yes, by these days we are more european than chink, thanks to 1000 years of wars and genocides, just against the Ottomans 2/3 of the population died and they had to fill up the empty lands with slav/german immigrants to keep existing...

That's rich coming from a "dakoroman" ex-bulgarian goat fucker from the mountains :D
Hey, look at me, dacians lived here hundreds of years ago before anyone mentions romanians, but they are our ancestors!

As one of our joke goes:
-Hey, Bogdan, romanian is an ancient latin language, right?


get the fuck out of here newfag
>Hey, look at me, dacians lived here hundreds of years ago before anyone mentions romanians, but they are our ancestors!
Do you have brain damage?
Go back home, Bogdan and kys
húzz innen a picsába, te szerencsétlen, égetsz itt minket
romanians are bulgarians living north of the danube.
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That would still mean we were here before you :).
Takarodsz anyádba te román szopó patkány
Freedom ain't free, Andras
juj de kemény vagy, nyáriszünet van és uncsizol?
megtaláltad 4chant és most menőnek hiszed magad?
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>aéa minden magyar szálnak ez a vége
tomi te vagy az?
no u
>turáni átok
you are not british
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vidd a francba eztet innene, hun van az ostor a pálinka meg a szürkemarha?
és erről a gémeskút, meg az íj meg a tárogató?
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>reeking jew
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