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Bill Gates: Europe Will Be Overwhelmed Unless It Stems Flow of

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>Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa’s population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores.

Is it happening? Are we finally breaking through to the minds of the mainstream?
Isnt he funding africa to keep them shitting out niggers?
He'll "clarify" his statement within 24 hours
>Gates said massive population growth in Africa will result in “enormous [migratory] pressure” on Europe unless countries increase overseas development aid payments.

Ahhh, so that's the 'solution'.

Translation : slow it down, the frog is noticing the heat.
He's a massive globalist shill. Something is fishy here.
>give Africa piles of free food and money for no reason year after year
>breed on that resource and outgrow it
>"the only solution is more free food and money"
Wait till the migrants start chipping away at the buildings & sculptures bit by bit to sell them -Italy Gone.
original article: https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article166152589/Der-Druck-ist-enorm-und-er-wird-wachsen.html

can anyone post the full text?
He just wants Europeans to pay even more to Africans to exist. Fuck this, we should ban all non white immigration and then colonize any African or Middle Eastern nation that still sends us immigrants. Our tolerance should end, we're being made utter fools of.

This coming from the man who begged the Senate to raise the limits on H1B vistas. He have a million Indians in California because of this douche bag. There are literally cities of nothing but Indians here on H1B vistas.
>Is it happening? Are we finally breaking through the minds of the mainstream?
Yes. Look at the approval ratings for the Sweden Democrats for instance. Virtue signaling and cognitive dissonance can only go so far before you're staring the truth in the face.
1 of 2 conclusions.

1. Bill Gates and others have finally realized what basic common sense tells us: that the endless flow of humanity won't stop as long as they think they'll get something for their efforts.

2. The globalists have realized that the mass-migration is happening too quickly and rapidly, and the resultant social fissures and economic problems will break Europe faster than it can manage things, leading to radical nationalist parties.

He just learned basic economics.
> spends billions into africa breeding more than they can sustain
> oh vey goyim, europe better take all those refugees
It becomes clear now. This is not a problem cause by the left or the jews. Its the burgers waging a war against europe.

Wow bill gates must be a true genious.

What an insight. so smart.
Protecting our borders is not even a consideration lol...

Thank fucking GOD the US is surrounded on two sides by large oceans
Gotta better idea. Ethnic bioweapon.

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He's a Eugenicist, this is just part of the plan to kill most of the people on the planet by pitting them against each other.
People get seizures and die from the vaccines he sends to African all the time.


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I hope he now uses his Gates Foundation shekels to undo the work he has done since the 90s in bloating Africa's population out of control.

maybe the people in charge sense some shit is about to go down
They allowed Trump to win and now have an
idea that violence could occur
It might be a good idea if they put the brakes on flooding our countries with 3rd world apes
he's not actually
Is there POO in the streets?
I'm a Nelly!

hey its V Hale, she's still going

Even without the Indians. It's California.
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Same as macron and merkel.

They DO want less migration.

But FOR THE REASON that if they continue with current amount of migration - european countries will elect nationalist parties such as AFD and FN, which will change things for centuries to come.

It's that simple:

>Continue flood in 1 million a year
About 5 million migrants will come in, after that nationalist parties are elected and put a complete stop on migration.

End Result: 5 million migrants

>Bring down migration to 200.000 or so. (presented in media as 'a stop on migration')

This can continue for at least years, if not 100, as it has done for the past 40 years. And Right Wing Nationalist parties won't be elected, as in the past 40 years.

End result:
6 million migrannts in 30 years.
8 million migrants in 40 years.
10 million migrants in 50 years.
Bout damn time! ha ha
actually he is also spending loads to get africans to use condoms, but thats a vain effort
>Are we finally breaking through to the minds of the mainstream?

The academics and public intellectuals already know the third world cannot sustain itself, at this point the issue is determining when publicly acknowledging this will become acceptable
I despise Microsoft but i love Bill for his foundation. He's the anti-Soros for sure.

>>Radio controllable birth control to sterilize Africa
This guy gets it. It's kinda like raise the price on gas by 10 cents and then dropping it by 5, it fools everybody. You're making a cut, but you're still making it worse
I'd fear the Islamists more than the Nationalists if I was globalist, desu.
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>>>132377178 (OP)

Does anybody know what does the Japanese text say?
>Its the burgers waging a war against europe.
Yes but this board won't admit it. Since they can no longer control you as they did in the past, they will fucking destroy you so you won't be a problem if you ally with Russia.
Just remember which country invented welfare, white guilt, human rights, terrorism, loving niggers, etc. Fucking America. And now they pretend they are redpilled but forget their last president was an ACTUAL african lol.
I thought he was killing niggers with experimental vaccines in africa.
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Bill Gates has wasted millions on trying to bring down African birth rates.
That's what he does as a hobby. - with little succes i might add.

The whole point of his vaccine campeigns in africa was that it would make african parents feel safe for the future of their children - so they would need less of them in order to be ensured of having someone to care for them when they;r old.

Im not being far-fetched here this is the actually aimed goal of Bill Gate's vaccine campeigns in Afrika. You research the subject long enough and you'll see it from their own mouths.

Wish i could tell bill that.

For SOME ethnicities, the effect of more wellfare and more medical care - is a lowered birth rate.
For OTHER ethnicities - better wellfare or medical care (including vaccenes) has no effect on birth rates at all.
Bill Gates contributed to this mess by feeding to Africa. He should be marooned in Somalia.
Doesn't matter in the long run, though, the Globalists can't get the migrants to productively work and pay taxes. It's the same thing in the US. The US government loses money from the Mexican population it invited in. Eventually, there will be too many migrants as a proportion of the population to sustain the nation, causing collapse when the money doesn't add up.

Globalists may be our satanic masters, but they are also our inept satanic masters. Rome was far more effective at globalizing the world than our current regime of globalists.
everything gates does on that continent causes the population growth to rise, I mean yeah he's probably saving millions of lives, but all the deaths caused by being a 3rd world shithole is what kept the population in check. Now they have more people than the rest of their infrastructure can support with no where else to go but Europe
You're welcome

Globalism is just a jewish fairy tale they spun to put the white elite to sleep.
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Their goal is to exterminate the European race. That'w why they don't want europeans to rise up (=nationalism).
I'm interested as well
Why? Israel has crushed four Islamist nations simultaneously in the past. Islamism is backwards and repressed technological advancement. They can be easily conquered if you want to. It's White Nationalism that is the threat. Every other threat is minuscule in comparison.
Wow Bill Gates truly made a fucking discovery what a fucking genius just like that other retard Stephen Hawking who gets abused by his wife who takes his pissing pen away from him so he wets himself and he doesn't do shit about it

The problem is that Europeans are the only group of people who are actually paying into the system. If they destroy the European Race, then literally they destroy themselves. Now, I assume for some Globalists, this seems like a good idea for them, but the inevitable reality will slowly catch up to them as governments become highly indebted and then go kaput. Look at South Africa and Zimbabwe as the pinnacle example of this process. White working classes are the only group that keep the fiscal solvency of the government afloat, and when they are gone, they cannot be replaced by Africans. Honestly, the only substitution effort that would've actually worked would be to replace Whites with East Asians, and create a raceless Hapa population. But Globalists don't think outside of moral platitudes.

Islamism manages to usurp and fight against Globalism better than Nationalism. And Islamism grows at the expense of Globalists. As a Globalist, I would be getting my shit knocked by Islamism day in and day out.

ironically or not, San Fran is covered in shit and piss. mainly from the enormous homeless population, but it is home to street shitters of the foreign variety as well since H1B slaves are paid shit and often don't have enough money to do anything but sleep under their desk and shit in the streets.
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>look at Zimbabwe
I'm black pilling hard enough as it is anon
If it makes you feel better, as the problem gets worse, more solutions will become conceivable. The world will be so utterly fucked in the 2030s-2040s that what we thought was unthinkable becomes inevitable.
And people were bitching when Gates was advocating to control overpopulation, especially in Africa. Africans, Middle-Easterns, and most Asians replicate like vermin and contribute very little. Keeping their numbers in check is a necessity.
pretty sure he's funding nigger disease research

islamic france/uk will have nukes
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This Dutchman isn't a flying one
>If they destroy the European Race, then literally they destroy themselves

I have been trying to explain this to people, but they never listen. If Europe (UK) didn't continue to send Zimbabwe aid after the sanctions, they all would have died. No one gets that if Europe falls, not just Europeans will die. An unbelievable amount of shitskins will die too. All 'developing' countries will starve.

Our best case scenario is that Europe eventually becomes like the current South African government, Jacob Zuma style. Because if that were to happen, it would quickly end considering how much will die come winter.
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Reseach the Muslim Brotherhood man.

Can't be long before they dominate the entire middle east.

Israel is a `done deal` if that happens.
His bitch Melinda is. Maybe the real Bill, a smart autist* she married for his money, who originally didn't give a shit about feeding the third world, is waking up to reality.

*I know a couple of people who have worked for him for decades. They say he is absolutely Aspergers.
>This coming from the man who begged the Senate to raise the limits on H1B vistas. He have a million Indians in California because of this douche bag. There are literally cities of nothing but Indians here on H1B vistas.
Because he's in tech. Also he's in Seattle, not CA. It's true about Indians on H1B visas in CA, though. And not just in tech. I have friends who've lost their jobs to Indians--they even had to train their replacements. The sad part was they said all the Indians were very nice people and mostly competent; and they didn't realize what was going on until they got here and understood they'd been hired not as new hires but to replace more highly paid white people.

I don't blame them personally, I'd want to get out of India too probably, but it has to stop, obviously. Where's Trump on that at the moment?
Without Europe world economy is fucked. With these levels of migration inner instabilities will collapse economically and politically taking U.S. economy with it.

If Europe falls none will survive. We know it. Gates knows it. Only the economically illiterate don't know it yet.
Isn't he also releasing malaria mosquitoes in Africa to keep their population down?

wtf I love bill gates now
If things get bad enough even those won't be sufficient protection. We need to re-colonize Africa and enforce birth control, and put the nignogs to work. This is probably what will ultimately happen. Liberals will begin losing power soon enough, difficult though it'll be to push that through due to them rigging elections and continuing the Orwellian brainwashing and control of the media. There may be some violent revolutions in the next 5 years or so. I rather hope for that because then the architects of this nightmare will get what they deserve.
What the heck? This might be fake news, his wife has a seat in bilderburg
his charity tests drugs on them
the EU bans American drugs companies from operating
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too little too late
Enough of them are here to outbreed and destroy you
Stopping immigration isn't enough
Remove them now or your nations will collapse.
The elites want it slowed now because they want 80IQ mutt slaves , not 60IQ violent retards.
The solution to Africa is to permanently quarantine the continent. Starvation and cannibalism will return their population level back to normal. If China wants to deal with these creatures then that's their problem.
I support him then. If he is trying to reduce the world population by targeting areas with high poverty then he is doing the right thing.
Yeah, and it doesn't work and it won't ever work. African men are savages, they won't ever glove it, and the only solution is to implant timed release birth control devices in ALL the women of appropriate age. That won't happen though it would cost less than letting them all invade.
he is only pretending to help them by steriliation, family planning and abortions. he would fund extermination squads to kill them all if it wasnt considered evil
Globalists think they can control Islamists and niggers.
Windows 10 will be overwhelmed unless it stems flow of spying software.
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Bill is going to unleash the virus. Is he /ourguy/?
This is true.
In case nobody caught it, these people are not fleeing ISIS or wars. They're being BTFO by Chinese immigrants.

China has been invading Africa for the last 10 years.
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>kill based daffy
>africans start pouting in through libya
>waaahhh muh europe
what did the globalists mean by this?
The opposite, he's giving them birth control
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Zyklon G(ates)
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The Canadian model
Thanks (((NATO)))
>Are we finally breaking through to the minds of the mainstream?
Doesn't matter. If anybody knows the german culture and the need of the german elite to be at the forefront of everything and to excel at everything, then Merkel won't change her policy
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>Bill "enemy at the" Gates
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tfw Gaddafi was /ourguy/

>Is it happening? Are we finally breaking through to the minds of the mainstream?
>Isnt he funding africa to keep them shitting out niggers?

Bill Gates is highly concerned about overpopulation. Being intelligent, he recognizes that overpopulation is a problem in non-White countries. Africa, particularly. His foundation has spent a huge amount of money trying to reduce population growth in Africa.

He also obviously recognizes that African colonizing the West will only keep the African population growing. They will replace the non-fertile Westerners and then start producing 5 kids per family, kickstarting overpopulation in the West and compounding the global problem.
>Isnt he funding africa to keep them shitting out niggers?

Bill Gates and his foundation have a huge interest in reducing overpopulation. Anyone with half a brain knows that it's Africa that is the biggest source of global population growth. His foundation is highly invested in population control in Africa.
>He's a massive globalist shill. Something is fishy here.
>2. The globalists have realized that the mass-migration is happening too quickly and rapidly

That's not it. He is a population control guy, first and foremost. He knows that if Africans take root in the West, they will ruin the blow replacement fertility rate we have here.

where was he a year ago when Hillary was using whole right to migrate as her platform?! 20 years later Malaria still a thing, no new condoms or a self-sustained toilet developed like he promised.. Tell me again why I should take any of these morons seriously?!
Something isnt adding up. People here are saying that Bill has interest in controlling the population, but Melinda has a seat in Bilderburg and thats the exact opposite of Bilderburg's plan. What the heck /pol/?

He should have just injected them with cyanide, while advertizing to the rest of the niggers how he is going to take them to america if he gets to inject them with america magic.
>Protecting our borders is not even a consideration lol...
>Thank fucking GOD the US is surrounded on two sides by large oceans
Good luck with that, when you've got the world's longest unguarded border with us, and we're bringing in a million 3rd-worlders per year, with only plans to step it up.

It doesn't cost much to ship people across the oceans these days, and you've got two countries on either side which are much easier to land on.

We bring them in, show them our winter, and tell them it's warmer down south.
>anyone of you could be next
Damn... gaddaffi knew he was a target
FUCK that pisses me off so much. Can't get to a powerful man directly so use his weak wife to control him. FUCKING women
>For SOME ethnicities, the effect of more wellfare and more medical care - is a lowered birth rate.
No, that's bullshit. They only happened alongside one another in some places.

At the same time as child mortality went down in what is now the first world due to advancing science and improving economic conditions, we also had feminism, urbanization, and growth of government, including state-run centralized education, child-labor laws, and "anti-discrimination" quotas. Increasingly effective methods of birth control were invented and normalized, severing the link between sexual pleasure and risk of impregnation.

Girls began to be raised by the state, propagandized that they were equal to men in ability and that a career is as important and appropriate to a woman's life as to a man's. At the same time, it was made more difficult for men to support a family, by blocking their access to nature and freedom to work to transform it as they see fit, forcing most of them to live on small wages contingent on remaining socially acceptable to employers, with ever-decreasing job security and no hope of financial independence prior to retirement.

So: a lack of suitable husbands, and a lack of suitable wives.

The idea that you're going to feed people into having a lower reproductive rate is absurd.
Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.

Jesus, son, get your shit together.
Are you really expecting anthing GOOD coming from this clown ?
Eugenic hybridization via sperm exports to the third world, is the only practical way to end mass third world immigration. The brains of third world people are too small and weak to sustain a prosperous society. They need a brainpower boost. And we can give it to them.
Bourgeois bastard
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"Igor it's Bill here. The plan was a success. A Microsoft computer in every home. Every office. Every school. Every government. Just say the word and I will activate Stage 2."
Thank your government for saving you from all that horrible hate speech
what's stage 2?
>Bill Gates: Europe Will Be Overwhelmed Unless It Stems Flow of Migrants
I think everyone everywhere that is not completely retarded has figured that out. So pretty much everyone except Merkel.
he said STEMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Sociology)

aka we need to make room for all these migrants in European universities, even if it means kicking out natives
He only cares because terrorists don't use Microsoft
Bill Gates along with the rest of the naive leftists envisioned a utopian, harmonious borderless, kumbaya type of world. What they are really getting are culture clashes, rape, murder, crime, loss of freedom of speech and oppression by their own Government and the refugee invaders. Big Government LOVES this.
>Bill Gates
>not cucked

What timeline is this?
Did he openly denounce soros or his foundation? Is there an internal jew power struggle? Is he secretly (our goy)? Need redpills
No. Even though he's a shit lib, he's been trying to slow the growth of Africa's population.
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