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UK: Muslim savagely attacked 20 year old white girl. Still on

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'A manhunt is under way after a young woman suffered 'horrific' life-threatening injuries during an 'extremely serious and violent attack' in a Leicester park.'


'They described the assault on the woman, who was dragged into bushes in the city's Victoria Park, as truly horrendous and have said her attacker would have been heavily bloodstained after the ordeal.

The victim, aged in her 20s, was found near recycling bins around an hour after the attack at approximately 11.40pm on Monday.'

'She was so badly hurt that she has not yet been able to speak to officers about what happened to her.'

'What is known is that this young woman suffered an extremely serious and violent attack.'

'Mr Castle said: 'Whilst crossing the park she was attacked and subsequently dragged into some bushes, where she was seriously assaulted. She sustained horrific injuries.''
bump, save the UK
oy vey you anti-semit thats obviously a go- I mean a Caucasian!
looks white. sage.
I love how you use every little incident as ammunition against Muslims :) Maybe if the UK was a little bit less racist and would pay for its colonial atrocities things like this would not happen.
oh man he's toast.
>my city
Leicester is ~45% white british or less, the least white area in the UK. Even the universities, packed full of niggers, pakis, gooks and chinks are whiter than the city as a whole
Looks whiter than most English 2bh
I live in Birmingham, we're following the same route.

Look >>132389857
>Victoria park
Literally a 2 minute walk away from the university itself.

This city is trash.
Yes these are "little" incidents :^)

That a paki muslim or some shit mate.
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>savagely attacked
>no blood on the "suspect," not even sweating
>could be just out on a jog

t. Chav
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Here's a shekel for your bait.

there i fixed it

Wasn't there a similar case like this in the Birmingham bull ring where there was some cctv? just like some random paki guys just decided to rape a white woman
>american education

This is cctv footage captured AT SOME POINT, most likely before the crime took place.
Don't know, happens all of the time. I see racemixers everywhere too.
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Disgusting nation of filthy, miserable cowards.
Was she a lefty? if she was, then I don't care.
Part and parcel, kafirs
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Hey, teabois! Why don't you put up some more cameras all over the fucking place?
If you lived here you'd understand. I have no loyalty to my country anymore. Let it burn.

Mate, I think it is hard for people to grasp. But it is like a mainstream attitude with africans and muslims that this country is a free for all and we are like soft prey to be attacked when they can get away with it. There is no respect for us, just like a playground of victimizing us whilst living in an advanced society they had nothing to do with building. Just think about the places these people come from, the uk is like some sci fi mythical playground to them.

Stop speaking our language then you bitch.
First they need a $20 billion endowment to erect museums and schools to teach the New Britons about how the cameras will solve their social problems.
I'm no expert.
>inb4 i speak american maymay
American English isn't the same as British English.

You filthy, disgusting. sniveling, limey coward.
unhide your flag, let's see what your country is like

lmao........ How's that African admixture working out for your intelligence there.
They only want to find the raghead to ask if he wants to press charges.
You can think about it anyway you like really, only the Final Solution is the right solution to our predicament. But it will likely never happen again. We're like lambs to the slaughter.
i've seen someone similar walking around Zgornji Gorjanci yesterday. hope it helps
It's a fucking shame, mate. Super pedestrian city center, beautiful buildings and architecture stretching over hundreds of years, oldest buildings going back to the 14th century.

And the streets are filled with muslim scum in stained tshirts walking with their binbag wives pushing prams 3 wide and 2 more timebombs prattling along behind, or niggers looks like they're fresh off the boat from the bronx or chicongo - no - these are nigerians, gambians, all flavours of sub-saharan african, and a chocolate box of asians of all flavours (real asians) glaring at you, the white man, for walking down the street with your head held high.

I'd laugh but my hope for the country died a long time ago. The people are apathetic cowards hanging their heads in permanent shame.
We're heading toward ethnic warfare and cleansing in the next 10-20 years and we all know whose side the government is going to be on - you already get executed for wrongthink, prison wardens turning their backs and innocently whistling when the next person jailed for bacon related heresy or saying what we all think at heart gets shivved by their nextdoor muslim prison neighbours.

All I can hope for is for the Americans to send arms as they did for the IRA. The only way a nation and its people survive is by keeping itself armed and defended.
is that Sadiq Khan ????
guys let's remember who the real victim is: muslims who will now face additional discrimination
>We're like lambs to the slaughter.

Yeah we are, they are a fox in the hen house. A lot of them are as close to demons as possible. People here don't understand evil, well it's been let loose.
actually in this case could equally likely be a hindu

ach what am i saying
hindus are all scrawny little wretches, an average woman would be able to fight them off
isnt London the most strenghtened city by diversity? im preety sure i've heard the statistics that london is best for cultural exchange

This should be classed as an act of terrorism. Can brit/pol/ make this happen?
>or niggers looks like they're fresh off the boat from the bronx or chicongo - no - these are nigerians, gambians, all flavours of sub-saharan african

Yeah man, when I grew up I was just used to Jamaicans and Jamaican mixed race, assimilated to an extent. Now we have charcoal black Somalians and Nigerians that are completely alien.

>and a chocolate box of asians of all flavours (real asians) glaring at you, the white man, for walking down the street with your head held high.

Yeah just being in the are as a white means they eye you hard.
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I think we may have identified the attacker folks.
>Strengthened by diversity
Are you having a fucking laugh?
Whole culture (and invariably microethnic groups) such as the Cockney have been made fucking extinct because of migration and resulting white flight.

It's a complete shithole, but if you consider jewish prices and sardine can ethnic ghettos as "cultural exchange" then sure, you fucking nonce.
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Die or convert
Even those caribbean blacks have fallen to American niggerism, and the idea of "Good British Blacks" is absolute bullshit.

>Yeah just being in the area as a white means they eye you hard.
Ironically, I see more chink girl/white guy and chink girl/nigger race mixing couples in the street than anything else, but when it comes to blacks and their girls, they just eye the floor.
Sorry but we're not use to the government putting cameras everwhere except up our ass.
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>>Yeah just being in the area as a white means they eye you hard.
>Ironically, I see more chink girl/white guy and chink girl/nigger race mixing couples in the street than anything else, but when it comes to blacks and their girls, they just eye the floor.

Ah thought you meant Muslims by Asian. The Muslims give you the evil eye if you are on a street they live in.
Do what you want, cuz a pirate is free, you are a pirate!
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My grandfather was born in inner city Birmingham post WW2. Son of a Northern Irish father who's own father was killed at the Somme and the son of an Anglo-Saxon English mother. My great-grandparents on this side of the family only ever knew poverty, birth till death. My grandfather and all of his siblings made something of their lives though thankfully and managed to claw their way out of poverty in the inner city slums of Birmingham and moved away. They all married, reproduced and lived successful lives, and still are for the most part. The inner city of Birmingham back then, despite being slums, riddled with crime, was White. Every area was a White neighbourhood. That was say, 50 years ago. Today, every single area in the inner city with perhaps, the rare exception of one or two innermost city areas, are Muslim. Completely taken over, at leats 95% Muslim at the VERY least. To get into the city center, I have to travel through these areas. Muslims everywhere, pushchairs with children everywhere. The occasional White faces passing through these areas and sometimes, even one or two White faces who sadly, have been left behind and live in these areas.

Sad part is, when my Grandfather goes through the area he grew up in, he looks around and is able to point out everything in such fine detail. The very house he was born in, the playground he used to play at. It's so similar yet at the same time, it's so foreign. Dark skin has replaced White skin, Mosques replace Churches, Arabic replaces English. My grandfather doesn't even bat an eyelid anymore. He's so numb to it all. And it's so sad. Even in the city center, all of the historical buildings built by our forefathers have been left to ruin and have been forgotten by the children of those who left these monuments. It makes me wonder whether my great-great grandfather's sacrifice at the Somme was worth it.

I've come to the conclusion, it wasn't. He died for nothing. Same with the rest of them.
Except your cops stalk you in unmarked cars waiting for you to break the speed limit by 1mph then make you spread your legs so they can anally probe you and give you a ticket to increase their revenue
Nah, that's why I put (real asians). Mudslimes though, absolutely. Had to go through a rundown muzzy ghetto by foot to get to a hospital, you could feel the stares on your back as you passed the mosque, the "community centre", the 20 halal shops and takeaways.
First time I saw a fancy embroidered trash bag woman I was so taken aback I don't blame her for eyeing me out of the slit.

Probably had her privates cut off and been continually raped by her custodians.
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Just be patient brother. Advances in technology are coming that are going to help us immensely. We will come for you.
>UK: Muslim savagely attacked

Disgusting, the White British community needs to take responsibility.
t. 12 year old

>Maybe if the UK was a little bit less racist and would pay for its colonial atrocities

keked at the bait
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What kind of butterknife-technology are you talking about, burger?

Yeah mate, have lived on my street my whole life, last 5 years so many fucking Muslims and illegals straight off the boat, now when I go out they stare like I am an outsider. Amount of Muslims increasing.

Also I went to the Oxford road in Reading recently, holy fuck. Muslim shit everywhere and a big fucking mosque, with the occasional 'polska' business lmao. I drove through there another time, saw a few white people walking through there and I was like wtf? This is like an ethnic war zone, they must feel the hostility. Fuck commuting through somewhere like that.
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The title should read

>Now they take eight year old girls to Wiemar levels of degeneracy

>First time I saw a fancy embroidered trash bag woman I was so taken aback I don't blame her for eyeing me out of the slit.

It only gets worse from here. If political action is not taken, they increase in numbers and you become the outsider.
You cannot be serious about this, dude.
>Just be patient brother. Advances in technology are coming that are going to help us immensely.

Ultra-mega gas chambers?
Fucking wimp. 20 year old women are easier to beat than a baby. Who the fuck would waste their time on that, there's 0 challenge.
O right .... of course ...
>All I can hope for is for the Americans to send arms as they did for the IRA. The only way a nation and its people survive is by keeping itself armed and defended.

You know, even dumb shitskins are able to make something like pic related. Just saying.
In a civilised society this guy would be found by the local community and swiftly liquidated before the rest of his clan was run out of town and their house burned to the ground.

WHY ARE THEY HERE. Fucking hell! Demons.
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They try and lower the volume on the BBC recording of dick bicycle before the camera pans to a small girl
You know you live in a proper mudslime area if there's a Libera Mobile around every fucking corner.
She voted for it.

She deserves it.

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Racist limey bastards, you need to be more tolerant of his culture.

And when there are at least 5 cars parked on the double yellow lines on a main road 24/7 and the police are too pussy to do anything.
Anonymous internet communication. Tor on steroids. Anonymous voice over ip. Will allow all white nationalists in the anglosphere to communicate with each other completely anon.

Also I am confident some genius in the white race will be able to invent some type of drone that only targets shitskins.
I come from a shit backwater town just 30 miles away, but at least it's 95% white. I'm just here for an MEng in Mech Eng, then godswilling I'm moving to the US to feel real freedom.

If not, join the military/officer training corps so I can get some experience under my belt before everything goes to absolute shit.

They either do and are forced to stay because they have no job and/or no idea where to go, or they're eastern europeans.

Honestly, young poles and especially 2nd generation poles here are more or less like "white" niggers.

Ammunition is the big hurdle. I could eventually get my hands on milling equipment, but ammo is the hurdle, as is organisation of group effort for paramilitary action - every true right wing group is basically MI5/GCHQ honey pots and sting ops. When you get arrested for saying something EVERYONE thinks, narcs will always be a problem.

It all turns my stomach and I doubt it can go on for much longer. My grandfather was in the navy post WW2, and his father was in the Army. What did they serve for, and what did they work for, if it came to this?

I often think that they were lucky to not have to see the next decades.
>Libera Mobile
champ I don't know if that's censored from my internet or what but it doesn't look good at all

I'm 12 years old and tell me what this is
I have no idea. One thought crossed my mind though. We are maybe using them as a kind of leverage against Jews, as if we are stockpiling them in case of an emergency Jewish problem. In any case, I'm quite sure that Jews are far more preferable, tolerable than a filthy, stinking, sweaty, slimy, disgusting mudslime any day.
> police too scared to do anything because of possible racist claims.
man if they would have known they wouldn't have touched that Normandy beach
Don't think the US is a utopia. I love it and don't want to live anywhere else because the other options are places where I'd be hidden in a jungle somewhere just to be left alone.

That being said, you can literally order ammunition here to be drop shipped to your door. Not being able to do that hurts my mind because really you should dive down to the local army surplus store to buy ammo cans to store or carry it in.
weak b8
It's a pay phone sim service that gives cheap calls to third world countries. Immigrants use it to call their families on the cheap.

Still relies on people not narcing and general opsec.
Drone based crime and strikes is something, though issues with procuring enough drones without being linked back to you, and for explosives.
please let it be haplogroup-selective ebola

I literally saw the police approach them and they essentially just tell the police to fuck off. For about a year now there has been a tonne of cars parked on the double yellow on my road. So many illegal immigrants working in the businesses also, Muslim guy told someone I know that illegal Muslims work in all of the shops such as takeaways and car wash.

Part and parcel.

I'm ever so glad we rid ourselves of your inbred half-Jew monarchy.
why is it always americans that try to rationalise wogs attacking white women?

The main way that Jews are bad is the extent to which they propagate their ethnic interests in opposition to ours, apart from historical stuff where they would like blood sacrifice goys and shit.

Don't worry, I know its not and the US has its fair share of problems too, but personally I believe that most of them are manageable.
Actually being to escape (for the most part, fucking CIA/FBI niggers) from the eyes and prying of the government, and being able to go where you want and be able to say whatever the fuck you want without the threat of getting an impromptu execution in a prison cell make so much difference it's unbelievable.

>buy ammo cans to store or carry it in
And then spend an hour or two until it's all stacked neat and aesthetically in the can, eh?
My great-grandfather on my Mother's side was extremely redpilled. Knew what was coming despite fighting in WW2. Married my great-grandmother who was German, and after my Nan and my Aunts were born in Germany, sadly left the ruins of that country and came back to England and immediately started planning on migrating to New Zealand. My great-grandfather was very racist, massive hatred for Muslims and Blacks. He'd tell my Nan and my Aunts when they were younger not to go near the Blacks, let alone look at them. I think he held respect for the Nazis and the Germans in general but I'm not sure. He passed before I was born and I too, am glad he doesn't have to see this mess we're in. If he was around to see it today then God help us.
No, they wouldn't have stepped foot on the beach and would have likely sided with the Germans to drive the real (((enemy))) out.
Many will not want to hear this, but it was foretold that God would punish the countries that left Christianity en masse, by replacing the true faith with a false one that will bring pure tyranny (by the hands of the Ismailites aka Arabs/muslims), so that those who mocked and rejected Christ, His suffering and His legacy, and wanted to replace Him with self-worship, will suffer a fate 100 times worse then they did under His Law.

(((They))) also know this and this plays in their advantage very much.
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> Lebara (my mistake) Mobile UK offers cheap international calls, national & data plans.
They offer super cheap calls to foreign countries (mainly to the countries where all these refugees come from)
It usually comes in the form of a shite corner shop - And is everywhere (along side another one called Lyca) because the company is BLEEDING MONEY OUT THEIR ASS because of the increasing amount of people crossing the borders. But hopefully, this will stop.
>and be able to say whatever the fuck you want without the threat
Right on, friend. I'm not going to tell you about when the government got on my ass about that, but damn I want to be in a country where I'm allowed to say what I have to say.

>And then spend an hour or two until it's all stacked neat and aesthetically in the can, eh?
Keeps shit dry, designed to carry heavy things, has convenient handles to grab it and run, looks like just some nerd's used ammo can. They're great.

Based great grandfather
If it were made by you lot, you'd be speaking Urdu a whole lot sooner than you are now. I wonder where Great-Great Grandpappy Aethelfrith would feel more at home.
Is this based? Or any other BBC vernacular?
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You'd have loved him, all of /pol/ would. He was so woke. Haven't got any pictures of him on my computer, I should do though. To honour him.
I don't know as much as you about my family, lad, but I think my grandparents and their parents and so on would feel exactly the same. I don't think anyone besides the true radical left wing parasites would feel as if the total destruction of all they knew in their life could be construed as anything other than an atrocity.

At least the family all voted UKIP election before last and are coming out about how shit pakis are.

Well, its close enough. Damned sight better than here

>Ammocan praise
Well duh. Honestly, firearms are also one of the things I truly look forward to in the US, so Trump best get on with universal CC.

The cops want to talk to him because they think he could be a witness, not the perpetrator.

>Detectives investigating the "extremely serious and violent" attack on a woman in Leicester's Victoria Park have released this CCTV of a man they would like to speak with.

>Leicestershire Police say the man was seen in the area where the woman was attacked just minutes before the assault happened.

>Detective Chief Inspector Rob Widdowson, who is leading the investigation, said: "This man is likely to have vital information for us, and I urgently need to know who he is.

Lack of BBC vernacular detected. Say based or nigga if you want us white nationalist attention
Yeah my family all voted UKIP too. The UKIP candidate in my Grandparents area was a Muslim. Let that sink in.
>Great-Great Grandpappy Aethelfrith

I don't know, but Great-great-great-great-great great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great great-great-great-great-great-great-great Grandpappy Æthelwulf would be like WUTTTTTTTTTTTTT
this picture is actually so fucking disgusting. Those (((teachers))) should be hanged
Trump isn't going to anything more than provide good conditions for the possibility of better gun laws. Universal CC is a goal for other institutions.

If you make it to the US, review state by state gun law. I never thought I might chose one base in part on it being not all fucked up. It's not the best, but I like it.
Your ancestors didn't fight for nothing mate, they fought for Jews and their Jew puppet Churchill. How does it feel knowing they spent their lives fighting for this exact future? How does it feel knowing the Anglo has been the perfect Jew Golem all these years, first in Britain and now in America?
100% white.

Well it is nice to know that you are descended from someone with such solid views. One of my grandfathers was very Anglo Saxon-centric in his view of the pecking order, but I don't know what his opinions were on people of other races, it would be interesting to know.
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Then I watched because of the sound of the boastful words which the horn was speaking. I watched even until the beast was slain, and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame. As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.

(Daniel 7:11-12)

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I know mate, I know. They made a huge mistake.
>At least the family all voted UKIP election before last and are coming out about how shit pakis are.

Mate Pakis are so bad, I have even seen non racist people bad mouthing them.
Read any piece by farage or banks on it - they're controlled by idiot civic nationalist scum in the executive council

Well, it was in the damned campaign. And yeah, I know about state by state laws, was a /k/ user for several years before it got overrun by absolute retards.

Once again, Das Ewige Weib is the source of all problems.
>he UKIP candidate in my Grandparents area was a Muslim.

lmao fukkk. based civic cuckinalism
Fuck this is sad. It's almost as if they knew they were brothers and shouldn't be fighting. Imagine what could have been.

Sad but true.
You must be lucky, I've not seen anyone like that either in my 95% white home town and barely in the 40% white shithole this thread is about.

White Pakistani*

The White Hispanic meme is not just for Americans.
I don't know too much about my great-grandfather to be quite honest. Only what I've been told, he passed before I was born sadly. I wish he was still here, I have so many questions. Same with my great-grandmother. She was German, living in Berlin itself during the era of the Third Reich and had to flee at the end of the war. My grandfather is like my great-grandfather a bit, less extreme though. I'm quite like my great-grandfather in terms of my views on the absolute state of our nation.
The campaign didn't have specifics but rather a general notion for hasguns.

Good things have and will continue to come from it because it's a tiny annoying minority that wants to SHUT IT DOWN but even if it were magical unicorn land for a few years (((they))) would never stop infringing on it.

The non racist people I am talking about are from Norfolk and remarked upon the increasing amounts of Pakis in Norwich and the shit they get up to there.
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I know mate, I'm weary of them but there's nobody else to vote for. The BUF is no longer here, so I can't vote for them.
Yeah bud, it's a mess. Civic nationalist claptrap.
The Anglo-Saxon and Teuton are kinsmen, neither should have fought one another.
>Ammunition is the big hurdle. I could eventually get my hands on milling equipment, but ammo is the hurdle, as is organisation of group effort for paramilitary action - every true right wing group is basically MI5/GCHQ honey pots and sting ops. When you get arrested for saying something EVERYONE thinks, narcs will always be a problem.

ISIS has shown you the way to operate: legally operating organized radicalization networks and autonomous cells or lone-wolf attacks.
they always fucking smell aswell you can smell em from like 7 metres away
>it was foretold that God would punish the countries that left Christianity en masse, by replacing the true faith with a false one that will bring pure tyranny (by the hands of the Ismailites aka Arabs/muslims), so that those who mocked and rejected Christ, His suffering and His legacy, and wanted to replace Him with self-worship, will suffer a fate 100 times worse then they did under His Law.
This. So much this. I, too, have heard and read this, and I have many times actually posted this information on the Catholic threads in /pol/, but no one seems to pay any head. They brought it upon themselves. I heard that when France killed King Louis that was their downfall (because King Louis was innocent and it was the commie revolution that made the people blind to truth and King Louis was from the original King David bloodline so he was ordained by God to rule). The revolution and death of King Louis was France turning their back on God and Catholicism and though it took a while, they are now reaping God's anger.
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ISIS shows you that the Jews will pay for the kind of people who work for Google to produce your songs and videos to western pop culture standards so they can get more retards to be canon fodder.
>today he is likely to be highly agitated

Maybe if he'd beaten a Paki girl bloody. It's just possible her father and brothers would already have killed him.

As it is, rest assured he went home, showered, jerked off and slept like a child, knowing full well he'll never be caught.

Man I feel bad for World War 2, I can't believe we let the fucking Russian filth flood into Germany like that. Apparently when defeat was closing in there was a period where Hitler thought that the British were going to change plans and work with the Germans to push the Russians out etc. What a tragedy.
Your post made my heart hurt.
By Allah fapping is a sin, must go horny for days until rape release. Such is family moral life.
I love /pol/
just part and parcel of walking in a park
Real talk now. Why aren't you guys getting rid of these niggers? When will enough be enough?

I think white men are becoming more angry this last couple of years.
BBC vernacular detected. Us nonwhites love BBC vernacular. Say nigga next post to show BBC love. Based!
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Ultra violence you say
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Fuck man
Lack of BBC vernacular detected. Do you even into nonwhites vernacular??
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Hitler was said to have locked himself in his room for days after Britain declared war. Tragic, knowing that all of this could have been avoided. Just why man? Why did it have to happen this way? Hitler loved us, treated us as kinsmen as we were. Just as the Medes and Persians were kinsmen when Cyrus the Great founded the Persian Empire, the same applied here. We are blood brothers, Englishmen and Germans, and belong together, not divided against one another as we STILL are.
I'm sorry Anon. It's all true sadly and must be said. I am empty to it all now though. Just emptiness.

Mate this reply post from me was so underrated wtfffffffffffffffffffff
That film was provocative in 70ies, was seen as anarchistic, but nowadays you look at British streets and you see more anarchy in real. I guess Brits were still tea slurping knights in the 70irs. Now they aren't even British any longer.

A great shame. Now we have Merkel. The horror.

Well, having said this. I think it is this very horror that will forge the strength we need in the hearts of Europeans.
>It's all true sadly and must be said.
Yes, to both. Heartbreakingly sad, but I am so thankful you wrote your post. I love hearing history from those who lived it and what you shared is so important for the younger generations to know. They need to know that once England was a proud and strong nation, as were its people. They need to wake up out of their trance and reclaim the greatness that is theirs. Godspeed, anon.
>I can't believe we let the fucking Russian filth flood into Germany like that.
What about in America? The Russian Jews flocked to NYC. Look at all the famous Jews in America, whether Hollywood or media or whatever, they all come from NYC and all have Russian Jews in their family history. Blows me away.
>That film was provocative in 70ies, was seen as anarchistic, but nowadays you look at British streets and you see more anarchy in real. I guess Brits were still tea slurping knights in the 70irs. Now they aren't even British any longer.

That should be some kind of slogan or catch-phrase, like 'The horror you used to watch on cinema screens is coming to a street near you in real life, European'.
Who's the cutie in that pic?

Yeah so many kikes fled to America, even kikes like Freud who fled from Austria during WW2, he gained asylum in America, yet hated America and wanted to Subvert it, even tutoring his Nephew Edward Bernays on manipulating the American public through cutting edge propaganda.
White people like to make sense out of crime, while those Africans and Arabs just do it like out of blue, without a reason. They say most dangerous criminals are most immature and underage and there are a lot of underage gangs, those who are trigger/rape-fast without a second thought.
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>'The horror you used to watch on cinema screens is coming to a street near you in real life, European'.
>the smiling teachers
Free Palestine

Yeah it is very alien to Europeans, but as you say these people commit horrible crimes like it is nothing. I mean when we had some case of a white doing some fucked up savage murder, it would become like a cultural icon and point of intrigue for decades, because it was so shocking and rare. Well, these third worlders do this shit constantly.

I mean just think of a couple recent cases in Germany, one where a refugee raped a young girl and forced the guy to watch, another case where a male refugee raped a like 80 year old German guy, and there are tonnes of cases like this with young refugees raping elderly people. Seriously, there are no words.
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Lmao, here is to hoping we don't get caught up in the cross fires get to be the eternally cozy spectator.
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Hear hear. I hope one day I will get to fight alongside a German against the hordes of Islam and the Jewish cabal that helps flood us with said Hordes. I want to be the one who lights him a cigarette after a long day of fighting as these two Men of the West in pic related once did for one another. I want to call him a Brother and I want him to refer to me as his long lost Brother. No more fighting against each other. The fate of not only Britain and Germany hang in the balance, but that of all Europe. It's time to put the past aside and focus on preserving the future of our race and peoples. Our futures are intertwined and we must fight together, not against one another. Just as the Western Romans fought alongside the Germanic Visigoths who they warred with for years, against the Hunnic menace at the Catalaunian Plains. Enemies, turned into unlikely allies. Europe can survive this, we have weathered worse storms before, and we will weather this one, mark my words. We must fight.

Alea iacta est. The die is cast.
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I'll see you all on TV, teabois. You'll all be famous! Post an autogram, please?
It was obviously sarcasm you hopeless autist.
Whole western idea of crime is to establish a motive. Those people need different treatment, since they don't need a motive. It's as simple as "i am horny", "i am now currently mad", "you insulted my god"..etc. Why is it that it's always the case that rapes increase when prostitutes increase? They always tell us it should be reverse, but it never is.
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I can already feel the resoluteness of white men solidifying. Like a sleeping giant awakening from from it's slumber.

Fee-fi-fo-fum.. Fee-fi-fo-fum.
This is poor b8 and you look like the coward hiding behind your shitty meme flag, you're most likely some blue haired incel leftypol swede.

This is why it is so easy for a lot of westerners to make these issues more abstract and therefore not having to face up to the reality of the situation its implications. At some level they can barely comprehend these animals.
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I wish you luck in the trials ahead, kinsman. Save the United States from (((them))). I'd like you to know that I'm one of the "younger generation" you speak of, technically. I'm 18, turning 19 soon if you can believe it and have an absolute incredible love for history. I love learning. There is hope, I believe.
Yeah the anger is stirring within our people. It's like a spark, and the explosion is about to go off very soon. The people want action, they demand it. I can see civil war on the horizon and whether I'm ready or not, I will gladly fight in it. The Saxon is hating.
>the streets are filled with muslim scum in stained tshirts walking with their binbag wives pushing prams 3 wide and 2 more timebombs prattling along behind, or niggers looks like they're fresh off the boat from the bronx or chicongo - no - these are nigerians, gambians, all flavours of sub-saharan african, and a chocolate box of asians of all flavours

This is spot on. This city is just a beachhead for a stealth invasion, just drinks crooks and sponges getting their fill. Rn I just hope I live long enough to see it burn.
>Ammunition is the big hurdle. I could eventually get my hands on milling equipment, but ammo is the hurdle, as is organisation of group effort for paramilitary action - every true right wing group is basically MI5/GCHQ honey pots and sting ops. When you get arrested for saying something EVERYONE thinks, narcs will always be a problem.

so is 4/pol/, don't mention it here

Indeed they are.


Almost 100% of white men react the same way deep down to stuff like this.

I live near there, I walk past there this morning.
Pretty spooky, but what can one do about this?
Duh, of course centers of education are more white, shitskins avoid those places like the plague

Wow very interesting man, yeah this shit is really spreading to us all now. Did you see any police shit around there? They said that they found the girl dumped by recycling bins, do you know which bins they would be? Did you see blood?
When I say past there I mean on the edge of park, I think I remember seeing some police but I wasn't that close to it to see if there was police tape or anything.

There's a small bit behind some trees with some bottle banks, right near the pathway in the video, I'm going to be in the area tomorrow some maybe I'll take a detour and see if anything is still there.
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>A manhunt is under way
>A manhunt is under way
>A manhunt is under way
Does anyone actually believe this? The police will do nothing since it's a brown.
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I think the people have just about had enough of this Leftist claptrap that is being spewed on a daily basis. They're sick of our society pandering to minorities and women and they want something done, so they join our ranks. People aren't scared of being called racist anymore either because that word has lost all meaning. It's been used to death and good genuine English and British folk no longer care about it. I wish we had a solidifying force though, a political party like the BUF to unite us. Maybe I ought to start a new chapter of the BUF, somebody has to do it.
>When I say past there I mean on the edge of park, I think I remember seeing some police but I wasn't that close to it to see if there was police tape or anything.
>There's a small bit behind some trees with some bottle banks, right near the pathway in the video, I'm going to be in the area tomorrow some maybe I'll take a detour and see if anything is still there.

Nice, you might see something.

Remember, the calling card of the Muslim is Donner Kebab left overs. Jk's.

To be honest, since white guys got the memo that 'you can't be racist to white people', and after the resultant torrent of anti white racism, white guys have just started to walk away from the game table and go, 'nuh uh, I am not be taken for a fool'.
nice proxy Ahmed, shit bait though my man

going to be taken**

You mean like ww2 forged the eu? the same eu you dumped out of selfishness?

no, even if a new european idea was born, you would jump ship the moment you wouldn't benefit from it. like brits always did, always do.

the only way for your dream to happen, is to thoroughly crush the anglo-saxon mindset, that a change of nature is necessary.
and don't fool yourself you are far from it.
Spot on mate. The British wont be taken for mugs, I know that much. The folks down at the local pub certainly wont stand for it. The Working Class is quite hardy you see, unlike the Middle Class who have a tendency to toss their noses up at everyone else, acting all highborn and supporting the liberal agenda.
So /pol/ manhunta and MDKa him live streaming? Don't forget pork blood, bacon, and human waste (not yours, of course).

Not even making sense. We want to leave the EU because they they have whacked the doors open to the scum of the earth, and we don't want open borders with the scum of the earth. Also we need to undermine the EU.

Now, I know that we already have problems with immigration on our own, but we need to start somewhere.
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It's the appropriate day: Read this part again:

We hold these truths to beself-evident, thatall men are created equal, that they are endowed by theirCreatorwith certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from theconsent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is theRight of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absoluteDespotism, it is their right, it is their duty, tothrow off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Ha yeah, the upper class liberals. The water level is rising on them too, but they desperately hold their mouth above water level going 'see I am doing fine', as though it were proof of their superiority, whilst their white competition is being drowned.
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Dude they are everywhere in Berlin too, also those pic related ones called Lyca. Many small shops and kiosks offer them as extra service too so in some parts that means dozens of them one street.
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>pic related
They won't last a second siding with the enemy. Traitors die many times before their actual deaths.
you understand jackshit. by leaving the eu, you didn't solve anything. if anything you made things worse. the general oppinion is that brits are selfish cunts, a notion that was only reinforced by the brexit.
oh things didn't go your way? fuck the eu, we are out.
for a bond, you must be willing to sacrifice. it's something a brit will rarely understand. you were in the eu for the market, we were because we never wanted another european war.

Yeah, I mean even the Muslims and Africans won't care for them.
Wow, this is horribly dangerous propaganda. Fuck this and fuck your neo-nazism.
Exactly. They think they will be looked after but in reality, will be quite the opposite.
>the general oppinion is that brits are selfish cunts, a notion that was only reinforced by the brexit.

Think what you want, we left for the right reasons.

You should be more mad at your own leader Merkel than Britain.
>t. Monsieur Cuckold
Islam and it's satanic cultist followers are becoming more emboldened, they think they are winning. They have no respect for the kuffar and only pretend to if it benefits them.

Islam is a barbaric totalitarian ideology and it must either be seperated from civilised people or destroyed
clearly a white supremacist. she should have know better. the media is warning against this shit constantly.

The fruits of the EU is absolute cancer, the forced demographic destruction of all European peoples, largely perpetrated by your leader Merkel. To be replaced with Africans and Muslims.

Yeah fuck that sorry mate.

Without Merkels 'refugee crisis', Brexit wouldn't have happened. Remember that.
i'm not mad at britain. this is how britain is, this is your country's mindset. and to change someone's mindset, this person must be disillusioned, see germany post ww2. you could have never changed germany in the mid to late 30s. post ww2 this country was battered and broken, and fit to be reeducated. same goes for britain and her ways.

neither am i mad at merkel, because i have no fucking clue, what she stands for
>Pretty spooky, but what can one do about this?

Armed revolution, kill the queen, kill that commie fuck corbyn, and tell that maymay bitch to back the fuck off from hate speech and internet censorship and all that crap.
nah, changed my mind, kill her as well.
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they must leave and go to their caliphate or renounce
largely? how many refugees arrived in britain, how many browns did you have already?
same for france, how many arrived, how many bred before?
if anything the refugee crisis proves to be a shock therapy. demographically we were doomed anyway
>that flag
gr8 b8
I'm sure he had his reasons.
Good. She relaxed around sandniggers. Don't jump into a lions den and expect to leave without a few scratches
>we were because we never wanted another european war

You were because you'd tried twice by force of arms, realised that this was impossible, so decided to try a different approach to achieve European domination.
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once Londonistan gets their hands on this CRIMINAL they're going to sentence him to a HARDCORE 3 months in JAIL son. And if he's lucky, he'll be bailed out by brunch. DAYUM. HOL UP. JUSTICE COMING THROUGH. UK STYLE. WATCH THE HEADSMAN BRO
if anything we want lebensraum, not european domination.
You mean lebensraum for all the third-worlders you're importing, right?
When are you brit bros gonna nut up and do something about the muslim problem. Be stealthy if you have to and incur maximum casualties. The guy who lit grenfell on fire got away with it, you can too.
okay. i got 'ali' in the name pool. put me down for thirteen bux
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Uk Europe will become Islamic and so to in time will America
She was beatiful. I once read that God takes the prettiest flowers at an early age to have them closer to him on his garden. I rarely do I get too attached to victims but she was different, no little girl shoul have to go through something like that
It's not the Brits fault though, the entire world is like this, I fear for the future.
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