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KRAUT holidaymakers brawl on Mallorca's beach in front of

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Well, how do we solve the kraut problem?
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>how do we solve the kraut problem?
They're already solving it themselves by being pro-EU retards. They love sandnigger cock.
Sadly, they'll destroy the rest of Europe with them.
I don't understand why those degenerates choose get drunk and fight themselves instead fight the mudslime army they have in their country.
oh! I get it, it would be "racist".
all the alpha germans are killing each other in south Europe

Why are G*rms so violent?

Why can't they NOT chimp out?
I love seeing Germans get utterly decimated.
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>Well, how do we solve the kraut problem?


lol @ Krauts being so combative against each other but submiting to the BBC at home.
well, british are even more violent than krauts when they come here
Guiris are the same, so I suggest you tape it shut.
>british yobs are the wor--
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>Holidaymakers in spain
>drunk fighting

glad to see were not the only ones, also that was a pitiful fight.
That's the main reason I won't travel to Spain.

As a Bavarian you will get lumped together with these kind of retarded G*rmans.
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well one positive thing is that they actually stopped when the guy was on the ground. if you're gonna fight, fight like a white man.

(((Morgenthau))) had the solution, sterilize all germans.
you realize this wasnt ethnic germans? 3 of them or more were turks.
That wasn't a fight.
That's the drunk retard is running around and just wont lay down and take it like a champ containment trial.
Brits are just as bad when we go abroad mate.
>normies slaving away a whole year to fly to a crappy island full of drunk idiots to get beat up
they should just kill themselves, their life is only suffering
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>getting beaten by niggers that literally fight like monkeys
>As a Bavarian you will get lumped together with these kind of retarded G*rmans.
That's right, I know not even one Bavarian who visits Spain in summer, all of us either go to Italy or the Greek islands
Spain sadly became infested by Hartzer from the Ruhrgebiet
sometimes i worry, with all the random assaults that occur, someday, some ignorant person out of simple poor judgement will decide to choose me and his life will change forever..
People like this should be euthanized. Fremdschämen.
The big bald kraut was off his face and in no condition to fight, doesn't look like any of them could fight anyway so, meh.
learn english you shubhuman shitskin and kill yourself
That looked tame as fuck in comparison to what our lower class scum get up to.
If they don't come to your shitskin filled country you would die starving. Lazy son of a bitches
Do they mean Majorca?
Mallorca is the Spanish and Catalan spelling.
in spanish you pronounce a ll like a j.
What problem?

German trash is paying you lots and lots of money each year to travel to Mallorca to get wasted and behave like degenerate assholes.
You could do something against it but in the end you like the money too much so you let them.
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Spain getting btfo itt
We pronounce out J hard, like 'jelly', for uss the spanish 'll' is more like our 'y'.
Be happy that we spend our hard earned nazigold not only in form of rescue packs but also in the form of tourism in your incompetent poorfag country.
that was one of the most pathetic fights i've ever seen
a bunch of drunk retards, no one even tried to take anyone to the ground and lay into them

big fat white boy took two hits to the head and just drops.... how the fuck did these retards almost take over europe?
Well it makes no sense in English, we also don't have an Eszett, thus it doesn't appear in English words.

just like us krauts love getting busy by fortifying beaches.
No niggers to be seen.

Are you a mentally ill person?
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fuck off back to your own country
im from mallorca, this always happens, nothing new. all tourists in mallorca, and specially that area are all the same. germans, english, russian, dutch, all of them...
No we don't, idiot.
Don't listen to him.
Germans are literally the fucking worst. This world would be perfect if only we removed Germany.
Fuck off Kraut, your mama Merkel is the cause of this.

No joke, if Europe had expelled the first wave of migrants, and stonewalled the second, the crisis would have been over 2 years ago.

You're a fucking disgrace.
You want me to come back that badly?
>most of them are tall and fair-haired
>"abzolutely not the zermans, ve are so polite and masterrace, it's ze turks"
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Mallorca (and of course Thailand) is infamous for stuff like that. That's were the ugly german and brits are vacationing. You know, those followers of conservative and right wing parties... the scum, that complains the foreigners wouldn't behave and act like pigs in Germany.

Moron, you don't even realise that many of them aren't Germans.
hahahaha the fat guy got fucked up
Brits are a people of peace.
Pretty sure all those manlets and lanklets were all German
>that comfy guy in the floor
>looking for his beer
the soviets should havegenocided them all
Yeah but we shit and piss all over you and terrorise your lazy sand durkas instead of our precious white angels of God.

So shut the hell up.

Based England.
yes you do maybe you say im a idiot becouse you pronounce a j like a ch.

>white people

This is why German women prefer dating refugees.
We sell to them Menorca for 3% of their annual PIB?
And send them all the ninis
>ITY = dad
>dad = father in English
>They have an upside down question mark in their language
Latinos are demons, always have been and always will be. They need another inquisition and we will be the inquisitors.

British are the worst tourists, a few days back a group of ugly disgusting brits were walking around drunk and naked while people watched in horror
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This eternal anglo bloodsucker post has been placed under quarantine by the Office of the Ordo Hereticus. Do not answer and do not attempt to interact with it, it will be removed soon by our legitimate team of Inquisitors, praise God.
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I dont understand at all why so many guiris come to our country.
I mean, its not as cheap as they think and the usually go to the worst places of Spain.
Are we the masters of scam?
I had to learn this fucking language back in school and since then I promised myself to never learn a latin language again.
you cater to Pond scum.
what's not to understand?
It's the "lads on tour" kind that cause all the trouble.
> its not as cheap as they think

for you
O I am laffin after all the stick we brits get for our party attitude.

>it's only ever the brits
>they're the ones ruining it for everyone else

Get fucked
>Well, how do we solve the kraut problem?

WWIII ought to do it this time. US, UK, France and Russia all have nukes for the Germs, and I'm sure Russia can import some chemical weapon from Syria for the Turks
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>fighting with their feet
How do we make them team up against shitskins?

How do we make them fight properly?
Ship 'em back to Germany and put them on permanent vacation in the refugee camps. a beer for every ear they bring back

>weaponized krauts
British tried it before
Nobody would want to holiday in their shitty cold country full of hipsters and brown people.
probably because of football rivalry
I agree our tourists are fucking trash. Except for me, I keep to myself and sunbathe, I don't even like alcohol.

You Portus though, when you come here I can't tell you apart from the Arabs you're so dark skinned.
Merkels Army
Where's the broomsticks?
Three drunk fat guys against six guys, what were they expecting?
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your TV is lietrally 40% black/arab, even though socity is (yet) 95%+ white.
is Spain top-1 holiday destination for germans and brits?

how qt are german girls?
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How do we solve the guiri problem?
wow, british girls are hot
They are hideous, the guy is more feminine than they are.

Let them take over Spain and whiten you up.
>the guy is more feminine then they are
i thought the meme was the UK colonized the world because the women were ugly, but i guess all anglos are actually faggots
>watching tv
>They are hideous, the guy is more feminine than they are.
man, few days ago i was on /b/ and pic related is just one of british schoolgirls. dont lie

so what? you can giggle and brawl, but your country is no less cucked than Germany. I would say its on the level of Germany, maybe higher(look at football nt)
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Our men are better looking than our women, tell me you wouldn't let Henry stick his big British Dick inside you and tell me you wouldn't enjoy every second of it.

Yeah, I thought not.

what r they doing in bolan?

do brit girls like the kraut dick
i'm not gay, so no
fuck u

i feel in love with her, how often her lookalikes are seen by you IRL?
no, only spanish i suppose
Daily reminder: This is the natural state of the kraut


They're barbarians
I count four turks.
Depends where you go. I was getting my hair cut yesterday and they had about 20 girls there who look similar.
Krauts gib moneys. It's only the drunktards the ones that are a problem. We should round them up along with the guiris put them in training camps to get them in shape and use them as the dispensa...heroic troops in the incoming European Reconquista.
holy shit, i just noticed the russian words on the store window behind her!
get shitfaced and start brawls. went to golden sands in bulgaria 2 years ago, russians at the poolside were the worst
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You say that now.

I don't think they have a choice considering...

You poor soul, if only you knew how bad they are. They age worse than Merkel's jowls.
>get shitfaced and start brawls
how do i do this without getting cops involved? i'm kind of trying to fight other travelers drunk once i hit the globe
In some places there are placards that say:
"Here we speak Spanish"
Is that bad...
>how do we solve the problem of huge tourism revenue?

brit girls like any dick, period.
Nah, Essex.
Yeah I really dont care. I gave up a long itme ago. no one will "wake up" and "fight the foreign hordes" we'll just roll over and die. No one is gonna fight. anywhere here in the west. Maybe you slavic savages will
where? in spain?
Need to put CNN logos on the fucker getting knocked out. They love that shit.
Imagine being this bad at winking
go to other country and let shop keepers and hoteliers loose hundreds of millions.

Problem solved.
Fucking German scum and your shitty towels stay away from my sunbeds you nocturnal faggots
>They age worse than Merkel's jowls.
idk... i remember there was a pic of 40+ to british milf with some refugee from Calais, and she was looking pretty good

well its pretty close to London
Imagine being this jealous of not looking like him.

It's number 1 holiday destination for British and German scum, everything is cheap and sunny, all scum go there, get pissed, party, fuck and fight then go home. Not many qts just whores
If you want slags like that you should go to Essex, that anon is correct. Romford/Chelmsford/Harlow/Southend etc all has those kinds of whores.

London is too diverse, no whites allowed!
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Dutch women are the worst coalburners. If Germany falls and the immigrants come to the Netherlands they will be bred out of existence in one generation.
in South Spain? where are british tourists?

are you from there?
>everything is cheap
try Bulgaria or Turkey
>Fucking German scum and your shitty towels stay away from my sunbeds you nocturnal faggots.
t. W Churchil
>where are british tourists?
They'll go to the Balearics or the Canary Islands.
>If you want slags
but if I want non-promiscious beautiful and clever gf, where should I go? Uni of Cambrdige?
mama merkel is the consequence of the allied brainwashing after the war. You're reaping what you have sown
>Uni of Cambrdige?
Full of Marxist whores, I really don't think you're going to find anyone pure or innocent in this country, everyone is a whore. Maybe not as vapid or as money grabbing as Russian women, but they are still slutty until they find a guy they like and then they stay loyal until they get bored and fuck around behind your back.

As is the natural way of women.
And the Visigoths sacking of Rome? Wilhelm II sucking Muslim dicks and causing a war?

Piss off.
In Malaga. It's where the german retirees go to die. They make their own towns with their own supermarkets, food, even services like mail.
Not really, don't spend much money, don't tip, but also don't start fights
Super aggressive and arrogant
same as russians
just arrogant
pretty Ok if not Mallorca

Would say
1. RUSSIAN = British
2. Chinese
Harlow here >>132469179 this guy is right, every girl looks like that blonde girl you posted here
>I really don't think you're going to find anyone pure or innocent in this country, everyone is a whore.
i think there is good woman in every country. the problem is they stick with good man(of their or +1..4 years age) at age 18-20 and if you missed the opportunity, they are all been taken by someone :(
Pretty big city!
is it true unemploymenet rate in Spain almost 20%?
Well my friend when you find a good British woman please let me know.

;^) kek!
Youth unemployment in Spain is 41.5%.

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Tell about german torusit girls. Are they non-promiscious?

wow, do you date one?
Not actually , there is a lot of undeclared employment. But most of it is of really shitty quality.
Germans really fight like drunk pussies, not a single one seems to land a punch, fat shirtless guys goes down after getting whiffed with air...
how could it be possible?
what do youth do all day? (not much of them on /int)
its hilarious when you understand what they´re saying.
Kek master race. This is what you get when you let the barbarians live in the glorious Latin empire. They belong to pine forests.
germans colonizing your country, how does it feel? Are you happy about tourists or not? On sunday i fly to gran canaria but just for a week.
Spain has serious problems, similar to Ireland, construction sector and banking all went tits up. Have you ever been to Spain or the Canary Islands?

Lot's of buildings that are empty/half built. It's quite sad because Spain is a lovely place to visit. But to answer your question, I'd assume the Spanish sleep all day.
>i fly to gran canaria
Faggot detected, not going to based Fuerta or Lanza.

You gib Shekels.
No, you seee them everyday though, Harlow college is full of them, I fingered one behind a shed but that is all
shame makes men do crazy things
> nothing burger
> huge thread bashing krauts

Réi. Gracias latino hermano.
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All it would have taken is one Black Man to knock out every cracka on that beach.
>Gran Canaria
You either are old as fuck are young as fuck
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Just behave yourself like a good little kraut.
Britons are Krauts. They slided from East to West and ended up on an island.
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Black Men are much stronger in street fights than white boys.
Even more, like my countryman said, the official numbers don't show the truth. Working one single day for a temp company alredy disqualifies you as unemployed for statistic purposes. Also, if you're unemployed for too long it also disqualifies you as unemployed (they literally pay you a small amount of money to give up your unemployed condition).

>Get colonized
>Get the colonizers to build schools, hospitals and industry
>Kick them out with ingratitude

Such is the spanish way of doing things.
>Tell about german tourist girls. Are they non-promiscuous?

german=dutch=british = pretty promiscuous
>that one retard that claps his hands
kek found the american
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>Britons are Krauts.
Fuck off.
yeah but thank god im white though lol

couldn't live with myself smelling like shit all day
Notice how they're not stomping on the guys head when he's down?
>Have you ever been to Spain or the Canary Islands?
no. only see Top Gear episode with 3 cabrios and La Vuelta(10/10 landscapes)

>but that is all
why not more or/and LTR?
>I don't even like alcohol.

Poof or Paki?
but there are some non-whorish women?
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1 Moorish guy knocks out 6 blue-eyed Dutch devils.

How come every white trash person seem to all go to Spain ? You never see these fights happen in Greece. It's always spain for some reason. Kind of feel bad for my spain bros having to deal with this.
Just doesn't agree with me, much prefer drugs.

Oh and neither btw.

They are nice places but it's sad seeing all unfinished builds. They need dinero, muchos dinero!
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Besides all your webms at the end of the day you are just a nigger... or, even worst, a larper
>How come every white trash person seem to all go to Spain ?
Cheap, hot, lot's of alcohol.

Greece is way too hot in summer, like walking into a fucking sauna, fuck that shit! Never again, maybe in winter or spring or something.
Because was at a party, she wanked me while I finger her for like 5 minutes then we go back to the party so no one knows
Germans are a cancer for the progress of Europe. Say no to Germany and yes to the Europe of independent Nations.
You know it, Saxon. Just check your vocabulary. The main distinction is that you managed to destroy the grammar of your ancestors while fucking sheep and drinking donkey piss.
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wtf am I looking at here?
literally not a single turk amongst them.
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>Britons are Germanic

to all g*Rms and br*Its coming to live in spain:
Rung his bell so hard his fedora fell off..
no why should I learn spanish most spanish people already speak german anyway in tourist regions.
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Germany was a mistake
Paki or black is preferred.
they do. Every time im on vacation i end up hooking up with a british chick.
Any kraut fags tried it on with brit tourists they would get BTFO most pathetic "fight" ive ever seen

those niggers in the background
>that wink
Once a WoW playing autist, always a WoW playing autist.
my brother kicked a brits entire front row of teeth out in 2006.
the wind can do that
>speaking german

Not a chance, kraut
>Countries arguing their men could beat up other countries men

This is literally playschool tier "my dad could beat up your dad".

The vast majority of people in every country everywhere have zero idea how to fight.
sorry but its the truth, almost all of your people who work in tourist regions can speak german. The last years I visited mallorca and gran canaria I had no problems with only speaking german and a bit of english. The people in the hotels, bars and restaurants even speak with you in german.
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Homosexuality is just a white thing. Like abstract thinking or quantum mechanics. Niggers fucking niggers in any afrikan cesspool or in any US state prison, is a normal nigger behaviour. So dont worry, Jamal. You can suck white cock and we aint gonna call you homo. Just another nigger cocksucker like Will smith or Tyson beckford. Your pretty homies. kek.
WTF! You forgot Americans! We work hard to be shitty tourists.
i'm pretty sure homosexuality is just gay
Yeah, I know. The thing is that when real estate bubble burst in 2008, a lot of gypsy-andalusians and canarian niggers started to learn some german for migration purposes. Since you only accept mudslims and afrikans because you are retarded and going into self-destruction mode, all this spaniard-niggers ended up carrying a tray in resorts and hostals.
You people do not even know the whole story.

Those cheese white dudes were german nazis from koblenz that attacked girls on the beach before. They were fuckin drunk and looking for trouble only. The dudes that wrecked them were german promoters that came to help them.

You see, we are solving our problems ourselves because spanish police are fuckin lazy.

That kind of bullshit happens 20 times every day in every murican neighbourhood.

With the sheer amount of totally drunk and fucked up people on this small piece of mallorca you can consider this to be paradise heaven for not having such things on a daily basis.

In fact 99% of people there are totally pieceful, gross maybe, but overall peaceful, I will have a great time as always when my plane takes of tomorrow.
A nigger is anyone that jumps in on a fight in progress. The only exception is if it's your friend or something. Still a bitch move though
demasiado difícil
>were german nazis

You're pathetic
>being anti-eu
hello putin
Elaborate on your bullshit.
Only if you are white or asian. If you are a nigger or a mudslim is just a normal sex thing. Do you believe that Tyrone plows Jamal butthole in jail showers because muh power and muh territory shit? hahahaha. It is your culture, bro. We wuz kangz and shieet.
heat and alcohol just doesnt mix
is this shitposting? i can't even tell anymore since reddit came here
>spanish police are fuckin lazy

Spanish police is trying to avoid mudslim attacks, thanks to your socialist jewish scheme. They dont have time to protect german sluts from being molested by german retards.
>"oooaahh und die braune Haut dazu.."
>"ja, das mag ich am liebsten, die braune Haut"

now it all makes sense
>Spanish police is trying to avoid mudslim attacks, thanks to your socialist jewish scheme.
Because there were no niggers in spain before.

Kill yourself you goddamn waste of breathing air.

I was in mallotze 15 years ago, niggers are roaming the streets harassing tourists for decades.
Nope. These are facts. Go to afrika or to middle east and learn basic facts about nigger cultures and nigger sexual inclinations. Compare jail rape stats between european and burger-thirdworld countries and then find the racial correlation.
Most people lay down after one hit to the head if there's any power behind it.
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Pathetic.Germans cant fight.

I´ve never been harrased by a nigger in a spanish street. Never got mugged. Thieves didnt pick my pocket. And mudslims didnt rape my friends or stabbed my family. Sorry, but you probably are a fucking bitch or such a patsy. Subhumans know well how to cherrypick. Fucking kraut, kek.
This. Mallorca is Spain's designated shitting area.
Even your shittiest locations are cheaper than our cheapest, it's also hot, has decent history and looks nice. In many ways it's THE definitive European holiday destination, shame about all the fucking retards it attracts.
why are w*stern europeans such stupid, violent drunks?
Yep. Too much nigger-krauts and nigger-britons alongside spaniard-niggers and real niggers. Girlfriend wanted go to Mallorca this summer. Yesterday I bought two tickets to Rome and booked a nice hotel room. Spanish tourist places in summer are disgusting cesspools.
>autism fountain
Literally had the same thought come to mind.

You assholes always had it coming. Thanks for fucking it up for everybody else, though.
Americans are generally very polite though. Very ignorant sometimes, but polite.

except maybe californians
>I´ve never been harrased by a nigger in a spanish street. Never got mugged.
Kek. Why would a nigger mug someone that has less money than himself?
Get 4-5 people together and rent a villa with pool and car somewhere near the coastline. During the day you can fish for nice people and in the evening throw parties at your place. No need to join the trash parties
>your face NTR is real in Thailand
>Childhood friends getting cucked by fat ugly germans
When will Germans learn how to behave?
>Pathetic.Germans cant fight.
Both sides were german and that skinhead was shitwrecked as fuck, he couldn't even keep himself standing straight for more than ten seconds.
not a single autist in that mob even tried to protect their face, germans can't fight for shit
>they'll destroy the rest of Europe
Stop acting like Anglo scum
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>mfw i went to a catholic wedding in santander
no one spoke english, which i suppose i must expect from sub 90 iq iberians, but this was a major city I thought.
Sadly mistaken. I myself speak many languages fluently, 6 or so, however spanish is not one of them, but i have a basic grasp of terms and phrases as well as a good understanding of how that language is built.
>mama Merkel
>allied brainwashing
She was a Soviet slut.
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They all looked like germans
Limit the amount of tourists per year.
Demand visas.
Strict alcohol rules.
Kick out of country if dickheads.

because he is a nigger!!??.... Libtard kraut has discovered america on july 2017.fucking kek.
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really made me think, oilnigger
>All those faggot nu-males and one homo in a diaper
No wonder women in Europe aren't making kids anymore
I mean it was apparent as fuck that they wouldn't touch the "men" in England because they're all spineless cucks who dress effeminate as fuck and think being "metrosexual" is cool.
I had no idea that it had become common elsewhere in Europe though

not that cute, seriously, most of them look like men
>Finding that attractive
Ivan I know most of your women are ugly but have some kind of standard would you please
Lol. Most blacks can't even throw a punch worth a shit. That's why niggers need to get fifteen of their dindu homies to fight one guy.
snow nigger thinks that there´s a correlation between high IQ and speak multiple languages. kek.
The only people who are ignorant or rude that travel from here are financially affluent people who think they should be catered to hand and foot.
My great aunt is like that or at least was until her husband died, now she doesn't travel anymore but when she did she was indignant if people tried to argue with her and she always had to have things perfect or she got pissed
>mfw disgusting non-Mediterraneans visit Southern Europe in summer time
It's this time again, shit
Actually buttsex in prison is pretty much exclusively an American thing in terms of forcing it.
From what I understand pretty much anywhere else your only problems are getting stabbed and getting the shit beat out of you.
I can't really prove it but I think the main reason buttrape is a thing here is because niggers like it up the ass and fucking assholes so to them it's no different than pussy. Anal sex really has never been big in western culture until the Jews decided that we weren't Tyrone enough for them
>Merkel is the only person that wanted this to happen
Shut the fuck up cuck
That man is dutch
anyone else notice the FAT german woman? Looks like an average american...
You're a eurocuck illegally living on my clay, we get it
Now fuck off
Germans everywhere here during the summer. They are obsessed with swedish elks. They even buy elkpoop from us to take home.
What's with the metal dick?
>They are obsessed with swedish girls.
Lol anything since 220B.C? No? Of coarse not.
The ability of blacks to take tremendous pride in the most insignificant of achievements is mind blowing. "MuH DiCk" isn't an applicable answer on a resume, Jaydonqwa Umbunga, get an education. There is no "mighty black kang" coming to enslave whitey "sO dUh bLacK pEepul R iN cHaRge NoW".
20% of welfare dependant blacks will die of starvation WHEN we end welfare for anyone not working (70% of blacks).
The time is approaching where any blacks who are unable to conduct themselves like proper human beings will be acknowledged honestly as the animals they are.
How's that for REAL? Did I "keeps it one hunnid", nigger?
Just the English cucks are German
Not much difference between germans and swedes visually. It's usually fat old men with their wifes.
>Black Men are much stronger in street fights than white boys.
In America yes because the white men are so cucked they are terrified of blacks
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You are telling me that this is only marketing?

Because typical German actions on a beach are to drop a towel then fuck off.

They are notorious for it across Europe and I assume someone just moved his towel which is grounds for lethal exchange.
Not even close, cucked faggot. Only a few places in Sweden and England even compare to the Muslim rape-a-thon in germany.
>"I'll fight the Muslims"
No you won't, pussy. You'll bend over and take it from now until death. You offered a fresh warm body for the spider of Islam to lay its eggs in. The eggs have hatched and you will be consumed from within.
They know how to have fun
everybody knows the people that go there are proleten with no manners

fat germans and brits go to places in the mediterranean to drink beer be loud and speak their own language

how is this news here?
>how do we solve the kraut problem?
Obviously you don't, since you don't seem to have any police.

>Well, how do we solve the kraut problem?

Exit the EU. That will solve it, most Germans are left wing retards who blindly follow mufti
merkel like lapdogs. Their only outlet for aggression is the benign SJW white knight bullshit they talk about whilst drunk.

Come to think of it, i kind of feel sorry for them.
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There is no fucking reason to be rude, disrespectful and hurtful with Spain

They are a turistic country
So fucking WHAT?

That doesn't give you the right to talk shit about them and make them less. Besides, tourism is just a part of Spanish economy

Fuck you
WOW, 2 niggers ganging up on 2 guys who didn't want to fight them? Must mean that blacks are the STREETFIGHTER 2 CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION.....

Oh wait, neither of those niggers could throw a straight punch if their welfare depended on it. Most niggers can't. The only time a nigger wins a one on one fight is when their beating up an old white lady at the atm.
I'm really sick of niggers in my country, and that's why I have concealed carry.
got to give it to germans how clean they keep the fights (no weapons). some turned into white niggas but they still got the honor of no weapons.

lets go champ
gib al-hambra
You do know all our scum go to your countries for holidays.

Everyone else goes off-continent, as we're wealthy enough to do so.
One of my all time favorite images. Surely no one sees a problem with this, right?
Drunk people from around the world fight each other over petty things.

>once the guy goes down the fight ends

Weird, I'm so used to watching niggers fight that I fully expected them to start kicking his head once he was down.
>Fuck off Kraut, your mama Merkel is the cause of this.

Pakis were raping your girls decades before anything Merkel related ever happened faggot
I feel very lucky for living far from those shit-tier turistic areas. Far away from the guiri/kraut problem.
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Hans has a good point here Alejandra.


Actually, they don't like Germans. Actually, no one likes Germans. Sorry.
So German is the new French: only spoken by niggers?
How do you Brits think about the UK police uniform?
And how do you deny it from being one of the most laughable police uniform in the world?
Let's say you have £100 and this nigger has £200.

Now, I can either keep £200, or I can have £300. Now, ignoring risk, as niggers do, because they can't think in the near future, the nigger would pick the larger of the two (yes, it's amazing, they can do basic sums).

It's that fucking simple.
That's what most people do, even niggers. Besides, what weapon do you think they could gather?
Damn what a pretty area though.
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Instead you choose to stay in Germanistan where you are lumped with some of the biggest cuck boys in the world
Bavarian subhumans
go back to red dit
europeans even fight like faggots
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see? that's how fun fights can be, when you have no niggers and no circumcised (radical no empathy) burgertrash.
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