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I'm Streisandin myself here, But a CNN producer (@Donie)

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I'm Streisandin myself here,
But a CNN producer (@Donie) doxxed me (@manicwagon) on twitter last month. I tweeted the info on there.
Now he appears to be bragging about it.
For the record, I never apologized.
That seems fun. How can I get CNN to dox myself?
You should be more careful about what you post online. Especially if a fat fucking news anchor is able to find it.
We should find out where he lives and send him countless bags of shit
If you live a life that can be ruined with mere words, you live in a fundamentally wrong way. I know this is different for Canadians, but I don't feel any shame over who I am.
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>Especially if a fat fucking news anchor is able to find it.
>tfw CNN is coming after us
Read the bread, no shame here.
I'm was not talking to you, you self-centered brainlet.
I also posted the full email exchange here: https://twitter.com/manicwagon/status/882531874064678912
How'd he get the info?
You're acting like the people who would ruin your life care if what you said is true or false. Or whether or not it had merit. It has nothing to do with shame. But I doubt you would go have a conversation about how Blacks are generally not as smart as whites, or that the holocaust never happened with your boss and co-workers.
How do you get doxxed faggot

Make up a username you have never used in your life, with a fake email only for your troll account

Its not hard
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This desu. We need to get CNN to dox all of us so that we'll be able to identify each other irl and organise properly.
Yeah, you don't have to worry if you live in a socialist welfare nanny state in your parents' house never having to work a day in your life.
>You're acting like the people who would ruin your life care if what you said is true or false.

Wrong. I'm telling you that if you live a life where public shaming has significant consequences for you, you're doing something wrong.

Get real scared beta. Who cares what the news say about you?
When I want to troll anonomously I do. This was sparked over an article @Donie wrote about the Charleston Port/Uranium Scare event. I criticized his reporting, this was the first contact I had with him.
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True. CNN is basically the most inept organization on the planet currently, and they're still full of pride in their "work"
I have connections with some of biggest alt-media figures. Your/tweetthread gonna get RTd by them in a few minutes :) :)

They might try to contact you too I think
So call him out on it. CNN is getting surprisingly big for their britches given that they're basically committing crimes left and right.
>who cares what the news say about you?
A lot of employers.
>some of biggest alt-media figures

So basically a bunch of nobodies?
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>not having multiple sock accounts
Why should you give a fuck about what "a lot of employers" think? You only need one.
Huge if true
If that one employer cares, obviously. Some people have a hard time getting employment and have to suck up to retarded sjws to put bread on the table. Those people are also quickly redpilled and would be inclined to write shit on the internet.
I also want to be doxxed.
Dox everyone.
cnn advertisers are actually funding this? wut are they thinking?
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Wait, flag...
Better not be Rebel Media
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> not having given multiple pink socks to bitches
omg i'm so fully mkultra'd now i'm gonna go shoot up a load of muzzies
They're all senile, every ad on CNN is for medicine
How did he dox you?!
>If that one employer cares, obviously

But he doesn't. I'd rather not get employed than lick someone's boots. If someone sees the value I can provide, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. I'm not going to pretend to be something I'm not, because in the end I will get employed nevertheless.

If you have a hard time getting employed, you have more pressing concerns than what you post online.
He posted my first and last name.
My comment is going to be featured on Mike Thernovich! Gas the Jews! Race war now!

Don't mind me.
since when have CNN been so good at doxing?
No sorry I mean how the hell did he get that info to begin with. Did you just tell him your name over email, thinking he would keep it confidential?
I can't believe I have to say that I'm not talking about you specifically. I'm talking about guys who are afraid of doxing and why it can be rational a lot of people have had their life ruined.
Fuck this faggot.
No, he linked a few acct's of mine that I don't use anymore and found my email address.
Sorry bro
The other guy is a moron
I don't think you understand. I'm using myself as an example for why it is NOT rational to end up in a situation where you perceive public shaming as having the potential to ruin your life. It's the mirror you have to look at in a situation like that. No one else has the capability to ruin your life except you.
I guess I'm in the minority by behaving on the internet as I would IRL, more or less. If I was doxxed It wouldn't really matter.
t. helpless brainlet. Do you understand the concept of responsibility. It doesn't mean that others should hold you for responsible for your actions. It means YOU should hold YOURSELF responsible for the path you decide to take. It's not CNN's fault if the person who is doxxed gets fired from his job. It's his fault for not being prepared for such situation.
That's the only reasonable way of living. Everything else is either cowardice or mental illness
>hurr durr it wouldn't matter

1. You don't have a job
2. You work a manual labor job with excons and criminals and you are stop far down the social ladder you are irrelevant
3. you are self employed

My guess is that no one here is self employed
So you're okay with mentally ill leftists knowing where your children go to school?
If you end up in such situation, it is your own fault. You would be the idiot of the story, not leftists. Doxxing is not magic.
that's the important question
stuff like this can't legally be given up without due process (subpoenas, warrants)
but really, what 's the difference between CNN, Twitter, and ISPs? (hint: nothing)
it's an abuse of power to dox these people
No, that was not your point. You are twisting your arguments around to avoid talking about your original, ridiculous point, which is that someone shouldn't care if they get doxed because they just need one job, and if they find themselves unemployable as a result of getting doxed, it is because they are not very employable to begin with. I think you underestimate just how damaging getting doxed is to your reputation. You could be eminently qualified for any job and still not get hired. You are a pariah. What is going on right now is that you are bored, maybe in your month long vacation, and want to prove something about your intellect by playing mental gymnastics. But you are just another autistic scandy

I'm trying to get this shit out there but all my peoples are sleep right now
Wrong. I'm not backing on my words. There's just not anything additional to talk about my point, because I've already made it. Here's a condensed version for your limited cognitive capability:

>If you have a reason to care about doxxing, you're doing something wrong.

The mistake does not happen at the point of time where you get publicly shamed and have to face the consequences. No, your moment of stupidity is the point when you put yourself into a situation where external shaming becomea a potential threat for your wellbeing.
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>I have literally no fucking idea what the chilling effect is
what did yuo do to me??
Great point. The fear of being publicly exposed is what keeps us anonymously posting on the internet rather than holding rallies and spreading our message.
Irrelevant. You're free to prove otherwise.
WTF I love guns now!

Wait....I always did.
You are hopelessly ignorant and naive. Its an inhibition of natural rights. People who say "fascists don't deserve freedom of speech" have more self awareness than you, because at least they understand basic, direct, social cause and effect.

blood in the water
Leftist tolerance in a nutshell.
Enlighten me then. Otherwise we just have to accept that I'm stupid and nothing will change.

What is inhibition of natural rights? I'm not talking about inhibiting anything. I'm talking about YOU taking full responsibility for the situation you end up in.

If I get stabbed by a nigger on the street, it is my fault for not being prepared for it.
Not really a dismissal of the point, you advocate censorship through social alienation (i.e., lose one's job over an opinion, or rather, through complaints of said opinion). I do not see it wise to call for political censorship in the 2st century, lest you believe certain enshrined principles of law are less important than one's propensity and response to offense.
Actually, in a past thread people were talking about their careers. There's a lot of blue collar contractors browsing /pol/ who really don't have to worry about what the internet thinks.
>Not really a dismissal of the point, you advocate censorship through social alienation

That is very far from what I'm advocating. I'm advocating manning up and not giving a fuck. The system is what it is. You can still work towards changing it, but in the present situation the change has still not happened. You need to adapt and re-adapt until it does.
>If I get stabbed by a nigger on the street, it is my fault for not being prepared for it.
The nigger is charged in court, not you. Your thinking is contradictory to the systems around you.
Why were you worried about talking to someone from Northern Ireland? They'd be much more likely to be sympathetic to your causes than a dirty Dublin rat.
>But a CNN producer (@Donie) doxxed me
no, you probably doxxed yourself by giving your info to someone or posting your info at some point.
Legally, sure. But law does not equal self-responsibility. Law does not protect you from getting stabbed. Being prepared to defuse or avoid such situation does.
In practice, law is meaningless until it is enforced.
Reddit and FB are literally just giving them the info.
They can only give you what you give to them. Your own fault.
They can only give CNN*
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>publicly admitting stalking, privacy infringement and blackmail
I guess it's fine as long as you're on right side of history.
Oh wait this is Trump's timeline, I guess they're on the wrong side now.
While I agree with the idea that you're an idiot if you allow it to happen to yourself, the bullshit you are spouting right now absolves criminals from their wrong doings, making you en even bigger retard than the guy that got doxxed.
The Law is is also more than likely pushed by (((them)))
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>le Ezra Levant intern

nah fuck off kike shill
In their defense, USA is kinda different than Winland that's why they don't get your point. They have raving lunatics in every corner, it's not very nice to know your face has been paraded all over the news. I mean sure you can arrange your life in such a way that you can flee if it happens, but looking over your shoulder because CNN bullied you? Not cool.
You're misunderstanding me. Of course criminals are legally responsible for their actions. But if you die because a nigger stabbed you, it is partly your own fault. I'm telling people to be self-responsible for their own fate.

You're free to react however you want when CNN bullies you. You can turn your back or start a war, I hardly care. What I don't stand is anyone pretending that the consequences they allow public shaming to cause in their own lives are not completely their own responsibility.

>Liberals are bragging about doxxing and harassment and turning lynch mobs on people

Well, there goes their perceived moral high ground. I think it's great. Every time they escalate we get to as well.

Just ask Eric Clanton and Antifa how that worked out for them.
Just call it art boys and girls. Right Kathy!

I do.

But I live in Australia. I'm usually the one who is shocked by statements from Normies here.

I might say;

>Islam really isn't compatible with Australian values

To which the normie says;

>I just don't like brown cunts
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Not living in a cave in the middle of nowhere, eating only what you hunt, preparing for the great happening.

They should, and then he should set up a fucking wesrchr or patreon (lol) so we can fund his ass. Then Thernobitch or some other lawyer faggots can sue CNN for extortion.

Also we can then, in good moral standing, seek out and publish the names, addresses and movements of CNN employees and their families.
Cuomo is the worst scumbag. Really slimey guy.

His reaction was wrong in any case.

You never apologize to these people. It invites further victimization.

In reality he would have been better off doing a Sam Hyde vs. Joe Bernstein. Mock CNN for their fragility and patheticness and ask them why they spend all day doxxing kids on reddit instead of finding a shred of evidence regarding their Russia Conspiracy Theory.

More aptly is to simply tell them that you feel bad if you incited violence, and that you would like to apologize in the same manner as CNN did for killing those 7 police officers last year or shooting up the Congress baseball game.
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I agree more with your ''partly'' comment than the ''completely'' one. Sure, no one should be absolved of all responsibility for the consequences enemy actions will have on them (be that stabbing, CNN bullying, whatever) but they shouldn't have all the blame either.
It is optimal to live your life in a way that public shaming won't affect you, but it's easier in Finland where people don't care that much. USA still has the ''reputation'' meme going stronk.
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The thing that fucks over 99% of people is Goybook. If you have a goybook account at all, let alone one that is linked to an account that you're being /politically incorrect/ on, you're fucking retarded and deserve it.
Well, yes. The damage you suffer is completely your fault, because you're completely responsible for your own wellbeing, but the situation overall is only partly your fault, partly the nigger's. I should have clarified that, my bad.
Can you imagine if our racist asses actually got out there and helf rallies instead of posting on here? We could put the fear of god into niggers and jews because they think it's such a small percentage of the population that is disgusted simply by them existing. Imagine if they knew how many of us actually want to exterminate them so we can have a white ethnostate.
Why not get yourself doxxed by CNN and then cite having Jewish heritage, making them evil antisemites?
Well I agree with you, I'm just considering all the possibilities here. Especially if the meme kid is in fact 15 years old or some 25 year old neet living with his liberal parents, he isn't exactly in the state of mind to be ballzy like an ozzie, you know? Of course he should have done what you say and he should have his life in order like Finnbro says, but it's not always the case.
That would be the day you would enter into a civil war. There are too many influental groups whose true interests would align with yours and against yours. Better make sure you're prepared for that.
The masses could handle this better than the kike one.... for now
>Horrible, racist keyboard warriors change tune once identified

This is where he is wrong
Did he not see the muslim bitch from Denmark get told that she is nasty vermin straight to her face with camera on? We stopped caring
I don't live in city, so I'm prepared. As are most people that probably post on here to let their true thoughts out. It's liberals and niggers that live in major cities that need outside support to sustain themselves that will suffer greatly in any civil war.
>if you live a life where public shaming has significant consequences for you, you're doing something wrong.
But I think that's /advanced/ Jordan B Peterson. For what it's worth, he doesn't go around talking about how dumb blacks are, even though he certainly knows.
That is definitely true in a scenario where civil war means conservatives vs liberals. I doubt it would be that straightforward in practice. Both sides would be backed up by formidable entities. It would be extremely chaotic. A true shitfest of competing factions, agendas and narratives.
I think the entire point of ''going public'' with anything and stop being an anon is to gouge the general sentiment first. When Hitler rose to power, he did it -more or less- democratically.
May 1928, 12 seats (2,6%)
Then the communists committed suicide by killing Horst Wessel (we are somewhere here) and by September 1930 they were at 107 seats (18,3%).

When it comes to movements, you cannot really do anything drastic (in USA's case, voicing your words in public kek) while being 'below' 35% give or take in popularity. When the enemy has all the means seized, he can eradicate small %s. Have to stay an anon till then.
Let me explain the situation in the US:
1) An office job requires a background check, which includes people searching the internet about you.
2) You also have a desire to express yourself, you're sick of black people / muslims / Indians / beaners, you talk angry shit about them.
3) If you're found out, you're unemployable, because a / b / c / d work in that place and would not like to know that someone who hates them works there. Could even sue their employer for a 'hostile work environment'.
4) Angry you cannot get employed at any place that does these searches.
Is your point that you shouldn't make hateful comments on /pol/ in the first place, I guess? But it feels so goooood, anon.
We should just make a movement that is pro cnn hacking, in other words, we should just make a movement telling the people they should rely on hackers and leakers and not cnn and their fake news.
This explains the lust with which Americans shove their ''freedom of speech'' on the interwebs. You barely have any of it in reality, you're like fully oppressed. Maybe that's why liberalism works so well, too. It's the only shit you can freely say since it's pc and people needed to say SOME shit to not blow up, so they picked that.
Dude hook up with a group like Identity Europa or get into a TRS Pool Party or a Daily Stormer Book Club. Or just watch Richard Spencer's twitter feed for public rallies. The next big one is in Charlottesville VA on August 12th. They do seem to happen mostly on the coasts, sorry about that, that's where the brown are and where white people care about these things.
>Is your point that you shouldn't make hateful comments on /pol/ in the first place, I guess? But it feels so goooood, anon.

Nah, I know that feel. I'm not telling what people should or should not do. I just want them to be aware of and prepared to accept the full consequences of the choices they make. If you have a job you're not prepared to lose, then it would be wise to refrain from embracing absolute free speech. But even wiser would be not to put yourself in a situation where your own words can cause significant harm for yourself.
hit me senpai

I am self employed and have sizable wealth both legacy and my own patents but most importantly rich in spirit.
So, just don't whine about it. Sure (unironic). Not like whining about it does you any good anyway.
Go ahead and do the same for @JewsNewsNetwork, please. I'd love that.
I'm hardly whining. I'm elaborating on my clearly inadequately expressed point so that others could actually argue against it instead of hitting the target, so that I could eventually perhaps learn something.
instead of missing the target*
>We should find out where he lives and send him countless bags of shit

Not dragon dildos?
>boss and coworkers
And everyone in my life is already redpilled as fuck from living around nigger apes
Worst thing that could happen to me is a SWAT gone wrong, which would hurt the person doing it too, or some psycho showing up and forcing me to shoot them

Mix of 2 and 3.

And being Australian.

And having been doxxed for worse stuff in the past and finding out no one really gives a fuck about you or your life and realizing that it's actually kind of sad how little anything matters.

Then he should know to stay behind 7 proxies and keep his deets off the internet. Especially if he's NOT a kid.

This how are all you newfags getting doxxed? Dont shitpost on anything connected to your real shit. Dont use the same email across accounts and keep an emal that doesn't have your name in it. Hell I dont have a reddit account or even a facebook. If I get doxxed it was the fucking NSA and there is not much I can do about that. Yet.
OP here, I have a job, that I'm only mildly concerned will be negatively effected.
But I live in the middle of nowhere and my freezer is full of wild game. So I for one am trying to take this fight as far as I can.

Its because these fucks connect their real life shit to shitposting. All the anchors do is look through post history for links to figure out who they are.
How does CNN dox twitter/reddit users?

Are they posting personally identifiable information about themselves?

Or does CNN have access to cookie information which ties them to their FB account?

>Especially if he's NOT a kid.

...or a poor optics minority or half-Jew. I find CNN's sudden altruism extremely suspect.
The instance in question was the Mepmphis Maersk/Charleston Port/Uranium Scare that @Donie had poorly reported on.
I criticized his reporting suggesting that he broght shame to Irish clay (he's Irish).
You are all either shills or dupes.

It is precisely our anonymity that keeps us strong.

That being said, if one of us gets doxxed - as CNN has clearly threatened to do and even the BBC is reporting on it - then we go to bat for him like we do for The President.
>Are they posting personally identifiable information about themselves?


I have 3 layers of anonymity with my posting styles and habits across certain platforms.
The eternal MICK strikes again.

Same way the British police dox reddit users - Reddit doesn't bump posts off into oblivion. They just sit there like on a normal forum. You can click a username and it takes you to all of their posts.

Most plebbit cunts will post tons of different information that can be assembled to give you a picture of who they are.

It's the sam way we used to dox trips back in the day via foolz archive.

Doxxing a user is easy. Backtracing the origin of the .gif is harder and more impressive. I mean, KYM does that shit all day, erry day, but CNN, like all Old Media, is usually managed by halfwits.
I'm a big fan of your uncle Ted, pls send regards
This. I wanna be on TV!
this is their new strategy, to neuter the "alt-right" by showing them to be BAWBs (bitch ass white boys). tell this guy to fuck himself, say it's the united states of america and you have the right to express yourself, and stop giving these assholes ammunition with which to propagandize to the world that white people are desperately cowardly basement dwelling some-time racists. jesus christ.
he deleted the tweet
>I never apologized
Have "receipts"
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yeah, i think this guy needs crowdfunding as recompense for being scapegoated by CNN
get cnn to hire anonymous

You know that's illegal right. report him.
So just bully him some more. He can't release any more info else he'll be arrested.

sauce: https://patch.com/massachusetts/malden/what-is-doxing-yes-it-is-illegal
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