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>poll "Should Poland refuse to take in refugees from Muslim countries even if doing so would require leaving the European Union?"
>Yes 51.2%
>No 37.5%
/pol/and yes!
Why are the Poles so changeable? Last time I checked they had the most favourable view of the EU of all member states.

They act on impulse like little children.
EU has no right to force immigrants on Poland, people don't whant immigrats in Poland and if EU so democratic as they say they have to accept it
Because the EU suddenly decided to become the European Caliphate. Poland didn't change, the EU did.
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I wish we were consistent like Westerners. The kind of collective suicide they are doing requres decades of determination.

It could never work with Slavniggers:(((

Poles are a minority in the EU, a majority can democratically overrule them.

God I love you Polacks more and more all the time.
wouldnt that be a poland no?
Put a zloty in your botty.
Seriously fuck Poland.
Bunch of entitled cunts thinking they can take gibs (those poor, poor fuckers), and then take no refugees in.

They're so reclusive, that they'll even secretly flock to superior countries like the UK, France of Germany for even more gibs, even though they'll clean toilets like the subhumans they are.

Take in the refugees, or stay poor, you wastrel bastards.
But this is them saying they don't want the gibs if it requires taking refugees.
>Why are the Poles so changeable?

When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?
Russia plz leave
This is pretty simple - Polish people really want the EU, but EU that works. This is why in polls Poles support the EU (because they associate it simply with European countries being bros with each other), but at the same time they hate EU institutional ideas.

In short: We want EU, but we have a specific vision of EU that we hope to achieve.
What do you mean nah?

I dont remember Europe doing anything like Germany did when they opened the floodgates in 2015
All they have done has been pushing perfectly consistent progressive globalist agenda since before it was even called the EU.
Then you best sod off and make your own since that's not what the European Project is about.
Do you think it is bad that there is a force that is trying to reform the EU? I don't believe the EU will be able to reform Poland at this point, so only good things can come from it.
Yes because it's futile.
Whatever happened with the deadline EU gave Poland to take in refugees or else? It was like 24 hours. Did they take in any?
That deadline was that they'll take "refugees" by the end of June. Nice immigrant-free July day we have, don't we?
I don't think so. For example globalists have to think very hard how to push their agenda further without breaking the EU because countries like Poland are there. V4 is effectively slowing down degeneration of major EU countries. If they will go too far, the EU will break anyway.
They didn't change, EU did....As a Croatian, I thought EU was a nice idea couple of years ago, now I want to get the hell out of it as well. I didn't sign up to be in alliance with muslim invaders.
Doing gods work, the inevitable collapse of EU can't come soon enough
Isn't Trump in Polska today?
People here still like EU(bit less than before but still a lot) they just dislike refugees more than they like EU.
theres just one thing I dont understand.
If diversity is so great, and immigrants will work and help the economy why wont germany just take all of them?
if polacks are dumb enough the waste this golden opportunity, let them
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that fucking banner lol
he lands in Warsaw today at 8pm UTC
He will arrive today night, but speech will be tomorrow
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>kazdy inny wszyscy biali
>all are different, all are white
It's polish mockery of leftist slogan "everyone are different, everyone are equal"
They change "equal" to "white".
xD eu cant do shit
Pay war reparation Jurgen.
wait a minute 51,2+37,5=88,7
what about the rest 11,3% what did they vote ?
Probably "can't decide".
Fair enough, that's how I feel about the States
>voting to force a place you don't even live in to take a huge burden
You sound like a fucking Californian.
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This, EU when it suits them, oppressed when it doesn't.
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Poland must pay.
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Poles are more or less retarded, just looking at their glorious history of being consistently subjugated.
We are indeed the suicide victim of the nations.
There's literally nothing wrong with acting based on your self interest.
>This, EU when it suits them, oppressed when it doesn't.
And this is bad because...?
We are all for EU.
We are not fans of suicide pacts.
When your ISP provider tells you now you have extra TV packet and you need to pay for it even though you do not want it you are obviously getting pissed and try to fight it.
Or in your case you change your ISP.
... but even though you left you still try to tell other ISP clients what they need to do, typical anglo.
its simple manipulation of pol´s its what /pol/ is doing 24/7.

What ever the eu gibs wont come the gas gibs wont be there.
Do you know a definition of Intelligence?
IQ is measured by how quickly you can adjust to new reality.

To live in UE and not change your mind you have to be retarded.
then why did you invade iraq in 2003?

You caused this shit.
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America did, faggot. They lied to everyone, as always.

Surely that's why all these Pakis, Bangladeshis, Sub-saharans, etc. are flooding Europe right now.
>You caused this shit.
What some pakis and africans have to do with Iraq?
More Poles than Jews were killed in those camps, but no one talks about the Poles. Fucking Jews, claiming the death caps as their own.
yes as you made it possible, by removing a stabel country and destabilization's a whole region.
Jews are not Poles, you know.
Not anymore*
Never fuck face.
Hey post a live stream tomorrow .
Are you going to attend?
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>a whole region.

You need to brush up your geography, because there at least 3 different regions mentioned in my post.

Subsaharan Africa
Iraq - Middle East
Pakistan, Bangaldesh - South Asia
Good luck surviving on your own you money robbing apes
Jesus, why haven't they just kicked Poland out....
same reason why america hasn't kicked other states out. sure it's ambiguous but it is for the best and for the greater good!
We're their eastern border.
oh no, how are we going to survive without gibs that make up 1% of our gdp, most of which is spent of contracts with german companies, fug :DD

it's not like we were growing at a faster rate before we joined the eu :DDD

also what's the difference between 'nominal' and 'per capita' values?? i don't know :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Because eu gibs are biggest money laundry scheme
Because they have full access to our market
Because they can control our market through ue regulations
Because most money returns to Germany
90% of that money goes back to EU, mainly Germany. While <10% of money played by Poland comes back.

Once we leave there won't be any limits and regulations anymore from EU. For example Japanese car companies are just waiting to open Factory in Poland to lower production and transport costs. It would completely BTFO German and French car producers.

Then we have a shale gas that are only blocked in Poland because German ecologists conspiring and funded by Russia to keep their gas hegemony in Europe.

We need to leave EU ASAP.
You all really don't understand how EU works. Poland is the biggest new market in EU, where Western companies were allowed to invest and earn money. Open borders mean for Poland only brain drain - our specialist working for you, paying bills and making income for you but not in my homeland. In exchange Poland get gibs from EU on infrastructure and so on.

It helps both sides. Gibs never been for free so stop bitchin' around with:
black people in Africa: "we don't want to be ruled by white people". We were kangz n shieet
>cannibalism, civil wars, corruption, economic downturn, hunger

Polish people:"we don't want to be ruled by EU" We want no muslim rapefugees
>wait for it................
> No 37.5%
Nationalists in Poland are in great majority leftist at heart. This is why they don't get economy. They think we will be better of outside of EU cause they believe in things that aren't true or are irrelevant. Real patriots should pray for strong EU.
You are retarded Korwin fan. I get it. Just learn a little about economics but not from memes
>Open borders mean for Poland only brain drain - our specialist working for you

yeah, right

>At the end of 2014 there were 1748.7 thousand persons employed in companies with foreign capital, 7.3% more than in the previous year. They were employed foremost in manufacturing (45.8% of all employed) and trade and repair of cars (23.3%).

Almost 70% of total employment in companies with foreign capital was observed in companies having headquarters in the following regions: mazowieckie (34.9%), wielkopolskie (14.2%), śląskie (10.7%) and dolnośląskie (9.2%).

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Pic related
Korwin is anti EU, what are you on about?
Fuck outta here, wykopku zajebany
Any reasons for your accusations?
Or are you mad that he's against socialism and he endangers your 500+?

You fucking mongoloid.
How on Earth did you get into conclusion i like Korwin? I'm pro EU you jelly fish.
And what's your point. I hear many people, especially from Germany and UK, are complaining about polish immigration.

Also foreign companies located in Poland are paying taxes and transfering the most of profits to their home countries. That's not always fair. And is also harmful because it drains money from polish market. Just it
That poor jurnalist protecting her masters....cant compete the truth.
I realized that, my bad...
He makes new party every 2 years and gets kiked out every time since 1989.
This is his biznes plan.
He is broken man, with 1% vote. At very best he is usefull idiot draining young vote from conservatives.
If you made a deal with somebody to exchange goods and services, and then that someone coerced you into giving yourself AIDS, you'd change your opinion, too.
It's true that he keeps getting kicked out. Whether it's his business model i'm not sure, he could just be dense.

Plus his current party's goals are pretty damn good.

Still, I agree with him on abolishment of socialism and destruction/reformation of the EU. Those need to go.
it's Poland NO goddamn it man, why do people keep getting this wrong

YES = cucked
NO = not cucked
Boom! A 100% white safest country in the world while Western Europe turns into Sweden
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>Jeszcze więcej ankietowanych Polaków jest również zwolennikami nieprzyjmowania uchodźców w przypadku, gdyby Unia Europejska ograniczyła wypłatę funduszy. Utratę unijnych dotacji woli w takim przypadku 56,5 proc. pytanych.

>56,5% would be against refugees if the EU would limit or remove gibs
feels pretty ok
>he could just be dense.
He is very inteligent and well educated, he found sweet spot.
Im not dissing him all out, he have good point but I dont see him as a stable mind.
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edit 8/10 of those kids to be shitskins and change the book to mein kampf
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