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I am sure CNN is devastated you are talking about nothing but

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Thread replies: 115
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I am sure CNN is devastated you are talking about nothing but CNN.

You sure are showing them by giving them the attention they asked for.
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Well, then want attention?

They're getting it!
Trump and his fans have given them more free advertising than any other media company in the history of the world. 2 weeks from now everyone will have forgotten this shit and they'll be moved onto the next distraction. Which will probably have something to do with Russia since Trump and Putin will be meeting at G20
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Can we start building their organizational chart? Start from the top.
>not asking for their jew-meme
I'm sure they're happy their PR nightmare of a stunt is trending on Twitter.
Yeah just like all those years of leftists bitching about fox news on every channel hurt FNC.
discord,gg/yESmFbY (Official Anti-CNN Operation Discord Server)

Holy fuck that is a lot of cringe.
How do I join that shit?
Talking about CNN =/= Watching CNN

I used to watch it exclusively (habit I picked up before the election), but I can't stomach it after this.
Don't you realize how much you stand out?

I don't know how you guys fuck with this. It's pretty well known the CNN logo and heavy exposure to it causes brain tumors. It was the first population control strategy that was used in the 90s
Except blackmail isn't legal and very unethical.
It's also been made very very visible.
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What the fuck is wrong with this board
of course not but its not like the brain dead sheeple that watch CNN will give a rats ass about someone they paint as an evil white racist
fuck off
Yes goyim just stop talking about the huge CNN scandal it's what they they want
That doesn't matter. We're pushing them completely to the fringe with this. They will have as much gravitas as the guardian.

I don't know how you guys fuck with this. It's pretty well known the CNN logo and heavy exposure to it causes brain tumors. It was the first population control strategy that was used in the 90s
>he actually believes this

You're only making them more popular with boomers you faggot
>he actually believes this
You have to go back.
CNNIDF has no legs to stand on.
>We're pushing them completely to the fringe with this.
What does that even mean? There aren't reasonable people that watch CNN anymore, no one that is giving CNN ratings yesterday is going to wake up tomorrow and say wow those Trump people were right. If anything you'll probably get a spike in CNN ratings to see what the fuss is all about. All of cable news will be dead in 30 years anyways, what's most important is to keep making arguments for important policies that still need to be implemented using facts reason and evidence to sway minds.
It's a nail in the coffin you fuckwit.
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>It's a nail in the coffin you fuckwit.
Again with the rah rah empty phrases, what does that even mean? These people are conditioned to believe that trump supporters are racist, if anything this whole situation just lends more credibility to that narrative if they can dig up an "offensive wrongthink" comment on some random forum and splash it in their zombie viewers faces.

The only thing that will come out of this situation is just a reinforcement of what the trump base already believes.
Blackmail is not acceptable to normal people you fucking autistic redditnigger.
Get the fuck out of here Anderson pooper you sissy faggot fecalphiac fudge packer
And yes, many retarded normal people still watch and believe CNN is just another news organization with a different take on politics. People are fucking retards. Fucking CIAniggercattle.
Do you think CNN viewers care about blackmailing a "racist"? Seriously? They cheer when Trump supporters are assaulted.
They care about blackmailing a faggot child.
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I'm wit CNN now ye
Ye fuck wit them, ye fuck wit me and that's not trash talk, that's truuf talk
Virgins the lot o ya! Have ye tried leavin ye fookin modda's gaf fer Christ's sake! Hahahaha
But ye think ye'll take down the biggest news network in the world? Shut yer fookin mout! No one in de world can take that CNN blackmail!
I predict CNN KO's pol in de tird round, yewl know ye lot o virgins made a mistake when de whole site clatters on de 404 canvas!
Eire! CNN! Fook pol and any1 who fuck wit em!!!
Yeah I'm sure CNN will present a guy who posted racist comments online as an beautiful innocent child caught up in the political machinations of corporate media.

How you get the idea that CNN viewers are some rational group of people that can see through the bullshit they're fed on a daily basis I have no fucking clue.
Why are you sitting there trying to dissuade the destruction of CNNs reputation?
What the fuck do you think we fucking do here?
Fuck off back to reddiit you fucking nigger.
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People mad that CNN is pushing back against this shitbag?

/pol/'s case is weak. You should find a better hill to die on.
>the destruction of CNNs reputation?
What reputation? It's been shot into the ground for well over a year. They helped Hillary cheat in the debates for chrissake. Please keep shitting on CNN but if you're expecting their ratings to plummet or for them to go belly-up you're delusional. Reasonable and intelligent people abandoned that channel years ago, you're trying to persuade people who think Trump is a puppet of Putin and that he hates niggers women spics and muslims.
Good job changing your spacing. Did you consult your sub for the info?
Fuck off faggot. I'm not going to read the content of your posts anymore, I'm just going to call you a faggot and shitpost at you in whatever way suits me.
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>i give up trying to make logical response instead ill attack the spacing of your posts and accuse you of being a shill
You're the reason why /pol/ is shit
>wah my shilling isn't work
fuck off CNNIDF.

Holy crap this is an obvious one.

"Please pol stop talking about us! Can't you see how bad it makes you look?'

RICO's coming. Better lube up or it's going in dry.
There is always the hope that something big will happen because of this in those 2 weeks

These threads started by probable CNN employees need pushing.

They're fucking hilarious.
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kill yourself, you dumb fuck
CNN shills out in full force. Fuck off nigger.
Actually in 2 weeks we'll be dropping dox on all of CNN's employees and their families if they don't submit to our demands.

Names, addresses, where their kids go to school.
>reddit folding at the first sign of pressure


Another lesson.

They don't stop.

Neither should we.
As much as I'd love for it to happen I just don't see a 15 year old filing a lawsuit against CNN over this.
I sort of agree. Going after their reputation won't do jack shit, we need to hit their advertisers gamergate style. Anyone know a way to get a list of their top ad time buyers?

C'mon mate.

They're only Reddit.

Can't expect too much.
For sure. I love when the shills make themselves apparent.
They really do seem like basic employees not used to shilling in their enemy's domain.
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>our demands

There are a lot of them

One of them might have to be singled out.
>major damage
What damage exactly?
If there is damage then they should sue him.
But they can't because there isn't.
Fucking shitheads.
>We are anonymous
At least now we have proof to head off this shit with. Although knowing leftism, if it happens it will be spun as still our doing.
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I'm sure they're going to pretty fucking ass blasted after thousands of people contact their advertisers and say they aren't going to watch CNN anymore because of this.
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All of our attention.

There were some terrific shills here during the election.

Sadly CNN employee tier doesn't match up.
kek, i dont think trump will retweet that one
Was expecting them to say "Nah get fucked mate" too much? Apologising is such a soft cunt move.
He doesn't have to. CNN can now be investigated under RICO laws for blackmailing someone. The justice department can now do an investigation to see if there is more blackmailing going on.
If you really want something to happen then contact the gov.
This is the same retarded argument you used when you tried to make people stop talking about Sarkeesian.
>cuck news network doxxes 15 year old boy
>gets shut down
>4chan doxxes and cyberbullies to death a teenage girl every year
>shuts down CNN
>The justice department
The same one that should be pressing charges against Hillary or her staff for gross negligence? Yeah I'm not holding my breath.
by the way here is a list of all of their advertisers

And counter productive.

An apology is what these dogs crave. It's like blood to a shark. It means they can take your skin and wave it around as a flag to intimidate other wrongthinkers.
Yeah they wanted to make an example of people who make memes against CNN and it worked. They got their shameful apology routine. It's amazing that people seem to have learned nothing from Trump refusing to apologize during the campaign.

Journalists in the MSM are a protected class.

They actually believe their own bullshit about being plucky underdogs though
we're sending 2nd amend people to their homes. they have no idea what they opened up.
Trump vs Cnn meme compilation! www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyuHajCuSlA
They've been pushing bullshit for so long they probably believe every bit of it. Although the guy o'keefe got on video seemed to be cynical of the whole thing. They probably just enjoy the whole thing as much as Trump.

When the pressures on normal people fold.

It's why these pricks have been getting away with it for so long.
Whatever faggot. I guess we'll just have to push them for it.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with attacking CNN in any way we can. If what you think about their remaining viewers is true it's not going to hurt us at all and will only give us more opportunities to attack our enemies.
If you don't want war then you need to leave the board.
I like the idea of finding the most /pol/ friendly business advertising on CNN and trying to get them to pull out. Some company that doesn't want to be associated with blackmail. Link fox and Brietbart and CNN learns the consequences for going after shitposters. The embarrassment alone will be worth the effort.
>using discord
It's like you want to be spied on
It's like you want to be a slave
CNN will be apologizing all day. Cap that.
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They want people watching their channel and reading their website. This kind of attention does nothing good for them.

I'm going to pester any company that advertises with them.
No it's fine that you're exposing the truth about their bullshit but there are people expecting some kind of spectacular death of CNN from this. Those people aren't thinking clearly. CNN didn't die when they were caught lying in the last 5000 instances or from rigging debates -- they wont die this time.
>If you don't want war then you need to leave the board.
This is no war, the faggot that apologized for his meme is proof that this meme war is an illusion. As soon as there is risk of bad publicity people fold and apologize like this faggot perfectly illustrated.
CNN is so sillleehh

A Internet and CNN are walking in the park when the Internet says, "Aw, look at the dead birdie." CNN looks up into the sky and says, "Where?".
A global news network is threatening individual memers. Before this they were just a joke, now they're a senile dog, to dangerous to be left alone.
Do we really need 50 fucking threads on this holy shit
How to hide identity pls I'm scred
Give me the rundown, I was studying for an exam today and missed this happening.
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Jew detected
CNN is going to burn for this
Every time they fuck up people lose faith in them.
Here's CNN advertiser list -

Money is the only thing the Jews understand.
False. Despite my political ideologies do lean right I've always thought cnn was one of the better news channels and just took everything with a grain of salt but after this embarrassing shit I won't give them another click or Neilson rating.
>lean right
>watch CNN
You must have been retarded to take them seriously after the shitshow during the campaign.
>you're the reason why /pol/ is shit
Wow, you guys make this way too easy
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Obvious shill wants us to stop talking about it so it goes away.

Just because it involves CNN doesn't mean people watch it on CNN. They'll watch it on Fox, or here, or anywhere on the internet.

The outrage must continue until they cease to exist.

Post pony porn and kick these normies and shills out. Bring back /mlpol/!
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
Gamers are competitive, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
>anime is reddit

that's the only wrong shit with your image you fucking kike
this website belongs to /a/

jesus christ is this copypasta or are you 12?
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>major damage

sheep. they react on what they were designed to react, as their reactions are recorded and archived for the next generation of social engineering. but what the fuck do i know.
Fake news is only dangerous if you're stupid enough to belive it
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I don't know how you guys fuck with this. It's pretty well known the CNN logo and heavy exposure to it causes brain tumors. It was the first population control strategy that was used in the 90s

Are you not worried about getting cancer off the CNN logo or have you decancered that image by adding text and a filter to it.

If you graph the rise in brain tumors against CNN viewer growth and then dig a bit deeper you will begin to understand what you are dealing with. Repeated exposure to the CNN logo is very dangerous. James woods tried to warn us in videodrome but NO ONE LISTENED.
Nope, in the future more people will be looking for credible news. They've lost the trust of yuge numbers of people. The remainder are clinging onto a sinking ship.

This might actually bury them. And they deserve it. MSM has way too much control over what people think and feel. If they lose that control it's another tick in the right direction. Ultimately it's the people in the background controlling these companies narratives that are losing. That why they are playing bully tactics on memes.

I'm so MAD!

I'm going to go watch more CNN!!!!! And I'm going to watch it REALLY REALLY HARD!!!!!
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The fire is rising brothers
CNN traffic is off the charts this morning, thanks pol! xD
The medium is the message.
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>*teleports behind you*
>psst, nothing personnel, kid
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This is what it looks like when CNN gets caught making something out of nothingburgers
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