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Give me one good reason we shouldn't invade North Korea.

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Give me one good reason we shouldn't invade North Korea. We would fuck those gooks up in such a short amount of time that we literally lose nothing
1. but then who do we get to point at and laugh when we become bored?
2. who is going to accept north korean refugees?
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Millions would die, it would destabilize the entire pacific region, trade would collapse with China, risking a collapse of both them and the US, and all we would gain is five fewer nukes in the world.
because you'd get btfo like you did in vietnam and china
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well, if you fancy going up against 1.2 million angry brainwashed gooks, willing to fight to the death, with military technology not too inferior to your own, then be my guest.

USA would win, sure. But the losses would be catastrophic.

Any USA-NK war, Nuke = win.

anything else is out of the question.
because NK is China's hungry dick and China is poking US in the back with it
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>with military technology not too inferior to your own
equipment-wise. america still uses some soviet-era weapons too
You would start WWIII thanks to that.
you're a fucking retard

holy shit never post again tankie
america military tech definitely is superior, but not to such an extent that you wouldnt suffer thousands and thousands of losses at an attempted NK ground invasion.

remember: 1.2 million gook soldiers!
>what is mp5
>what is m4
>what is m16
>what is m252 mortar
>what is m240
fuck off you idiot
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dis nigger serious?
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The only significant advantage the US military has is in communication and information warfare. If they were able to blind us in the region, modern equipment wouldn't mean a whole lot against the subtle, elegant wave of zipperhead strategy.
yeah whewlad if you actually believe that.
stupid fucking yankshits >>132377930
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>being this retarded
kek do people really think they have a nuke?
hey dumb, yankee ape slave. read >>132377930
They have several low-yield nuclear weapons. The question is whether they can install them on warheads and launch them accurately.
Oh no!
You listed 5 items out of all of our military equipment!!!!!
[yankee damage control intensifies]
america's military tech is superior to the point that we won't need to do a ground invasion...
carpet bomb their armament factories and potential nuke sites, SEAL team 6 the latest Kim if we need to.
The US will knock all nukes into Canada.
Too much artillery. They would destroy Seoul in minutes.
No profits and they have the capability to fight back. If we do, I hope they send your dumb ass to the front lines.
do it, faggot
I remember when people said that about the Iraqi army. I laughed then too.
im on it. of course i am secretly the grand wizard elder of zion and can command trump with my dick

There's no point. If they attacked anybody it would be suicide and atheists don't believe in the after life so Kim-Jong Un would never commit suicide. It's mudslimes who believe they get 72 virgins in the afterlife that we need to worry about.
they aren't atheists, they worship the Kim

Because it's the only country left that's immune to your American Westernized materialist cancer consumer culture you have been vomiting into the world ever since your nation was first shat into existence.
>being this mad
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Are you fucking serious?
Kim got bing bong nao evleyone aflaid.
My guess is it will happen on one of the next new moons with a surgical strike by SEALs. Take out the Kim and his closest people then install a transition general which we have in our pocket. General says to stand down and Korean unification begins.
A big if is whether or not China joins in, but I'd bet they will since they are getting tired of NK's antics. In exchange the northernmost 10-20 miles will likely be ceded ro the chinese since there is a lot of resources in that area. In which case, a joint rush by western and chinese forces to secure the country and stamp out resisting NK forces, of which there will likely be few.
Once you liberate the North Koreans from their dictator, then you have millions of malnourished, illiterate people to deal with.
They don't recognise Israel, calling it a satellite state instead.

Either troll or you are retard.

What is drone?
What is modern missile defense systems?
What is thermal imaging?
What is drone controlled APC's?
What is nerve gas?
What is ac class airships?
Every country has a sacred right to defend itself and if NK is capable to launch nukes to your coasts, it should do so, right after attacking bases in SK and Okinawa.
how is attacking SK and okinawa supposed to be NK 'dfending itself'??
>let's spend trillions of dollars and lose thousands of american soldiers bombing out their infrastructure and killing their families and then the farms collapse and famine sets in and they suffer even more than before and are forced to resort to cannibalism on a mass scale and call it "democracy", they'll totally hail us as liberators
Fuck you, Hillary. Hang yourself.
>right to defend itself
How is attacking a sovereign nation that didn't launch the attack to begin with defending itself?
By destroying logistics hubs. In war you should always have a strategic initiative even in defence.
it isnt defense if they strike first.
What? If USA invades NK, NK is allowed to use disproportional force to pacify the invaders
It's defense when they got attacked first.
tell that to the USA
>sovereign nation
>allows foreign bases on their soil
and a hearty KEK was had on this 4th of July
This time those impudent norks have left their shriveled pricks out to hang in the breeze. If I had it my way I'd ride the cavalry regiment right into Pyongyang and kill the yellow bellied bastards right there in the silos. But Washington says we need to show these mud dwellers some measure of respect for personal space. I say we throw them into the sea till we can ride tank columns from North Korea to the tip of Japan and dispense with Hirihitos savages next!

The next enlisted man that has a problem with tucking in his shirt or keeping his boots shined that isn't neck deep in gook goop will find themselves cleaning Kim Jong Shits guts out from between my treads with a toothbrush! Go get me some gas God Damnit!
I didn't know corpses counted as refugees
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>implying drones are 'equipment'
>implying modern missile defense systems are 'equipment'
>implying thermal imaging is 'equipment
>implying any of those are 'equipment'
lrn2read you faggola
Imagine being this retarded.
Thermal scopes are equipment
Leave NK alone, they dindu nuffin.
Also their soldiers have no rations you faggot commie scum so the mere fact that US soldiers even have food beats your starving soviet ass
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Invade doesnt give the right mental image... more like why shouldn't we fucking glass north korea?

China/Russia takes care of the niggers THEY created and backed.

Thats what you said in vietnam
The soldiers dont matter, just initial artillery on Seoul
>american education

the norks virtually live in darkness at night so they see better. they have the upperhand there

so basically they can handle starving better than amerifats who need like 10 burgers per day just to survive

You'd get your asses kicked like in Vietnam

Stop LARPing as muh supreme army

Russia defeated the NAZIs
At the end of vietnam we controlled vietnam, we left, the commies re-emerged from their little holes in neighboring areas.

In this case, we fucking annihilate the north, there's no where else to go.
Who pays for it?
Someone's mad that their precious communist nation fell apart
>muh Soviet Russia!
>muh Stalin!
Tariff chinese made goods
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B-b-b-but murica's not the policeman of the world! Make love not war!!
no matter how much you lash out, amerishitland will never be a real country. it's just a large shopping mall and playground
is that how you rationalize starving child soldiers. Neat !
a gun is less likely to be updated due to efficiency and costs

pretending a gun is the best thing America has invented since 1950s makes you an idiot

how many Aircraft carriers, ICBM's and missile defense systems does NK have?
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NK is pretty much the only place where american military intervention would actually do good desu. The west should've dealt with it decades ago, when they didn't have nukes. It's going to be a shitshow, but it's going to be better to deal with now than when they eventually develop a large nuclear arsenal that can hit the mainland US and everything else in range.

if you're talking about invasion, equipment and soldiers are what armies rely on. not ICBM's, carriers, etc. you'd need boots on the ground
The thing is famalama, there's been no major breakthrough in personal firearms development since the cold war, so there's no real reason that would justify upgrading from the old guns.
>so basically they can handle starving better than amerifats who need like 10 burgers per day just to survive
A skinny guy will starve to death before a fat guy.
>the norks virtually live in darkness at night so they see better. they have the upperhand there
eyes adjust to the light level by dialating. Eyesight does not get better buy being in the dark more. Pirates wore eye path to keep one eye adjusted to the dark. A person with 20/20 will not get 15/15 just be living without much light.
that's the point. it's one of the same reasons america lost in vietnam

a fat guy wouldn't make it 5 metres inside north korea's rugged terrain
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Give me one reason we shouldnt invade UK
Gen MacArthur was 100% right.
We're not ready for another wave of obesity to hit our country.
Because it worked so well the first time?
The other thing is, just because guns haven't developed doesn't mean the other aspects of infantry warfare haven't. Burgers have vastly superior air support, APC's, tanks, body armor, artillery and all the other stuff NK doesn't have. They'd get wiped out in a couple of months, tops.
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See ya in battlefield fag
>air support
that didn't work out for american forces in vietnam after the norks taught the khmer to go underground


have fun trekking mountains in nk artillery range in tanks

>body armor
since when did that help much. it's not even like nk doesn't have kevlar or something

the norks have the upperhand here since their artillery is already in place and in large numbers
because the US is too cowardly to attack best korea, you're too afraid kim dong un is going to go nuclear

we all know that you're pussies

The first time was a cold war between China and the U.S. If the U.S. went to war against NK now, it would be U.S. + Japan + SK + token support from China vs NK.
>air support non viable
I'm sorry I didn't know this was the 60's/70's
>that didn't work out for american forces in vietnam after the norks taught the khmer to go underground
Because it was dence jungle, and we didn't have the technology to use it effectively. That sort of equipment has now been developed.

>have fun trekking mountains in nk artillery range in tanks
Nigga, what are you smoking? Today's armored vehicles and tanks can go pretty much anywhere.

>body armor
>since when did that help much
Since we developed armor that can reliably stop rifle rounds and shrapnel.

>the norks have the upperhand here since their artillery is already in place and in large numbers
This is actually a weakness. If the US does a surprise attack and targets the artillery, it's going to get completely fucked.

>air support
that didn't work out for american forces in vietnam after the norks taught the khmer to go underground

Did you not see the demonstration of the MOAB? Did you not understand that the purpose of that wasn't actually to kill a couple of goat fuckers in some tunnels in a mountainous region in the middle of nowhere?

If the United States truly was the "super" power they claim to be, they would have no problem winning a military conflict with such a ridiculous country without going nuclear.

I am well aware of the difficult of beating North Korea quickly and relatively bloodless-ly, though.
>political retaliation for that would be steep
>we'd look almost too crazy to let live, and we aren't going full frog god so I don't think it's a viable strat
>china starts fucking with our currency as best they can, so we go through a really bad recession (as in 08 is a funny day bad)
>the juden help the chinese in the above, which is what makes the threat of that scary
>we fight too many wars on too many fronts and suffer a hitler

Yeah, do it already.

Your international relations world cred would go through the roof...

By the way, if you want help, just ask. Politely.

> Carpet Bomb the north
> Precision Guided Missiles
> NK soldiers would run in fear
> It will be over quickly
> Only good side casualties will be initial NK strike on Seoul
air support has never been a crucial factor in any war

what're you talking about. air support is basically just dropping bombs on targets. it's not effective when you can't see the targets because they're underground. also how would having strategically placed artillery be a weakness

MOABs can't penetrate 100 metres underground
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sage shill threads

this is now a thread for calling out jew lies
I saw a good article (I think from Charles Murray's tweet stream) articulating the NK options. None of them was good. I forget whether 'doing nothing' was one of them, but even that one's not so good. Kim will blackmail us with nukes, into feeding his country indefinitely.

I wonder if trying to gradually move Seoul's population south wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Or else, you know, invent LAZER-BEEM artillery-shell shooters.
It disrespects the agreement had with establishing north and south.

There are probably very clear trade arangments and sanctions established, that if they were overturned would destabile the zone. N. Korea is a leech on china and they are simply a proxy for their own interests. So basically a coup with russian and chinese forces is almost inevitable.

Yes. China is dangerously close though.

I think the U.S. would do right in intervene in the following countries to retrieve nukes and give the world a lesson. It should specially invade with the help of Russia. The countries are:

What, you know how to save us from North Korea, Linguica?
Japan, South Korea, and several other allied nations would be attacked. Their deaths would be seen as our fault.

China would be pretty happy to make a new Vietnam out of North Korea again.

Never trust the Chinese.
Because North Korea is one of most peaceful countries with least crime on planet and USA is a warmonger country with a lot of crime. Argument invalid.
Because they're our bros
>air support has never been a crucial factor in any war
CAS? maybe not, but air superiority is literally the single most important factor in winning a war. We destroyed Libya by simply enforcing a no-fly zone.

No, I don't. But that guy's idea was ok. Bomb their army's infrastructure, pretend to invade with a huge army, make a SEAL team 6 look a like assassinate their leadership.

How you do that with less than one million dead is a mystery though...
Since I read a thesis length article in The Atlantic I'll give you the tl;dr. Doing so would mean hundreds of thousands of deaths. There is no military solution. It will either be dealt with diplomatically with the help of China or they will get nukes and we just have to deal with it.
Yeah keep telling yourself that...all the parties you mentioned would just give their usual towing the line against the Norks speech and have the US do all the dirty work. As long as the US pays the bill. Fuck that noise. I hope the Norks try and nuke someone...I hope it's one of the groups you mentioned too...he'll id allow them to destroy San Fransisco if they wanted. Just so that we can have a real conflict. None of this proxy way bullshit.

But none of that is going to happen. Because all this shit is being shown to us because the kikes want control of the global monetary system. That's all this is about.
Wrong pic lel

>He actually believes that U.S. wants NK gone more than SK and Japan.

This would be the first conflict that U.S. has gotten into in decades that they weren't the most interested party in starting. The Chinese support would be token, and so would our "allies" in Europe and Canada.
They are the last 99% homogenous society.
They and Israel are the only ones with an ethnostate.
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Because it's one of the only countries left on Earth that isn't controlled by (((them))).
If we invade the North, then faggot Liberals here will demand we take in hordes of underfed and anarchronistic gook savages as refugees. Better to not lose any American lives and just CARPET NUKE THE ENTIRE KOREAN PENINSULA.

Fuck them all.
jesus is that real? who's the woman?
Found the kike
Baaaasheeba the community goat. Idk who the female is though.
Because NK isn't involved with globalism.
Libya ain't having no nucular weapons.

The time may be nearing where invasion is the only morally defensible option. But even then it's not as if there are NO grave concerns. I doubt any responsible commander after studying the Korean War, Vietnam, Afghanistan 1.0 and 2.0 and Iraq would conclude that your attitude is a healthy one.

Setting aside the purely military concerns, the reactions of China and Russia are major questionmarks. Plus the matter of what is to be done with the country after its most likely defeat.
At that point they'd probably reunite with South Korea.
Yeah just like Iraq, Viet Nam and Afghanistan. Soo fast. Go for it burgers. A nuclear armed country will be much easier and faster.

Also, bye bye South korea
>implying North Korea isn't actually a paradise

Imagine being this fucking bluepilled

Who says South Koreans want North Korea back? I would hope they do but it's not necessarily a given. It would be a massive hit to their economy and would surely strain their relationship with China now that they share a land border with a close ally of the US.
Korean reunification has always been a big issue for both sides. Its just a matter of how it comes about.
If we invade North Korea we destabilize the region. China will turn on us in an instant and ally with Russia. Russia will drop the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency and negotiate with Eastern powers to allow their currency to be exchange-able in gold. All of the foreign dollars flood the domestic market. The U.S. experiences hyper-inflation and is now a 3rd world country.

Better challenge is to name one thing we gain out of invading North Korea. Unless we were to make it a resource colony that's a terrible idea. Either we conquer it or you chickenhawk faggots shut the fuck up.
>implying Russia and China aren't also sick of North Korea's shit

>If we invade North Korea we destabilize the region

Destabilization of the status quo is not necessarily a bad thing if the status quo allows a state publicly flaunting its willingness to deliver nuclear strikes on the US to get nuclear missiles.

>China will turn on us in an instant and ally with Russia. Russia will drop the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency and negotiate with Eastern powers to allow their currency to be exchange-able in gold. All of the foreign dollars flood the domestic market. The U.S. experiences hyper-inflation and is now a 3rd world country.

These are hypothetical and might just the same not play out this way. True, NK might also never use nukes but I think it's a risk not worth taking. The consequences you mention need also not be as cataclysmic as you would think, depending upon how they are diplomatically dealt with by NATO countries.
Most of their military might be complete shit, but North Korea has very advanced chemical weapons. If they use VX on any major port or other strategic military location and that location is useless. Just google VX and then realize how much damage North Korea could do. I'm not saying they would ever win, but VX is crazy shit.
Maybe, but what do we have to gain? Unless you think we should conquer them we shouldn't invade. I know that my example is unlikely, but it's not like there aren't huge risks with going to war with North Korea. Unless we were to conquer them and make them a resource colony there is no reason to invade. And if we do invade with the intention of making them a resource colony do you really think China and Russia would do nothing about that?
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