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Canadian Armed Forces apologize for members’ actions at Indigenous

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Is there about to be a Leaf awakening? I'm seeing a lot of support for what these 5 servicemen did.

oh now the shitposting leafs are silent?
Oh god I hope so.
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We were a British colony.
We must keep that heritage.

Why do people want to get rid of that?

Because this countries government is in a constant race to the bottom of the globalist barrel.
I trained with one of the sailors seen in the video. Cool guy all around. Have him on facebook for a while now but he deactivated today. He use to post alot of pol-related canadian subjects to his wall. Sad to see him disobey the Forces law which discourages members from participating in protests. Even sadder is how much attention was given to this little fiasco simply for news outlet ratings. This country is surely headed towards self-destruction, at least for the anglo.

I wonder if they're on /pol/ right now.....
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This was fucking hilarious. I loved seeing uppity snow niggers get ass blasted. Fuck them and the white faggots that were outraged as well. Scum.

It brought alot of attention to Canadas proud goys as well, whom I quite like even if they are kinda dorks. Saws tons of sperging out on facebook and twitter which made my sides launch into geosynchronous orbit.

Identity politics have come to Canada. It begins.

Its long over due really. Canada is the only western country that didn't have a young right wing movement.
Just wait until the Khadr settlement becomes official. A lot of people are fucking livid over that.
what's good about being a slave colony you brain dead moron ? i do not identify as a colonize slave like you sorry
Yeah unless you were an indentured servant yoo weren't a slave retard. History, read some.

Its fucking disgraceful. Harper should have made sure he died in Gitmo.
I don't get why they are even making a big deal of it. they just showed up in a public place and had a disagreement with some other people in a public place.

The Minister of national defence has to issue some grovling statement. It's silly.

It's like Natives are sacred beings or something. You aren't even allowed to approach them and challenge their opinions.

Its a front page news Item as if there were dozens of dead and wounded.

With Failed islamic attacks, Khadr, BLM Toronto, mass immigration and the fucking tribals whinging Im disappointed its taking so god damn long. I feel like a lot of people have some pent up grievances with the direction Canada has been heading in, I know I do anyways
Because once they destroyed our heritage and identity they were able to revise it into a post-national multiculti marxist shithole.

Slavery even for blacks was outlawed everywhere in the British Empire before Canadian Confederation.

You sound like a but blasted Irishman. Get over it. You have more than enough Potatoes to eat now.

Its part of "muh Canadian Culture" to be outraged over the treatment of indigeniggers and other non whites. No matter how slight it is.

Like the guys had a fucking red ensign and just stood there and people are calling them Nazis and demanding their free speech rights be curtailed some more. Smh
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>It's like Natives are sacred beings

>that moment when you start wishing Canada was colonized by the Belgians instead
It could have been the Wildrose Party but (((Jason Kenney))) is making sure to unite them with the PC Party and turn them into good goys.

Reform Party of Canada openly supported a white immigration policy as late as the 1990's. You were allowed to openly discuss and debate such a thing less than 20 years later.

Then they got swallowed up by the PC Party and Stephen Harper flooded the country with millions of chinks and poos because we're like a nation of immigrants bro and diversity is our strength dude.
>Is there about to be a Leaf awakening? I'm seeing a lot of support for what these 5 servicemen did.

We are fed-up with anti-White SJWs and their guilt trips. This is a world-wide phenomenon.
Simple divide and conquer tactics, just that there was nothing bad about any of this. This is tame compared to what you see in the south.
The Liberal party is dead to me. I'm 32. Since I was 18 I've voted for every major party; NDP, Liberal, Conservative, and even fringe parties like Green and Libertarian. I'm not committed to one party, I vote for who I think will do the best job at the time of elections. But so long as I live, I will never vote Liberal party again, at any level. When the payout becomes official, I will contact every one of my representatives from municipal and federal and let them know so. In a polite but firm manner. I've never contacted a politician in my life, but I am going to do it now. This is complete bullshit.
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I know people who're not even at all rightwing, racist or redpilled that are having a huge REEEEEEEEEEEEEE shitfit over this.
Justine The Faggot has openly sided with the Muslim Brotherhood. He and everyone else who supports Khadr shall be branded a traitor.
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>Cornwallis, as governor of Nova Scotia, founded Halifax in 1749 and soon after, issued a bounty on Mi’kmaq scalps in response to an attack on colonists.

OMG!! How horrible! White people got revenge!!

Is the red ensign going to become a new hate symbol?
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>I don't get why they are even making a big deal of it.

Any time a White man develops a backbone against cultural marxism, the SJW quivers in his boots and demands government oppression of the dissident.

The negro can riot, and the Indian can block roads and railways, and it gets ignored.
Fucking this lmao
Only a matter of time until it made it to cuckistan! Long overdue!
Also FYI Indians are red pilled. The government is scared shitless of them. Don't even get me started on cigarettes and weed being sold on reservations. Not to mention the gambling. You can shit on the Indians all you want, but they provide services where the government restricts. They have a bad rap and are given a shit hard time, but they have a lot of leeway.

proudboys are a bunch of faggots, that's all I have to say about that.
Reminder that that muzzie that admitted to killing an american soldier with a grenade when he was 16 and got sent to guantanamo, then got sent to canadian prison, just won $10,000,000 form the canadian government for them supposedly being involved in his interrogations.

I was listening to the radio today and the PM and every government official they talked to could not stop sucking this guys dick. "We're so sorry. Canada is so sorry. Please forgive canadians! Heres $10,000,000 to make you feel better!"
Make sure to not say sorry so they know you are serious.
Nice trucc

This is actually so good for the right. A collective chimpout over literally nothing is sure to rattle a few cages and wake a couple people up.
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I don't want to be a colony. But we're descendants of colonists. That's our heritage. We might not know every corner of the British isles, as "Anglos and celts", but we do know every corner of the Maritimes, as "Anglos and celts".

My ancestors have been here almost twice as long as Canada has been a country.
We didn't care about the colony, confederation, or the empire; we cared about our home.
>Also FYI Indians are red pilled

If by "red pilled" you mean constantly blaming whitey for the fact they're getting cucked by the corrupt leaders nonstop, despite the govt bending backwards accommodate them, then yes. They are redpilled.

The only reason they get away with gambling, drugs and other shit is because of corrupt rez police.

I think even with the Wildrose merging with the PCs we will still have a chance at a real right wing government emerging. Brain Jean will be the leader and the other wildrose politicians will have a huge a say in the direction the party takes the province. If you feel like you might have some good ideas to put forward and want your voice heard, get a 1 year membership ($10) and vote. I've been to a few meetings and the support for an all out right wing libertarian government was astounding...also western separation.


>provide services
yeah sucking up my tax money.
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did you read your own article you stupid faggot? that was depressing, every single official in power went full cuckold and bent over backwards trying to shame themselves for the actions of off-duty servicemen. That is an actual embarrassment when your soldiers do not have free speech to defend their own country.
and yet every news comment section is fucking full of liberal cock suckers defending it. fuck that bull shit, fucking faggot Trudeau is literally funding terrorism now. someone please just fucking nuke us, i want off this ride so fucking badly
can someone tldr what they did?

apologize too many times?
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yep, leftists are desperate for a republic and to change our flag

will forever vote against it

The Khadr verdict has infuriated every working person I know.

The amount just seems completely fucking insane. $10.5 Million?

Working stiffs and good citizens could work 200 years and not make that amount, PRE-TAX. It's completely fucking insane, and half the media here is saying how its the right thing because the UN says it was bad.

I don't know if there is a big right wing shift happening but people are seething here about this.

Im talking about the average joe canadian replying to the articles about this not the stupid fucking liberal politicians and their band of outrage gashes.

But, I do agree its fucking stupid our soldiers aren't allowed to attend political protests or rallys or show any support either way in their private lives out in public.
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>constantly blaming whitey

Indian chief David Ahenakew made a career out of bashing the White man--and the Jew media speak his views far and wide with approval--until one day Ahenakew began bashing JEWS and the media and Canadian media had a hissy fit, costing Ahenakew his order of Canada and years in court for "hate speech".
Not sure if sarcastic or not but as the average citizen what else am I to do?

I don't consider this a knee jerk reaction. I have a university degree, my hobby is reading, especially history and the like. I consider myself well educated in general, and well educated in the matter enough to know that we are about to apologize and pay 10 million dollars to an enemy combatant, one who killed American soldiers and now gets to live the high life in Canada. It's outrageous.

But again, what else can I do as an average citizen, other than write a firm letter to my liberal mps, telling them to politely go fuck themself.

Do not believe the CBC or the Toronto Star comment sections. They delete any and all comments not agreeing with the narrative by pretending the comments don't adhere to their hate speech policies.
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Being a self governing dominion in history's largest empire is hardly a slave colony
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Due to the distinct differences culturally, politically, and economically between western and eastern Canada, myself and a group of other Western Canadians have created a libertarian movement called the Western Alliance, which proposes that British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and the Yukon secede and become one single independent nation, in charge of our own destiny.

If any of you have advice for our movement or are interested in joining, follow us on our official Western Alliance Twitter account:

Make the firm letter xtra-firm?
you're getting me riled up, i may even use an exclamation mark or two!
even small local media has facebook comments full of people supporting this bull shit. of course that's also where you'll see the people against it too but the very fact so many people support this bull shit just proves this country is completely fucked beyond repair. our schools have done a very good job brainwashing millennials, especially female

Maybe because i'm in Alberta the tone is different but all the comment sections from the local news here, be it global/ctv/the journal/the herald etc, were nothing but muslim bashing and Trudeau hating.
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>I don't consider this a knee jerk reaction.

If you were involved, you have my respect.

It's about time we let these ungrateful primitives know that we have had enough of their head games and psychological warfare.

They would still be eating pemmican and throwing spears if we had not arrived here.
See >>132443831
I was talking about the Khadr payout, not the Indian thing. Sorry m8 and sorry op for sort of derailing your thread.

They are managing these comments sections. 100% certain of this.

The Globe and Mail has some new comments system that seems to weed out any sort of strong opinion, so you end up with a very bland, polite, discussion.

And I know they have either a globe employee or a liberal party shill who is sort of well versed in all the topics, to put the very best possible spin on anything that somebody disagrees with.

The system is supposed to promote 'civil' comments. But in Canada the concept of 'Civil Debate' basically means the CBC invites three of their friends to appear on a panel, who already agree on everything anyway, and of course they all share basic Liberal Party assumptions.
fuck those natives
should of killed them off when we had the chance
gas huffing scum bags
check out anything from the east. people are praising this bull shit and saying how proud they are of Canada
I'm a Worst Case Ontaribro but I fully support western succession.

The East constantly bitches about them while shamelessly taking equalization payments. Then they flood western provinces in search of jobs while bringing their toxic left-wing voting patterns with them.

Western Alliance would be the thing that finally pushed me to leave this godforsaken province.

I'm really not surprised. If this country has any hope of surviving and holding onto its heritage and culture we need to uncuck the east...fast.
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What did they even do, really? Interrupted a protest by singing the royal anthem? Isn't that just considered a counter-protest?

Am I missing something here? Because this seems like a lot of nothing.
>If this country has any hope of surviving and holding onto its heritage

The east coast has a better chance than Alberta which has third worlders all over.

Even the mayor of Calgary is a brownie.
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because ((((they)))) are pushing identity politics. natives are pawns to keep the fight going. everyone and anyone getting triggered by this took the bait.
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Those facebook comments are unfucking bearable. Calling the red ensign racist and wrong. Fuck ""Canadians""'. Liberals might not give a shit but it's what Canadians fought and died under in both world wars. No wonder our Navy boatswains hold it with pride and celebrate it.
Haven't you been paying attention? The left spent all of the run up to Canada 150 sucking native cock and lavishly self-loathing our nation and its heritage for the sake of 4% of the Canadian population.

How do you think they are going to react to some people getting together and saying the obvious to a bunch of natives getting their powwow on in front of a statue?
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This shit is working wonders on offending the normies
Sorry, but I can not and will not allow BC to join this hypothetical union. BC is the Ontario of the West, just with more hippies than bureaucrats
Well, Vancouver and the Island are a problem but northern/central BC is definitely just as conservative as Alberta (Prince George area).
I don't give a shit about the squaws, I neither hate nor care about them. I'm just pissed they call waving the red ensign and singing our old anthem bigoted.
nigger, i'm ready to go to war with your shitty fucking hat of a country of this.
Yep and we don't blame you.

Trump should sever diplomatic ties with Canada and put sanctions on us. Trade embargoes. The works.

He can't sit back and let the feds up here just give a hero's welcome to a US army medic killer.
you fucking should be. he killed an American solider and we're fucking rewarding him for it. that reward will also more then likely end up going towards killing more Americans or at least other allies. we're literally stabbing every single one of our allies in the back
This. Fuck our government and fuck liberal Canadians to hell. I want our smug faces rubbed in shit.
This. Full acceleration NOW
You know that's not how the US does things. If the US decides that Canada has become a liability the CIA will just start trafficking arms to Quebec separatists and sneak the tar sands out by truck in the dead of night.
A slap in the face to America for sure. Americans have a right to be pissed off.
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I sincerely hope that murdered family's medic finds a way to extract every penny from him.

The situation is beyond fucked.
It's ours lads. The comments are either rather middle of the road or downright supportive.

Things are looking up
I don't have a facebook, might just make one to comment.
Whatever. We've had it too good for too long. We need a healthy dose of reality.
I have a twitter, people were pretty pissed off when the news broke. It only trended for a couple of hours tho. That was disappointing.
What part were they mad about?
Check Trudeaus Twitter. Filled with nothing but anger being directed at him. This is good.
All things considered it's relatively civilized, it's only a few people and the "likes" are fairly even. I think people are turning a corner.

Honestly, even in public people aren't taking it anymore. I saw some DECOLONIZE YUR MIND type posters with x's scratched out of them the other day, and I live in Ontario.
The whole thing. The money, the forgiveness of a terrorist, everything.

Show of actual Canadian patriotism instead of the nonstop 24/7 fawning over and apologizing to the fucking Natives for having created one of the greatest countries in human history
Oh I was talking about OP's story
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Bingo. The Chinks and Hippies took over Southern BC but Northern and Central BC are very conservative and would still give you ocean access.

Manitoba should also get some level of consideration since they are majority protestant and just had a huge conservative wave in their last election.
I don't see that outrage in the comments, just cucks calling our old flag shameful and the men as harrassers. I'm actually mad.
The leaf sleeps so that others can be woke.
slap in the face? the slap in the face was letting the cock sucker out of prison early. now turning around and giving the piece of fucking shit $10 million is far beyond a slap in the face

It's really hard to get a straightforward, truthful comment posted on the CBC website (even when they do open stories for comment, which is very seldom) -- you have to really finesse it to get the point across in such a way that the moronic moderators don't quite see what you're saying. Takes a lot of practice. Even then after about 30 minutes of your comment being up they might take it down if it isn't PC enough. Don't know why I bother, but I keep trying.
They didn't even say shit, holy fuck this country is cucked
Can't argue with that, you are right.
Can't even sing patriotic songs on Canada Day anymore without triggering the thought police in Canada. So fucking ridiculous. This shit needs to end.
If you are interested in contributing to the WA platform, follow us on Twitter @WAMovement and dm us to become a member.
During afternoon NEET hours when the leafs congregate on here as vile shitposters I've seen a whole forest of us fuck up comment sections that are heavily moderated. OP just posted his thread at the wrong time.
Calling the Red Ensign racist will probably backfire. The symbols are all pretty well-known (Guinness cans, New Orleans Saints etc), and still repressent a lot of people in Canada.

Also for non-Anglo/French/Celtic types it has a great kind of preppy look.

Well there's a sharp division of opinion here as in all Western countries, and it gets sharper everyday -- between the brainwashed lefties who gladly chart new frontiers of insanity every day, and the people who are disgusted and disturbed by it all but in most cases (I'd estimate 9 out of 10 times) are afraid to say so publicly. It's true that I live in socially conservative Whitopia but almost everyone is getting deeply uneasy about the direction our society is headed in, even if they can't really articulate why. The noisy cucks who dominate public discourse increasingly only represent people like themselves.
Prep the bull!
apologist scum
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It's also still an official flag
I've started speaking more openly about it, only cost me like 5 "friends", felt good.
>yfw I heard about them trying to push minorities into the eastern provinces
they just want to paint the country red
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The Ontario flag is also the lame, consolation prize red ensign, same with Manitoba's.
>It's like Natives are sacred beings or something
>Natives are sacred beings

Got it in one. Everything Natives say and do is completely justified and beyond criticism, especially when it involves simultaneously ordering Whitey to shut up and hand over even more money (which will also be embezzled by the chiefs and band councils). Leftists actually believe that Natives are a more elevated species of human being than the rest of us.
I wish we had more than one Alberta. Feels bad living in the belly of the beast, Southern Ontario. However it is what redpilled me.
I went to U of T when Big Red happened

It's like cleaning the junk out of your house. No true friend will ever abandon you over a political disagreement. If everyone started telling the truth what could they do? It's fear and acquiescence that keeps totalitarian systems running, and that's where we're headed -- just look at the Soviet Union where they killed millions of people and tyrannized over every aspect of their lives with almost zero resistance, even though if the citizenry had just refused to obey it would all have fallen apart in an instant.
Hahahahah Fuck. I live in the darkest part of Durham.
>tfw I got a red ensign to fly on Canada day
>this shit happens

If the flag becomes a hate symbol, I'm making a point of flying that fucker from my balcony every day of the year. Goddamit I'm mad.
>Leftists actually believe that Natives are a more elevated species of human being than the rest of us.
How do they reconcile that with their propensity for firewater?
I still have the one my Grandfather gave me I have it framed in my living room. I'll have to get another one to fly.
It's because most Canadians have never even met an Indian let alone actually gotten to know any for more then 5 minutes. Most also don't know just how deep the corruption runs and whenever someone tries to let the truth out Indians will just stage protests to distract from it. Of course the media will also NEVER report on the corruption either.
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My grandfather fought for that flag.

Most of the country was not on side when Pearson changed the flag.

Trying to brand that flag a hate symbol would backfire.

I'm not even in Alberta -- I'm in Nova Scotia, the province that voted overwhelmingly Liberal. And you know what? Most people outside Halifax are socially conservative -- in fact they're so conservative that they vote Liberal because their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers did, because they think it's still the 1800s and the Grits are going to save them from the merchant foreclosing on their farms, because they don't have to live with the cancerous diversity seen in places like Toronto and they have no fucking idea what someone like Trudeau has in store for them.

But those people, if you sound them out, are almost never left-wing true believers; there's always some aspect of the progressive agenda that they hate, and if you pull that one particular thread their faith in the rest of it is easily unravelled. It takes about five minutes to redpill the average Nova Scotian; all you have to do is tell him what he secretly believes but is afraid to admit, even to himself.
At least it's not Brampton, I think that's headed to become our Malmo.
>Trying to brand that flag a hate symbol would backfire.
I'd hope so but this is the current year we're talking about.
If they start calling it a hate symbol I'll erect a flag pole and fly that fucker till the day I die

>British colony

No, these fags should fuck off, I don't need some LGBT Pride group to LARP that this country is British or some shit

Everything bad done by a Native is due to the white man's witchcraft. Just as the Puritans used to think you could curse your neighbour's cow and it would get sick, today's Puritans think you can say "damn Injuns" and your racism magically causes a Native hundreds of miles away to suddenly start huffing paint and abusing his kids.
Yeah same, anyone with family that goes further back than one or two generations here will be at least put at ill ease. It's too common, yet it doesn't really have the tackiness element the Rebel Flag has gained over the years.
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>I'm making a point of flying that fucker from my balcony every day of the year.

But it is
Are you sure man? They are talking about renaming British Columbia here
>Trying to brand that flag a hate symbol would backfire.

All national symbols and institutions are going to be targeted by the globalists eventually. Look at all the attacks the CBC made on Canada Day this year. It isn't just the Red Ensign, pretty soon it'll be the new flag as well, because national flags imply nations which imply borders which imply racism and exclusion. They're going to try to burn all of this country down to the ground.

"New Guandong"


I lived on a reserve for a few years when I was a kid.

Maybe natives are different out east, but they're fucking incapable of governing themselves. They get so much government money, benefits, and kickbacks, and they do nothing with it but channel the dosh to their chiefs and jerk themselves off over their culture and tradition.
Half the reserve riddled with alcoholism, no access to clean water or stable electricity, and roads basically undrivable? Fuck it, spends millions on a new school/cultural centre that no one will use. Smart idea.

My half-brother's dad went through 3 jobs in the last 4 years handed to him on a silver platter by the government. As of now, he's living under a bridge and unable to care for his son.

Fucking natives.

Sauce me on that, it sounds hilarious.
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How is that even roleplaying dude? We're may be an ex colony but we were spawned by the British.Historically we were part of the British empire and settled by them, we're also still majority ethnically British people, the Queen of Canada is also the Queen of Britain, we're part of the commonwealth, and we emulate British law and customs. We're not Americans who's whole identity is rising up in a fucking insurgency against the UK. We're massively connected and nobody can deny that.
Yeah being part of the most powerful
Empire in history sucks doesn't it. I bet you aren't white.
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They can call it racist then. I won't back down from them for libshit social pressure or whatever they throw at me.
Yeah the white man's magic ability to curse the darkies seems to be a theme across the whole western world. Weird how that works.
Ya well sure our foreign policy is a disaster, our healthcare is collapsing, our country is being replaced by third world migrants, our cities are becoming chinese and indian ghettos, our young men are committing suicide at alarming rates, our dollar has collapsed, our debt is going to implode, our resource based economy is being crippled, our unemployment is consistently high, our standard of living is going down, our wages are stagnant, our homeless are freezing to death, our housing prices are skyrocketing, our young people are not starting families, and our freedoms are being stripped away to appease an influx of violent brown muslim hordes who show no respect or loyalty to our country.

*Smug smile*

But at least we're not like those stupid redneck Americans amirite?

My older brother lives in Oshawa and told me it is the last refuge for white people in the GTA.



Natives out east had more French/Catholic influence that taught them how to work over the centuries so they're better off. Plus the Iroquois (Mohawk plus others) are one of the more energetic races of Indians so they actually work


I piss on Britain
>But at least we're not like those stupid redneck Americans amirite?
*nervous laughter*
>My older brother lives in Oshawa and told me it is the last refuge for white people in the GTA.
Sort of, not really. Maybe 5 years ago it was. Whitby is better. Ajax is a fucking nightmare, same with Pickering.

Whenever someone says "racist" just say "it's the truth" -- facts are like kryptonite to left-wingers, which is why they're always engaging in personal attacks -- saying "truth" to them is like sprinkling holy water on a Satanist
I know you do Quebec, but you do realize that the Red Ensign had fleur de lis on it too right? It didn't shun you. The men of your province died under it too, and some even flew it.
Have lived 5 minutes from a reserve for my entire life. I can hear gun shots coming from the reserve literally every single night. They drive all over the place all night drunk as fuck and their police don't give a shit. They will leave the reserve to go steal shit from whites only to burn the shit they stole in some random bush. White police don't want a fucking thing to do with the reserve and won't do shit to help you no matter how much proof you have. Indian police will also actively do everything possible to disrupt white police on the rare occasion they do enter the reserve

As for buildings yeah they do that here too. Spend millions on a building that just gets boarded up immediately after being finished and is NEVER actually used for anything whatsoever
>fucklong article
>never says what they actually did
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Wow really? That changes everything. Truly a shining example of equal representation
You negroes use any platform other than Twitter?

>literally who salty native artist
I'm not worried.
>Natives out east had more French/Catholic influence

Can confirm. Micmacs are actually not that bad for the most part. They do have higher rates of crime and substance abuse per capita like their brethren elsewhere but they rarely take it out of the reserve. The ones who are still Catholic have that in common with the Acadian and Scottish Highland people locally, so there's not the same depth of estrangement between their communities and ours.
He gets about the same spam as Trump. The Canada 150 YouTube video was literally all people screaming at him. The only comment not bashing Trudeau was an American expressing shock because the media made them believe Trudeau was widely liked here.
Because they didn't actually fucking do anything
They showed up, pointed out the hypocrisy of demanding Native sovereignty, traded some bantz and left.

Whole thing ended in 8 minutes and never got above conversational volume. Journalism's a joke.
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What's made me oddly less black pilled is that I've noticed hipster girls are willing to discuss this.

Regardless of whether or not they're intelligent, they know what's trendy. It will slide things right. Get women on side and men will follow.

Remember when the girl from Vice was interviewing Richard Spencer? Not a huge fan of the guy but she was amusingly interested. Plus, the alt-lite beloved ecelebs Faith Goldy and Lauren Southern are Leafs too.

Women seem to turn sharply rightwards when they get married, buy a house, have kids or some combination of the three. My wife was a hardcore lefty from an NDP family when I met her; that lasted for about four months. Now she's a traditional Catholic and more socially conservative than even I am.
You're a single province, you don't deserve 50/50. Oh well, I guess you'll be happy when we're gone and the brown hordes(more than haitians and Megrehb) start learning French I bet you won't regret what you as a province has done then right?. Paul Martin, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, all of this countries craziest liberals came from your province and flooded us of third worlders. I hope you're happy when they start learning French and swarming east.
Why the fuck would you get equal representation when you lost the fucking war?

You got a spot on the crest just like every other area of Canada. Because you are a part of Canada and not a fucking country.

The British were gracious enough to even let you live let alone let you continue to live on their land and clearly that was a mistake.
What would you do about the Vancouver problem?
Currently setting up Facebook pages and an official website.
(((Quebec))) are actually the designers of Canadas undoing. Just look at the PM's they gave us. They want revenge for their shoah at the plains of Abraham. I've started to Ignore (((thém))) and how happy they are that Canada is a leftist shithole.
Exactly, and non-politically aware men will just follow whichever trend seems to get them more success with women. Look at the Male Feminists, either complete nu-males or have some sort of sense of personal atonement.

Women's addiction to msm is really the big problem.
Finally....a solution
At the moment I feel the actual numbers we have right now aren't the problem. It's our political elites that need fixing, but fast.
The general approach to BC is that Vancouver would refuse to join us, but since northern and central BC are as conservative as Alberta they would probably vote independently to join us. However we are just going to run to want to include all of BC to sound reasonable/non autistic.
Makes sense. To be honest you could just deal with the problem later down the road by slowly bring the new nation to be more nationalistic to the point where communist chinks don't see it as a worthwhile place to occupy.
The problem with cutting Vancouver out of a western confederate state is mostly just that you'd be losing a shitload of money, senpai.
But how do we fix our politicians? We don't have any alternatives or actual choice for something different. Trudeau may be in a downward spiral and Wynne is absolutely fucking loathed and yet the left still has the majority and public support. I don't get it.
The worst part is that they will never accept the blame for it. Even when they were the only ones voting for it (aka the 1980 election) it will still be somebody else's fault.

They especially like to blame the west while shamelessly taking equalization money from them year after year after year.
Indeed but it's not realistic for us to include them. We are libertarian and thus non interventionist - if Vancouver were to choose not to be with us we would respect their decision even though it would ultimately hurt them.
I always sided with you guys out west over them but I always hope there are some Francophone Quebecers on our side and reasonable, but they never are. They truly do hate us and want our destruction more than the brown people do. They are real life observable examples of the stereotypical Jews.
We haven't had many happenings yet, that's major factor I believe. Besides, our immigration system is sliiiiiightly more selective so the boiling frogs syndrome kicks in
This is Canada in a nutshell.
Fair. This state of yours will never realistically exist if you respect people's right to self-determination, but I support the dream anyways.

This is a thing for the Chinese. They have a lot of old grudges with the British over the opium war and hong kong colonialism...

They really would love to expunge any British connections. Expect this to become an issue down the line.
The undercurrent of rage and resentment in Western Canada against Ottawa is everywhere - people want genuine change.
We're fucked unless a coup happens or something but I don't advocate for that. I don't know man. I know we haven't had many happenings, but the ones we've had should have been way more fucking scandalous, yet Canadians are too leftist and lethargic to care about them.
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Burn them. It is the only way to truly kill a leaf
Yea Canada is definitely doing the immigration "right" since we're shifting our demographics faster than any country yet there's been virtually zero backlash.
This, aren't the figures 1/5 Canadians are fucking Asian? That's both South Asian and East Asian combined. This was all in a 35 year span this happened.
Have you been reading our thread?
You're not wrong. Hopefully something good will come out of it.

Since I've got you here, I'm interested in knowing what your proposed name for your emergent state? Just the Western Alliance? I've always wondered what a balkanized Canada would look like.
Yea Changs, Pajeets and Nguyens were almost all of our immigrants for a longass time, it's only recently that we're getting blacked and sanded.

As of 2011 it's about 1/5 visible minority as a whole. Basically you need a plane ticket to get here, and thus we can afford to be pickier, and have less of an illegal immigration problem than Europe or the U.S. Still not a good or ideal system obviously.
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I've noticed so many nignogs recently. Was there a sale on in Africa or something?
Why do they have to come here? Why don't they fix Africa instead?
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>6 years later and Justine Castro is doing his best to increase this and this was actually a selling point in Canadian political discourse for him to win
I've had it with this fucking country.
Yea there's been a real large increase in the number of blacks in my city the past couple of years, but it's been mostly sand people (lots of Somalis). As to why, you know (((why)))
Canada is way lost, deal with it
>deal with it
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That's the spirit!
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Canada is shit, but it's ours and defeatists are cucks.

I've noticed this. Trudeau's new Canadians. I think he's going to be the last straw though, Wynne as well. Remember, Trudeau was our Obama. Scheer is no Bernier or Leitch, but Trudeau is definitely going to lose or at least be knocked into a minority.

Besides, I honestly don't think this will last too much longer. Yeah, there's been some Native-related outbursts, but they never came out to much.

Remember that fat woman who went on a hunger strike a few years back? It became a joke, same with Black Lives Matter in Toronto getting mad at Gay Pride, it made the Left obviously fractious, hair splitting, selfish, and degenerate. They also took a swipe at the police.

I think a lot of people started to take notice then.
>same with Black Lives Matter in Toronto getting mad at Gay Pride,
Kek I forgot about that, leftists had no idea who to criticize in that situation and nomies who don't follow politics thoughts the Blacks were in the wrong. Meanwhile we just laughed.
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Gay Black Canadians LARPing as Black Panthers
Being in the military you can't interrupt a protest.
Being employed means can't interrupt a protest.
Being white...
Still confusing what exactly their group is trying to accomplish in Canada.
You were a self governing dominion,not slaves.
Based Dutchbro
do not respond to quebec
they are homosex
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real shit nigga
Use an archive you click-giving goof:
it was a protest. they were counter-protesting, and did so politely.

RIP free speech.
>Our servicemen can't have political opinions but they can protect us, serve us and die for us
Why are leftists so retarded?
>doing anything politely
you fuckers are worse then the aussies by this point, next we know you'll be trying to genocide anyone that disagrees with Islam
go fuck yourselves
if they were permitted to have opinions, they'd have opinions that differed from them
Reminder that Justin Trudeau is a muslim

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Anyone know if servicemen are typically allowed to participate publicly in politics?

I feel you bro. But it's always darkest before the dawn.
Also want to know this

Fuck weed and fuck pot heads. They can go right back to smoking Trudeau's cock.
>Wow really? That changes everything. Truly a shining example of equal representation

The fleur de lys doesn't represent Québec, it represents to lineage of the Royal family of Canada. The French get an entire containment province with their own special snowflake language laws. Fuck off. Canada had been a British country for hundreds of years, founded on British institutions. The one containment province doesn't change anything.
>Literally Nth generation immigrants
There's a whole country dedicated to you in Western Europe. Move there.
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