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In reality, /pol/ and reddit are scared shitless of CNN. You

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In reality, /pol/ and reddit are scared shitless of CNN. You all hide behind anonymity to insult them and make funny pictures mocking them.

NONE of you would dare go to their HQ and express your rights.
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What are you gonna do about it? You can't even tell which country I'm in. I'm a pirate!
I'm not scared

I truly love our dear leaders at CNN
I also don't dare go to Mason & Thribbs, buggy whip manufacturer to express my rights either

You really found me out, OP, well done
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>Tfw made a reddit account wanting to get doxxed for posting memes.
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ack ack ack ack ack
Well yes of course. You would be too if you had half a brain.

Pretty easy, desu.
There will be many threads like this until there is a false flag that CNN can use to claim that the internet hate machine is creating terrorists. Look out for them, and then wait for the false flag like clockwork.
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Fuck. The memes gave us away.
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>NONE of you would dare go to their HQ and express your rights.
Based on Sam Hyde's comments, if people do this, it will be their second amendment rights. The purpose of the OP is probably trying to illicit a response stating as much so CNN can play the victim and state journalists are being threatened. I hope things do evolve to the point where this is a valid tactic solely for the fact that they will discover that people are indifferent, or even approve, of journalists being killed.
But i did. I have been to two protests at their hq and have been in it
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>we took on the entire mainstream media and won


>the president literally retweeted a pepe

I dont care if they show the world every comment I have made on 4chan, shit, they can stream vids of me jerking off if they want.

you can't kill that which doesn't have a life.
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CIA nigger I know you can do better than this

see me after class
dangerous digits
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I'm wit CNN now ye
Ye fuck wit them, ye fuck wit me and that's not trash talk, that's truuf talk
Virgins the lot o ya! Have ye tried leavin ye fookin modda's gaf fer Christ's sake! Hahahaha
But ye think ye'll take down the biggest news network in the world? Shut yer fookin mout! No one in de world can take that CNN blackmail!
I predict CNN KO's pol in de tird round, yewl know ye lot o virgins made a mistake when de whole site clatters on de 404 canvas!
Eire! CNN! Fook pol and any1 who fuck wit em!!!
>all leafs use the pirate flag
>all transgenders use the EU flag
>all ironic posters use kek flag
>all gays use the homo flag
>all shills use the demo,and repub flag.
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We play the game by our rules nigger. That's how we win.
Also before flags less than 30% of all posts were American.
I doubt that the method CNN used to doxx the redditor would work as easily on 4chan. Maybe with some tripfag, but the rest? Even if somebody repeatedly gave away parts of his bio (stupid as it already is), they can't attribute it to a single user.
Damn. You're right.
I write this of my own free will

I'm sorry for making fun of CNN

CNN is best CNN

CNN is the one true news source

Only traitorous dogs deny CNN their praises
Instead of going on vacation to Hawaii I'll just go on a CNN Tour with a "CNN is ISIS" T-Shirt.

please cnn don't doxx me I love you goys
What do you think they are capable of anon, stabbing me with a ball point pen? Throwing a 3 hole punch at my head?
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pen beats sword, meme beats pen
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i wud
but its 2 far away holmes
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I don't have the time to waste going into their headquarters. Though i do have the time to waste showing them the respect they're due on any social media platform that actually allows me to downvote. Let's show their jewtube channel some love
They'll pay Hiro money for the mod panel. He's already datamining us and retaining credit card information from pass users amongst other less-savory things. Now is the time for OPSEC, a time more than ever. The gook is the Jew; the Jew is the gook.

>what is character assassination?
He wasnt doxxed. His real name and location has not been revealed by CNN.

Try again morons.

they threatened him faggot
>go to cnn call them shit jew manipulator
>get kindly asked to leave
>do so
When? How did they threaten him? Where did you get this info from?

The guy obviously regretted what he did.
Why the hell would I go to Atlanta? It's full of niggers.
That pic made my morning
>go to CNN headquarters
"you are fake news"
>"please leave my private property"


>CNN says they will post his info if he doesnt apologize

what is extortion
I've been on one
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Absolutely, considering they threaten people over silly memes.
We're dealing with dangerous people.
I don't get why CNN is so butthurt with a meme.
They know they deserve it after shit flinging the Don for 7 months non stop.
What are they gonna do, shoot me from the other side of the world for posting perfectly legal memes on twitter?
CNN, this is your one singular chance to walk back this behavior of public blackmail. You have one week to fix this.

Publicly fire the K-File team: Andrew Kaczynski, Nathan McDermott, Chris Massie, and Megan Apper with a denouncement of their threats against a private citizen and child.
Make financial amends to HanAssholeSolo with a college scholarship in the amount of $50,000 USD as compensation for the emotional distress you have done to him.
Assure the public he and his family will never be harmed by your organization.
If you do not do this, we are going to be tracking you down just like you tracked him down.

You are fake news, and we are the real media. As journalists, we have the right to track people down and seek comment on your criminal associations. We now have jackboots on the ground in every major metro area in the world.

We are going to track down your parents.
We are going to track down your siblings.
We are going to track down your spouses.
We are going to track down your children. Because hey, that’s what you guys get to do, right? We’re going to see how you like it when our reporters are hunting down your children.

We are going to seek comment from them all, because you are fake news terrorists engaged in a seditious plot to undermine our President and the 63 million people who voted for him. HanAssholeSolo was a private citizen, but none of you are. We are going to see you brought to account for this, because that’s what real media does: expose criminals.

Any CNN employee that does not want to be tracked down alongside their families will have one additional week to quit CNN and denounce their act of blackmail against a private citizen. After that, it is game on.

Do you understand what is coming? This is going to be ironic punishment. You are going to have the exact thing done to you that you’ve been doing to us for ages. You have an easy chance to stop this, so don’t say that we don’t play fair, and don’t pretend you didn’t have it coming.

We didn’t make these rules – you did – and now we’re going to force you to play by them. Hope you enjoy what is coming, you filthy rat kike bastards.

Kill yourselves, kike news fakers. You deserve every single bit of what you are about to get.
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"CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen"

Literally in their own article, retard.
Look at me guys! I post with newflags and make shitty bait! lol drumpf! lol white boi! this post will get 6,000,000 (you)'s.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
Selective reading. Additionally after that, it goes into the fact that they will rescind that statement if he acts against it; and therefore they have threatened the individual in question.

Retardation is expected of your flag, however, Mohammed.
You're welcome, grandest ally!
shill trying to bait ppl irl so cnn has an angle

Cambodian Nigger Network
>the gradient of the sky goes right to left
Where the fuck to you read that?
cnn can suck my micropenis desu

you know what?

No, CNN does not reserve the right to break federal laws...
I'm going to toss a dirty buttplug at Anderson Cooper if I'm ever in the same city as that little CIA cuck.
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>No, CNN does not reserve the right to break federal laws...

Yes they dooooooo...
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If it is a war they want it is a war they will get!
>>132457666 (checked) for CNNRekt
oh lordy
Okay, in that case, I am the CEO of 4polmedia and I reserve the right to come to your house and kill you. Doxxing now. See you soon.
And what could possibly come out of that you fucking imbecile?

Meme magic IS the best counter to the globalist media kikery. And journos and news editors are pissing their pants everyday because of it. And you know what? Im fucking lovin it.
Bring Antifa and some people that can actually fight.

You'll need them, tough guy.
>Trump tweets video of his wrestling but its the CNN logo edited onto it
>CNN couldn't take the memes anymore and decided to dox the person who made it
>they find the guy (a redditor) and threaten to reveal his real identity if he doesn't behave the way they want him to
>CNN, for whatever reason, openly admits this and basically bragged about it in their article
>big FUKIN WOT by everybody because it's very unethical and borderline illegal
>speculation that it was a 15yo kid they dox as well
>all on America's birthday
CNN's parent company, Time Warner, is planning to merge with ATT. They are still waiting for FCC approval and there is nothing signed yet.
So here are some of our options:
1. We may not able to destroy CNN but if we smear them enough. ATT wouldn't pay too much to acquire Time Warner, that means less $$$ for Jeff Zucker.
2. Let's do the damage to ATT, let them know that if they merge with Time Warner, we are going to switch to other carrier.
Everyone here knows opsec we dont fear shit

You fucked with our useful idiot so we will walk straight over his corpse to rip out your hearts

Go look at reddit even the libs know you fucked up
Wish simply showing my mug would guarantee mein death asap.
Det står i neste paragraf din jævla amobe.
Okay vel jeg har ikke noe problem med at en Nazist blir skammet på media, quisling.
SHILL >>132455108
>suddenly recoils
>"I've been found out"
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OK so I still do not understand this situation and I really do think it was an attept by CNN to fuck themselves over.
This apology is way too wordy for a 15 year old and no matter what they did they can just say "prove I made that gif"
legit just say" lol fucking prove I made it you faggot fake news cunts"....unless they have something else on the kid?
I just do not understand how someone that grew up on the internet is scared of CNN for this or they paid him?
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